Integrated Annual Report 2023
Integrated Annual Report 2023
Please click here to view our
integrated report online:
Reporting on a purposeful year
Welcome to our 2023 Integrated AnnualReport.
Here, we share progress on a year in which we
defined our purpose, Openupmoments that
refresh us all, energising us to be more collaborative,
more resilient and more agile in how we do things.
We hope you enjoy reading about how we opened
up moments for a diverse range ofstakeholders,
delivering record-breaking results, while building
onour Hellenic culture.
2023 highlights 1
Business overview 2
Chairman’s letter 5
Chief Executive Officer’s letter 6
Bringing our Culture Story
to life 9
Stakeholder engagement 12
Market trends 20
Business model 22
Growth pillar 1:
Leverage our unique
24/7 portfolio 24
Growth pillar 2:
Win in the marketplace 33
Growth pillar 3: Fuel growth
through competitiveness
and investment 40
Growth pillar 4:
Cultivate the potential
of our people 45
Growth pillar 5:
Earn our licence to operate 52
Tracking our progress 69
Financial review 75
Segment highlights 80
Materiality assessment 83
Managing risk 86
Principal risks and
opportunities 88
TCFD disclosures 108
Viability statement 113
Non-financial reporting 114
Non-Financial Reporting
under Swiss statutory law 116
EU taxonomy 118
SASB index 120
Corporate Governance
Report 123
Letter from the Chair
of the Board 124
Directors’ remuneration
report 159
Statement of Directors’
responsibilities 185
Financial Statements
Independent auditor’s report
toCoca-Cola HBC AG 186
Consolidated financial
statements 194
Notes to the consolidated
financial statements 198
Swiss Statutory Reporting
Report on the audit
of the consolidated
financial statements 266
Report on the audit of
the financial statements 270
Swiss statutory reporting 272
Report on the audit of
thestatutory remuneration
report2023 283
Statutory Remuneration
Report 285
Supplementary Information
Alternative performance
measures 295
Independent Auditor’s
Limited Assurance Report 302
Glossary of terms 310
Forward-looking statements 313
Strategic Report Corporate Governance
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2023 highlights
million unit cases
2022: 2,711.8 million unit cases
Comparable EBIT
2022: €929.7m
Profit before tax
2022: €623.6m
Comparable EPS
2022: €1.706
Basic EPS
2022: €1.134
Net sales revenue
Comparable EBIT
2022: 10.1%
Net profit
2022: €415.4m
Primary packaging collected for
recycling (equivalent)
2022: 48%
Energy-efficient coolers
2022: 49%
1. For details of APMs, refer to ‘Definitions and reconciliations of
alternative performance measures (APMs)’ on pages 295 to 301.
2. Refers to net profit after tax attributable to owners of the parent.
3. Excluding Egypt.
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Business overview
The Leading 24/7 Beverage Partner
We are a growth-focused consumer packaged
goodsbusiness and strategic bottling partner
of TheCoca-Cola Company. Our 24/7 portfolio is
one ofthe strongest and broadest in the beverage
industry, with products that cater to a growing range
oftastes, with a wider choice of healthier options.
Our portfolio addresses both affordability and premiumisation, with
increasingly sustainable packaging, enabling us to open up moments
thatrefresh ourconsumers 24 hours a day. Ourperformance
isunderpinnedby investment in our bespoke cababilities,
deliveredbyexceptional people.
A responsible business
Sustainability is embedded in every aspect
of our business as we look to create and
share value with all our stakeholders. We
make a strong contribution to developing
the societies in which we operate through
employment and our wider supply chain,
as well as through supporting community
projects. Our progress is recognised by
themost important ESG benchmarks.
Established markets
of Group revenue
Developing markets
of Group revenue
Emerging markets
of Group revenue
Read more p52
Our journey
Our roots date back to 1951 when A.G. Leventis
founded the Nigerian Bottling Company in
Lagos. Since then, the business has expanded,
now covering Armenia to Austria, Egypt to
Estonia and Serbia to Switzerland. We now
serve 740 million consumers across 29
countries and have proven routes to market
and leading market positions in a unique
geographic footprint across Western,
Centraland EasternEurope, and Africa.
29 countries
740m consumers
32,700 employees
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Business overview continued
Our 24/7 portfolio
Our portfolio includes some of the world’s
best-known beverages
We produce and sell an unparalleled portfolio of beverage brands relevant
to every customer, consumer and occasion. Our route to market includes
awide range of consumer channels – from supermarkets, convenience
stores and vending machines to hotels, cafés and restaurants (HoReCa)
– and encompasses more customers than anycompetitor. Customer
centricity iscritical for our business and we are devoted to helping our
customers grow their businesses, which in turn grows ours.
Our 24/7 portfolio has considerable growth potential, driven by our strategic
priority categories, Sparkling, Energyand Coffee.
Premium Spirits
c. 3%
c. 7%
c. 8%
< 1%
c. 70%
c. 7%
Share of Coca-Cola HBC Group
FY 2023 revenue
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Business overview continued
We are well positioned for sustainable growth
Leader in
We are a leader in the growing
and dynamic non-alcoholic-
ready-to-drink (NARTD)
category. The CAGR
between 2024 and 2028 is
expected to be4-6%
Within NARTD, wearenumber
one in the Sparkling category
in 23 out ofour 24 measured
markets. Energy as a category
continues togrow rapidly and
wehave arange of brands to
appeal todifferent consumers
across many price points.
A clear vision,
and targets
The beverage category
continues to expand and we see
strong growth opportunities
within our evolving brand
portfolio and the markets
inwhich we operate.
We have strong positions in, and
a clear focus on, our strategic
priority categories: Sparkling,
Energy and Coffee.
Our growth strategy reflects
our vision to be the leading
24/7 beverage partner and
deliver best-in-class financial
returns. It is built on five
key pillars ofgrowth, each
of whichisacorestrength
orcompetitive advantage.
Our five strategic
growth pillars
Strong capital
todrive growth,
underpinned by
relentless focuson
cost and efficiency
We have a strong track record
ofdriving cost efficiencies and
this remains an important part
of our strategy.
Digital plays an ever-increasing
role in continuing to drive
efficiencies in our supply chain.
To ensure our business is fit for
the future, we are transforming
and digitalising many of our
supply chain and sales execution
processes, creating capacity
toaccelerate ourgrowth.
A diverse,
balanced country
portfolio with
strong exposure
growth markets
Our geographic footprint
creates a diverse balance.
Wehave exposure to fast-
growing Emerging and
Developing markets as
wellas astrong foundation
inEstablished markets.
We also benefit from the
portfolio effect of exposure
to different economic cycles,
and we are proven operators
in managing risk in a variety
ofsocio-economic conditions.
The strongest,
broadest portfolio
of brands,
anchored around
an exceptional
partnership with
The Coca-Cola
We have high-growth
opportunities across high-value
occasions and categories.
Ourflexible portfolio caters
toagrowing range of tastes
andpreferences, with a wider
choice of both affordable and
premium products, and a wide
range ofhealthier options.
Our Sparkling portfolio has
evolved with the proliferation
of zero-sugar and light variants,
single-serve packs and broader
innovation in flavours.
our unique
24/7 portfolio
our unique
24/7 portfolio
Win in the
Win in the
Fuel growth
and investment
Fuel growth
and investment
Cultivate the
potential of
Cultivate the
potential of
Earn our
to operate
Earn our
to operate
Read more p24 to 68
1. CAGR: Compound annual growth rate
2. ROIC: Return on invested capital
3. Average of annual comparable EBIT growth from 2019-2023
+450 bps
single-serve mix
improvement since 2021
c. 80%
in Developing and
by volume, 2023
16.4% ROIC²
growth per
annumsince 2019
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Chairmans letter
Dear Stakeholder,
Underpinned by a new, clear purpose and by
consistently applying our 24/7 beverage strategy,
Zoran and the executive team have delivered
another year of strong operational and strategic
progress and record financial results.
Leading with purpose and responsibility
The Board has been proactive in representing
theinterests of all stakeholders on diverse issues,
assisting the leadership team to make informed
decisions on strategic investments, stretching
goals and sustainability.
At our investor day in Rome, Zoran, Ben, Naya and
the team outlined how our Growth Story 2025 is
driving revenue growth, margin improvements
and sustained strong cash generation. Ispeak on
behalf of the Board when I express great optimism
for the years ahead, knowing we have built strong
foundations through thoughtful investment, an
adaptable culture andsustainability leadership.
Our new Board members
I was delighted to welcome two new Board
members, Evguenia Stoitchkova and George
Pavlos Leventis, in 2023. They bring a wealth of
experience from the beverage sector, and I am
looking forward to working with them.
Dividend growth and capital returns
The Board has maintained our progressive
dividend, and for 2023 is proposing €0.93 per
share, a 19% increase on the dividend per share
versus the prior year, representing a 45% pay-out
ratio, within our targeted range of 40% to 50% of
comparable EPS. The consistent growth in our
dividend is testament to our confidence in the
strong fundamentals of our business, as well as
ourcommitment toshareholders.
The Group’s capital allocation framework follows
clear priorities: organic investment in the business
to drive delivery of our medium-term financial
targets; paying a progressive dividend; strategic
M&A; and additional capital returns. With these
priorities in mind, the Board believed that the
2023 share price undervalued future growth
opportunities, and approved a share buyback
programme aimed at returning up to €400 million
to shareholders. This is a compelling opportunity
to enhance value for shareholders, while
continuing to invest in the business.
Looking ahead
Another record year in 2023 is evidence that our
approach is the right one. We can be proud to be
able to reward colleagues around the Group for
their dedication and professionalism during often
challenging times. Thanks, as always, to the Board
for steering the ship in another productive year,
and we look forward to the moments that we will
open up for all our people, customers, partners
and wider stakeholders in 2024.
Anastassis G. David
Chairman of the Board
I have great optimism for
the years ahead, knowing we
have built strong foundations
through thoughtful investment,
an adaptable culture and
sustainability leadership.
I look forward to the moments
that we will open up for all our
people, customers, partners
andwider stakeholders in 2024.
Leadership for long-term success
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In 2023, we achieved a third
consecutive year of double-digit
growth and record profit while
building on our Hellenic culture.
I am deeply proud of all that our
dedicated team achieved together
and, moreimportantly, how we
delivered it with our incredible
team spirit. We look forward to all
that we canachieve in 2024 as we
build on our strong relationships
with our partners and customers,
creating value for all we serve.
Chief Executive Officer’s letter
In 2023, we delivered strong results as we
built on the momentum of the last few years,
focusing on partnerships, our 24/7 portfolio
andexcellent execution. We invested in our
people and capabilities and made steady progress
towards a more sustainable future. All of this was
underpinned by the definition of our purpose:
Open up moments that refresh us all. This
purpose is our North Star and draws on over 70
years of history. It is based on our innate values
and our hopes for our next chapter of growth
as we open up many new opportunities with
ourcustomers, partners and communities.
Fundamentally, we aim to drive impact, operating
always with a growth mindset and a belief in
creating a better shared future. Our colleagues
across all our markets have truly embraced our
refreshed purpose, energised to be collaborative,
more resilient, and more agile in how we do things.
After three challenging years, managing carefully
through the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in
Ukraine and the economic headwinds of high
inflation and sometimes weaker consumer
spending, 2023 came with new challenges which
we were ready toadapt to. Our dedicated and
talented team came together to deliver another
year of strong growth, improving margins and
record revenues and profit.
Strong partnerships, a 24/7 portfolio
andunrivalled market execution
We believe that strong partnerships are
fundamental to growth. With our vision to be
theleading 24/7 beverage partner, we strive with
determination to be the first choice and preferred
partner for collaboration. Hand in hand with
TheCoca-Cola Company (TCCC), Monster, all our
brand partners and suppliers, and alongside our
customers, we are winning with agility, innovation
and a future-focused approach.
Our priority categories of Sparkling, Energy
andCoffee represent close to 80% of the
revenueof the business, with significant
headroom for growth, driven by increased
consumer consumption and share gains,
supported by innovation, strong customer
relationships and unrivalled market execution.
Our partnership with TCCC is at the heart of our
24/7 portfolio success, starting with our core
focus behind our wide range of excellent sparkling
brands, which are loved across all our markets.
Likewise, with Monster we are able to offer high-
quality energy brands across the price point
spectrum – from Predator and Monster to Burn.
In 2023, our coffee strategy with Costa Coffee
and CaffèVergnano worked very well across the
mass-premium and premium segments, with
volume growth over 30%.
A refreshing purpose
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Chief Executive Officer’s letter continued
Building on our strong relationships with both
TCCC and Brown-Forman, we were pleased to
launch ready-to-drink Jack Daniels and Coca-Cola
in several markets with more planned for 2024.
In Premium Spirits, our portfolio was enhanced
with the acquisition of Finlandia. This highly
regarded vodka brand paves the way for
incremental growth for our core portfolio, through
enhanced mixability and relevance in strategically
important channels, such as HoReCa.
Investing for growth
Throughout 2023, we invested in technology,
innovation, partnerships, and in building our
bespoke capabilities, undertaking more digital
transformations and integrations than ever
before. This will ensure we remain competitive,
agile and ready for future growth.
We have one of the strongest sales teams in the
industry thanks to consistent investment behind
our comprehensive development programme,
Sales Academy. We recognise that the capabilities
of our sales teams are critical to our success and
the success of our customers.
Similarly, in 2023, our Data and Analytics Academy
was rolled out across all business units and
functions to accelerate a culture of data-driven
and insight-led decision making.
Throughout the year, we invested in
programmesto simplify our business and
make our colleagues’ lives easier. For example,
Project Oxygen is reducing complexity to enable
focus on value-adding activities, always having
thecustomer experience in mind.
Meanwhile, we continued to strengthen the
diversity of our workforce through workplace
inclusion activities and with steady progress
towards gender balance. With employee
engagement scores rising further in 2023,
itisanencouraging sign that our approach
topeople and culture is on the right track.
Opening up a more sustainable future
In 2023, our global industry leadership in
sustainability was confirmed when, for the
seventh time, we were rated the world’s most
sustainable beverage company by the Dow Jones
Sustainability Indices (DJSI). We now have the
highest scores and rankings in ten of the most-
recognised ESG ratings, including CDP Climate
and Water, ISS ESG, MSCI ESG, Sustainalytics,
FTSE4Good and Vigeo Eiris.
Critically, we made great progress towards our
Mission 2025 goals as well as our aim to achieve
net zero emissions by 2040 and have a net positive
impact on biodiversity in critical areas of our value
chain. All this progress is the result of our clear
vision and targets in sustainability, our bold and
entrepreneurial mindset, and our strong belief
that sustainability is a true creator of growth
and value for our business, our partners and
Reflecting on some highlights from 2023,
Romania became our first market to have all
threeelements of plastic packaging circularity.
With the introduction of a Deposit Return Scheme
which we championed, collection rates will be
significantly increased in the market. In 2023,
wealso invested in in-house recycling capability
inRomania, building on similar investments in Italy
and Poland. With the investment in Romania, we
are able to produce 100% of our plastic bottles
from recycled material. In this way, we close the
circle so that the bottles we put into the market
will be returned, recycled and given new life as a
new bottle. This is just one example as, by the end
of 2023, we had deposit return schemes in six of
our markets and 42% of the plastic we used in our
bottles across our EU and Swiss markets was rPET.
Meeting colleagues
at the opening of
our new returnable
glass bottling line in
With our business
developers in
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Chief Executive Officer’s letter continued
We continue to drive innovations in
sustainablepackaging. For example, in
Austriawecommissioned a new returnable
glass bottle line for both our universal 1 litre and
new 400ml refillable bottles, and introduced
an industry-leading, innovative paper solution
to replace shrink plastic film on multi-packs
of 1.5 litre PET bottles. Innovation is critical
to developing new technologies and, for this
reason, we became a partner in the $137.7 million
GreycroftCoca-Cola System Sustainability Fund,
with seven other bottlers and TCCC, focusing
on developing innovative packaging and other
As I reflect on the scale of the challenge, I am
encouraged that our continued investment
in technology, innovation and partnerships
alongside our culture of learning and trying
new things will help us carve the path to a
moresustainable future.
In true Hellenic spirit, we continued to focus on
making a positive impact on the communities
in which we operate. Through our flagship
community programme, #YouthEmpowered,
wehave supported young people with training
anddevelopment, reaching almost 1 million
individuals since 2017.
We also played our part to help communities
in need with product donations, volunteering
initiatives and disaster relief activities. Building
on our long-standing tradition of community
action, in 2023 we announced the establishment
of a charitable foundation – The Coca-Cola HBC
Foundation – with an initial donation of €10 million,
dedicated to supporting local communities.
Thiswill empower us to take action quickly
whereitis needed most.
In 2023, we continued to support our colleagues
and communities in Ukraine. Since the start of the
war, more than $35 million has been committed
together with the Coca-Cola System and The
Coca-Cola Foundation to support those in need.
Strong financial performance
Our clear purpose and vision, trusting
partnerships, unbeatable portfolio, consistent
investment, excellent market execution by a
customer-focussed, talented and compassionate
team have resulted in a third year of double-digit
growth and record profits. This year, I am deeply
proud of the team as together, we crossed a
historic milestone exceeding for the first time
€10billion of revenue and €1 billion of comparable
EBIT. In this year of strong financial performance,
we launched ashare buyback programme, further
increasing our returns to shareholders.
Outlook for 2024 and beyond
Throughout 2023 and in recent years, we have
built strong momentum and great resilience
to overcome the challenges we face while
growing the business the right way. Although
we expect the macroeconomic and geopolitical
environment to remain challenging in 2024,
I am confident we have all the ingredients
for continued growth and success. We will
remain focused onpremiumisation and
affordability, leveraging our 24/7 portfolio and
our partnerships.Wewillcontinue to listen to
our customers and consumers, understanding
market trendswhile investing in and deploying
ourbespoke capabilities.
I would like to close by thanking all my colleagues
for their tireless efforts, for their commitment to
our company vision, our customers and partners.
I would also like to thank our customers, The
Coca-Cola Company and all our partners for
their ongoing trust and support throughout the
year, which motivates us to keep raising the bar.
Together, we have achieved great things; we
have made a difference and created value for all
we serve. I look forward to all that we will achieve
together in 2024 as we open up moments that
refresh us all.
Zoran Bogdanovic
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Watch this interview with our CEO, Zoran
Bogdanovic, on how we opened up moments
forall our stakeholders in 2023.
Watch the video interview online
we expect the macroeconomic and geopolitical
affordability, leveraging our 24/7 portfolio and
our customers and consumers, understanding
market trendswhile investing in and deploying
Participating in a panel discussion
at the opening of our rPET facility
opening in Romania
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Bringing our Culture Story to life
Our new purpose
links our vision
to how wegrow
We open up opportunities for
ourcustomers and partners
We put our customers first, creating
shared value and growing their, and
TCCC is our longest standing and closest
strategic partner: we have worked
together since 1951.
Partnership with our suppliers helps us to
avoid supply chain disruptions and reduce
emissions across the value chain.
We open up employees torealise
People are the key driver of our
We are investing in our people, building
thebest teams in the industry and creating
an inclusive growth culture.
We open up life to experiences
Our 24/7 portfolio caters to a growing
range of tastes and offers choice
across every occasion, all in increasingly
sustainable packaging.
And we open up the chance to make a
difference in the world as one Hellenic
We are a part of our communities,
providing employment directly or
throughthe wider valuechain.
We are fully committed to our ambitious
netzero target and our Mission 2025
sustainability targets.
About our impact on each stakeholder group.
Read more on p12 to 18
It is our optimistic spirit that drives us
towards new markets, new relationships,
new innovations, developmentopportunities
and new ideasfor a betterfuture.
In 2023, we asked, why?
Why do weexist?
When we thought aboutthe
answer, we realised that, for
an organisation that puts
so much into everything
we do, our impact happens
only when we let it out,
when we open up. And our
new purpose was born: to
open up moments that
refresh us all’.
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We are always
We believe in the
power of listening
to understand,
always acting
to exceed our
We love smart
people, but we
believe the power
of a team can
achieve what
anindividual can
only dream of.
We nurture
curiosity and
agility, and we
believe that
complexity can be
reduced by having
the discipline
andcourage to
focus on what
matters most.
We are built to
last and believe
in achieving
results, creating
and sharing value
for our people,
shareholders and
the communities
we serve.
Bringing our Culture Story to life continued
It is a story about who we are, our purpose, our vision,
ourvalues, how we need to evolve andthebehaviours
wecommit to each other at Hellenic.
Underpinning our new purpose are our values that underline
our culture and are incorporated in our new leadership model.
Everything we do drives impact turning our actions into results.
We introduced our new
leadership model at our
Leadership Conference
inCairo in March.
It translates our values into
keybehaviours, clearly stating
how we do things in Hellenic
and act at our best.
We set up townhall events
toengagecolleagues in our
new purpose, values and
Culture Story.
And we set up ‘culture labs’ to
build a common understanding
across the business and for
teams to embed the culture
inthe everyday. Our business
units have taken the Culture
Story forward in their own locally
relevant ways from internal
roadshows to commercial
events linking ourculture to our
business goals and priorities.
We have listenedto colleagues
thoughts and experiences
aroundour CultureStory, starting
with ourcultureand engagement
survey inSeptember 2023.
From asking the question
why? and from listening to our
colleagues, we learned that our
employeesfeel proud to be part
of CCHBC, they feel respected
and work in a safe environment.
They believe strongly in our
strategic priorities, andthey see
the linkbetween these priorities
and their work. Of course, we
are at the start of ourjourney in
embedding our new leadership
model and our values, and in
2024 we have a full programme
to make living our culture a
refreshing part ofthe everyday.
1. In Serbia and Montenegro, senior leaders
meet, connectingvalues with strategic
business unit priorities inpanel discussions.
2. Adria (Bosnia and Herzegovinia,Croatia
and Slovenia):one of theculturelabs bringing
colleaguestogether from across the
business to putactionable plans into place.
3. To support theroll-outofour refined
purpose,anew culturemanifestoisbeing
introduced,alongwith a newleadership model,
during the LeadershipConferenceinCairo.
4. Greece andCyprus: internalroadshows
and engagement daysto manifest our
cultureand boost engagement.
Our Culture Story builds
on solid foundations from
the past five years
Read more on p45 to 51
1. 2.
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Linking our vision, purpose,
growth pillars and targets
Our strategy and targets link directly to executive remuneration.
Pleasesee our Directors’ remuneration report for details.
Read more on p159 to 184
Leverage our
unique 24/7
Offer the best 24/7 beverage portfolioonthe
planet in partnership withTCCC
Read more p24 to 32
We have set out financial
and sustainability targets
against which we monitor
our progress. A full list can
be found in ‘Tracking our
progress’ onpages 69 to
74, with examples here.
Medium-term targets
from 2024 include: organic
revenue growth 6-7%
peryear on average and
20-40 bps oforganic
comparableEBIT margin
expansion on average
Accomplish our
2025 sustainability
Win in the
Build unrivalled teams of true partners
forourcustomers, executing with excellence
ineverychannel for prioritiseddrinking moments
Fast-forward critical capabilities for growth
Read more p33 to 39
Fuel growth through
Transform, innovate and digitalise ourbusiness
toensure we are fit forthefuture
Read more p40 to 44
Cultivate the
potential of
Invest in building the best teams intheindustry
Develop an inclusive growthculture
aroundourempowered people
Read more p45 to 51
Earn our licence
Be an environmental leader, engageourcommunities
behind water and wasteinitiatives,and empower
youth, together with ourpartners
Read more p52 to 68
Bringing our Culture Story to life continued
How we measure
How we growOur growth pillarsPurpose
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 11
Material issues
Employee wellbeing and
Human rights, diversity
Growth pillars
Cultivate the potential
of our people
Earn our licence
Key challenges
Building the best teams in
the industry
Engagement as remote
working continues
Mental wellbeing
How we engage
Focused and continuous
Employee Assistance
Regular employee surveys
to understand and act on
needs and wellbeing
Offering personalised
experiences and
opportunities for personal
and professional growth
Ongoing dialogue with
employee representative
Outcomes of engagement
Maintaining high
engagement levels
Higher levels of satisfaction
with line manager support
were reported as we
addressed the needs
ofpeople working under
different conditions
Relevant KPIs
Employee engagement
Percentage of managers
that are women
Lost time accident rate
Principal risks
Health and safety
People retention
Geopolitical and
Read more p40 to 68
Our people
Opening up
for personal
growth for our
Investing in our people
Cultivating and opening up our people’s
potential is one of our five strategic pillars.
Onlywith the engagement of our people
canweachieve our vision and growth agenda.
This is why talent development is one of our
lighthouse capabilites, and you can read more
about this on page 50.
We are proud that, every year, our people deliver
exceptional results due to their tireless efforts.
The Deposit Return Scheme launch
opened up so many moments for
me and made me so proud... proud
to be at Coca-Cola HBC, because
what we were doing not only had
a business purpose, but an overall
goal for Romania asacountry.
Alice Nichita
Corporate Affairs and Sustainability
Director,President at National Soft Drinks
Association, Romania
Stakeholder engagement
Director,President at National Soft Drinks
Watch the video online
Hear more about Alice’s open up
moments in2023 in this short video
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 12
Stakeholder engagement continued
Our customers
Our customers
Material issues
Socio-economic impact
Packaging and waste
Food loss and waste
Growth pillars
Leverage our unique
24/7 portfolio
Win in the marketplace
Key challenges
Opportunities for growth
and value creation
Offering a 24/7 beverage
portfolio that meets the
changing preferences
Supply and delivery
How we engage
Key account managers
engage with our customers
at a strategic level
Our business developers
visit outlets with digital tools
and insights to add value
Partnering to reduce
foodloss and waste
Introduce new packaging
types and support
Outcomes of engagement
We increased direct
engagement via our
customer teams and via
customer surveys
Programmes to reduce
food loss and waste
Piloting of new packaging
solutions, such as
Relevant KPIs
Volume and organic
revenue growth
Customer feedback
High merchandising
Cooler coverage of high-
potential outlets
Principal risks
Changing retail
Product quality
Competing in the
Product relevance
Opening up
with customers
Real-time feedback and action
Our ability to win in the marketplace is
downto opening up dialogue with customers,
strengthening customer partnerships and
driving repeat purchases.
We use CustomerGauge, ‘voice-of-customer’
software to engage with our customers in real
time. This way, we can listen more effectively,
capture better and more actionable insights
and empower our customer-facing teams
tosolve problems quickly. You can read more
inWin in the Marketplace on page 33.
At Coca-Cola HBC, we define
whether we are customer centric
only when our customers tell us
we are. As a business, our aim is
to digitally connect with 100%
of our customers within the next
five years. We want the feedback
to be fast, digital and in real time
to increase the speed that we
respond to our customers.
Stuart Ward
Head of Sales Capability
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Stakeholder engagement continued
Read more p24 to 32 and 52 to 68
Our consumers
Our consumers
Material issues
Socio-economic impact
Product quality
Responsible marketing
Growth pillars
Leverage our unique
24/7 portfolio
Earn our licence
Key challenges
Ensuring product safety
and supply
Continuously evolving
our products to meet
consumers’ needs for
healthy hydration, quality,
taste, innovation and
How we engage
Together with TCCC, we
understand consumers’
needs and preferences
through our access to
consumer insights
Consumers also provide
feedback on social media
and via consumer hotlines
Outcomes of engagement
We continued to evolve
our portfolio to address
changing consumer
moments and invested
further in digital and
e-commerce to meet
newshopper needs
Relevant KPIs
Percentage reduction
ofcalories per 100ml SSD
Number of
Principal risks
Product quality
Product relevance
Opening up
Consumer-focused innovation
The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC) owns,
develops and markets its brands with the end
consumer, and has an increasingly digital way
of connecting with consumers. We produce,
distributeand sell these beverages, working
together to ensure we have the right portfolio
for Hellenic markets and to ensure excellent,
efficient execution.
Our 24/7 product portfolio caters to a range
of tastes and preferences, and we continually
innovate, especially in low- and no-sugar
variants, to lead the sector and give choice
We have today in The Coca-Cola
Company around the world more
than 10,000 influencers at any
given point in time, with different
segments, different passion
points and different topics that
really connect ultimately with the
consumer. That is also absolutely
the case in the Hellenic territories.
Manolo Arroyo,
EVP and Global Chief Marketing Officer, TCCC
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 14
Stakeholder engagement continued
Read more p40 to 44 and 52 to 68
Our communities
Our communities
opportunities for
young people
We passionately believe that every young
person has the potential to thrive. Through our
#YouthEmpowered programme, we are equipping
them with the skills, experience and confidence they
need to succeed. By the end of 2023, we had trained
around 945,000 young people since the programme
launched in 2017.
We have many examples of #YouthEmpowered
programmes in the communities in which we
operate, with one example being the investment
of€165,000 in our Raise The Bar scheme in 2023
inour Adria business unit.
We are so proud of our enhanced Raise
The Bar youth programme. Our free
programme enables young people
to gain skills from experts and top
professionals, preparing them for
working in catering or tourism in
theirrespective countries.
Over 4,400 young people have
participated in the programme,
andweare proud to support all
ofthem on their learning journey.”
Bruno Jelić,
Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Director
atCCHBC Adria (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
and Slovenia)
Material issues
Climate change
Corporate citizenship
Socio-economic impact
Packaging and waste
Water stewardship
Growth pillars
Fuel growth through
Earn our licence
Key challenges
Climate change
Waste from our packaging
Water conservation
Empowering young people
How we engage
We engage with customers
and partners to understand
what skills and training
young adults need in
specific markets
Via our#YouthEmpowered
sessions we increase
theemployability of
We participate actively
tosupport the set-up
Addressing water
challenges in water
Outcomes of engagement
Our support of new
collection schemes is
translating into increased
collection rates for
packaging waste in
We have committed
toNetZeroby40 across
theentire value chain
Water stewardship
community projects in
water priority locations
Relevant KPIs
Number of young
people trained in our
communities through
Percentage of absolute
emissions reduction
Number of water
stewardship projects in
water priority locations
Percentage of primary
packaging collected
Number of volunteering
Number of and investments
in community projects
Principal risks
Geopolitical and security
Sustainable packaging
Managing our carbon
Water availability and usage
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 15
Stakeholder engagement continued
Material issues
Climate change
Packaging and waste
Water stewardship
Growth pillars
Fuel growth through
Earn our licence
Key challenges
Industry and/or product-
specific policies, such
as taxes, restrictions
Environmental policies
How we engage
Much of our engagement
with governments
isconducted at an
industrylevel through
We partner with local
governments to tackle
waste collection challenges
and water availability
Outcomes of engagement
In response to regulations
and levies on certain
types of plasticpackaging,
we have lightweighted
packages and used more
sustainable materials
To address health and
nutrition concerns, we
continue to add low- or
no-sugar drink options
inevery market and
nutritional information
Relevant KPIs
Percentage of absolute
emissions reduction
Percentage reduction of
calories per 100ml SSD
Percentage of primary
packaging collected
Number of water
stewardship projects in
water priority locations
Principal risks
Product-related taxes and
regulatory changes
Ethics and compliance
Material issues
Climate change
Corporate citizenship
Human rights, diversity
Packaging and waste
Water stewardship
Food loss and waste
Growth pillars
Earn our licence
Key challenges
Climate adaptation, move
towards net zero emissions
and water and energy use
Packaging waste
Sustainable sourcing
Partnerships with
communities and
grassroots organisations
Diversity and human rights
How we engage
We include NGOs and
community partners in our
leadership development
programmes, offering
online training for
managing virtual teams and
leading in times of crisis
We partner with specific
NGOs for targeted
environmental and
We engage through our
annual Group Stakeholder
Forum and our annual
materiality assessment,
as well as through ad
Outcomes of engagement
Percentage of participants
from NGOs in our first-time
manager programmes
Increased number of
community projects
forwaste reduction,
andcarbon removal
Relevant KPIs
Number of and investments
in community projects
Principal risks
Sustainable packaging
Managing our carbon
Suppliers and sustainable
Water availability and usage
Ethics and compliance
Read more p52 to 68
Read more p40 to 44 and 52 to 68
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 16
Watch the video online
In this short video, Anna Erniša, Chief
‘Hug’ Officer at Mondi, describes the
story of ‘Hug-IT’ and the many open-
up moments on the project
Stakeholder engagement continued
Our suppliers
Our suppliers
Material issues
Climate change
Sustainable sourcing
Water stewardship
Socio-economic impact
Growth pillars
Fuel growth through
Earn our licence
Key challenges
Rising costs of ingredients,
labour, packaging materials,
energy and water
Minimising the
environmental impact of
water and energy resources,
as well as emissions
Traceability in the whole
value chain, including Tier 2
and 3 suppliers for human
rights risk, biodiversity
How we engage
Feedback received
through our annual Group
Stakeholder Forum
Regular, ongoinginteraction
with the Coca-Cola System’s
central procurement group
and our technology and
commodity suppliers
Outcomes of engagement
Our long-term work with
partners to reduce our
water and energy use has
also brought efficiencies.
This is particularly
important given our
NetZeroby40 commitment
Activitiesrelated to
sustainable sourcing
Relevant KPIs
Percentage of key
agricultural ingredients
sustainably certified
Percentage of our suppliers
adopting our Supplier
Guiding Principles
Principal risks
Sustainable packaging
Water availability and usage
Commodity costs
Ethics and compliance
Managing our carbon
Suppliers and sustainable
Opening up
in packaging
In 2023, we launched an innovative packaging
solution for 1.5 litre Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite
multipacks, replacing plastic with 100% recyclable
paper, in Austria.
Hug-IT is a stretchable paper band that replaces
plasticfilm, securely holding a six-bottle multi-
pack during transportation from customer shelf
toconsumer’s cupboard, ensuring it stays intact
and that our branding looks great.
We worked closely with paper manufacturer Mondi
and equipment manufacturer Krones, to develop
the solution over a three-year period. You can read
more on packaging innovation in Earn our licence
to operate on pages 58 to 60.
Seeing the production of the ‘Hug-
IT’ sleeve for the first time with our
partners – Coca-Cola HBC and Krones
–was a great moment. It was great
tosee it worked out!”
Anna Erna
Chief ‘Hug’ Officer, Mondi plc
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The Coca-Cola Company Our investors
The Coca-Cola Company
Read more p24 to 39 and 45 to 68
Material issues
Responsible marketing
Sustainable sourcing
Corporate citizenship
Growth pillars
Leverage our unique
24/7 portfolio
Win in the marketplace
Cultivate the potential
of our people
Earn our licence
Key challenges
Support for consumers,
customers and
Profitable growth
Value share in our markets
Sustainable sourcing
How we engage
Day-to-day interaction as
business partners, joint
projects, joint business
planning, functional
groups on strategic issues
and ‘top-to-top’ senior
management forums
Outcomes of engagement
Our partnership added
tothe strength and depth
of our 24/7 portfolio,
especially with the launch
of Jack and Coke in three of
our markets
We became a partner with
TCCC and seven other
bottlers, in the Greycroft
Sustainability Fund
Relevant KPIs
Value share
Principal risks
Suppliers and sustainable
Strategic stakeholder
Material issues
Socio-economic impact
Climate change
Packaging and waste
Corporate governance
Growth pillars
Leverage our unique
24/7 portfolio
Win in the marketplace
Fuel growth through
Earn our licence
Key challenges
Increasing focus on ESG
and ESG incentives
Maintaining focus on long-
term potential of the Group
rather than shor t-term
How we engage
Communication during
our Annual General
Meetings, investor
roadshows, press releases
and results briefings and
ongoing dialogue with
analysts andinvestors –
for example, held the first
investor day in three years
in May
Outcomes of engagement
Stepped up consultation
efforts and strengthened
two-way dialogue
between the Company
and investors, ensuring
both good understanding
of long-term Company
strategy in the markets
and that investor concerns
are considered in
Relevant KPIs
Management access
and positive investor
perceptions of strategy
Total shareholder return
Principal risks
Sustainable packaging
Commodity costs
Product-related taxes and
regulatory changes
Foreign exchange
Managing our carbon
Geopolitical and security
Suppliers and sustainable
Stakeholder engagement continued
Read more p24 to 44 and 52 to 68
Opening up
dialogue with
In 2023, we stepped up our ESG conversations
with investors, opening up a two-way dialogue
ona wide range of topics.
The Company is clearly on the front foot
when it comes to things like DRS, and
people value the work with different
stakeholders to nudge policy change.
One area opened up for me in 2023,
was understanding the sheer level
of effort and resources that goes on
behind the scenes on this – more than
UK-based, top 20 institutional investor
A wide rangeof
investors and
analysts participated
in ourinvestor
day in Rome in
May, meeting
management from
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 18
Section 172 of the UK Companies Act 2006
requires directors to promote the success
of their company for the benefit of the
members as a whole, having regard to the
interests of stakeholders in their decision
making. Engaging with stakeholders is an
indispensable part of how Coca-Cola HBC
does business. The Board considers the
interests of the Group’s employees and
other stakeholders in its decision making
as a matter of good governance, and
understands the importance, and value, of
taking into account their views, as well as
considering the impact of the Company’s
activities on the community, environment
and the Group’s reputation. The Board
also considers what is most likely to
promote the success of the Company for
its shareholders in the long term. Although
the Company is Swiss incorporated and, as
such, the UK Companies Act 2006 has no
legal effect, this approach is in accordance
with the UK Corporate Governance
How we manage risks and materiality
How we engage with key stakeholders
Section 172 statement
Read more p83 to 107
Read more p12 to 18
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 19
Market trends
We operate in fundamentally attractive categories, supported
in the long-term by population growth, growing personal
spending power and a product that opens up moments that
refresh in a differentiated way, creating strong brand loyalty
and inelastic consumer behaviour.
Sparkling servings per capita, 2022
Growth categories
We operate in very attractive
Non-alcoholic ready-to-drink (NARTD) is a
large, growing and resilient category, and the
same characteristics are present in coffee,
making it an incredibly attractive opportunity
for us as well. In terms of the industry value, we
expect further strong growth in demand both in
NARTD and coffee. Increased demand is driven
by population growth in many of our markets,
plus category expansion the propensity for
consumer tastes tochange and expand and how
we both spark and satisfy demand.
We measure servings per capita in our markets,
and can see where there is headroom to
We also look at purchasing power in our markets
and react with appropriate offerings to address
affordability and meet consumer needs.
While there are
significant geopolitical
and economic trends
that can influence
overall market growth,
our focus is mainly on
the following five areas:
retail, consumer, digital,
sustainability and
regulatory. These areas
are where we react
dynamically and create
long-term value for our
customers, consumers
and shareholders.
Ready toDrink
CAGR 2024-28
market value2022
market value2022
CAGR 2024-28
Source: internal system projections,excludingRussia
United States 509
Czech Republic
1. Based on internalindustry estimates andUN Population 1 July2022,
excluding Russia andUkraine.
Trends within our portfolio
In 2023, category value growth grew significantly,
reflecting inflation-related price increases andmix
changes with a greater focus on single-serve packs.
Category volume increases were lower than in
2022, reflecting tougher comparatives and insome
markets weaker consumer spendingpower. Weaker
consumer demand also impacted volumes in hotels,
restaurants and cafes, although value growth
remained healthy.
The impact of private label in ourcategories
remained modest, with the biggest shifts being
seenin the less differentiated category of water.
How we are responding
We sustained ourfocus on improving our single-
serve mix and continued driving the shift from multi-
serve packs to single-serve packs across all markets,
and in both the at-home and out-of-home channels.
We continuedto invest in digital tools and our
data, insights and analytics capability to ensure we
provided retail customers with relevant insights
to maximisetheir value-added. This contributed
to an improved Net Promoter Score(NPS), further
improvements to pack mix, and value and volume
share gains in key channels and mostmajor markets.
Growth pillars
Leverage our unique 24/7 portfolio
Win in the marketplace
+3.2 pp
We further improved single-serve mix by 3.2
percentage points across our Established
markets in 2023, and by 1.1pp
across the
1. pp: percentage points
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 20
Market trends continued
Consumer Digital Sustainability Regulatory
Trends within our portfolio
Cost of living remainsan important theme, with
sustained high levels of food inflation in many
markets putting consumers’ disposableincome
under pressure.
As a result,consumers have become more
sensitiveto price increases, although inour NARTD
and Sparklingcategories, volumes have held up
remarkably well. While affordability remains a key
theme, premiumisation opportunities remain as
shoppers seek quality and small treats despite
budget pressures.
How we are responding
We continueto adapt our portfolio to deliver
both affordable offerings as well as premium
products presented in appropriate packs sizes and
combinations to offer consumers attractive choice.
To support category growth, we have focused
on a wider range of single-serve offerings and
multi-packs of single serves, as well as affordable
multi-serve options. This allows us to compete
at attractive price points for the consumer and
penetrate smaller baskets in a more effective way.
Trends within our portfolio
2023 continued theglobal digitalisation trend.
Consumers have become much more comfortable
and familiarwith e-commerce. Technology has
advanced, and both convenience and ease-of-use of
online shoppinghave improved. Companies continue
to invest indigital tools to improve efficiency of
operations, customer service and the effectiveness
of their marketing spend. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
was the story of 2023, withcompanies embracing AI
tool within their day-to-day operations.
How we are responding
Our investments indigital focus on driving higher
customer centricity - a personalised service for
every outlet, an improved employee experience, and
increased operational productivity - all delivering
strongerperformance, faster.
We have beeninvestingto support this through both
building talented in-house teams aswell as working
with leadingtechnology partners. For example, our
business-to-business (B2B) platform, Customer Portal,
is nowwell embeddedacross all our markets and
strengthens ourcustomer relationship management.
We have also developed eMarketplacesolutions with
SIRVIS, toaddressagrowingneed forsmallercustomers
looking for effective purchasing aggregation. We are
also investing in smart vendingsolutions.
We are also embracing AI and are developing in-
house generative AI productivity tools.
Trends within our portfolio
The sustainability landscapeis changing rapidlyand
the rate of increase of net-zero commitments by
organisations continues to grow. We see increasing
focus on nature and aspirations to shift to a nature-
positiveworld, where people and nature can thrive
together, requiring a holistic approach to the inter-
dependencies, risks and impacts across ESG areas.
Of note in 2023 was COP 28 in Dubai, wherethe
first-ever COP decision to addressfossil fuels was
adopted:a decision callingfor accelerated short-term
action and an orderlytransition away from fossil fuels
towards climate-neutralenergy systems. It signals
the ‘beginningof the end’ of the fossil fuel era,which
cannothappen without just andequitable transition,
major decarbonisation andscaled-upfinance.
How we are responding
We are keenly aware of the importance of delivering
on our plans. We continue to decarbonise our value
chain, while updatingour net-zero transition plan and
developinglong-term climate scenarios. We are also
working towards our bold commitment of achieving
a net-positive impact on biodiversity by 2040,
implementing theguidelines of the Science Based
Targets Network, and we shifted our deforestation-
free commitmentfrom 2030 to 2025.
We continueto expand our partnerships and
seek new collaborations, as our ambitious goals
andcommitments can only be achieved through
collective action.
Trends within our portfolio
In 2023, policy makers introduced several measures
to offset infationary pressures on consumers,
including price caps in specific product categories
and additional tax measures. Sustainability remained
in the spotlightin the EU, with thePackaging and
PackagingWaste Regulation (PPWR) at the forefront,
followed by proposals on consumer protection
from greenwashing, such as the directives for
Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition
and Green Claims. Significant progress was made
in the preparation and implementation of DRS
in several Europeancountries. Finally, theWorld
Health Organisation continued reviewing non-sugar
sweeteners without any changes in the status of
safety approvals from food safety authorities.
How we are responding
We remain focused oncollaborating with regulators
and governments on constructive proposals, which
address these trends. We are collaborating closely
with governments and industry partners to support
the launchof DRS in more European countries and
have made additional progress towards making our
packaging more sustainable. We continue to grow
our low- and no-sugar variants to meet consumer
and regulatory demands. Our Mission 2025 goals
remain ourcompass and we continue to play an
active role from within our industry associations in
supporting the sustainability ambitions of the EU.
Growth pillars
Leverage our unique 24/7 portfolio
Win in the marketplace
Growth pillars
Leverage our unique 24/7 portfolio
Win in the marketplace
Fuel growth through competitiveness
Growth pillars
Leverage our unique 24/7 portfolio
Win in the marketplace
Fuel growth through competitiveness
Cultivate the potential of our people
Earn our licence tooperate
Growth pillars
Leverage our unique 24/7 portfolio
Win in the marketplace
Fuel growth through competitiveness
Earn our licence tooperate
We gained or maintained share in the majority
of our markets in NARTD gaining 110bps of
value share in NARTD
Contribution from digital commerce has more
than quadrupled in the last three years to over
9% of Group organic revenue
We reduced absolute carbon emissions in
allthree scopes in 2023 by 16% compared
with 2017
In Romania, we now have 100% recycled,
locally produced bottles
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 21
Business model
Delivering value for
our stakeholders
4 2
How we do it
What we do
Partnering with our customers
We grow by supporting our customers’ growth,
leveraging our 24/7 portfolio, focusing on areas of
high-value opportunity and executing with excellence
efficiently and
Using concentrate
from The Coca-Cola
Company along with
other ingredients,
we prepare, package
and deliver products
with an optimised
infrastructure and
logistics network.
Serving our
consumers and
Our 24/7 product
portfolio caters to
arange of tastes and
preferences and we
continually innovate
tolead thesector.
Working with suppliers
We work with our suppliers to procure high-quality
ingredients, sustainably sourced raw materials, and
equipment and services required to produce beverages.
Our success is dependent on the passion and
customer focus of our talented people our secret
ingredient. We empower them to pursue growth
opportunities, both for themselves and our Company.
To create our products, we use natural resources
including water, energy and PET. We source these using
sustainable practices and seek to use them efficiently.
Social and relationships
Maintaining the trust of stakeholders is essential to our
business. Our most valuable human connections and
relationships are with The Coca-Cola Company, our
people and the communities we operate in, and our
customers, suppliers, governments and regulators.
Our business activities require financial capital, which
we allocate efficiently. This capital is provided by our
equity and debt holders, as well as cash flow earned
from our operations.
Innovation is embedded in our culture. The intellectual
property from innovation includes new packaging
know-how, new products and improvements in
manufacturing, logistics and sales execution.
Investing in our plant and logistics assets allows us
toefficiently prepare, package and deliver our products
to meet the needs of customers and consumers.
We are a strategic bottling partner of
The Coca-ColaCompany (TCCC)
We have exclusive rights from TCCC in the CCH
marketswhere the Group produces, sells and distributes
TCCC’s trademarked beverages. We also partner with
other beverage businesses such as Monster Energy,
Brown-Forman and Edrington to sell their products
How our partnership works
TCCC owns and develops its brands while we are
responsible for producing, distributing and selling these
beverages, using concentrate we buy from TCCC under
an incidence-based pricing model. We work together
to ensure we have the right portfolio for our customers
and consumers in each market and to ensure excellent,
efficient execution. We also share marketing costs and
responsibilities; TCCC markets to consumers, while we
take responsibility for trade marketing to our customers.
Our capital resources
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Business model continued
Read more p312
In 2023 we employed 32,747 FTEsin29 countries
Median basic salary ratio women/men: 1.07
We increased the frequency of our customer
engagement, providing customers with better support
In the marketplace we achieved a total number of 55%
energy-efficient coolers, excluding Egypt
In 2023, we trained 150,000 young people through our
#YouthEmpowered programme to boost employability
We invested 7.9 million in local community initiatives
We delivered strong financial performance in 2023, with
organic revenue up 16.9% and reported revenue up
10.7%.In recognition of our business strength and future
opportunities, the Board has proposed a dividend of 0.93
per share, a 19.2% increase compared with last year
Our business activities generate revenue for our suppliers
and contractors and their extended value chain
We provide high-quality beverages and healthy options,
reducing calories per 100ml of sparkling soft drinks by
19%in 2023 compared to our 2015 baseline
We spent circa 5.2 billion with local suppliers
We are working with our suppliers to support their
sustainable practices and emission reduction plans
We believe that the only way
to create long-term value for
all our stakeholders is through
sustainable growth.
We create socio-economic
value for the societies in which
we operate by creating jobs,
training people, building physical
infrastructure, procuring
raw materials, transferring
technology, paying taxes,
expanding access to products
and services, and creating
growth opportunities for
our customers, distributors,
retailers and suppliers.
Measuring and managing
these contributions through
the sustainable growth of our
business is an important part
of our purpose. Since 2010 we
have conducted socioeconomic
impact studies in our markets
to better understand the range
and extent of the value we
create in our ecosystem.
training hours
for our people
total employee
women in
1 job =
12 jobs
1 job in our
system creates
12 in the
jobs across
number of young
people trained in
our communities
Capex spend
Comparable EPS grew by 21.8%
to €2.08, supported by strong
profit delivery and effective
management of finance costs
paid in taxes
created in added
value across our
value chain
740m potential
suppliers operating
across our value chain
spent with local suppliers
Value created Our impactSocio-economic contribution
To read the methodology
behind our socio-economic
impact numbers
Our investors
Our consumers
Our consumers
Our suppliers
Our customers
Our customers
Our people
Our people
Our wider stakeholders
Our communities
Our communities
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 23
Leverage our
unique 24/7
Growth pillars
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 24
Growth pillars
Leverage our unique 24/7 portfolio
2023 highlights
Continued to deliver on our strategic
priorities of Sparkling, Energy and Coffee
Launched Jack and Coke in three markets
Acquired Finlandia from Brown-Forman
Focused on pack architecture and
price/mix to balance affordability
Continued to expand ‘zero’ ranges,
including Coke Zero Zero, to meet
low-and no-sugar demand
Organic revenue growth
Organic revenue per case growth
Volume growth
Principal risks and opportunities
Marketplace conditions
Competing in the digital marketplace
Product relevance and acceptability
Strategic stakeholder relationships
Material topics
Product quality
Food loss and waste
Responsible marketing
Sustainable packaging
A successful year
Our portfolio allows us to cater for the
needs of consumers 24/7 through three
strategic priorities: Sparkling, Energy
and Coffee. They represent close to
80% of the business, with significant
headroom for growth.
The success drivers of this growth pillar are market
penetration and share, supported by continuous
innovation, underpinned byour strong customer
relationships and unrivalled market execution.
A strong partnership with TCCC is at the heart
of our success.Together with TCCC, we focus
on consumerloyalty, strong innovation and
marketing investment, particularly in Sparkling.
InCoffee, our dual-brand strategy works well:
TCCC’s COSTA Coffee gives us access to the
mass-premium segment and our investment
in Caffè Vergnano gives access to the premium
segment (see our feature on page 31). Ourclose
partnership with Monster Energy bringsabroad
portfolio of energy drinks, fromaffordable to
premium brands.
Alongside Sparkling, Energy and Coffee,
wehave a diverse offering of locally relevant
brandswhere, together with TCCC, we prioritise
country and category combinations based on the
attractiveness of profitable revenue pools ineach
market. These include important growth enablers
such as juices, ready-to-drink tea, enhanced
and premium water, sport drinks brandssuch
asPowerade, and premium spirits – the latter
critical to our HoReCa offering.
Sparkling foundation
Sparkling is our key engine of growth and our
foundation. Sparkling volumes grew overall by
2.5% in 2023, on an organic basis. Excluding
Russia, where we no longer sell any brands of
TCCC, Trademark Coke brands grew 1.9%.
We have consistently invested in our core brands
with zero-sugar formulations and new flavours.
TCCC is critical in identifying the exact innovations
that work for each market or channel.
Recent innovation examples included Coca-
Cola Zero Sugar Zero Caffeine and new flavour
creations within the Fanta and Schweppesbrands.
Indeed, we have introduced new zero formulations
across all Sparkling brands, showing how constant
innovation is keeping us at the forefront of
consumer choice and customer preference.
Low- and no-sugar sparkling variants have grown
significantly since 2019, driven by consumer
demand, and now represent a material part of the
Sparkling category. Coke Zero has played a leading
role in this, driven by successful reformulation
and targeted campaigns. And we will continue to
build on the 2022 launch of Coke Zero Sugar Zero
Caffeine, with focused marketing campaigns in
We are continuing to increase the number of
flavours within zero options, as well as limited-
edition Coke Creations, and there is further
opportunity toexpand our distribution and
increase presence in emerging markets.
Our focus on growing zero formulations supports
one of our sustainability targets within Mission
2025, to reduce calories per 100ml, and you can
read about this on page 27.
Our investors
The Coca-Cola Company
The Coca-Cola Company
Our consumers
Our consumers
Our customers
Our customers
Leverage our unique 24/7 portfolio
2023 highlights
Read more p88 to 107
Read more p26 to 32
There is more to come
Naya Kalogeraki
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 25
Growth pillars continued
Leverage our unique 24/7 portfolio
Adult Sparkling
Adult Sparkling revenue per case is above
theaverage for the Group and the work we are
doing on mixability is critical here, as shown in our
feature on page 29. Our Adult Sparkling portfolio
benefitted from strong performance in the
Established and Developing segments, following
a tough consumer backdrop in the first half of
the year. We continue to focus on Adult Sparkling
activations, focused on socialising, particularly
summer and festive occasions where mixability
plays an important role. In 2023, we capitalised
onconsumer trends, expanding our range of
‘pinkdrinks’, tonics and zero-sugar choices.
Thanks to the 2022 acquisition of Three Cents,
we have expanded our footprint into the super-
premium Adult Sparkling segment, targeted to
mixologists and high-end hotel, restaurant and
café outlets. We have begun distributing Three
Cents in six markets where we currently operate,
while continuing collaboration via distributors to
develop further market opportunities.
Energy opens up new consumer groups
Energy is one of the fastest-growing segments
within NARTD. We have achieved double-
digit volume growth over the past eight years,
averaging 32% in the last five years alone. In
2023, Energy made up c.7% of Group revenue.
This performance is the result of a well-defined
strategy, with a complete brand portfolio
that reflects diverse consumer needs with
premium (Burn), mid-range (Monster), and more
affordable (Predator, Ultra, BPM and Fury) brands.
Welaunched Fury and Monster in our newest
market of Egypt during 2023, and we continue to
work closely with Monster Energy to help launch
new flavours, expanding our consumer appeal
across all of our energy brands.
Through disruptive marketing platforms and a
range of flavours, we are giving consumers choice
and enticing newcomers into the segment.
We are excited about the potential of this
category and are aiming for double-digit growth
in contribution to Group revenue in the medium
term through continuous expansion in per-capita
consumption, further distribution expansion and
broadening our reach to new markets.
growth in Energy average
Coffee – core to our 24/7 strategy
Coffee continued to make good progress in
theyear, with volumes up 31.5% versus 2022 and
market share continuing to grow – see our feature
on page 31. COSTA performed strongly across all
markets and especially in the away-from-home
segment, where we added 4,000 outlets to make a
total of 11,000 outlets served (7,000 in 2022) in 20
markets. COSTA continued to gain market share
in the at-home market, as measured by market
intelligence provider, Nielsen. We rolled out Caf
Vergnano to three more markets, bringing our
total to 17. Over the past two years, we have
already recruited over 2,000, mostly premium,
HoReCa customers, including five-star hotels and
other high-end coffee shops, bars and restaurants
that want a premium coffee experience for
their guests. Premium HoReCa, which currently
represents more than 60% of ourcustomer base,
remains our top priority for Caffè Vergnano.
Our Coffee Academy goes from strength to
strength, training over 9,000 colleagues in 2023,
both face-to-face and online, developing our
capabilities as we continue our journey to scale
and invest into this business. Overall, our aim is
toreach a low- to mid-single-digit market share
inCoffee over the mid-term.
Jack and Coke is a number one
barcall in the world, and now,
weare delighted to be able to
bring it to consumers in a new
ready-to-drink offering.
Jonathan Scott,
Coffee and Premium Spirits Business
Director, Coca-Cola HBC Ireland and
Northern Ireland
Two years ago, Jack Daniel’s, owned by one
of our partners, Brown-Forman, and TCCC
announced that they would be teaming up
toprovide consumers with the option to enjoy
the drink inspired by one of the world’s most
popular branded ‘bar calls’ – a cocktail ordered
with specific brand names – in a convenient,
ready-to-drink format. During the second
quarter of 2023, we successfully launched
Jackand Coke in Poland, Hungary and the
Weare excited about the future of Jack
andCoke andextending its reach into
Born Ready:
Jack and Coke launched
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 26
Premium Spirits
In 2023, Premium Spirits delivered a strong
performance, with volumes growing by 13.1%
onan organic basis, driven by all segments.
The acquisition of the Finlandia Vodka business
from our long-standing partner, Brown-Forman,
completed in November and is a unique
opportunity with significant geographic overlap
in our territories, enhancing our premium spirits
credentials and opening incremental mixability
opportunities for our NARTD portfolio (see case
study to left).
In 2023, we were excited by the launch of Jack
andCoke in three markets (see previous page),
and performance exceeded our expectations.
We continue to exploit our bespoke capabilities
ofdata, insights & analytics and digital commerce,
to drive revenue generation in the category, and
continue to train our business developers in our
Premium Spirits Academy. We are on track to
upskill more than 6,000 Business Developers
bythe end of 2025.
Still brands innovation
We made a number of innovations across our
Still brands in 2023, such as FUZETEA and Cappy
Lemonade flavour extensions, Cappy enhanced
blends launch, a formula upgrade for Mono fruit
nectars range, a new concept for Römerquelle
Flavoured water (launched in Austria) and entering
the enhanced waters segment by launching
Vitaminwater in Switzerland.
In 2023, Stills were exposed to a challenging
market environment, However, we managed
todeliver revenue growth across all categories,
driven by price increases and good immediate
consumption (or on-the-go consumption) and
single-serve mix for Water and ready-to-drink Tea.
Having been associated with the distribution
of Finlandia for 17 years in several markets,
we were excited by the unique and regionally
relevant opportunity to purchase the
Finlandia Vodka brand from our long-term
partner, Brown Forman, which completed
in November. The acquisition supports the
acceleration of our on-premise business
across more of our markets. The proven
complementarity of our Premium Spirits
business with our strong NARTD portfolio
enables us to offer solutions for a broad range
of 24/7 consumption occasions, particularly
socialising moments.
Finlandia distribution
markets at acquisition
markets added since acquisition
more markets planned for 2024
We view this as an attractive
investment and a natural evolution
of our role as one of Finlandia’s
distribution partners, further
attesting to the strength of our
time-tested and wide-ranging
partnership with Brown-Forman.
We appreciate the trust placed in
us and look forward to creating
more value for our partners and
customers by capturing new
opportunities with our well-
rounded beverage portfolio.
Zoran Bogdanovic
Welcoming Finlandia to
our PremiumSpirits family
Focusing on profitable revenue growth for
Water, we grew single-serve mix and selectively
expanded into highly-accretive emerging
segments such as functional and flavoured
waters. We did, however, lose volume in the
at-home multi-serve offering, leading to an
overallWater volume drop of 5.9% versus 2022.
Helping consumers make the right
choices for their diet and lifestyle
Our purpose is to open up moments that
refresh us all, and in order to do this we listen to
consumers and customers. First and foremost,
consumers want drinks that taste good, and they
increasingly demand drinks with less sugar and
more nutritional benefits. You can read more
about nutrition trends in Market trends on pages
20 and 21 and in Earn our licence to operate on
pages 53 to 68. As part of the Coca-Cola System,
we are committed to satisfying both great taste
and healthy and balanced diets. Ouractions
across the System fall within five pillars: 1)
LessSugar, More Choices, 2) New and Different
Drinks, 3) Informed Decisions, 4) No Marketing
Targeting Children, and 5) Promoting Low- No-
Sugar Choices.
1) Less sugar, more choices
We support the recommendation of leading
health authorities that individuals should
consumeno more than 10% of their total daily
calories from added sugar. We have committed to
reduce calories per 100ml of sparkling soft drinks
by 25% between 2015 and 2025 across allour
markets. You can read more about our Mission
2025 performance in the Earn our licence to
operate section on page 53 to 68. Through these
efforts we are contributing to the European Soft
Drinks Association’s (UNESDA’s) target to reduce
addedsugar in beverages by 10% by 2025 from
a2019 baseline.
Growth pillars continued
Leverage our unique 24/7 portfolio
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 27
Priorities in 2024
Continue to deliver on our strategic
priorities of Sparkling, Energy and Coffee
Continue to connect with consumers
and their preferences through close
partnership with TCCC
Focus on zeros, with increased marketing
effort behind Coke Zero Zero and
innovating to develop our range of
Integrate Finlandia Vodka into our business
and develop growth opportunities
Continue to focus on product quality,
safety and integrity
Develop the capabilities of our people
through our broad range of academies
2) New and different drinks – innovating and
producing new and different drinks to boost
consumer choice
From sparkling soft drinks, energy drinks, stills,
coffee, and premium spirits, to juices and snacks,
we offer drinks that meet consumers’ needs
throughout the day. Many ofour sparkling brands
now have zero-sugar orlow-sugar variants.
3) Informed decisions – giving consumers
clearand transparent information helping
them make the right choices
We provide clear and transparent nutrition
information about what’s inside our drinks,
suchasthe Guideline Daily Amount (GDA)
andtraffic-light labels on our core sparkling
drinksin22 markets.
4) No marketing targeting children
We strictly follow the Coca-Cola System
policies for Global Responsible Marketing, the
Global School Beverage Policy and the Global
Responsible Alcohol Marketing Policy.
Also, we follow the EU Code of Conduct for
Responsible Business and Marketing Practices
covering product reformulation, portion control
and responsible marketing to tackle important
public health issues, as well as to UNESDA’s
pledges. We commit to not market any of our
drinks directly to children under 13 and do not
offer any soft drinks in primary schools. Every year,
relevant employees and both direct and indirect
distributors are made aware of The Coca-Cola
Company’s Responsible Marketing Policies.
5) Promoting low- and no-sugar choices
We are taking actions to help people better
manage their sugar intake from our drinks
byreducing sugar in our beverages, innovating
new low- and no-sugar drinks, offering small
packsfor portion control and promoting our
low-and no-sugar beverage choices, including
bypromoting Coke Zero Sugar as our ‘hero’
inmany marketing campaigns.
UN Sustainable
Development Goals
We serve our consumers with a broad range
of high-quality products. In doing so, we
create value by contributing to global goals
for good health and wellbeing, innovation,
responsible production and consumption
aswell as partnerships.
Ensuring fresh, quality products
andreducing waste
Our low base of consumer complaints increased
from 0.12 to 0.14 per million bottles sold in 2023
compared with 2022, mainly due to consumer
sensitivity to the introduction of tethered
closures following new EU legislation, as well to
the fluctuating natural colour range of orange
juice concentrate. We continue to improve and
modernise manufacturing processes and to focus
on product quality, safety and integrity, within the
context of external challenges.
In Croatia, we had an isolated, unfounded incident
connected to one product. Once accurate and
factual information was available, the authorities
confirmed all our products safe for consumption.
The local team worked diligently to protect
our reputation in the market, while giving the
authorities time to complete their investigation.
As this year marks the 55th anniversary of our
operations in Croatia, and 20 years of corporate
sustainability reporting, it was an important
reminder of upholding the highest quality
standards that our consumers and customers
canrely on.
Our Supply Chain Academy has gone from
strength to strength this year, with colleagues
focusing on quality and logistics, and we continued
to mark World Food Safety Day in June and World
Quality Week in November.
We strive to minimise food loss and food waste in
our operations as this helps us preserve water and
other natural resources, avoid carbon emissions
and mitigate the social and economic impacts
Growth pillars continued
Leverage our unique 24/7 portfolio
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 28
Adult Sparkling: a ‘big bet
andgrowth accelerator
We are primed to chase significant revenue pools, while addressing
premiumisation opportunities of our existing portfolio. Most current brands
are specially formulated and marketed to adults, appealing to a wide range
ofmoments that refresh.
With 60% of the population in our territories
over 25 years old, Adult Sparkling meets the
needs of a wide range of consumers. And, with
50% current value share in bitter mixers, we see
significant headroom to grow our market share.
We are addressing premiumisation
developing a super-premium segment
inSparkling Soft Drinks
driving the mix towards glass and
single-serve beverages
accelerating growth in the
My vision is to focus on
cocktails and mixers,
with bigger margins
compared with beer
and wine. I was looking
for a partner to offer a
full-bundle portfolio of
brands that are relevant
for my bar, and having
oneperson to discuss
my business with. This
is where CCH came in.
Dominik Bacvardi,
Owner and bartender,
Peaches&Cream bar, Zagreb
In HoReCa, one of the
key success factors
is to truly understand
thedifferent needs of
our stakeholders.
Kruno Rozic,
Premium Spirits
The right brand
The right package
The right channel
Opening up
Theright moment
Growth pillars continued
Leverage our unique 24/7 portfolio
What’s the growth
Opening up the right moment with premiumised,
tailor-made and experiential solutions for bars
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 29
Watch the video online
Growth pillars continued
Leverage our unique 24/7 portfolio
Premium segment
Super-premium segment
Early evening ‘self
love’ for young adults
~1 x
For confident and
assured adults who
enjoy embodying
statusand letting
others know it!
~ 3 x
Finding fun any
evening of the week...
for social explorers
~1.2 x
Three Cents
Made by bartenders
forslightly older
adults in search of top
quality with artisanal
4 x
We are complementing well-
established brands like Schweppes
and Kinley, with new ones like Lurisia
and Three Cents.
The work we are doing on mixability – the
combination of alcoholic beverages with
sparkling drinks – is critical here and we are
promoting Adult Sparkling both out-of-home
(leveraging our great HoReCa relationships)
and at-home.
The Adult Sparkling soft drinks
opportunity is massive
Elaine Bowers Coventry
Chief Customer and Commercial Officer,
1. Coke™ price is Coke Trademark price
Watch this Adult Sparkling growth
accelerator video from our breakout
sessionat our investor day.
Adult Sparkling: a ‘big bet’ andgrowth accelerator continued
revenue-per-case than
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 30
Growth pillars continued
Leverage our unique 24/7 portfolio
Waking up to 360
It seems there is no end to consumer demand for good coffee. With
our impressive track record, route to market and coffee capability
development, we are well positioned to win. Coffee is core to our 24/7
strategy, with organic revenue up 37.5 % in 2023 versus the previous
yearand market share continuing to grow.
Double the revenue per case versus Sparkling.
Coffee strengthens our 24/7 beverage
partner status across all sales channels.
It allows us to accelerate our direct-to-
consumer business such as vending.
Coffee enables increased penetration of
ournon-alcoholic beverage portfolio at work.
Coffee accounts for approximately 65% of
consumer spending atwork.
estimate of industry market value in 2023¹
estimate of distributor value in 2023¹
Our COSTA and Caffè Vergnano brands are
wellpositioned to meet more diverse consumer
and customer preferences in premium and
mass premium segments. Caffè Vergnano is
targeted towards high-end HoReCa locations
and those looking to offer the authentic Italian
espresso experience. COSTA is targeted
towards younger, more modern locations
andisour priority brandfor on-the-go and
self-serve occasions, suchas work.
1. Source: internal system projections, excluding Russia and Ukraine.
What’s the growth
Opening up the right momentfor
premiumand mass premium segments
Mass premium
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 31
Watch the video online
Growth pillars continued
Leverage our unique 24/7 portfolio
Waking up to 360° Coffeecapability continued
Growth in Coffee is
underpinned by continued
investment in key growth
enablers. This includes building
a professional team led by
world-class coffee experts
and providing a dedicated
Coffee Academy. Customers
benefit from onsite training
and business development,
supported by commercial
insights driven by our DIA tools
and real-time telemetrics.
Building 360°
Coffee capability
Our head of Coffee,
Prodromos Nikolaidis,
shares the growth
potential in this category
from the breakout session
at our investor day
In less than two years, we’ve
trainedhundreds of colleagues
withtailored learning paths per role.
14 in-house coffee
experts-trained, certified
baristas who work
directly for us as full-time
employees, including one
world-champion barista!
Wecombine data from our business
developers on field visits with data from
our own coffee machines via telemetry
with external data sources to drive
personalised customer segmentation,
generating competitive advantage,
especially in the out-of-home channel.
You can read more about personalised
customer segmentation andexecution
across our business onpage39.
1. DIA: Data, Insights & Analytics
100% of our medium and large coffee
machines are connected, transmitting
real-time data on sales, quality and
technical key business indicators
throughreports and scheduled alerts.
All our customers’ baristi in HoReCa
are trained on how to use our coffee
machines and given full training
onour coffees.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 32
Win in the
Growth pillars
Win in the
Win in the
Growth pillars
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 33
Win in the marketplace
2023 highlights
Scaled segmented execution
sothatallmarkets benefit from
advanced micro-segmentation
Expanded revenue per case while
delivering market share gains, with
appropriate price increases and
Continued digital transformation
withthe introduction of a next-
generation customer relationship
management system
Organic revenue growth
Organic revenue per case growth
Volume growth
Principal risks and opportunities
Foreign exchange fluctuations
Marketplace economic conditions
Geopolitical and security environment
Competing in the digital marketplace
Suppliers and sustainable sourcing
Cyber incidents
Sustainable packaging
Material topics
Socio-economic impact
Packaging and waste management
Climate change
Food loss and waste
Bespoke capabilities with
exceptional people
Our second growth pillar, win in
themarketplace, encapsulates
howwe drive profitable revenue
growth and anticipate or react to new
challenges faster and smarter than our
competition. Two elements underpin
this pillar: our bespoke capabilities,
which are critical for us to better
understand the real and changing needs
of both customers and consumers; and
our talented salespeople, or business
developers, who establish long-lasting
winning partnerships withcustomers.
Our customers range from global supermarket
brands and independent convenience stores to
restaurants and e-retailers. Understanding the
needs of these customers and their relationship
with consumers is critical to our success.
Targeting personalised execution for every outlet
requires capabilities in data, insights & analytics
(DIA), revenue growth management (RGM) and
route to market (RTM). In 2023, we continued to
invest in these bespoke capabilities, particularly
DIA and digital commerce, enhancing tools that
allow us to deliver best-in-class RGM, RTM and
customer management.
The power of our 24/7 portfolio and consistent
investment in our capabilities has allowed us
to make informed pricing decisions and offer
a personalised mix of categories and package
formats to customers. This data-driven approach
has resulted in another year of strong revenue per
case expansion and profit growth, enabling us to
drive a further 110bps of value share expansion
in NARTD in 2023, and an 80bps improvement
invalue share expansion in Sparkling.
We have adapted our ways of working,
strengthened our supply chains, and proven
thedepth and breadth of our capabilities. This
is particularly the case for RGM, where we have
delivered robust price and mix improvements in
the face of significant commodity inflation and,
more recently, energy cost rises. We have been
laser-focused and clear on the decisions we are
making and what we expect these decisions
Our investors
The Coca-Cola Company
The Coca-Cola Company
Our consumers
Our consumers
Our customers
Our customers
Read more p88 to 107
Read more p15 to 39
Growth pillars continued
Win in the marketplace
2023 highlights
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 34
Growth pillars continued
Win in the marketplace
I am so excited by the progress
we have made in our bespoke
capabilities, enabling a step change in
our ability to win in the marketplace.
It is the interconnection of
route tomarket, data, insights
& analytics, and revenue growth
management, together with digital
commerce, customer management
and talent development, our
lighthouse capability, which allows
us to personalise execution for
Naya Kalogeraki
Chief Operating Officer
At our investor day in May, we shared how our capabilities are driving
personalised execution for every outlet.
The six key capabilities are:
Revenue growth
Industry-leading RGM enables
us to drive smart affordability
and premiumisation
Data, insights
Our investment in data,
insights & analytics allows
usto drive revenue faster
andoptimise smarter
Route to market
We have more customer
interactions than ever before
due to our physical and digital
route to market
Investing in our people and
their development remains
our ‘lighthouse’ capability
Customer management
Joint value creation is at the
heart of customer partnership.
Digital commerce
Key growth driver to equip
ourbusiness for the future.
Route-to-customer through eB2B
Route-to-consumer through
e-retail and delivery apps
for every
Targeting personalised execution for every outlet
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 35
Growth pillars continued
Win in the marketplace
Our bespoke capabilities
At our investor day in May, we shared how
our capabilities are driving personalised
execution for every outlet. Over the
next three pages, we describe these
six capabilities in detail, starting with
customer management at the bottom
right-hand side, and working anti-
clockwise round the wheel on page 35.
Customer management
We are committed to creating value jointly with
our customers and this is at the heart of our
successful partnerships. Through our joint value
creation strategies, we were once again the
leading contributor to revenue growth in fast-
moving consumer goods (FMCG) across our
retail customers, according to market researcher
Nielsen. Innovations such as our new next-
generation customer relationship management
(CRM) system support such success. The new
system was rolled out in 18 markets during the
year, strengthening our customer management
capabilities that are directly linked to growing
customer revenue. As well as supporting our
core business, this has enabled us to accelerate
our performance in new categories such as
Coffee and Premium Spirits, as the system is
ableto consolidate customer leads efficiently and
accurately for our sales team. Providing a stronger
digital tool for communication drives better
service and is another way for our salespeople to
spend more time with our customers and provide
them with data-driven analytics and insights.
We are committed to measuring and improving
customer experience using the Net Promoter
Score® metric applied through CustomerGauge
‘voice of customer’ software, which enables
instantfeedback from customers.
When a customer has an issue, the target for
our sales teams is to ‘close the loop’ and resolve
issues within 48 hours. In 2023, 83% of cases
were resolved in 48 hours, upfrom 66% in 2022.
Thistool is now live in all our markets, with
55% ofourcustomers providing feedback on
We continue to support our customers through
challenging periods of cost inflation and other
economic pressures by offering a diverse portfolio
and investing in engaging and relevant brand
campaigns. This helped our customers generate
top-line growth, whilst satisfying their shopper
and customer needs. For example, at-home and
out-of-home channels both delivered positive
revenue growth in 2023, with more digital and
physical at-home solutions and a widerout-of-
home portfolio offering.
Digital commerce
In 2023, we significantly invested in our digital
commerce platforms and solutions, as part of
our digital journey to enhance our capabilities
using data-driven strategies and efficient online
business platforms for growing revenue. Our
collaboration with e-retailers and food delivery
platforms to create unique omnichannel
consumer experiences further intensified. Our
strong online execution capabilities, with a focus
on digital shelf execution and data-driven shopper
activation, led to strong double-digit revenue
growth online and growth in online market share.
Onfood delivery platforms, we aim to sell a drink
with ameal and this ‘beverage attachment’ rate
improved slightly to 26% (excluding Russia).
Our Customer Portal e-business-to-business
(eB2B) platform saw further growth. Our focus
wason driving incremental revenue and expanding
the omnichannel service tools. We enhanced
Customer Portal’s reach and efficiency, which
drove an increase in customer orders and revenue,
particularly in small non-chain stores. It is now
the main order-taking channel, representing
10% of orders made, more than doubling the
share of orders in 2022. Meanwhile, we scaled
our business-to-business digital marketing
capabilities, launching automated customer
engagement journeys and piloting generative
AI-powered marketing campaigns withpromising
first results – all using the size, scale and user
friendliness of Customer Portal.
Sirvis, our 24/7 multi-category, eB2B aggregator
ordering platform for indirect route to market, was
rolled out to more regions in Italy, and we prepared
for expansion into three more countries for 2024.
The platform connects out-of-home outlets to
wholesale suppliers of goods, as well as service
providers of relevant services. We continued
topilot direct-to-consumer platforms, including
Home Delivery in Egypt.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 36
Growth pillars continued
Win in the marketplace
Data, insights & analytics
DIA is one of our prioritised growth capabilities
and we see this as a competitive advantage.
Everything we do in this space, primarily through
prioritised use cases, is done with the customer
inmind and tostrengthen our RGM and RTM.
2023 was a pivotal year for the implementation of
DIA capabilities. We stepped up our analytics and
AI usage, with the ambition to become an industry
leader and to set a global benchmark in these
capabilities. We have four prioritised use cases:
Segmented execution
In 2023, we scaled segmented execution so that
all markets, including Egypt, now have advanced
micro segmentation, the ability to predict the
potential value of a single outlet from a single
product category – see an example from Nigeria
in our feature on page 39 and in the video from
our investor day, link also on page 39. We also
launched the next generation of segmented
execution, which provides new capabilities
that personalise what we sell, personalises
how weserve and execute with ourcustomers,
andenables us to make strategicand
Promotion spend effectiveness
In 2023, wecontinued to increase our use of
advanced analytics algorithms to improve the
return on promotion investments, as well as
improve demand forecasting. The algorithms
mean we can measure the effectiveness of
everyEuro of promotional spend, allowing us
to ‘course-correct’ and allocate investment to
higher return promotions. We have automated
these algorithms so that we run promotion
management measurement each quarter to be
agile in taking actions, rather than having annual
plans, as well as leveraging the insights to drive
joint value creation with our customers.
Demand forecasting
We continued to develop our AI-enabled
forecasting for short- and long-term demand for
our products. In Romania, for example, we saw
a 10% improvement in our demand forecasting
after putting these AI tools in place.
Improving retention of our businessdevelopers
This gives us valuable insights into how to reduce
churn and haveconsistency and longer tenure
withbetter performance.
Our sales teams – and colleagues in wider
functions – continue to benefit significantly
from the Data and Analytics Academy. It is
accelerating the culture of data-driven decision
making, enabling us to upskill our colleagues. We
now have over 1,200 colleagues involved in DIA
academy courses. New for 2023 was a module on
generative AI, which we introduced to equip our
colleagues with the very latest skills to impove
data literacy.
Revenue growth management
In 2023, we leveraged our RGM capabilities
to implement price increases across all
our markets, as well as drive mix increases,
balancingpremiumisation and affordability
inahighly inflationary environment.
Enhanced data and analytics tools have allowed
us to adapt to ever-changing price elasticities,
making decisions that protect consumption and
our competitive position. Our proactiveness and
agility in adapting price moves or promotional
strategies to the marketplace and the competitive
landscape have been critical to deliver revenue
growth from both pricing and mix, while growing
market share.
Ongoing high inflation reinforced our long-
standing focus on improving affordability.
Welaunched new affordable pack formats in the
Czech Republic and Slovakia where we replaced
1.75 litre with 1.5 litre and 2.25 litre with 2 litre
formats. We expanded affordable offerings
in a segmented way, aiming at channels and
regions most relevant to the target consumer.
For example, in Egypt we scaled our returnable
glass bottle offerings and 300ml PET, leveraging
segmentation based on consumer disposable
income. We continued the expansion of300ml
PET in Bulgaria and we expanded our 350ml
returnable glass bottle offering in Nigeria.
Promotions are another important part of
affordability. In 2023, we used data and insights
to improve return on investment, offer more
value-add promotions and focus on profitability.
This helped to maximise returns for us and our
customers. Premiumisation remains relevant for
certain consumer segments, and we continued
toincrease our range of premium packs – in
Austria launching a 400ml glass bottle and
expanding our 1 litre glass bottle into flavours.
Wealso increased our focus on premium multi-
packs of mini cans in our Established markets.
Ourfocus on single-serve packs increased
at-home channel sales. Dueto our ongoing
focusonHoReCa, we improved the percentage
ofsales from the out-of-home channelin Europe.
We have more customer interaction than before
duetoourphysical and digital route to market
Sales force Coolers New tools
1.4 million
Image recognition in 27
countries, with 350,000
outlets covered
1.8 million
coverage in high-
potential outlets
New dynamic routing
tool to optimise
salespeople travel time
of stores visited directly
1.0 million
coolers are connected,
improving data
collection from the field
of our indirect
distribution partners
connected through
CCHintegration tool
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 37
Priorities in 2024
Deliver continuous improvements to
joint value creation with customers and
customer experience
Accelerate digital commerce, leveraging
the scale of Customer Portal and
expanding Sirvis
Enhance our competitive advantage from
segmented execution insights, particularly
in the HoReCa channel, as well as leverage
insights from promotion analytics
Continue to implement our revenue growth
management strategies, addressing both
affordability and premiumisation, with an
increased focus on mix initiatives
Continue to improve our physical and
digitalroute-to-market coverage with
enhanced digital and technology tools
andupgraded capabilities
UN Sustainable
Development Goals
As we build our business by helping our
customers to grow and thrive, we make
substantial contributions to the achievement
ofthe Sustainable Development Goals
related to ending poverty, decent work,
sustainable communities, responsible
production, justice and strong institutions,
aswell as partnerships.
Growth pillars continued
Win in the marketplace
1. Excluding Russia, Egypt, Ukraine, Moldova and Armenia.
Route to market
We have a vast route to market. Each day,
around15,000 business developers in sales
teams across our countries service two million
customers – in fact, we have more customer
interactions than ever before due to our
physical and digital RTM. And, with 1.4 million
coolers (refrigerators) owned on our customers’
premises, we have multiple RTM models with
different sales force roles, different last-mile
models anddifferent execution strategies. A
24/7 dynamicsales and distribution model seeks
tomaximise profitable growth through data-
driven execution excellence. We are constantly
upgrading our physical RTM fundamentals to
adapt to the digital transformation, and we are
incorporating data andanalytics to make it even
more efficient.
We continue to invest in new coolers as they
helpto drive single-serve mix and revenue
growth.Weincreased the number of coolers
in 2023, led by Italy, to a total of
1.4million coolers on customer premises.
Morethanhalf now have online connections,
up6pp, which improves their profitability by
providing volume data for better execution.
We have focused on using data to increase our
profitable cooler coverage and in 2023 reached
coverage of our top customer outlets.
Wealso continued upgrading our physical RTM
toadapt to the digital transformation and we
nowhave 91,000 active digital customers,
Image recognition tools are now operational
in most of our markets. These tools help us
understand in a precise and efficient way the
quality of our execution at the point of sale, and
to drive the needed corrective actions. We are
also supporting our indirect distribution partners
by connecting them through a bespoke CCH
integration tool. Finally, we are expanding our
digital coverage enabled by our eB2B platforms.
In 2023, we expanded our physical coverage
ofoutlets to support our out-of-home channel
development. We increased our sales force in
Italy, Croatia, Czech Republic and Slovakia and as
aresult we now visit two-thirds of our customers
in person. We are enhancing our physical coverage
by using dynamic routing tools, which optimise
travel times and allow our sales force to spend
more time with customers. It is this combination
of in-person visits with data-driven insights and
digital execution that is the foundation of our
Watch the video online
In this lively video, you can
see a day in the life of a
business developer
Talent development
Investing in our people and their development
remains our ‘lighthouse capability. We aim
to make our company an irresistible place to
work – where our employees feel heard, valued,
supported and motivated to realise their full
potential. We strive to ensure that we recruit
and retain the best talent, providing unique and
personalised development as a reason to join,
grow, stay and best serve our customers. We
have numerous development tools in place like
fast-track development programmes for our
high-potential colleagues. We develop critical
sales and supply chain capabilities by offering a
suite of academies, and our learning culture is
embedded by making learning accessible through
technology-enabled solutions. You can read more
abour our talent development in Cultivate the
potential of our people on page 45.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 38
Watch the video online
Growth pillars continued
Win in the marketplace
Personalisation depends on data,
insights & analytics
From years of experience, we know there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes
tobeverage preferences. We aim for personalised execution for every outlet
andcapabilities in data, insights and analytics are critical to delivering this.
What’s the growth
Integrated intelligence across
Irrespective of the channel, we offer
personailsed and relevant assortment
recommendations in every customer touch
point in all our markets on a weekly basis:
Suggested orders for business developers
when they visit the customer and they
place an order in person
Smart orders in Customer Portal – online
portal where customers can order 24/7
Suggested orders for Call centre when the
customer calls in to place an order
Opening up moments
For example in Nigeria...
Algorithms help find the right product
intheright pack size at the right time.
We bring intelligence that sophisticated
retailers have to our more than 200,000
fragmented customers (traditional ‘mom
and pop’ stores), segmenting them into
Customer-centric order taking:
thealgorithmsees highest potential for
Premium SSDs and Energy drinks. It suggests
Coke and Monster and sees similar outlets are
successful with Predator, so it adds Predator.
Algorithms help generate
outlet-specific insights for
personalisation. Data-enabled
insights power our active
two million customer base in
Hellenicacross all our markets.
Ruchika Sachdeva
Head of Data, Insights & Analytics
Our head of DIA, Ruchika Sachdeva,
shares how data, analytics and
insight are a growth acceletor in the
breakout session at our investor day
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 39
Fuel growth
and investment
Growth pillars
Fuel growth
and investment
Growth pillars
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 40
Fuel growth through competitiveness
and investment
2023 highlights
Added seven new production lines and
invested €11 million in rPET in Romania
Fast-forwarded transition to paper-
based secondary packaging through
effective supplier partnerships
Achieved target of 50% energy-
efficient, connected coolers ahead
Organic EBIT growth
Comparable EBIT
Comparable EBIT margin
Capex as % of NSR
Principal risks and opportunities
Marketplace economic conditions
Competing in the digital marketplace
Suppliers and sustainable sourcing
Cyber incidents
Sustainable packaging
Water availability and usage
Managing our carbon footprint
Material topics
Sustainable sourcing
Socio-economic impact
Climate change
Water stewardship
Packaging and waste management
Investing for growth
Our ability to win in the marketplace
and to leverage our 24/7 portfolio is
down to continuous strengthening of
our customer and supplier partnerships,
and investment: investment in capacity;
investment in sustainability; investment
in digital, data and technology and
investment in critical, value-creating
capabilities (read more in Win in
theMarketplace on pages 33 to 39).
Investing in capacity to support
We have a broad footprint of 62 production plants,
of which five are mega-plants, across 29 countries
(no change from 2022), with five production
plants in Egypt now fully integrated following the
acquisition of the business in 2022. We added
seven new production lines, ranging from our
new PET line in Hungary to new glass and can
lines in Nigeria. Youcan read more about our new
resealable RGB line in Austria on page 62.
We have invested heavily in our partnership
withMonster Energy, as Energy continues to
beone of the fastest-growing categories in
NARTD beverages.
In 2023, we added three additional Monster
canning lines: one each in Ireland and Poland,
which were commissioned in2023; and a line
inItaly that will be commissioned in 2024,
bringingour total to eight Monster lines
We continued our investment in coolers, or
refrigerators, at customer premises in support
ofour revenue growth management strategy
andsustainability goals – see pages 43 and 44.
Investing in sustainability
Our approach to sustainability is doing what
is right, while creating value for the business
and strengthening resilience. For example,
we have reduced energy use by 30% between
2010 and 2023, making asignificant impact on
emissions reductions, but also realising more
than€50million (gross) in energy cost savings.
On packaging, we have invested more than €50
million in three in-house recycled plastic (rPET)
production units in Italy, Poland and Romania over
the last two years, with €11 million invested in the
Romania plant alone in 2023. These investments
reflect our commitment to a circular economy,
while allowing us to decrease the cost of buying
rPET fromoutside and enhancing our security
ofsupply ina tight market.
We continually scan the market to assess
supplier capabilities and use strategic partner
relationships, for example, to increase Post
Consumer Recycled (PCR) content, reduce shrink
and stretch film thickness (down-gauging) to
minimise material consumption and develop close
loop, circular solutions. In 2023, we implemented
multiple down-gauging shrink film initiatives
intheCzech Republic, Northern Ireland and
Hungary, resulting incostsavings and reduction
We continue innovating in glass and paper
–investing €12 million in Austria on a new energy-
andwater-efficient returnable glass bottle line
for our 1 litre ‘universal bottle’ format, while
introducing anew 400ml resealable, reusable glass
bottle, andlaunching a paper-based alternative
toplastic shrink film for 1.5 litre PET multipacks.
Our investors
Our suppiers
Our suppiers
Our customers
Our customers
Fuel growth through competitiveness
and investment
2023 highlights
Read more p88 to 107
Read more p42 to 44
Growth pillars continued
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 41
Growth pillars continued
Fuel growth through competitiveness and investment
We successfully continued with the paper-
based holder for smaller multipacks, Keel Clip™,
implemented in Hungary, Greece, Italy, Poland,
Romania, Northern Ireland and Austria, while we
started to look into how to further optimise the
solution to reduce material usage and minimise
emissions. Specifically, in Italy we piloted six packs
of 150ml with a down-gauged carton format.
Results were encouraging, so we plan to develop
the commercial solution and introduce tothe
broader market in 2024.
Also in secondary packaging, we concluded an
assessment related to the introduction of low-
density film in Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene
(BOPP) labels instead of standard plastic labels.
Following this assessment, we expect to roll out
BOPP labels in 2024, and anticipate reducing
plastic in labels by 12%, saving around 240 tonnes
of material and 600 tonnes of CO
annually. In 2023, we successfully piloted smaller
labels in 1 litre upwards multi-serve packs in
Greece, Cyprus, Poland and Italy, and we are now
planning the roll out of shorter labels across the
Company in 2024. This will result in CO
reduction by approximately 550 tonnes.
Water remains one of our key strategic priorities.
By using innovative technologies, such as water-
free cleaners for our new can lines in Greece
andPoland, we are targeting a 20% reduction
inwater consumption by 2025 compared with
2017in water risk areas. You can read more about
our investments and achievements in water on
pages 61 to 62.
A paper-based alternative
to shrink film for 1.5 litre
bottles was three years in
CCH Austria, paper producer Mondi and
machine manufacturer Krones partnered to
create an innovative, high-strength, paper
sleeve, ‘Hug-IT, that tightly wraps and secures
six 1.5 litre bottle bundles of Coke, Fanta,
Spriteand Mezzo Mix during transit.
Hug-IT replaces existing plastic shrink wrap,
using paper made from FSC® certified
responsibly sourced fibres, as a more
sustainable solution. Hug-IT has taken three
years to come to fruition, from conception
through to planning, trialling, and finally getting
the product onto the shelf. Expert teams from
the three companies worked closely together
tomeet the challenges of aesthetics, strength
and stretchability of the paper solution.
Our suppliers are important partners in
sustainability. We monitor the performance
of oursignificant suppliers through our annual
internal assessments, third-party audits of
compliance, the EcoVadis IQ Plus Tool and
EcoVadis Risk Assessment platform. EcoVadis
helps us monitor, assess and benchmark a
range of risks using 21 criteria from international
standard setters and is our common ESG
assessment platform across the Coca-Cola
System, where we exchange information on the
ESG performance of our common suppliers.
We are also investigating how to further extend
risk assessment in our supply base, leveraging
new tools, Artificial Intelligence and customised
alerts, giving our strategic procurement team
faster access to critical events and information
affectingour supply chain.
We recognise supplier certifications, as per
international standards including ISO 9001, ISO
14001, ISO 50001, FSSC 22000 and ISO 45001.
For agricultural commodities, we recognise
the Rainforest Alliance, Fair Trade, Bonsucro,
the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform
Farm Sustainability Assessment and Global
GAP+GRASP. All long-term contractors and
contracted services on site are assessed
on human rights through workplace audits,
whichhavea three-year cycle.
Watch the video online
In this short video, Anna Erniša,
Chief‘Hug’ Officer at Mondi, describes
thestory of ‘Hug-IT’ and the many
openup moments on the project
The careful use of resources and
recyclable materials is an important
pillar in our sustainability strategy and
plays a central role in the design of the
sustainable packaging mix for the
Austrian market. With the introduction
of our new solution, which is unique
in the world to date, we will be able to
reduce material use by around 200
tonnes of plastic per year. It was a
pleasure to work with Mondi and our
other partners in jointly contributing
to a circular economy.”
Felix Sprenger
Supply Chain Director, CCH Austria
Our approach is ‘paper where
possible, plastic when useful’ – and
replacing the plastic shrink wrap used
for bundling bottles provides the ideal
opportunity to put that into practice.
By producing a strong paper,
we are able to replicate what the
plastic shrink wrap does, delivering
secure and safe transportation of
multipacks with our Hug-IT paper
sleeves that reduce plastic use.”
Silvia Hanzelova
Sales Director Speciality Kraft Paper, Mondi
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 42
Watch the video online
Growth pillars continued
Fuel growth through competitiveness and investment
Investing in digital, data
Fuelling our growth requires investment behind
digital technology and new business models,
blended with our continuous focus on productivity
and efficiency improvement initiatives. In 2023,we
appointed a dedicated head of our DigitalFactoryto
focus on embedding digital throughout thebusiness.
We consider three ‘buckets’ when investing in digital,
data and technology: consumer and customer
centricity (read more in ‘Win in the marketplace’
onpages 33 to 39); employee experience
(readmorein‘Cultivate the potential of our people’
onpages 45to 51); and operational productivity.
Consumer and customer centricity
We achieved several milestones in customer
centricity in 2023, including:
Connected coolers: passed the 1 million
‘connected coolers’ milestone, meaning that
we are continually increasing and improving
thedata we obtain from the field
Image recognition: processing over
1.5millionproduct execution images every
month, continuing to free up business
developers to spend more time with
customersand improving revenue per outlet
DIA using machine learning for
personalisedexecution: 57% of customer
visits had outlet-specific suggested orders
recommended by business developers
Dynamic routing: 11% market coverage
usingalgorithm-based routing for deliveries
in first year of deployment, with target of
34%coverage for 2024
Employee experience
To achieve best-in-class employee experience,
wehave designed and tested ‘WorkDay’ as
a newcore HR system to improve internal
productivity, with the target of saving many
hoursfor colleagues to use in higher value-
addactivities. During 2024, we will deploy
thesolution throughout the business.
During 2023, we selected Microsoft Viva to
host our new intranet platform for internal
communication, and we will design and deploy
thenew intranet inearly 2024.
We also started toresearch the new-generation
digital assistants. Using Microsoft Copilot,we
areevaluating technology and persona-based
needs as part ofour generative AI in the
Operational productivity
We are continually investing in improving our
operational productivity, reducing changeover
times between flavours, optimising washing
procedures, developing our predictive
maintenance routines and managing
complexity ofproduction.
Managing complexity is key as we expand our
flavour ranges and expand our lines, and we
launched a Digital Twin pilot project in Edelstal,
Austria, to explore how to make both financial
and sustainability savings as the manufacturing
process becomes more complex.
Other examples of where we are using digital
include 250 manufacturing practices shared
through our internal software platform
WeKnow’, enabling best practice and learnings
to be shared across the organisation.
Wehave also implemented a new digital
application to support plant operators’
personal development and capabilities, and in
particular their ability to embrace technological
developments, in our connected worker platform.
We also organised a two-day innovation event
witha wide range of suppliers to remain up to
datewith technological developments.
Operational productivity:
line performance
Managing complexity through
flexibility and adaptability
through increasedcomplexity
Evolving maintenance
strategy to reduce bottling
Developing people
capability hand in hand with
Improving performance
management using
digital tools
Our digital team describes how digital
isenabling growth in this breakout session
video from our investor day.
Our Digital Factory journey
so far
The Digital Factory addresses all three
buckets of our digital, data and technology
strategy. In2023, we created a dedicated
Head of Digital Factory’ role to recognise
the importance of investing in our digital
innovation and capabilities.
We launched our own Digital Factory
to accelerate bringing new ideas and
solutions to the market and bridging
the gap between innovation and scale
Set up our first two dynamic pods for
Employee Experience andDigital
Commerce and recruited our first
team member to drive our User
Experience (UX) capability
Kicked off a pilot in Hungary to trial a
new sales delivery model. Supported
the relaunch of the direct-to-
consumer model in Switzerland
Worked in partnership with Microsoft
to build a GenAI powered prototype
of Sales Academy in the metaverse
and showcased it at the Cairo
Leadership Conference
Appointed a new dedicated Head
of Digital Factory and upscaled the
digital factory to take more ideas
forward in 2023
and sustainability savings as the manufacturing
We launched our own
to accelerate bringing new ideas and
solutions to the market and bridging
the gap between innovation and scale
developments, in our connected worker platform.
Kicked off a pilot in Hungary to trial a
the relaunch of the
particular their ability to embrace technological
Set up our first two
Employee Experience
team member to drive our
Experience (UX)
Worked in partnership with Microsoft
to build a GenAI powered prototype
and showcased it at the Cairo
Leadership Conference
Appointed a
of Digital Factory
digital factory to take more ideas
forward in 2023
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 43
Growth pillars continued
Fuel growth through competitiveness and investment
Priorities in 2024
Commission an additional Monster canning
line inItaly
Improved market coverage using
algorithm-based routing for deliveries
Continue to improve our supply
Continue to improve the environmental
impact of our secondary packaging, for
example by rolling out BOPP labels
Increase the impact of the Digital Factory
under a dedicated head, increasing the
number of pilots that become scaled
solutions in the business
UN Sustainable
Development Goals
Our sustained efforts to reduce our costs
and improve our impact have generated
significant results for our business, our
communities, society and the environment.
These results correspond to contributions to
the Sustainable Development Goals for clean
water and sanitation, clean energy, economic
growth, industry innovation, sustainable
communities, responsible production,
climate action, life below water and life
Strengthening our supplier
partnershipsand supply
We consider our suppliers as critical partners,
contributing to the ongoing and sustainable
success of our business. Under a unified
procurement framework, we segment our
supplybase universe of around 15,000 parent
level supplier organisations into direct and
indirectspend suppliers, and a hierarchy
accordingto their importance. You can read
moreabout this and a full description of our
supply chain on our website (https://www.
do/supply-chain). Weplace significant focus
onforming partnerships with suppliers that have
supply points located within our countries, both
multinational and local, while also developing
strong local suppliers across our territories.
Theseefforts support our strategy for local
sourcing and contributing to socio-economic
development in the countries where we operate.
Our mission is to become the leading
supply chainfunction in our industry
interms of customer service and
cost efficiency. To achieve this,
we focus our efforts on keeping
our people engaged, excelling in
sustainability, reducing our costs
and building best-in-class customer
service andresponsiveness.”
Ivo Bjelis,
Chief Supply ChainOfficer
We have built a borderless supply chain to a large
extent that operates effectively and efficiently,
enabling us to embed innovative technologies
andrespond to customers and suppliers fast.
Weare innovating within our supply chain
to expand our technical capabilities, driving
productivity improvements and making cost,
energy and watersavings.
We are investing in technologies that optimise our
infrastructure and transform our existing plants
into efficient mega-plants, effectively serving a
country or an entire region.
Consumer and customer centricity
Enabling personalised
executionforevery outlet
connected coolers
continually increasing and improving
datacollection from the field
Employee experience
Make CCH a
fully digital
where employees feel heard, valued,
supportedand motivated to realise
Operational productivity
through data, technology and
insightsenabledprocesses and
decision making
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 44
Cultivate the
potential of
Cultivate the
Growth pillars
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 45
Cultivate the potential of our people
2023 highlights
Kept our people safe during turbulent
geopolitical events
Improved our engagement score,
confirming that we are embedding a
purpose-led culture and greater belief
in our efforts to simplify our business
Helped our customers and our people
adapt to the changing external
environment with speed and agility
through new ways of working
Continued to strengthen the diversity
of our workforce while building
aninclusive workplace
Employee engagement
Percent of managers that are women
Lost time accident rate
Principal risks and opportunities
Geopolitical and security environment
Health and safety
People retention
Material topics
Employee wellbeing and engagement
Human rights, diversity and inclusion
Strengthening our culture
We passionately believe that it is only
with the strength, competence and
engagement of our people that we will
achieve our vision and ambitious growth
agenda. Over the last year, wetook
time to reflect on our wider purpose
andculture, working with colleagues
from across the organisation to identify
a unifying purpose: to open up moments
that refresh us all.
The subsequent ‘Culture Story’ brought to life in
2023 is about all of us at Hellenic – who we are,
our purpose, vision, leadership model, values and
thebehaviours we commit to. It is a story that, for
the first time, was captured in a Culture Manifesto,
accessible to all as a booklet and serving as our
guiding star in all we do.
We unveiled the Culture Manifesto to senior
leaders at the annual Leadership Conference in
Cairo. Shortly afterwards, the story was cascaded
the same day across all our teams through
townhall sessions. Our people were further
engaged through culture labs to build acommon
understanding behind our purpose, values and
behaviours and to identify team and personal
commitments that bring our culture to life every
day. To address the needs of our employees,
we continued to deploy our bi-annual culture
and engagement survey, which looks at how we
are performing against our engagement and
committed values and behaviours. We scored
well on the values of ‘We over I’ and ‘Deliver
Sustainably’, with further work expected to ‘Make
itSimple’ so that colleagues can avoid time spent
on non-value-adding activities. We are taking this
feedback seriously, accelerating how we simplify
our processes and the way we work.
For example, Oxygen, our Group-wide initiative
to simplify and introduce smart ways of working,
has already freed up more than 633,000 hours
of colleague time. This is thanks to innovations
such as dynamic routing, piloted in Poland, which
is reducing travel time for sales teams visiting
customers by around a third, freeing up 10% of
their time. We are nowrolling dynamic routing
outto new markets.
With a new network of passionate ‘change
leaders’across the organisation, we look
forward to accelerating cultural progress in
2024, againstthe ultimate objective to put our
customers first, make it simple and open up
opportunities for growth.
Cultivate the potential of our people
2023 highlights
Read more p88 to 107
Read more p47 to 51
Growth pillars continued
Making culture real
Sharing stories from our diverse and talented
people from across our markets is one of the
best ways in which we can ensure colleagues
feel seen, heard, valued and connected to
each other – and to our culture.
Red Talks has been an effective platform to
enable this and in 2023, it proved to be a popular
way for colleagues to share personal and
professional experiences, ideas and insights
securely via their preferred channel – from
videos to live storytelling and presentations.
Meanwhile, Coffee Corner events were well
attended. These open, informal live chats
invite our storytellers to share on a range
of topics, from leadership and growth to
development and feedback. With 150-250
participants per session, Coffee Corner
events have sparked interest from across
theorganisation. All our people stories are
stored in the Red Talks Hub to be accessed
anytime, anywhere.
Our people
Our people
Our communities
Our communities
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 46
Welcoming Egypt to the
Coca-Cola HBCfamily
Integrating over 5,600 new colleagues from
Egypt was a key focus during the year. The
Leadership Conference, hosted in the country,
was a strong starting point to align on culture
and ambitions, supported by the Culture
Manifesto and followed up by 11 roadshows
across the country. We also extended our
culture and engagement survey to Egypt,
with an impressive participation rate of 97%
and a sustainable engagement index score of
85%. We have identified further improvement
opportunities in connecting and collaborating
with our colleagues in Egypt, which we will
address through follow-up workshops.
We also rolled out in Egypt our annual
talent review programme and performance
management cycle, covering over 700 people
by the end of the year. Line manager labs
focused on talent acquisition, rewards and
policies, attended by over 500 colleagues.
Meanwhile, more than 1,500 end users and
1,200 as Business Developers and Sales
Team Leaders were trained, as our new SAP
system went live in the country.
Engagement and collaboration
Prior to our bi-annual culture and engagement
survey in September, a pulse survey in April already
showed improvement in five out of six strategic
areas: Strategic Priorities; Work-Life Balance;
Customer Centric Recognition; Simplification and
Retention. The culture and engagement survey
was updated to align with our new values and
leadership model. Record-breaking participation
(92%) and ahigh sustainable engagement
index score (86%) were headline achievements,
alongside ‘belief in our strategic priorities’ (88%),
feeling proud to be part of our Company’ (93%),
and ‘recommend the Company to others’ (87%).
We also saw a nine percentage points increase
in Business Developer retention scores vs 2022.
Our 2023 results were two percentage points
below the Qualtrics Global Top Decile Norm for
engagement and we will continue to benchmark
our performance against other high-performing
companies. We are also improving how we
collaborate across functions, which we measure
through the ‘collaborating for impact’ survey.
Wesaw participation nearly doubling, reaching
28,358 responses, and significant progress
incross-functional collaboration. Our internal
NPS score improved to 30 in November from
15in February. While we keep sight of the desired
behaviours we want to nurture, we are focusing
toaddress the opportunities on the biggest
drivers to create a tangible impact with our
frontliners andourcustomers.
Participation in our performance management
framework, ‘performance for growth’, reached an
all-time high of 97%. We refreshed the framework
as well, aligning it with our new values and
leadership model and emphasising simplification,
value-adding activities and prioritisation.
We also revisited feedback loops, introduced
colleague feedback processes, enhancing
collaboration across functions and borders.
This new feedback approach resulted in more
employees receiving individual feedback (67%
compared with 46% in 2022). This positive
evolution underscores our commitment to
cultivating a high-performance culture that
resonates with our workforce.
Employee turnover continued to fall, landing at
11.4% compared with 11.8% in 2022. Retention
remains a key priority and we prioritise exit
surveys, attractive remuneration and regular
dialogue through STAY conversations. We have
decreased the ratio of female managers leaving
compared with male counterparts, thanks in
part to focus groups that were held to better
understand the root causes of female turnover
and the action plansput in place.
sustainable engagement
index score
belief in our strategic priorities
feeling proud to be part
of our Company
recommend the Company
to others
Growth pillars continued
Cultivate the potential of our people
Supporting our people
We could not be prouder of the resilience,
collaboration and unity demonstrated by
our team in Ukraine as the country faced a
second year of war and uncertainty.
Their safety and wellbeing have remained our
utmost priority, while colleagues from around
the world have continued to give generously
– with monetary aid, time, awareness and
support. We also ran resilience webinars
and coaching sessions, townhall events and
engagement workshops, both on- and offline
to ensure our Ukraine colleagues feel involved
and supported by us all.
Our ‘women in sales’ community was created
to amplify learning and development for
female Ukrainian sales teams, while our ‘reskill
to win’ programme helped anyone having to
relocate within the country. We continued
working with local youth organisations,
providing hope and opportunity for those
starting their careers and we restarted the
Fast Forward development programme to
bring local talent together.
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Health and safety
The health and safety of our people is of
paramount importance for us, which is why
we keep focusing on improving systems and
initiatives, while engaging employees and
contractors. We enhanced our behaviour-
based safety programme by embedding
morehuman and operational principles across
manufacturing and non-manufacturing locations.
We have reached 97% programme coverage
in manufacturing, 96% in warehousing, 95% in
commercial (excluding Nigeria) and 56% in our
offices. By end of 2023, 2,168 employees and
740contractors were trained as behaviour-based
safety observers, and we eliminated 80.3% of
barriers to safety identified under this programme.
The programme was rolled out to three new
manufacturing locations in Egypt, where 47
observers were trained, and 831 behaviour-based
safety observations were conducted.
We are very happy to report zero employee
fatalities. However, with great regret there were
five contractor fatalities that happened on the
road and within our premises.
Out of three road accidents leading to a
contractor fatality, two werecaused by a public
driver. Unfortunately, one on-site fatality was
reported when a contractor’s truck assistant was
hit by a reversing truck and the other unfortunate
on-site incident happened during a forklift repair.
In both cases, we made a detailed root cause
analysis, took appropriate corrective actions and
shared the lessons learned across all our countries
with mandatory preventative actions to be put
in place. Our Employee Lost Time Accident Rate
(LTAR) was0.27, a 23% improvement versus 2022.
The Contractors’ Lost Time Incident Frequency
rate (LTIFR) improved by 9%. In compliance with
TCCC’s Life Saving Rules (LSR), we conducted
quarterly assessments of all manufacturing and
non-manufacturing facilities, achieving 84.7%
compliance (excluding Russia). Based on these
assessments, each country has developed its
owncorrective actions to address critical gaps
andachieve full compliance.
Keeping in place our established fleet safety
programmes, together with special attention
on vehicle safety, we can report another year of
continuous improvement in reducing accidents
per million kilometres, achieving 1.63.
To maintain health and safety momentum,
weconducted two engagement campaigns on
increasing the safety awareness. One of them
was linked to World Safety Day in April: “See, Say,
Do something – Save a life. Stay safe for what you
love.” The second campaign in October addressed
safety awareness before the winter season and
was a continuation titled “Stay Safe for what
you love!” We also launched a health and safety
observation toolkit as an app-based resource
for all colleagues to observe and report hazards
or unsafe behaviours and to encourage safety
conversations. Despite positive progress in our
LTAR Mission 2025 commitments, we seek to
accelerate it by working with selected business
units with higher LTARs and engaging their
leadership teams. We will also continue optimising
our behaviour-based safety programme and
strengthen the safety culture and behaviour
ofouremployees and contractors.
Wellbeing and reward
We continue our commitment to fostering a
workplace culture that prioritises and supports
the wellbeing of our people. A dedicated wellbeing
framework, centred around physical, mental,
financial and social wellbeing, has been crucial
to nurturing a healthy and resilient workforce.
In2023, alongside continued wellbeing initiatives,
we organised a session focused on resilience
and stress management led by a professional
counsellor from our Employee Assistance
Programme. Amid high inflation in many of our
operating countries, we prioritised financial
wellbeing, including conducting a session with
valuable insights and strategies to manage
financial pressures.
We automated our rewards processes by
implementing the Beqom platform for annual
increases in four business units. Following very
positive user feedback, we also developed a
management incentive plan (MIP) module and
deployed digitalised processes to more business
units, now numbering eight, with the expectation
to run our annual increases and MIP in almost all
business units on the platform in 2024. Preparing
to launch a new workforce administration system,
Workday, in 2024, we have doubled down on
increasing the quality of data management, which
will be a critical enabler in a consistent and better
employee experience, supported by simplified,
standardised and automated HR administration.
Growth pillars continued
Cultivate the potential of our people
Accidents per million kilometres
2013 202320222021202020192017 20182016201520142012
Continuous improvement in
reduction in accidents per
million kilometres in 2023,
from 1.69 to 1.63
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Growth pillars continued
Cultivate the potential of our people
Diversity and inclusion
We maintained our commitment to diversity
and inclusion, executing actions as part of our
business plans and monitoring our progress
closely. A consistent, continuous focus on
recruitment, talent and retention has improved
gender diversity at all levels, with 41.8% of
management positions now held by women,
thanks to proactive strategies such as gender-
balanced recruitment shortlists. Overall, nearly
half of our internal appointments were women
(46%), while also 38% of our external hires were
female. On a management level, 51.4% of external
hires were women, while amongst our sales-based
external hires the share of females was 36.2%.
Championing women
We continue to champion the professional
development of our female talents through
our Women in Leadership programmes.
During the last year, 78 of our female leaders
participated in the six-month programme,
which aims to build engaged and capable
female leaders, support their transition into
new roles and change cultural factors that
may hold them back. 32% of participants
who completed ‘Women in Leadership 1’
and 23% of participants who completed
Women in Leadership 2’, during 2022 and
2023, have been promoted. Our CEO, Zoran
Bogdanovic, featured as the first guest in
itsnewcommunity talks.
Our own ‘women leader stories’ video
series included topics around work-life
balance, career growth and leadership.
It has attracted over 18 million views
since its launch in 2021! Finally, our local
business units continued creating their own
regionally targeted campaigns to empower
women, including breaking women in sales
stereotypes in Serbia and women in supply
chaincampaignsin Austria and Romania.
Production Manager, Anna Zehetner-Tüttö, in
our Irish business explains her journey as part
of our Women in CCHBC series
Finding our Gen Z
We were delighted to kick-start our
international leadership trainee programme.
Designed to challenge and develop Gen Z
graduates to become our next generation
of leaders, it is focused on commercial
experience through a 70-20-10 learning
model that combines hands-on experience
with mentoring from our senior leaders
and highly acclaimed formal learning in
partnership with Hult, a private business
school. We supported the programme with
a marketing campaign, ‘Bring Your Own
Magic’, which reached out to more than 2.5
million Gen Z candidates. The campaign was
nominated for ten global and local awards for
digital communication and employer branding
excellence, and won six including Silver in the
Digital Communication Awards 2023.
Here are our new leaders in action!
Watch the video onlineWatch the video online
We were proud to receive 15 diversity-related
awards. Further highlights included the following:
Ten women senior managers joined WeQual,
an initiative that brings together global
organisations to drive gender equality. Our CEO
continues to be a judge at the WeQual awards
for female leaders.
Participating in the LEAD conference, as
a TCCC partner – the largest diversity and
inclusion event for the European FMCG and
retail industry.
Support The Boardroom in Greece to develop
women for Board positions.
To ensure we adhere to all applicable laws and
regulations and demonstrate best practice
around diversity and inclusion, we regularly review
our Human Rights Policy, our Code of Business
Conduct, and other internal standards. Find out
more on pages 114 to 115 and on our website.
Management positions held by women
2017 2018 2019 20212020 2022 2023
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Women in
Our Sales Academy
of training in 2023
Growth pillars continued
Cultivate the potential of our people
Talent development:
Our lighthouse capability
Our commitment to people development is
supported by our constantly evolving Talent
review framework, which enables us to identify
successors for senior leadership roles. This year
we have increased the number of successors
to country function head roles by 2 percentage
points and out of all identified successors 48%
are now women. At the same time, we identified
more than 200 emerging talent individuals to
tailor their development early on in their career
and accelerate their growth. We continued
optimising development tools, such as STAY and
career conversations, and individual development
plan guides. Talent Builders was launched as a
programme to support all new people leaders on
an end-to-end journey dedicated to the essentials
of recruiting, developing and retaining people.
1,325 frontline leaders started their Talent Builder
journey in 2023.
To enhance talent visibility across business units
and functional areas, we worked with 26 cross-
country talent pools, enabling more internal
moves across our countries and functions.
Thiscontributed to 87 appointments into senior
leadership roles, with 84% filled internally.
In total, around 300 people went through
our acceleration programmes in 2023, which
continues to be the main source of our internal
succession. We have also focused on our
critical growth capabilities, introducing ‘x-ray
reviews to proactively identify where we need
to invest inexternal hires or internal capability
development, whichare vital for sustainable
business performance and growth. This will
help usto strengthen the talent pipeline, ensure
proactive identification of succession gaps and
enable long-term planning.
Developing critical sales and
supply chain capabilities
We offer a suite of academies that support
professional development of key sales roles. We
had another year of strong uptake in 2023, with
over 1,300 new Business Developers becoming
certified (licence to start and licence to sell) and
89% of existing Business Developers achieving
certification. Alongside new Premium Spirits
and Coffee Academies, we launched a Digital
Commerce Academy and relaunched our Sales
Academy for Key Accounts. We also launched
MYcroLearnings across all our markets as
five-minute bitesize online sessions offered
every two weeks to our entire sales force to
reinforcefoundational and critical elements
ofsales capabilities.
We launched a new selection tool to hire
Business Developers in 2023. Combining
input from over 3,600 candidates and existing
Business Developers, we were able to introduce
performance and retention predictors to
support hiring decisions. The new tool has
already improved candidate experience,
reduced time to recruit by 15% and improved
retention ofnew Business Developers by
around 5%.
When it comes to investing in our supply chain
talent, we launched the Supply Chain Academy
to approximately 95% of all supply chain
personnel across manufacturing, logistics,
quality, planning and procurement. More than
1,300 colleagues acquired their licence, and
we are targeting 100% participation in the
yearahead – showing operational excellence
to lead
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Growth pillars continued
Cultivate the potential of our people
Helping our people realise
Our talent development reinforces continuous
learning and upskilling, while giving people the
opportunities for personal growth. Continuously
striving to make learning accessible to all, we
delivered over 830,000 hours of learning in
2023, of which 12% was in personal skills and
74.6% was in functional skills. The majority of
our employees learned ‘online’, with 71% of the
learning activity being in self-paced, ‘anytime,
anywhere’ format. Inits fourth consecutive year,
our virtual LearnFest drew inover 6,600 attendees
across16sessions andfour days.
Ensuring our employees can also learn from each
other, we provide access to coaches and mentors
through technology-enabled solutions. After
asuccessful campaign to inspire and encourage
internal coaching, in 2023 we incorporated it
into other learning and talent initiatives. Looking
to future talent, Avature, our new recruitment
platform, saw rapid and full adoption by our
recruiters, doubling the number of candidates
perrecruitment requisition and candidates in our
talent network. We successfully completed the
second phase of Avature implementation with a
new career site, automated recruitment reporting
and advanced talent acquisition analytics.
Recognised as an employer of choice
In 2023, we increased our ranking in Universum’s
employer of choice ratings, despite ongoing
change in talent preferences. Overall, external
perception of our business increased by six points,
positioning us in 12th place across all industries
and in the top five of preferred employers in
the FMCG sector, of 16 markets. Our brand
and reputation as an employer is supported by
authentic accounts shared by our people – each
year, around 1,300 employees share regular
content about Coca-Cola HBC on social media
platforms, reaching over three million potential
recruits to our business – aconsistent growth
of85% versus 2022.
Our people practices have been recognised
externally, with 74 prizes and awards in the last
year. As well as the diversity and inclusion awards
listed above, recognition was given to employer
branding, talent and employer reputation.
Threemarkets were certified by the Top
Employers Institute.
Percent of female leaders
Hours of learning
Talents went through acceleration
Priorities in 2024
Build unmatched sales teams by
strengthening our commercial
Stay resilient and closely connected
withour teams through continuous
listening and simplifying their lives to the
maximum, so that they continue focusing
on helping our customers grow.
Cultivate our growth mindset-driven
culture through simplicity and
Enable our people and teams to drive
higher impact, through gender-balanced
teams and more productive ways
of working, while strengthening our
UN Sustainable
Efforts to foster an engaging workplace
and an inclusive environment, nurture and
develop the capabilities of our people,
increase gender balance in our management
ranks and reduce stress and support
employee wellbeing all contribute toward
global goals for development. The specific
Sustainable Development Goals supported
are those for: good health and wellbeing;
gender equality; decent work and economic
growth; reducing inequalities; and peace,
justice andstronginstitutions.
Romanian PR Awards
Silver award for excellence
in‘Employer Branding and
Diversity Management’
Digital Communication
Silver winner 2023
Employer Branding Awards
Gold Best Use of ‘ Employee
Generated Content’
Silver award in ‘Best Use of
Social Media in an Employer
Branding Campaign
Bronze award in ‘Best
CampaignTargeting Gen Z
Bronze award in ‘Best
Recruitment Campaign
The RAD Awards
Early Careers Attraction
Candidate Experience Nominee
Graduate Campaign Nominee
European Excellence Awards
‘Innovation of the year
Over 6,600 colleagues attended our
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 51
You can read more about our sustainability achievements
in this chapter and find out what colleagues think about
our ESG ratings in the video below.
Watch our video online
52Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023
Growth pillars
1 As at 8 December 2023
We were ranked as the world's most
sustainable beverage company for
the seventh time by Dow Jones
Sustainability Indices 2023
Earn our licence
At Coca-Cola HBC, we are proud to be global
industry leaders in sustainability. We have
thehighest scores and rankings in ten of the
most-recognised ESG ratings.
We are clear and ambitious about what we
want toachieve on our sustainability journey.
Our Mission 2025 commitments on climate,
packaging, water, ingredients, nutrition, people
and communities set measurable targets.
Weaimto achieve net zero emissions by 2040
andhave a net positive impact on biodiversity
incritical areas of our value chain.
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Sustainable growth
We are proud to be global industry leaders
in sustainability. This year we were ranked –
for the seventh time – as the world’s most
sustainable beverage company by the Dow
Jones Sustainability Indices
. Our score positions
us in the top 1% of 9,400 companies across 62
industries. This year we also scored a double-A
ranking for our commitment to transparency on
climate and water from CDP and we are on CDP’s
2023 Supplier Engagement Leaderboard.
These achievements are the result of our clear
vision and targets in sustainability, bold and
entrepreneurial mindset, and continuing investment
in technology and innovation. Strong collaboration
with our suppliers and partners and highly skilled and
committed colleagues working across our markets
have also been crucial to this success. We know we
still have work to do and remain committed to being
part of the solution toglobal sustainability challenges.
Sustainability creates value for our stakeholders and
supports the socio-economic development of the
communities in which we operate. As we continue to
produce our drinks in more sustainable ways, it helps
us open up opportunities for a better future.
Here are some examples of what we are doing:
A significant focus for us is promoting plastic
circularity, and our primary packaging is already
100% recyclable. We are making strong
progress towards achieving our other Mission
2025 commitments on packaging of collecting
at least 75% of the primary packaging we place
in the market and using, on average, 35%
recycled PET in ourbottles
In 2023, 100% of our electricity in the EU
andSwitzerland came from renewable and
clean sources.
On water stewardship, we now have community
projects in 12 water risk areas where we operate
– up from eight last year.
We announced a new charitable foundation,
with an initial donation of €10 million, dedicated
to supporting local communities.
We became a partner in the $137.7 million Greycroft
Coca-Cola System Sustainability Fund with seven
other bottlers and The Coca-Cola Company.
We strongly believe sustainability is a true growth
driver for us and our partners. We continue to
integrate sustainability in our business model
andsupport value creation for the business:
In Austria, we invested €12 million in a returnable
glass bottling line for both one litre and our new
400ml resealable bottles
. We also introduced an
industry-leading, innovative solution to replace
plastic shrink film with 100%-recyclable paper
on 1.5 litre multi-packs. These innovations help
us improve packaging circularity and win in the
marketplace as they meet our consumers’ demand
for glass packaging and no-plastic packaging.
We have invested more than €50 million in
threein-house rPET production units. This
supported our shift to 100% rPET portfolio in
selected markets. In-house rPET production
helps us reduce costs compared with buying
from third-party suppliers and eliminates extra
transport costs.
We exceeded our goal of having 50% energy-
efficient coolers in the market (excluding Egypt,
which we acquired in 2022), with a total of 55%
by December 2023 – two years ahead of target.
These coolers consume less energy, sothey
generate less emissions, and mean lower
energy costs for our customers.
This year we integrated Egypt into our
sustainability strategy – after we acquired the
Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Egypt in 2022
– and developed specific plans for the market.
Aswecontinue to develop our 2030 aspirations,
wewill integrate our Egyptian operations in our
We know that there is a lot to be done, but we
are encouraged by the progress we have made
in 2023 and remain committed to accelerating
ourefforts tobuild a more sustainable future.
Growth pillars continued
2023 highlights
Continued our decarbonisation journey in
alignment with our NetZeroby40 roadmap.
Focused on packaging decarbonisation using
ahigher percentage of recycled materials.
Supported further roll-out of Deposit Return
Schemes in our EU markets.
Promoted Extended Producer
Responsibility (EPR) policies and the launch
of newpackaging collection systems in
Completed biodiversity impact study
following the SBTN methodology.
Expanded our partnerships in water and
Continued our focus on #YouthEmpowered
as our flagship community programme.
Ongoing support to communities in need.
2023 highlights
Earn our licence to operate
1. DJSI as at 8 December 2023.
2. Excluding Egypt.
3. Co-funded by the European Union, NextGenerationEU.
Principal risks and opportunities
Product relevance and acceptability
Sustainable packaging
Suppliers and sustainable sourcing
Managing our carbon footprint
Water availability and usage
Ethics and compliance
Read more on p88 to 107
Absolute greenhouse gas emissions
inscopes 1,2 and 3
Water usage in water risk areas
Young people trained through
% primary packaging collected
Our investors
The Coca-Cola Company
The Coca-Cola Company
Our consumers
Our consumers
Our customers
Our customers
Material topics
Climate change
Corporate citizenship
Responsible marketing
Packaging and waste management
Sustainable sourcing
Water stewardship
Read more on p54 to 68
Volunteers joined The Zero Waste Tisza
programme in Hungary to clean up the river
Our communities
Our communities
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 53
In 2016 we were oneofthe
first companies to adopt
the Science Based Targets.
Wealso introducedan
internalcarbonprice for
business decision-making
by SBTion 1.5º
55% of coolers
energy efficient
Scope 1+2 Scope 3 Carbon Removal Projects Scope 1+2+3 emissions
#NetZeroby40 roadmap for scopes 1, 2 and 3
2023 Actual: -30% vs. 2010
2023 Actual: -16% vs. 2017 (SBTi base year)
From 2024 to 2039:
Beyond value chain mitigation
Neutralisation of residual
emissions as of 2040
SBTi baseline
for NetZero
S1+2: -55% vs. 2017
S3: -21% vs. 2017
S1+2: -97% v. s 2017
S3: -63% vs. 2017
2024-2026 We
renewable fuels for
thermal Energy
Towards net zero emissions
In 2021, we committed to achieve net zero
emissions across our entire value chain by 2040.
This is our most ambitious, complex and forward-
looking commitment. We were among the first
companies to adopt science-based reduction
targets by the Science Based Targets initiative
(SBTi). In our net zero roadmap, our starting point
is2017, which is the baseline for our science-
based targets.
We have halved direct emissions and reduced our
absolute total value chain emissions in scopes 1,
2 and 3 by a third1 from 2010 to the end of 2023,
despite a global increase in emissions
. These
results come from our sustained investment and
focus, and highlight ourconsistent approach to
Reducing carbon emissions is the non-negotiable
goal for our business. We continued to work
across our value chain to reduce emissions,
witha particular focus on packaging, coolers
andingredients. We do this because we will make
the biggest progress by delivering sustainable
solutions in these parts of our value chain.
By the end of 2023, we had reduced emissions
from scope 1 and2from our direct operations
by 36% and in all three scopes, our absolute
emissions, by 16.4% compared with 2017.
1. Excluding Egypt.
2. Global Carbon Project; Expert(s) (Friedlingstein et al. (2023)).
Looking ahead
In 2023, we updated our net zero roadmap
with two important changes. We integrated
our Egyptian operations into our 2030 and
NetZeroby2040 climate targets and, in
January 2024, we submitted them to the SBTi
for validationand approval. We also added
new Forest, Land andAgriculture (FLAG)
After SBTi validation, these changes will be
reflected in our net zeroroadmap:
In scope 1 and 2, we integrated Egypt and
follow the already established pathway
(1.5°Cpathway) for 2030 and 2040.
In scope 3, we integrated Egypt and split
our targets into two categories: energy and
In scope 3, our energy-related targets will
follow the newly established pathway Well-
Below-2-Degrees (WB2D) until 2030 and
then the 1.5°C pathway until 2040, our net
zero year.
The SBTi introduced the new targets for
FLAG in 2023. This new standard guides
businesses to split greenhouse gas emissions
(GHG) into non-FLAG and FLAG-related
categories. Non-FLAG emissions are
commonly known as energy-related GHG
emissions. FLAG-related emissions apply
to commodities from forestry, land and
agricultural sectors. For us, this means scope
3 packaging, wood and paper pulp, and sugar
and fruit juices. We do not have any FLAG-
related business or activity under our own
operational control. However, we have them
in our upstream value chain in forestry and
agricultural commodities (scope 3).
We will now update our climate transition
plans toreflect all our main decarbonisation
strategies, quantify our main strategic
resources and milestones, and convert
theseto a clear set ofactions.
Growth pillars continued
Earn our licence to operate
Scope 1+2 and Scope 3: all numbers exclude Egypt
1. Recalculation of carbon emissions due to conversion factors changes
andaccording to the GHG Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.
2. As defined based on Science Based Targets initiative.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 54
Performance summary
By the end of 2023, we had reduced
emissions by the following amounts:
GHG emissions
vs 2022 vs 2017
Scope 1 and 2 -19% -36%
Scope 3 0% -14%
Scope 1, 2 and 3 -1.6% -16.4%
1. Excluding Egypt.
Scopes 1 and 2
We have taken action on two of the main
contributors of scope 1 and 2 emissions:
Focusing on being more energy efficient by
reducing the amount of energy we use.
Switching to low carbon and sourcing our
energy from renewable sources such as solar
and hydro power.
We delivered several projects that helped to
progress reductions in scope 1 and 2 emissions
Growth pillars continued
Earn our licence to operate
Absolute scope 1 and 2 CO
e emissions
(’000 tonnes)
2030 vs 2017
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
2. Excluding Egypt.
Absolute scope 3 CO
e emissions
(’000 tonnes)
2017* 2018 2019
2030 vs 2017
3. Emissions are recalculated due to conversion factors change and exclude Egypt.
-14% -14%
Renewable and clean
electricity in the European Union
and Switzerland
2017 2018 2019
100% in 2025
4. Clean source means CHP using natural gas.
Scope 3: Reducing indirect emissions
from our value chain
Over 90% of our emissions are in scope 3,
wefocus on three main areas in collaboration with
our suppliers: packaging, ingredients and coolers.
Packaging accounts for 36% of our scope1,2
and 3 emissions. We are reducing packaging-
related emissions through a range of
actions, including rolling out new packaging
collection systems, increasing recycled
content, expanding reuse and eliminating
In 2023, we exceeded our target of having
50% ofenergy-efficient coolers in shops and
outlets by five percentage points, bringing
thetotal to 55%. As a result, we reduced
emissions by 127,461 tonnes compared
rPET bottles
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 55
Growth pillars continued
Earn our licence to operate
We collaborate with our suppliers and partners to
encourage them to reduce their own emissions.
In 2021, fewer than ten suppliers were in CDP
to disclose their emissions, so we set up our
emissionssupplier programme. By the end
189 of our significant suppliers disclose their
emissions through CDP.
117 have already set, or have committed to set,
science-based targets.
These 189 suppliers buy – on average – 26%
oftheir energy from renewable sources.
Engaging suppliers to reduce energy and
use renewable energy is key to meeting our
NetZeroby40 commitments. In 2023, our
SupplierConference focused on ‘opening up a
moresustainable future together. We were joined
by about 200 supply partners. At the conference,
we gave them inspiration and tools to start or
continue their own sustainability journey and
celebrated those who are already on the path to
reducing emissions. The event was supported
byexpert insight from CDP and the World
Economic Forum.
Delivering our drinks in more sustainable ways
We can reduce CO
emissions by changing the types of transport we
use. Inthe first pilot of its kind on the island of Ireland, we are using three
best-in-class electric Heavy Goods Vehicles (e-HGVs) with a range of
300km. Weexpect the e-HGVs to reduce carbon emissions by 229 tonnes
each year – the equivalent of charging over 25 million smartphones
We’vecollaborated with a customer and transport supplier on thisinitiative.
This type of partnership along the value chain aims to showcase how
important it is for the industry towork together and share insights
sowecanreach our shared andindividual sustainability goals.
In Serbia, we more than doubled the number of Compressed Natural
Gas (CNG) trucks we use in 2023. Since 2021, we have reduced our
emissions by around 480 tonnes annually and by the end of 2024,
weexpectto save around 830 tonnes each year.
1. US Environmental Protection Agency comparison.
Other Scope 3
purchased heat,
steam, CHPs
Fuels in
own fleet
Our key focus projects
Renewable fuels
Green Fleet
Packaging: rPET; packageless;
refillables; lightweighting; replacing
plastic in secondary packaging
Ingredients: low- no-sugar,
sustainable sourcing
Cooling equipment: energy-efficient
coolers, greening of electricity grid
Critical enabler: suppliers’
Renewable energy
Energy optimisation projects
e split by scopes and categories FY 2023 (including Egypt)
Innovating for decarbonisation
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 56
Our Green Fleet Programme helped us to reduce
emissions in 2023.
Watch Manna Drones in action
Growth pillars continued
Earn our licence to operate
Decarbonising our value chain
We continued our work to meet our emissions
reduction targets for 2025, 2030 and 2040. We
invested in energy efficiency and recovery, and in
low or zero-carbon (renewable) energy sources,
and continued to improve, for example, our
processes, planning and cleaning.
Our EU and Swiss manufacturing facilities moved
from using 99.2% in 2022 to 100% renewable and
sources this year. We have energy transition
plans in place for other business units to follow
suit. We also intensified our efforts in Nigeria
By the end of 2023, we had invested about €28
million in energy-efficient solutions, including Top
20 energy savers (excluding Egypt).
Sourcing our energy
In Nigeria, our eight manufacturing plants
now have solar panels and source 14% of their
electricity from renewable energy sources. We
had increased our Nigerian renewable and clean
energy supply from 58% in 2022 to 73% by the end
of 2023. All the electricity supplied from the public
grid is renewable for our Nigerian operations.
This year, we started using cleaner sources
such as solar energy from rooftop panels in our
production plant in Challawa. We also continued to
extend these sources in our production plants in
Ikeja and Abuja, reaching total installed capacity to
12 MW compared with 10 MW in 2022.
In Egypt, we installed solar rooftop panels in four
out of five of our plants, so 10% of our annual
electrical energy comes from renewable sources.
We are working on plans to optimise energy use
solutions and collaborating with our partners to
expand renewable electricity sourcing plans.
Transitioning to a green fleet
In 2023 , we built on the positive momentum of our
Green Fleet Programme, keeping the trajectory to
achieving our 2030 CO
emissions reduction goal.
We continued our transition to electric and hybrid
vehicles, which comprise 44% of our total light
fleet, compared with 16% in 2021 and 28% in 2022.
We reduced our fleet carbon footprint compared
with our baseline (2017) by 43%, a reduction of
about 43,743 tonnes of CO
. We reduced our
emissions on our light fleet by 19,513 tonnes
compared with our baseline, and about 24,230
tonnes of emissions reduction over the same
period for our heavy fleet.
Manna drones in Ireland
Drones offer fast, safe and quiet home delivery,
and can deliver to a five-kilometre radius in
less than three minutes. They can also be up
to eight times more efficient in terms of CO
emitted during delivery when compared with
conventional petrol vehicles, according to
areport from Maynooth University in Ireland
We are pleased tohave invested – through our
Ventures arm –in Manna Aero, an Irish start-
up leading the way in food and beverage drone
deliveries. We believe this partnership will help us
drive profits, deliver better customer service and,
importantly, reduce harmful CO
are looking forward to Manna Aero expanding
its operations and bringing drone deliveries to
more cities in the EU and elsewhere.
1. Clean source means CHP using natural gas.
Innovating for decarbonisation
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 57
1. Design
Less packaging
emissions Waste
Sustainable packaging contributes to
reducingcarbon emissions and waste
Sustainable packaging is attractive
toconsumers and widely accepted
2. Sell
Delivered by Green
3. Collect
Deposit Return Schemes
Packaging Recovery
Refillables reverse logistics
4. Reuse or recycle
Returnable glass
rPET bottles
Dispensed solution
with bag-in-box
or cartridge
Reusable vessels
Our LitePac Top
innovation in Austria
of our primary
packaging is
by design
Packaging plays a central
rolein delivering our Mission
2025 commitments and CO
emissions reduction target,
asit accounts for over a third
of our scope 3 emissions.
Improving the sustainability of our packaging is a
critical priority for us. We believe every package
has value and life beyond its initial use and that
it should be collected and recycled into a new
package or reused. We focused on making our
packaging more sustainable by investing in
recycled content, expanding reusable formats,
in-house rPET production infrastructure – which
helps us to have a high-quality, steady supply
of more affordable rPET in selected markets
– and driving the implementation of effective
Packaging can only be circular if it is recyclable.
Since 2022, 100% of our primary packaging – PET,
glass, aluminium and aseptic cartons – has been
recyclable by design. We achieved this milestone
three years ahead of our 2025 target.
Our Mission 2025 sustainable packaging visionis
built on three main pillars:
Recovering our primary packaging for recycling
or reuse.
Making our primary packaging fully recyclable.
Increasing the percentage of rPET
Growth pillars continued
Earn our licence to operate
Our sustainable packaging model
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 58
In 2023, we kick-started the Pack Mix of the
Futureprogramme across all EU geographies.
Itsets out our vision and trajectory on pack mix
tocontinue profitable growth while reducing our
footprint through packaging,
We continued to explore the role of dispensers
and reusable vessels to assess how they could
contribute to increasing reusable packaging. As
we do this, we leverage existing market solutions
and pilot new technologies.
Collecting and recycling
We are leading industry efforts to introduce
effective and efficient collection systems in all our
markets. These include Deposit Return Schemes
(DRS) in most of our EU markets.
Romania became the first market in our Group
in 2023 to combine all three key ingredients of
plastic packaging circularity:
A 100% rPET local bottle portfolio.
An in-house rPET facility.
A Deposit Return Scheme.
By the end of 2023, six of our markets had
launched DRS: Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Romania and Slovakia, The Republic of Ireland and
Hungary launched DRS in Q1 2024. The Hungarian
DRS will have a six-month transition phase.
Well-designed DRS have a proven track record
of delivering very high collection rates, typically
over 90%. We are supporting several additional
markets to launch DRS in 2025-27.
These combined efforts meant that, in 2023, we
made significant progress towards our packaging
collection goal, delivering an overall collection rate
of 56%, an increase of eight percentage points
from 2022
In Africa, we are working with governments and
other stakeholders to help establish effective
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) systems
for packaging collection on a national level.
In 2023, in Nigeria, we supported a range of
collection projects, including those of the Food &
Beverage Recycling Alliance (FBRA). As an alliance,
FBRA collected almost 40,000 metric tonnes
(MT) PET in total in 2023 – more than three times
theamount collected in 2022.
In Egypt, we continued our partnership with
recycler BariQ to collect and recycle more than
20,000 MT PET, while also engaging with the
Egyptian government to offer our support in
establishing a new national Packaging Recovery
Organisation (PRO).
Tethered or attached closures help capture the
entire package for recycling. From 4 July 2024, all
plastic closures on beverage containers over three
litres in Europe must have tethered capstomeet
new rules in the EU’s Single Use Plastic Directive.
In 2023, we extensively rolled out tethered
closures to over 80% of our beverage containers
in scope, so we were prepared for this EU
Directive. This roll out covered our EU markets and
Bosnia, North Macedonia, Serbia andSwitzerland.
Slovakia: Outstanding
collection results from DRS
PET collection rates in Slovakia soared from
50% in 2022 to 92% in 2023, after a new
Deposit Return Scheme was introduced
in2022. In its second year of operation,
thescheme had 3,250 collection points
andhigh levels of consumer engagement.
This demonstrates how effective a well-
designed and properly implemented
DRS canbe in increasing collection rates.
Thescheme gives a right of first refusal to
all registered producers on the market to
purchase their fair share of the collected
post-consumer materials, supporting
circularity and high-quality bottle-to-bottle
and can-to-can recycling.
Growth pillars continued
Earn our licence to operate
1. Excluding Egypt.
Using recycled content is a key part of our
approach to making our packaging circular. In
2023, 16.1% of the PET that we used was rPET
This represented a significant increase compared
with our 2022 performance (10.5%) and solid
progress towards our 2025 target to have 35%
rPET usage across our Group
By the end of 2023, in Austria, Italy (excluding
water), the Republic of Ireland and Northern
Ireland, Romania and Switzerland, we had shifted
our locally produced plastic bottles to 100% rPET.
With these initiatives, we almost doubled the
percentage of rPET in EU markets and Switzerland
in the last year from 22.3% rPET in 2022 to
42% rPET in December 2023. To date, we have
invested over €50 million in in-house rPET
production facilities in Italy, Poland and Romania.
In-house rPET production helps us reduce costs
compared with buying from third-party suppliers
and eliminates extra transport costs.
We are on track to achieve 50% rPET in our plastic
bottles across our portfolio in EU markets and
Switzerland by 2025.
New RGB line in Austria video
Romania rPET in-house launch video
Progress towards our sustainable
packaging vision
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 59
Austria: Innovating to
expand reusable packaging
Coca-Cola HBC Austria is a first mover in our
29 markets when it comes to innovating with
reusable packaging and minimising plastic,
both of which are in demand by customers
In 2023, we opened a new high-speed,
water and energy efficient, returnable glass
bottling line in Edelstal. This €12 million
investment was co-funded by the European
Union NextGenerationEU.
For the first time in Coca-Cola HBC, we now
produce 400ml returnable, resealable glass
bottles, so consumers can enjoy our drinks
on the go or at home.
We also produce one-litre, reusable and
universal bottles. This means we use
thesame shape of bottle for all our soft
Growth pillars continued
Earn our licence to operate
1. Lifecycle analysis (LCA) by IFEU: LCA study with Product
Environmental Footprint methodology, July 2022.
2. Transactions excluding beer, coffee and spirits.
Expanding reusable packaging
Reusable packaging plays a critical role in reducing
waste and our carbon footprint, and minimising
the amount of packaging we produce. Reusable
packaging includes returnable and refillable glass,
and dispensers such as fountains or freestyle
machines, provided reusable vessels are used.
We continued to explore new-generation
Compact Freestyle Dispensers in selected
markets. These allow consumers to use their
owncup or vessel for more than 40 soft drinks
andcut emissions by up to 70% emissions
compared with PET
In 2023, 11.7%
of the drinks we sold
were in returnable containers and 4.3%
Eliminate unnecessary packaging
We launched innovative secondary packaging
for multi-packs of 1.5 litre Coca-Cola, Fanta and
Sprite. The revolutionary new type of cardboard
– LitePac Top – is easy to carry and recycle.
Thepilotproject in Austria will initially save
about200tonnes of plastic each year.
We trialled new, high-performance stretch film
inIreland and Austria that reduces the amount
offilm needed by 30%. We will continue to test
thisin 2024 and plan to introduce this to our
sparkling soft drinks portfolio in 2025.
Technology helped us to reduce the overall
weight of packaging materials. In 2023, we did this
successfully in the Baltics, the Czech Republic,
Greece, Hungary, Poland, Nigeria and Northern
Ireland. This saved over 600 tonnes of PET and
reduced, on average, the amount of resin we used
by 11% for specific stock-keeping units (SKUs).
It also reduced CO
emissions by1,300 tonnes
We reduced the weight of aseptic plastic closures
in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and
Romania, and closures for sparkling soft drinks in
Nigeria. Overall, this saved 300 tonnes of High-
Density Polyethylene (HDPE) a year, reducing CO
emissions by over 600 tonnes.
Read more on HUG-IT story p17
Increasing recycled materials
insecondary packaging
We piloted using 100% PCR content in shrink
film in some ofour packs in Italy, Poland and
Switzerland. Weplan to launch these in markets
Poland: Reusing customer displays
A new approach to promotional displays has been piloted with
our customer Żabka, a large chain of convenience stores in
Poland. This new system only requires the customer to change
the branding of our products in stores – not the display units
themselves. This means that our customer retains a high-
quality display and we save money on transport and production
costs. This collaborative initiative created commercial value
for us and for our customers while reducing waste and cutting
down on CO
Zoran Bogdanovic, CCHBC CEO, Marcel Ciolacu, Prime Minister
of Romania, and Nikos Koumettis, The Coca-Cola Company,
President of Europe Operating Unit, at the opening of our new
in-house rPET production facility in Romania
Progress towards our sustainable
packaging vision
Progress towards our sustainable
packaging vision
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 60
Water touches every aspect
ofour business.
Climate change affects water availability and
water quality. Our commitment is to protect this
valuable resource, especially in those areas of our
operations where water is scarce or at risk. We do
this by:
reducing, reusing and replenishing the amount
of water we use in ouractivities;
recycling the wastewater from our
manufacturing sites and returning it to
ensuring that communities have access to safe,
clean water; and
engaging with suppliers on our Principles for
Sustainable Agriculture.
Read more on p66
We use water from the start to the end of the
production process for our drinks:
Growing core ingredients, such as sugar and
thefruit that provides our juice concentrates.
Using it as the largest component of our
beverages and cleaning, washing and sanitising
production equipment and processes.
We have been doing comprehensive risk
assessments for many years and calculating
theTrue Cost of Water for investment decisions.
We have updated this every year since 2015.
Water reduction and stewardship
Our Mission 2025 commitment for water risk
areas is to reduce water-use ratio in plants by
20% compared with our 2017 baseline and help
secure water availability for communities in which
In our operations, we have 19 water priority
, including Armenia, Bulgaria, Cyprus,
Greece, Italy and Nigeria. These locations face
specific stress factors such as:
water being scarce;
local communities lacking access to water and
sanitation services; or
deteriorating water quality in the watersheds.
In these areas, we focus on water-replenishment
activities, nature-based solutions and improving
water quality.
In 2023, our overall reduction in water priority
locations was 6.8% compared with our 2017
baseline. We maintained water efficiency at the
same levels as 2022 in all our production plants.
Inwater priority locations, our water usage was
0.6percentage points higher than 2022.
Our production plants in the following markets
performed well:
In Bulgaria, we improved the overall water
efficiency by 5% compared with 2022.
In Greece and Cyprus, we improved the overall
water efficiency by 6% compared with 2022.
In Nigeria, five of our production plants
delivered strong results on water efficiency.
Thedecrease ranged from 1% to 5% compared
with 2022.
Growth pillars continued
Earn our licence to operate
1. Excluding Egypt.
Greece: Tackling water
scarcity for impact
Water scarcity is a threat to farmers, local
communities and tourism in Crete’s largest
city, Heraklion. This year we improved irrigation
and water supply systems at five locations to
save 14.5 million litres of water a year through
our Zero Drop programme, which we funded
with The Coca-Cola Foundation. The water
resources protection programme is locally
implemented by the Global Water Partnership
– Mediterranean (GWP-Med) in collaboration
with the Municipality of Heraklion.
In Profitis Ilias, we replaced old leaking pipes
to secure the water distribution network for
irrigation. And in Voutes, we upgraded two major
pumping stations, saving energy, reducing CO
emissions and preventing waterlosses.
We shared water-saving advice with the
local community and a team of environmental
educators trained schoolchildren. This
included playing a water-saving game of
snakes and ladders that was specially created
for the programme. We also produced new
educational displays for one of our customers,
Chalkiadakis stores. These shared tips on how
to save water on the promotional displays
and in take-away leaflets for customers.
Consumers can also buy our products at
adiscount. This important community issue is
strongly connected with our customer’s ESG
agenda. Our collaboration increased sales,
created apositive perception and benefitted
the wider community.
We also completed the first part of work in
Schimatari/Tanagra in Greece to prevent
water losses at a local water treatment plant.
Romania: Rivers
Interceptors project
Trapping litter on four rivers flowing into
the Danube is helping to reduce pollution in
Romania. The innovative cleaning system
spreads over the entire width of the river
in specific areas that were chosen after a
technical evaluation of where it would be
most effective. The traps collect litter that’s
floating on, and one metre below, the surface
to stop it from going any further. The River
Water Interceptors project brings together
the private and public sector. We are in
partnership with the CSR Nest Association,
a non-governmental organisation that
is managing the project, The Romanian
Waters National Administration and local
municipalities. Since it was set up in February
2022, the traps have stopped over 11 tonnes
of waste from flowing into the River Danube
and on to the Black Sea. This has included
1.5 tonnes of recyclable PET and 8.5tonnes
of wood, which we donated to local
communities to use.
Our water community projects
Our water community projects
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 61
Cyprus: Zero Drop
The last phase of the water resources
protection programme “Zero DropMission
Water” in Cyprus was implemented in 2023
by Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean
(GWP-Med) NGO in collaboration with the
Municipality of Aglantzia and Coca-Cola in
Cyprus, with the exclusive funding from The
Coca-Cola Foundation. According to GWP-
Med, the programme’s technical interventions
in the municipality have the capacity to
save an estimated 3,000,000 litres of water
annually, while improving the irrigation of
the municipality’s green spaces. From these
interventions, about 10,000 people from the
local community of Aglantzia, Cyprus have
benefited. This new project builds on the
successful implementation of a previous 10-
year water resources protection programme
inCyprus thathas achieved remarkable results,
saving several million litres of water annually
andpositively impacting the lives.
Nigeria: WASH projects
Providing access to clean and safe water
in local communities is an important part
of our work in Nigeria. In 2023, we built
sanitation and water facilities in Benin, Kano,
Lagos, Maiduguri and Owerri as part of our
€1million commitment to celebrate our 70
anniversary in Nigeria. The facilities, which
include a block of toilets, new boreholes
andoverhead tanks, aim to improve people’s
lives through access to Water, Sanitation
andHygiene (WASH) services in communities
where we operate.
Growth pillars continued
Earn our licence to operate
We continued to invest across our markets in
technologies with a focus on Top Water Savers
toreach our 2025 commitments.
For example, we have invested in:
dry rinsers that clean without water;
automated controls for our reverse
data-driven ion exchangers;
backwash filtration units;
optimising chemicals for coagulation; and
upgrading cooling towers.
Some of our production plants in Egypt are
located in water stressed areas, so in 2023
weimplemented several projects to mitigate
therisks, including the following:
commissioning a new water treatment in the
Sadat plant to increase capacity and improve
water efficiency;
initiating an upgrade to the wastewater
treatment plant in Sadat;
installing new in-line instrumentation
intheAlexandria plant to monitor raw
waterquality; and
integrating new flowmeters
andupdatingwatermaps for
Working with our suppliers
We measure the water consumption of our
critical suppliers to assess their basin and
operational water risks using the Water Risk
Filter methodology. We then work with suppliers
operating in high-risk areas to develop plans so
they can reduce their water use.
Water stewardship community projects
We have 12 water stewardship community
projects in water risk areas where we have
plants. In 2023, we started new projects in
Maiduguri, Nigeria. With support from The
Coca-Cola Foundation, we delivered solar-
powered boreholes with overhead tanks in
four communities. These aim to give 14,000
local people access to safe WASH services.
Weestimate our projects in Nigeria have provided
about 4.8 billion litres of clean and safe water in
thelast five years.
Our water community projects
Our water community projects
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People and
In 2023, we remained
focusedon making a
positive impact on the
local communities where
we operate. We supported
young people through
#YouthEmpowered with
training programmes
and skills development,
and communities in need
with product donations,
volunteering initiatives
anddisaster relief activities.
We are here for colleagues and
communities when disaster strikes
The world sadly witnessed more devastating
conflicts, natural disasters and extreme weather
events in 2023. We mobilised rapidly to provide
immediate aid where possible. This included
Greece wildfires: About 9,000 cases ofour
soft drinks, water, juices and coolers were
distributed through Humanity Greece,
theRedCross and local municipalities.
Greece floods: We donated more than two
million bottles of beverages, mainly Avra
water, to people affected by the devastating
floods inThessaly, central Greece. Together
with The Coca-Cola Company and Bodossaki
Foundation, we donated €100,000 tosupport
their immediate needs. Through a mobile unit
of ‘Doctors without Borders’, thedonation
provided medical and psychosocial support
to people affected in Thessaly. We plan
toimplement a recovery project in the
affectedarea in 2024.
Slovenia floods: Access to clean and safe
drinking water and rebuilding infrastructure
across the country were critical to help
communities recover. The Coca-Cola System
donated Römerquelle water and €100,000 to
the Slovenian Red Cross to help with this work.
Turkey and Syria earthquakes: It was
important for us to help provide relief and
support the efforts of The Coca-Cola Company
and The Coca-Cola Foundation when these
earthquakes happened. Turkey and Syria are
not territories where we do business, but we
donated €100,000 to the Turkish Red Crescent
and CARE international in Syria.
Growth pillars continued
Earn our licence to operate
All figures include Egypt and Bambi.
Ireland, CzechRepublic andSlovakia,
and Italy: Donations to FoodBanks
We want to support people in need and tackle food waste as part of our
sustainabilitycommitments. Here are some of the initiatives we were
involvedwiththis year:
Donated 70,000 meals in December 2023 in the Republic of Ireland. We
collaborated with our customer partner Tesco and FoodCloud, a not-for-profit
social enterprise working to tackle food waste and food security (pictured right).
Co-operated with food banks in the Czech Republic and Slovakia to donate more
than 800,000 litres of beverages to food banks worth more than €360,000.
Supported Banco Alimentare (National Food Bank) in Italy to distribute over
1.5million meals during the Christmas period. We also took part in its National
Food Collection Day with 55colleagues volunteering. Our seven local family
daysdonated the proceeds of their Christmas markets toBanco Alimentare.
Around 60 employees and players
from the Viennese Football Club
cleaned the home district of SK
Rapid in Austria. Photo credit
byMartin Steiger
Thank You
Fund in the
island of Ireland
Working with our communities
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Community support in Ukraine
We continued to offer practical help and support
to people in Ukraine and our employees affected
by the conflict in 2023. With The Coca-Cola
Company and NGO partners, we provided water
and beverages to affected regions, offered
humanitarian assistance, restored infrastructure,
and installed electricity and heat generation
equipment. Since the beginning ofthe conflict
inUkraine, the Coca-Cola System and The Coca-
Cola Foundation have committed US $35 million
to support people in Ukraine.
The Coca-Cola System has helped in the
We donated €4.7 million and volunteering
support. In partnership with the Red Cross
Society of Ukraine, we provided 70,000 food
kitsand beverages to people in the regions
most affected by food and water shortages.
One kit contains one month’s supply of food
that does not need to be refrigerated.
54 electric generators were sent to hospitals,
schools, kindergartens, boarding schools and
centres for temporarily displaced people across
Ukraine after The Coca-Cola Foundation
donated US $500,000 to the Red Cross Society
of Ukraine. Seventeen centres for internally
displaced people also received 5,000 sleeping
kits for their residents through this partnership
and strong volunteering support.
45 mobile boilers were donated to Ukrainian
communities most in need to help to keep
people warmduring the winter. The cost of
the project was about US $3.5 million, which
was donated by The Coca-Cola Foundation,
inpartnership with theUkrainian Red Cross,
A kindergarten that was destroyed in the
village of Bohdanivka is now being rebuilt and
will be able to accommodate more children.
The Coca-Cola Company donated US $1.2
million and we donated US $1.8 million to make
this happen. Our production plant has been
operating nearby for almost 25 years.
At the end of 2023 we donated one million
bottles for the most vulnerable Ukrainians to
make the winter holidays a little more joyful.
Many company volunteers were involved in
the project across the whole country. Our
Ukrainian plant produced a batch of one million
1.5-litre Coca-Cola bottles with a special
mark on the label ‘For you’. With the help of
partner humanitarian organisations such as
the Ukrainian Red Cross and Caritas Ukraine
we distributed the drinks from December 2023
until February 2024. This token of gratitude was
also shared with the communities closest to the
frontline. We donated some of our beverages
to the D.R.E.A.M. Charitable Foundation, which
works together with the Scottish organisation
Siobhan’s Trust, to provide warm meals to
residents of such regions.
1.5m litres
of Coca-Cola to Ukrainian
to rebuild a kindergarten in
8.9m litres
of beverages for food banks,
disaster relief, andnumerous
local initiatives
> 3,000
focused on supporting
vulnerable communities, youth
and environment
Long-term community
Disaster relief for Greece,
Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria,
Italy and Austria
All figures include Egypt and Bambi.
Growth pillars continued
Earn our licence to operate
community support
in Ukraine
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 64
Working with our communities
Watch the video online
#YouthEmpowered progress
We passionately believe that every young
person has the potential to thrive. Through our
#YouthEmpowered programme, we are equipping
them with the skills, experience and confidence
they need to secure a brighter future.
By the end of 2023, we had trained 944,948 young
people since the programme launched in 2017.
We are confident we will meet our Mission 2025
targetof training one million young people ahead
oftarget year.
By the end of 2023
young people trained
#YouthEmpowered progress
Here are just some of our 2023
In Nigeria, we trained 1,865 young people
on viable entrepreneurship and career skills
during the 2023 campus edition of our
#YouthEmpowered initiative. This is part
ofourcommitment to nurturing the country’s
future leaders.
To celebrate its thirteenth year, The Coca-Cola
Thank You Fund across the island of Ireland
doubled the value of its grants to 200,000.
This year, 28 non-profit organisations were
awarded grants to help them champion and
empower young people to take an active role in
shaping, creating, and maintaining sustainable
communities. The Coca-Cola Fund operates
in partnership with the Irish Youth Foundation
and YouthAction Northern Ireland and is jointly
funded by TheCoca-Cola Company.
Experts from the Coca-Cola System across
Bulgaria shared valuable advice and insights
with young people to help them develop
their skills before transition to employment.
Collaborating with SoftUni Digital, Junior
Achievement Bulgaria, Teen Station, and
localuniversities, free training was delivered
to4,788young people.
“It was just wow.”
“I would definitely
recommend it, good
During the practical
sessions, I clarified
what my strengths
are, I learned more
about myself.
Co-operation, Creativity,
Communication, Critical
Thinking and AI
More than 4,000 young people from Poland,
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania joined our
2023 #Skills4Future hybrid event hosted
byPolish influencer, Natalia Sisik.
The theme of the 2023 event was co-
operation, creativity, communication
andcritical thinking – and the role of AI
inyouth development.
We invited 17 experts and business
practitioners to talk about each skill
andshare their experiences, including
the role of personal branding in the job
market and combining creativity with
During the event, Natalia presented the
results of a survey carried out on behalf of
Coca-Cola HBC in Poland. These showed
that 3 in 4 young people believe that using
modern technologies will translate into
theirfuture in the labour market.
Cumulative number of young people trained
through #YouthEmpowered since 2017
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2025
Growth pillars continued
Earn our licence to operate
Quotes from participants in Lithuania
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Growth pillars continued
Earn our licence to operate
The Coca-Cola HBC Foundation
We were proud to launch The Coca-Cola
HBC Foundation in December, and donated
€10million to support communities in2024.
We have always had a strong focus on
operating sustainably, and a long tradition
ofgiving back to the communities we are
apart of.
We have identified a number of critical
areaswhere we will prioritise our support.
These include:
natural disaster relief;
packaging and waste management;
corporate citizenship; and
empowering youth and women.
The new foundation brings clear focus
toourwork and empowers us to make
decisions quickly to take action where
itismost needed.
We are committed to sourcing 100%
of our key ingredients in line with the
Principles for Sustainable Agriculture
asset out by The Coca-Cola Company.
In 2023, we reached 79%. Of specific importance
to achieving our biodiversity goal are the principles
on conservation of forests, conservation of
natural habitats, biodiversity and ecosystems,
soilmanagement and agrochemical management.
Overall, the principles protect and support
biodiversity and ecosystems, uphold human
and workplace rights, ensure animal health
andwelfare, and help build thriving communities.
They apply to farm-level production and form
the basis for our continued engagement with
Tier 1 suppliers to ensure sustainable long-
termsupplywith lower environmental impact.
Read more on p25 to 27
As part of the Coca-Cola System, we
want to deliver great-tasting soft drinks
that support balanced diets. We do this
in five strategic ways:
Less sugar, more choices: We have committed
to reduce calories per 100ml of sparkling
soft drinks by 25% between 2015 and 2025
across all our markets. By the end of 2023,
we had reduced calories by 19% per 100ml of
sparkling soft drinks. To reach our commitment,
wefocuson growing zero formulations such
as Coca-Cola Zero Sugar Zero Caffeine
and new flavour creations within the Fanta
andSchweppes brands.
New and different drinks: We are responding
tochanging consumer preferences by
innovating our recipes and pack sizes,
offering more choice. New zero formulations
across our brands help us drive growth and
show how constant innovation is keeping
us at the forefront of consumer choice and
customer preference. In 2023 we launched
nectars reformulation for five mono fruit
flavours with added functionalities and
reduced sugar by 30%. We also launched new
recipes for Schweppes Bitter Lemon Zero
and Kinley TonicWater in local markets with
lower sugarand better taste. We expanded
PinkLemonade, the first zero sugar drink
inourLemonade range.
Informed decisions: We provide clear and
transparent nutrition information about what’s
inside our drinks, such as the Guideline Daily
Amount (GDA) and traffic-light labels on our
core sparkling drinks in 22 markets.
No marketing targeting children: We commit
to not market any of our drinks directly to
children under 13 and do not offer any soft
drinks in primary schools.
Promoting low- and no-sugar choices: We
are promoting Coke Zero Sugar as our ‘hero’ in
marketing campaigns encouraging more people
to choose low- and zero-sugar drinks.
Read more on p28
Working with our communities
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We are serious about making a net positiveimpact
on biodiversity in critical areas of our operations
and supply chain by 2040 and eliminating
deforestation in our supply chain by 2025.
Toreach this objective, we joined the Science
Based Targets Network (SBTN) to focus our
efforts on the relevant actions so both nature
andbusiness can thrive.
In 2023, we undertook the mapping and
materiality assessment on biodiversity across
our value chain to help us set targets in areas that
matter the most and to measure our progress.
This assessment shows that the biggest impact
on biodiversity comes from land conversion and
water withdrawal from our upstream activities,
mainly from agricultural suppliers.
We will focus in 2024 on collaborating with our
suppliers to develop plans to address these two
risk areas and develop an appropriate monitoring
system to measure deforestation at supplierlevel.
In our direct operations, we currently report on
seven manufacturing sites adjacent to critical
to biodiversity areas. We have initiated a few
biodiversity projects in some of these sites.
Wewill now learn from these and take action
inallthe critical areas by following the official
SBTNguidance and engaging with our business
partners and the local communities.
In 2024, we will also start to implement the
recommendations of the Taskforce on
Nature-related Financial disclosures (TNFD)
Growth pillars continued
Earn our licence to operate
Serbia: Creating scenic hiking trails
Visitors to Lake Vlasina, an area of extraordinary biodiversity
and beauty in south-east Serbia, can now use 47 kilometres
of new hiking trails. We partnered with the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP), the Ministry for the
Development of Underdeveloped Municipalities and the
Municipality of Surdulica to create the new trail. Our natural
spring water plant is located in Vlasina – an area of national
significance due to its endemic flora and fauna, unforgettable
gastronomy and rich historical and cultural heritage.
Ourambition is to establish Vlasina as a regional must-see
tourist destination, while supporting local businesses and
our neighbours to grow in a sustainable way. Visitors can
now learn about the lake and biodiversity along the trail or by
visiting digital trails on the Serbia Trails portal. Vlasina hosted
the nation’s largest hiking event, ROSA Hiking Day, when the
trail opened in September 2023. New waste bins to separate
packaging for recycling were also installed along the Vlasina
Lake and in restaurants and cafes, inpartnership with local
waste management operator Sekopak.
Poland: Renovating a
mineral water spring for
local communities in Tylicz
Tourists visiting the natural water spring in
Tylicz, Poland, can now enjoy its therapeutic
qualities even more after a joint project
helped to bring itback to life. Our local
team worked with Multivita and municipal
employees to unblock the flow and build a
new casing for the water spring. These both
help improve access to the water spring,
making the region more attractive to visitors.
Caring for local biodiversity
Caring for local biodiversity
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Growth pillars continued
Earn our licence to operate
Hungary: Zero Waste
Tisza River project
Coca-Cola Hungary joined forces with
the water management authorities and
civil society to help clean up Hungary’s
second largest river, the Tisza. More than
100 tonnes of waste have been removed
since 2019 as part of the initiative.
GPS-based tracking maps the amount
of plastic waste and the path it takes to
help find solutions for the future. A lot has
been done to improve waste collection
and treatment in Subcarpathia and a
new water purifying container has been
developed to make clean water more
accessible to the local population. This
initiative brings together the Plastic Cup
team and the General Directorate of Water
Management(OVF)with support from
TheCoca-Cola Foundation.
Priorities in2024
Evolve our sustainability strategy with 2030commitments.
Update our NetZeroby40 roadmap incorporating our Egypt
operations and have FLAG targets approved.
Continue decarbonisation of our business in all three scopes.
Support the roll out of national DRS in EU markets and
advance our collection model in Nigeria.
Continue to innovate in sustainable packagingformats.
Strengthen collaboration across ESG areas with our
customers and suppliers.
Get ready for compliance with new EU ESG reporting
Continue on SBTN roadmap to define our action plan for
biodiversity hotspots.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Our initiatives in communities help advance theglobal
objectives of good health and wellbeing, and sustainable cities
and communities. Our initiatives to empower youthandwomen
contribute to the goals for quality education, decent work
and economic growth, sustainable cities and communities,
and partnerships. Our initiatives regarding water stewardship,
emissions reduction and waste reduction aid global
progress towards the SDGs for clean water and sanitation,
Caring for local biodiversity
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 68
volume growth (%)
revenue per case growth (%)
2021 2022 2023
revenue growth (%)
2021 2022 2023
Key performance indicators
We measure performance against
our strategic objectives using
specific key performance indicators
(KPIs). These KPIs allow us, and our
stakeholders, to track our progress
in delivering on our targets.
These are also the financial and
operationalmilestones which
we focus onin implementing our
Growth Story 2025strategy.
Growth pillars
Leverage our unique
24/7 portfolio
Win in the marketplace
How we measure our progress
Volume is measured in unit cases, where one
unit case represents 5.678 litres. We grow
volume as we expand per-capita consumption
of our products and expand into new markets or
categories. Since the start of 2022 we measure
volume growth on an organic basis
What happened in the year
Volumes increased by 1.7% on an organic
basis, led by our strategic priority categories
of Sparkling, Energy and Coffee, which offset a
decline in Stills, as a result of a conscious decision
to drive profitable growth.
Link to remuneration
Revenue growth is used to assess business
performance for the purpose of annual
Management Incentive Plan (MIP) bonus awards,
and volume is a key component of revenue.
Full description of the MIP p168
How we measure our progress
We measure revenues per case and revenues
on an organic basis to allow better focus on the
underlying performance of the business. We grow
organic revenue per case through pricing and
improving mix.
What happened in the year
Organic revenue per case grew by 15.0%, as
pricing and revenue growth management actions
in all markets drove improvements throughout the
year. Organic revenue grew by 16.9%.
Link to remuneration
Revenue growth is used to assess business
performance for the purpose of our MIP awards.
Full description of the MIP p168
1. For details of APMs, refer to ‘Definitions and reconciliations of alternative performance measures (APMs)’ on pages 295 to 301.
Tracking our progress
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 69
Comparable EBIT
2020 2021 2022 2023
Comparable EBIT
margin (%)
2020 2021 2022 2023
as percentage of NSR (%)
2020 2021 2022 2023
2020 2021 2022 2023
Key performance indicators
Growth pillars
Fuel growth through
How we measure our progress
We measure this by comparable EBIT and
comparable EBIT margin progress. We generate
positive operational leverage as we grow revenues
on our efficient cost base. Using a comparable
measure allows us to adjust for one-off items which
impact comparability of performance year on year.
What happened in the year
Comparable EBIT grew by 16.6% and by 17.7%
on an organic basis. Comparable EBIT margins
improved 10 basis points on an organic basis.
Link to remuneration
Comparable EBIT is used to assess business
performance for the purpose of our MIP awards.
Full description of the MIP p168
How we measure our progress
as percentage of NSR (%); ROIC
We measure capital expenditure (capex) as a
percentage of net sales revenue (NSR), and ROIC
(return on invested capital), to ensure prudent capital
allocation and efficient working capital management.
Disciplined investment supports our growth.
What happened in the year
Capex as a percentage of revenue was 6.6%,
towards the low end of our targeted range of 6.5%
to 7.5%, reflecting the strong level of revenue
growth achieved in the year.
ROIC expanded by 230 basis points to 16.4%,
driven by higher profit, partly offset by higher
invested capital.
Link to remuneration
ROIC is given a 42.5% weighting in the assessment
of performance conditions used to determine
long-term Performance Share Plan (PSP) awards.
Full description of the MIP p168
1. For details of APMs, refer to ‘Definitions and reconciliations of alternative performance measures (APMs)’ on pages 295 to 301.
Tracking our progress continued
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Employee engagement score (%)
Global top
decile norm
2022 2023
Percentage of managers that are women (%)
2025 Target Women
2022 2023
Key performance indicators
Growth pillars
Cultivate the
potential of
How we measure our progress
We conduct an engagement survey with an
independent third party and measure our results
against the norm for companies which perform
highly on this metric.
What happened in the year
Our employee engagement score increased,
getting closer to our ambition of the global
top-decile norm.
Link to remuneration
Maintaining our high engagement score is one
of the CEO’s individual performance metrics.
These are used along with business performance
measures to determine the CEO’s annual MIP
bonus award.
Full description of the MIP p168
How we measure our progress
One of our Mission 2025 commitments is to have
at least 50% of management positions held by
women by 2025.
What happened in the year
In 2023 women held 41.8% of management
roles,compared with 40.2% in 2022. Our efforts
to create a more diverse work environment
wererecognised externally in 2023 with
11diversity-related awards.
Full description of the MIP p168
Tracking our progress continued
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Key performance indicators
Tracking our progress continued
Sustainability areas
andmaterial issues
UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
andtheir targets
performance Status
Climate and
renewable energy
Climate change
Socio-economic impact
9.4 11.6
reduction in carbon ratio in
12.2 13.1
increase in energy-efficient
coolers to half of our coolers in
the market
of our total energy from
renewable and clean
total electricity used in the EU
and Switzerland from renewable
and clean
Mission 2025 – our sustainabilitycommitments
Sustainability is integrated into every aspect of
our business. It is fundamental to our business
strategy, which aims to create and share value with
all of ourstakeholders.
Our Mission 2025 approach is based on our
stakeholder materiality matrix and is fully aligned
with the United Nations Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) and their targets. Our six key focus
areas reflect our value chain: reducing emissions;
water reduction and stewardship; packaging
(World Without Waste); ingredient sourcing;
nutrition; and our people and communities.
The table provides data on the progress of
eachofthe six sustainability pillars.
Key to performance status
Each of the Mission 2025 commitments is broken
down into a series of annual targets that need to
be met in order to be fully on track with our 2025
goal. The colour coding below reflects the current
status in relation to the desired position atthis
point in time on the trajectory towards 2025
andour agreed action plans, i.e.:
on track
progress made but acceleration required
no significant progress
Growth pillars
Earn our licence
How we measure our progress
Progress on Mission 2025 as well as progress
towards our NetZeroby40 ambition.
What happened in the year
We made progress against most areas of our
commitments; however, we need to accelerate
our improvement in packaging and focus more
on water reduction and health and safety.
Link to remuneration
Our efforts and ambitions are long term
and cumulative, therefore greenhouse gas
reduction is used to determine long-term PSP
awards. Greenhouse gas reductions have a 15%
weighting in PSP determinations.
The benefit of this KPI is that it is quantifiable,
and several of our Mission 2025 commitments
feed into its progress.
Read more on p168
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Tracking our progress continued
Sustainability areas
andmaterial issues
UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
andtheir targets
performance Status
Water reduction and
Water stewardship
Socio-economic impact
9.4 11.6
water reduction in plants located
in water-risk areas (water priority
Impact from Russian operations. Further
implementation of successful practices
and innovations for those locations is
15.1 17.17
help secure water availability for
all our communities in water-risk
areas (water priority locations)
World Without Waste
Packaging and waste
Socio-economic impact
8.4 9.4 11.6
help collect the equivalent of 75%
of our primary packaging
14.1 17.17
of total PET used from recycled
PET and/or PET from renewable
Significant progress from 10.5% last year.
Annualised effect of Romania and Ireland
initiatives will be reflected in 2024 results.
of consumer packaging to be
Ingredient sourcing
Product quality
Human rights, diversity
and inclusion
Socio-economic impact
Sustainable sourcing
9.4 12.1
of our key agricultural ingredients
sourced in line with sustainable
agricultural principles
Impact of suppliers in emerging countries
that are still in the process of acquiring
the certifications.
Product quality
Responsible marketing
3.4 12.8
reduce calories per 100ml
ofsparkling soft drinks
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 73
Sustainability areas
andmaterial issues
UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
andtheir targets
performance Status
Our people and
Human rights, diversity
and inclusion
Employee wellbeing and
Corporate citizenship
Packaging and waste
Socio-economic impact
community participants
infirst-time managers’
development programmes
train one million young people
through #YouthEmpowered
Cumulative number 2017-2023;
2023-only number is 150,005.
16.7 17.16
engage in 20 zero-waste
partnerships (city and/ or coast)
of employees take part in
volunteering initiatives
target zero fatalities among
reduced lost time accident rate
per100 FTE
The main causes: falls / slips / trips, road
accidents and contact with machinery
and tools.
of managers are women
Female retention, capability building,
balanced external hiring, country specific
targets and plans, see page49.
Note: The 17 SDGs are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership. Each of the 17 goals has very specific targets and
in the number references above we disclose the SDG targets relevant for our business, where we contribute positively to the UN SDG agenda, for example, 3. 4, 8.5.
1. Baseline 2017. Egypt is excluded as it was not foreseen in the baseline year nor in the target year.
2. Clean source means CHP using natural gas.
3. Technical recyclability by design.
4. Baseline 2015.
5. Supported by The Coca-Cola Foundation
Tracking our progress continued
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 74
Chief Financial Officer’s letter
Dear Stakeholder,
It has been a privilege to be CFO of such a
dynamic, high-growth business, with great people,
which has delivered great results for the third
year running, despite significant headwinds. 2023
comparable EBIT was €1,084 million, exceeding
€1billion for the first time in our history. Not only
have we achieved record financial results and
invested in the business to drive future growth,
but we have also made strides in our sustainability
journey: creating value and strengthening our
resilience, doing the right thing for our people
andthe planet, and strengthening our right
towinwith customers and consumers.
Our record profitability was driven by our revenue
growth management initiatives, together with
effective actions on input cost inflation and our
focus on cost control. This significant profit
delivery, aided by effective management of our
finance costs, capturing the spread between our
largely fixed cost of borrowing and the benefit of
rising interest rates on our cash deposits, led our
comparable EPS to grow by 21.8%.
Converting our operational profitability to free
cash flow, while maintaining our future-focused
investment profile, is a key area for CCH. We
managed that very successfully, achieving another
year of record free cash flow of €712 million,
which helped reduce net debt to €1.6 billion. This
enabled us to increase our returns to shareholders
and initiate a €400 million, two-year share buyback
programme, consistent with our capital allocation
priorities and demonstrating our confidence in
future growth. And we further expanded ROIC
torecord levels, despite the challenges we faced.
All of these results would not have been possible
without our people and their commitment and
dedication to our customers and consumers. We
are actively nurturing our talent pipeline, especially
in the broader finance community, providing them
with opportunities for growth and strengthening
our succession options across all levels of the
organisation. The appointment of my successor,
Anastasis, from this talent pool, is testament to our
investment in our people, ensuring the future of CCH.
When it comes to funding our sustainability agenda,
our approach is to integrate sustainability projects
in growth-orientated initiatives. For example, as we
have invested in our route-to-market capabilities with
a wider network of coolers in customer premises,
we surpassed our target of ensuring over 50% of
our installed base was energy efficient by June, 18
months ahead of schedule. By the end of the year,
that figure was 55%, excluding Egypt. We have also
been investing in packaging circularity, more on this
inEarn our licence to operate on pages 60 to 62.
1. For details of APMs refer to ‘Definitions and reconciliations of
alternative performance measures (APMs) on pages295 to 301
For the first time, we exceeded
€10 billion in sales and €1 billion
in comparable EBIT. Not only
have we achieved record financial
results, but we’ve accelerated
our investment for the future
– to strengthen our customer
centricity, to enhance our
execution capabilities and to do
the right thing for our planet.
our investment for the future
– to strengthen our customer
centricity, to enhance our
execution capabilities and to do
the right thing for our planet.
Disciplined execution powers another year
ofstrong growth
Mid-term outlook from 2024 onwards
Organic¹ revenue growth
Organic¹ EBIT margin growth
Continued focus on ROIC expansion
CAPEX 6.5-7.5% of revenue
Growing free cash flow to support capital
allocation priorities
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 75
Chief Financial Officer’s letter continued
My focus will be continuing to deliver
our growth story and the mid-term
targets we shared at our investor
day in May. I look forward to working
more closely with Zoran, Naya and
the other ELT members to ensure we
continue to focus on disciplined capital
allocation and on organic growth.
Anastasis Stamoulis
Incoming Chief Financial Officer from 1 May 2024
Anastasis has been with CCH for 16 years and
has held several senior financial positions,
including CFO in our Baltic, Bulgarian and Italian
operations. He has also held senior Group roles
such as Group Financial Controller, Head of Finance
Operations, and Head of Strategic Finance and
Financial Planning and Analysis. Before joining
CCH, he spent seven years in senior financial
positions in the automotive industry. He is a FCMA
CGMA Fellow of the UK Chartered Institute of
Management Accountants and he holds an MBA
in Finance and a BS in marketing from Golden Gate
University in San Francisco, USA.
What moments were opened up for you
in 2023?
For me, 2023 was about opening up more moments
to think of our customers and the services we offer
as a finance team. In response to all the changes
in our business, for example our expanded 24/7
portfolio including the acquisition of Finlandia,
we have developed an elevated way of working to
support our commercial partners. I am incredibly
proud of our cross-functional teams, their resilience,
agility and collaboration with customers. And I am
incredibly proud that we delivered another strong
year of record profits and free cash flow.
I visited our Nigerian business in May, and
wasimpressed by the level of excitement, the
dedication and commitment of our people there.
Their passion, resilience and great long-standing
relationships with customers, meant that we were
able to navigate the currency devaluation and the
cash crisis in the country. It is such challenges that
open up the opportunities to show how strong
and resilient our teams are, and this extends
across all functions driving CCH forward.
How would you describe your
In my view, leadership style is something that evolves
over your career. I’ve been very fortunate, both while
in CCH and prior, to have experienced a diverse
range of business environments and industries. Over
the last 16 years, I have come across many leaders
and talents who have provided me with great insights
across the breadth of the business, and who have
made an impact on my development as a leader.
I would say my style is transparent and accessible,
letting my peers clearly know my views, and I prefer to
tackle the issues with a hands-on approach. Ibelieve
in being very present in all aspects of the business
in addition to the finance function. I am fully inspired
by our leadership values, and I aspire living them
through my daily interactions. One thing is certain
– that I continue to learn and evolve every day.
What will be high on your agenda in 2024?
First, we have a very solid base to build upon and
aproven track record of delivering our strategy.
Myfocus will be continuing to deliver our growth
story and the mid-term targets we shared at our
investor day in May. I look forward to working more
closely with Zoran, Naya and the other Executive
Leadership Team (ELT) members to ensure
we continue to focus on our capital allocation
priorities driving sustainable growth. Maintaining
an efficient balance sheet, while delivering more
value to our shareholders, is high on my agenda.
Finally, a clear priority for me is investing in our talent
pipeline and key people. By developing the right
capabilities for the finance function of the future,
such as embracing acceleration of digitialsation and
automation offinance, we will open up moments
for our people tounleash their full potential.
Introducing our new CFO, Anastasis Stamoulis
In September, we published our Green Finance Report
outlining our wider plans for creating a sustainable
future, detailing the proceeds allocation and impact
of our first Coca-Cola HBC green bond issued in
September 2022. I am proud of our commitment to
allocating funds to projects that make a real difference
to the environment, allowing us to grow responsibly
and continue to deliver our products sustainably.
Looking ahead
While we expect the macroeconomic and
geopolitical environment to remain challenging,
we have high confidence in our 24/7 portfolio
and the opportunities for growth in our diverse
markets, amplified by our bespoke capabilities,
and, above all, the talent of our people.
At our full-year results on 14 February 2024, we
set out our ambitions for the year, and fully expect
tomake progress against the medium-term targets
we set out at our capital markets event inMay.
I know that when I leave Coca-Cola HBC in May
2024, the Company will be in a strong position
and will be in experienced hands with Anastasis
Stamoulis, the incoming CFO. Anastasis has a
proven track record and broad experience gained
from 16 years at the Company where, through
his development journey, he held several senior
financial positions.
I wish Anastasis and all my talented colleagues
at Coca-Cola HBC, as well as our customers, the
Coca-Cola Company, the Monster Energy team,
and other valued stakeholders my best wishes and
heartfelt expectation that we will continue to open
up moments to refresh us allinthe years ahead.
Ben Almanzar
Chief Financial Officer
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 76
Group financial review
Income statement
2023 2022
% change
Volume (m unit cases) 2,835.5 2,711.8 4.6
Net sales revenue (€m) 10,184.0 9,198.4 10.7
Net sales revenue per unit case (€) 3.59 3.39 5.9
Operating profit (EBIT)
(€m) 953.6 703.8 35.5
Comparable EBIT
(€m) 1,083.8 929.7 16.6
EBIT margin (%) 9.4 7.7 170bps
Comparable EBIT margin
(%) 10.6 10.1 50bps
Net profit
(€m) 636.5 415.4 53.2
Comparable net profit
(€m) 764.2 624.9 22.3
Comparable basis earnings per share
(€) 2.078 1.706 21.8
Percentage changes are calculated on precise numbers.
1. For details of APMs, refer to ‘Definitions and reconciliations of alternative performance measures (APMs)’ on pages 295 to 301.
2. Refer to the consolidated income statement.
3. Net profit and comparable net profit refer to net profit and comparable net profit respectively after tax attributable to owners of the parent.
Focused execution of our 24/7 strategy
delivered strong organic
In 2023, our organic revenue growth was
16.9%(10.7% on a reported basis), a very strong
performance given continued cost inflation, and the
global macroeconomic and geopolitical challenges.
Against this backdrop, achieving organic volume
growth of 1.7% (4.6% on a reported basis) across
the business was a very positive result, and with an
encouraging trend in the fourth quarter, where we
saw organic volumes up 6.8%.
Organic revenue per case grew 15.0% (5.9% on
a reported basis). Of this, pricing continued to
be the largest contributor, accounting for the
majority of the gain. Packageand category mix
were also accretive, with continued improvements
in our single-servemix.
2023’s organic revenue performance followed
14.2% organic revenue growth in 2022, and over
20% in2021.
Major contributors to these results were a good
conversion of our revenue growth management
initiatives, together with effective mitigation
actions on input cost inflation, albeit partially
offset by transactional FX impacts. In addition,
we delivered modest improvement to operating
costs as a percentage of revenue.
Operating profit, margins and cost control
Comparable gross profit grew by 13.2%, with
gross profit margins up 80 basis points to 35.0%.
Cost of goods sold (COGS) inflation was again
a material headwind for the business in 2023,
reflecting inflation in many commodities as
well as increased costs as a result of currency
devaluations, particularly in Nigeria. As a result,
improving our price and mix was an important
priority for the business in 2023. This we
While operating costs increased overall, reflecting
the impact of inflation and investments in our
capabilities across the Group, as a percentage
of revenue they decreased by 10 basis points to
24.4% on a comparable basis. We benefitted from
good operational leverage while we increased
marketing spend and added route-to-market
capabilities, seizing opportunities across our
markets while maintaining tight control of non-
essential costs.
Organic EBIT up 17.7%
Comparable EBIT increased by 16.6% on a
reported basis to €1,083.8 million, exceeding
€1 billion for the first time in our history,
principally driven by organic profit growth across
our markets, only partially offset by negative
foreign currency movements. On an organic
basis, comparable EBIT grew 17.7% in the year.
Operating profit grew 35.5% to €953.6 million.
The comparable EBIT margin was 10.6%, up 50
basis points on a reported basis, and 10 basis
points on an organic basis, benefitting from
operational leverage.
On a reported basis, our average comparable EBIT
growth was more than 10% since 2019, showing
our sustained, long-term focus on increasing
the financial fitness of this business and creating
shareholder value.
We saw a negative translational and transactional
currency impact in 2023, driven by the depreciation
of the Nigerian naira, Russian rouble and
Net impairment losses were €16.9 million lower,
reflecting a €109.4 million charge in Egypt, more
than offset by the non-repeat of the charges
taken in 2022.
Net finance costs were €34.4 million lower than
the prior year at €48.3 million, driven mainly by
higher finance income as a result of increased
interest on cash deposits and stable finance costs
on fixed rate borrowings.
Comparable taxes amounted to €277.1 million,
representing a comparable tax rate of 27%,
atthetop end of our guided range of 25% to 27%.
Comparable net profit grew 22.3% to €764.2
million. Reported net profit increased by 53.2%
Comparable basic EPS grew 21.8%, supported by
strong profit delivery and effective management
of finance costs, capturing the spread between
our largely fixed cost of borrowing and the benefit
of rising interest rates on our cash deposits.
Organic revenue growth year on year
Comparable EBIT
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 77
Group financial review continued
Balance sheet
€ million
€ million
Total non-current assets 5,969.4 6,139.5
Total current assets 3,910.2 3,716.2
Total assets 9,879.6 9,855.7
Total current liabilities 3,846.3 3,006.7
Total non-current liabilities 2,846.6 3,463.4
Total liabilities 6,692.9 6,470.1
Owners of the parent 3,092.8 3,282.3
Non-controlling interests 93.9 103.3
Total equity 3,186.7 3,385.6
Total equity and liabilities 9,879.6 9,855.7
Strong balance sheet to drive shareholder returns
Our balance sheet remains very strong and we continue to manage it prudently. It is a source of
strength and flexibility, providing ample capacity for investments both organically and through M&A.
Total non-current assets decreased by €170.1 million during 2023, primarily driven by foreign currency
translation, which was partially offset by the Group’s continued investment in property, plant and
equipment. Net current assets decreased by €645.6 million, while non-current liabilities decreased
by €616.8 million during 2023 respectively, mainly due to the reclassification of the current portion of
borrowings from non-current liabilities to current liabilities.
Cash flow
€ million
€ million
Cash flow from operating activities 1,386.7 1,234.6
Payments for purchases of property, plant and equipment
(623.0) (531.8)
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment 7.2 7.5
Principal repayments of lease obligations (59.1) (65.2)
Free cash flow 711.8 645.1
1. Payments for purchases of property, plant and equipment for 2023 include €12.3 million (2022: €8.4 million) relating to repayment of
borrowings undertaken to finance the purchase of production equipment by the Group’s subsidiary in Nigeria, classified as ‘Repayments of
borrowings’ in the consolidated cash flow statement.
Record investment in sustainable growth
Capital expenditure increased by €85.4 million
to €674.9 million as we continued to invest in
developing our production facilities, renovating
and expanding our cooler footprint, and driving
other strategic opportunities that help deliver our
sustainability agenda. We added seven new lines,
three of those in the high-growth Energy category.
We also increased our footprint of energy-efficient
coolers to over 55% of our fleet, excluding Egypt,
helping support broader market presence and
drive single-serve growth, and invested in our
sustainability goals, including rPET production
andpackaging solutions.
Capex as a percentage of revenue was 6.6%,
towards the low end of our targeted range of 6.5%
to7.5%, reflecting the strong level of revenue growth
achieved in the year.
Continued strong ROIC performance
ROIC is one our most important KPIs. ROIC
expanded by 230 basis points to 16.4%, driven by
higher profit, partly offset by higher invested capital
– a record ROIC performance even as we managed
through another challenging year.
Free cash flow
711.8 m
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 78
Total tax by category in 2023 (%)
Corporate income tax 55.4%
Withholding tax 2.3%
Payroll taxes 34.2%
VAT (cost) 2.8%
Environmental taxes 0.1%
Other taxes 5.2%
Group financial review continued
At the close of the year, total borrowings were
3,424.5 million and net debt to EBITDA was 1.1x,
even after completing the acquisition of Finlandia
in November. The Group is well insulated from
interest rate exposure by having most of our debt
on fixed rates.
After the publication of our 2023 financial results,
and before the signing of this year’s Integrated
Annual Report, we took advantage of attractive
financial markets to undertake a new bond
financing, effectively pre-financing a significant
bond due for repayment in the second half of
the year. This was successfully completed on
attractive terms.
Capital allocation priorities
Our priorities for capital allocation are very clear.
To be the leading 24/7 beverage partner, we make
thoughtful choices, ensuring that we deploy
capital efficiently and effectively in the service
ofprofitable growth.
For example, we continue to invest in acquisitions
that further improve our portfolio, or our capabilities,
particularly around strengthening our route to
market for customers and consumers. Finlandia
was a good example of a targeted portfolio
enhancement, and we remain open to seizing
theright opportunities as they come up.
Our capital discipline has also allowed us to drive
higher returns to shareholders. In November,
welaunched a €400 million share buyback
programme, reflecting the Board’s long-term
confidence inourbusiness performance, the
prudent financialmanagement of our balance
sheet, andour commitment to return capital
toshareholders responsibly.
The Board of Directors has proposed a dividend of
€0.93 per share, a 19.2% increase from the €0.78
per share dividend paid in 2022, maintaining the
Group’s progressive dividend policy and reflecting
the strength of our balance sheet and healthy
liquidity position, The payout ratio is 45%, within
the target payout ratio of 40 to 50%. The dividend
payment will be subject to shareholders’ approval
at our Annual General Meeting.
Taxes we contribute to
Coca-Cola HBC attributes the utmost
importance of earning trust in all tax matters.
Specifically, we stand firmly behind the principle
of paying relevant taxes in the countries where
value is created and ensure that we are fully
compliant, not only with the letter of tax laws
and regulations, across all jurisdictions we
operate in, but with the spirit as well. In addition,
we commit to being open and transparent with
tax authorities about the Group’s tax affairs
andto disclose relevant information to enable
tax authorities to carry out their reviews
effectively, efficiently and without unwarranted
delays. We support the communities in the
countries where we operate directly, by creating
economic wealth, and indirectly, by paying our
fair share of taxes.
Financial risk management
The Group’s activities expose it to a variety of
financial risks: market risk (including currency
risk, interest rate risk and commodity price risk),
credit risk, liquidity risk and capital risk. There have
been no material changes in the risk management
policies since the previous year end.
The Group maintains its healthy liquidity position
and is able to meet its liabilities as they fall due.
As at 31 December 2023, the Group had net debt
of €1.6 billion. In addition, at 31 December 2023, the
Group had cash and cash equivalents of €1.3 billion,
an undrawn revolving credit facility of €800 million,
anuncommitted money market loan agreement
of €200 million, as well as €0.8 billion available out
of the €1.0 billion commercial paper programme.
None of our debt facilities are subject to any
financial covenants that would impact the Group’s
liquidity or access to capital. In terms of foreign
exchange risk, the Group is exposed to exchange
rate fluctuation of the Euro versus the US dollar
and the local currency of each country of our
operations. Our risk management strategy
involves hedging transactional exposures arising
from currency fluctuations, with available financial
instruments on a 12-month rolling basis.
Commercial paper
Other 116.1
2023 borrowing structure (€m)
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 79
Group financial review continued
Segment highlights
Organic volume growth
Organic revenue per case growth
Established markets
In the Established segment, organic revenues
grew by12.3%.
Organic revenue per case was up 15.1%, driven by
price increases weighted to the first half. Positive
category and package mix also helped. We continued
to focus on single-serve activation, resulting in a 320
basis point improvement in single-serve mix.
Established markets volume declined by 2.4%,
reflecting tough comparatives particularly in the
middle of the year, but with an improving trend
towards the end of the year. Sparkling volumes
were slightly lower versus the prior year, largely
reflecting comparable growth of over 9% in 2022.
Within Sparkling, Coke Zero and Adult Sparkling
delivered good mid-single digit growth.
Energy volumes expanded by mid-teens despite
very tough comparatives, with good growth in
Monster. Coffee also grew strongly – up mid 20s –
despite lapping strong growth in 2022.
Stills declined by high-single digits, driven by the
Water category, especially impacting Italy, where
we made conscious choices to prioritise profitable
revenue growth.
Greece, as an example, delivered mid-single digit
performance in Sparkling, with high-single digit
growth from Coke Zero and Fanta, and low-double
digit growth from Adult Sparkling. Results were
helped by a prolonged tourist season.
Improving margins while investing in growth has
been a key priority for some of our Established
markets, particularly Italy, and, in 2023 the
Established segment improved organic
comparable EBIT margins by 100 basis points.
Overall, organic comparable EBIT grew 23.0%.
Operating profit grew 22.2%.
2023 2022
% change
% change
Volume (million unit cases) 628.7 643.9 -2.4% -2.4%
Net sales revenue (€ million) 3,358.5 2,974.1 12.9% 12.3%
Operating profit (EBIT) (€ million) 379.2 310.4 22.2%
Comparable EBIT (€ million) 381.1 307.1 24.1% 23.0%
Total taxes (€ million)
163.8 156.3 4.8%
Population (million)
93 93
GDP per capita (thousands US$)
43.7 43.5 0.5%
Bottling plants (number) 15 15
Employees (number) 6,809 6,392 6.5%
Water footprint (billion litres) 3.913 4.048 -3.3%
Carbon emissions (tonnes) 65,460 67,720 -3.3%
Safety rate (lost time accidents >1 day per 100 employees) 0.55 0.69 -20.3%
1. Total taxes include corporate income tax, withholding tax and deferred tax, as well as social security costs and other taxes that are reflected
as operating expenses; as per IFRS accounts.
2. Data source is IHS Jan 2024 release; GDP refers to ‘GDP, real, harmonised’ in US dollars. 2022 data was updated to reflect the change of
source to IHS.
1. Global exports market refers to the export business
for Finlandiaand Three Cents for the period November
Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland
Global exports
Volume breakdown by country (%)
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 80
Group financial review continued
Segment highlights continued
Organic volume growth
Organic revenue per case growth
Developing markets
In the Developing segment, revenues were up
over 18%. Revenue per case increased by 20.2%,
driven by pricing initiatives, and positive category
and package mix.
We are focused on growing the share of multi-
packs of single serve and are now reaping the
benefits of this, with a positive contribution from
package mix for the segment as a whole.
Volumes were down 1.7%, but with an improving
trend. The full-year performance largely reflects
cycling very strong growth in 2022.
Across the categories, volume trends were
broadly consistent. In Sparkling, Coke Zero
delivered good growth and Trademark Coke
wasslightly negative – a good outcome given
thevery strong comparatives and underlying
market conditions. Monster also delivered mid-
teens growth. Coffee grew strongly throughout
the year.
In terms of country performance, one highlight
was Poland, where volumes increased by 1.5%,
despite lapping high 2022 comparatives. Sparkling
grew low-single digits, led by double-digit growth
in Coke Zero and Sprite, and an encouraging
performance from Coke Zero Sugar Zero Caffeine
launched in 2023. Like Italy, we made deliberate
choices to focus on profitable growth in Water
atthe expense of volume, with good success.
Developing segment improved organic
comparable EBIT margin by 50 basis points.
Overall, organic comparable EBIT grew 26.9%,
with operational leverage and cost control more
than offsetting input cost inflation. Operating
profit grew 34.9%.
2023 2022
% change
% change
Volume (million unit cases) 471.0 478.8 -1.6% -1.7%
Net sales revenue (€ million) 2,088.6 1,719.7 21.5% 18.2%
Operating profit (EBIT) (€ million) 152.6 113.1 34.9%
Comparable EBIT (€ million) 153.8 115.1 33.6% 26.9%
Total taxes (€ million)
73.4 66.0 11.2%
Population (million)
75 76 -1.3%
GDP per capita (thousands US$)
19.3 19.2 0.5%
Bottling plants (number) 9 9 -
Employees (number) 4,227 4,157 1.7%
Water footprint (billion litres) 3.335 3.557 -6.24%
Carbon emissions (tonnes) 46,255 47,779 -3.2%
Safety rate (lost time accidents >1 day per 100 employees) 0.21 0.46 -54.3%
1. Total taxes include corporate income tax, withholding tax and deferred tax, as well as social security costs and other taxes that are reflected
as operating expenses; as per IFRS accounts.
2. Data source is IHS Jan 2024 release; GDP refers to ‘GDP, real, harmonised’ in US dollars. 2022 data was updated to reflect the change of
source to IHS.
Czech Republic
Slovenia 2%
Volume breakdown by country (%)
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 81
Organic volume growth
Organic revenue per case growth
Emerging markets
In the Emerging segment, organic revenue grew
by almost 20%, driven by both volume and good
price mix. Revenue per case increased 15.0%,
reflecting proactive actions to manage the impact
of currency devaluation and cost inflation.
Emerging markets volume grew 4.3%. Sparkling
volumes were up by mid-single digits, with good
growth in Nigeria, Ukraine and Egypt. Energy
volume grew strong double digits, and we were
very satisfied with the successful launch of our
position in the category in Egypt.
Still category volumes were broadly unchanged year
on year, despite the substantial price increases in
Water in Egypt during the first half of the year.
In terms of country performance, the volume growth
improvements delivered in Nigeria were positive.
Our results demonstrate the depth of expertise
and strength of our team in the country as they
achieved strong market share gains while tackling
the impact of significant currency devaluation.
Organic comparable EBIT margin was down
80 basis points, reflecting the net effect from
currency headwinds. Overall, organic comparable
EBIT grew 11.7%. Operating profit grew 50.5%
2023 2022
% change
% change
Volume (million unit cases) 1,735.8 1,589.1 9.2% 4.3%
Net sales revenue (€ million) 4,736.9 4,504.6 5.2% 19.9%
Operating profit (EBIT) (€ million) 421.8 280.3 50.5%
Comparable EBIT (€ million) 548.9 507.5 8.2% 11.7%
Total taxes (€ million)
243 185.0 31.4%
Population (million)
571 567 0.7%
GDP per capita (thousands US$)
5.8 5.7 1.8%
Bottling plants (number) 38 38 0.0%
Employees (number) 21,712 22,494 -3.5%
Water footprint (billion litres)
74.650 66.800 11.8%
Carbon emissions (tonnes)
313,452 391,553 -19.9%
Safety rate (lost time accidents >1 day per 100 employees)
0.22 0.26 -15.4%
1. Total taxes include corporate income tax, withholding tax and deferred tax, as well as social security costs and other taxes that are reflected
as operating expenses; as per IFRS accounts.
2. Data source is IHS Jan 2024 release; GDP refers to ‘GDP, real, harmonised’ in US dollars. Population excludes North Macedonia. 2022 data
was updated to reflect the change of source to IHS.
3. 2022 safety and environmental data reported in the 2022 IAR was recalculated to include Egypt.
Russian Federation
Serbia (including the Republic of Kosovo)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Moldova 1%
Volume breakdown by country (%)
Group financial review continued
Segment highlights continued
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Materiality assessment
The strategic objectives referred to previously have been
determined through a robust materiality assessment.
This process looks in depth at our role in society, specifically the impact we
haveon stakeholders, communities and the environment, as well as their impact
on our own activities. We conduct this assessment at least annually, evaluating
the complex interaction between our business, our stakeholders and the world
at large. Theoutcome is a list of topics that matter most to our stakeholders
andourbusiness, incorporating current and emerging ESG trends.
The topics that matter most
As shown in the matrix opposite, the issues
deemed to be of greater importance, from both an
impact and a financial perspective, are packaging
and waste management, and climate change.
Our 2023 assessment also confirmed the critical
importance of sustainable sourcing, product
quality, and water stewardship. The horizontal axis
shows impact materiality, while the vertical axis
discloses the financial materiality. The size of the
bubble reflects the topic’s prioritisation as defined
by our stakeholders.
The matrix has been reviewed and endorsed by
the Social Responsibility Committee of the Board.
2023 process
Based on the GRI best practices, our materiality
assessment was conducted in four phases:
1) understanding the context to identify a ‘long
list’ of potentially relevant material issues;
2) assessing their impact on society and
3) assessing their impact on, or importance
to, stakeholders and the business, including
financial impact; and
4) reviewing and validating findings and reporting
priority areas.
In step two and three, we consulted with
approximately 500 internal and external
stakeholders, including customers, wider
consumers, employees, suppliers, community
representatives, governments, non-governmental
organisations, investors, trade associations and
academics. We asked them to identify the topics
they saw as having the greatest impact on people,
society, the economy and the environment over
time, as well as those significantly impacting our
financial performance. We also asked which topics
they wanted us to prioritise in our strategy and plans.
As in previous years, we took an integrated,
inclusive approach, drawing on Group risk
assessments, colleague input across multiple
functions and insights from The Coca-Cola
Company. In applying this rigorous methodology,
we were able to assess impacts both negative
and positive, short- and long-term, intended and
unintended, and reversible or irreversible – all from
the perspective of different stakeholder groups.
We were also able to evaluate the scale, scope,
irremediability and likelihood of each impact
across the value chain – upstream; in our direct
operations; and downstream.
Impact of the issue on environment and society
very highhighmoderate
wellbeing and
and waste
Food loss
Human rights,
diversity and
Financial effect of risks deriving from the topic for CCHBC
Economic dimension
Environmental dimension
Social dimension
The size of the bubble reflects
the topic’s prioritisation as
defined by our stakeholders
CCHBC materiality matrix 2023
very high
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What materiality means to our
The material issues identified are integrated
into our Growth Story 2025 strategy, our
short-, medium-, and long-term goals and our
management of risks and opportunities across
the value chain.
The process also informs our disclosure, including
this Integrated Annual Report, which is aligned
to the International Integrated Reporting
Council’s (IIRC) framework and the Sustainability
Accounting Standards Board (SASB) – see pages
120 to 122. It is prepared in accordance with GRI
Universal Standards (2021), amongst others. The
Executive Leadership Team has responsibility for
integrating our sustainability priorities into our
business strategy and activities. Management
of the potential risks, opportunities and impacts
of our material issues takes place across the
Company and is disclosed throughout this report.
Additional information about our material issues is
included in our GRI Content Index.
Understanding the topics that matter most
to our business and stakeholders enables us
to contribute to wider efforts, such as the UN
Agenda for Sustainable Development and
its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
and the UN Global Compact (see our latest
Communication on Progress UNGC COP Coca-
Cola HBC (https://unglobalcompact.org/what-
Our Mission 2025 sustainability commitments,
our short-, medium-and long-term ESG goals
(including NetZeroby40) and our material issues
are all mapped to the SDGs and their underlying
targets. You can find more about how our material
issues and sustainability commitments link to
the SDGs on pages 72 to 74 of this report and on
our website - Materiality (https://www.coca-
Material issue impact in each
step of our value chain: how
significantly each material
topic impacts society and
environment, based on the
scale of the impact, severity
and likelihood
* Includes our direct operations, not only manufacturing plants.
Agriculture and
Packaging Manufacturing* Distribution
Cold drink
Customers and
Climate change
Corporate citizenship
Corporate governance
Socio-economic impact
Employee wellbeing
Food loss and waste
Human rights, diversity
and inclusion
Packaging and waste
Product quality
Responsible marketing
Sustainable sourcing
Water stewardship
Materiality assessment continued
Low Medium High
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Hearing from our
stakeholders on what
Every year, we bring together (in virtual format)
a group of diverse stakeholders to formally
review our sustainability performance and
to understand their expectations for the
future. In 2023, over 130 representatives,
from customers, industry associations and
academia, to non-governmental organisations,
policy makers and peer companies – and 25
countries – came together under the theme,
Water Regeneration – partnering to strengthen
communities’ resilience and drive economic
growth. This is a prominent ESG risk that
touches every aspect of our business and
is central to our sustainability strategy and
Mission 2025 commitments.
The theme was covered in the context of
climate resilience, economic growth and the
wellbeing of people. Stakeholders proposed
collaborative ideas and collective actions
that could accelerate progress towards a
water-resilient future, identifying levers for
change; tapping into the power of partnerships
and collaboration; and scaling impactful
interventions collectively.
The common message was that water is a topic
that requires a holistic, transboundary and
multi-stakeholder approach. To address and
balance complex challenges between water,
agriculture, climate and biodiversity requires us
to step uppartner engagement at international
and locallevels.
Specific recommendations from
mobilising local resources and enhancing
community engagement in water solutions;
catalysing and strengthening communities of
practice to facilitate knowledge-sharing across
fostering a cooperative approach to address
the transboundary challenges of water;
scaling up action to address the nexus of water–
climate challenges;
unlocking innovative technologies to mitigate
water risks; and
leveraging partnerships across markets to raise
awareness and amplify achievements in water
These recommendations have been reviewed
by the Social Responsibility Committee
and we look forward to accelerating our
impact by investing further to address water
stress, protect local water resources and
build community climate resilience and
Materiality assessment continued
Future-fit materiality
A key milestone in 2023 was pivoting towards a
double materiality methodology in preparation
for the forthcoming Corporate Sustainability
Reporting Directive (CSRD). In addition to the
impact materiality, where we assess impacts the
organisation has or could have on the economy,
the environment, people, and human rights,
which in turn can indicate their contribution to
sustainable development (inside-out approach),
we take also an ‘outside-in’ approach, focusing
on the financial impact which identifies and
analyses the material topics from a financial point
of view, namely those that affect or could affect
the Company’s financial condition or operating
results (outside-in approach). As a first step, we’ve
applied this approach qualitatively by considering
mainly the ESG risks and opportunities. Dynamic
materiality recognises that the materiality of
sustainability impact can evolve over time, and
sometimes quite rapidly. In other words, topics
that might be considered immaterial today could
prove to be of critical importance tomorrow.
Behind the
scenes of
our virtual
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Managing risk
A resilient business
We measure the extent to which these principles
and processes are embedded inour business
through various key performance indicators,
including an annual risk maturity survey involving
over 350 senior managers acrossall areas
designed to measure our risk culture. In2023,
wescored 92.5% on our overall risk culture score,
an improvement of over four percentage points
Integrated approach
We have continued the integration of risk
management, insurance, security, business
continuity and crisis management to develop our
holistic Business Resilience programme further.
The Group Business Resilience Team, led by
the Chief Risk Officer (CRO), has responsibility
for facilitating cross-functional identification,
assessment and management of all current and
emerging risks. Working in close collaboration
with risk owners across our business units, Group
functions and the Executive Leadership Team
(ELT), it is tasked with maintaining a wide-angled
view of all business streams and emerging risks
and opportunities and, through regular reporting,
ensuring visibility and decision support is provided
to the ELT and our Board.
Our processes recognise that, the earlier we
identify, assess and manage risk, the higher
the likelihood is of preventing or reducing
negative impacts and taking advantage of
opportunities. For those events that we
cannot prevent or that are unforeseeable,
wehave well-established processes to reduce
impact onthe business. These include tested
contingency plans, a business continuity
programme, our Incident Management and
Crisis Resolution (IMCR) programme and an
insurance programme.
Business units and markets
Risk sponsors and risk and insurance coordinators
in every business unit facilitate theassessment
of current and emerging risks and opportunities
on a country-by-country basis, as well as the
management of those risks, as set out in our
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework.
Risk assessments are reviewed in senior
leadership team meetings every month and
risk registers are updated accordingly. All risk
registers are visible to the Group’s Business
Resilience Team, which reviews risks, identifies
keytrends and provides benchmarking for risk and
opportunity management across the business.
Italso reviews business continuity plans across
the Group to ensure they are up to date and have
been tested.
Twice a year, the Business Resilience Team
hosts a conference where all risk sponsors,
risk and insurance coordinators, and Business
Resilience Managers are updated on key trends
and emerging risks across the business. The
CRO also facilitates discussion with the regional
management teams twice a year to discuss risk
and resilience issues and trends, and to calibrate
and benchmark risks across the business. At least
every two years, each business unit participates
in an IMCR validation exercise led by a cross-
functional Group team. This includes training
and participation in crisis simulation based on
arelevant business risk.
In 2023, we focused on further embedding our
integrated approach across our business units.
This included piloting a new risk management
tool to improve visibility of key risks and enhance
best practice sharing and analysis. It also involved
optimising assessment of business interruption
risks, and embedding the outcomes in our
insurance and business continuity programmes.
In a volatile operating environment,
every business is presented with a
similar set of challenges, whether it
be economic upheavals, pandemics,
geopolitical crises, or regulatory
changes. What sets apart those
companies that struggle from those
companies that not only survive
but thrive is the ability to identify
challenges and develop plans to
manage through them; or, if they can’t
be prevented or predicted, the agility
and responsiveness to reduce the
impact andeven take advantage of the
opportunity inherent in change.
This is business resilience.
Our Business Resilience programme is designed
to embed the capability, processes and mindset
that enable us to proactively manage risks –
and embrace opportunities – so that we grow
sustainably and meet our short-, medium- and
long-term objectives.
The Group-wide programme includes
appropriate mitigation and response
systems that can be deployed when and
where required. Our integrated and holistic
approach has been particularly important in
recent years of geopolitical, economic and
environmental change.We continue to embed
the key principlesof business resilience and
risk management throughout our business,
providingmanagers atall levels with the processes
and tools they needto proactively identify and
assessrisks, makewell-thought-out decisions
andtake appropriate and timely action.
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Managing risk continued
We have enhanced the criteria for evaluating
crisis management performance in our business
units, identifying a number of key improvement
opportunities. Also in 2023, we completed
the incorporation of our Egypt business into
our Business Resilience programme, involving
training and development of key managers
and senior leadership, including in IMCR. A risk
register isnow in place, alongside appropriate
Group management
The outcomes of engagement with business
units, region teams and the Group function heads
are integrated into a principal risk report, which
is reviewed by the Group Risk and Compliance
Committee (GRCC).
Comprising Group function heads as ‘risk
owners’ for each of our risk categories, the GRCC
meets quarterly and is co-chaired by the CRO.
Itensures that principal risks (defined on page 88)
are reviewed with a broader, cross-functional
perspective, integrating findings into the principal
risk report submitted quarterly to the ELT and the
Audit and Risk Committee of the Board.
The Group function heads also perform an
important role in understanding and managing risk
aggregation. One of the key principles of our risk
and resilience programme is that no risk exists in
isolation, neither can any risk be managed within a
functional silo. For example, the macroeconomic
environment affects, and is affected by, the
geopolitical environment, which also affects our
supply chain. We have seen this most noticeably
through conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.
Our cross-functional approach helps ensure that
we consider the broader implications of all risks
to the business and take a consistent and aligned
approach to theirmanagement.
Sustainability risks
Within the ESG materiality assessment process
(see pages 83 to 85), we have reassessed risks and
opportunities facing our business, the environment
and society. One of the most significant risks
to our resilience over the longer term is climate
change. By proactively preparing for and managing
climate risk through our business strategy and
capital investments, however, we can harness
significant opportunities. Climate risk is fully
integrated intoour risk management programme
and our CRO facilitates more frequent discussions
with a cross-functional team that includes
representatives from Business Resilience,
Finance, Quality, Safetyand Environment,
andCorporate Affairs andSustainability.
Risk governance
The Board retains overall accountability and
responsibility for the Group’s risk management and
internal control systems. It has defined the Group’s
risk appetite, and, through the Audit and Risk
Committee, reviewed the effectiveness of these
systems. During the year, the Board reviewed our
principal risks and opportunities, including those
associated with climate change and cyber security.
Additionally, the Social Responsibility Committee
of the Board takes a particular interest in risks
associated with climate change, as set out on
pages 100 to 104. Also in 2023, our CRO conducted
a risk management workshop with the full Board
to refresh Directors’ understanding of business
resilience and risk management principles, and
how they are applied within the business. This is
part of our regular risk management education
programme at all levels across the Company.
A key role of the Board is to establish the Group’s
risk appetite. In 2023, the Audit and Risk Committee
reviewed the Risk Appetite Statement and risk
tolerance levels that will be applied to every risk, as a
key element of our risk assessment process at both
business unit and Group level. This review will be
considered by the Board in the first quarter of 2024.
Our internal audit department conducts an annual
independent audit of the Business Resilience
programme and its implementation, assessing the
Company’s risk management, business continuity
and crisis management processes, and their
application against business best practices and
the International Accounting Standard. The Head
of Corporate Audit makes recommendations
to improve the programme, where required,
and the findings are submitted to the Audit and
Risk Committee. The Board and its committees
conduct annual reviews of the effectiveness of our
internal controls. Further details of that review are
set out in the Audit and Risk Committee report on
pages 153 to 158.
In the section that follows, we have
grouped our principal risks to highlight
the connectivity between risks.
Responding to upheavals
in the macroeconomic and
geopolitical environment
Leveraging our unique
24/7portfolio –and
responding tochange
involatile markets
Managing climate change
risks and opportunities
Principal risks trend
Risk included in viability assessment
Link to growth pillars
1 2 3 4 5
Read more p 87 to 106
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Principal risks and opportunities
Responding to upheavals
in the macroeconomic and
geopolitical environment
Principal risks and opportunities:
A1. Foreign exchange fluctuations
A2. Marketplace economic conditions
A3. Geopolitical and security environment
In 2023, we saw some easing and stability in global commodity costs. However,
the general macroeconomic and geopolitical environment remained volatile as a
result of the continuing Russia-Ukraine conflict, inflationary conditions and high
interest rate environment. Economic challenges are particularly evident in some key
markets, such as Nigeria and Egypt, where high inflation and volatile exchange
rates create headwinds to economic expansion. In the latter part of the year,
conflict between Israel and Hamas led to instability in the Middle East, impacting
shipping and potentially disrupting supply chains, as well as increasing some
costs. Calls for boycotts of US brands, including Coca-Cola, asaresult of the
USgovernment’s support for Israel, may impact our sales in some predominantly
Muslim communities.
A1. Foreign exchange fluctuations
We continued to see foreign exchange volatility and
rate fluctuations, particularly in the Russian Rouble,
Nigerian Naira and Egyptian Pound.
Risk included in viability
Strategic Growth pillar:
1  2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Head of Treasury
Short term (1-2 years)
Link to material issues:
Socio-economic impact
Risk tolerance:
Group Treasury is required to continually monitor foreign
exchange risk and ensure there are effective mitigation plans
inplace, recognising many external factors are largely out of
ourcontrol. To the extent possible, residual risk is to remain
atorbelow our ‘moderate’ rating.
Key drivers Consequences Mitigation
Macroeconomic conditions
National instability and government
responses to global and domestic
economic conditions, particularly in
Russia, Nigeria and Egypt
Financial losses and increased
Asset impairment
Limitations on cash repatriation
In 2023, we:
maintained our target of hedging 25-
80% of rolling 12-month forecasted
transactional foreign currency
exposures as per our treasury policy,
endorsed by the Board;
used i) derivative financial instruments,
where available, and ii) hard currency
deposits to reduce transactional
foreign currency exposures; and
provided reporting and visibility, and
sought advice from the Financial Risk
Management Committee and the Audit
and Risk Committee of the Board.
Metrics and targets Outlook Focus for 2024
% of hedged foreign currency
exposures, foreign exchange losses
We expect continuing short to
medium-term volatility in key markets,
particularly Nigeria and Egypt. In early
2024 and after publishing our 2023
results, there was a significant fall in
the value of the Nigerian naira.
Conflict in the Middle East is expected
to exacerbate Egyptian economic
Continue monitoring key indicators
and manage volatility under our
current policies and programmes.
Principal risks trend trajectory
We define principal risks and opportunities as those that are material and have the most
potential to impact the Group’s strategic objectives. In this section, we have grouped our
principal risks and opportunities to highlight connectivity between them.
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A2. Marketplace economic conditions
We saw increases in inflation and interest rates
across our markets, although conditions became
more stable over the year and consumer spending
remained robust. Economic conditions, however,
remain challenging and may reduce consumer
purchasing power, potentially impacting the
affordability of our products.
Risk included in viability
Strategic Growth pillar:
1 2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Head of Strategic Finance
Short term (1-2 years)
Link to material issues:
Socio-economic impact
Risk tolerance:
Group Finance is required to continually monitor economic
conditions in collaboration with our business units and ensure
that effective mitigation plans are in place, recognising
many external factors are largely out of our control. To the
extent possible, residual risk should remain at or below our
Key drivers Consequences Mitigation
Challenging economic conditions
Government and central bank
responses, including taxation and
interest rates increases
Unemployment and
underemployment rates
Aggressive discounting and/or pricing
pressure from large retailers
Price elasticity
Volume and revenue decline
Reduced profitability
In 2023, we:
used pricing and targeted actions to
drive mix as critical tools to manage
cost inflation;
carefully managed operational
expense and cost controls;
managed cash outflows;
developed coordinated and targeted
plans with TCCC and other business
partners on promotions and marketing
initiatives; and
continued to monitor conditions and
adjust our action plans.
Metrics and targets Outlook Focus for 2024
FX-neutral revenue growth, operating
expenses, profitability
We expect challenging economic
conditions to continue in the short
term as central banks increase interest
rates to manage inflation and conflicts
in Ukraine and the Middle East continue.
Continue to monitor key economic
indicators in each market and adjust
plans as required.
Principal risks trend trajectory
A. Responding to upheavals in the macroeconomic and geopolitical environment continued
Principal risks and opportunities continued
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A3. Geopolitical and security
Our concerns remained centred on the Russia/Ukraine
crisis. In Ukraine, our focus was and remains the safety
of our people first, and continuing our production and
distribution where it is safe to do so.
In Russia, the decision by TCCC to cease operations, and
economic and other sanctions imposed by many countries, had
a significant impact on our business. The security environment in
Nigeria remains volatile as the new government reduces subsidies
in key areas to improve economic management. Geopolitical
tensions remain in the Balkans and Armenia, and these led to
incidents that had the potential to affect the safety of our people
and disrupt our operations. Conflict in the Middle East threatens
to impact oil prices and may lead to disruptions and increased
costs in our supply chain. Calls for boycotts of US brands, including
Coca-Cola, may impact our business in markets with large Muslim
Risk included in viability
Strategic Growth pillar:
1 2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Chief Risk Officer
Short to long term (1-5+ years)
Link to material issues:
Employee well-being
Socio-economic impact
Risk tolerance:
We have no appetite for knowingly exposing our employees to
potentially dangerous situations without having effective plans
in place to reduce the risk to acceptable levels that are reviewed
and tested regularly. Residual risk should remain at or below our
‘low’ rating.
Key drivers Consequences Mitigation
Russia/Ukraine crisis and potential
forexpansion into other countries
Continuing political unrest and
social instability in several countries
including, Nigeria, the Balkans and
Social discontent driven by continuing
tough economic conditions
Continuing conflict in the Middle East
US elections in 2024
Safety of our people
Financial impact of economic and
other sanctions
Potential for business disruptions
Supply chain instability
In 2023, we:
continued to enhance security
risk assessments to better inform
management plans;
developed emergency and
contingency plans for all potentially
affected markets; and
are continuing IMCR development and
training in business units and at Group
and ELT level.
Metrics and targets Outlook Focus for 2024
Reduced impact of security-related
incidents, reduction in residual risk
levels, number of IMCR validations
successfully completed
We expect continuing volatility over
the medium to long term. While the
situation remains unpredictable, we
do not expect a resolution of the
Russia/Ukraine crisis in the short
term. Wavering support for Ukraine
could encourage Russia to continue
Conflict in the Middle East may
continue for some time in 2024, with a
potential for impacting supply chains
and oil prices.
The outcome of the US election
in 2024 may increase geopolitical
instability globally, and in our region in
the medium to long term.
Continuing tough economic
conditions in the short term will
increase the risk of social discontent
and political instability.
Continuing development of
our cross-functional business
resilienceprogrammes, particularly
incapability development.
Principal risks trend trajectory
A. Responding to upheavals in the macroeconomic and geopolitical environment continued
Principal risks and opportunities continued
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Leveraging our unique
24/7 portfolio – and
responding to change
Principal risks and opportunities:
B1. Product relevance and acceptability
B2. Strategic stakeholder relationships
B3. Competing in the digital marketplace
To maintain true business resilience, we continue to evolve our portfolio
of products and routes to market. To that end, we need to maintain strong
relationships with our partners, constantly monitoring and responding to
changing consumer preferences, customer needs, and the business and
regulatory environment. In 2023, we faced significant challenges, and adapted
our business to respond to those challenges while keeping our long-term
objectives firmly in sight.
B1. Product relevance and acceptability
In 2023, debates around sweeteners, as well as
discussion on appropriate responses to key ESG
priorities, increased the potential for consumer
concerns relating to our products, regulatory
change and imposition of additional taxes.
This was exacerbated by government actions to reduce national
debt. Despite these concerns, ensuring we have highly relevant
and high-quality products that continue to delight consumers,
and addressing ongoing and emerging health and environmental
concerns through robust sustainability initiatives, remains part of
our resilience and a significant opportunity for our business. This
is closely linked with climate change risks, particularly Sustainable
packaging and Impact of our sustainability performance on our
reputation (see page 107).
Risk included in viability
Strategic Growth pillar:
1 2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Head of Public &
Short to medium term
Link to material issues:
Corporate citizenship
Responsible marketing
Socio-economic impact
Risk tolerance:
All business units are required to continually monitor consumer
concerns, regulatory changes and potential new taxes in their
countries, ensure all significant changes are reflected in their risk
register and report potential changes to Group CA&S. Residual
risk should remain at or below our ‘moderate’ rating.
Key drivers Consequences Mitigation
Heightened consumer concerns
around health, environmental and
social issues
Actions of public health advocates
Government responses to health
issues and climate change at EU and
national levels
Brand and reputation damage leading
to reduced sales
Discriminatory taxes
Financial impact
Forced changes in product
formulations and portfolio mix
In 2023, we:
continued product innovation
andexpansion of our 24/7 portfolio
torespond to consumer needs,
including expansion of
took a proactive approach to partner
with key stakeholders to better
understand and address concerns;
continued our proactive advocacy with
business unit support plans in place; and
gathered insights from our Group-wide
assessment tool.
Metrics and targets Outlook Focus for 2024
ESG reputation scores
Calorie-reduction targets
Mission 2025 targets
Heightening concerns particularly
around sustainability and the impact
of climate change in the medium
to longer term. Increasing risk of
additional sugar/beverage taxes in
the short term. The EU regulatory
environment will increasingly focus on
health and sustainability issues, which
could increase scrutiny of our ESG
performance. There is opportunity for
growth in increasing our performance,
and consumer perceptions of our
performance, in key ESG areas.
Continuing proactive approach in
partnership with key stakeholders
to better understand and address
concerns. Key sustainability projects
to meet our NetZeroby40 targets.
Principal risks trend trajectory
Principal risks and opportunities continued
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B2. Strategic stakeholder relationships
It is critical that we remain aligned with our key
strategic partners, such as TCCC, Monster Energy,
COSTA Coffee and premium spirits manufacturers.
In 2023, the Russia/Ukraine crisis resulted in TCCC
making the decision to stop sales of its brands
in Russia, which had a significant impact on our
Despite this, our relationship with all our strategic partners,
including TCCC, remains strong, reflected by the recent renewal
of our bottling agreements, strong marketing support across
our territories and close collaboration and alignment on our
sustainability initiatives. Our relationship with our key partners
is important for our sustainability agenda and our response to
climate change, particularly in new products and formulations.
and packaging. This risk is closely linked with climate change
risks, particularly Sustainable packaging and Impact of our
sustainability performance on our reputation (see page 107).
Risk included in viability
Strategic Growth pillar:
1 2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Head of Strategic Finance
Medium to long term
Link to material issues:
Socio-economic impact
Corporate governance
andbusiness ethics
Risk tolerance:
We are committed to maintaining strong, positive relationships
with our strategic partners. Residual risk should remain at or
below our ‘low’ rating.
Key drivers Consequences Mitigation
Potential for disagreements between
independent businesses when
strategic objectives are not aligned
Different environments, including
regulatory environments, in which
ourpartners operate, and broader
global priorities
The impact of climate change and
need for collaboration on new
formulations and pack mix
Financial impact
Damage to the Coca-Cola system
In 2023, we:
maintained established processes,
routines and communication channels
to manage strategic relationships at
the most senior levels; and
closely monitored agreed business
indicators defined during business
planning, and analysed deviations so
that corrective actions could be taken
when needed.
Metrics and targets Outlook Focus for 2024
FX-neutral revenue growth Given the importance of our key
partner relationships over the
long term and a changing global
environment that may impact our
independent businesses differently,
we continue to focus on maintaining
aligned strategic objectives.
We will maintain our close working
relationship with our strategic partners
to ensure we remain aligned. We will
continue to collaborate on our key
sustainability initiatives, particularly
our Pack Mix of the Future project.
Principal risks trend trajectory
B. Leveraging our unique 24/7portfolio – and responding to change continued
Principal risks and opportunities continued
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B3. Competing in the digital marketplace
The digital marketplace continued to evolve and
remained highly competitive, with new and existing
companies seeking to take advantage of e-commerce
growth. We continued to see considerable growth,
with 9% of our sales now taking place online
Given the rapidly changing environment, including the
proliferation of new and existing players and evolving business
models, we expect the risks and opportunities to remain
significant for the foreseeable future. We consider Competing in
the digital marketplace as also an emerging risk and opportunity.
Risk included in viability
Strategic Growth pillar:
1 2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Head of Digital Commerce
Medium to long term
(2–5+ years)
Link to material issues:
Socio-economic impact
Risk tolerance:
Digital commerce business models are still evolving and may
not always be successful. We take the approach of making small
investments to test our ideas and models, and being prepared
to fail fast and learn before making significant investments.
Residual risk should remain at or below our ‘moderate’ rating.
Key drivers Consequences Mitigation
Dominance of large
Proliferation of new and existing
players with varying business models
Growing consumer preference
forspeed and convenience of
Significant opportunity to grow
sales and market share through
welldeveloped and executed
e-commerce strategies
Potential to lose market share or fail
to take full advantage of growing
e-commerce market
Potential for new business models and
ventures to fail
In 2023, we:
continued to build and invest in digital
commerce capabilities and systems
to enhance our business-to-business
(B2B), e-retail, food service aggregator
and direct-to-consumer pillars; and
continued to evolve our model for
direct-to-consumer routes to market
in selected countries.
Metrics and targets Outlook Focus for 2024
% active e-customer coverage,
revenue and market share on leading
e-commerce platforms, number of
active customers on our in-house
Customer Portal platform, revenue
generated on B2B platforms, share of
B2B orders generated digitally
We expect the continued strong
growth of B2B and business-to-
consumer (B2C) e-commerce sales
over the medium to long term.
Drive active e-customer coverage
and enhance regular data sharing.
Strengthen relationships with leading
e-commerce platforms. Enhance
our collection and analysis of data to
accelerate our revenue and market
share growth via data-based decisions.
Accelerate systematic efforts to
raise digital capabilities in our core
business teams, ensuring that digital
transformation of our business model
is keeping pace with the evolution of
our market and competitive landscape.
Principal risks trend trajectory
B. Leveraging our unique 24/7portfolio – and responding to change continued
Principal risks and opportunities continued
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Maintaining operational
excellence in volatile
Principal risks and opportunities:
C1. Health and safety
C2. Suppliers and sustainable sourcing
C3. Cyber incidents
C4. People retention
C5. Ethics and compliance
The macroeconomic and geopolitical environment, combined with regional and
national issues, created volatile operating conditions in our markets. The Russia/
Ukraine crisis created safety risks for our people and disrupted established
supply chains across our territory. Our people adapted quickly to these volatile
conditions to manage safety challenges, and maintain business operations to
continue to serve our customers and achieve excellent results.
C1. Health and safety – employee safety
Risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and
influenza continued to reduce. We saw a reduction
in lost time accidents of employees and contractors,
and we had no serious injuries or fatalities in our
employee population. However, we regret that
we had contractor and public fatalities, primarily
associated with traffic accidents caused mainly
bypoor road infrastructure in Africa.
Risk included in viability
Strategic Growth pillar:
1 2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Head of Quality, Safety
Medium term
(2-5 years)
Link to material issues:
Employee wellbeing and
engagement (including
employee safety)
Risk tolerance:
We have no tolerance for failing to comply with workplace health
and safety policies. Residual risk should remain at or below our
‘low’ rating.
Key drivers Consequences Mitigation
Non-compliance with or breaches of
health and safety (H&S) requirements
Inadequate contractual provisions
and/or behaviours of contractors
Fatalities and/or serious injury of
employees, contractors, third parties,
and members of the public
Damage to our reputation as a
caringresponsible employer if not
handled properly
Financial losses
In 2023, we:
continued implementation of our
Behaviour Based Safety (BBS)
programme, including human and
organisational principles (HOP), across
the entire organisation;
continued implementation of E2E
contractor management process;
involved leaders on all levels in H&S
observations and H&S conversations;
ensured Life Saving Rules are in place
and incorporated in our cross-country
verification programme; and
continued to work towards H&S
management system certification.
Metrics and targets Outlook Focus for 2024
Number of injuries and fatalities
LTA rates
We remain optimistic that our
trainingand awareness programmes
will continue to reduce fatalities
We will continue to closely monitor
road and traffic accidents to ensure
our education and awareness
programmes are effective.
Principal risks trend trajectory
Principal risks and opportunities continued
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C2. Suppliers and sustainable sourcing
The macroeconomic environment, the Russia/Ukraine
crisis, the Israel/Palestine conflict and supply/demand
imbalances continued to create challenging conditions
for securing the supply of key ingredients, packaging
and services at a reasonable cost.
This risk is closely linked with the Macroeconomic environment
(see page 89) and climate change risks, particularly Sustainable
packaging, the impact of climate change on the cost and
availability of key ingredients and Impact of our sustainability
performance on our reputation (see pages 100 to 107).
Workingmore closely with our supply chain partners to reduce
the impact of a continuing volatile operating environment
andthe longer-term impact of climate change makes us more
resilient and presents a significant opportunity for maintaining
our profitability and jointly achieving our sustainability goals.
Given the increasing requirements for supply chain transparency
and consequent evolution of the regulatory environment as
well as the potential impact of climate change, Suppliers and
sustainable sourcing is also an emerging risk and opportunity
Risk included in viability
Strategic Growth pillar:
1 2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Chief Procurement Officer
Medium (2-5 years)
Link to material issues:
Sustainable sourcing
Socio-economic impact
Risk tolerance:
We only deal with suppliers that demonstrate a capability for
consistently delivering high-quality products that meet our
guiding principles. Residual risk should remain at or below our
‘low’ rating.
Key drivers Consequences Mitigation
Global macroeconomic conditions and
supply chain disruptions
Increased financial speculation on
global commodities
Hard currency liquidity issues
Supply/demand imbalances and/or
crop yields
Russia/Ukraine crisis
Impact of climate change over the
longer term
The Israel/Palestine conflict
New EU regulations driving the need
for increasing transparency in our
supply chain
Production disruptions
Failure to meet contractual obligations
Increased input costs and
In 2023, we:
contracted volumes of key ingredients
and packaging materials;
contracted prices with focus on local
currency wherever feasible;
ensured hedgeable contracts
andintroduced a hedgeable
expanded our supplier base
andintroduced new and
secured raw materials for suppliers
toprovide security of supply;
developed contingency plans
withsuppliers due to energy risks
and risk mapping with our production
areas; and
investigated alternative and
sustainable energy options for long-
term availability and pricing stability.
Metrics and targets Outlook Focus for 2024
FX-neutral raw material cost per case
COGS per case
% key ingredients sourced sustainably
We expect some continuing volatility
in the medium term as a result of
macroeconomic and geopolitical
conditions and continuing supply/
demand imbalances. Over the longer
term, we expect climate change
and our suppliers’ response to
climate change will affect the cost
Collaborating with our key suppliers
to manage volatility and maintain
continuity. Continuing discussions
to better understand challenges to
key ingredient supply as a result of
climate change and ESG performance.
Enhancing our risk monitoring in areas
that may affect commodity availability
and pricing.
Principal risks trend trajectory
C. Maintaining operational excellence in volatile markets continued
Principal risks and opportunities continued
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C3. Cyber incidents
We saw continuing cyber attacks against government
operations and companies in many of our markets.
Several known actors continued to conduct high-
profile ransomware attacks. Organisations such as
Europol and several US agencies continued to enhance
their capabilities to investigate, prevent and respond
to cyber crime, which also helps to reduce risk to
companies such as ours.
Risk included in viability
Strategic Growth pillar:
1 2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Chief Information
Short to medium term
Link to material issues:
Socio-economic impact
Risk tolerance:
We are committed to establishing and maintaining strong internal
controls related to cyber security across our business. Residual
risk should remain at or below our ‘low’ rating.
Key drivers Consequences Mitigation
Increasing use of cloud-based IT
solutions and working from home
increasing exposure
Increasing sophistication of malware
and ransomware actors
Russia/Ukraine crisis
Operational disruptions and
Damage to corporate reputation
Potential for release of personal
andcustomer data
Non-compliance with data
In 2023, we:
maintained ISO/IEC 27001
certification(Information Security
management Systems);
continued to strengthen our endpoint
and cloud security program;
improved end user and privileged
accounts identity security;
launched mandatory cyber security
training for all employees;
executed simulated hacker attacks and
vulnerability assessments, remediated
gaps and improved overall cyber hygiene;
continued implementing network zero
trust principles for IT environment and
plants; and
improved our capability to respond and
recover from cyber incidents and attacks
by executing cyber crisis tabletop
exercises covering ELT, business unit
teams and IT Teams, and testing our
contingency plans and incident response
procedures at least semi-annually.
Metrics and targets Outlook Focus for 2024
Cyber security maturity level
Cyber attacks detected and prevented
The number and sophistication
of cyber incidents is expected to
increase in the short to medium
term. Stakeholder concerns about
data privacy and requirements to
protect itwill continue to increase.
Government agencies will continue to
improve their capabilities to investigate
and respond to cybercrime.
Improve cyber threat prevention and
detection capabilities in plants
Enhance cyber risk governance and
oversight by introducing continuous
controls monitoring practices
Introduce targeted cyber training to
sensitive user groups
Improve identity and network security
by enforcing zero trust access policies
Strengthen our threat detection
capabilities in IT and plants through
ournew Cyber Fusion Center
Develop an annual program of testing
controls over sensitive cyber and
Principal risks trend trajectory
C. Maintaining operational excellence in volatile markets continued
Principal risks and opportunities continued
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Risk management in action
Prepared for crisis response
In 2023, we conducted a cyber security incident response
exercise with members of our ELT to practise our cyber IMCR
response processes. The exercise simulated a cyber attack
against one of our largest production facilities. The exercise
required ELT members, in consultation with our Group IMCR
Team and external experts, to quickly review the operational
response of our cyber security team, evaluate options and make
a series of key decisions to protect data privacy and efficiently
restore our operations. A number of key lessons are being
incorporated into our continuously improving IMCR programme
at all management levels. We have committed to conducting
anIMCR exercise with the ELT annually using avariety of
At least every two years, all business units, alongside TCCC
counterparts, go through a full-day training and simulation
exercise to ensure the IMCR leaders and teams have the
capabilities to manage incidents and prevent crises, and to ensure
IMCR processes are robust. A joint validation team, made up of
senior managers from both CCH and TCCC, provides the training,
observes the business unit team inactionand provides feedback
on areas for improvement.
One of the BU’s to go through an IMCR Validation in 2023 was
Romania. IMCR Leader and Corporate Affairs and Sustainability
Director Alice Nichita puts the team’s performance down to
preparation. Alice said “The standout lesson for me is the critical
need for thorough preparation to ensure effective incident
management. The team’s outstanding performance depended
on our ability to swiftly analyse and address a complex scenario,
the value of disciplined leadership and effective IMCR tools at
hand. The experience reinforced the need for constant readiness
and seamless coordination to navigate challenges efficiently.
Principal risks and opportunities continued
C. Maintaining operational excellence in volatile markets continued
The Romanian
debriefing after
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C4. People retention
We made good progress in addressing higher
turnover rates for female employees and maintained
arelatively high retention rate overall (88%),
although not yet meeting our internal targets
(94%). We showed improvement in our employee
engagement (+1 percentage point) by attaining
asustainable engagement index score of 86%.
Risk included in viability
Strategic Growth pillar:
1 2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Head of People Operations
Medium to long term (2-5+ years)
Link to material issues:
Employee wellbeing
Human rights, diversity and
Corporate citizenship
Risk tolerance:
We will strive to remain an employer of choice, provide effective
career development programmes and maintain high levels of
employee engagement. Residual risk should remain at or below
our ‘low’ rating.
Key drivers Consequences Mitigation
Changing expectations for flexible
working arrangements
Maintaining value proposition as an
employer of choice
Development of technology and online
tools to enhance team engagement
Difference between high inflation rates
and salary increases
Failure to attract and retain people
tomeet our goals
High turnover in critical positions
resulting in knowledge and
Potential imbalance between male
andfemale employees due to different
retention rates
In 2023, we:
continued to leverage continuous
listening to measure culture and
engagement and address findings;
improved people management skills
to enhance engagement and energise
employees sustainably, including how
to manage remote teams;
maintained our leadership
development programme and
continued to foster our coaching and
mentoring culture; and
implemented action plans to improve
retention of female employees.
Metrics and targets Outlook Focus for 2024
Retention rate
Engagement score
Talent retention will be an ongoing
challenge over the short to medium
term as adjustments are made to
new ways of working. However, highly
engaged and talented people are
critical for our resilience and our
investment in our workforce presents a
significant opportunity for our business.
Carefully monitor productivity and
engagement levels as we refine our
flexible working arrangements.
Principal risks trend trajectory
C. Maintaining operational excellence in volatile markets continued
Principal risks and opportunities continued
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C5. Ethics and compliance
A number of economic and other sanctions imposed
by the EU against Russia and Belarus increased the
risk of inadvertent non-compliance.
We continued focusing on our sanctions compliance
programme, strengthening our processes and training our
employees. The risk of fraud against the Company, and non-
compliance with anti-bribery and corruption standards remained
a focus area. We continued integrating the Egypt business unit,
rolling out our key compliance policies, processes, trainings and
controls to accelerate the full integration and adherence to our
Group standards.
Risk included in viability
Strategic Growth pillar:
1 2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Head of Legal Compliance
Medium term (2-5 years)
Link to material issues:
Corporate governance
Risk tolerance:
We have no tolerance for knowingly breaching legal and
regulatory requirements, our Code of Business Conduct,
Anti-bribery Policy, other Group and business unit Ethics and
Compliance policies, and international sanctions. All business
units are required to actively monitor changes in the laws and
regulations specific to their country of operation and ensure
appropriate controls are in place to maintain compliance with our
policies and the law. Residual risk should remain at or below our
‘low’ rating.
Key drivers Consequences Mitigation
The Russia/Ukraine crisis and the
international response
Potential for broadening of sanctions
Continuing levels of real and perceived
corruption in some countries that we
operate within
Tougher economic conditions that
increase the risk of internal and
external fraud
Damage to our reputation
Significant financial penalties
Increased management time and
effort to resolve incidents
Financial loss
In 2023, we:
continued our monitoring of economic
and other sanctions imposed against
Russia and Belarus;
focused on ongoing risk assessment
and sanctions screening process for
transactions, particularly for suppliers
in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine;
trained risk zone employees on Anti-
Bribery and Corruption (ABaC) and
sanctions compliance;
executed our ABaC audit plan,
including ABaC audits in Egypt and
monitored our Speak Up! Hotline and
followed up.
Metrics and targets Outlook Focus for 2024
% employees trained, resolution
ofSpeak Up! reports
Audit reports
We expect the international sanctions
environment to remain complex in
the short to medium term. Given
we operate in a number of countries
where the perception of corruption
is high, we expect this risk to remain
significant for the foreseeable future.
Completing the Egypt compliance
integration plan implementation,
including introduction of a cross-
functional joint task force. Continued
strengthening of our Code of Business
Conduct, Anti-bribery Policy and
sanctions compliance programmes.
Principal risks trend trajectory
C. Maintaining operational excellence in volatile markets continued
Principal risks and opportunities continued
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Managing climate
change risks and
Principal risks and opportunities:
D1. Sustainable packaging
D2. Water availability and usage
D3. Managing our carbon footprint
We continued to improve our assessment
ofthe effects of climate change, with a focus
on clear targets and robust action plans to
deliver on our commitments, mitigate risks
and take advantage of the opportunities
inherent inchange.
In 2023, we added a comprehensive
assessment of the risks and opportunities
associated with sustainable packaging and
the cost and availability of key ingredients.
Both of these are linked directly with the
Principal risk: Managing our carbon footprint,
see pages 103 to 104, which in turn directly
impacts our ability to meet our NetZeroby40
commitments. We updated our assessments
of Water availability and usage see page 102
and Managing our carbon footprint as a result
of updated external and internal data.
During the year we invested €220.3 million,
representing 33% of our total capex,
on sustainability initiatives and this is
expected to rise to 40% of our total capex
by 2025 and 50% by 2030. This included
investments in recycled PET manufacturing
for example increasing food grade recycled
PET availability. We expect almost 50%
of our requirement for recycled PET will
be served in-house by the end of 2024
which also reduces costs. Our investment
in energy efficient coolers decreases our
carbon emissions and also improves our
sales. Investments in more energy efficient
equipment improves our manufacturing
capabilities as well as reduces emissions
anddelivers cost savings.
Our investment in sustainability-related
initiatives should be considered in the context
of opportunities for our business. In addition
to reducing our impact on the environment,
cost savings for business and mitigating the
negative impacts of climate change, there
is a direct link between how consumers
perceive our sustainability performance
– as measured by our “E-score”, and their
willingness to purchase our products. If we
are able to increase our E-score, we also
increase consumers’ willingness to purchase
and, assuming their willingness to purchase
leads to an increase in actual purchase, this
represents a very significant opportunity for
our business. For further information, see our
assessment of the Emerging opportunity:
Impact of our sustainability performance
onour reputation on page 107.
Principal risks and opportunities continued
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Risk included in viability
Strategic Growth pillar:
1 2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Head of Sustainability
Medium to long term (2-5+ years)
Link to material issues:
Packaging and waste
Sustainable sourcing
Risk tolerance:
All business units are required to establish a process formonitoring
and reporting potential regulatory changes relating to packaging.
Residual risk should remain at or below our‘moderate’ rating.
Key drivers Consequences Mitigation
Price increases of recycle-friendly raw
materials such as rPET and aluminium
Low collection rates in high plastic
volume markets
Low access to quality feedstock to
enable shift to rPET at balanced prices
New EU regulations on plastics and
packaging waste
Impact of packaging on meeting our
NetZeroBy40 commitments
Consumers’ concerns on waste and
its influence on perceptions of our
environmental performance
Impact on reputation and ultimately
consumer base
15% increase in annual cost of
packaging by 2030 and 1.8% by 2040
under a Paris Ambition (RCP1.9)
climate scenario; and 9% increase
in annual packaging costs by 2030
and 1% by 2040 under a stated policy
(RCP4.5) climate scenario
Capex costs associated with changing
packaging mix
Very significant opportunity associated
with innovative, profitable solutions
In 2023, we:
continued implementing TCCC’s
World Without Waste initiatives;
focused on meeting Mission 2025
commitments, including increasing
percentage of recycled materials;
partnered with regulatory authorities,
industry peers, start-ups and NGOs
todevelop effective recovery systems;
identified new technologies and
innovation, focusing on new and
alternative packaging solutions such
as packageless, refillable, recycling and
improving packaging sustainability;
collaborated with suppliers on plans for
decarbonising the value chain;
expanded portfolio in refillables
through innovative packaging types,
such as resealable refillable bottle
and universal glass bottle launches in
Austria; and
piloted LitePac Top, the world-first
innovations for plastic-free multipacks
for the family pack sizes.
Metrics and targets Outlook Focus for 2024
Mission 2025 targets relating to
collection of packaging, use of recycled
PET and % of packaging recyclable
We will continue to see heightened
stakeholder concerns over the medium
term and increased regulation across
EU markets. The price of good quality
recycled material will continue to rise
over the medium term as industries
focus on increasing recycled content.
Establish and implement operational
plans to drive sustainable packaging
initiatives at the business unit level.
Principal risks trend trajectory
Principal risks and opportunities continued
D1. Sustainable packaging
Given the potential impact that significant changes
to our packaging mix could have to longer-term
capital investment in production and distribution,
and the influence that packaging has on our
ability to meet our NetZeroby40 commitments –
packaging represents over 30% of our emissions
– managing the risk and opportunity associated
with Sustainable packaging directly impacts
andisimpacted by our future business strategy.
It is closely linked with other principal risks, particularly Managing
our carbon footprint (see pages 103 to 104) and the emerging
risk Impact of our sustainability performance on our reputation
(see page 107). In 2023, we designed our Pack Mix of the Future
vision starting with EU markets. The development of a profitable
packaging strategy aims to reduce our environmental impact,
address escalating stakeholder concerns relating to packaging
waste and takes into account new EU regulations such as the
EU Directive on packaging and packaging waste. Given the
rapid changes in technology and the evolution of the regulatory
environment, and the significant impact that major changes
inour packaging mix have for our NetZeroby40 commitment
andour future business strategy, Sustainable packaging is also
an emerging risk and opportunity.
D. Managing climate change risks and opportunities continued
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D2. Water availability and usage
We updated our water risk assessment based
onrevised data and including our Egyptian
plants. That assessment did not identify
any material changes to our 2021 and 2022
assessments. Availability and quality of clean
water is fundamental to our business, our suppliers
andthelocal communities in which we operate.
Risk included in viability
Strategic Growth pillar:
1 2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Head of Quality, Safety
Long term (5+ years)
Link to material issues:
Water stewardship
Sustainable sourcing
Risk tolerance:
We have a low tolerance for conducting activities that have a
significant negative impact on the environment. Residual risk
should remain at or below our ‘low’ rating.
Key drivers Consequences Mitigation
countries and 19 plants (water
priority locations) that are likely to
come under increased water stress
with climate change
Local community needs for clean water,
particularly in areas of water stress
Increased regulatory pressure,
including imposition of taxes and
levies, designed to reduce water usage
and/or fund additional infrastructure
¹ Excluding Egypt which is not part of Mission 2025;
however its locations are also priority ones
Insufficient water to service our needs,
the needs of our suppliers and the
needs of the local community
Increased annual baseline water costs
by up to 40% by 2030 but a decrease
in annual costs by up to 15% by 2040
as a result of capex expenditure and
reduced water usage by 2040
Requirement for up to an additional
€111 million in capital expenditure over
the next 16 years to meet our needs
and to replenish watersheds for local
communities in water priorityareas
Damage to our reputation
In 2023, we:
continued to implement water usage
reduction plans across our operations;
implemented water stewardship
programmes in water priority locations
to mitigate shared water risks; and
updated source vulnerability
assessments for all plants and
enhanced our plans, including
identification of additional
capitalexpenditure required
forenhancing infrastructure,
made good progress on improving
water use ratio in Egypt with a 10%
reduction vs 2022,
integrated environmental KPIs
monitoring and reporting for all plants.
Metrics and targets Outlook Focus for 2024
Reduce water usage by 20% by 2025
Number of water availability projects in
water risk areas implemented
% key ingredients sourced sustainably
We have assessed that water stress
in our water priority locations will
continue to increase as a result of
climate change. The extent of that
increase will depend both on our
actions and on the global response
to climate change. We expect that
regulatory pressure will increase and
that will flow through to additional
operating costs associated with
water that we have estimated in
In 2024, we will further implement
innovations to reduce our water
usage, particularly in water priority
locations, which will also include our
Egyptian plants. We will implement
additional community water projects
to help secure water availability for
local communities in an additional two
locations, bringing the total number of
community water projects to 14.
Principal risks trend trajectory
D. Managing climate change risks and opportunities continued
Principal risks and opportunities continued
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D3. Managing our carbon footprint
We updated our comprehensive quantitative
assessment of the risks associated with managing
our carbon footprint in line with our continuing
refinement of our NetZeroby40 transition plan
andcarbon reduction glidepath.
We estimated the future cost of carbon under multiple climate
scenarios, including RCP1.9 (Paris Ambition), RCP4.5 (stated
policy) and RCP8.5 (current policy), as well as a number of transition
scenarios including the NGFS transition scenarios and IEA transition
scenarios. For scope 1 emissions, we used projected carbon pricing
for the beverage industry and for scope 2 we used projected
carbon pricing for utilities. We used these projections to estimate
the impact of climate change on future annual operating costs
for generating carbon and applied that to our projected carbon
emissions to 2040 to meet our NetZeroby40 goal as set out in
our NetZeroby40 Roadmap on page 56. This enabled us to create
an internal pricing mechanism so that we could align our capital
expenditure investments with our carbon reduction targets.
For scope 3 emissions, we conducted a deeper assessment of
the costs of packaging (see Principal risk: Sustainable packaging
on page 100) and key ingredients (see Emerging risk: Impact of
climate change on the cost and availability of key ingredients
on page 104) that included estimates of the cost of carbon. All
ingredients and materials will continue to be subject to normal
market forces but, in isolating the effect of climate change, the
most significant will be the cost of carbon emissions. The key
opportunity in reducing our scope 3 emissions is working closely
with our long-term suppliers and customers, including potential
joint investment in low-carbon initiatives.
In addition to the financial costs of meeting our NetZeroby40
commitments, there is a significant opportunity for our business
in meeting or exceeding stakeholder expectations in managing
our carbon footprint. As noted in our assessment of the impact
of our sustainability performance on our reputation on page 106,
an increase in perceptions of our environmental performance has
a direct link to an increase in consumers’ intent to purchase and
therefore sales.
Risk included in viability
Strategic Growth pillar:
1 2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Head of Quality, Safety
Medium to long term (2-5+years)
Link to material issues:
Climate change
Sustainable sourcing
Risk tolerance:
All business units are expected to have country-specific
emissions reduction targets and roadmaps supported by
decarbonisation plans in place to contribute to the Company’s
NetZeroby40 commitment, developed in collaboration with
Group QSE and Group Sustainability. Residual risk should remain
at or below our ‘low’ rating.
D. Managing climate change risks and opportunities continued
Principal risks and opportunities continued
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 103
D3. Managing our carbon footprint continued
D. Managing climate change risks and opportunities continued
Principal risks and opportunities continued
Key drivers Consequences Mitigation
Increasing pressure for transparency
on our emissions and actions to
reduce those emissions on us and
our suppliers and customers
Legal requirements on packaging
recycling content and refillable share
Legal requirements – linking
sustainability with financial reporting
and investments
Increasing scrutiny on use of offsets
tomeet net zero targets
Increasing use of carbon taxes
andtrading schemes to reduce
Inability to meet our NetZeroBy40
commitments and the subsequent
impact on the environment and
Increased costs of scope 1 and 2
emissions that, under an RCP1.9
scenario, we have estimated to
peak at an additional annual cost of
around 39.6m by 2030, reducing to
17.3m annually by 2040.Under an
RCP4.5 scenario, we have estimated
the additional costs to be around
18.8m annually by 2030, reducing
to additional annual cost of 6.2m
Significant capital expenditure over
thelonger term to fund carbon
reduction initiatives
In 2023, we:
implemented NetZeroBy40 transition
plans, including mitigation and
adaptation plans;
stress tested adaptation plans against
multiple climate scenarios;
embedded climate change response
into all business continuity plans;
enhanced public transparency and
communication of climate change risks
and adaptation plans;
continued assessment of physical
and transition risks and opportunities
across entire value chain;
integrated Egyptian operations
intoCCH climate plans and
developedrelevant mitigation
andadaptation measures;
improved integration of climate-
related risks and adaptation plans into
long-range and strategic planning; and
continued our preparation for meeting
new regulatory requirements such as
EU Directive on CSDD and EU CSRD.
Metrics and targets Outlook Focus for 2024
Energy Use Ratio in plants
% of renewable and clean electricity
and energy used in plants
% of volume produced certified
according to ISO Environmental
Management System
Number and percentage of key
suppliers committed to SBTi climate
targets and CDP and are with SSEF
(Supplier Specific Emissions Factors)
We expect that consumer, customer
and regulatory pressure will continue
to increase and apply pressure
on allcompanies to reduce their
We expect there will be increased
scrutiny on our sustainability
initiativesfrom regulators and non-
government organisations.
In 2024, we will further implement
innovations to reduce our carbon
Principal risks trend trajectory
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Emerging risks
Emerging risk: Impact of extreme weather
onourproduction and distribution
Risk included in viability assessment:
Strategic Growth pillar:
1 2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Chief Supply Chain Officer
Long term (5+ years)
Link to material issues:
Socio-economic impact
Climate change
In 2023, we updated our assessment of the potential impact
ofthree different climate change scenarios (RCP1.9, RCP4.5 and
RCP8.5) relating to extreme weather on our plants, using credible
insurance industry data. We specifically assessed projected
increases in flood risk, likelihood of wildfires, precipitation and
drought. We assessed data relating to 63 locations and identified
Emerging risk and opportunity: Impact of climate
change on the cost and availability of key ingredients
Risk included in viability assessment:
Strategic Growth Pillar:
1 2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Chief Procurement Officer
Long term (5+ years)
Link to material issues:
Sustainable sourcing
Climate change
In 2023, we assessed the impact of climate change on the cost
and availability of ingredients under multiple climate scenarios –
RCP1.9 (Paris Ambition), RCP2.6 (Paris Agreement), RCP4.5 and
RCP8.5 – with a focus on sugar, both from sugar cane and from
sugar beet, as it represents the most significant component of our
Principal risks and opportunities continued
17 plants thatwere considered higher risk, requiring capex to upgrade
weather-related mitigation or climate change mitigation. All of those
facilities are already considered higher risk and subject to current
mitigation planning. Only four were assessed as requiring additional
capex as a direct result of climate change. We have estimated that
one-off capex requirements to mitigate the impact of extreme
weather, including the impact of climate change, between now and
2030 is approximately 32 million, of which €5.7 million is required
for climate change risk mitigation as a direct result of an increased
risk of wildfire (two plants) or extreme precipitation (two plants).
We expect increases in insurance premiums as a result of insurance
underwriters considering our facilities’ higher risk of extreme
weather. The SwissRe Institute has estimated that insurance
premiums may increase by 40% for fire and 25% for flood and
precipitation. Assuming insurers apply those premium increases
against facilities considered to be at risk, and not across the
board,we have estimated potential annual increases in insurance
premiums because of climate change to be approximately €1.5
million per annum by 2050, under an RCP4.5 climate scenario,
orby2030 under an RCP8.5 scenario.
During 2023, we completed a comprehensive assessment of
thepotential for business interruption across our top eight plants
(representing approximately 70% of our volume) for any reason,
including climate change. As a result of these assessments, we are
updating our business continuity plans to enhance our ability to
continue to supply our customers at acceptable levels and within
our risk tolerance if reasonably foreseeable disruptive events occur.
In addition to a number of principal risks that we
also consider to be emerging, we have identified the
following emerging risks and opportunities thatmay
not be currently impacting our business but have the
potential to have a significant impact inthe future.
Emerging risks and opportunities:
Impact of extreme weather on our production and distribution
Impact of climate change on the cost and availability
Impact of our sustainability performance on our reputation
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Our assessment indicates that climate change will have a
significant impact on the productive capacity of some existing
growing regions. Brazil for example, which is a primary source of
our cane sugar, is expected to be negatively impacted under most
climate scenarios. Italy, a key source of sugar from sugar beet, is
also likely to be negatively impacted. However, our assessment
also shows that other growing regions for both sugar cane and
sugar beet are likely to be positively impacted by climate change,
increasing their productive capacity. Assuming those regions
leverage that potential productive capacity to fill any gaps in
existing regions, the impact of climatechange is considered
Where we do expect changes in the cost of sugar is the increasing
cost of carbon emissions for those industries that are likely to
be passed on through higher input costs to us. This is partially
mitigated by those industries gradually reducing their carbon
footprint, the reduction in our own use of sugar as we move
further towards lower-sugar products, and our ability to pass on
costs in our final products. Our assessment estimates the annual
additional cost of sugar may increase by 17% by 2030 and 10%
by 2040 under a Paris Ambition (RCP1.9) scenario and the annual
additional cost may increase by 3% by 2030 and 1% by 2040 under
a stated policy (RCP4.5) scenario.
As noted in our 2022 assessment, of the other ingredients that
we purchase, coffee and lemon-growing regions are considered
to be at medium to high risk of heat stress under a high-carbon
scenario by 2050. The majority of growers are conducting their
own assessments and developing contingency plans, including
identification of alternative regions for supply. Given the relatively
small amounts of these ingredients that we purchase, these
costs are not considered material.
While we are concerned about the impact of climate change on
ingredients, as all companies in the food and beverage industries
are, physical risks are more likely to have an impact over a longer
timeframe. We therefore have more time to better understand
the potential impact and find ways to adapt to changing
conditions and create appropriate contingency plans.
Emerging risk and opportunity:
Risk included in viability assessment:
Strategic Growth pillar:
1 2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Chief Information SecurityOfficer
Medium (2-5 years)
Link to material issues:
Socio-economic impact
Corporate governance andbusinessethics
The amount of data we create and consume is increasing
exponentially. With the help of emerging technologies and more
specifically artificial intelligence (AI), we will be able to capture and
analyse internal and external data to help us make more informed
business decisions. The application of AI spans across several
business processes and will support our acceleration, augmentation
and automation of business processes and user experiences.
Examples are planning sales visits, retrieving product information
from store visit photographs and optimizing our transportation.
Recently we also introduced the use of digital assistants for
productivity gains such as summarizing emails.
However, AI technology also poses various risks to the
organisations, society and individuals due to potential misuse
bymalicious actors and potential of unintended consequences.
While we are utilising AI primarily for efficiency gains and
enhancing insights from largely internal data for non-critical
business processes, and while we do not rely only on AI for
decision making, we have assessed the risk associated with AI
to be low. We have existing policies and guidelines, and have
enhanced training and awareness on appropriate use of AI. As a
result, we are comfortable that we have captured the risks and
management of those risks within the existing principal risks
associated with cyber incidents and data privacy.
What remains an emerging risk is the broader use of AI, its
application to external data and the potential over-reliance on
AI as an end-to-end decision support tool. Errors in algorithms
or biases could lead to faulty decisions, affecting our ability to
consistently supply product to our customers. AI could increase
the severity of cyber attacks against our information systems,
leading to violations of rights to privacy of individuals and non-
compliance with privacy requirements of the legal and regulatory
framework. The use of AI could increase the severity of cyber
attacks against our production systems, leading to business
interruption and inability to supply our customers. Our employees
may be concerned about the privacy of their information or
potential loss of jobs with greater automation of financial or
production systems.
In order to mitigate the risk, we have established a cross-
functional team to ensure compliance by design and a robust
governance and operating model to ensure deployed AI
technologies are secure, safe and ethical, and comply with
internal corporate policies. We have developed a process to
monitor the use of AI and will revisit our risk assessment regularly.
Principal risks and opportunities continued
Emerging risks and opportunities continued
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Emerging risk and opportunity: Impact of our
sustainability performance on our reputation
Risk included in viability assessment:
Strategic Growth pillar:
1 2 3 4 5
Risk owner:
Head of Sustainability
Long term (5+ years)
Link to material issues:
Climate change
Sustainable sourcing
Packaging and wastemanagement
In 2023, we continued to refine our model for assessing the impact
of meeting, or not meeting, the expectations of key stakeholder
groups on our environmental performance. We considered three
key stakeholder groups in our assessment:
current and future employees and their willingness to work for
us, which could ultimately impact our ability to attract and retain
talented people;
investors and their willingness to invest in us, which could impact
our cost of capital; and
consumers and their willingness to purchase our products.
Of those three groups, we determined that employees and investors
were well aware of our environmental performance through external
ESG ratings. This year we were ranked, for the seventh time, as the
world’s most sustainable beverage company by the Dow Jones
Sustainability Indices (as at 8 December 2023). Our score positions
us in the top 1% of 9,400 companies across 62 industries. We now
have the highest scores and rankings in ten of the most-recognised
ESG ratings including CDP Climate and Water, ISS ESG, MSCI ESG,
Sustainalytics, FTSE4Good and Vigeo Eiris.
These achievements are a great source of pride for our employees.
As a business, we have an opportunity to build greater awareness
amongst consumers of these achievements, and our actions, to
deliver our drinks in more sustainable ways. Research indicates
thatan increase in positive perceptions of our environmental
performance – a higher ‘E-score’ – correlates to an increase in
the likelihood that consumers will purchase our products (intent
to purchase) and conversely a decrease in E-score can reduce
consumers’ intent to purchase. Intent to purchase scores were
usedto determine the impact on our business of meeting,
exceedingor failing to meet expectations.
Our assessment included perceptions of our environmental
performance, or ‘E-score’, for consumers in eight selected markets
and, in comparison, to our direct competitors and other companies
in the food and beverage industry. That assessment indicates that,
as with many large companies in the food and beverage sector,
consumers perceive that there is more we can do to meet their
expectations on environmental performance.
Our assessment indicates that, across the eight selected markets,
the perceived industry leader has an E-score 7 points higher than
ours on average, and, on average, there is a gap of 13 points to an
E-score rating of ‘strong’. Matching the industry leaders in selected
markets could increase consumers’ intent to purchase on average
by 6% and attaining a rating of ‘strong’ on average across our
markets could increase consumers’ intent to purchase by 10.9%.
Ifthis intent to purchase were to translate directly to actual sales,
this represents a very significant opportunity for our business.
We continue to refine our model to better understand the
impact of our environmental initiatives. However, it is clear that
enhancing our environmental initiatives is not only good for the
environment and the communities we serve, but it also makes
good business sense.
Principal risks and opportunities continued
Emerging risks and opportunities continued
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 107
Location of disclosures consistent with TCFD recommendations
In disclosing information related to the risks and opportunities associated with climate change, we considered the 2021 TCFD Implementing Guidance for all sectors and the beverage sector.
Governance: Disclose the Company’s governance around climate-related risks and opportunities Consistency status
a) Describe the Board’s
oversight of climate-related
risks and opportunities
The role of the Social Responsibility Committee of the Board for oversight of climate-related risks and
opportunities is described in pages 150 to 151 The role of the Audit and Risk Committee of the Board for
oversight of all principal and emerging risks, including climate-related risks is outlined in the section ‘Work
and activities’ on page 152 and ‘Managing risk’ on pages 86 and 111.
a) Fully consistent
b) Describe management’s
role in identifying, assessing
and managing climate-related
risks and opportunities
The section ‘D: Managing climate change risk’ on pages 100 to 104 describes the impact of each of the
principal and emerging risks and opportunities related with climate change and the consequences and
mitigation actions, including impact on the Company’s business, strategy and financial planning. The
impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on our business and strategy and the financial planning
changes in managing those risks and opportunities is described in ‘Earn our licence to operate’ particularly
pages 54 to 57 (Climate), page 58 to 60 (Packaging) and page 61 to 62 (Water). Sections C3.3 and C3.4 on
pages 20 to 21 of our 2023 CDP Climate response describe how our assessments of climate-related risks
and opportunities have influenced our strategy and financial planning.
b) Fully consistent
Task Force for Climate-related FinancialDisclosures (TCFD)
Climate change is having and will have a significant
impact on our business in a number of ways. Given the
longer-term nature of climate risks and the number
of variables – many of which we have no control over
– we need to continually update our assessment
and management of risks associated with climate
change as more accurate data becomes available and
organisations around the world respond to its effects.
We follow the guidelines provided by the TCFD as an important
framework for reporting climate-related risks and their financial
impacts. Our TCFD disclosures can be found throughout this
report. The table below, provides a summary of where those
disclosures can be found and how the information is consistent
withthe TCFDrecommendations.
For additional information on our climate-related disclosures,
seeour 2023 CDP submission.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 108
Location of disclosures consistent with TCFD recommendations
Strategy: Disclose the actual and potential impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities
on the Company’s business, strategy and financial planning where material
Consistency status
a) Describe the climate-related
risks and opportunities that
the organisation has identified
over the short, medium and
long term
The section ‘D: Managing climate change risks and opportunities’ on pages 100 to 104 provides a detailed
description of the principal and emerging risks and opportunities that the Company has identified over
the short, medium and long term associated with climate change, and Sections C2.3 and C2.4, on pages
10 to 17 of our 2023 CDP Climate response, describe a number of risks and opportunities associated with
climate change that the Company has identified.
a) Fully consistent
b) Describe management’s
role in identifying, assessing
and managing climate-related
risks and opportunities
The section ‘D: Managing climate change risks and opportunities’ on pages 100 to 104 describes the
impact of each of the principal and emerging risks and opportunities related with climate change and the
consequences and mitigation actions, including impact on the Company’s business, strategy and financial
planning. The impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on our business and strategy and the
financial planning changes in managing those risks and opportunities is described in ‘Earn our licence to
operate’, particularly pages 55 to 54 to 57 (Climate), page 58 to 60 (Packaging) and page 61 to 61 (Water).
Sections C3.3 and C3.4 on page 20-21 of our 2023 CDP Climate response describe how our assessments
of climate-related risks and opportunities have influenced our strategy and financial planning.
b) Fully consistent
c) Describe the resilience of
the organisation’s strategy
considering different
climate-related scenarios,
including a 2-degree or
The section ‘D: Managing climate change risks and opportunities’ on pages 100 to 104 describes our
assessment of the impact of each of the principal and emerging risks and opportunities associated with
climate change under multiple different climate scenarios, including the RCP1.9 or ‘Paris Ambition’ and
related transition scenarios IEA B2DS and NGFS NZ50 ; and how the Company is mitigating those risks
and opportunities.
c) Fully consistent
Risk management: Disclose how the Company identifies, assesses and manages climate-related risks
Consistency status
a) Describe the Company’s
process for identifying and
assessing climate-related
risksand opportunities
‘Managing risk’ on pages 86 and 111 provides an overview of the Company’s process for identifying all risks
and opportunities, including those relating to climate change, and ‘Managing climate change risks and
opportunities’, on pages 100 to 104 describes those processes specifically relating to the principal and
emerging risks and opportunities related to climate change. Sections 2.1a, 2.1b and 2.2a on pages 7, 8 and
10 of our 2023 CDP Climate response describe the process for identification of the climate-related risks
and opportunities.
a) Fully Consistent
b) Describe the Company’s
process for managing climate-
related risks and opportunities
‘Managing climate change risks and opportunities’, on pages 100 to 104 describes how the Company is
managing the risks and opportunities specifically relating to climate change, particularly in the ‘Mitigation’:
and ‘Focus for 2024’ sections for each of the principal and emerging risks and opportunities.
Key performance indicators on pages 54 to 57 and 72 to 74 relating to the ‘Earn our licence to operate’
pillar describe how the Company is managing climate-related risks and opportunities.
b) Fully consistent
Task Force for Climate-related FinancialDisclosures (TCFD) continued
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Location of disclosures consistent with TCFD recommendations
c) Describe how these
processes are integrated into
the overall risk management
‘Managing risk’ on pages 86 and 111 provides an overview of how the Company has embedded the
assessment of the risks and opportunities associated with climate change into its enterprise risk
management programme.’Managing climate change risks and opportunities’, on page 100 further
describes how the Company has integrated each of the principal and emerging risks and opportunities
related to climate change into its enterprise risk management programme, and pages 101 to 104 provides
an overview of the outcomes of that process relating to each climate-related risk and opportunity.
c) Fully consistent
Metrics and targets: Disclose the metrics and targets used to assess and manage climate-related
Consistency status
a) Disclose the metrics
used by the organisation
to assess climate-related
risks and opportunities in
line with itsstrategy and
riskmanagement process
‘Managing climate change risk’ on pages 100 to 104 provides metrics and targets relating to each of the
principal and emerging risks and opportunities associated with climate change in the ‘Metrics and targets’
section, and key performance indicators on pages 72 to 73 relating to the ‘Earn our licence to operate’
pillar (Mission 2025 commitments), and the sections relating to ‘NetZeroby40’ on page 54, Packaging
onpages 58 to 60 and Water on pages 61 to 62 describe the metrics and targets the Company is using
toassess climate-related risks and opportunities in line with our strategy and risk management process,
and Sections C4.1 and C4.2 on pages 22 to 32 of our 2023 CDP Climate response list a number of metrics
and targets used to assess climate-related risks and opportunities.
a) Fully Consistent
b) Disclose Scope 1, Scope
2, and, if appropriate, Scope
3 greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions, and the related risks
NetZeroby40 target across the whole value chain charts on page 55 shows our Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG
emissions. The Principal risk, ‘Managing our carbon footprint’ on pages 103 to 104 describes how we
are managing the risks and opportunities associated with our emissions, Section C5.2 on page 39, and
Section C6 on pages 43 to 49 of our 2023 CDP Climate response provide further detail on Scope 1, 2 and3
emissions and the risks associated with them. In the 2023 GRI Content Index, in the environmental table
on page 54 and as part of the disclosures 305-1 on page 27, 305-2 on page 28, and 305-3 on pages28 to
29, provides details of our GHG emissions.
b) Fully consistent
c) Describe the targets used
by the organisation to manage
climate-related risks and
opportunities, and performance
against targets
Managing climate change risks and opportunities’, on pages 99 to 103 describes targets relating to each
of the principal and emerging risks and opportunities associated with climate change in the ‘Metrics
and targets’ section, and key performance indicators on pages 73 to 75 relating to the ‘Earn our licence
to operate’ pillar (Mission 2025 commitment), and the sections relating to Climate on pages 55 to 56,
Packaging on pages 59 to 61 and Water on page 62 describe the metrics and targets the Company is
using to assess climate-related risks and opportunities and our performance against those targets, and
Sections C4.1 and C4.2 on pages 22 to 32 of our 2023 CDP Climate response list a number of metrics and
targets used to assess climate-related risks and opportunities.
c) Fully consistent
Task Force for Climate-related FinancialDisclosures (TCFD) continued
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Cause Risk
Agriculture and
ingredients Packaging Manufacturing Distribution
Cold drink
Customers and
Estimated share of carbon emissions includes Egypt
29% 36% 10% 6% 19%
Business impacts: Physical risks of climate change (risks P1-4) Physical risks
Changes to
weather and
P1: Impact of climate change on the cost
and availability of key ingredients and raw
P1: The effect of changes to weather on the
cost and availability of key ingredients and
raw materials (See Emerging risk: Impact of
climate change on the cost and availability of
keyingredients on page 105)
weather events
P2: The effect of extreme weather events
P2: The effect of extreme weather events
on production (see Emerging risk: Impact
of extreme weather on our production and
distribution on page 105)
P3: The effect of extreme weather events
P3: The effect of extreme weather events
on distribution (see Emerging risk: Impact
of extreme weather on our production and
distribution on page 105)
Water scarcity
P4: Water availability and usage P4: Water availability and usage (see Principal
Risk: Water availability and usage on page 102)
Business impacts: Risks of transition to a low-carbon economy (risks T1-4) Transition risks
GHG regulation
T1: The effect of changes in GHG
regulationson the cost and availability
ofsustainable packaging
T1: The effect of changes in GHG regulations on the
cost and availability of sustainable packaging (see
Principal Risk: Sustainable packaging on page 101)
T2: The effect of changes in GHG
regulations on the costs of managing our
carbon footprint
T2: The effect of changes in GHG regulations on
the costs of managing our carbon footprint (see
Principal Risk: Managing our carbon footprint on
pages 103 to 104)
of our
T3: The effect of stakeholder perceptions
of our sustainability performance on our
corporate reputation.
T3: The effect of stakeholder perceptions of our
sustainability performance on our corporate
reputation (see Emerging risk and opportunity:
Impact of our sustainability performance on our
reputation on page 107)
T4: The effect of increasing government
regulation on the cost and availability of
T4: The effect of increasing government regulation
on the cost and availability of water (see Principal
risk: Water availability and usage on page 102)
The impact of climate change risk
Task Force for Climate-related FinancialDisclosures (TCFD) continued
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As noted on page 87, governance of all risks,
including climate change risks, is the responsibility
of our Board and specifically the Audit and
Risk Committee and the Social Responsibility
Committee, following a clearly defined structure
and process from business units, to the Group,
our ELT and the Board.
Given the longer-term nature and the implications
of climate change, our response to climate
change transcends all areas of our strategy
and operations. Our future packaging mix, for
example, has significant implications for our
business given the substantial capital investments
in our plants and routes to market needed to make
significant packaging changes. Changes needed
to meet our NetZeroby40 commitments and
the impact of climate change on the availability
and cost of key ingredients have implications for
our supplier base and our distribution systems.
Our response to climate change has a significant
impact on our reputation with key stakeholders
and ultimately our ability to attract and retain
people, and attract capital, as well as the
willingness of consumers to buy our products.
While there are numerous costs associated with
managing climate change risks, we also recognise
that there are significant opportunities for our
business in continuing to meet the needs and
expectations of our stakeholders. As noted in our
assessment of the Impact of our sustainability
performance on our reputation, see page 107,
there is a strong correlation between consumers’
perception of how we are responding to climate
change and their intent to purchase our products.
The longer-term structural changes inherent in
our sustainability strategy is embedded in our
business strategy, which is constantly reviewed
as our understanding of the potential effects of
climate change risks and opportunities improves,
to ensure our business remains resilient and
focused on growth.
Risk assessment
Many of the risks associated with climate change
are common across the global Coca-Cola System.
We therefore take a global system approach to
the identification, assessment and management
of climate-related risks. The Coca-Cola System –
which consists of TCCC and its bottling partners,
of which CCHBC is one of the largest – has
identified eight potentially material risks relating
to the physical and transitional impact of climate
change on our business. We have fully integrated
the assessment and mitigation of these physical
and transition risks associated with climate
change into our risk management programme,
which underpins our robust approach to all risks
toour business.
The Coca-Cola System has identified eight risks –
four physical and four transition risks, as depicted
on the pictogram on page 111,
We analyse our internal data and work with
recognised specialist agencies, our insurance
brokers and insurers to obtain regional analysis
of the potential impact of climate change.
This helps us make informed decisions and
improves our understanding of the potential
climate vulnerabilities in our operations and the
communities in which we operate. This data and
resulting analysis are shared across our business
units, supporting climate resilience across our
planning and operations.
Metrics and targets
We use clear metrics and targets in the
assessment and management of all our risks
in order to continually measure risk drivers, the
potential impact – including the financial impact
ofrisks – and key performance indicators to
ensure we are managing risks effectively. These
are noted under ‘Metrics and targets’ for each
risk. Many of our climate change metrics and
targets are also outlined in our Mission 2025
andNetZeroby40 commitments.
Emissions reduction in line with NetZeroby40
roadmap is a performance target for our ELT
members and senior leaders, impacting at
Given the longer-term nature of managing
climate-related risks, our allocation of capex
will be important in meeting our sustainability
targets. We have been increasing our investment
in initiatives designed to mitigate the risks
associated with climate change. In 2023, we
invested €220.3 million in capex initiatives aligned
with our sustainability strategy, which represents
33% of our total capex. We are planning to
increase the allocation of our annual capex to
investments aligned with our sustainability
strategy, expecting to reach 40% of capex by 2025
and 50% of capex by 2030. This demonstrates
our commitment to manage climate-related risks
using a gradual, well-thought-out programme
of capital expenditure over the medium to long
term based on our assessment of the risks to
ourbusiness and stakeholders.
Task Force for Climate-related FinancialDisclosures (TCFD) continued
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 112
Viability statement
Business model and prospects
Our business model and strategy, outlined on
pages 22 to 23 of this report, documents the
key factors that underpin the evaluation of our
prospects. These factors include our:
attractive geographic diversity;
strong sales and execution capabilities;
ability to innovate;
market leadership;
global brands; and
diverse beverage portfolio.
Macroeconomic conditions, while improving in
the latter stages of 2023, are expected to remain
challenging in the short term. Most forecasts are for
modest short-term growth in most of the countries
that we operate and some easing of inflation, with the
exception of Egypt and Nigeria. The ongoing conflict
between Russia and Ukraine and more recently
the Israel/Palestine conflict and the prospect of
continuing geopolitical instability could continue
to impact the global supply chain and exacerbate
economic challenges. We have considered the
potential future implications of continuing volatility
in macroeconomic and geopolitical conditions in
our financial forecasts tothe extent possible.
While the Board considers that our markets will
continue to face challenges over the medium
to longer term it continues to believe that our
diverse geographic footprint, including exposure
to emerging markets that have low per capita
consumption and therefore greater opportunity
for growth, and a proven strategy in combination
with our leading market position, offer significant
opportunities for future growth.
Confidence in our continuing growthwasalso
reflected in the recent renewal of ourbottler
agreements with TCCC to produce and
distributeit’s global brands.
Our Board has historically applied and continues
toapply a prudent approach to the Group’s
capital management decisions also relating to
major projects and investments. From 2019 to
2023, we generatedfree cash flow of €580 million
peryearon average.
Key assumptions of the business plan
andrelated viability period
The Group maintains a well-established strategic
business planning process which has formed the
basis of the Board’s quantitative assessment of
the Group’s viability, with the plan reflecting our
current strategy over a rolling five-year period.
The financial forecasts in the plan are based on
assumptions for the following:
key macroeconomic data that could impact our
consumers’ disposable income and consequently
our sales volume and revenues;
various scenarios relating to the ability of
governments in key markets to manage the
economic conditions in their countries;
key raw material and other input costs;
the impact of climate change, particularly
associated with the transition to a lower carbon
economy and the costs of carbon under multiple
climate scenarios (see also pages 101 to 104 for
more information on our quantitative assessments
of the impact of climate change. In addition to 2030
and 2040, we also included interim calculations to
2028 for the purpose of our viability assessment);
the impact of conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine
conflict and ongoing instability in the Middle East,
including loss of sales volume and revenues as
a result of TCCC’s suspension of its operations
in Russia;
foreign exchange rates and FX liquidity in Nigeria
and Egypt; including the economic conditions
affecting the Egyptian Pound, the Nigerian Naira
and the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on
the Russian Rouble;
spending for production overhead and
operating expenses;
working capital levels; and
capital expenditure.
The Board has assessed that a viability period of five
years remains the most appropriate. This is due to
its alignment with the Group’s strategic business
planning cycle, consistency with the evaluated
potential impacts of our principal risks as disclosed on
pages 88 to 107 and our impairment review process,
where goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets
are tested based on our five-year forecasts.
Assessment of viability
Qualitatively and quantitatively, we analysed the output
of our robust enterprise risk management, internal
business planning and liquidity management processes,
to ensure that the risks to the Group’s viability are
understood and are being effectively managed.
In late 2023, the Company completed the
acquisition of Brown Forman Finlandia Oy, owner
of the Finlandia vodka brand. An assessment of
key risks has been completed and appropriate
management plans are being implemented to
effectively manage those risks. No risks to the
Group’s viability over the five-year period of this
assessment have been identified as a result of the
acquisition and integration of this business.
The Board has concluded that the Group’s well-
established processes across multiple streams
continue to provide a comprehensive framework
that effectively supports the operational and strategic
objectives of the Group. It also provides a robust basis
for assessment and confirmation of the Group’s
ability to continue operations and meet its obligations
as they fall due over the period ofassessment.
Supporting the qualitative assessment was a
quantitative analysis performed as part of strategic
business planning. This assessment included, but was
not limited to, the Group’s ability to generate cash.
We have continued to stress test the plan against
several severe but plausible downside scenarios
linked to certain principal risks as follows:
Scenario 1:
The impact of changes to foreign exchange rates
was considered, particularly the depreciation of
foreign currencies including the Egyptian Pound,
Nigerian Naira and Russian Rouble, also considering
effects from the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Principal
risks: Foreign exchange fluctuations, Commodity
costs and Geopolitical and security environment.
Scenario 2:
Lower estimates for sales volumes for various
reasons including the continuing difficult
economicconditions in our markets and the
abilityof governments to manage these,
includingthe impact of the continued Russia-
Ukraine conflict and Middle East tensions.
Principal risks: Marketplace economic conditions,
and Geopolitical and security environment.
Scenario 3:
Continued stakeholder focus on issues relating
to sugar and packaging resulting in the potential
for discriminatory taxation. Principal risks:
Product relevance and acceptability, and Cost
andavailability of sustainable packaging.
Scenario 4:
Higher input costs including raw materials
and energy costs. Principal risks: Commodity
costs, Suppliers and sustainable sourcing, and
Marketplace economic conditions.
Scenario 5:
Higher costs of water, carbon and the impact of
extreme weather as a result of the effects of climate
change under multiple climate scenarios, as well
as the increased capital expenditure required to
mitigate risks associated with climate change.
Principal risks: Water availability and usage, Managing
our carbon footprint, Impact of extreme weather
on our production and distribution (Emerging risk).
The above scenarios were tested both in isolation
and in combination. The stress testing showed that
due to the stable cash generation of our business,
the Group would be able to withstand the impact
of these scenarios occurring over the period of the
financial forecasts. This could be conducted by
making adjustments, if required, to our operating
plans within the normal course of business, including
but not limited to adjustments to our operations and
temporary reductions in discretionary spending.
Following a thorough and robust assessment of
the Group’s risks that could threaten our business
model, future performance, solvency or liquidity,
the Board has concluded that the Group is well
positioned to effectively manage its financial,
operational and strategic risks.
Viability statement
Based on our assessment of the Group’s prospects,
business model and viability as outlined above, the
Directors can confirm that they have a reasonable
expectation that the Group will be able to continue
operating and meet its liabilities as they fall due over
the five-year period ending 31 December 2028.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 113
Non-financial reporting
Open up moments that refresh us all.
Serving as our North Star ambition to guide
everything we do.
Our purpose
The purpose recognises that, while
our work requires sealing beverages
in, the real magic happens when
they are opened up: opening up new
markets, new relationships and new
ideas for a better future.
Underpinning our business and setting the
direction for how we achieve our goals.
Customer first
Make it simple
We over I
Deliver sustainably
Environmental matters
Biodiversity Statement
Climate Change Policy
Environmental Policy
Food Loss and Waste Policy
Packaging waste management Policy
Principles for Sustainable Agriculture
Water Stewardship Policy
Code of Business Conduct
Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Quality and Food Safety Policy
Human rights
Human Rights Policy
Slavery and Human Trafficking statement
Supplier Guiding Principles
Social matters
Code of Business Conduct
Community Contributions Policy
GMO position statement
Health and Wellness Policy
Premium Spirits Responsible Marketing Policy
Public Policy Engagement Policy
Quality and Food Safety Policy
Supplier Guiding Principles
Anti-bribery and corruption
Anti-bribery Policy and Compliance Handbook
Code of Business Conduct
Community Contributions Policy
Supplier Guiding Principles
Whistleblowing Policy
Principal risk
Risk Policy
24/7 takes
This spread constitutes our
non-financial information
statement. The below
information provides page
references mapping out how
our report complies with
relevant regulation on non-
financial information. This
information issupplementary.
Our purpose Policies and values
Read more p 9-11 Read more p 10
see our website
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 114
Non-financial reporting continued
Being conscious of stakeholders, risks, market
changes and material issues, while responding
through our business model in a positive way.
Business model
Stakeholder engagement
Market trends
Regulatory environment
Principal risks
Material issues
GRI Content Index
The GRI Content Index can be downloaded at
To fulfil our Growth Story 2025, we will execute
on each of our five growth pillars, considering all
stakeholders at every step of the journey.
Growth pillars
Leverage our unique 24/7 portfolio
Win in the marketplace
Fuel growth through competitiveness
and investment
Cultivate the potential of our people
Earn our licence to operate
Operating in a sustainable way to ensure our
remuneration and sustainability commitments
are interlinked.
Remuneration report
The CEO’s individual performance is measured
in key strategic areas and taken into account
for MIP. These strategic areas include the
Company’s performance in ESG benchmarks.
We now have the highest scores and rankings
in ten of the most-recognised ESG ratings,
including DJSI, MSCI ESG, FTSE4Good, ISS ESG,
and V.E. The PSP contains metrics linked to a
reduction in CO
emissions. The CO
target in the PSP implicitly captures reduction
in plastics, which was a key driver of its selection
as a metric.
See pages 178 to 179
CEO pay ratio
See page 182
Mission 2025 sustainability
Emissions reduction
Water reduction and stewardship
World Without Waste (Packaging)
Ingredient sourcing
Our people and communities
Our Board and senior management ensure we
stay on course to achieve our vision.
The Executive Leadership Team
How our Board considers stakeholders in
decision making
Social Responsibility Committee
Effective oversight Executing our visionPositive influence Defining our success
Read more p22 to 23 Read more p11 Read more p158 to 183
Read more p72 to 74
Read more p133 to 134
Read more p12 to 18
Read more p20 to 21
Read more p88 to 107
Read more p83 to 84
Read more p150 to 151
Read more p140 to 142
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 115
As of 1 January 2023, we must comply
with the new requirements of Art. 964a
of the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO)
regarding the report on non-financial
matters as well as to the due diligence
and transparency requirements
according to Art. 964j-l CO in relation
to minerals and metals from conflict-
affected areas and child labour.
Report on non-financial matters as per
Art. 964a CO
The report on non-financial matters must
according to Swiss law contain information on
the following topics: environment matters, in
particular the CO
goals, social issues, employee-
related issues, respect for human rights and
combating corruption.
This Integrated Annual Report has been prepared
in accordance with the GRI Standards (2021).
The following sections give information on the
topics as required under Art. 964b CO. The vote
on the non-financial report under Swiss statutory
law at the annual general meeting is limited to the
content of these sections:
General information required to understand
our business
Section ‘Business overview’ on pages 2-4 of the
2023 IAR
Our vision and purpose: page 11 of the 2023 IAR
Description of the business model
Section ‘Our business model’ on pages 22-23
and ‘Stakeholder engagement’ on pages 12-18
of the 2023 IAR; disclosure 2-6 of the 2023 GRI
Content Index
Environmental matters (incl. CO
Environmental policies on our website
Biodiversity statement
Climate change policy
Environmental policy
Food loss and waste policy
Packaging and waste management policy
Principles for sustainable agriculture
Water stewardship policy
Section ‘Earn our licence to operate’ on pages
52-68, section ‘Non-financial reporting’ on page
114 of the 2023 IAR
Environmental table of the 2023 GRI Content
Index (pages 51-55); sections 201-2 Financial
implications and other risks and opportunities
due to climate change, 301-3 Reclaimed
products and their packaging materials,
all sections GR 302 Energy, GRI 303 Water
and Effluents, GRI 304 Biodiversity, GRI 305
Emissions, GRI 306 Waste, and GRI 308 Supplier
environmental assessment of the 2023 GRI
Content Index
Section ‘Managing risks’ on pages 86-87,
subsection ‘Managing climate change risks and
opportunities on pages 100-112
Social issues
Social policies on our website
Community contributions policy
Health and wellness policy
Occupational health and safety policy
Responsible marketing policy for alcoholic
Quality and food safety policy
Hiv and aids policy
Supplier guiding principles
Principles for sustainable agriculture
Section ‘Earn our licence to operate’ on pages
61-68, section ‘Non-financial reporting’ on
page 114, section ‘Cultivate the potential of our
people’ on pages 45-51 of the 2023 IAR
Social table of the 2023 GRI Content Index
(pages 56-57); all sections GRI 413 Local
communities, GRI 414 Supplier social
assessment, GRI 416 Customer health and
safety, GRI 417 Marketing and labelling, GRI
418 Customer privacy of the 2023 GRI Content
‘Section ‘Managing risks’ on pages 86-87,
section ‘Principle risks and opportunities’ on
pages 88-104 of the 2023 IAR
Employee-related issues
Policies on our website
Occupational health and safety policy
Inclusion and diversity policy
Whistleblowing policy
Quality and food safety policy
Section ‘Non-financial reporting’ on page 114 of
the 2023 IAR
Section ‘Cultivate the potential of our people’
on pages 45-51 of the 2023 IAR
Social table of the 2023 GRI Content Index
(pages 56-57); sections 2-7 Employees, 2-19
Remuneration policies, 2-21 Annual total
Compensation ratio, 2-30 Collective bargaining
agreements, all sections GRI 401 Employment,
GRI 402 Labour/Management relations, GRI
403 Occupational health and safety, GRI 404
Training and education, GRI 405 Diversity and
equal opportunity, GRI 406 Non-discrimination,
GRI 407 Freedom of association and collective
bargaining of the 2023 GRI Content Index
Non-Financial Reporting under Swiss statutory law
Section ‘Managing risks’ on pages 86-87,
section ‘Principle risks and opportunities’ on
pages 88-104 of the 2023 IAR
Respect for human rights
Human rights policies on our website
Human rights policy
Human rights policy managers guide
Slavery and human trafficking statement
Inclusion and diversity policy
Whistleblowing policy
Section ‘Non-financial reporting’ on page 114 of
the 2023 IAR
Social table of the 2023 GRI Content Index
(pages 56-57); sections 2-26 Mechanisms
for seeking advice and raising concerns, all
sections GRI 408 Child Labor, GRI 409 Forced
or compulsory labour, GRI 414 Supplier social
assessment of the 2023 GRI Content Index
Section ‘Managing risks’ on pages 86-87 of the
2023 IAR
Combating corruption
Policy on our website
Antibribery policy
Code of business conduct
Supplier guiding principles
Community contributions policy
Whistleblowing policy
Section ‘Non-financial reporting’ on page 114 of
the 2023 IAR
Sections 2-27 Compliance with Laws and
Regulations, 3-3 Management of material topics
(Anti-corruption) on page 18, 205-1 Operations
assessed for risks related to corruption, 205-2
Communication and training about anti-
corruption policies and procedures, 205-3
Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions
taken, 206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 116
Non-Financial Reporting under Swiss statutory law continued
behaviour, anti-trust, and monopoly practices
of the 2023 GRI Content Index
Main performance indicators
Section ‘Mission 2025’ on pages 72-74, ‘Earn our
licence to operate’ on pages 54-55, ‘Cultivate
the potential of our people’ on pages 47-49 of
the 2023 IAR
Section ‘Tracking our progress’ on pages 69-
74, ‘Business conduct and anti-bribery’ and
Whistleblowing’ on page 157 of the 2023 IAR
References to national, European
orinternational regulations
Section ‘About our report’ on page 313, ‘EU
Taxonomy’ on pages 117-118, SASB Index on
pages 119-121 of the 2023 IAR
Reporting on compliance with
due diligence and transparency
requirements in relation to
conflictminerals and child labour
We have determined that we are exempt from
the due diligence and reporting the obligations
in relation to minerals and metals from conflict-
affected areas as we do not place in free
circulation or process any minerals or metals
asdefined in Art. 964j CO.
Concerning the due diligence and reporting
obligations in relation to child labour under Swiss
law (Art. 964j et seqq. CO), we comply and adhere
with the ILO Conventions Nos 138 and 182 as well
as the ILO-IOE Child Labour Guidance Tool for
Business of 15 December 2015 as well as the UN
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,
as noted in our Human Rights Policy available on
our website andtherefore we conclude, that we
are exempt from reporting in accordance with the
Swiss law regulations in respect of child labour
according to Art. 964j CO.”
Anastassis G. David
Chairman of the Board
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 117
EU taxonomy
Supporting a more
As part of the EU’s plan to direct
investments towards a more sustainable
economy that aligns with the European
Green Deal, the European Commission
defined a classification system of
sustainable activities under taxonomy
regulation in 2020. The EU taxonomy
regulation creates a common definition
of environmentally sustainable economic
activities to be used by investors,
corporates, policymakers and
Climate change mitigation and climate change
adaptation environmental objectives were set out
in the Climate Delegated Acts
, and apply since
2022, while the remaining four objectives came
into force in June 2023 under the Environmental
Delegated Act
, and are effective from 2024
onwards. For each of these objectives, the
Delegated Acts define which activities are eligible.
For an economic activity to be considered aligned
with EU taxonomy, however, it needs to meet
all the below: a) to substantially contribute to at
least one environmental objective; b) to meet the
technical screening criteria (TSC) defined for per
activity; c) to do no significant harm to any of the
remaining objectives; and d) to comply with the
minimum social safeguards.
Relevance to Coca-Cola HBC
As a company domiciled in Switzerland, we are
not subject to the EU Non-Financial Reporting
Directive and hence are not currently required
to report following the EU taxonomy. However,
in line with our practice to provide stakeholders
with high-quality and value-adding ESG data, we
have decided to voluntarily publish key information
related to EU taxonomy for 2023. This is the result
of the preparatory work we have been doing,
in anticipation of the mandatory EU taxonomy
disclosure next year, as CCH falls into the
expanded scope of the Corporate Sustainability
Reporting Directive, introduced in January 2024.
Taxonomy eligibility assessment
According to the EU taxonomy Delegated Acts,
our main economic activity of ‘Food and beverage
manufacturing’ is not considered eligible for EU
taxonomy. It is important to note that non-eligibility
simply refers to the fact that an economic activity
is not in scope of the EU taxonomy and should not
be considered as indicative of ESG performance.
Following a thorough assessment of economic
activities across territory, we have mapped some of
our investments and operational expenses deriving
from these investments with secondary activities
under the objectives of ‘transition to a circular
economy’ and ‘climate change mitigation’.
According to the Environmental Delegated Act, the
Gaglianico plant fits the criteria of eligibility under
the ‘1.1 Manufacture of plastic packaging goods’
economic activity, significantly contributing to the
transition to a circular economy’ environmental
objective. To enable the transition of the Italian
market to 100% rPET
, we have invested €30
million to convert the old Gaglianico factory
into an innovative hub, which transforms up to
30,000 tonnes of post-consumer PET per year
into new 100% recycled PET preforms, covering
the beverage bottling needs in the country. The
site is fully powered by electricity from 100%
renewable sources, leading to a reduction in the
emissions of producing a preform by up to
70% compared with virgin plastic. Even if it is not
required to disclose alignment for the first year of
implementation of the Environmental Delegated
Act, we have performed a preliminary assessment
and are proud to share that the Gaglianico plant
meets all technical screening criteria. In 2024,
we will fully evaluate theDo No Significant Harm
(DNSH) criteria and take necessary action to
mitigate potential gaps, if any.
We are committed to achieving net zero emissions
by 2040 across our value chain. One of the key drivers
to reduce scope 3 emissions is the investment
in energy-efficient coolers. At the end of 2023,
55% of all coolers in our markets excluding Egypt
were energy efficient, reducing greenhouse gas
emissions by 127,461 tonnes compared with our
2017 baseline. This activity qualifies as eligible
for EU taxonomy purposes, under economic
activity ‘7.3 Installation, maintenance and repair
of energy efficiency equipment’, significantly
contributing to the climate change mitigation
environmentalobjective. However, as coolers
are purchased from third parties, we were not
able to collect all information required to assess
alignment with the relevant DNSH criteria, and we
report zero alignment for this economic activity.
Our continuous investment in green fleet is
also considered eligible for EU taxonomy under
economic activity ‘6.5 Transport by motorbikes,
passenger cars and light commercial vehicles’,
significantly contributing to the climate change
mitigation environmental objective. In 2023, we
continued the transition to electric and hybrid
vehicles, which now comprise 44% of our light
fleet, compared with 28% in 2022. In total, we
have reduced the carbon footprint of our fleet
compared with our baseline (2017) by 43,743
tonnes of CO
. Even if we could assess the relevant
TSC for alignment, we were not able to obtain
the required information for the implementation
ofthe DNSH requirements from our suppliers.
Thus, we will prudently consider zero alignment
for this economic activity for 2023.
Investment in charging stations is also
eligibleasper economic activity ‘7.4 Installation,
maintenance and repair of charging stations for
electric vehicles in buildings (and parking spaces
attached to buildings)’, but not aligned.
Finally, Capex and Opex related to buildings
ownedorleased under right-of-use are captured
inthe‘7.7 Acquisition and ownership of buildings’
eligible activity.
Minimum social safeguards have also been
and any limited gaps regarding
human rights due diligence, anti-corruption,
taxation compliance, and fair competition will be
addressedin view of the next reporting period.
The table below contains all our economic
activities that have been identified as EU
taxonomy eligible, whilst none can currently be
considered EU taxonomy aligned. Given that our
secondary economic activities are not revenue
generating, the percentage of eligible turnover is
zero. However, we are presenting the percentage
of eligible Capex and Opex following the
definitions of EU taxonomy regulation.
It is important to note that the Capex denominator
in 2023 includes €204.4 million (out of total of
€901.3 million) as additions inintangible assets
coming from the acquisition ofFinlandia.
1. Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139, CommissionDelegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2485.
2. Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2486.
3. Excluding Water.
4. Assessment based on the ‘Final Report on Minimum Safeguards’ published by the Platform on Sustainable Finance (PSF) in October 2022, in the absence of further guidance from the European Commission.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 118
EU taxonomy continued
EU taxonomy-eligible but not taxonomy-aligned activities
Substantial contribution to environmental objective % turnover % Capex % Opex
1. Manufacturing
1.1 Manufacture of plastic packaging goods Transition to a circular economy 0.13% 0.11%
6. Transport
6.5 Transport by motorbikes, passenger cars and light commercial vehicles Climate change mitigation 3.65% 7.73%
7. Construction and real estate activities
7.3 Installation, maintenance and repair of energy efficiency equipment Climate change mitigation 11.60% 16.68%
7.4 Installation, maintenance and repair of charging stations for electric
vehiclesinbuildings (and parking spaces attached to buildings)
Climate change mitigation 0.01%
7.7 Acquisition and ownership of buildings Climate change mitigation 4.10% 11.18%
Total taxonomy-eligible but not taxonomy-aligned activities 19.49% 35.70%
Next steps
EU taxonomy regulation is still evolving, and we remain alert for any amendments to the existing Delegated Acts or the introduction of new ones. As we work towards meeting our NetZeroBy40 commitment,
we aspire to improve alignment with EU taxonomy by cooperating closely with our suppliers and by addressing any gaps identified. Undoubtedly, in the case that our main economic activity of food and beverage
manufacturing will be included in future Delegated Acts, it will be considered eligible, hence expanding the scope ofthe EU taxonomy application for CCH.
Finally, the implementation of the CSRD earlier this year will significantly increase the sustainability disclosure requirements. Building on the strong foundation of robust ESG reporting over many years, we are
committed to carrying out all the necessary implementation activities that will facilitate and ensure CSRD compliance forfinancial year 2024.
1. Turnover, Capex and Opex % have been calculated following the EU taxonomy guidelines.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 119
SASB index
The majority of the information required by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) framework is included in the 2023 IAR and the 2023 GRI Content Index. Part of the information refers to our
public website https://www.coca-colahellenic.com/
Coca-Cola HBC AG 2023 IAR has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI Universal Standards 2021). It has been independently assured by PwC. The independent
assurance statement is on pages 302 to 309 of the 2023 IAR.
All the numbers refer to total CCHBC markets including Egypt unless otherwise stated. Currently, we do not track all metrics included in the Non-Alcoholic Beverages Standards and will work towards including
more data in the future.
Table 1. Sustainability disclosure topics and accounting metrics
Topic Accounting metric Category Unit of measure Code Response
Fleet fuel
Fleet fuel consumed
Gigajoules (GJ)
Percentage renewable Percentage (%) 0%
Energy management
Operational energy consumed
Gigajoules (GJ)
Percentage grid electricity Percentage (%) 38%
Percentage renewable Percentage (%) 36%
Water management
Total water withdrawn
Thousand cubic
metres (m³)
Total water consumed
Thousand cubic
metres (m³)
and percentage of each in regions with High or
Extremely High Baseline Water Stress
Percentage (%) 31% (excluding Egypt)
Description of water management risks and
discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate
those risks
and analysis
n/a FB-NB-140a.2
2023 IAR, Water section, Managing Risk, and TCFD sections.
2023 GRI Content Index (GRI 303: Water and Effluents).
Our water management practices don’t result in tradeoffs in land
use, energy production, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
CCHBC website – Water stewarship ( https://www.coca-
Health and nutrition
Revenue from: zero- and low-calorie beverages
€1,507.7 million only from SSD portfolio,
21.3% of total SSD revenue
No added sugar beverages EUR
Not reported; we report towards our Mission 2025 commitment
forcalorie reduction per 100ml SSD by 25% (2025 vs 2015): in 2023
wereduced the calories in our SSD by 19% vs 2015.
Artificially sweetened beverages EUR
CCHBC website – Sustainability section – Nutrition (https://
Not reported
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 120
SASB index continued
Table 1. Sustainability disclosure topics and accounting metrics continued
Topic Accounting metric Category Unit of measure Code Response
Product labelling
Percentage of advertising impressions (1) made
on children and (2) made on children promoting
products that meet dietary guidelines
Quantitative Percentage (%) FB-NB-270a.1
Not reported. As a member of both the Coca-Cola System and
UNESDA, we abide by the respective responsible marketing
guidelines. In addition, we have a responsible marketing policy
for alcoholic beverages, while our strategic approach towards
marketing to children is covered by our health and wellness policy.
Health and Wellness Policy (https://www.coca-colahellenic.
Responsible Marketing Policy for Alcoholic Beverages (https://
Revenue from products labelled as (1) containing
genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and
(1) None – we don’t produce/sell GMO products.
(2) Non-GMO: €10,184 million (100% of the portfolio).
CCHBC website – GMO Policy (https://www.coca-colahellenic.
Number of incidents of non-compliance with industry
or regulatory labelling and/or marketing codes
Quantitative Number FB-NB-270a.3
12 incidents of non-compliance with regulatory labelling and
6 isolated incidents in 2 out of 17 business units with industry
marketing codes in 2023, with mitigation plans in place for all of
the above incidents. 4 out of 6 mitigation actions (67%) were
already completed by February 2024.
Refer to the 2023 GRI Content Index (417-2 and 417-3).
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal
proceedings associated with marketing and/or
labelling practices
Total amount of monetary losses: €1,733.58 in 2023.
Refer to the 2023 GRI Content Index (417-2 and 417-3).
Packaging lifecycle
Total weight of packaging Metric tonnes (t) 964,319
(2) Percentage made from recycled and/or
Quantitative Percentage (%)
16% rPET (placed on the market); 31% recycled glass; 47%
recycled aluminium
(3) Percentage that is recyclable, reusable,
and/or compostable
Percentage (%)
100% of primary packaging (recyclable by design)
Discussion of strategies to reduce the environmental
impact of packaging throughout its lifecycle
and analysis
n/a FB-NB-410a.2
CCHBC website – Sustainability section – World without waste
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 121
SASB index continued
Table 1. Sustainability disclosure topics and accounting metrics continued
Topic Accounting metric Category Unit of measure Code Response
and social impacts
of ingredient
Suppliers’ social and environmental responsibility
audit: non-conformance rate and associated
corrective action rate for (a) major and (b) minor
Quantitative Rate FB-NB-430a.1
2023 GRI Content Index (2-6, 308-1, 308-2, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1,
414-1, 414-2).
CCHBC website – Sustainable sourcing and Our suppliers
sections (https://www.coca-colahellenic.com/en/about-us/
CCHBC website – Sustainability section – Sourcing
CCHBC website – Supplier Guiding Principles (https://www.coca-
Ingredient sourcing
Percentage of beverage ingredients sourced
from regions with High or Extremely High Baseline
Percentage (%)
1.3% of ingredients of suppliers spend (on total spend) is in high/
very high water risk areas, as per our assessment by using WWF
Water Risk Filter.
3.4% of ingredients of suppliers spend (on total ingredients spend)
is in high/very high water risk areas, as per our assessment by using
WWF Water Risk Filter.
List of priority beverage ingredients and
descriptionofsourcing risks due to environmental
andsocial considerations
n/a FB-NB-440a.2
CCHBC website – Sustainability section – Sourcing
2023 GRI Content Index (2-6, 308-1, 308-2, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1,
414-1, 414-2).
CCHBC website – Sustainable sourcing and Our suppliers
sections (https://www.coca-colahellenic.com/en/about-us/
Table 2. Activity Metrics
Topic Accounting metric Category Unit of measure Code Response
Volume of
productssold Quantitative
Millions of
hectolitres (Mhl) FB-NB-000.A 16,012.33
Number of
production facilities Quantitative Number FB-NB-000.B 60 production facilities for non-alcoholic beverages
Total fleet road
miles travelled Quantitative Kilometres FB-NB-000.C 387,262,652
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Governance at a glance
Corporate Governance Compliance statement
As a Swiss corporation listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) with a secondary listing on the Athens Exchange,
we aim to ensure that our corporate governance systems remain in line with international best practices. Our
corporate governance standards and procedures are continuously reviewed in light of current developments and
rulemaking processes in the UK, Switzerland and also the EU. Find out more on pages 127 to 129.
American 1 8%
American/Brazilian 1 8%
British 5 38%
Bulgarian 1 8%
Croatian 1 8%
Greek 2 15%
Nigerian 1 8%
Swiss 1 8%
8 62%
5 38%
Board gender diversity
(number and %)
KAR-Tess Holding
Free float
Shareholder structure
Independent NEDs
6 46%
Executive directors
6 46%
1 8%
Board Independence
(number and %)
Tenure (years)
Compliance with the UK Corporate Governance Code
Board Leadership and CompanyPurpose
A Effectiveand entrepreneurial Board to promote the long-term sustainable success oftheCompany,
generating value for shareholdersand contributing towider society.
B. Purpose, values and strategy with alignment to culture.
C. Resources for the Company to meet its objectives and measure performance.
Controlsframeworkfor management and assessment of risks.
D. Effective engagement with shareholders and stakeholders.
E. Consistency of workforcepolicies and practices to support long-termsustainable success:
Letter from the Chair of the Board
Board Leadership and Company Purpose
Strategic Report
Engaging with our key stakeholders
Culture in action
Overseeing strategic delivery
Audit and Risk Committee
Conflicts of interest
Division of Responsibilities
F. Leadership of Board by Chair
G. Board composition and responsibilities
H. Role of NEDs.
I. Company’s policies, processes, information, timeand resources:
Board composition
Key roles and responsibilities
Division of responsibilities for the Board
Support and training for the Board
Board appointments and succession planning
Composition, succession and evaluation
J. Board appointments andsuccession plans for Board and seniormanagement andpromotion ofdiversity.
K. Skills, experience andknowledge of Board and length of service of Board as awhole.
L. Annual evaluation of Board,Committees and Directorsand demonstration ofwhethereach Director
continues to contributeeffectively:
Board composition
Application of the Company’s corporate governance practices
Diversity, tenure and experience
Performance evaluation of the Board
Nomination Committee
123, 149
Audit, risk and internal controls
M. Independence and effectiveness of internal and external audit functions andintegrity of financial and
narrative statements.
N. Fair, balanced and understandable assessment of the Company’s position andprospects.
O. Risk management and internal control framework and principal risks the Company is willing to take
toachieveitslong-term objectives:
Audit and Risk Committee 157
Strategic Report 86-107
Fair, balanced and understandable Annual Report 154, 155, 185
Going concern basis of accounting 185
Viability statement 113
P. Remuneration policies and practicesto support strategy and promote long-term sustainable
success with executive remuneration aligned to Company purpose and values.
Q. Procedure for Executive Director and senior management remuneration.
R. Authorisation of remuneration outcomes:
Remuneration Committee report 159
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Letter from the Chair of the Board
Dear Stakeholder,
It is my pleasure to share this Corporate
Governance Report, which details robust
governance arrangements throughout the Group,
alongside key updates and decisions undertaken
by the Board during 2023.
2023 was a successful year for Coca-Cola HBC,
despite the ongoing challenges of high inflation
and the conflict in Ukraine. The Company
continued the momentum of 2022 into 2023,
focusing on the health and safety of our people
across the business and reacting to cost
pressures with measured and focused price and
mix changes. Underpinned by the introduction of
our clear purpose and the consistent application
of our 24/7 beverage strategy, Zoran and our
executive team have delivered another year of
strong operational and strategic progress and
record financial results.
Leading with purpose
In March, I had the pleasure of attending, alongside
other members of the Board, our senior leadership
conferencein Cairo.This was a significantmeeting
for the Company, our first in four years where
we’d been able to bring together our team to unify
around some common objectives and celebrate
the progress we’ve made since 2019. Our people
have consistently risen to the challenges presented
over the last few years. This was passionately
showcased by all disciplines within the business
and hosted with grace and professionalism by our
Egyptian team, the latest country to join our Group.
At the event we were joined by many members of
The Coca-Cola Company and other key partners
who also shared their thoughts on the future of
The governance
imperative in
times ofchange
The leadership conference showcased how
our talented, passionate people have adapted
and embraced opportunities, ensuring that our
company continues to be resilient and enjoy such
a strong performance.
The event also showcased our new purpose,
endorsed by the Board – to open up moments that
refresh us all. This revision provides greater clarity
and inspiration, and also supports our alignment
with the Coca-Cola System.
The long-term success of our business remains
connected to the success of our customers and
partners, and our ability to delight consumers with
the beverages and brands that they love. We are
able to accomplish this due to our well-embedded,
values-based culture.The Board plays a critical role
in shaping the culture of the Company by promoting
growth-focused and values-based conduct and
ensuring increased focus on continued learning and
the smart risk taking necessary for theCompany’s
adaptation. The Board isoverseeing thedevelopment
and implementation of a new culture manifesto and
leadership model, ensuring that the revised purpose
is well-embedded in the Company’s culture.
We monitor our progress in integrating our values
through various indicators, including our employee
engagement index, diversity indicators, and health
and safety indicators, and our Directors lead by
example as ambassadors of our values, cascading
good behaviour throughout the organisation.
One all-employee pulse survey, one culture and
engagement survey and two Collaborating for
Impact surveys were conducted in 2023. While
Charlotte Boyle is our designated non-Executive
Director responsible for engaging with our people
to provide feedback to the Board, feedback from
our people through these surveys was brought
to the full Board’s attention in 2023 to facilitate
understanding of the concerns raised and ensure
a rapid response.
The Board and Iwould liketo thank our leadership
and allour colleagues for making Coca-Cola HBC
a better business every day, working together as
a team, delivering our Growth Story and making
impressive progress on our journey of becoming
the leading 24/7 beverage partner.
Seizing opportunities
In 2022 we acquired the Coca-Cola bottler in
Egypt expanding our footprint in long-term high-
growth markets. A key priority for the Board during
2023 has been the successful integration of the
business into the Coca-Cola HBC family and I am
pleased toreport that has gone very well. Despite
the challenging macroeconomic conditions in
the country in 2023, we remain confident for the
prospects of our business in Egypt .
In 2023 we undertook a different type of acquisition
with the purchase of Finlandia, a superb vodka
business, from our long-termpartner, Brown-
Forman. Zoran and the team have started
integration of the business and we expect
significant growth opportunities to come as we
build-out this excellent brand across our footprint.
Protecting our people
The Board is constantly vigilantof the ongoing
conflict in Ukraine. First and foremost, we are
focused on protecting our employees and
ensuring, in so far as possible, their health and
safety. We believe that the decisions we have
taken to date achieve the best balance for our
team on the ground and our wider stakeholders.
We continue to monitor matters closely and will
take further actions if needed.
In 2023, the Board has
carefullysought to position
ourcompany for continued
success, preparing to anticipate
and seize opportunities,
endeavouring to overcome
challenges and continuing to
focuson good governance: doing
what is right over what is easy.”
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 124
Presenting at our
Investor Day in May
Letter from the Chair of the Board continued
Strategy and performance
Our Growth Story 2025 has remained a
cornerstone for the business throughout
2023. We continue to prioritise the actions and
investments that strengthen our capabilities and
position the Company for sustained success.
Our performance in 2023 demonstrated the
benefits of our approach. Coca-Cola HBC
delivered strong financial performance with
record levels of revenue and comparable EBIT,
with a good margin improvement, strong free
cashflow reaching alltime high and improved ROIC.
I was pleased to launch proceedings at our investor
day in May in Rome, where Zoran, Ben, Naya and
the team outlined the many actions we are taking
to drive revenue growth, margin improvements and
sustainedstrong cash generation. The Board fully
supports the raised mid-term guidance Zoran and
the team shared with you at the time. Delivering
these goals will not be easy, but we have laid strong
foundations with sustained investment over the
last few years and have developed a culture of
resilience and adaptability that serves us well.
Leadership in action
2023 was a year full of opportunity and challenge.
I am very reassured by the Board’s strong
contribution to our decision making, representing
effectively the interests and viewpoints of all
stakeholdersin wideranging topics. This has
supported a thorough evaluation of our strategic
investments, stretching goals for our management
and a continued strong focus onsustainability.
Through our Mission 2025 framework and
biodiversity policy, we are committed to reducing
emissions and water use, by preserving and
re-instating water priority areas, and by sourcing
agricultural ingredients sustainably. While index
performance is not a goal in itself, we continue
to be assured by our ranking as the world’s most
sustainable beverage company in the Dow Jones
Sustainability Index, for another year. Consistent
progress underpins our aim to leave nature in a
state better than the one we found it in.
For more on our Mission 2025 sustainability plan,
see p72 to 74
This year, together with The Coca-Cola
Company and seven other bottling partners,
weeach committed $15 million to a new venture
capital fund, the Greycroft Coca-Cola System
Sustainability Fund. This $137.7 million fund will
focus on innovative solutions to drive carbon
footprint reduction, helping accelerate our
journey towards our NetZeroby40 goal. And
in December, we were proud to announce
the establishment of the CCHBC Foundation
dedicated to supporting communities in the
areas where weoperate, withan initial 10 million
transfer tothe foundation.
We had two new Board members in 2023,
Evguenia Stoichkova and George Pavlos Leventis,
both bringing a wealth of experience from the
beverage sector.
Dividend growth and capital returns
The Board has maintained our progressive
dividend, and for 2023 is proposing 0.93 per
share share, a 19% increase on the dividend per
share versus the prior year, representing a 45%
pay-out ratio, within our targeted range of 40 to
50% of comparable EPS.
The consistent growth of our dividend is
testament to our confidence in the strong
fundamentals of our business, as well as our
commitment to shareholders.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 125
Letter from the Chair of the Board continued
At the same time, in November 2023 we
announced the start of a two-year share
buyback programme, aimed at returning up
to €400 million to shareholders. We remain
committed to a disciplined approach to capital
allocation that continues to drive shareholder
value. TheGroup’s capital allocation framework
follows clear priorities: organic investment in the
business to drive delivery of our medium-term
financial targets; paying a progressive dividend,
targeting a payout of 40%-50% of earnings per
share; strategic M&A; and finally, additionalcapital
return. With these priorities in mind, the Board
believed that the 2023 share price undervalued
the Company’s future growth opportunities,
and theapproval of a share buybackprogramme
provided a compelling opportunity to enhance
value for shareholders while continuing to invest
inthe business.
The importance of good governance
As a Board, our aim is to always ensure the
highest standards of corporate governance,
accountability and risk management. Our
internal policies and procedures, which have
been consistently effective since the Group
was formed, are properly documented and
communicated against the framework applicable
to companies with a premium listing in the UK.
The Board and its committees have conducted
an annual review of the effectiveness of our
risk management system and internal controls,
further details of which are set out in the Audit
and Risk Committee report on pages 153 to 158.
The Board confirms that it has concluded that our
riskmanagement and internal control systems
We are subject to the UK Corporate Governance
Code 2018. It sets out the principles of good
practice in relation to: Board leadership and
Company purpose; division of responsibilities;
composition, success and evaluation; audit, risk
and internal controls; and remuneration. Further
information on how we have applied the principles
and complied with the provisions of the UK
Corporate Governance Code 2018 for the year
ended 31 December 2023 can be found in this
report on pages 123 and 127.
Board meetings normally take place in Zug,
Switzerland, but also in selected markets across
our territories.
Board evaluation
In line with our commitment to adhere to best
corporate governance practices, an externally-
facilitated Board effectiveness evaluation was
conducted in the second half of 2023. Key
outcomes are included on page 150 of the
Nomination Committee report. The evaluation will
be conducted again in 2024 to apply learnings.
Board composition and diversity
We believe that our Board is well-balanced
and diverse, with the right mix of international
skills, experience, background, independence,
and knowledge in order to discharge its duties
and responsibilities effectively. However, the
composition and size of the Board continue
tobekept underreview.
The Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) Listing
Rules on targets for gender and ethnic diversity
apply for the first time and our disclosures are in
the Nomination Committee report (see pages 148
to 149). We continue to attach great importance
to all aspects of diversity in our nomination
processes at Board and senior management
levels, while appointing candidates with the
credentials that are necessary for the continued
growth and performance of our operations
within our highly specialised industry. We believe
that a diverse Board fosters both innovation
and resilience and are proud of our track record
of female and ethnic minority representation.
As of the date of this report, female Directors
comprised more than 38% ofourBoard
(compared with 33% in 2022), while ethnic
minorities represented 8%, same as in2022.
Looking ahead
A further record year in 2023 confirms our
resilience, despite the impact of cost inflation and
the conflict in Ukraine. This reflects the continued
investments we have made in the business,
focused on strengthening the most critical
driversof future performance.
We will continue to ensure the management team
is properly incentivised and stretched to deliver
exceptional results. I am proud of the fact that
we’ve been able to reward our teams with healthy
remuneration in recent years, consistent we
believe with the outcomes they’ve delivered. We
ask for dedication, professionalism and a strong
performance from them and they have achieved
agreat deal in difficult times.
We may have seen the worst of the anticipated
inflation, but economic risks remain. AsZoran
explains in his statement in the Strategic Report
(see page 6), we have taken successful actions to
improve price and mix within our portfolio while also
being mindful of maintaining affordability for all our
consumers. In several countries, consumers are
being squeezed by the legacy of high-inflation and
weaker economic conditions. Providing relevant
products with the right appeal and pricing, working
with our customers on appropriate promotions,
remains at the heart of how we make ourselves
relevant for all consumers. It is this focus and drive
that will enable us to deliver on our Growth Story
2025 and ourmid-term targets.
Doing all of this sustainably is critical. Within this,
climate change remains a top priority. We are well
equipped to face these challenges thanks to the
strength of our portfolio, proven capabilities and
committed partnerships.
This work continues, as we embed our values-
based culture to deliver on our clear purpose.
I would like to thank the Board members for
their continued commitment and counsel
this year, as well as extending my thanks to all
CCHBC colleagues, customers, consumers and
partners. Our people and culture are at the heart
of everything we do. Opening up moments that
refresh us allwas at the heart of our success
in 2023 and will underpin our progress for
generations to come.
Anastassis G. David
Chairman of the Board
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 126
Application of the Company’s corporate governance practices
Compliance with the UK Corporate
Governance Code 2018
As a Swiss corporation listed on the LSE with
asecondary listing on the Athens Exchange,
weaim to ensure that our corporate governance
systems remain in line with international
best practices. Our corporate governance
standards and procedures are continuously
reviewed in light of current developments and
rulemaking processes in the UK, Switzerland
and also the EU.Further details are available
on our website. Inrespect of the year ended
31 December 2023, the Company was subject
to the UK Corporate Governance Code 2018
(a copy is available at www.frc.org.uk). Our
Board confirmsthat the Company applied the
principlesand complied withthe provisions of
theUK CorporateGovernance Code throughout
the financial year ended December 2023, except
for the following provisions:
(1) The Chair was not independent on
appointment (provision 9) and has been
aBoard member for more than nine years
(provision 19). Anastassis David was originally
appointed as non-Executive Director (NED)
in2006 at the request of Kar-Tess Holding
and was not, at the time of his appointment as
Chair, in 2016, independent as defined by the
UK Corporate Governance Code. In view of
Anastassis David’s strong identification with
the Company and its shareholder interests,
combined with his deep knowledge and
experience of the Coca-Cola System, the
Board deemed it to be in the best interests
of the Group and its shareholders for him
to be appointed as Chair, with unanimous
support, to continue to promote an effective
and appropriately balanced leadership of
In accordance with the established policy of
appointing all Directors for one year at a time,
the Board continues to keep all positions
under regular review and subject to annual
election by shareholders at the Annual
General Meeting (AGM). The Board continues
to believe that the proven leadership of our
Chair in combination with his deep knowledge
of the Coca-Cola System position him as
unique to steer the Group at the current time.
(2) Provision 38 requires alignment of Executive
Director pension contributions with the wider
workforce. Our difficulties in compliance with
this provision due to existing contractual
obligations were outlined in the Annual
Report published in 2021 and are explained
on page 166 of the Directors’ Remuneration
Report. On the appointment of any new
Executive Director, we intend that their
pension contributions will be aligned with
the pension scheme for the wider workforce.
Pursuant to our obligations under the Listing
Rules, we apply the principles and comply
with the provisions of the UK Corporate
Governance Code or explain any instances
of non-compliance in our Annual Report.
The Company has applied the principles as
far as possible and in accordance with and as
permitted by Swiss law. Further information
on appointment of Directors and compliance
with the UK Corporate Governance Code
canbe found on thepage 123.
Swiss corporate rules
There is no mandatory Corporate Governance
Code under Swiss law applicable to the Company.
The main source of law for Swiss governance
rules is the company law contained in article
620 et seqq. of the Swiss Code of Obligations.
Swiss company law includes provisions regarding
the compensation in listed companies and
further limits the authority of the Remuneration
Committee and the Board to determine
compensation. The effective limitations include
requiring that the AGM approve the maximum total
compensation of each member of the Board and
the ExecutiveLeadership Team (ELT), requiring
that certain compensation elements be authorised
in the Articles of Association and prohibiting
certain forms of compensation, such as severance
payments and financial or monetary incentives
for the acquisition or disposal of firms. We are
in compliance with the requirements of Swiss
company law and the specific provisions therein
regarding the compensation in listed companies.
UK’s City Code on Takeovers
The UK’s City Code on Takeovers and Mergers
(the ‘City Code’) does not apply to the Company,
because the Company does not have its
registered office in the United Kingdom, the
Channel Islands or the Isle of Man. The Articles of
Association include specific provisions designed
to prevent any person acquiring shares carrying
30% or more of the voting rights (taken together
with any interest in shares held or acquired by the
acquirer or persons acting in concert with the
acquirer) except if (subject to certain exceptions)
such acquisition would not have been prohibited
by the City Code or if such acquisition is made
through an offer conducted in accordance with
the City Code. For further details, please refer to
the Company’s Articles of Association, which are
available on our website.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 127
Application of the Company’s corporate governance practices continued
Amending the Articles of Association
The Articles of Association may only be amended
by a resolution of the shareholders passed by a
majority of at least two-thirds of the voting rights
represented and an absolute majority of the
nominal value of the shares represented.
Share capital structure
The Company has ordinary shares in issue with a
nominal value of CHF 6.70 each. Rights attaching
to each share are identical and each share carries
one vote. The Company’s Articles of Association
also allow, subject to shareholder approval, for the
conversion of registered shares into bearer shares
and bearer shares into registered shares. Details
of the movement in ordinary share capital during
the year can be found on page 257. There are no
persons holding shares that carry special rights
with regard to the control of the Company.
Powers of Directors to issue and buy
back shares
Subject to the provisions of the relevant laws
and the Articles of Association, the Board acting
collectively has the ultimate responsibility for
running the Company and the supervision
andcontrol of its executive management. The
Directors may take decisions on all matters that
are not expressly reserved to the shareholders
by the Articles of Association. Pursuant to the
provisions of the Articles of Association, the
Directors require shareholder authority to issue
shares. In accordance with the FCA’s Listing Rules,
the Directors require shareholder authority to
repurchase shares. At the AGM on 17 May 2023,
the shareholders authorised the Directors to
repurchase ordinary shares of CHF 6.70 each in
the capital of the Company up to a maximum
aggregate number of 10,000,000 representing less
than 10% of the Company’s issued share capital
as of 4April 2023. The authority will expireat the
conclusion of the 2024 AGM on 21 May 2024 or
at midnight on 30 June 2024, whichever is earlier.
The Company commenced a share buyback
programme on21November 2023 and isexpected
to run for a period of around two years. As at
31December 2023, the Company reported that
1,638,298 ordinary shares had been purchased at
an average price of 2,239.8482 pence per ordinary
share and are held in treasury. The buyback
programme continuesand as at 11 March2024 (the
latest practicable date for inclusion in this report),
since 31 December 2023, the Company purchased
a further 1,154,432 shares at an average price of
2,475.6449 pence per share and these shares
are also held in treasury. Shares held in treasury
as at 11March 2024 total 7,215,615 outof which
3,785,480 are held by CCHBCAG (including the
purchased shares) and 3,430,135 shares are held
by itssubsidiary, CCHBC Services MEPE.
Board composition
On 31 December 2023, our Board comprised
13Directors: the Chair, one Senior Independent
Director, ten NEDs and one ExecutiveDirector.
The NEDs are experienced individuals from a
range of backgrounds, countries and industries, as
shown by their biographies on pages 130 to 132.
Evguenia Stoichkova and George Pavlos Leventis
were appointed to the Board at the 2023 AGM and
at the conclusion of the AGM, Bruno Pietracci and
Ryan Rudolph retired from the Board. Evguenia
Stoichkova was also elected as a member of the
Social Responsibility Committee. This is our first
year of reporting on gender and ethnicity metrics
in accordance with the FCA Listing Rules. Further
details are disclosed on pages 148 to 149 of the
Nomination Committee Report.
External appointments
The Articlesof Associationof theCompany (article
36) set limits on the maximum number of external
appointments that members of our Board and
executive management may hold. In addition, if
a Board member wishes to take up an external
appointment, he or she must obtain prior Board
approval.The Board willassess allrequests ona case-
by-case basis, including whether the appointment
in question could negatively impact the Company
or the performance of the Director’s duties to the
Group. The nature of the appointment and the
expected time commitment are also assessed
to ensure that the effectiveness of the Board
would not be compromised. Details of the external
appointments of our Directors are contained in
their respective biographies on pages 130 to 132.
Our Chair is active in the international community.
With regard to his external appointments, the Board
considers that fewer than four of the positions held
by the Chair are considered to be significant. A
number of our other Directors also have other
external roles. With effect from 1 January 2023
Swiss law has amended the definition of external
appointments’ and requires disclosure of external
appointments in other undertakings (public or
private) with a commercial purpose (opposed to
the requirement under the old law to disclose
external appointments in legal entities registered
ina commercial registeror similar register).
The Board is satisfied that any additionally
disclosed positions are not considered significant.
Having considered the scope of the external
appointments of all Directors, including the Chair,
our Board is satisfied that they do not compromise
the effectiveness of the Board. Each Director has
sufficient time to devote to asnecessary for the
performance of their duties and, according to the
terms of appointment to the Board.This willinclude
attendance annually at approximately ten Board
meetings, AGMs and other meetings. As can be
seen in the table of attendance of Board and Board
Committee meetings on page 140, the Directors
were able to devote the time required to discharge
their duties and the Board has determined that
each member commits sufficient time and
energy to the role, continuing tomake a valuable
contribution to the Board and itscommittees.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 128
Application of the Company’s corporate governance practices continued
Our Board has concluded that Charlotte J. Boyle,
Olusola (Sola) David-Borha, Anna Diamantopoulou,
William W. (Bill) Douglas III, Reto Francioni and
Alexandra Papalexopoulou are deemed to be
independent, representing half of the Board,
excluding the Chair, in accordance with the
criteria set out in the UK Corporate Governance
Code, with such individuals being independent
in both character and judgement. The other
non-Executive Directors were appointed following
nomination by the two major shareholders
(see details below) and they are therefore not
considered by the Board, to be independent as
defined by the UK Corporate Governance Code.
Anastassis David was appointed as Chair on 27
January 2016. The Board believesthat Anastassis
David embodies the Company’s core values,
heritage and culture and that these attributes,
together with his strongidentification with the
Company and its shareholders’ interests and his
deep knowledgeand experience of the Coca-Cola
System, ensure an effective and appropriately
balanced leadership of the Board and the Company.
Anastassis David was first appointedas amember
of the Board in 2006 before being appointed Chair
in 2016. Prior to his appointment as Chair, major
shareholders were consulted, and an external search
consultancy engaged to find suitable candidates.
The consensus was that Anastassis David was the
appropriate candidate to become Chair and that
he continuesto beeffective inhis leadership of the
Board. In accordance with the established policy
of appointing all Directors for one year at a time,
the Board continues to keep all positions under
regular review and subject to annual election by
shareholders at theAGM. The Board continues to
believe that the proven leadership of our Chair in
combinationwith his deep knowledgeof theCoca-
Cola System position him as unique to steer the
Group at the current time. Accordingly, Anastassis
David has the continuing support of the Board and
major shareholders to remain as Chair.
Shareholder nominees
As described on page 309, since the main listing of
the Company on the Official List of the London Stock
Exchange in 2013, Kar-Tess Holding, TCCC andtheir
respective affiliates have no special rights inrelation
to the appointment or re-election of nominee
Directors. Those Directors who were originally
nominated for appointment by TCCC or Kar-Tess
Holding will be required to stand for re-election
on an annual basis in the same way as the other
Directors.The Nomination Committeeis responsible
for identifying and recommending candidates for
subsequent nomination by the Board for election
as Directors by the shareholders on an annual basis.
As our Board currently comprises 13 Directors,
neither Kar-Tess Holding nor TCCC is in a position
to control (positively or negatively) decisions of
the Board that are subject to simple majority
approval. However, decisions of the Board that
are subject to the special quorum provisions
and supermajority requirements contained in
the Articles of Association, in practice, require the
support of Directors nominated at the request of
at least one of either TCCC or Kar-Tess Holding
to be approved. Inaddition, based on their current
shareholdings, neither Kar-Tess Holding nor
TCCC is in a position to control a decision of the
shareholders (positively or negatively), except to
block a resolution to wind up or dissolve the Company
or to amend the supermajority voting requirements.
The latter requires the approval of 80% of the total
number of shareholders being represented and
voting. Depending on the attendance levels at AGMs,
Kar-Tess Holding or TCCC may also be in a position
to control other matters requiring supermajority
shareholder approval.
Anastassis G. David, Anastasios I. Leventis,
Christo Leventis, and George Pavlos Leventis
were all originally nominated for appointment by
Kar-Tess Holding. Henrique Braun and Evguenia
Stoitchkova were nominated for appointment
by TCCC. The two Directors who retired at the
2023 AGM had been nominated by the two major
shareholders: Bruno Pietracci was nominated by
TCCC and Ryan Rudolph by Kar-Tess Holding.
Conflicts of interest
In accordance with the Company’s Organisational
Regulations, Directors are required to arrange their
personal and business affairs to avoid a conflict of
interest with the Group. Each Director must disclose
to theChair the nature and extent of any conflict
of interest arising generally or in relation to any
matter to be discussed at a Board meeting as soon
as the Director becomes aware of its existence.
In the event that the Chair becomes aware of a
Director’s conflict of interest, the Chair is required
to contact that Director promptly and discuss
the nature and extent of such aconflict ofinterest.
Subject to exceptional circumstances in which the
best interests of the Company dictate otherwise,
the Director affected by aconflict of interest is
not permitted to participate in discussions and
decision-making involving the interest at stake.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 129
Board committees
Committee Chair
Audit and Risk Committee
Nomination Committee
Social Responsibility Committee
Remuneration Committee
Board of Directors
Anastassis G.
Non-Executive Chair
Appointed: January 2016. He joined
the Board of CCHBC as a non-Executive
Director in 2006 and was appointed
ViceChair in 2014.
Skills, experience and contribution:
Anastassis brings to his role more than
20years’ experience as an investor
and NEDin the beverage industry.
Anastassis isalso a former Chair of Navios
Corporation.He holds a BA in History from
Tufts University.
For more information on skills and
experience see page 147.
External appointments:
Anastassis is active in the international
community. He serves as Vice Chair of
Aegean Airlines S.A., Vice Chair of the
Cyprus Union of Shipowners, Chair of the
boardof Sea Trade Holdings Inc., a ship-
owning company of dry cargo vessels,
Chairof the board of Nephele Navigation
Inc., and member of Adcom Advisory Ltd.
He holds the following positions within
the Kar-Tess group of companies:board
member of Kar-Tess Holding and Executive
of Boval Ltd.
Also, he is a member of the board of trustees
of College Year in Athens, and Director of
George and Kaity David Foundation.
Nationality: British-Cypriot
Anastassis David has a shared directorship with
Alexandra Papalexopoulou, both being a director
ofAegean Airlines S.A..He alsohas a shared
directorship with Anastasis Leventis, both being
directors in Nephele Navigation Inc. and has a shared
directorship with Anastasios I. Leventis, Christo
Leventis and George Pavlos Levelntis, all being
directors of Adcom Advisory Ltd.
Chief Executive Officer,
Executive Director
Appointed: June 2018.
Skills, experience and contribution:
Zoranwas previously the Company’s
Regional Director responsible for
operationsin 12 countries and has been
amember of the Executive Leadership
Team since 2013. He joined the Company
in 1996 and has held a number of senior
leadership positions, including as General
Manager of the Company’s operations in
Croatia, Switzerland and Greece. Before
joining theCompany, Zoran was an auditor
with auditing andconsulting firm Arthur
Andersen. Zoran has a track record of
delivering results across our territories
and demonstrating the values that are
thefoundation of our Company culture.
For more information on skills and
experience see page 147.
External appointments: None
Nationality: Croatian
Charlotte J.
Independent non-Executive
Appointed: June 2017.
Skills, experience and contribution:
After 14 years with The Zygos Partnership,
an international executive search and
Board advisory firm, including nine years as
a partner, she retired from her position in
July 2017. Prior to that, Charlotte worked at
Goldman Sachs International and at Egon
Zehnder International, an international
executive search and management
assessment firm. Charlotte obtained an
MBA from the London Business School and
an MA from Oxford University and was a
Bahrain British Foundation Scholar.
For more information on skills and
experience see page 147.
External appointments: Charlotte serves
as Chair of UK for UN High Commission
for Refugees (UNHCR), an independent
non-executive director and chair of the
Environment, Sustainability and Community
Committee of Shaftesbury Capital PLC, an
independent director of Thatchers Cider
Company Ltd, a non-executive adviser
to the Group Executive Board of Knight
Frank LLP and as a Trustee and Chair of the
Finance Committee of Alfanar, the venture
philanthropy organisation.
Nationality: British
Non-Executive Director
Appointed: June 2021.
Skills, experience and contribution:
Henrique has vast experience in corporate
functions as well as regional and business
unit operations in TCCC. He joined TCCC
in 1996 in Atlanta and progressed with
increased responsibilities in North America,
Europe and Latin America. His career
responsibilities have included supply chain,
new business development, marketing,
innovation, general management and
bottling operations. From 2020 to 2022,
Henrique served as President of the Latin
America operating unit, from 2016 to 2020,
he served as the President of the Brazil
business unit and from 2013 to 2016, he was
the President for Greater China and Korea.
His other roles in TCCC inthe past include
Vice President of Innovation and Operations
in Brazil and Director for Still Beverages
(non-carbonated beverages) in Europe.
He first joined TCCC as a trainee in Global
Engineering in the US. Henrique holds a
bachelor’s degree in agricultural engineering
from the University Federal of Rio de Janeiro,
a master’s in industrial engineering from
Michigan State University and an MBA from
Georgia State University.
For more information on skills and
experience see page 147.
External appointments: Henrique
currently serves as Executive Vice President,
International Developmentfor TCCC,
overseeing the company’s operating units
for Latin America, Japan and South Korea,
ASEAN and South Pacific, Greater China
and Mongolia, Africa, India and Southwest
Asiaand Eurasia and Middle East.
Nationality: American and Brazilian
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 130
Board of Directors continued
Olusola (Sola)
Independent non-Executive
Appointed: June 2015.
Skills, experience and contribution:
Sola has more than 30 years’ experience
infinancial services and held several senior
roles within the Standard Bank Group. She
was the CEO of the Africa Regions (excluding
South Africa) for Standard Bank between
2017 and 2021. Prior to that role, she served
as CEO of Stanbic IBTC Holdings Plc, a
subsidiary of Standard Bank Group listed
on the Nigerian Exchange. Her prior Board
appointments include serving as Chairman
Stanbic IBTC Bank and a Non-Executive
Director on Stanbic Uganda Holdings and
Stanbic Bank Uganda.
Sola holds a first degree inEconomics and
obtained an MBA degree from Manchester
Business School. Her executive education
experience includes the Advanced
Management Programme of the Harvard
Business School and the Global CEO
Programme of CEIBS, Wharton and IESE.
For more information on skills and
experience see page 147.
External appointments:
Sola serves as NED on the Board of Stanbic
IBTC Holdings Plc, a listed entity that is a
member of the Standard Bank Group.
Nationality: Nigerian
Independent non-Executive
Appointed: June 2020.
Skills, experience and contribution: Anna,
as a former European Commissioner, brings
to the Group a unique expertise on matters
of employment and equal opportunity
together with deep knowledge of the
European CSR agenda. Anna was an elected
Member of the Greek Parliament for over
a decade, during which time she served as
Deputy Minister for Industries, Minister of
Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious
Affairs and Ministerof Development,
Competitiveness and Shipping of the
Hellenic Republic. From 1999 to 2004,
Anna served as a member of the European
Commission in charge of Employment,
Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.
For more information on skills and
experience see page 147.
External appointments: Founder and
President of DIKTIO-Network for Reform in
Greeceand Europe, a leading Athens-based
independent, non-partisan policy institute.
A Council Member of the European Council
on Foreign Relations and an Advisory Board
Member of Delphi Economic Forum. She is
also the Chair of the European Commission’s
High-Level Group on the futureof social
protection and the welfare state in the EU.
Finally, Anna is a member of the Global
Advisory Board of KEKST CNC.
Nationality: Greek
William W. (Bill)
Douglas III
Independent non-Executive
Appointed: June 2016.
Skills, experience and contribution:
Bill is a former Vice President of Coca-Cola
Enterprises, a position in which he served
from July 2004 until his retirement in June
2016. From 2000 until 2004, Bill served as
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of CCHBC.
Bill has held various positions within the
Coca-Cola System since 1985, including
positionswith responsibility for the IT
function, including cyber issues. Before
joining TCCC, Bill was associated with Ernst
& Whinney, an international accounting firm.
He received his undergraduate degree from
the J.M. Tull School of Accounting at the
University of Georgia.
For more information on skills and
experience see page 147.
External appointments: Bill is the Lead
Director and Chair of the Audit Committee
of SiteOne Landscape Supply, Inc. He is
also a non executive Chair of the Board of
Directors of The North Highland company.
He also serves on the Board and is a past
Chair of the University ofGeorgia Trustees.
Nationality: American
Senior Independent
non-Executive Director
Appointed: June 2016.
Skills, experience and contribution:
Reto has been Professor of Applied Capital
Markets Theory at the University of Basel
since 2006 and is the author of several
highly respected books on capital market
issues. From 2005 until 2015, Reto was CEO
of Deutsche Börse AG and from 2002 until
2005, he served as Chair of the Supervisory
Board and President of the SWX Group,
which owns the Swiss Stock Exchange and
has holdings in other exchanges. Between
2000 and 2002, Reto was Co-CEO and
Spokesman for the Board of Directors of
Consors AG. Between 1993 and 2000, he
held various management positions at
Deutsche Börse AG, including that of Deputy
CEO. He earned his Doctorate of Law at the
University of Zurich.
For more information on skills and
experience see page 147.
External appointments: Reto serves as
Chair of the Supervisory Board of UBS
Europe SE and also as the Chair of the
Supervisory Board of Swiss International
Airlines. Reto is also a Vice Chair at the Board
of Directors of Medtech Innovation Partners
AG, Basel.
Nationality: Swiss
Anastasios I.
Non-Executive Director
Appointed: June 2014.
Skills, experience and contribution:
Anastasios began his career as a banking
analyst at Credit Suisse and then American
Express Bank. He has previously served
on the Boards of the Cyprus Development
Bank and Papoutsanis SA. He holds a BA in
Classics from the University of Exeter and
an MBA from New York University’s Leonard
Stern School of Business.
For more information on skills and
experience see page 147.
External appointments: Anastasios is a
Board member of A.G. Leventis (Nigeria)
Ltd, Vice Chair of the board of Nephele
Navigation Inc, a board member of Maxenta
Invest Corp., of Middle East Finance Sarl
and of Adcom Advisory Ltd. He is a board
member of Kar-Tess Holding.
Furthermore, Anastasios is a member of the
European Council of the Nature Conservancy,
a Board Member of WWF Hellas (Greek
branch of WWF), a member of the board of
Overseers of the Gennadius Library in Athens,
a member of the University of Exeter Global
Advancement Board, co founder of the
Cyclades Preservation Fund, Member of the
Board of Trustees ofA.G. Leventis Foundation,
and Director of Leventis Foundation Nigeria.
Nationality: British
Anastasios Leventis has a shared directorship with
Anastassis David, Christo Leventis and George Pavlos
Leventis, all being directors of Adcom Advisory Ltd.
He also has shared directorship with Anastassis David,
both being directors of Nephele Navigation Inc, and a
shared directorship with Christo Leventis, both being
directors in Middle East Finance Sarl.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 131
Board of Directors continued
Non-Executive Director
Appointed: June 2014.
Skills, experience and contribution:
Christo worked as an Investment Analyst
with Credit Suisse Asset Management from
1994 to 1999. In 2001, he joined J.P. Morgan
Securities as an Equity Research Analyst
focusing on European beverage companies.
From 2003 until March 2014, Christo
was a member of the board of directors
of Frigoglass S.A.I.C., a leading global
manufacturer of commercial refrigeration
products for the beverage industry. Christo
holds a BA in Classics from University
College London and an MBA from the
Kellogg School of Management in Chicago.
For more information on skills and
experience see page 147.
External appointments:
Christo is a board member of Alpheus
Capital, a single family private equity
investment office, a board member of
Adcom Advisory Ltd, a board member of
Middle East Finance Sarl and holds the
followingpositions within the Kar-Tess group
of companies: a board member of Kar-Tess
Holding and a board member of Torval
Investment Corp.
Furthermore, he is a Director of the A.G.
Leventis Foundation.
Nationality: British
Christo Leventis has a shared directorship with
Anastassis David, Anastasios Leventis and George
Pavlos Leventis, all being directors of Adcom Advisory
Ltd. He also has a shared directorship with Anastasios
Leventis, both being directors in Middle East Finance
Sarl and with George Pavlos Leventis, both being
directors in Tor val InvestmentCorp.
Independent non-Executive
Appointed: June 2015.
Skills, experience and contribution:
Alexandra worked previously for the OECD and
the consultancy firm Booz, Allen & Hamilton,
in Paris. From 2003 until February 2015, she
served as a member of the Board of Directors
of Frigoglass S.A.I.C. From 2010 to 2015, she
served as a member of the board of directors
of National Bank of Greece and from 2007
to 2009, she served as a member of the
board of directors of Emporiki Bank. She is
an experienced executive director having
been appointed in 1995 to the board of Titan
Cement Company S.A., where she is employed
since 1992. Alexandra holds a BA in Economics
and Mathematics from Swarthmore College
in the US and an MBA from INSEAD in France.
For more information on skills and
experience see page 147.
External appointments: Alexandra is an
Executive Member of the Board of Directors
of Titan Cement International and Chair of
the Board Strategy Committee. Alexandra
is treasurer and a member of the Board
of Directors of the Paul and Alexandra
Canellopoulos Foundation, a member of the
Board of Trustees of the INSEAD business
school and an independent non-executive
Director of Aegean Airlines S.A..
Nationality: Greek
Alexandra Papalexopoulou has a shared directorship
with Anastassis David, both being a director of Aegean
Airlines S.A.
Non-Executive Director
Appointed: May 2023.
Skills, experience and contribution:
Evguenia is currently the President of Global
Ventures for TCCC, a unit that focuses on
globally scaling acquisitions and brands,
including COSTA Coffee and investment
in Monster Beverage Corp. Prior to her
current role, Evguenia served as President
of the company’s Eurasia & Middle East
operating unit. From 2017 to 2020, Evguenia
was president of the Turkey, Caucasus and
Central Asia business unit. From 2013 to
2017, Evguenia served as Franchise General
Manager for Italy and Albania. From 2010 to
2013, she was Franchise Operations director
for Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Albania.
Evguenia joined Coca-Cola Bulgaria in2004
as Franchise Country Manager. She became
Marketing Manager for sparkling soft drinks
in the Adriatic and Balkans business unit in
2007. She was named as Area Marketing
Manager in Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and
Macedonia in 2008 before becoming Brand
Director for still beverages for South Eastern
Europe in 2009. Evguenia started her career
at Danone Group in 1994 and led Danone
marketing in Bulgaria from 2000 to 2004.
For more information on skills and
experience see page 147.
External appointments:
PresidentofGlobalVentures at TCCC
Nationality: Bulgarian
George Pavlos
Non-Executive Director
Appointed: May 2023.
Skills, experience and contribution:
George was a non-executive member of the
board of directors of Frigoglass S.A.I.C. from
2014 until May 2023 and held the position
of Vice Chair. George previously worked as
an analyst in fund management and holds
an Investment Management Certificate
from the CFA Society. He graduated with a
bachelor’s degree in modern history from
Oxford University and holds a postgraduate
Law degree from City University in the UK.
For more information on skills and
experience see page 147.
External appointments: George is a board
member of Adcom Advisory Ltd, a board
member of Chalet Alpette Sarl and a board
member of 8 Kensington Park Road Ltd. He
is also a Board member of Torval Investment
Corp., a company within the Kar-Tess group
of companies.
Furthermore, he is a director in Terra Cypria
Foundation, a charitable non-governmental
organisation, that promotes environmental
awareness and sustainability.
Nationality: British
George Pavlos Leventis has a shared directorship with
Anastassis David, Christo Leventis and Anastasios
Leventis, all being directors of Adcom Advisory Ltd. He
also has a shared directorship with Christo Leventis,
both being directors in Tor val InvestmentCorp.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 132
Corporate Governance Report
Board leadership and Company purpose
The Board has ultimate responsibility for our
long-term success and for delivering sustainable
shareholder value, as well as contributing to wider
society. It is responsible for setting our purpose,
values and strategy and ensuring alignment with
culture. This includes ensuring that workforce
policies and practices are consistent with our
values and long-term sustainable vision.
Key activities of the Board in 2023
The key activities of the Board during the year
are set out opposite. The Board recognises the
value of maintaining close relationships with its
stakeholders, understanding their views and the
importance of these relationships in delivering our
strategy. The Group’s key stakeholders and their
differing perspectives are taken into account as
part of the Board’s discussions. You can read more
in our statement of section 172 of the Companies
Act 2006 on page 19.
Board meeting discussions are structured using a
carefully tailored agenda that is agreed in advance
by the Chair in conjunction with the CEO and the
Company Secretary. A typical Board meeting will
comprise the following elements:
committee reports from the Chairs of our
Board Committees on the proceedings of
thosemeetings, including the key discussion
points and particular matters to bring to the
Board’s attention;
performance reports including CEO Overview,
COO Overview, CFO Review and operational
performance reports;
d e e p - d i v e reports into areas of strategic
importance to evaluate progress, provide
insight and, where necessary, decide on
appropriate action; and
legal and governance updates including
regulatory updates, governance and
compliance updates, proxy agencies
scoringand annual Board, Committees’
andDirectors’ assessment.
Regions and functions
Deep-dive reviews of regions and key functions
Business and financial performance
Regular reviews of business performance by
reporting segments and categories, with focus on
growth accelerators and new product launches;
regular reviews of financial performance, financial
insights, FX matters and analysts’ updates.
Performance measurement
Focusing on the performance of the Revenue
Growth Management, Route-to-Market and big data
and advanced analytics programmes in order to build
the necessary insight capabilities
Culture and values
Employee engagement surveys
Discussing the employee engagement surveys and
people plans
Organisational design
Reflecting on the implementation of the Group’s
organisational design
Engagement initiatives
Workingwith the designated non-Executive Director
on issues that are identified through the employee
engagement process
Regions and functions
Deep-dive reviews of regions and key functions
Business and financial performance
Regular reviews of business performance by
reporting segments and categories, with focus on
growth accelerators and new product launches;
regular reviews of financial performance, financial
insights, FX matters and analysts’ updates
insights, FX matters and analysts’ updates
insights, FX matters and analysts’ updates
insights, FX matters and analysts’ updates
insights, FX matters and analysts’ updates
insights, FX matters and analysts’ updates
insights, FX matters and analysts’ updates
insights, FX matters and analysts’ updates
Performance measurement
Focusing on the performance of the Revenue
Growth Management, Route-to-Market and big data
and advanced analytics programmes in order to build
the necessary insight capabilities
the necessary insight capabilities
the necessary insight capabilities
the necessary insight capabilities
the necessary insight capabilities
the necessary insight capabilities
Retail and e-commerce
Reviewing the execution initiatives in retail,
e-commerce and growth results
Culture and values
Employee engagement surveys
Discussing the employee engagement surveys and
people plans
people plans
people plans
people plans
people plans
people plans
Organisational design
Reflecting on the implementation of the Group’s
organisational design
organisational design
organisational design
organisational design
organisational design
organisational design
Engagement initiatives
Workingwith the designated non-Executive Director
on workforce issues that are identified through the
employee engagementprocess; engaging with other
stakeholders in assessing performance against strategy
stakeholders in assessing performance against strategy
stakeholders in assessing performance against strategy
stakeholders in assessing performance against strategy
stakeholders in assessing performance against strategy
stakeholders in assessing performance against strategy
stakeholders in assessing performance against strategy
stakeholders in assessing performance against strategy
Risk management and internal control
Principal and emerging risks
Continued review of principal and emerging risks and
mitigation programmes, Overshight of the internal
control framework, anddefinition of the Group’s risk
Finance and IT
Reviewing the liquidity, financing status and
commodity exposure of the Group and reviewing
information technology plans, including cyber security
information technology plans, including cyber security
information technology plans, including cyber security
information technology plans, including cyber security
information technology plans, including cyber security
information technology plans, including cyber security
information technology plans, including cyber security
information technology plans, including cyber security
Digital strategy
Review of the digital strategy and its key priorities
around consumer and customer centricity,
employee experience and operational productivity
employee experience and operational productivity
employee experience and operational productivity
employee experience and operational productivity
employee experience and operational productivity
employee experience and operational productivity
employee experience and operational productivity
employee experience and operational productivity
employee experience and operational productivity
employee experience and operational productivity
Succession planning and diversity
Succession planning
Reviewing succession planning for Board and senior
Talent development
Reviewing the Company’s talent development plans
Reviewing the Company’s talent development plans
Reviewing the Company’s talent development plans
Reviewing the Company’s talent development plans
Monitoring the progress of our academies, including
Coffee, Digital, Supply Cainand Sales Academies
Cost optimisation and investment
Ongoing review of the Group’s cost optimisation and
investment programmes
investment programmes
investment programmes
investment programmes
investment programmes
investment programmes
investment programmes
investment programmes
New acquisitions
Approved the acquisition of Finlandia Vodka;
continued oversight of Egypt business integration
continued oversight of Egypt business integration
continued oversight of Egypt business integration
continued oversight of Egypt business integration
continued oversight of Egypt business integration
continued oversight of Egypt business integration
continued oversight of Egypt business integration
continued oversight of Egypt business integration
continued oversight of Egypt business integration
continued oversight of Egypt business integration
continued oversight of Egypt business integration
continued oversight of Egypt business integration
Capital expenditure
Review of material capital expenditure projects
Review of material capital expenditure projects
Review of material capital expenditure projects
Review of material capital expenditure projects
Review of material capital expenditure projects
Review of material capital expenditure projects
Review of material capital expenditure projects
Review of material capital expenditure projects
Review of material capital expenditure projects
Review of material capital expenditure projects
Geopolitical events
Continued monitoring geopolictical events that may
have operational impact
have operational impact
have operational impact
have operational impact
have operational impact
have operational impact
have operational impact
have operational impact
have operational impact
have operational impact
Net zero initiatives
Review of projects, including the in-house
production of PET from recycled PET flakes
Our investors
The Coca-Cola Company
Our consumers
Our consumers
Our customers
Our customers
Our people
Our communities
Our communities
Our suppliers
Our suppliers
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Corporate Governance Report continued
Engaging with our Stakeholders
The Board regularly reviews stakeholder
engagement activities undertaken, both by it and
the Group as whole,and issatisfied that the activities
outlined in the next two pages and on pages 12
to 18 remain effective for the mutual benefit of
the Company and its stakeholders. Going forward,
a focus on our people, customers, consumers,
communities and partners will remain high
ontheBoard’s agenda.
In 2023, shareholders were permitted to attend
the 2023 AGM with the statutory auditors and
the independent proxy adviser in person, for
the first time since 2019, due to Covid-19 safety
restrictions. At the 2023 AGM, more than 20% of
votes were cast against three resolutions, being
the advisory votes on the UK remuneration report
(resolution 7), the Swiss remuneration report
(resolution 9), and the re-election of Charlotte
J. Boyle, Chair of the Remuneration Committee
(Resolution 4.1.3). In accordance with Provision
4 of the UK Corporate Governance Code, on
15 December 2023 we published an update on
the key actions that were taken by the Board
of Directors and Remuneration Committee in
response to this. In addition to the consultation
with its largest shareholders prior to the 2023
AGM the Chair of the Remuneration Committee
has further engaged with shareholders to
understand their feedback regarding the votes.
From this engagement, it is understood that
the significant factor regarding the votes was
connected to the increased 2023-2025 PSP
opportunity for the CEO, even though this was
within the policy limits approved by shareholders.
More information on the actions taken
in responseto this vote isincluded in the
Remuneration Report on page160.
Pursuant to Swiss law and the Articles of
Association, shareholders annually elect an
independent proxy and have the possibility
to authorise and instruct the independent
proxy electronically for our general meetings.
The Chair, Senior Independent Director and
Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee will be
available at the 2024 AGM to answer questions
from shareholders. The Board encourages
shareholders to attend as it provides an
opportunity to engage with the Board.
The Chairman meets and maintains a dialogue
with the Company’s major shareholders to
understand their views on the Company’s
strategyand performance.
More broadly, our investor relations function
reports to the CFO. Through the investor relations
team, the Company and Board maintain a dialogue
with institutional investors and financial analysts
on our strategy, financial and sustainability
performance. We engaged with the investment
community and our shareholders throughout
theyear, as outlined in the box opposite.
Feedbackfrom shareholders was regularly
considered by the Board and, where necessary,
appropriate action to further engage was taken.
Other Stakeholders
We remain constantly vigilant of the ongoing
conflict in Ukraine. First and foremost, we are
focused on protecting our employees and
ensuring, in so far as possible, their health and
safety. We believe that the decisions we have
taken to date achieve the best balance for our
team on the ground and our wider stakeholders.
We continue to monitor matters closely and will
take further actions if needed.
Stakeholder interests and matters were also
carefully considered by the Board in the context
of the acquisition of Brown-Forman Finland
Oy, owner of Finlandia, a leading vodka brand in
Central and Eastern Europe, on 1November 2023
and its subsequent integration. The acquisition
represents a unique opportunity for the Group
as it enhances our journey towards becoming the
leading 24/7 beverage partner and creating value
for our stakeholders. We have been distributing
Finlandia and other premium spirits brands for
more than 17 years and the acquisition, which we
assessed as an attractive investment is expected
to further enrich and strengthen our portfolio
across more of our markets. Ownership of the
Finlandia vodka business is also expected to
enhance our premium spirits credentials; driving
mixability opportunities with premium and super-
premium NARTD products, helping capture
more drinking occasions for our consumers, and
strengthening partnerships with customers in
strategically important channels such as hotels,
restaurants and cafés and creating more value
for our partners and customers by capturing
newopportunities with our well-rounded
beverage portfolio.
Investor relations highlights
US management roadshow – Miami,
Boston, New York
Europe and UK management roadshow
(London, Frankfurt)
AGM in Steinhausen
Investor Day in Rome
dbAccess, Deutsche Bank, Global
Consumer Conference 2023 – Paris
BNP Paribas Exane CEO Conference – Paris
3rd Annual Evercore ISI Consumer and
Retail Conference – Virtual
US investor relations roadshow (Chicago,
Denver, California, San Francisco)
Toronto investor relations roadshow
Barclays Global Consumer Staples
Conference 2023 – Boston
Baader Investment Conference – Munich
UK management roadshow (London)
US management roadshow (New York)
Jefferies Miami Consumer Conference
Bank of America Consumer and Retail
conference – Miami
Morgan Stanley and Athens Exchange
Greek Investment Conference – London
Milan – Madrid investor relations Roadshow
Citi’s Global Consumer Conference – London
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Our people
The Board recognises that our people are core to
our strategy – our success depends on our ability
to attract, retain and develop the best talent. The
safety of our workforce continued to be a focus
throughout 2023, ensuring appropriate measures
were in place so that people could continue in
their roles and that we were supporting a healthy
working environment, particularly for colleagues
and their families based in or around Russia and
Ukraine. The Board closely monitors and reviews
the results of the employee engagement surveys.
It also reviews talent development initiatives
designed to support long-term success. For
further details on investing in our people please
see below and the Growth Pillar 4 on pages 45 to
51. For further details on rewarding our people
please see the Remuneration Committee Report
on pages 159 to 184.
Charlotte Boyle, our designated non-Executive
Director has the mandate for engagement with
our people. Employee engagement survey results
are shared with and reviewed by the Nomination
Committee and the Board. The CEO held
engagement sessions with employees during
theyear, including Q&As.
Championing workforce
rights at Boardlevel
Charlotte Boyle, our designated NED for
workforce engagement, attended meetings
with our European Works Council during
the year. She heard from elected employee
representatives from our businesses in
EU countries, hearing first-hand their
experiences during the last couple of years.
The insights gained contributed to the
Board’s decisions in relation to ensuring
the appropriate support and resources for
our people – not only in terms of safety,
buttoaidthem in their roles.
Charlotte frequently interacted with our
Head of Labor Relations Director, who is
also responsible for monitoring diversity,
equity and inclusion, to better understand
the steps we are taking to be more diverse
and inclusive (see page 49). To embed these
attributes within the Company’s culture,
multiple initiatives have been launched to
increase awareness and understanding and
improve policies and practices to create a
more equitable and inclusive workplace for all.
Again, Charlotte reported back to the Board
on her observations and matters raised by
employees, ensuring Board deliberations
anddecision making were fully informed.
Stakeholder group How the Board engages with Stakeholders Read more
Our people
To understand what our people needed to work in
continually changing circumstances, the Company
conducted in total four all-employee surveys in 2023. There
is a designated non-Executive Director for engagement
with our people but the practice, which began during the
beginning of theCOVID-19 pandemic, of presenting survey
results to the fullBoard continued. The CEO also held
engagement sessions with employees during the year,
including several calls with Q&A sessions.
Our customers
Regular business updates on performance and market
execution, regular visits, dedicated account teams, joint
business planning, joint value-creation initiatives,customer
care centres, customer satisfaction surveys.
Our consumers
Regular business updates on performance and market
execution, and consumer trends and insights, consumer
hotlines, local websites, plant tours, research, surveys,
insights, focus groups.
Regulatory updates on issues and developments
relevant to the Company’s business, Trade Associations,
recycling and recovery initiatives, EU Code of Conduct
on Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices,
Physical Activity and Health, foreign investment advisory
councils,chambers ofcommerce.
Our communities
Plant visits, community meetings, partnerships on
common issues, sponsorship activities, lectures at
universities, training opportunities and support to young
people currently not in education, training or employment.
Dialogue, policy work, partnerships on common issues,
membership of business and industry associations.
The Coca-Cola
Regular engagement with the Chair on performance
against strategy and governance matters, day-to-day
interaction as business partners, joint projects, joint
business planning, functional groups on strategic issues,
‘top-to-top’ senior management meetings.
Our investors
Annual General Meeting, investor roadshows and
resultsbriefings, webcasts, engagement of Chair with
major shareholders, engagement of Committee Chairs on
significant matters pertaining to their areas of responsibility.
Regular business updates on performance and market
execution, ongoing dialogue with analystsand investors,
Our suppliers
Engagement with our suppliers, consultants and
counterparts in related industries.
Corporate Governance Report continued
Engaging with our Stakeholders continued
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Corporate Governance Report continued
Overseeing strategic delivery
Our growth pillars What did the Board consider? What did the Board discuss and approve? What were the material stakeholder considerations?
Leverage our
unique 24/7
Reviewing the accelerators for the future including
Sparkling, Energy and Coffee
Assessing business development opportunities
Roll out of Jack and Coke alcoholic ready to drink
inprioritized markets
Roll out of Vitamin Water
Discussed Coffee performanceand acceleration and
engaged with brand owner stakeholders, including
Carolina Vergnano of Caffè Vergnano
Deep dive session with TCCC CFO, John Murphy
onstrategy, priorities, market insights and
2024 business plan review
Acquisition of Finlandia vodka business from long-
term partner Brown Forman and business prospects
Consumer needs and trends, including quality
and freshness of products, health and nutrition,
affordability, innovation, reducing waste
Creating value for our shareholders and our
customers and how a strategic approach to
asegmented portfolio can play a critical role
toaccelerate revenue
Partnerships create long term value for
Marketplace economic conditions
Win in the
Market execution excellence and initiatives
Digital commerce progress and initiatives, including
customer portals and digital marketing
How to maximise use of digital tools and
Regular updates from the ELT on business
performance, operational priorities and market
execution initiatives
Development of eMarketplace solutions to address
a growing need for smaller customers looking for
effective purchasing aggregation.
Partnership with Microsoft to build in house
generative Artificial Intelligence productivity
andother tools
Consumer needs and trends
Customer engagement and satisfaction
Marketplace economic conditions
Shareholder value creation
Fuel growth
and investment
Financial performance, insights and trends
CapEx required and timelines for investments
forcapacity and efficiency, capability building
Business development and other
Enterprise wide initiative to drive processes’
andprojects’ efficiency and simplification
Regular updates from the ELT on financial
performance, financial insights, incl. FX matters
andanalystsupdates; approval of half-year and
annual results announcements
Quarterly reports by the Audit and Risk Committee
of the Board
Capital expenditure to fuel business growth
Update on Investors’ day held in Rome in May
bytheGroup CFO
Share Buy Back programme to run for 2 years to
return to shareholders up to €400 million
Approval of EMTN programme update to allow the
Company to issue new notes in the market in the
next 12 months
Update on enterprise wide initiative to drive
processesand projects’ efficiency and simplification
2024 Business plan review of financials
Consumers’ and customers’ evolving needs
andtrends plus sustainability considerations
Shareholder value creation
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Corporate Governance Report continued
Overseeing strategic delivery continued
Our growth pillars What did the Board consider? What did the Board discuss and approve? What were the material stakeholder considerations?
Cultivate the
potential of
How to deliver our new purpose and
Attracting, maintaining and developing talent
Employee engagement drivers
Progress against our gender diversity KPIs
Regular reviews of people, talent, succession plans
and culture matters
Quarterly reports by the Nomination and
Remuneration Committees of the Board
Consideration of employee engagement survey
outputs and actions proposed
Update from ELT members on the Company’s
culture manifesto
Review of initiatives to enhance the Company’s
employer branding and attractiveness
Our people and how to engage, retain and develop
them and open up opportunities for them in line with
our new purpose
Earn our
to operate
How to do the right thing and deliver against
ourambitious ESG targets
Corporate governance as a critical enabler
forourlicense to operate
Regulatory developments
Regular updates and reviews of
Quarterly reports by the Social Responsibility
Committee of the Board
Review of Health & Safety update and approval
ofimprovement plan
Review of ESG benchmarks
Launched the Coca-Cola HBC Foundation, with
an initial commitment of €10 million, dedicated
to supporting the communities in which the
Participation to the Greycroft Coca-Cola System
Sustainability Fund by committing $15 million for
sustainability related investments
Corporate governance updates and overview,
including AGM results and consultation process,
internal controls and risk management processes,
external auditors review, UK Corporate Governance
Code requirements and compliance; approval
of 2022 integrated annual report; Board self-
assessment overview and prioritizing focus areas
Regulatory updates, including on UK corporate
governance rules & upcoming changes and
sweeteners regulations
The Company’s insurance renewal proposal review
and approval
Delivering against our ESG targets, within Mission
2025, NetZeroby40 roadmap and biodiversity
goals to meet broad stakeholder expectations
on sustainability, for employees, consumers,
customers, shareholders, regulators and NGOs
Support our communities in need and at time of
crisis, prioritising natural disaster relief, packaging
and waste management, corporate citizenship and
empowering youth and women
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The Board is responsible for monitoring
and assessing our culture. The Chair
ensures that the Board is operating
appropriately and sets the Board’s
culture, which in turn sets the standard
for the culture of the Company.
The CEO, supported by membersof the ELT, is
responsible for ensuring culture is embedded
throughout the business and its operations and
in all our dealings with our stakeholders. The
Board measures the culture of the Group using
internal and external metrics, which also enable
it to identify further actions to ensure the culture
remains appropriate. The Board also assesses
the alignment of the Group’s policy, practices
and behaviours throughout the business with
the company’s purpose, values and strategy,
and, if not satisfied, seeks assurance that the
management is taking corrective action. The
Board also monitors the Group’s performance
against its peer group within the same sector.
What defines our culture is who we are, our
purpose, our vision, our values, how we need to
evolve and the behaviours we commit to each
other. In 2023, we further defined this with our
Culture Storywhich was rolled-out during our
Leadership Conference in Cairo. The Board
monitored progress through the regular updates
from the management team, and culture and
engagement surveys ran during the year –
seepage 47.
Accelerated our #YouthEmpowered
employability programme – see page 65.
Continued to prioritise a circular
approachto packaging, achieving almost
50% rPET in EU and Swiss markets, a
year ahead of the 2025 deadline set as
part of the Union of European Soft Drinks
Associations circular packaging vision for
EU markets – see page 58.
Joined TCCC and seven other leading
bottling partners to announce a
sustainability-focused venture capital fund.
The $137.7 million fund is initially focusing
on packaging, heating and cooling, facility
decarbonisation, distribution and supply
chain – see page 53.
Accelerated progress towards
NetZeroby40 by investing $12 million
to open a high-speed returnable glass
bottling line in Austria – see page 60.
I n v e s t e d in Manna Aero, an Irish start-up
leading the way in food and beverage drone
deliveries, which can be up to eight times
more efficient see page 57.
Invested in water, hygiene and sanitation
projects in seven Nigerian states to help
strengthen community water resilience
see page 62.
Doing the right thing
continued to prioritise the health, safety
and wellbeing of our people and support our
local communities in need, including local
communities and our people in Ukraine,
which continues to be impacted by the
conflict see pages 47 to 48.
established the Coca-Cola HBC Foundation,
with an initial donation of EUR 10 million,
dedicated to supporting the communities
in which we operate, primarily in areas of
natural disaster relief, packaging and waste
management, corporate citizenship and
empowering youth and women – see page 66.
continued to invest in programmes that
make our people and partners’ work – and
lives – easier. For example, Project Oxygen is
reducing bureaucracy and complexity so they
can focus on value-adding activities, showing
how our company value of ‘making it simple’
really matters – see page 46.
Investing in our people
ran bi-annual culture and engagement
surveys one pulse survey and one
collaboration for impact survey during
theyear – see page 47.
implemented new international Leadership
Traineeprogrammeof the Group see page 49.
emphasised the well-being of our people
with enhancing initiatives as the Employee
Assistance Programme – see page 48.
focused on initiatives to strengthen talent
attraction and promote our preferred
employer status – see page 51.
continued to strengthen the diversity of our
workforce through workplace inclusion activities
and are proud to report that in 2023 we received
15 diversity-related awards; ongender diversity
in particular, 41.8% of management positions
now held by women – see page 49.
Opening up opportunities for our
consumers, customers and partners
strengthened our portfolio and our 24/7
beverage partner strategy by acquiring
Finlandia vodka business from Brown-
Forman, an investment that opens up new
opportunities for our consumers, partners
and customers to create value and offer a
broader range in consumption occasions –
see page 27.
continued measuring and continuously
improving customer experience using
the Net Promoter Score® metric applied
through CustomerGauge ‘voice of customer’
software, which enables instant feedback
from customers – see page 36.
continued investing in technology that
enables a personalised experience for
our consumers and customers, including
connected coolers, digital marketing,
digitalplatforms – see page 43.
Corporate Governance Report continued
Culture in action
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Leads the Board, sets the agenda
and promotes a culture of
openness and debate.
Ensures the highest standards
ofcorporate governance.
Is the main point of
contactbetween the
Ensures effective communication
with stakeholders, together with
the CEO.
Leads the business, implements
strategy and chairs the ELT.
Is responsible for overall
effectiveness in leading the
Company and setting the culture.
Communicates with the Board,
shareholders, employees,
government authorities, other
stakeholders and the public.
Senior Independent Director
Acts as a sounding Board
forthe Chair and appraises
Leads the independent NEDs
on matters that benefit from an
independent review.
Is available to shareholders if they
have concerns that have not been
resolved through the normal
channels of communication.
Non-Executive Directors
Contribute to developing
Scrutinise and constructively
challenge the performance of
management in the execution
ofthe Group’s strategy.
Oversee succession planning,
including the appointment of
Executive Directors.
Company Secretary
Ensures that correct Board
procedures are followed
and ensures the Board has
full andtimely access to all
Facilitates induction and training
programmes, and assists
with theBoard’s professional
development requirements.
Advises the Board on
Board of Directors
Board committees
Nomination Committee
Identifies and nominates new Board
members, including recommending
Directors to be members of each
Ensures adequate Board training; supports
the Board and each committee in
conducting a self-assessment.
Oversees the talent
O v e r s e e s effective succession planning for
the CEO, in consultation with the Chair, and
for the ELT, in consultation with the CEO.
Social Responsibility Committee
Supports the Board in its responsibilities
to safeguard the Group’s reputation for
responsible and sustainable operations.
Oversees engagement with stakeholders
to assess their expectations and
the possible consequences of these
expectations for the Group.
Establishes principles governing ESG and
oversees development of performance
management to achieve ESG goals.
Audit and Risk Committee
O v e r s e e s accounting policies, financial
reporting and disclosure controls;
approach to internal controls and risk
management; information / cyber
securitymatters; and the quality,
adequacyand scope of internal and
external audit functions.
Oversees compliance with legal, regulatory
and financial reporting requirements and
the internal audit function.
External auditor reports directly to
Remuneration Committee
Establishes the remuneration strategy;
determines and agrees with the Board the
remuneration of Group Executives and
approves remuneration for the Chair and
the CEO.
Makes recommendations to the Board
regarding remuneration matters to be
approved at the AGM.
Implements or modifies any employee
benefit plan resulting in an increased annual
cost of €5 million or more.
Biographies of the Chairs of the Board committees and the other members of the
Board, the Audit and Risk Committee, the Nomination Committee, the Remuneration
Committee and the Social Responsibility Committee are set out on pages 130 to 132.
The Board reviews and approves strategy, monitors performance toward strategic objectives, oversees implementation
by the ELT and approves matters reserved by the Articles of Association for decision by the Board. The governance
process of the Board is set out in our Articles of Association and the Organisational Regulations and can be found at
Corporate Governance Report continued
Division of responsibilities
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Separation of roles
There is a clear separationof the roles of the
Chairand the CEO. The Chair is responsible for
the operation of the Board and for ensuring that
allDirectors are properly informed andconsulted
on all relevant matters. The Chair, in the context
of the Board meetings and as a matter of practice,
also meets separately with the non-Executive
Directorswithout the presence of the CEO. The
Chair promotes a culture of openness and debate
within the Board sessions as well as outside
the formal sessions. The Chair is also actively
involved in the work of the Nomination Committee
concerning succession planning and the selection
of key people. The CEO, Zoran Bogdanovic, is
responsible for the day-to-day management
and performance of the Company and for the
implementation of the strategy approved by
theBoard and leads the ELT.
Month and
year appointed
Board meeting
Audit and
Risk Committee
Anastassis G. David January 2016 8/8
Zoran Bogdanovic June 2018 8/8
Charlotte J. Boyle June 2017 8/8 4/4 4/4
Henrique Braun June 2021 8/8
Anna Diamantopoulou June 2020 8/8 4/4 4/4 4/4
Olusola (Sola) David-Borha June 2015 8/8 8/8
William W. (Bill) Douglas III
June 2016 7/8 8/8
Reto Francioni June 2016 8/8 4/4 4/4
Anastasios I. Leventis
June 2014 7/8 3/4
Christo Leventis June 2014 8/8
Alexandra Papalexopoulou
June 2015 7/8 8/8
Bruno Pietracci
June 2021 2/2 1/1
Ryan Rudolph
June 2016 2/2
George Pavlos Leventis
May 2023 6/6
Evguenia (Jeny) Stoichkova
May 2023 6/6 3/3
1. Bill Douglas III was unable to attend one Board meeting due to a personal family issue.
2. Anastasios I. Leventis was unable toattend one Board meeting andone meeting of the Social Responsibility Committeedue toa pre-agreed long-standing prior commitment.
3. Alexandra Papalexopoulou was unable to attend one Board meeting dueto a pre-agreed long-standing priorcommitment.
4. Bruno Pietracci retired from the Board and from the Social Responsibility Committee at the AGM on 17 May 2023.
5. Ryan Rudolph retired from the Board at the AGM on 17 May 2023.
6. Evguenia Stoichkova and George Pavlos Leventis were appointed to the Board at the AGM on 17 May 2023.
Corporate Governance Report continued
Division of responsibilities continued
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Corporate Governance Report continued
The Executive Leadership Team
Zoran Bogdanovic
(51) CEO, Executive Director
Senior management tenure: Appointed
June 2013, appointed Chief Executive
Officer December 2017 (11 years)
Previous Group roles: Zoran was previously
the Company’s Region Director responsible
for operations in 12 countries. He joined the
Company in 1996 and has held a number
of senior leadership positions, including
as General Manager of the Company’s
operations in Croatia, Switzerland and
Previous relevant experience:
Prior to joining Coca-Cola HBC in 1996,
Zoran was an auditor with auditing and
consulting firm Arthur Andersen.
External appointments: None
Nationality: Croatian
Naya Kalogeraki
(53) Chief Operating Officer
Senior management tenure: Appointed
July 2016, appointed Chief Operating Officer
September 2020 (7 years)
Previous Group roles: Chief Customer and
Commercial Officer from 2016 to 2020.
From 1998, when Naya joined the Company,
she built her career assuming roles
ofincreased scale and scope, including
Marketing Director, Trade Marketing
Director, Sales Director and Country
Commercial Director, Greece. She has
beenheavily involved in Group strategic
projects and task forces addressing mission-
critical business imperatives. In September
2013, Naya was appointed to the role of
General Manager, Greece and Cyprus.
Previous relevant experience: Naya joined
the Company in 1998 from The Coca-Cola
Company where she held a number of
marketing positions up to Marketing Manager.
External appointments: Naya is a board
member of Casa del Caffè Vergnano S.p.A.,
in which the Group holds a 30% equity
Nationality: Greek
Ben Almanzar
(49) CFO
Senior management tenure: Appointed
April 2021 (2 years)
Previous Group roles: None
Previous relevant experience: Before
joining theCompany, Ben held seior financial
positions in Mars Incorporated, where he
worked for 10 years as Regional CFO, Europe
& Southern Africa and subsequently as Vice
President for Financial Planning, Analytics
and Financial Strategy. Prior to joining Mars,
Ben spent 10 years with Nestlé in a variety
of finance roles in Europe, including CFO of
Nestlé Czech-Slovak, and CFO for Nestlé
Waters in the UK.
External appointments: None
Nationality: Dominican Republic and British
On 15 January 2024 the Company announced that
Ben Almanzar will be stepping down as CFO during the
second quarter of 2024 and will stay with the company
to ensure a smooth transition until the end of May
2024. On 7February 2024 the Company announced the
appointment of Ben’s successor, Anastasis Stamoulis,
who willbe takingover the role of CFO as of 1May 2024.
Jan Gustavsson
(58) General Counsel, Company
Secretary and Chief Corporate
Development Officer
Senior management tenure: Appointed
August 2001 (22 years)
Previous Group roles: Jan served as Deputy
General Counsel for Coca-Cola Beverages
plc from 1999 to 2001.
Previous relevant experience: Jan started
his careerin 1993 with the law firm White
& Case in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1995, he
joined The Coca-Cola Company as Assistant
Division Counsel in the Nordic and Northern
Eurasia Division. From 1997 to 1999, Jan was
Senior Associate in White & Case’s New York
office, practising securities law and M&A.
External appointments: Jan is a board
member of Casa del Caffè Vergnano S.p.A.,
in which the Group holds a 30% equity
Nationality: Swedish
Ebru Ozgen
(53) Chief People & Culture
Senior management tenure: Appointed
September 2023 (less than 1 year)
Previous Group roles: None
Previous relevant experience: Before
joining the Company, Ebru worked with
Coca-Cola Icecek (CCI) from 1997, where
she progressed through leadership
roles in finance until she was appointed
as the CFO of the Turkey Operation. In
2017, she assumed the Chief Human
Resources Officer role of CCI and became
an Executive Committee member, where
she led the People and Culture agenda and
transformation in business strategy for
Turkey, theMiddle East, Pakistan and Central
Asia operations, bringing a multidisciplinary
approach andaholistic business partnering
mindsettothe People & Culture function.
Ebru started her career in 1992 in Arthur
Andersen & Co, as an auditor before moving
to the FMCG sector.
External appointments: None
Nationality: Turkish
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Corporate Governance Report continued
The Executive Leadership Team continued
Ivo Bjelis
(56) Chief Supply Chain Officer
Senior management tenure: Appointed
January 2022 (2 years)
Previous Group roles: Ivo joined the Group
in 1996 as Plant Manager in Croatia, while in
2002 he took over the position of Country
Supply Chain Manager. Since 2006 Ivo built
his career assuming roles of increased scale
and scope, including Strategic Initiative
Leader for Customer Centric Supply
Chain, Group Supply Chain Processes and
Capabilities Director, Regional Supply Chain
Director, Group Supply Chain Services
Director and Group Supply Chain Operations
Director, leading the development and the
transformation of the Supply Chain strategy
over the years.
External appointments: None
Nationality: Croatian
Marcel Martin
(65) Chief Corporate Affairs and
Sustainability Officer
Senior management tenure: Appointed
Chief Supply Chain Officer January 2015,
appointedChief Corporate Affairs &
Sustainability Officer January 2022 (9 years)
Previous Group roles: Marcel joined the
Group in 1993, holding positions with
increasing responsibility in the supply chain
and commercial functions. Since 1995, he
has held general management assignments
in several of our markets, including as
General Manager for Eastern Romania,
Regional Manager Russia, Country General
Manager Ukraine and General Manager
Nigeria. He became General Manager of
our Irish operations in 2010, Supply Chain
Director in 2015 and is now our Chief
Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Officer.
External appointments: None
Nationality: Romanian
Mourad Ajarti
(47) Chief Digital and
Technology Officer
Senior management tenure: Appointed
October 2019 (4 years)
Previous Group roles: None.
Previous relevant experience: Mourad
has 20 years’ experience with two fast-
moving consumer goods industry leaders,
Procter & Gamble and L’O ré a l. Mourad
started with Procter & Gamble leading SAP
implementation in Morocco, Saudi Arabia
and Europe, and later was CIO for different
lines of business. From 2014 to 2019, Mourad
was CIO for the Asia and Pacific region for
LOréal, leading consumer and customer
journey transformation and enabling the use
of big data and advanced analytics.
External appointments: None
Nationality: British and Moroccan
Spyros Mello
(49) Strategy and
Transformation Director
Senior management tenure: Appointed
November 2021 (2 years)
Previous Group roles: Spyros served
as Deputy General Counsel and Chief
Compliance Officer from 2010 to 2021.
Hewas Deputy General Counsel from 2007
to 2009 and Senior Corporate Counsel from
2005 to 2007.
Previous relevant experience: Spyros was
an associate with the law firm of Sullivan &
Cromwell LLP practising securities law and
M&A first in New York from 1999 to 2001 and
then in London from 2001 to 2004.
External appointments: None
Nationality: Greek
Minas Agelidis
(54) Region Director: Austria,
Czech Republic, Estonia,
Hungary, island ofIreland,
Latvia, Lithuania, Poland,
Slovakia, Switzerland
Senior management tenure: Appointed
April 2019 (4 years)
Previous Group roles: Minas joined the
Group in 1999, holding positions with
increasing responsibility in the commercial
function in Greece (National Account
Manager, Athens Region Sales Manager,
National Wholesale Manager, Country Sales
Director). Since 2008, Minas has held general
management assignments in a number of
our markets, including those of Country
General Manager Cyprus, Country General
Manager Bulgaria and Country General
Manager Hungary.
Previous relevant experience: Prior to
joining the Group, Minas spent seven years
at Unilever Greece in managerial positions in
sales and marketing including those of Brand
Manager, Trade Marketing Manager and
National Account Manager.
External appointments: None
Nationality: Greek
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 142
Corporate Governance Report continued
The Executive Leadership Team continued
Frank O’Donnell
(56) Region Director: Armenia,
Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Greece,
Moldova, Montenegro, North
Macedonia, Romania, Serbia,
Slovenia, Ukraine.
Senior management tenure: Appointed
June 2023 (less than one year)
Previous Group roles: Frank joined the
Group in 1992 holding positions with
increasing responsibility in the commercial
function in Ireland, becoming Sales Director
in 2003. From 2010, Frank was Commercial
Director of our Czech/Slovak business
unit. Since 2014, Frank has held general
management assignments in a number of
our markets, including those of Country
General Manager Ireland, Country General
Manager Austria and Country General
Manager Italy.
External appointments: None
Nationality: Irish
Aleksandar Ruzevic
(53) Region Director: Nigeria,
Egypt, Belarus, and Russia
Senior management tenure: Appointed
June 2023 (less than one year)
Previous Group roles: Aleksandarjoined
the Group in 1998 as asalesrepresentative.
He was then appointed Commercial
Director for Serbia and Montenegro. In
2010 Aleksandar joined the Ukrainian team
in the role of Commercial Director, which
he successfully led for four years. In 2014
Aleksandar took the position of General
MAnager in North Macedonia. In 2016 he
became Country General Manager in Serbia
andMontenegro and from 2018 he led the
Russia BU.
External appointments: None
Nationality: Serbian
Barbara Tönz
(53) Chief Customer and
Commercial Officer
Senior management tenure: Appointed
May 2021 (2 years)
Previous Group roles: Barbara joined the
Group in 1998, building her careerfirst in
Switzerland as Trade MarketingDirector,
Sales Director and Commercial Director, and
then in Austria from 2012 as Commercial
Director and Interim General Manager.
Previous relevant experience: In 2016
Barbara enriched her experience within
the Cola-Cola System as Country Director
Sweden for TCCC, with responsibility
expanded to Norway and Iceland in 2019
before she assumed the role of Commercial
Execution Director Europe. Prior to joining
the Group in 1998, she held positions
in brand and customer development at
External appointments: None
Nationality: Swiss
Vitaliy Novikov
(44) Digital Commerce Business
Development Director
Senior management tenure: Appointed
September 2020 (3 years)
Previous Group roles: Vitaliy joined the
Group in 2011 as General Manager of the
Baltics business unit and then held General
Manager roles in Poland and Italy.
Previous relevant experience: Prior to
joining the Group, Vitaliy spent four years at
Johnson & Johnson as Managing Director of
the Ukrainian operation and prior to this he
spent seven years at Henkel in managerial
positions of growing responsibility in Austria
and Ukraine.
External appointments: None
Nationality: Ukrainian
Jaak Mikkel
(49) New Businesses Director
Senior management tenure: Appointed
February 2023 (1 year)
Previous Group roles: Jaak joined the
Group in 2008 as Sales Director for Baltics
and then held roles of General Management
for Pivara Skopje in North Macedonia,
Romania with the latest being General
Manager for Poland & Baltics.
Previous relevant experience: Prior to
joining the Group, Jaak spent ten years
with Shell managing Convenience Retail
businesses in the Baltics, Central Eastern
Europe and in the Nordics.
External appointments: None
Nationality: Estonian
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 143
12 77%
Women 3 23%
Executive Leadership
gender diversity
(number and %)
Executive Leadership Team tenure
8–9 1
22–23 1
Key activities and
Frequency of meetings: monthly
Long-term direction setting
Sponsoring the development and launch of the
new redesign of the Company purpose, values
and leadership manifesto.
Assessing, approving and reviewing key
initiatives related to processes and projects
optimisation (project Oxygen).
Evaluating and evolving our 24/7 portfolio
strategy together with our brand partners.
Reviewing Coffee expansion across the
Group’s markets.
Assessing our sustainability priorities and
progress of initiatives on the way to deliver
2025 commitments.
S e t t i n g long-term capability building priorities
and programmes.
R e v i e w of company-wide talent strategy and
oftalents through talent review forums.
Overseeing the strategic evolution of Supply
Chain, People and Culture, Commercial,
Finance. Digital & Technology Platform
Services, Strategy & Transformation, and
Corporate Affairs & Sustainability functions.
Approving and reviewing deployment of major
automation and digitalisation initiatives.
Business planning
Aligning key priorities and investment strategy
with TCCC.
Aligning key priorities with strategic partners
–Monster Energy, Premium Spirits and
Reviewing progress of the aligned priorities,
investments and spending.
Reviewing and approving annual business plans
for 2024 for all operations and central functions.
Approving Group and country talent,
capabilities development and succession plans.
Risk, safety and business resilience
Evaluating the Group’s business resilience
Evaluating and strengthening Group’s Incident
Management and Crisis Resolution capabilities.
Evaluating the Group’s Risk Register of major
business risks as well as associated risk
response plans.
Reviewing the Group’s health & safety policies
and material incidents.
Reviewing the corporate audit plan.
Business case reviews and approvals
Reviewing and approving progress of selected
key initiatives, data insight & analytics (DIA),
revenue growth management (RGM), digital
commerce, digital & technology platforms,
sustainability, diversity & inclusion (D&I)
Capital expenditure proposals, review
Priority projects
Oxygen Strategic Projects.
Culture – redesign of new Company purpose,
values and leadership competencies.
Customer satisfaction (external and internal
client satisfaction via NPS).
Initiatives that deliver sustainability benefits.
D i v e r s i t y, Equity & Inclusion.
Cyber security.
Business Resilience.
Digital eCommerce platforms and tools.
Responsibilities of the ELT
Day-to-day executive management of the
Group and its businesses, including all matters
not reserved for the Board or other bodies.
Development of Group strategies and
implementation of the strategies approved
bythe Board.
Providing adequate head-office support for
each of the Groups countries.
Setting annual targets and approval of annual
business plans which form the basis of the
Group’s performance management, including
a comprehensive programme of strategies and
targets agreed between the Country General
Managers and the Regional Directors.
Working closely with the Country General
Managers, as set out in the Group’s operating
framework, in order to capture benefits
ofscale, ensuring appropriate governance
andcompliance, and managing performance
ofthe Group.
Leading the Group’s talent and capability
development programmes.
Corporate Governance Report continued
The Executive Leadership Team continued
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 144
Dear Stakeholder
The work of the Nomination Committee focuses
on the proper composition and effective operation
of the Board, Board and senior management
succession planning, the oversight of the talent
management framework, as well as employee
engagement and diversity initiatives.
In 2023, the Committee continued to review
thebalance of skills, experience and diversity
of the Board, and the overall length of service
ofthe Board, both as a whole and as part of its
succession planning and consideration of the
need to refresh Board membership. Our Group’s
Nomination Policy for the Recruitment of Board
members is our compass for the recruitment
of new Board members. This year, following the
retirement of two Board members, two new
members were appointed tothe Board at the
2023 AGM. As every year, this year the Committee
continued to coordinate the evaluation of the
Board and the Board committees’ effectiveness
through an externally facilitated assessment.
On the employee side, the oversight of the
Group’s talent development, employee
engagement and diversity initiatives, which
are necessary to ensure that the Group has
the people and skills to deliver on its strategy,
remained a key priority for the Committee.
Regular engagement with senior management
to review results of employee engagement
surveys and get updates on the new International
Leadership Trainee programme, Coke
Summership programme, the progress of
embedding the Group’s Culture Manifesto rolled
out earlier in 2023, talent movements within the
Group and within the Coca-Cola System, as well
as activities to enhance the Group’s preferred
employer status provided excellent insights for
the work of the Committee and in setting our key
priorities for2024.
A summary of the Group’s Nomination Policy for
the recruitment of Board members is available
online and for more details seepage 146.
Reto Francioni
Committee Chair
Highlights 2023
Succession planning and talent review
Appointment of two new NEDs
Engagement and pulse surveys
Internships and management changes
Roll-out of the Group’s Culture Manifesto
New International Leadership
Strengthened our status as
Priorities for 2024
Consideration of ethnicity and other
Continued focus on succession planning
forthe Board and the ELT
Close monitoring of the Group’s talent
development framework and pipeline,
including talent attraction andretention
Engagement and culture surveys
Externally facilitated Board and
Follow-up actions on outcome
of2023evaluation assessment
Corporate Governance Report continued
Board composition, succession and evaluation
Nomination Committee
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Corporate Governance Report continued
Nomination Committee continued
Role and responsibilities
The function of the Nomination Committee is
toestablish and maintain a process for appointing
new Board members, to manage, in consultation
with the Chair, the succession of the CEO and to
support the Board in fulfilling its duty to conduct
a Board self-assessment. The formal role of the
Nomination Committee is set out in the charter
for the committees of the Board of Directors
in Annex C of the Company’s Organisational
Regulations. This is available online at
Key elements of the Nomination Committee’s
reviewing the size and composition of
identifying candidates and nominating new
members to the Board;
planning and managing, in consultation with the
Chair, a Board membership succession plan;
ensuring, together with the Chair, the operation
of a satisfactory induction programme for
new members of the Board and a satisfactory
ongoing training and education programme
for existing members of the Board and its
committees as necessary to deliver on the
Group’s strategy;
setting the criteria for, and overseeing, the
annual assessment of the performance and
effectiveness of each member of the Board
andeach Board committee;
conducting an annual assessment of the
performance and effectiveness of the
Board, and reporting conclusions and
recommendations based on the assessment
tothe Board; and
overseeing the employee and management
talent development and succession plans of
The members of the Nomination Committee
are Reto Francioni, Charlotte Boyle and Anna
Diamantopoulou. All members of the Nomination
Committee are independent NEDs. At the AGM
in May 2023, Reto Francioni, Charlotte Boyle and
Anna Diamantopoulou were re-elected for a one-
year term by the shareholders. The Chair of the
Nomination Committee attended our AGM in May
2023 and regularly interacts with representatives
of our shareholders.
Members Membership status
Reto Francioni (Chair) Member since 2016,
Chair since 2016
Charlotte J. Boyle Member since 2017
Anna Diamantopoulou Member since 2020
Work and activities
The Nomination Committee met four times during
2023 and discharged the responsibilities defined
under Annex C of the Company’s Organisational
Regulations. The CEO and the Chief People and
Culture Officer regularly attend meetings of the
Nomination Committee. In addition, the Chair is
actively involved in the work of the Nomination
Committee concerning succession planning and
the selection of key people. In 2023, the General
Counsel also met with the Nomination Committee
on several occasions. During 2023, the work of the
Nomination Committee included consideration of:
succession planning and development of plans
for the recruitment of new Board members and
senior management and certain members of
the Group’s ELT;
composition of the Board, including the
appropriate balance of skills, knowledge,
experience and diversity;
review of the talent management framework;
review of the newly implemented international
Leadership Trainee programme of the Group;
oversight of pulse survey and engagement
survey results and focus areas;
monitoring of internship programme;
activities and progress of embedding the
Group’s CulturalManifesto following its launch
in 2023;
activities to strengthen our position in
employerbranding and promote our preferred
employer status;
coordination of the performance evaluation
and annual assessments of the Board and
presentation of the Board and committees’
assessment and alignment on follow-up actions
arising from these evaluations; and
review of the Director induction process and
training programmes.
During the Committee’s discussions on all
matters detailed above consideration of the
Company’s Inclusion and Diversity and Anti-
Harassment Policy, and where appropriate, the
Board Nomination Policy, as well as the Company’s
commitment to such policies, is taken into
account to ensure they are embedded into the
Groups activities, programmes and initiatives.
Board Nomination Policy
Our Board Nomination Policy requires that
each Director is recognised as a person of the
highest integrity and standing, both personally
and professionally. Each Director must be ready
to devote the time necessary to fulfil his or her
responsibilities to the Company according to
the terms and conditions of his or her letter
of appointment. Each Director should have
demonstrable experience, skills and knowledge
that enhance Board effectiveness and will
complement those of the other members of the
Board to ensure an overall balance of experience,
skills and knowledge on the Board. In addition,
each Director must demonstrate familiarity with
and respect for good corporate governance
practices, sustainability and responsible
approaches to social issues.
Committee at work
Succession planning
Board composition
Balance of skills assessment
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 146
Board members’ skills and experience
Director Corporate governance
Finance, investments
& accounting
Knowledge /Experience International exposure
Risk oversight
& management
Sustainability &
community engagement
Our business involves
compliance with many
different regulatory and
corporate governance
requirements across a
number of countries, as
well as relationships with
national governments and
local authorities.
Our business is extensive
and involves complex
financial transactions in the
various jurisdictions where
we operate.
Our business involves the
preparation, packaging,
sale and distribution of
the world’s leading non-
alcoholic beverage brands.
Our business is truly
international with
operations in 29
countries,at different
stages ofdevelopment,
Our Board’s responsibilities
include the understanding
and oversight of the
key risks we are facing,
establishing our risk
appetite and ensuring that
appropriate policies and
procedures are in place to
effectively manage and
mitigate risks.
Building community trust
through the responsible
and sustainable
management of our
business is an indispensable
part of our culture. ESG is
prominent in our business,
in particular workforce
matters, environmental and
climate change issues and
supply chain sustainability.
Anastassis G. David
Zoran Bogdanovic
Charlotte Boyle
Henrique Braun
Sola David-Borha
Anna Diamantopoulou
Bill Douglas III
Reto Francioni
Anastasios Leventis
Christo Leventis
Alexandra Papalexopoulou
Evguenia Stoitchkova
George Pavlos Leventis
Total 10 12 9 13 12 11
Corporate Governance Report continued
Nomination Committee continued
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We are proud of the diverse skills and experiences of
our Board.
For example, in relation to ESG matters,
Anna Diamantopoulou’s familiarity with the
social protection and welfare state at the EU
Commission High-Level Group, in addition to the
expertise of a number of our Board members
who sit on the Boards of other multi-nationals
that facesimilar challenges and have similar
concerns on the ESG agenda, helped us identify
the commitments that we want to make in the
areaand set the relevant targets.
In addition, connected to the ESG, Anastasios
Leventis, the Chairman of the Social Responsibility
Committee of the Board, is a member of the
European Council of The Nature Conservancy
(TNC), a global environmental non-profit
organisation working to create a world where
people and nature can thrive, and he is a board
member of WWF Hellas (the Greek branch of
WWF). Those experiences support in driving the
environmental agenda and in endorsing Coca-
Cola HBC’s bold sustainability commitments
related to climate, water stewardship, biodiversity
and packaging.
In relation to risk oversight and management,
we are proud that the vast majority of our Board
members possess strong risk management
expertise, developed over time as a result of their
extensive experience in senior leadership positions
in large organizations, as executives and/or as
board members, where the deep understanding
of material risks and their potential impact, the
implementation of mitigation and resolution
as well as contingency plans and the setting of
appropriate internal controls, processes and
policies to effectively address these is paramount
to successfully perform in such senior roles.
Support and training for the Board
The practices and procedures adopted by our
Board ensure that the Directors are supplied on
a timely basis with comprehensive information
on the business development and financial
position of the Company, the form and content
of which is expected to enable the Directors to
discharge their duties. All Directors have access
to our General Counsel, as well as independent
professional advice at the expense of the
Company. They have full access to the CEO
and senior management, as well as the external
auditor and internal audit team.
The Board has in place an induction programme
for new Directors. It involves meetings with the
Chair, members of the ELT and other senior
executives, as well as receiving orientation
training in relation to the Group and its
corporate governance practices. It also includes
meetings with representatives of our sales
force, customers and major shareholders and
visits to our production plants. All Directors
are given the opportunity to attend training to
ensure that they are kept up to date on relevant
legal, accounting and corporate governance
developments. In 2023, our Chief Risk Officer ran
a risk management workshop for the Board. The
Directors individually attend seminars, forums,
conferences and working groups on relevant
topics. The Nomination Committee reviews
Director training activities regularly. Finally, as part
of the continuing development of the Directors,
the Company Secretary ensures that our Board
is kept up to date with key corporate governance
developments. The Board appoints the Company
Secretary, who acts as secretary to the Board.
Board appointments and
Our Board has in place plans to ensure the
progressive renewal and appropriate succession
planning for senior management. These cover the
short, medium and long term, and are regularly
reviewed. Appointments and succession plans are
based on merit and objective criteria to ensure the
Company is promoting diversity (including gender,
social and ethnic backgrounds – see page 146.
cognitive and personal strengths. Pursuant to our
Articles of Association, the Board consists of a
minimum of seven and a maximum of 15 members,
and the Directors are elected annually for a term
of one year by the Company’s shareholders,
which is also in accordance with the UK Corporate
Governance Code. In case of resignation or
death of any member, the Board may elect a
permanent guest to be proposed for election by
the shareholders at the next AGM. In accordance
with the Organisational Regulations, the Board
proposes for election at the shareholders’ meeting
new Directors who have been recommended by
the Nomination Committee after consultation
with the Chair. In making such recommendations,
the Nomination Committee and the Board must
consider objective criteria as above, as well as the
overall length of service of the Board as a whole
when refreshing its membership. Through this
process, the Board is satisfied that the Board and
its committees have diversity, independence
and knowledge to enable them to discharge their
duties, including sufficient time commitment.
The Group continues to have a firm commitment to
policies promoting diversity, equal opportunity and
talent development at every level throughout the
organisation, including at Board and management
level, and is constantly seeking toattract and recruit
highly qualified candidates for all positions in its
business. The Group’s D&I Policy applies to all people
who work for us. Further details on the Group’s D&I
Policy are set out on page 49 in the Strategic Report.
The Group believes that diversity at the Board
level acts as a key driver of Board effectiveness,
helps to ensure that the Group can achieve its
overall business goals especially considering our
geographical footprint, and is critical in promoting a
diverse and inclusive culture across the whole Group.
The Board has adopted a Board Nomination Policy,
which guides the Nomination Committee and the
Board in relation to their approach to diversity in
respect of succession planning and the selection
process for the appointment of new Board members.
It does not include targets for either gender or
ethnicity. However, the Board is cognisant of the
recommendations in the FTSE Women Leaders
Review, as well as the targets for gender, ethnicity and
persons in senior board positions in the FCA’s Listing
Rules, and these will be taken into consideration
for succession planning and appointment of new
Board members. The Nomination Committee
is responsible for implementing this policy and
formonitoringprogress towards the achievement
The requirements and objectives of the Board
Nomination Policy include that the Nomination
Committee is required to take into account all
aspects of diversity, including age, ethnicity, gender,
educational and professional background and
social background when considering succession
planning and new Board appointments; seek a wide
pool of candidates, with a broad range of previous
experience, skills and knowledge; and give preference
to executive search firms that are accredited under
the Enhanced Code of Conduct for Executive Search
Firms. Board appointments are evaluated on merit
against objective criteria with due regard for diversity
to ensure that candidates contribute to the balance
of skills, experience, knowledge and diversity of the
Board. The Board also considers the overall length
of service of the Board as a whole when considering
refreshment of the membership.
Corporate Governance Report continued
Nomination Committee continued
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The Board understands the benefits of diversity of
gender, ethnicity, knowledge and experience, and
this is reflected in the Board Nomination Policy.
The Policy’s objectives include ensuring female
representation on the Board.
Two Directors retired at the 2023 AGM and,
following recommendation by the Nomination
Committee, two Directors, one male and one
female, were appointed at the 2023 AGM. Female
representation on the Board increased from
around 33% to 38% following appointment of
Evguenia Stoichkova at the 2023 AGM.
Board and ELT gender and
The FCA’s new Listing Rules on targets for gender
and ethnic diversity apply to the Company for the
first time this financial year. As at 31 December 2023,
the Company had met the target for ethnic Board
diversity and had just over 38% of female Board
representation. Although the female proportion
has increased, the Company is slightly behind
the required 40% target in the FCA Listing Rules.
No senior positions on the Board as described in
the FCA Listing Rules are held by women. Female
representation in the ELT is 20% and in senior
management positions reporting to ELT is 36,79%.
The Board will prioritise improving the Board gender
balance and the Nomination Committee has, and
will continue to, consider this in the context of its
continuous work on succession plans for the Board,
as well as senior management including the ELT.
The following metrics set out the range of gender
and ethnicity as they relate to our Board and ELT as
at 31 December 2023. The ELT refers to the most
senior level of managers reporting to the CEO,
including the General Counsel/Company Secretary
but excluding administrative and support staff, in
accordance with the definition in the FCA’s Listing
Rules. The Board diversity related data is collated
on an anonymous basis directly from each Director
and ELT member using a questionnaire and given
on a self-identifying basis.
Gender representation at Board and ELT level
Number of
Board members
% of the
Number of senior
positions on Board
(CEO,CFO, SID and Chair)
in ELT
% of
Men 8 62% 3 12 80%
Women 5 38% 0 3 20%
Ethnicity representation at Board and ELT level
Number of
Board members
% of the
Number of senior
positions on Board
(CEO, CFO, SID and Chair)
in ELT
% of
White British or other White (includingminority-
white groups) 11 85% 12 80%
Mixed/multiple ethnic groups 2 13%
Asian/Asian British
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British 1 8%
Other ethnic group, including Arab 1 7%
Not specified/prefer not to say
1 8%
This includes, as permitted by Listing Rule 9.8.6G, those persons in respect of whom data protection laws in relevant jurisdictions prevent the collection or publication of some or all of the personal data required
tobe disclosed.
CEO is a senior position on the Board, but CFO is not.
Board diversity data is collated on an anonymous basis directly from each Director using a questionnaire and given on a self-identifying basis and without identifying their position on the Board.
Corporate Governance Report continued
Nomination Committee continued
Gender diversity and representation at
Board andELTlevel
The Board is committed to appointing the best
people with the right skills, using non-discriminatory
and fair processes during selection, recognising
the importance of diversity in its business. It
is the Board’s responsibility to oversee senior
management succession planning for a diverse
pipeline of managers and talent identified from
themanagement talent development programme.
A target has been set of 50% female representation
of managers, to be achieved by 2025. This links to
our strategy to develop our people and ensure we
attract and retain a diverse talent pool, and is one
of the five pillars of our growth strategy. Further
information on pages 46 to 51. The Nomination
Committee, in conjunction with theELT, will continue
to monitor the proportion ofwomen at all levels of
the Group and ensure that all appointments are
made with a view to having ahigh level of diversity
within the workplace and inleadership positions.
We are a global company with a diverse geographic
footprint, including in emerging markets. Our
ELT is based in Switzerland where the Company
is incorporated, but the majority of our senior
management reporting to the ELT is located in
a number of other countries. We are currently in
the process of an internal review and mapping of
our senior management and their ethnicity. Until
the completion of this review and mapping we are
not in a place to set meaningful long-term targets
in respect of ethnic minority representation in
senior management positions. The Board intends
to set a target once it is in a position to do so. We
are committed to increasing the diversity of our
senior management population and there will be
a number of initiatives that will be put in place over
the coming years to support this and to ensure that
we have the right pipeline of talent. In the future
we will also look more closely at ethnic minority
representation across the whole Company, not just
at the management population, and report on this
where appropriate.
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Corporate Governance Report continued
Nomination Committee continued
2023 actions based on 2022 Board evaluation findings and previousexperience
Regular updates by the CEO, CFO and Chief Risk Officer on macro factors and considering those in
strategic business decision and risk management oversight.
Regular reviews of the Russia and Ukraine conflict issue as part of business and risk management
discussions and overview.
Focus on strategic initiatives in accelerating digital commerce activities, as well as investing intechnology
and solutions driving operational and administrational processes digitalisation andautomation.
Continued prioritisation on the evaluation of succession plans for Board members and senior
management roles.
Oversight of people and talent-related matters such as talent programmes, employee pulse surveys,
employer branding initiatives, and health & safety performance reviews.
2023 evaluation findings
Board composition, management of meetings,
Board support and stakeholder oversight were
rated very highly.
The atmosphere in the boardroom, the quality of
discussion and debate, as well as the support and
challenge to management were rated very highly.
The structure and remits of Board committees
and the quality of their reports to the Board were
also very highly rated.
The Board’s strategic oversight was highly rated
and top priority areas to successfully execute its
2025 Growth Story strategy werevalidated.
The Board’s oversight on risk was very highly
rated, with cyber security and geopolitical risks
being identified as areas of particular focus on
our risk management approach.
The succession plans for the executive
management, the Board’s visibility of potential
internal successors and the quality of the
Company’s talent development processes drew
very high ratings.
The performance of the Board was seen to
havebeen maintained or improved since the
The opportunity for the Board to draw
lessonsfrom geopolitics over the past
2024 priorities
Prioritising ESG related topics, with particular
focus on sustainability.
Leveraging the learnings from geopolitical,
macro and regulatory developments forstrategic
planning and risk managementpurposes.
Enhance further getting external perspectives
and insights on priority areas.
Continued focus on Emerging markets.
Talent acquisition, development, and retention to
ensure a strong pool of futureleaders.
Risk management and assessment and
mitigation plans and monitoring geopolitical,
macroeconomic and currency risks.
Strategic oversight and support to management
in achieving the 2025 Growth Story targets.
Technology and digital, including cybersecurity.
A robust, independent
The first stage of the review involved
Lintstock engaging with the Company
Secretary and the Nomination
Committee to set the context for
the evaluation, and to tailor survey
content to the specific circumstances
of the Company. The surveys were
designed to follow up on and further
explore key themes identified in
last year’s evaluation, so that year-
on-year progress can be tracked.
The anonymity of all responses was
guaranteed throughout the process to
promote open and honest feedback.
Lintstock subsequently analysed
the results and delivered reports on
the performance of the Board, the
committees and the Chair, which
were considered at a subsequent
Board meeting. The results of the
review were positive overall, and the
Board was felt to have performed
effectively and maintained a strong
working dynamic. Priority areas
for 2024 were identified and for
the Board to focus on: (a) ESG and
sustainability; (b) closely monitoring
Emerging markets performance and
strategy; (c) attracting, developing and
retaining talent; (d) risk assessment
and mitigation, and closely monitoring
macro, geopolitical and currency
risks; (e) strategic oversight and
supporting management in achieving
the 2025 Growth Story targets; and(f)
technology and digital, including
Performance evaluation of the Board
The Nomination Committee led the annual
evaluation of Board and committee performance
with the support of Lintstock, an external
advisory firm we have worked with for the past
eight years. Lintstock has no other connection
to the Company or individual Directors. The
key areas included in the assessment were:
Board composition; stakeholder oversight;
Board dynamics; management of meetings;
Board support; Board committees; strategic,
risk and people oversight; and priorities for
change in 2024. It also took actions to address
the recommendations from the previous (2022)
evaluation, as summarised in the box opposite.
The Chair will lead on the priorities identified to be
actioned during 2024.
In addition to the annual evaluation, the Chair
metwith Directors throughout the year to receive
feedback on the functioning of the Board and
its committees, boardroom dynamics and the
Group’s strategy. Particular focus is given to areas
where a Director believes the performance of
theBoard and its committees could be improved.
The independent Directors met separately
at every Board meeting to discuss a variety of
issues, including the effectiveness of the Board.
An evaluation of each Director (other than the
Chair) was conducted by the Chair and the Senior
Independent Director. The Senior Independent
Director leads the evaluation of the Chair in
conjunction with the NEDs, considering the views
of the CEO, and, as a matter of practice, meets
with the other independent NEDs when each
Board meeting is held to discuss issues together,
without the CEO or other NEDs present. The Chair
also holds meetings with the NEDs without the
CEO present.
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Dear Stakeholder
Two decades ago, our Company published its first
Corporate Social Responsibility Report with the
ambition of a ‘Journey to World Class’. Since
then, we have been integrating the aspects of
sustainability, including the environmental and social
pillars, in our business strategy, in our decision-
making process and in our long-term goals. Our
current sustainability commitments, Mission 2025,
are approaching their target year and we proudly
report that our progress there is significant.
In 2023, the Social Responsibility Committee
continued its focus on the implementation of the
Mission 2025 sustainability commitments and the
overall integration of sustainability in the business
strategy, with a core focus on net zero performance
and Pack Mix of the Future scenarios and initiatives,
which not only help our business to decarbonise,
but also contribute to a litter-free world and support
sustainability agenda for our customers. The
Committee reviewed the proposed solutions of
returnable glass bottles and packageless beverages,
the pilot testing of Freestyle Compact® machines
and approach to reusable vessels, the pilot of LitePac
Top in Austria (from shrink film to cardboard holder
for family packs multipacks), the results of KeelClip™
roll-out (cardboard holder for cans multipacks)
across 22 countries, scenarios for increasing of
the rPET content in our markets, and initiatives
for post-consumer collection, including plans for
Deposit Return Schemes (DRS). We monitored
the development of the different ESG regulations
but also the ESG reporting regulations that will
bemandated to medium and large companies.
We are very proud of the bold progress in every
business unit in relation to our NetZeroby40
roadmap, such as renewable energy initiatives,
energy-efficient coolers, supplier engagement,
and to water stewardship projects in water
Shifting the Company’s commitment of no
deforestation across the value chain from
2030 to 2025, aligned with the Forest, Land
and Agriculture (FLAG) science-based carbon
reduction targets.
Deep review of mid-term scenarios and
potential initiatives to shape our Packaging Mix
of the Future – advancing sustainable packaging
agenda, with focus on overall decarbonisation
vs ‘business as usual’ and accelerating reuse
solutions while growing profits and revenues
faster than volumes.
Deep-dive analysis of Group results in various
ESG benchmarks.
Monitoring innovation projects and
partnerships that support our ESG agenda.
Ongoing updates on plastic packaging levies,
Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation,
the new limits set by the EU Commission for
Bisphenol A, product tax developments, Green
Claims, Dual Quality Omnibus Directive.
Active involvement in Annual Stakeholder
Forum and in Sustainable event with suppliers.
The launch of the System Sustainability Venture
Fund in partnership with the venture-capital
firm Greycroft.
Highlights 2023
Close oversight of the ‘Earn our licence to
operate’ pillar as part of our Growth Story
2025, including progress of public Mission
2025 commitments.
Detailed review of the actions, initiatives,
and progress versus the roadmap of
NetZeroby40, the Company’s commitment
to reaching net zero greenhouse gas
emissions by 2040, combined with science-
based carbon reduction targets by 2030.
Review of the Company’s outcome of the first
steps of the Science Based Target Network
for Nature (SBTN) methodology, including
full value chain mapping, biodiversity risk and
impact assessment (upstream, downstream,
direct operations) and prioritisation of the key
areas for target setting.
Priorities for 2024
Endorsement of the next set of the
Company’ssustainability commitments
(2030 commitments).
Setting the first science-based targets on
biodiversity based on the outcome of the
SBTN methodology.
Partnerships for innovation in the area of
ESG, with both customers and suppliers.
Implementation of the updated NetZeroby40
roadmap and 2030 science-based targets
(including separate FLAG targets, Egypt
operations integration, revised target of
scope 3 emissions in line with ‘well below 2
degrees’ pathway) after receiving an approval
by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
Progress on sustainable packaging agenda.
Overview of the social impact programmes.
Progress on calorie reduction and added
sugar reduction across beverage categories.
Stakeholder outreach activities.
Reviewing and streamlining Company
disclosure and reporting standards based
on EU taxonomy, Corporate Sustainability
Responsibility Directive (CSRD), European
Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)
and standards issued by the International
Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB).
Ongoing activities related to ESG
benchmarking, plastic packaging levies
andproduct tax developments.
Corporate Governance Report continued
Social Responsibility Committee
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Corporate Governance Report continued
Social Responsibility Committee continued
In 2023, the Company was again named
by theDow Jones Sustainability Index as a
leader, with the highest S&P Global Corporate
Sustainability Assessment score in the Beverage
industry, which is the seventh time we have
topped the industry and marks 13 consecutive
years among the top three. We now have the
highest scores and rankings in ten of the most-
recognised ESG ratings (DJSI, CDP Climate and
Water, MSCI ESG, ISS ESG, V.E., Sustainalytics
among them).
During the year we reviewed the high-level
activities of the capital investments related
tosustainability, sustainability communication
strategy, and the capability programme prepared
for different levels in our organisation aiming
to build sustainability knowledge in a tailored,
engaging and simple way. Going forward in 2024,
the Committee will ensure that the business
strategy is fully aligned with the Company’s ESG
agenda and that the Company continues to
create value for employees, communities, society
and the environment. 2024 will be the year when
we are planning to publish our new set of bold,
industry leading sustainability targets in the areas
material for our stakeholders, for our business,
for society, and for the environment. Biodiversity,
water community projects, the requirements of
the CSRD, initiatives to support the Company’s
Packaging Mix of the Future journey, human rights,
our social agenda and impact, ESG programmes
for our suppliers, and customer partnerships
insustainability, will be among the focus areas
Anastasios I. Leventis
Committee Chair
Role and responsibilities
The Social Responsibility Committee is responsible
for the development and supervision of procedures
and systems to ensure the pursuit of the
Company’s social and environmental goals, as
set out in the charter for the committees of the
Board of Directors in Annex C to the Company’s
Organisational Regulations. Key areas of
responsibility are:
establishing the principles governing the
Group’s policies on social responsibility and the
environment to guide management’s decisions
and actions
overseeing the development and supervision
of procedures and systems to ensure the
achievement of the Group’s social responsibility
and environmental goals
establishing and operating a council responsible
for developing and implementing policies and
strategies to achieve the Company’s social
responsibility and environmental goals (in all
ESG pillars, such as climate change, water
stewardship, packaging and waste, sustainable
sourcing, health and nutrition, our people and
communities, and biodiversity), and ensuring
Group-wide capabilities to execute such
policies and strategies
ensuring the necessary and appropriate
transparency and openness in the Group’s
business conduct in pursuit of its social
responsibility and environmental goals
ensuring and overseeing the Group’s
interactions with stakeholders in relation to
its social responsibility and environmental
policies, goals and achievements, including
the level of compliance with internationally
reviewing Group policies on environmental
issues, human rights and other topics as they
relate to social responsibility
The Social Responsibility Committee comprises
one independent and two non-independent
Directors: Anastasios I. Leventis (Chair), Anna
Diamantopoulou, Bruno Pietracci until May
2023 and Evguenia Stoitchkova from May 2023.
Anastasios I. Leventis and Anna Diamantopoulou
were each re-elected and Evguenia Stoitchkova
was elected for the first time, for a one year term,
by the shareholders at the AGM in May 2023.
Members Membership status
Anastasios I. Leventis
Member since 2016
Chair since 2016
Anna Diamantopoulou Member since June 2020
Bruno Pietracci Member from June 2021
until May 2023
Evguenia Stoichkova Member since May 2023
Work and activities
The Social Responsibility Committee met four times
during 2023. The Committee invited other members
of the Board to attend the meetings, namely
Charlotte J. Boyle, George Leventis and the CEO, as
well as the Chief Corporate Affairs and Sustainability
Officer and additional senior leaders subject to
the discussion topics. During 2023, the Social
Responsibility Committee reviewed and provided
guidance and insights to advance the Group’s
sustainability approach in the following areas:
Progress and the action plans made against the
17 publicly communicated 2025 sustainability
commitments and their six focus areas.
Biodiversity impact assessment across the
entire value chain as per the SBTN guidelines.
Sustainable packaging cross-functional team
agenda and progress towards more sustainable
packaging (rPET, packageless, refillables and
other), and packaging collection and recovery.
Lifecycle analysis (LCA) of different packaging
scenarios and their impact on the net zerojourney.
Detailed plans and initiatives for delivery
ofscience-based carbon reduction targets
and NetZeroby40 commitment, including
the Company’s application for setting FLAG
science-based emissions targets.
Participation of the Company’s CEO in the
Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders at the World
Economic Forum (WEF).
Investments in different initiatives that deliver
sustainability benefits, the internal carbon
pricing andtotalcost of water.
The launch of the System Sustainability Venture
Fund in partnership with the venture capital
Innovative opportunities related to digital twin
in manufacturing plants, green hydrogen, rPET
in-house production, potential enzymatic
recycling of packaging etc.
Review of progress in decreasing calories in
Health and safety programmes, including Life
Saving Rules andBehavioural Based Safety.
Social impact community programmes such
as #YouthEmpowered programmes and water
stewardship projects.
Materiality assessment process and results
ofthe annual materiality survey.
Egyptian operations sustainability plans
Review of stakeholder engagement plan andthe
feedback from the Annual StakeholderForum.
ESG reporting frameworks and benchmarks
such as GRI Standards, UN SDGs, Dow Jones
Sustainability Indices, CDP Climate & Water,
Task Force on Climate-related Financial
Disclosures (TCFD), and the Sustainability
Accounting Standards Board (SASB).
Review of mandated in the near-future ESG
regulations such as CSRD and the ESRS, EU
taxonomy, EU Deforestation Regulation,
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
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Dear Stakeholder
The Audit and Risk Committee continued to
focus its work during 2023 on monitoring and
strengthening the Group’s internal financial
controls, risk management, quality assurance
and compliance systems, as well as the existing
information system security processes, all of
which are recognised by the Board as essential
components of effective corporate governance.
During 2023, the Audit and Risk Committee
worked closely with corporate audit and finance
teams in overseeing the implementation of
theGroup’s internal control framework.
We have monitored and discussed our risk
management processes, including our risk profile
and mitigation, but also principal risks and risk
appetite. The Audit and Risk Committee reviewed
updates on new auditing standards, accounting
developments and regulatory developments.
Emerging risks identified by the Group were
discussed by the Audit and Risk Committee,
including the impact of climate change on the cost
and availability of key ingredients and impact of
our sustainability performance on our reputation
related risks. Other areas of focus during 2023
are included in the sections about the work and
activities of the Audit and Risk Committee and the
areas of key significance in the preparation of the
financial statements inthisreport.
The Audit and Risk Committee report describes
in more detail the work of the Audit and Risk
Committee during 2023. In performing its work,
the Committee balances independent oversight
with support and guidance to management.
Iam confident to report that the Committee,
supported by senior management and the
external auditor, consistently carried out its duties
toa high standard during the reporting year.
William W. (Bill) Douglas III
Committee Chair
Highlights 2023
Compliance with financial and non-financial
(including climate-related) disclosures.
On-going monitoring of the RussiaUkraine
conflict, including sanctions related issues.
Overview of the Group insurance
Preparatory work for CSRD implementation.
Monitoring of the macroeconomic volatility
in several countries of the Group, including
Egypt and Nigeria.
Priorities for 2024
Monitoring the developments in accounting
and regulatory matters, including potential
changes to IFRS accounting standards and
respective disclosures.
Ongoing monitoring of risks, as well
as impairment testing of goodwill and
Ongoing monitoring of internal financial
controls, anti-fraud systems and Code of
Business Conduct compliance.
Ongoing monitoring of the Group’s Business
Resilience, Risk Management and Quality
Assurance programmes.
Ongoing monitoring of the Group’s Cyber
Security programme.
Discussing developments and actions
towards CSRD compliance.
Initiating preparatory work in view of 2025
audit tender.
Ongoing monitoring of financial markets
and exploring financing options for the bond
maturing in 2024.
Overseeing the implementation of the
necessary changes in the Corporate Audit
Department and the internal audit policies
and procedures, to comply with new global
internal audit standards to take effect
Corporate Governance Report continued
Auditand Risk Committee
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Role and responsibilities
The Audit and Risk Committee monitors the
effectiveness of our financial reporting, internal
control and risk management systems, and
processes. The role of the Audit and Risk Committee
is set out in the charter for the committees of the
Board of Directors in Annex C to the Company’s
Organisational Regulations. This is available in the
Company’s website under coca-colahellenic.com/
en/about-us/corporate-governance. The key
responsibilities and elements of the Audit and Risk
Committee’s role are:
Providing advice to the Board on whether the
Annual Report including the consolidated
financial statements, taken as a whole, is a fair,
balanced and understandable assessment
of the Company’s position and prospects
and provides the information necessary for
shareholders to assess the Group’s position
and performance, including whether there is
consistency throughout the report including
the financial reporting, whether the report
will form a good basis of information for the
shareholders, and that important messages
are highlighted appropriately throughout the
Monitoring the quality, fairness and integrity of the
consolidated financial statements of the Group,
and reviewing significant financial reporting issues
and judgements contained inthem.
Reviewing the Group’s internal financial control
and anti-fraud systems as well as the Group’s
broader enterprise risk management and legal
and ethical compliance programmes (including
computerised information system controls and
security) with the input of the external auditor
and the internal audit department.
Reviewing and evaluating the Group’s
major areas of financial risk and the steps
taken to monitor and control such risk, as
well as guidelines and policies governing
Quarterly review of the company’s principal risks
and the actions the company is taking to manage
those risks.
Establishing and updating the Risk Appetite
statement which establishes the level of risk
the company is prepared to take in achieving its
strategic objectives.
Monitoring and reviewing the external
aditor’s independence, quality, adequacy and
effectiveness, taking into consideration the
requirements of all applicable laws in Switzerland
and the UK, the listing requirements of the
London Stock Exchange and Athens Exchange,
and applicable professional standards.
The Audit and Risk Committee comprises
three independent NEDs: Bill Douglas (Chair),
Olusola (Sola) David-Borha and Alexandra
Papalexopoulou, who were each re-elected for
aone-year term by the shareholders at the AGM
in May 2023.
Members Membership status
William W. (Bill)
Douglas III (Chair)
Member since 2016
Chair since 2016
Olusola (Sola) David-Borha Member since 2015
Alexandra Papalexopoulou Member since 2020
The Board remains satisfied that Bill Douglas,
Sola David-Borha and Alexandra Papalexopoulou
possess recent and relevant financial and sector
experience in compliance with the UK Corporate
Governance Code. Bill Douglas was formerly
Executive Vice President and CFO of Coca-Cola
Enterprises, Sola David- Borha has held a number
of senior financial positions and Alexandra
Papalexopoulou has served as a treasurer.
TheBoard is also satisfied that the members
ofthe Committee as a whole have competence
in the sector in which the Company operates in
compliance with the UK Corporate Governance
Code and UK listing regime requirements.
Furtherdetails on their experience are set out in
their respective biographies on pages 130 to 132
and inthe table set out in page147.
The Group CFO, as well as the General Counsel,
external auditor, the Head of Corporate Audit, and
the Group Financial Controller, attend all meetings
of the Audit and Risk Committee. Other officers
and employees are invited to attend meetings
when appropriate. Two NEDs, Henrique Braun
and Christo Leventis were invited to attend all
meetings during 2023. The Head of Corporate
Audit, and, separately, the external auditor, meet
regularly with the Audit and Risk Committee
without the presence of management to discuss
the adequacy of internal controls over financial
reporting and any other matters deemed relevant
to the Audit and Risk Committee. The Chair of
the Audit and Risk Committee attended our
AGM in May 2023 and regularly interacts with
representatives of our shareholders.
Work and activities
The Audit and Risk Committee met eight times,
four of which were by video conference call, during
2023 and discharged the responsibilities defined
under Annex C of the Company’s Organisational
Regulations. The Committee invited others to
attend meetings, including other Board members,
namely Henrique Braun and Christo Leventis, and
additional senior leaders subject to the discussion
topics. The work of the Audit and Risk Committee
during the accounting year included evaluation
of and review of the respective matters, as well as
assessment of management’s mitigating actions
and response plans, in the areas below:
the Integrated Annual Report including the
consolidated financial statements and the full-
year results announcement for the year ended
31 December 2022 prior to their submission
to the Board for approval, and compliance with
Group policies;
the interim consolidated financial statements
and interim results announcement for the six-
month period ended 30 June 2023, prior to their
submission to the Board for approval;
the trading updates for the three-month period
ended 1 April 2023, and the nine-month period
ended 30 September 2023, as well as a trading
update issued in July 2023 for upgrading its
2023 earnings expectations;
areas of significance in the preparation of the
consolidated financial statements;
the internal control environment, principal risks
and risk management systems (including the
nature and extent of the principal risks resulting
from the conflict in Russia and Ukraine), and
the Group’s statement on the effectiveness of
its internal controls prior to endorsement by
the Board, concluding that management has
carried out a robust risk assessment process;
review of the Group’s Risk appetite statement
and the framework for establishing risk
tolerance levels for all risks as a key part of the
risk assessment process; which supports the
application of the risk appetite statement at all
levels within the company;
the viability statement scenarios and underlying
assumptions and recommendations to the
Board that the viability statement be approved,
including discussion of management’s
conclusions with respect to going concern and
the viability statement;
the external auditor’s report on the Group’s
IFRS earnings release for the financial
year ended 31 December 2022; including
assessment of the auditor’s enhanced audit
report and key audit matters and conclusion
that there was nothing that warranted the
attention of the Board; and review of external
auditor’s report on the Group’s interim report
for the six-month period ended 30 June 2023;
Corporate Governance Report continued
Audit and Risk Committee continued
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report on tax audits undertaken during 2023
and relevant developments for on-going tax
audits in a number of territories;
approval of changes to 2023 internal audit plan
and approval of the 2024 internal audit plan;
quarterly reports on internal audit matters
across the Group’s business regions, concluding
that no material failings were identified;
direct procurement matters and initiatives for
2023, including the Group’s commodities risk
management initiatives for 2023;
cross-regional audits on cyber security, people
and culture process, anti-bribery compliance,
data privacy compliance and various other
ongoing audits onspecific projects;
regular reports on health and safety, GDPR
compliance and internal control framework,
quality assurance, environmental protection,
asset protection, treasury and financial risks, anti-
bribery and fraud control, anti-money laundering;
quarterly reports on business continuity,
security, cyber security, insurance and
enterprise risk management processes.
review of market updates for Egypt and Russia;
review of the Purchase Price Allocation exercise
within the framework of the acquisition of the
Finlandia business;
review and approval of insurance renewal
process proposals;
update on CSRD;
update on the Group’s green bond issued in
September 2022 progress on internal control
assessment and integration of CCHBC Egypt;
reports on litigation and regulatory investigations;
matters arising under the Group’s Code of
Business Conduct and the actions taken to
address any identified issues;
an assessment of the skills of the internal
auditors and the sufficiency of the internal audit
budget, confirming of the Internal Auditor’s
quality, experience and expertise for the
business. Reports to ensure that the Audit and
Risk Committee can be satisfied that internal
audit has the appropriate resources. The Audit
& Risk Committee is satisfied that internal audit
has the appropriate resources;
updates on risk management and business
resilience, including the Group’s response
to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine,
the activation and development of business
continuity strategies and the streamlining of the
Group’s risk management processes; Review
of the Group’s principal risks and the Group’s
updated Strategic Risk Summary;
reports on the Group’s impairment assessment
processes in connection with the operations
affected by the conflict between Russia and
Ukraine for the interim financial report and Egypt;
regular updates from the external auditor on
accounting and regulatory developments. Also,
an update on Swiss regulatory developments;
tax related matters including:
monitoring progress on both the impact and
implementation status of key international
tax initiatives impacting the Group, namely
the OECD Pillar 2 project and the EU’s Public
country-by-country reporting,
ensuring the Group is sufficiently structured
and organised to meet its tax obligations (i.e.,
it’s key tax processes and the supporting
people and systems) in a rapidly changing
international tax environment,
awareness of programmes available to
provide the Group with certainty in the
relationship with tax authorities, e.g., co-
operative compliance programmes etc.,
and progress made by the Group to secure
certainty to the extent possible,
oversight of open tax audits involving the
Group and ensuring tax related risks and
developments are appropriately managed,
tax automation initiatives aimed at
solidifyinggovernance and availability
ofdatato support audits,
reviewing and endorsing the Group’s annual
update of its Tax Transparency Report, and
awareness of tax input into M&A activity and
new business initiatives;
approval of changes to chart of authority and
delegation for operational activities;
external audit plan and pre-approval of audit
fees for 2024;
consideration of the external auditor’s
independence, quality, and adequacy and
the effectiveness of its audit of the financial
statements; and
assessment of the Company’s external reporting
to ensure it is fair, balanced and understandable
as a result of the Board’s obligation under the
Corporate Governance Code.
The Audit and Risk Committee was responsible for
the review of the 2023 Integrated Annual Report
including the consolidated financial statements and
associated reports and information. The Committee
received assurances from management and details
on the processes underlying the preparation of
published financial information.
Following evaluation of all available information,
the Audit and Risk Committee concluded and
advised the Board that the 2023 Integrated
Annual Report including the Consolidated financial
statements is fair, balanced and understandable.
Finally, the Board receives and reviews a report
from the Audit and Risk Committee on its
activities and discussions at the Board meeting
following each Audit and Risk Committee meeting.
Areas of key significance in the
preparation of the financial statements
The Audit and Risk Committee considered
a number of areas of key significance in the
preparation of the financial statements in 2023,
including the following:
appropriateness of critical accounting
judgements and estimates that affect the
reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues
and expenses, and the disclosure of contingent
assets and liabilities in the consolidated financial
statements (detailed in Notes 5,14,16,22 and
30 to the consolidated financial statements),
identified by management
review of the trading environment and resilience
of the Group’s business in light of the conflict
between Russia and Ukraine and strategic
actions implemented to mitigate risks and
restructure business operations;
review of the annual impairment testing of
goodwill and other indefinite lived intangible
assets testing performed by management and
reviewed by the external auditor under IAS 36
as well as the related sensitivity analysis with
confirmation that management had undertaken
a robust impairment testing process, relying
on both internal information, and other publicly
available metrics to perform their assessment;
review key assumptions for specific countries,
challenging management drivers of relevant
deviations and performance to date, as well as
countries WACC rates development vs prior year;
review of the contingencies, legal proceedings,
competition law and regulatory procedures,
including cases involving the national competition
authorities of Greece and litigation matters
inNigeria and Greece, and the impact of these
on the consolidated financial statements and
accompanying notes;
Corporate Governance Report continued
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review of guidance provided by the UK Financial
Conduct Authority and Financial Reporting
Council related to areas of focus for the
2023/2024 reporting season, including financial
reporting, sustainability and climate-related
disclosures, Task Force on Climate-related
Financial Disclosures (TCFD) disclosures,
viability and going concerns, corporate
governance matters and The European Single
Electronic Format standard;
review of the interim impairment testing of
goodwill and other indefinite lived intangible
assets performed by management in relation to
the Egyptian CGU;
assess management’s work in conducting
a robust assessment of the risks that
impact the viability and going concern
statements, including review of scenarios
andunderlyingassumptions, taking also
into consideration the renewal of bottler
agreements with The Coca-Cola Company;
recommended to the Board to approve the
viability statement; and
deeming appropriate that the Group continues
to apply the going concern basis for the
preparation of the financial statements.
External auditor
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Birchstrasse 160,
CH 8050 Zurich, Switzerland (‘PwC AG’) has been
elected by the shareholders as the statutory
auditor for the Group’s statutory consolidated
and standalone financial statements. The signing
partner, for the first year, for the statutory financial
statements on behalf of PwC AG is Patrick Balkanyi,
for the year ended 31 December 2023. The Board,
at the recommendation of the Audit and Risk
Committee, has retained PricewaterhouseCoopers
S.A., 260 Kifissias Avenue – 15232 Halandri, Greece
(‘PwC S.A.’), an affiliate of PwC AG, to act as the
Group’s independent registered public accounting
firm forthe purposes of reporting under the UK rules
for the year ended 31 December 2023. For the third
year, the signing partner, the financial statements
(for the year ended 31 December 2023) on behalf
ofPwC S.A. is Fotis Smyrnis.
The appointment of PwC S.A. has also been
approved by the shareholders until the next AGM
by way of advisory vote for UK purposes. ‘PwC
refers to PwC AG or PwC S.A., as applicable, in this
Annual Report.
During the accounting period, the members of
the Audit and Risk Committee met on a regular
basis with the appointed PwC signing partners,
both with and without management being present.
This provided the Audit and Risk Committee with
an opportunity for open dialogue, to question
and be satisfied as to the quality of the audit
work performed by PwC and challenge PwC’s
professional scepticism. During the meetings, the
appointed PwC signing partners demonstrated
their understanding of the Group’s business risks
and the consequential impact on the financial
statement risks, especially around areas of key
significance in the preparation of the financial
statements including but not limited to the
trading environment and resilience of the Group’s
business in light of the challenging macroeconomic
conditions, the annual impairment testing,
contingencies and legal proceedings including
taxes. The Audit and Risk Committee took an
active role in reviewing the scope of the audit, the
independence, objectivity and effectiveness of
PwC, and the negotiations relating to audit fees.
The Audit and Risk Committee also met with the
management team, which led the discussions
with PwC, including the Head of Corporate Audit,
to review the performance of PwC without PwC
being present. Following this review process, the
Audit and Risk Committee has recommended to
the Board that (i) a proposal to reappoint PwC AG
be put to a shareholders’ vote and (ii) a proposal
to reappoint PwC S.A. be put to a shareholders’
advisory vote at the next AGM.
PwC has acted as the Group’s principal external
auditor since 2003. The Company ran a competitive
tender for the external auditor services in 2015 which
was overseen by the Audit and Risk Committee.
Following the evaluation of the proposals, the Audit
and Risk Committee concluded in 2015 that the
best interests of the Group and its shareholders
would be served by reappointing PwC as external
auditor and made such recommendation to the
Board. PwC was reappointed by the Board as the
Group’s external auditor on 11 December 2015 with
effect from the financial year 2017. Currently, the
Audit and Risk Committee anticipates that the audit
contract will be put out to tender again in 2025 for
audit services with effect from financial year 2027,
ensuring stability and quality of the audit process.
The Company as a Swiss company is not subject
to mandatory auditor rotation rules in the EU or UK
but understands the requirements. There are no
contractual or other obligations restricting the
Group’s choice ofexternal auditor.
Non-audit services provided by the
external auditor
The Audit and Risk Committee considers the
independence, in both fact and appearance, of
the external auditor as critical and has long had an
auditor independence policy providing definitions
of the services that the external auditor may
and may not provide. In line with the relevant
FRC Guidance, the policy requires the Audit and
Risk Committee’s pre-approval of all audit and
permissible non-audit services provided by the
external auditor, and only for matters that are
clearly trivial to the Company. Such services include
audit, work directly related to audit, and certain tax
and other services as further explained below. In
practice, the Audit and Risk Committee applies the
policy restrictively, and approval for work other than
audit and audit-related services israrely granted.
Under the policy, pre-approval may be provided
for work associated with: statutory or other
financial audit work under IFRS or according to
local statutory requirements; attestation services
not required by statute or regulation; accounting
and financial reporting consultation and research
work necessary to comply with generally accepted
accounting and auditing standards; internal control
reviews and assistance with internal control
reporting requirements; review of information
systems security and controls; tax compliance
andrelated tax services, excluding any tax services
prohibited by regulatory or other oversight
authorities; expatriates’ and other individual
taxservices; and assistance andconsultation
onquestions raised by regulatoryagencies.
For each proposed service, the external
auditor is required to provide detailed back-up
documentation at the time of approval to permit
the Audit and Risk Committee to decide whether
the provision of such services would impair the
external auditor’s independence.
PwC has complied with the policy for the financial
year ended on 31 December 2023.
Audit fees and all other fees
Audit fees: The fees for audit services to PwC and
affiliates were approximately €5.3 million for the
year ended 31 December 2023 (2022: €5.1 million).
The audit fees for 2023 include fees associated
with the annual audit and review of the Group’s
half year report, prepared in accordance with IFRS,
as well as local statutory audits. Fees for audit
services to firms other than PwC and affiliates
were €0.6 million for the year ended 31December
2023 (2022: €0.7 million).
Audit-related fees: Fees for audit-related
services to PwC and affiliates for the year
ended31 December 2023 were €1.0 million
(2022:€1.1 million).
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Tax-related fees: There were no fees to PwC and
affiliates for tax services for the years ended 31
December 2023 and 2022.
All other fees: Fees to PwC and affiliates for non
audit services for the year ended 31 December
2023 were €0.1 million (2022: €nil).
Risk management
During 2023, the Company continued to revise
and strengthen its approach to risk management
as described in detail on pages 86 to 112. The
primary aim of this framework is to minimise
our exposure and ensure that the nature and
significance of all risks we are facing are properly
identified, reviewed, managed and, where
necessary, escalated. Risk assessments are
conducted and discussed at monthly Senior
Leadership Team meetings in all our business
units. These assessments are reviewed by
regional management teams and the Chief
Risk Officer twice a year. In addition, corporate
functions conduct broader risk assessments
across the business with the Chief Risk Officer
The Company’s Group Risk and Compliance
Committee reviews the emerging as well as the
identified risks biannually and the emerging and
material risks along with mitigating actions are
presented by the Chief Risk Officer to ELT and
the Audit and Risk Committee. This process is
both top-down and bottom-up and is designed to
ensure that risks arising from business activities
are appropriately managed.
The Audit and Risk Committee confirms that the
risk management and internal control systems
have been in place for the year under review
and up to the approval of the annual report
andaccounts. Finally, the Company has in place
third-party insurance to cover residual insurable
risk exposure such as property damage, business
interruption, cyber risks and liability protection,
including Directors’ and officers’ insurance for
ourDirectors and officers.
Internal control
The Board has ultimate responsibility for ensuring
that the Company has adequate systems of
financial reporting control. Systems of financial
reporting control can provide only reasonable
and not absolute assurance against material
misstatements or loss. In certain of the countries
in which we operate, our businesses are exposed to
a heightened risk of loss due to fraud and criminal
activity. We review our systems of financial control
regularly to minimise such losses.
Internal audit
Our internal audit function reports directly to
theAudit and Risk Committee, which reviews and
approves the internal audit plan for each year. The
internal audit function consists of approximately
40 full-time professional audit staff mainly based
in Athens, Sofia, and Lagos, covering a range of
disciplines and business expertise. One of the
responsibilities of the internal audit function is
to provide risk-based and objective assurance to
the Board as to whether the Group’s framework
of risk management, including internal control
framework, is operating effectively. For this
purpose, the Head of Corporate Audit makes
quarterly presentations to the Audit and Risk
Committee and meets regularly with the Audit
and Risk Committee without the presence of
our management. In addition, the internal audit
function reviews the internal financial, operational
and compliance control systems across all the
jurisdictions in which we operate and reports its
findings to management and the Audit and Risk
Committee on a regular basis.
The internal audit function focuses its work on
the areas of greatest risk to us, as determined
by a risk-based approach to audit planning.
As part of our commitment to maintaining
and strengthening best practice in corporate
governance matters, we also consistently seek to
enhance our internal control environment and risk
management capability. The internal audit function
carries out work across the Group, providing
independent assurance, advice and insight to
help the organisation accomplish its objectives
by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to
evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk
management, control and governance processes.
In December 2023, the Audit and Risk Committee
agreed the FY24 audit plan to be undertaken by
the internal audit team. The audit plan coverage is
based on risk, strategic priorities and consideration
of the strength of the control environment. The
internal audit function prepares audit reports
and recommendations following each audit, and
appropriate measures are then taken to ensure that
all recommendations are implemented. Significant
issues, if any, are raised at once. Therewere no
such issues in 2023.
The Board has adopted a chart of authority,
defining financial and other authorisation limits
and setting procedures for approving capital and
investment expenditure. The Board also approves
detailed annual budgets. It subsequently reviews
quarterly performance against targets set forth
in these plans and budgets. A key focus of the
financial management strategy is the protection
of our earnings stream and management of
our cash flow. Our internal audit function has
conducted an annual review of the effectiveness
ofour risk management system and internal
control systems in accordance with the UK
Corporate Governance Code.
The review included bi-annual reviews with
the Chief Risk Officer on the operation of the
enterprise risk management program, regular
review of our financial operations and compliance
controls and consideration of the Company’s
principal risks. Part of this review involves regular
review of our financial, operational and compliance
controls, following which we report back to the
Board on our work and findings as described
above. This allowed us to provide positive
assurance to the Board to assist it in making
the statements that our risk management and
internal control systems are effective, as required
by the UK Corporate Governance Code. Further
information is set out on page 123.
The key features of the Group’s internal control
systems that ensure the accuracy and reliability of
financial reporting include: clearly defined lines of
accountability and delegation of authority; policies
and procedures that cover financial planning and
reporting; preparation of monthly management
accounts; and review of the disclosures within
the Annual Report from function heads to ensure
that the disclosures made appropriately reflect
the developments within the Group in the year
and meet the requirement of being fair, balanced
The Audit and Risk Committee reviews the
results of the internal audit reports during each
meeting, focusing on the key observations of
anyreports where processes and controls require
improvement. The Audit and Risk Committee was
also provided with updates on the remediation
status of management actions of internal audit
findings and on the internal audit quality assurance
and improvement programme at each meeting.
Aparticular focus during 2023 was the robustness
of the internal control systems and processes
around risk management, in light of the conflict
between Russia and Ukraine.
The Audit and Risk Committee was kept informed
of any changes or adaptations to ensure full
functionality as the Company continued to operate
under the circumstances and uncertainties of the
conflict between Russia andUkraine.
The Group CFO, the Country General Managers and
Country CFOs have access to the implementation
status of the recommendations at all times.
Whereinternal or external circumstances give
rise to an increased level of risk, the audit plan is
modified accordingly.
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Audit and Risk Committee continued
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Nevertheless, no significant cases occurred this
year. Any changes to the agreed audit plan are
presented to and agreed by the Audit and Risk
Committee. A compliance audit was conducted in
our operations in Russia and Belarus at the end
Cyber security and Anti-money
There were no significant cyber security incidents
in the last five years. For further details as to the
identification of cyber security as a principal risk
see page 96. In addition, there were no money
laundering incidents to report.
Business conduct and anti-bribery
We seek to grow our business by serving
customers and consumers and conduct all
business activities with integrity and respect.
The Board is responsible for ensuring appropriate
procedures and processes are in place to enable
our workforce to raise any issues of concern
and is satisfied that the processes in place are
appropriate. The Board maintains zero tolerance
regarding breaches of our Code of Business
Conduct and anti-bribery policies, as well as any
attempts to retaliate against our people who
report potential violations. We have mandatory
training for all our people, including our ELT, so
that everyone understands our Code of Business
Conduct, and we hold additional targeted anti-
bribery training for employees working in areas
weassess as high risk.
A Code of Business Conduct and Anti-Bribery
Policy course is available on-line to all employees
and includes a knowledge test, acknowledgement,
and re-commitment to compliance with the Code
and its related policies. At the end of the last
training wave in 2021, 26,319 employees passed
the course, which was 97.7% of the total active
population. Since then, we continued to train
every newly hired employee. In 2023 we trained
5,798 employees, including 994 employees in the
Egypt BU. As in the past, this training will continue
to be a regular requirement for all employees,
witha refresher requirement every three years.
In 2023, our communication plan on compliance
included several initiatives to continue raising
awareness on business ethics among our people,
like our annual Ethics and Compliance Week was
rolled out across our business units. We have also
an established anti-bribery due diligence process
for third parties who have contact with public
authorities on behalf of our Company.
For further information please see the Anti-Bribery
Policy and Code of Business Conduct in the
Company’s website under coca-colahellenic.com/
We have established grievance mechanisms,
including an independently operated
whistleblower ‘Speak Up! line’, available
inall CCHBC countries in local languages to
ensure any concerns can be raised. In 2023,
we investigated 640 allegations (2022: 589)
ofwhich 422 (2022: 324) were received through
the ‘Speak Up Hotline’. All allegations involving
potential Code of Business Conduct violations
were investigated in accordance with the Group
Code of Business Conduct Handling Guidelines.
Of those investigated, 164 (2022: 219) matters
were substantiated as code violations of which
18(2022: 20) involved an employee in a managerial
position or involved a loss greater than €10,000.
For details concerning the handling of allegations
received in 2023, see our website. You can find
more on allegations investigated and violations
uncovered in our GRI index.
Through the ‘Speak Up! line’, we receive, retain,
investigate and act on employee, officer,
consultant, intern, secondee or agent of the
Company’s complaints or concerns regarding
accounting, internal control, suspected
fraudulent conduct, corrupt conduct, violation
of any applicable antitrust and competition law
rules, violation of personal data protection and
company system security rules, endangerment
of an individual’s or individuals’ health and safety,
endangerment of the environment, commission
of a criminal offence, failure to comply with any
legal or regulatory obligation, and concealment
ofany information pertaining to any of the above,
or other ethical matters.
This includes any matters regarding the
circumvention or attempted circumvention of
internal controls, including matters that would
constitute a violation of our Code of Business
Conduct and related policies or matters involving
fraudulent behaviour by officers or employees
of the Group. Individuals can report all such
allegations, complaints or concerns in local
languages, also directly to their Ethics and
Compliance Officer, General Manager, Function
Head, the Senior Audit Manager – COBC &
Compliance, the Head of Corporate Audit,
orourGeneral Counsel.
All communications received directly by the
above Company’s representatives or through
theSpeak Up! line are kept confidential and, where
requested, anonymous. The Head of Corporate
Audit liaises regularly with the General Counsel
and communicates all significant allegations
to the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee.
All matters received via the Speak Up! line or
any other reporting mechanism are thoroughly
investigated. The Audit and Risk Committee
receives summary reports of escalated incidents
and instances of whistleblowing together with the
status of investigations and, where appropriate,
management actions to remedy issues identified.
The Committee reports to the Board on such
matters, which reviews and considers those
reports at least bi-annually as appropriate.
Disclosure Committee
A Disclosure Committee has been established,
and disclosure controls and procedures have
been adopted to ensure the accuracy and
completeness of our public disclosures. The
Disclosure Committee is composed of the Group
CFO, the General Counsel, the HeadofInvestor
Relations and the Group Financial Controller.
Performance reporting
Reports on our annual performance and
prospects are presented in the Annual Report
following recommendation by the Audit and
Risk Committee. In line with UK practice, we
have adopted half-year and full-year reports,
and Q1 and Q3 trading updates. Internally,
our financial results and key performance
indicators are reviewed by the ELT on a monthly
basis. This information includes comparisons
against business plans, forecasts and prior-year
performance. The Board of Directors receives
updates on performance at each Board meeting,
as well as a monthly report on our business and
financial performance.
Corporate Governance Report continued
Audit and Risk Committee continued
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Dear Shareholder,
As the Chair of the Remuneration Committee, I
am pleased to share the Directors’ remuneration
report for the year ended 31 December 2023,
which includes: the Directors’ remuneration policy
that shareholders will be asked to approve at the
AGM in May 2024; and the annual remuneration
report reflecting how the Directors’ remuneration
policy has been implemented during 2023.
2023 has been a year where our new purpose
has opened opportunities for our customers,
partners and employees. Through continued
focus on our 24/7 beverage strategy, we delivered
another year of record financial results with margin
improvements, revenue growth and cash flow
generation. After the challenges of recent years,
the business is well positioned to continue driving
growth in revenue, profit and earnings.
The excellent financial and non-financial results
in 2023 are testament to the hard work of all our
people. It is the Committee’s role to ensure that
our people are rewarded for past performance
as well as appropriately incentivised to deliver
future performance, and that their dedication and
commitment is recognised and considered in the
context of our broader stakeholder group.
Fundamental to the Committee’s decision
making during the year is consideration of the
remuneration of all our employees. We have
regular updates at Committee meetings from our
Chief People and Culture Officer and our Head of
Rewards. These updates reflect the importance
of our 15,000-strong sales force of business
developers who are critical employees, directly
serving our customers.
Highlights 2023
Excellent financial results, delivering a third
year of double-digit growth and record profits
Investing and opening up our people’s
potential through our commitment to
peopledevelopment and the unveiling
ofourculture manifesto
Continued to strengthen our ongoing
engagement with shareholders, ensuring that
their feedback and views were considered in
the Committee’s decision making
Reviewed the pay arrangements of our wider
workforce, taking into account the impact
ofinflation and the cost of living
Considered broader trends related to
legislative and regulatory development,
outcomes from the AGM 2023 season
andfuture trends in executive reward
Priorities for 2024
The Committee will use this year to consider
our approach to reward for the top 40 senior
leaders, including Executive Directors,
to ensure our strategy and remuneration
policy remains competitive and appropriate,
incorporating best practice, feedback from
shareholders and emerging trends
Subsequently we will do a similar review
ofreward policies and pay arrangements
forthe wider workforce
The Committee will focus on pay equity
strategy and execution across all workforce
segments in the Group
We will maintain ongoing engagement
withour shareholders with a commitment
toconsult on any future changes and
continue to seek their feedback on
remuneration issues
Directors’ remuneration report
Letter from the Chair of the Remuneration Committee
Opening up opportunities
for our people”
Net sales revenue
2022: €9,198.4m
Comparable EBIT
2022: €929.7m
Free cash flow
711.8 m
2022: €645.1m
Comparable EPS
€ 2.078
2022: €1.706
2022: 14.1%
Included in MIP
Included in PSP
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 159
Directors’ remuneration report continued
Letter from the Chair of the Remuneration Committee continued
The Group’s remuneration philosophy and policies
are designed to attract, motivate and retain the
talented people we need to meet our strategic
objectives and to give them due recognition.
Coca-Cola HBC AG is domiciled in Switzerland
and we have a primary listing on the London Stock
Exchange. We therefore ensure that we adhere
to UK regulations and best practice, except
where these conflict with Swiss law, which takes
precedence. We receive regular updates from our
remuneration advisers on UK best practice and
market trends, and we also ensure we are current
with pay trends in our markets, reflecting our
geographic footprint and international peers.
This year, there were no significant changes in
regulation and the format of this year’s Directors’
remuneration report is consistent with last
year. As always, I welcome your feedback and
suggestions regarding anything we can do to
improve the report.
The Remuneration Committee continues to
focuson ensuring that the remuneration policy
remains fair, transparent and competitive, and
that the approach to remuneration contributes
to driving our growth strategy and long-term
sustainable performance.
Remuneration in context
2023 was a third year of double-digit growth and
record profits. As presented in our full-year results,
focused execution of our 24/7 strategy delivered
strong performance, with organic revenue up
16.9%. We continued to deliver volume growth,
share gains and record levels of free cash flow.
The strength of our 24/7 portfolio, our ongoing
commitment to develop bespoke capabilities,
and our diversified country footprint, are the
foundations which support our continuous growth.
Despite the challenging macroeconomic and
geopolitical environment, we continued with
integrating our Egypt acquisition and we made
significant progress towards our Mission 2025 and
NetZeroby40 goals. In addition, we continue to
explore new ways to invest in our future with our
€100k Start-Up Challenge, now in its second year,
opening up opportunities to discover innovations
from across the start-up ecosystem, which are
aligned to the business priorities. Sustainability
is integrated within every aspect of our business,
creating and sharing value for all our stakeholders.
We are proud to make a strong contribution to
developing the societies in which we operate
through employment and our wider supply
chain, as well as through supporting community
projects. Our progress is recognised by the
most important ESG benchmarks, such as being
ranked as the world’s most sustainable beverage
company for the seventh time by Dow Jones
Sustainability Indices 2023, MSCI ESG rating
ofAAA, and CDP Climate and Water of A rating
forboth categories, amongst others.
Our key financial highlights include:
organic revenue up 16.9% and reported revenue
up 10.7%;
organic revenue per case up 15.0%, reflecting
the benefits of revenue growth management
initiatives throughout the year;
comparable EBIT up 16.6% to €1,083.8 million,
with organic EBIT up 17.7%, principally driven
by organic growth across our markets, only
partially offset by negative foreign currency
comparable EPS up 21.8%;
another year delivering record free cash
flow, with free cash flow increased by 10.3%
to €711.8million, largely reflecting higher
operating profit; and
proposed ordinary dividend of €0.93 per share,
up 19.2% year on year and representing a
Stakeholder experience
Our shareholders
Shareholder engagement
As detailed in last year’s remuneration report,
to recognise the performance of the Group and
the contribution of the Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) since appointment, the Committee took
thedecision to apply a one-off increase in the
CEO’s Performance Share Plan (PSP) award
to450% of salary.
Whilst the proposed increase was within the
remuneration policy limits and was designed
to reward the CEO for the delivery of our 2025
Growth Story Commitments, the Committee
recognised that there were significant minority
votes against Resolutions 7 and 9, the advisory
votes to approve the UK remuneration report and
the Swiss statutory remuneration report. Each
was passed with the support of 68.39% of the
votes cast. Iunderstand and acknowledge the
significance ofthis outcome.
Ahead of the change being proposed, the
Committee actively engaged with shareholders
on the challenges it faced in operating the
current remuneration policy within the current
macroeconomic environment to ensure it struck
the rightbalance in incentivising and rewarding
management for strong performance, whilst
adhering to best practice.
Following the AGM, I consulted with investors to
understand the level of support received on the
remuneration report. The key pieces of feedback
received centred on (i) the one-off increase in
the PSP opportunity for the CEO, where some
shareholders felt that, although within the policy
limits, the circumstances were not extraordinary
and therefore did not justify the increased
opportunity; and (ii) windfall gains related
tothePSP award vesting in the year.
During 2023, we therefore continued our
engagement programme, actively engaging with
38 shareholders as well as proxy advisers. We held
meetings with ten of our largest shareholders
who had accepted our invitation to meet. This
group collectively owned approximately 60%
of our shares. Typically, these were positive and
constructive discussions, and we are grateful for
the ongoing dialogue.
The Committee recognises the feedback from
shareholders. As a Committee and in consultation
with the Chair, we actively considered alternative
approaches to implement the remuneration policy,
which balanced UK governance expectations whilst
ensuring that the remuneration policy recognised
the performance of the executive team and drove
delivery of our future growth strategy.
Reflecting on the feedback received from
investors, the Committee agreed that, for
2024, the PSP award limit would revert to the
normal policy level (330% of salary), and no
material one-off decisions would be made on the
implementation of the policy. We recognise that,
over the past few AGMs, remuneration-related
resolutions have received a significant minority
of votes against. Asdetailed further on in my
letter, the Committee intends to undertake a
review of the remuneration policy over the course
of 2024 and consider whether it remains fit for
purpose or whether more substantive changes
are required going forward. If any material changes
are proposed, theCommittee iscommitted
toactively engage with all stakeholders ahead
ofthe 2025 AGM.
I would like to thank our shareholders for taking
the time to meet with me in 2023 and provide
theirfeedback on the approach to Executive
Director remuneration as well as the important
topic of our approach to the wider workforce
andour stakeholders.
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
Letter from the Chair of the Remuneration Committee continued
Shareholder experience
Regarding the experience of our shareholders,
a dividend of €0.78 per share was distributed
in 2023, and a dividend of €0.93 per share is
proposed for 2024, up 19.2% year on year.
We remain committed to making progressive
dividend payments in the future. And in line
with the Group’s capital allocation framework,
inNovember, the Board approved a share
buybackprogramme aimed at returning up
to€400 million to shareholders.
Our employees
The Committee receives regular updates on our
active employee engagement activities. During
this sustained period of uncertainty and high
inflation, our people have continued to exhibit
resilience, commitment and passion for what
they do, which is evident with the continued
high employee engagement scores at 86%, one
percentage point higher than 2023. To ensure
we are remaining market competitive when
remunerating our workforce, we continued to
review various data sources on market pay, and
provided ad hoc increases in addition to the annual
increase in many of our markets, ensuring that
our talent and our frontline employees are the
focus of these additional increases. This emphasis
on performance and market competitiveness is
consistent with the reward philosophy we seek
across all levels of our workforce.
In addition to reviewing pay practices, benefits
and wellbeing remain a priority, and in 2023 we
organised a mental health awareness session
focusing on resilience and stress management.
We also conducted a session on financial
wellbeing, with valuable insights and strategies
to manage financial pressures. The Committee
continues to provide strong oversight on our
rewards practices, ensuring remuneration for
ourwider workforce remains competitive and
fitfor purpose in 2024.
As the Director responsible for Workforce
Engagement, I attend the work councils’ meetings
to gather insights from representatives across
the Company. During 2023, meetings included
discussion on workforce concern about inflation
and its impact. The Company’s decision to provide
one-off bonuses provided at the end of 2023,
to help alleviate higher cost of living, was well
received by the workforce. As in previous years,
I interacted directly with the representatives
toget their wider insights, which I took back
totheCommittee for discussion and to share
withthe Board.
As in prior years, we supported humanitarian
efforts for colleagues and communities impacted
by war or natural disaster, alongside the Coca-
Cola System partners and the Ukrainian Red
Cross. In December 2023, we also announced
the establishment of a charitable foundation
dedicated to supporting local communities
wherewe operate.
We continued our efforts to build an inclusive
workplace and a diverse workforce to reflect our
customer base and communities. Our strategy
starts from retention, complemented by external
hiring, to create a gender-balanced organisation,
and we’ve committed to have at least 50% of
manager positions held by women by 2025. The
entire Executive Leadership Team volunteered to
sponsor participants of our Women in Leadership
programme, acting as sponsors offering
assistance in navigating common career barriers.
Base salary arrangements
The Committee considered a number of
factors when reviewing the base salary of the
CEO in 2023. This included: consideration of
our wider workforce experience (there was an
average 7.3% salary increase across the Group)
market data against the FTSE 100 and broader
international FMCG peer group; and overall
business performance. Balancing these factors,
weapproved a 6.3% increase effective 1 May 2023.
Incentive outcomes
The Committee’s role includes incentivising strong
business performance and appropriately rewarding
contributions to the Company’s long-term
success. The Committee has reviewed the policy-
based outcomes under the annual Management
Incentive Plan (MIP) and the PSP.
Against recent headwinds of high, albeit tempering
inflation in Europe, continued war in Ukraine and
Russia, a bank note crisis and significant currency
devaluation in Nigeria, and a temporarily weaker
market in Egypt, the Company outperformed
against both expectations and the prior year.
As per the prior year, the Committee agreed it
wasappropriate to remove the impact of Russia
and Ukraine both in the targets and performance
of the business, given the ongoing war. The
outcome reflects record levels of revenue,
comparable EBIT and free cash flow, which the
2023 MIP was based on, against a challenging
backdrop when set.
The formulaic MIP outcome for the CEO
was 76% of the maximum opportunity, with
both theperformance targets and actual
When determining performance, the Committee
took into account the strong results and business
context highlighted above, including the handling
of the challenges posed by the Russia-Ukraine
war, overall exceptional business performance,
increased engagement of our employees and
overall progress towards our sustainability
goals. Taking this performance in the round, the
Committee determined that this outcome is a
fair reflection of wider performance, with 50%
of the MIP payout being deferred into shares
for three years, ensuring further shareholder
alignment. Details of the targets, performance
against themand the plan outcomes are set out
on pages177 to 178.
Reflecting exceptional longer-term performance
over the three years ending 2023, the Group
exceeded both the maximum targets for EPS
and ROIC under the 2021-23 PSP. This was our
first year where the plan also included reduction
of CO
emissions as a third performance metric.
Following the notification from the third party
(IFEU, an institute preferred by TCCC as the
source on material emissions factor change),
and in line with GHG Protocol guidance a
recalculation of the base year 2017 onwards was
triggered in 2023, and again in 2024, to reflect
the annual release of emissions factors. Given
the methodology change to the base year
used for emissions data, which directly impacts
future years, the Committee considered it
appropriate for this change to flow through to
the targets attached to the 2021 PSP award.
In doing so, theCommittee is confident that
the revisedtargets were not materially easier
orharder to achieve than the original targets.
Further details are set out on pages 178 to 179.
At the time targets were set in September 2021,
Russia and Ukraine were included while Egypt
wasexcluded, and the above results reflect this.
At the end of the period, the Committee
considered the formulaic outcome was an
appropriate reflection of the underlying
performance of the Group, not least factoring in
the macroeconomic headwinds impacting key
markets the Group operates, in and approved the
formulaic outcome of 94% of maximum. The 2021
PSP award was granted at a higher share price
than the 2020 PSP award, therefore there are
nowindfall gains associated with this award.
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
Letter from the Chair of the Remuneration Committee continued
Looking ahead
Implementation of the policy in 2024
We expect average employee salary increases
across the Company at 6.2%. It is anticipated that
the CEO’s increase will be lower than that of the
wider workforce. The increase will be effective
from 1 May 2024 and will be communicated in the
subsequent Directors’ remuneration report.
As in 2023, the 2024 MIP business performance
will be measured based on performance
against three KPIs: revenue (40% weighting),
comparable EBIT (40% weighting) and free cash
flow (20%weighting). There will be no change
tothemaximum MIP opportunity for 2024
(140%of salary).
To achieve our growth ambitions, and to deliver
continued financial performance that creates the
desired returns, the Committee believes strongly
that we must continue to retain and incentivise
the management team in a fair manner.
The Committee intends that 2024 PSP awards
will be made subject to the same performance
metrics as the 2023 awards: ROIC (42.5%),
EPS (42.5%) and reduction of CO
(15%). Asin the prior year, the Committee has
determined to exclude the impact of Russia and
Ukraine from the targets of the 2024-26 plan
in light of the continued uncertainty as a result
of the Russia-Ukraine war. We will proceed with
providing the individual grants for the 2024
PSP in March, asper the usual process, with the
maximum awardfor the CEO set at 330% of salary
as inprevious years and as noted above.
The targets for the 2024 PSP award take into
account of our business plan, market expectations
and the wider economic and geopolitical
environment. The change in the ROIC targets
relative to prior years reflects the level of invested
capital deployed, which has been impacted by
strategic acquisitions (including the acquisition
in Finlandia) and recent share buybacks. The
Committee has applied the same approach to
target setting as in previous years and believes
that the proposed target range for ROIC and the
other performance metrics are appropriately
stretching relative to the business plan and
external forecasts of performance.
Remuneration policy going forward
As we further embed our new purpose, the
Remuneration Committee will continue to keep
the policy under review, ensuring that plans and
programmes relating to remuneration support
the Company’s strategy and objectives, and are
appropriately linked to shareholders’ interests.
We will continue to review the wider workforce
remuneration arrangements with a special focus
on our frontline workers and specifically our
business developers’ salaries and incentives.
We will consider the remuneration strategy for
our workforce, ensuring it is aligned with the
Company’s new purpose, strategies and culture.
We will continue our journey in diversity, equity
and inclusion (DEI) by ensuring balance in our pay
equity practices and flexible work arrangements.
With regard to Executive Director remuneration,
the Committee welcomes the wider debate
that is currently being held regarding the
overallcompetitiveness of remuneration
withinUK-listed businesses.
Whilst the Remuneration Committee believes
that the remuneration policy approved by
shareholders at the AGM in May 2023 remains
broadly fit for purpose, the Committee intends to
undertake a detailed review of the remuneration
policy that applies to our top 40 senior leaders,
including Executive Directors, over the course of
the year. The key objectives will be to ensure that
the remuneration policy supports the delivery
of the Group’s strategy and is an appropriate
motivation and retention tool for the senior
management team. We welcome feedback and
we are committed to continuing engagement
withshareholders on this important topic during
the year.
Finally, on behalf of the Committee, I would like
to thank our shareholders for the time taken
to engage during the year, and I look forward to
engaging with you further in the year ahead.
As Chair of the Committee, I hope you will support
the remuneration-related resolutions at the AGM.
Charlotte J. Boyle
Committee Chair
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
Reward strategy and objective
The objective of the Group’s remuneration philosophy is to attract, retain and motivate employees who
are curious, agile and committed to high performance. Our reward strategy seeks to promote a growth
mindset and reinforce desirable behaviours, ensuring that employees are fairly rewarded and that their
individual contributions arelinked to the success of theCompany.
Variable pay is an important element of our reward philosophy. A significant proportion of total
remuneration for top managers (including the CEO and the members of the Executive Leadership
Team(ELT) is tied to the achievement of our business objectives. These objectives aredefined by key
business metrics that are consistent with our growth strategy and will deliver long-term shareholder
value. The variable pay element increases or decreases based on the achievedbusiness performance.
Through equity-related long-term compensation, we seek to ensure that the financial interests
oftheCEO, the members of the ELT and senior managers are aligned with those of shareholders.
All of our remuneration plans, both fixed and variable, are designed to be cost-effective, taking into
account market practice, business performance, and individual performance and experience where
relevant. We pay close attention to our shareholders’ views in reviewing our remuneration policy
In line with the UK Corporate Governance Code, the following factors, which align well with our
objectives, were also considered:
Remuneration throughout the organisation – a snapshot
Remuneration arrangements
should be transparent and
promote effective engagement
with shareholders and workforce.
We believe that our policy provides transparency for Executives and
shareholders about what performance we are looking for across
our portfolio.
The Remuneration Committee has aimed to incorporate
simplicity and transparency into the design and delivery of our
remuneration policy.
We aim for disclosure of the policy and how it is implemented to
be in a clear and succinct format.
Remuneration structures should
avoid complexity and their
rationale and operation should
be easy to understand.
Our remuneration arrangements for Executive Directors are
purposefully simple, comprising fixed pay (salary, benefits,
pension), a short-term incentive plan (the MIP) and a long-term
incentive plan (the PSP).
The remuneration structure is simple to understand for both
participants and shareholders and is aligned to the strategic
priorities of the business.
Remuneration arrangements
should ensure reputational
and other risks from excessive
rewards, and behavioural risks
that can arise fromtarget-based
incentive plans, are identified
and mitigated.
The remuneration policy includes a number of points to mitigate
potential risks:
There are defined limits on the maximum opportunity levels
under incentive plans.
Performance targets are calibrated appropriately, ensuring
they are adequately stretching but sustainable.
The Remuneration Committee considers formulaic incentive
outcomes and determines whether to make any adjustments,
including to take into account the experience of wider
stakeholders such as employees andshareholders.
Incentive plans include provisions to allow malus and claw back
to be applied, where appropriate. The use of deferral, holding
periods, in-employment and post-employment shareholding
requirements ensures that there is an alignment of interests
between the CEO and shareholders and encourages
sustainable performance.
The range of possible values
of rewards to individual
Directors and any other limits or
discretions should be identified
and explained atthe time of
approving policy.
We aim for our disclosure to be clear to allow shareholders to
understand the range of potential values which may be earned under
the remuneration arrangements. Our remuneration policy clearly
sets out relevant limits and potential for discretion.
Finding the people we want
and need
Adopting behaviours
that produce exceptional
Achieving business, financial
and non-financial targets
Continuing to attract the
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
The link between individual
awards, delivery ofstrategy
and long-term performance of
the Company should be clear.
Outcomes should not reward
poor performance.
We believe that the link between individual awards, the delivery
of strategy and the long-term performance of the Company
is clearly explained in this report and that our approach
ensures proportionate pay outcomes that do not reward poor
performance. A significant part of the CEO’s reward is linked
to performance with a clear line of sight between business
performance and the delivery of shareholder value. The
Remuneration Committee may adjust formulaic outcomes of
incentive arrangements if they do not appropriately align with
performance achieved or the experience of wider stakeholders
such as employees and shareholders.
Alignment to culture
Incentive schemes should
drive behaviours consistent
with Company purpose, values
We want our Executives to make decisions that support the
long-term performance and health of the business. The incentive
arrangements and the performance measures used are strongly
aligned to those that the Board considers when determining the
success of the implementation ofthe Company’s purpose, values
and strategy.
How we implement our reward strategy
The chart below illustrates how we put our reward strategy into practice, with the different remuneration arrangements that apply to different employee groups.
We regularly review our reward strategy to ensure it remains relevant and effective in meeting the needs of our employees, especially our frontline workers. During 2023 we provided higher increases
toourfront line workers in comparison to other employees.
Chief Executive Officer and
Executive Leadership Team
Chief Executive Officer,
Executive Leadership Team and
selected senior management
Selected middle and senior
All management All employees
Shareholding guidelines
Support the alignment with
shareholder interests ensuring
sustainable performance: CEO
– required to hold shares in the
Company equal in value to 300% of
annual base salary within a five-year
period and a post-employment
shareholding requirement that
applies for two years post-leaving.
ELT –required to hold shares in the
Company equal in value to 100%
ofannual base salary within a five-
year period.
Performance Share Plan
Performance share awards
vestover three years. PSP
awardsare cascaded down
to select senior managers,
promotinga focus on long-term
performance andaligning them
toshareholders’ interests,
Long-Term Incentive Plan
Long-term incentive awards vest
over three years. LTIP awards are
cascaded down to select middle
and senior management to
reinforce long-term performance
and ensure retention of our talents.
Management Incentive Plan
Employees may be eligible
toreceive an award under
theannual bonus scheme that
promotes a high-performance
culture. Performance conditions
are bespoke to each role and
Employee Share Purchase Plan
(dependent on country practice)
The Employee Share Purchase
Plan (ESPP) encourages share
ownership and aligns the interests
of our employees with those
Fixed pay and benefits
(basesalary, retirement
andother benefits - dependent
oncountry practice)
Base salaries may reflect the
market value of each role as well
asthe individual’s performance
andpotential. Retirement and
otherbenefits are subject to local
market practice.
Note: Participants in the PSP are not eligible to participate in the LTIP.
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
Remuneration arrangements for the CEO – at a glance
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Fixed pay – base salary
The base salary of the CEO is €892,900.
2024 salary increase levels for employees have not been finalized
at the date of this report. It is anticipated that the Chief Executive
Officer’s increase will not be higher than the increases provided for
the wider workforce and will be effective from 1 May 2024.
Fixed pay – retirement benefits
The CEO participates in a defined benefit pension plan under Swiss law.
Employer contributions are 15% of annual base salary.
Normal retirement age for the Chief Executive Officer’s plan is 65
years. In case of early retirement, which is possible from the age of 58,
the Chief Executive Officer is entitled to receive the amount accrued
under the plan as a lump sum.
Fixed pay – other benefits
Other benefits include (but are not limited to) medical insurance,
housing allowance, company car/allowance, cost of living adjustment,
trip allowance, partner allowance, exchange rate protection, tax
equalization and tax filing support and advice. Benefit levels vary each
year depending on need.
Fixed pay – ESPP
The CEO may participate in the Company’s ESPP.
As a scheme participant, the CEO has the opportunity to invest
a portion of his base salary and/or MIP payments in shares. The
Company matches employee contributions on a one-to-one basis up
to 3% of base salary and/or MIP payout.
Awards are subject to potential application of malus and
Base salary Other benefits MIP
+ =
Fixed pay Variable pay subject to performance
The table below summarises the remuneration arrangements in place for our CEO. See page 177 for total compensation figures.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Variable pay – MIP
The MIP consists of a maximum annual bonus opportunity of up to
140% of base salary.
Payout is based on business performance targets and individual
performance. The business performance element will result in an
outcome between 0% and 200% of the target MIP and the individual
performance element will result in an outcome of up to 100%, with
the overall payout as a percentage of salary being based on the
multiplication of these two figures.
For 2024, business performance will be measured based on
performance against three KPIs: revenue (40% weighting),
comparable EBIT (40% weighting) and free cash flow (20% weighting).
50% of any MIP payout will be deferred into shares for a further
three-year period. Payments are subject to potential application
ofmalus and clawback provisions.
Variable pay – PSP
The PSP is an annual share award which vests after three years. For
2024 the CEO will be granted an award of 330% of salary. For the
award in 2024, vesting will be based on performance conditions
measured over a three-year period against:
i. comparable EPS (42.5% weighting);
ii. ROIC (42.5% weighting);
iii. reduction of CO
emissions (15% weighting).
An additional two-year holding period will apply following vesting.
Awards are subject to potential application of malus and
Shareholding guidelines
The shareholding guidelines support the alignment with shareholders.
The CEO’s minimum shareholding guideline is set at 300% of
annual base salary within a five-year period and a post-employment
shareholding requirement that applies for two years post-leaving.
50% cash 50% shares deferred
Three year performance period
Minimum shareholding requirements
Two year holding
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
Remuneration policy
The following section (pages 166-169) sets out
our Directors’ remuneration policy as approved
byshareholders at the Annual General Meeting
on17 May 2023. No changes are being proposed
to the policy this year.
As a Swiss-incorporated company, we are not
required to put forward our remuneration policy
for a shareholder vote, but we intend to do so
voluntarily at least every three years (or when
there are changes). We continue to endeavour
tomake sure that our disclosure complies
withUKregulations, except where these
conflictwith Swiss law.
Policy table – Chief Executive Officer
The Company currently has a single Executive
Director, being the CEO.
Therefore, for simplicity, this section refers
onlyto the CEO. This remuneration policy would,
however, apply for any new Executive Director
role, in the event that one was created during
theterm of this remuneration policy.
In that case, references in this section to
theCEOshould be read as being toeach
Base salary Retirement benefits
Purpose and
link to strategy
To provide a fixed level of compensation appropriate to the requirements of the role of CEO
and to support the attraction and retention of the talent able to deliver the Group’s strategy.
To provide competitive, cost-effective post-retirement benefits.
Operation Salary is reviewed annually, with salary changes normally effective on 1 May each year. The
following parameters are considered when reviewing the base salary level:
the CEO’s performance, skills and responsibilities;
economic conditions and performance trends;
experience of the CEO;
pay increases for other employees; and
external comparisons based on factors such as: the industry of the business, revenue,
market capitalisation, headcount, geographical footprint, stock exchange listing (FTSE)
and other European companies.
Malus and clawback provisions do not apply to base salary.
The CEO participates in a defined benefit pension plan. However, we have adjusted the
pension scheme to be co-contributory, in line with the pension scheme for the wider Swiss
workforce, for new Executive Directors’ appointments from 2020 onwards.
Normal retirement age for the CEO’s plan is 65 years. In case of early retirement, which is
possible from the age of 58, the CEO is entitled to receive the amount accrued under the
plan as a lump sum.
Malus and clawback provisions do not apply to retirement benefits.
Whilst there is no maximum salary level, any increases awarded to the CEO will normally be
broadly aligned with the broader employeepopulation.
The salary increase made to the CEO may exceed the average salary increase under certain
circumstances at the Remuneration Committee’s discretion. These circumstances may
include: business and individual performance; material changes to the business; internal
promotions; accrual of experience; changes to the role; or other material factors.
The contributions to the pension plan are calculated as a percentage of annual base salary
(excluding any incentive payments or other allowance/benefits provided) based on age
brackets as defined by Federal Swiss legislation.
This percentage is currently 15% of base salary and increases to 18% above age 55.
Individual and business performance are key factors when determining any base salary
changes. The annual base salary for the Chief Executive Officer is set out on page 165.
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
Fixed continued
Other benefits ESPP
Purpose and
link to strategy
To provide benefits to the CEO which are consistent with marketpractice. The ESPP is an Employee Share Purchase Plan, encouraging broader share ownership,
and is intended to align the interests of employees including the CEO with those of
Operation Benefit provisions are reviewed by the Remuneration Committee which has the discretion
to recommend the introduction of additional benefits where appropriate.
Typical provisions for the CEO include benefits related to relocation such as housing
allowance, company car/allowance, cost of living adjustment, trip allowance, partner
allowance, exchange rate protection, tax equalisation and tax filing support and advice.
Forall benefits, the Company will bear any income tax and social security contributions
arising from such payments.
Malus and clawback provisions do not apply to benefits.
This is a voluntary share purchase scheme across many of the Group’s countries. The CEO
as a scheme participant has the opportunity to invest from 1% to 15% of his base salary
and/or MIP payout to purchase the Company’s shares by contributing to the plan on a
monthly basis.
The Company matches the CEO’s contributions on a one-to-one basis up to 3% of the
employee’s base salary and/or MIP payout. Matching contributions are used to purchase
shares one year after the purchase of shares byemployees. Matching shares are
immediately vested.
Dividends received in respect of shares held under the ESPP are used to purchase
additional shares and are immediately vested. The CEO is eligibleto participate in the
ESPPoperated by the Company on the same basis asother employees.
Malus and clawback provisions apply. Further details may be found in the Additional notes
to the Executive Director’s remuneration policy table section on page 171.
There is no defined maximum as the cost to the Company of providing such benefits will
vary from year to year.
Maximum investment is 15% of gross base salary and MIP payout. The Company matches
contributions up to 3% of gross base salary and MIP payout. Matching contributions
areused to purchase shares one year after the matching. Matching shares are
None. The value is directly linked to the share price performance. It is therefore not affected by
other performance criteria.
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
Variable pay
Purpose and
link to strategy
To support profitable growth and reward annually for contribution to business
performance. The plan aims to promote a high-performance culture with stretching
business and individual targets linked to our key strategies.
The CEO’s maximum MIP opportunity is set at 140% of annual base salary. The
business performance element will result in an outcome between 0% and 200%
of the target MIP and the individual performance element will result in an outcome
of up to 100%, with the overall payout as a percentage of salary being based on
the multiplication of these two figures.
Threshold, target and maximum achievement for the business performance
element will result in an outcome as follows:
Threshold: 0% of base salary
Target: 70% of base salary
Maximum: 140% of base salary
The maximum opportunity level will therefore only pay out for both a
stretch level of business performance and full achievement of the individual
performance element
Operation Annual cash bonus awarded under the MIP is subject to business and individual
performance metrics and is non-pensionable.
The CEO’s individual objectives are regularly reviewed to ensure relevance
to business strategy and are set and approved annually by the Chair of the
Remuneration Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Stretching targets for business performance are set annually, based
onthebusiness plan of the Group as approved by the Board of Directors.
TheRemuneration Committee will determine the business performance
metricsand weightings on an annual basis.
Performance against these targets and bonus outcomes is assessed by the
Remuneration Committee, which may recommend an adjustment to the payout
level where it considers the overall performance of the Company or the individual’s
contribution warrants a higher or lower outcome.
Malus and clawback provisions apply. Further details may be found in the
Additional notes to the Executive Director’s remuneration policy table section
onpage 171.
The MIP awards are based on business metrics linked to our business strategy.
These may include, but are not limited to, measures of revenue, profit, profit
margins and operating efficiencies. The weighting of individual performance
metrics shall be determined by the Remuneration Committee around
thebeginning of the MIP performance period.
Details related to the key performance indicators can be found inthe Annual
Report on Remuneration on page 177.
Deferral of MIP 50% of any MIP award is to be deferred into shares which will be made available after
a three-year deferral period which commences on the first day of the fiscal year in
which the deferred share awardis made.
Deferred shares may be subject to malus and clawback (for a period of two
years following this incentive award) to the extent deemed appropriate by the
Remuneration Committee, in line with bestpractice.
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
Variable pay continued
Purpose and
link to strategy
To align the CEO’s interests with the interests of shareholders, andincrease the
ability of the Group to attract and reward individuals with exceptionalskills.
Any vested award (net of shares sold to cover tax liability) is subject to a further
two-year holding period following the end of the three-year performance period.
During this two-year period, these beneficially owned shares are subject to a
no-sale commitment. Any shares subject to the holding period count towards
theshareholding requirement.
Operation The CEO is granted conditional awards of shares which vest after three years,
subject to the achievement of performance metrics and continued service.
Grants take place annually, normally every March.
Performance metrics and the associated targets are reviewed and determined
around the beginning of each performance period to ensure that they support the
long-term strategy and objectives of the Group and are aligned with shareholders’
interests. Dividends may be paid on vested shares where the performance metrics
are achieved at the end of the three-year period.
Malus and clawback provisions apply. Further details may be found in the Additional
notes to the Executive Director’s remuneration policy table section on page 171.
Adjustments In the event of an equity restructuring, the Remuneration Committee may make
an equitable adjustment to the terms of the performance share award by adjusting
the number and kind of shares which have been granted or may be granted and/or
making provision for payment of cash in respect ofany outstanding performance
share award.
Where exceptional circumstances exist such that the original targets no longer
meet the intent at the time of grant, the Committee will have the discretion to adjust
targets in a manner that is considered to be no less stretching than the original
performance condition. Where any such adjustment is made, the details will be fully
disclosed in the following remuneration report.
Awards (normally) have a face value up to 330% of base salary.
In exceptional circumstances only, the Remuneration Committee
hasthediscretion to grant awards up to 450% of base salary.
Change of
In the event of change of control, unvested performance share awards held
by participants vest immediately on a pro-rated basis if the Remuneration
Committee determines that the performance metrics have been satisfied or
would have been likely to be satisfied at the end of the performance period, unless
the Remuneration Committee determines that substitute performance share
awards may be used inplace of the previous awards. For vested shares subject to
the additional holding period, the holding period will lapse and the participants are
no longer subject to the no-sale commitment.
Vesting of awards is subject to the three-year Group performance metrics. For
each award, the Remuneration Committee will determine the applicable metrics,
weightings and target calibration making up the performance condition.
Following the end of the three-year period, the Remuneration Committee will
determine the extent to which performance metrics have been met and, in turn,
the level of vesting. Participants may receive vested awards in the form of shares
ora cash equivalent.
For each performance metric, achieving threshold performance results in vesting
of 25% of the award and maximum performance results in vesting of 100% of the
award. There will be a straight-line vesting between these performance levels.
Performance share awards will lapse if the Remuneration Committee determines that
the performance metrics have not been met. The Remuneration Committee will have
discretion to reduce or negate PSP award vesting, in the case of significant adverse
environmental, social or governance impacts regarding the Company’s activities.
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performance +50%
share price growth
10% 17% 40%
16% 12%
19% 15%
51% 41%
Base salary
PSP – share price appreciation
Cash and non-cash benefits
Pension MIP
0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000
Directors’ remuneration report continued
Additional notes to the Executive Director’s remuneration policy table
Chief Executive Officer’s remuneration policy illustration
The graph below provides estimates of the potential reward opportunity for the CEO andthe split between
the different elements of remuneration under three different performance scenarios: ‘Minimum’,
‘Target’ and ‘Maximum’. In line with the reporting regulations, a scenario assuming 50% share price
growth over the three-year PSP performance period is also shown below.Theassumptions used for
these charts are set out in the table below (000s).
Minimum performance Fixed remuneration only, i.e. base salary, pension and other benefits
(including ESPP participation)
No payout under the MIP or PSP
Target performance Fixed remuneration
MIP payout of 70% of base salary
PSP vesting at 198% of base salary
Maximum performance Fixed remuneration
MIP payout of 140% of base salary
PSP vesting at 330% of base salary
Maximum performance+ 50%
share price growth
Fixed remuneration
MIP payout of 140% of base salary
PSP vesting at 330% of base salary
50% assumed share price growth over three-year PSP
Other than in the ‘Maximum performance + 50% share price growth’ scenario, no share price growth or
dividend assumptions have been included in the charts above.
( 000s)
( 000s)
( 000s)
+ 50% share
price growth
( 000s)
Fixed Base salary
893 893 893 893
Pension 134 134 134 134
Cash and non-cash benefits
705 723 742 742
Variable MIP 625 1,250 1,250
PSP 2,411 2,947 2,947
PSP – 50% share price
Appreciation 1,474
Total 1,732 4,786 5,966 7,440
1. Represents the annual base salary as at the last review in May 2023.
2. ESPP employer contributions may vary depending on the MIP payout provided that the CEO decides to contribute a portion of the MIP
towards the ESPP. The figures provided have been calculated on the basis of the applicable MIP payout and the CEO deciding to contribute
3% to the ESPP.
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP)
The ESOP was replaced by the PSP in 2015 and
the last grant under the ESOP took place in
December 2014. Although the Remuneration
Committee does not intend to award under the
ESOP going forward, there are still outstanding
stock option awards which may be exercised in
future years. Awards vest in one third increments
each year for three years and can be exercised for
up to ten years from the date of the award.
Malus and clawback provision for variable
The MIP, PSP, ESOP and ESPP plans include
malus provisions which give the Remuneration
Committee and/or the Board discretion to judge
that an award should lapse wholly or partly in event
of a material misstatement of financial results
and/or misconduct, significant reputational risk
and corporate failure.
The Remuneration Committee and/or Board also
has the discretion to determine that clawback
should be applied to awards under the MIP, PSP,
ESOP and ESPP plans for the CEO and members
of the ELT. Clawback can potentially be applied to
payments or vested awards for up to a two-year
period following payment or vesting.
Shareholding guidelines
In order to strengthen the link with shareholders’
interests, the CEO is required to hold shares in
theCompany equal in value to 300% of annual
base salary. Members of the ELT are required
tohold 100% of annual base salary. The CEO
hasfive years from appointment to accumulate
shares equal to 300% of annual base salary
(withshares acquired from PSP awards and
sharesresulting from the deferral of the 50%
of the MIP counting towards fulfilment of the
shareholding requirement).
The Committee continues to review the potential
need for stronger shareholding requirements in
the long term and this is subject to further review
in the future.
The Policy contains a post-employment
shareholding requirement whereby the CEO
would, if leaving the Company, be required to
hold shares equivalent to 200% of base salary
(oractual shareholding at termination date if
lowerthan this) for a period of two years after
leaving employment.
Remuneration arrangements across theGroup
The remuneration approach for the CEO, the
members of the ELT and senior management
is similar. The CEO’s total remuneration has a
significantly higher proportion of variable pay
incomparison with the rest of our employees.
TheCEO’s remuneration will increase or decrease
in line with business performance, aligning it with
shareholders’ interests.
The structure of the remuneration package
for the wider employee population takes into
account local market practice and is intended to
attract and retain the right talent, be competitive
and remunerate employees for promoting a
growth mindset while contributing to the Group’s
performance. As part of the Performance for
Growth framework introduced in 2019, we revised
and updated the remuneration framework with
features such as each business unit having more
flexibility on target positioning, managers having
the flexibility to retain key talent, and guidance
provided for increased awards for high-potential
and/or exceptional performance.
Policy table – non-Executive Directors
Base fees
Purpose and
link to strategy
To provide a fixed level of compensation appropriate to the requirements of
the role of non-Executive Director and to attract and retain high-quality non-
Executive Directors with the right talent, values and skills necessary to provide
oversight and support to management to grow the business, support the
Company’s strategic framework and maximise shareholder value.
Operation Non-Executive Directors’ fees are set at a level that will not call into question
the objectivity of the Board. When considering market levels, comparable
companies typically include those in the FTSE index with similar positioning as
the Company, other Swiss companies with similar market capitalisation and/or
revenues, and other relevant European listed companies.
Fee levels for non-Executive Directors include an annual fixed fee plus additional
fees for membership of Board committees when applicable. The fees as at 1
January 2024 are set out below:
Base Chairman’s fee: €150,000
Base non-Executive Director’s fee: €82,000
Senior Independent Director’s fee: €18,000
Audit and Risk Committee Chair fee: €32,000
Audit and Risk Committee member fee: €16,000
Remuneration, Nomination and Social Responsibility Committee Chair
Remuneration, Nomination and Social Responsibility Committee member
fees: €6,500
Fee levels are subject to periodic review and approval by the Chairman of the
Board and the CEO.
Other benefits Non-Executive Directors do not receive any benefits in cash or in kind. They
are not entitled to severance payments in the event of termination of their
appointment. They are entitled to reimbursement of all reasonable expenses
incurred in the interests of the Group.
Non-Executive Directors do not receive any form of variable compensation.
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
Legacy arrangements
For the avoidance of doubt, it is noted that
the Company will honour any commitments
entered into that have previously been disclosed
Policy on recruitment/appointment
Executive Directors
Annual base salary arrangements for the
appointment of an Executive Director will be set
considering market relevance, skills, experience,
internal comparisons and cost. The Remuneration
Committee may recommend an appropriate initial
annual base salary below relevant market levels.
In such situations, the Remuneration Committee
may make a recommendation to realign the level
of base salary in the following years. As highlighted
above, annual base salary ‘gaps’ may result in
higher rates of salary increase in the short term,
subject to an individual’s performance. The
discretion is retained to offer an annual base salary
necessary to meet the individual circumstances
ofthe recruited Executive Director and to enable
the hiring of an individual with the necessary skills
and expertise.
The maximum level of variable pay that may be
offered will follow the rules of the MIP and is capped
at 140% of the relevant individual’s annual base
salary. The maximum level of equity-related pay
that may be offered will follow the PSP rules and
is capped at 450% of the relevant individual’s
annual base salary. The typical award is not
expected to surpass 330% of base salary. Different
performance measures may be set initially for the
annual bonus taking into consideration the point
in the financial year that a new Executive Director
joins. The above limits do not include the value of
any buyout arrangements.
Benefits will be provided in line with the Group’s
policy for other employees. If an Executive Director
is required to relocate, benefits may be provided as
per the Group’s international transfer policy which
may include transfer allowance, tax equalisation,
tax advice and support, and housing, cost of living,
schooling, travel and relocation costs.
The Remuneration Committee may consider
recommending the buying out of incentive awards
that an individual would forfeit by accepting the
appointment up to an equivalent value in shares
or in cash. In the case of a share award, the
Remuneration Committee may approve a grant of
shares under the PSP. When deciding on a potential
incentive award buyout and in particular the level
and value thereof, the Remuneration Committee
will be informed of the time and performance pro-
rated level of any forfeited award.
It is expected that Executive Directors appointed
during the remuneration policy period will be
appointed on similar notice provisions to the CEO,
allowing for termination ofoffice by either party on
six months’ notice.
Non-Executive Directors
It is expected that non-Executive Directors
appointed during the remuneration policy period
will receive the same basic fee and, as appropriate,
committee fee or fees as existing non-Executive
Directors and will be entitled to reimbursement of
all reasonable expenses incurred in the interests
of the Group.
It is expected that non-Executive Directors
appointed during the remuneration policy
period will be appointed on a one-year term
ofappointment, in the same manner as existing
non-Executive Directors.
The Company does not compensate new non-
Executive Directors for any forfeited share awards
in previous employment.
Termination payments
The Swiss corporate law provisions regarding
the Compensations in Listed Companies limits
the authority of the Remuneration Committee
and the Board to determine compensation.
Limitations include the prohibition of certain
typesof severance compensation.
Our governance framework ensures that the
Group uses the right channels to support reward
decisions. In the case of early termination, the
non-Executive Directors would be entitled to their
fees accrued as of the date of termination, but are
not entitled to any additional compensation. The
CEO’s employment contract does not contain any
provisions for payments ontermination.
Notice periods are set for up to six months and
non-compete clauses are 12 months. The notice
period anticipates that up to six months’ paid
garden leave may be provided. Similarly, up to 12
months of base salary may be paid out in relation
to the non-compete period.
In case of future terminations, payments will be
made in accordance with the termination policy
onpage 173.
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
Pay element
Good leaver (retirement at 55 or later/
at least 10 years’ continued service) Good leaver (injury, disability) Bad leaver (resignation, dismissal) Death in service
Base salary and other benefits/
non-Executive Directors’ fees
Payment in lieu of notice is not permissible. The Company could ask the Chief Executive Officer to be on paid garden leave for up to six months.
ESPP Unvested cash allocations held in the ESPP will vest upon termination. Unvested cash allocations under the
ESPP are forfeited.
Available ESPP shares will be transferred
to heirs.
MIP A pro-rated payout as of the date
ofretirement will be applied.
Deferred shares will continue to vest
A pro-rated payout as of the date
ofleaving will be applied.
Deferred shares will continue to vest
In the event of resignation or dismissal,
as per Swiss law the CEO is entitled to a
pro-rated MIPpayout.
Any outstanding deferred shares
A pro-rated payout will be applied and will
be paid immediately to heirs, based on
the latest rolling estimate.
Deferred shares will continue to vest
PSP/ESOP All unvested options and performance
share awards continue to vest as normal
subject to time pro-rating and are
subject to the additional holding period.
For vested shares that are subject to
the additional holding period, they will
continue to be subject to the no-sale
commitment until the end of the
relevant two-year period.
Under Swiss law, share awards are
considered annual compensation and
assuch when time pro-rating is required,
the year of grant (12 months) and not
thevesting period (36 months) for time
pro-rating calculations is considered.
All unvested options and performance
share awards immediately vest to
the extent that the Remuneration
Committee determines that the
performance conditions have been met,
or are likely to be met at the end of the
three-year performance period, and are
subject to the additional holding period.
Any options that vest are exercisable
within 12 months from the date
For vested shares that are subject to
the additional holding period, they will
continue to be subject to the no-sale
commitment until the end of the
relevant two-year period.
All unvested options and performance
share awards immediately lapse without
any compensation.
In the event of resignation, all vested
options must be exercised within six
months from the date of termination.
Upon dismissal, all vested options must
be exercised within 30 days from the
date of termination.
For vested shares that are subject to
the additional holding period, they will
continue to be subject to the no-sale
commitment until the end of the
relevant two-year period.
All unvested options and performance
share awards immediately vest subject
to time and performance pro-rating.
Any options that vest are exercisable within
12 months from the date of termination.
For vested shares that are subject to the
additional holding period, the no-sale
commitment will cease immediately.
Under Swiss law, share awards are
considered annual compensation.
When time pro-rating is required, the
year of grant (12 months) and not the
vesting period (36 months) is considered
for time pro-rating calculations.
Corporate events
In the event of an equity restructuring, theRemuneration Committee may make an
equitableadjustment to the terms of the performance share award by adjusting the numberand kind
of shares that have been grantedor may be granted and/or making provision for payment of cash in
respect of anyoutstanding performance share award.
In the event of a change of control, unvested performance share awards held by participants vest
immediately on a pro-rated basis if the Remuneration Committee determines that the performance
conditions have been satisfied or would have been likely to be satisfied at the end ofthe performance
period, unless the Remuneration Committee determines that substitute performance share awards may
be usedin place of the previous awards.
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
Name Title
appointed to
the Board of
the Company
appointed to
the Board of
the Company
term ofservice
contract or
appointment as
Anastassis G. David Chairman and
27 July 2006 17 May 2023 One year
Zoran Bogdanovic Chief Executive Officer 11 June 2018 17 May 2023 Indefinite,
terminable on six
months’ notice
Charlotte J. Boyle Non-Executive Director 20 June 2017 17 May 2023 One year
Henrique Braun Non-Executive Director 22 June 2021 17 May 2023 One year
Olusola (Sola) David-Borha Non-Executive Director 24 June 2015 17 May 2023 One year
Anna Diamantopoulou Non-Executive Director 16 June 2020 17 May 2023 One year
William W (Bill) Douglas III Non-Executive Director 21 June 2016 17 May 2023 One year
Reto Francioni Senior Independent
Non-Executive Director
21 June 2016 17 May 2023 One year
Anastasios I. Leventis Non-Executive Director 25 June 2014 17 May 2023 One year
Christo Leventis Non-Executive Director 25 June 2014 17 May 2023 One year
Alexandra Papalexopoulou Non-Executive Director 24 June 2015 17 May 2023 One year
George Leventis Non-Executive Director 17 May 2023 17 May 2023 One year
Evguenia Stoichkova Non-Executive Director 17 May 2023 17 May 2023 One year
The CEO’s service contract and the terms and
conditions of appointment of the non-Executive
Directors are available for inspection by the public
at the registered office of the Group.
Consideration of employee views
The remuneration structure has been designed
to apply to all Group employees, not just
the Executive Directors, which is a material
factor in defining and shaping the policy and
implementation of the policy.
The Remuneration Committee does not currently
consult specifically with employees on policy
for the remuneration of the Directors. Pay
movement for the wider employment group is
considered when making pay decisions for the
CEO. The Chair of the Remuneration Committee
is also the designated non-Executive Director
for workforce engagement. As such, she attends
meetings of our European Works Council and
meets with elected employee representatives
from our businesses in EU countries. She then
reports back to the Board on her observations
and matters raised by employees, ensuring Board
and Remuneration Committee deliberations
and decision-making are fully informed.
Ourengagement levels continue to remain
Consideration of shareholder views
Shareholder views and the achievement of
the Group’s overall business strategies have
been taken into account in formulating the
remuneration policy. Following shareholder
feedback before and after the Annual General
Meeting, the Remuneration Committee and the
Board consult with shareholders and meet with
institutional investors to gather feedback on the
Company’s remuneration strategy and corporate
governance. The Company will continue to
engage with shareholders in the future to discuss
the outcomes of the remuneration policy.
In reviewing and determining remuneration,
theRemuneration Committee takes into account
the following:
the business strategies and needs of the
the views of shareholders on Group policies and
programmes of remuneration;
the alignment of remuneration policy with the
principles of clarity, simplicity, risk, predictability,
proportionality and alignment with culture;
market comparisons and the positioning of the
Group’s remuneration relative to other
comparable companies;
input from employees regarding our
remuneration programmes;
the need for similar, performance-related
principles for the determination of executive
remuneration and the remuneration of other
employees; and
the need for objectivity. Board members,
the CEO and ELT members play no part in
determining their own remuneration. The
Chair of the Remuneration Committee and the
CEO are not present when the Remuneration
Committee and theBoard discuss matters that
pertain to theirremuneration.
This ensures that the same performance-setting
principles are applied for Executive remuneration
and for other employees in the organisation.
Service contracts
Zoran Bogdanovic, the CEO, has a service
contract with the Company with a six- month
notice period. As noted in the Termination
payments section on page 172, the CEO’s
employment contract does not include any
termination benefits, other than as mandated
bySwiss law.
The CEO is also entitled toreimbursement of all
reasonable expenses incurredin the interests of
the Company.
In accordance with the Swiss Code of Obligations,
there are no sign-on policies/provisions for the
appointment of the CEO.
The table below provides details of the current
service contracts and terms of appointment for
theCEO and other Directors.
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
Annual Report on Remuneration
This section of the report provides detail on
how we have implemented our remuneration
policy in 2023 which, in accordance with the UK
remuneration reporting regulations and alongside
other sections of the Directors’ remuneration
report, will be subject to an advisory shareholder
vote at our 2024 Annual General Meeting.
The role of the Remuneration Committee
The main responsibilities of the Remuneration
Committee are to establish the remuneration
strategy for the Group and to approve
compensation packages for Directors and senior
management. Further, the Committee reviews
wider workforce remuneration policies at Coca-
Cola HBC and the alignment of incentives and
rewards with strategy and culture, taking these
into account when setting the remuneration
policy. The Remuneration Committee operates
under the Charter for the Committees of
the Board of the Company set forth in Annex
C totheOrganizational Regulations of the
Company, available on the Group’s website at:
Members Membership status
Charlotte J. Boyle
Member since 2017
Chair since June 2020
Reto Francioni Appointed June 2016
Anna Diamantopoulou Appointed June 2020
In accordance with the UK Corporate Governance
Code, the Remuneration Committee consists
of three independent non Executive Directors:
Charlotte J. Boyle (Chair), Reto Francioni and Anna
Diamantopoulou, who were each last elected by the
shareholders for a one-year term on 17 May 2023.
The Remuneration Committee met four times in
2023; in March, June, September, and December.
Please refer to the Corporate Governance Report
on page 140 for details of the Remuneration
Committee meetings.
Activities of the Remuneration Committee
during 2023
During 2023, the key Remuneration Committee
activities were to:
undertake extensive shareholder consultation to
understand different views on our remuneration
approach and explain the Committee’s decisions;
review and sign off the 2022 Directors’
remuneration report;
review the 2023 base salary for the CEO;
review and approve the 2023 base salaries
forthe ELT members and general managers;
review and approve the 2022 MIP payout
review and approve payout levels for the
2022MIP in relation to ELT members and
general managers;
review and approve the performance
achievement of the 2020 PSP award, number
ofshares vesting and dividend equivalents;
set and approve 2023 PSP targets;
review award levels for 2023 PSP awards;
review short- and long-term incentive
arrangements for the wider workforce;
review the assets of the Company’s Irish
defined benefit pension plans;
review pay evolution for the wider workforce,
including actions taken to deal with inflation.
Advisers to the Remuneration Committee
The Chief People and Culture Officer,
the Head ofRewards and the General
Counsel regularly attend meetings of the
While the Remuneration Committee does not
have external advisers, in 2023 it authorised
management to work with external consultancy
firms Willis Towers Watson and Deloitte,
which provided independent advice on ad
hoc remuneration issues during the year.
These services are considered to have been
independent, objective and relevant to the
market. Other than employee engagement
benchmarking services, Willis Towers Watson
does not provide any other services to the
Company or to any individual Director, Deloitte
provides tax advisory and payroll services to
The total cost in connection with Willis Towers
Watson’s work was €37,702 and for Deloitte
€101,674, invoiced on a time spent basis. Willis
Towers Watson and Deloitte are members of
theRemuneration Consultants Group and provide
advice in line with its Code of Business Conduct.
Considering this, and the level and nature of the
service received, the Committee remains satisfied
that the advice is objective and independent.
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
Non-Executive Directors’ remuneration for the years ended 31 December 2023 and 2022
Base fee
Audit and Risk
Social Responsibility
Independent Director
Social security
Anastassis G. David FY2023 150.000 150,000
FY2022 150,000 150,000
Charlotte J. Boyle FY2023 82.000 13.000 6.500 101.500
FY2022 82,000 13,000 6,500 101,500
Henrique Braun FY2023 82,000 6,569 88,569
FY2022 82,000 6,586 88,586
Olusola (Sola) David-Borha FY2023 82.000 16.000 7.850 105.850
FY2022 82,000 16,000 7,871 105,871
Anna Diamantopoulou FY2023 82,000 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,199 107,699
FY2022 82,000 6,500 6,500 6,500 8,152 109,652
William W. (Bill) Douglas lll FY2023 82,000 32,000 114,000
FY2022 82,000 32,000 114,000
Reto Francioni FY2023 82,000 6,500 13,000 18,000 7,058 126,558
FY2022 82,000 6,500 13,000 18,000 7,123 126,623
Anastasios I. Leventis FY2023 82,000 13,000 95,000
FY2022 82,000 13,000 95,000
Christo Leventis FY2023 82,000 82,000
FY2022 82,000 82,000
Alexandra Papalexopoulou FY2023 82,000 16,000 98,000
FY2022 82,000 16,000 98,000
Bruno Pietracci
FY2023 31,033 2,460 2,683 36,176
FY2022 82,000 6,500 7,108 95,608
George Pavlos Leventis
FY2023 51,193 51,193
Evguenia Stoichkova
FY2023 51,193 4,058 55,251
Ryan Rudolph
FY2023 31,033 2,486 33,519
FY2022 82,000 6,586 88,586
1. Non-Executive Director fees for 2023 were in line with the fees that were revised in 2022.
2. Social security employer contributions as required by Swiss legislation.
3. Bruno Pietracci retired from the Board of Directors on 17 May 2023. The Group applied a pro-rated base fee from this date.
4. George Pavlos Leventis was appointed to the Board of Directors on 17 May 2023. The Group applied a pro-rated base fee from this date.
5. Evguenia Stoichkova was appointed to the Board of Directors on 17 May 2023. The Group applied a pro-rated base fee from this date.
6. Ryan Rudolph retired from the Board of Directors on 17 May 2023. The Group applied a pro-rated base fee from this date.
Non-Executive Directors do not participate in any of the Group’s incentive plans, nor do they receive any retirement or other taxable benefits. Fee levels in the table above were last reviewed in 2022.
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
Single figure table
Single total figure of remuneration for the CEO for the years ended 31 December 2023 and 2022.
Base pay
Cash and
non-cash benefits
Annual bonus
Employee Share
Purchase Plan
Long-term incentives
Retirement benefits
Total fixed remuneration
Total variable remuneration
Total single figure
2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022
Bogdanovic 875 832 678 461 950 911 26 41 2,405 1,905 148 144 1,701 1,437 3,381 2,857 5,082 4,294
1. Base pay includes the monthly instalments linked to the base salary for 2023 and 2022.
2. Cash and non-cash benefits includes the value of all benefits paid during 2023. These are outlined in the ‘Cash and non-cash benefits’ section below and include any gross-ups for the tax benefits.
3. Annual bonus for 2023 includes the MIP payout, receivable early in 2024 for the 2023 performance year, including the amount deferred in shares. Refer to ‘MIP performance outcomes-2023’ for details.
4. Employee Share Purchase Plan’ reflects the value of Company matching share contributions under the ESPP.
5. Long-term incentives’ for 2023 reflects the 2021 awards made under the Performance Share Plan and the dividend equivalent shares paid on PSP shares that will vest in early 2024. The number of shares due to vest to the CEO for the 2021 award is 88,600.
TheCEO willalso get 7,243 shares representing the dividend equivalents for the awarded shares for 2021, 2022 and 2023. The value reflects the number of shares multiplied by the average market price over the last three months of the financial year.
The figure will be restated in next year’s report based on the share price at vesting (as has been done for the 2020 award in the 2022 figure above). €2,404,608 total vested value of the 2021 award was decreased by €262,412 due to decrease in share price since date of grant.
6. ‘Retirement benefits’ includes the pension plan under Swiss law. Employer contributions are 15% of annual base salary. The disclosed figure also includes risk and administration costs of €15,874
7. No malus and clawback was operated.
Fixed pay for 2023
Base salary
In 2023, Zoran Bogdanovic’s salary was increased
to €892,900, representing an increase of 6.3%
effective May 2023. The average increase for our
employees was 7.3%
Retirement benefits
Zoran Bogdanovic receives an annual retirement
benefit of 15% of base salary, aligning to the
retirement benefit provided under Swiss law
andbased on the age brackets defined by federal
Swiss legislation. During the year, €148,069 of
retirement benefit was received, inclusive of
€15,874 for risk and administration costs.
Normal retirement age for the CEO’s plan is 65
years. In case of early retirement, which is possible
from the age of 58, the CEO is entitled to receive
the amount accrued under the plan as a lump sum.
Cash and non-cash benefits
Zoran Bogdanovic received additional benefits
during 2023. These included cost of living and
foreign exchange rate adjustment (€382,122),
private medical insurance (€6,522), partner
allowance (€1,000), home trip allowance (€2,660),
taxsupport (€21,597), company car (€22,912),
housing allowance (€105,952), tax equalisation
(€-125,121), and the value ofsocial security
contributions (€260,246). Company matching
contribution related to the ESPP (€26,258 reflecting
the maximum match of3%under the plan).
Variable pay for 2023
MIP performance outcomes – 2023
The business performance element for the
2023MIP was based on the following metrics:
NSR, with an opportunity of56%of salary
formaximum performance (28%of salary
Comparable EBIT, with an opportunity of
56%ofsalary for maximum performance
(28%of salary for target performance).
Free cash flow, with an opportunity level
of28%of salary for maximum performance
(14%of salary for target performance).
The outcome of the business performance
element is multiplied by the outcome for the
individual performance element.
The CEO’s individual performance metrics were measured versus the following priorities in 2023:
Priorities Achievement
Increase volume Volume increased 4.6% versus2022
onareported basis and 1.7% on an
Increase organic revenue growth Organic revenue growth 16.9% increase
compared to prior year
Increase comparable EBIT Comparable EBIT 16.6% increase and
Maintain or increase
High sustainable engagement index score
of 86%
Reduction in CO
and increase energy
efficient coolers
Energy-efficient coolers up from 55% in
2023 versus 49% in 2022
Progress towards World Without Waste 56% primary packaging collected for
recycling versus 48% in 2022
Increase in number of women
Overall women in management increased
from 39.6% to 41.8%
Increase the number that have access
to#Youth Empowered
Over 944,948 young people from 2017 to
2023 have access to #Youth Empowered
access versus 790,000 in 2022
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 177
Directors’ remuneration report continued
The Remuneration Committee took into account the following additional achievements during 2023.
Continued handling of the challenges posed by the Russia-Ukraine war and the humanitarian support
toUkraine during the war
Number one contributor to absolute revenue growth for our retail customers within fast moving
consumer goods (FMCG) in Europe, according to Nielsen.
Recognised in the DJSI as leading beverage company and top scores in S&P Global
Since the onset of the war in Ukraine, we have taken the decision to exclude Ukraine and Russia from
both the targets as well as the actuals in calculating the payout. In addition, Finlandia, which was
acquired in November 2023, was excluded from both the targets and actuals in calculating the payout.
In 2023, the comparable EBIT adjustment totalled €306.4 million (2022: €237.3 million), with the
increase principally driven by the performance improvement in Ukraine.
The CEO’s individual financial metrics were measured as follows:
Performance level (payout % of Target opportunity)
Threshold (0%) Target (100%) Maximum (200%) Achievement
Payout (% of base
Net sales revenue (€m) 7,843. 5 8,525.5 9,207.6 8,630.2 32.2%
Comparable EBIT (€m) 679.6 738.7 797.8 777.4 46.2%
Free cash flow (€m) 327.1 355.5 391.1 496.4 28.0%
Total (business performance multiplied by individual performance) 106.4%
Total (as a % of maximum) 76%
The Remuneration Committee considered the above formulaic outcome to ensure that it was both fair
and appropriate given the wider stakeholder experience described above and the wider performance
assessment as set out in the Remuneration Committee Chair’s letter earlier on in this report. The
annual bonus award in respect of the 2023 financial year for the CEO was therefore €950,046 and
106.4% of salary (76% of maximum). The Committee judged that this outcome was appropriate and
didnot apply a discretionary adjustment.
In accordance with the terms of the MIP, 50% of the award will be paid out in March 2024 and the remaining
50% will be deferred into shares for a period of three years, subject to continued employment.
PSP awards – 2023-25
The PSP is the Company’s primary long-term incentive vehicle. In March 2023, the CEO was granted
a performance share award of over 157,114 shares under the PSP, representing 450% of base salary at
date of grant.
The award is subject to a three-year performance period, aligned to the Company’s financial year, with
performance measured to the end of financial year 2025, and vesting anticipated in March 2026. These
vested shares will then be subject to a further two-year holding period, and the CEO agrees to a no-sale
commitment during this time.
The Committee was mindful of share price volatility at the time of grant and will retain the right
to appropriately apply discretion to the share award outcome at the time of vesting, if the level of
vesting and value delivered is not considered to be appropriate taking into account an assessment
The following table sets out the details of the performance share award made to the CEO under the
PSP for 2023-25.
Type of award made
Performance share award over 157,114 shares
receivable for nil cost
Share price at date of grant 24.06 (£21.18)
Date of grant 17 March 2023
Performance period 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2025
Face value of the award
(The maximum number of shares that would vest
if allperformance measures and targets are met,
multiplied by the share price at the date of grant)
Face value of the award as a % of annual basesalary 450%
Percentage that would be distributed if threshold
performance was achieved in all three PSP key
25% of maximum award
Percentage that would be distributed if threshold
performance was achieved only in one PSP key
performance indicator
10.625% (EPS or ROIC)/3.75% (reduction in
emissions) of maximum award
Similar to the award made in March 2022, the 2023 award was subject to comparable EPS and ROIC and
reduction in CO
emissions targets, as outlined below and exclude Russia, Ukraine and Finlandia.
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
The financial measures are key measures of business performance. The reduction in greenhouse gas
emissions metric was selected to directly align with and incentivise delivery of the Company’s ESG
objectives, particularly our ambitious goal to achieve net zero emissions across our entire value chain
by 2040. The CO
emissions target in the PSP implicitly captures reduction in plastics, which was a key
driver of its selection as a metric. The measures and targets below were set out in the 2022 Directors’
remuneration report.
Threshold Maximum
Measure Description Weighting Target
(% of max) Target
(% of max)
Comparable EPS Calculated by dividing the
comparable net profit attributable
to the owners of the parent by
the weighted average number
ofoutstanding shares during
42.5% €1.40 25% €1.63 100%
ROIC ROIC is the percentage return that
a company makes on its invested
capital. More specifically, we
define ROIC as the percentage
ofcomparable net profit excluding
net finance costs divided by the
capital employed. Capital employed
is calculated as the average of
net debt and shareholders’ equity
attributable to the owners of the
parent through the year.
42.5% 11.0% 25% 12.9% 100%
Reduction in CO
This target supports the Company’s
ambitious goal to achieve net zero
emissions across its entire value
chain by 2040. 1.5 degree Celsius
scenarios approved by the SBTi and
calculated as thousand tonnes of
emissions equivalent.
15% 4,037 25% 3,851 100%
The vesting schedule for PSP performance conditions is a straight line between the threshold and
maximum performance levels.
PSP outcomes of the 2021-23 award
The table below summarises performance against the applicable targets for PSP awards made in 2021,
which are due to vest in March 2024.
Threshold Maximum Actual
Total %
of maxMeasure Weighting Target Vesting Target Vesting Achievement Vesting
Comparable EPS 42.5% €1.63 25% €1.89 100% €2.08 100%
ROIC 42.5% 13.0% 25% 14.9% 100% 18.2% 100%
Reduction of CO2
emissions 15.0% 4,250 25% 4,020 100% 4,149 58%
Based on performance against the targets, the formulaic outcome was a vesting level of 94%.
The 2021 PSP award was granted at a higher share price than the 2020 PSP award therefore there are
no windfall gains associated with this award. In light of the external challenges facing the business, the
Committee believed that the financial outcomes achieved reflected strong performance and that the
vesting outcome was appropriate.
This was our first year where the plan also included reduction of CO
emissions as a third performance
metric. Following the notification from the third party (IFEU, an institute preferred by TCCC as the
source on material emissions factor change) and in line with GHG Protocol guidance, a re-calculation
of the base year 2017 onwards was triggered in 2023 and again in 2024. In 2023 the Net Zero roadmap
was re-calculated based on latest annual release of emissions factors with an increase in absolute
emissions by 250k MT and cascaded onwards. This also led to higher emissions decline rate year on
year. In early 2024, the Net Zero roadmap was re-calculated based on latest annual release of emissions
factors, which triggered an increase in absolute emissions base, starting 2017 by 95k MT and cascaded
onwards. Given the methodology change to the base year used for emissions data, which directly
impacts future years, the Committee considered it appropriate for this technical change to flow
through to the targets attached to the 2021 PSP award. In doing so, the Committee was comfortable
that the revised targets were not materially easier or harder to achieve than the original targets. It was
determined that no adjustment would be made to the formulaic outcome.
The above results include Russia and Ukraine but exclude Egypt as at the time that targets were set
inSeptember 2021.
Dilution limit
Usage of shares under all share plans and executive share plans adheres to the dilution limits set by the
Investment Association Principles of Remuneration (10% for all share plans and 5% for all executive
share plans, in any ten-year period).
Implementation of policy in 2024
For 2024, we will continue to apply the remuneration policy approved by shareholders in 2023,
asoutlined on pages 166 to 169.
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Base salary and fees
2024 salary increase levels for employees have not been finalised at the date of this report.
Itisanticipated that the CEO’s increase will not be higher than the increases provided for the
Chairman and Board fees effective June 2022 were approved during the 2022 AGM. The fees as at
1January 2024 are asfollows:
Non-Executive Directors’ fees
Chairman fee 150,000
Basic fee €82,000
Senior Independent Director 18,000
Audit and Risk Committee Chair €32,000
Audit and Risk Committee member 16,000
Remuneration/Nomination/Social Responsibility Committee Chair 13,000
Remuneration/Nomination/Social Responsibility Committee member €6,500
The MIP operates on a multiplicative basis. The outcome will be determined by business performance
multiplied by individual performance, which means that unless the business performance targets are
achieved no bonus will be payable.
Business performance is measured based on performance against three KPIs: revenue (40% weighting),
comparable EBIT (40% weighting) and free cash flow (20% weighting). Targets are considered to be
commercially sensitive but will be disclosed on a retrospective basis in next year’s remuneration report.
For target performance against this element the outcome will be 70%, rising to 140% for maximum
performance. For the CEO, individual performance will be assessed based on the achievement of defined
strategic objectives. Based on the Remuneration Committee’s assessment of performance against
these strategic objectives, the outcome for the individual performance element may be up to 100%.
The maximum opportunity level (which would reflect both a stretch level of business performance and
full achievement of the individual strategic objectives) for the CEO will be 140% of base salary, which is
unchanged from 2023.
The 2024 PSP award for the CEO will revert back to the normal policy maximum of 330% of salary. It
is intended that, as in past years, the three-year performance conditions applicable to the award will
continue to be based on ROIC and EPS as well as the reduction of CO
emissions metric, which was first
introduced in 2021.
Directors’ remuneration report continued
The weightings will be 42.5% for ROIC, 42.5% for EPS and 15% for reduction of CO
emissions. These
are unchanged from 2023.
The targets for the 2024 PSP award, exclude Russia and Ukraine, and take into account our business
plan, market expectations and the wider economic and geopolitical environment, and are as follows:
PSP 2024-26
Threshold Stretch
Measure Description Weighting Target
(% of max) Target
(% of max)
EPS Calculated by dividing the comparable
net profit attributable to the owners
of the parent by the weighted average
number ofoutstanding shares
during theperiod.
42.5% €1.53 25.00% €1.79 100%
ROIC ROIC is the percentage return that
a company makes on its invested
capital. More specifically, we
define ROIC as the percentage
ofcomparable net profit excluding
net finance costs divided by the
capital employed. Capital employed
is calculated as the average of
net debt and shareholders’ equity
attributable to the owners of the
parent through the year.
42.5% 11.1% 25.00% 13.1% 100%
Reduction in CO
This target supports the Company’s
ambitious goal to achieve net zero
emissions across its entire value
chain by 2040. Aligned with science
and 1.5 degree Celsius scenarios
and approved by the SBTi and
calculated as thousand tonnes of
emissions equivalent.
15.0% 2,986 25.00% 2,848 100%
The change in the ROIC targets relative to prior years reflects the level of invested capital at work within
the business, which has been impacted by strategic acquisitions (including the acquisition of Finlandia)
and recent share buybacks. The Committee believes that the proposed target range for ROIC and
the other performance metrics are appropriately stretching relative to the business plan and external
forecasts of performance.
The performance period for 2024 awards will be the three years to the end of December 2026 and
vesting will occur in March 2027. These vested shares will then be subject to a further two-year holding
period, and the CEO agrees to a no-sale commitment during this time.
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Annual percentage change in remuneration of Directors and employees
The following table sets out the percentage change in remuneration for each Director and average percentage change of employees on an annual basis.
Salary/fees Taxable benefits Annual bonus
2022 to 2023 % 2021 to 2022 % 2020 to 2021 % 2019 to 2020 % 2022 to 2023 % 2021 to 2022 % 2020 to 2021 % 2019 to 2020 % 2022 to 2023 % 2021 to 2022 % 2020 to 2021 % 2019 to 2020 %
All employees 7.29 4.39 4.59 0.00% 0.40 16.34 4.19 -18 .57% 11.86 96.50 -14.79 9.12%
Anastassis G. David 104.08
Zoran Bogdanovic 6,30 3.10 3.20 0.00% 32.18¹ -36.53 24.25 34.63% -12. 22 155.21 -28.87 23.00%
Charlotte J. Boyle 11.66
Henrique Braun 11.46
Olusola (Sola)
David-Borha 11.26
Anna Diamantopoulou 11.56
William W. (Bill) Douglas lll 11.33
Reto Francioni 11.96
Anastasios I. Leventis 11.63
Christo Leventis 11.56
Alexandra Papalexopoulou 11.36
Bruno Pietracci
Ryan Rudolph
George Pavlos Leventis
Evguenia Stoichkova
1. The increase in taxable benefits for the CEO was due to negative tax equalisation in 2022.
2. George Pavlos Leventis and Evguenia Stoickova were elected as new Non-executive members of the Board of Directors as of 17 May 2023.
3. Bruno Pietracci and Ryan Rudolph retired from the Board of Directors on 17 May 2023.
Directors’ remuneration report continued
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
CEO pay ratio
Coca-Cola HBC is domiciled in Switzerland. We are therefore not required to report a CEO pay ratio
under UK regulations; however, we are voluntarily disclosing ratios below. We have chosen to make
acomparison with employees in Switzerland as this is the market in which our CEO is based.
The international nature of our business means that we operate in countries with a significant range
interms of market practice for levels of remuneration and cost of living.
Switzerland, for example, has a substantially higher cost of living and employment remuneration
compared with other countries. For this reason, comparisons with our Swiss workforce are likely to be
more informative about the pay distribution of our workforce.
The table below compares the 2023 single figure of remuneration for the CEO with that of the employees
who are paid at the 25th percentile (lower quartile), 50th percentile (median) and 75th percentile (upper
quartile) of the Company’s workforce based in Switzerland, ranked based on total remuneration.
Year Method
25th percentile pay ratio
Median pay ratio
75th percentile pay ratio
2023 Option A 56:1 44:1 35:1
2022 Option A 46:1 37:1 31:1
2021 Option A 65:1 52:1 42:1
2020 Option A 39:1 33:1 26:1
2019 Option A 33:1 29:1 23:1
Option A has been used as it is the most robust methodology and is based on a sample of full-time
Swiss employees as of 31 December 2023. Their pay and benefits is calculated, and every Swiss
employee is ranked to determine P25, P50 and P75. Several Swiss employees around each percentile
were identified to ensure that they accurately represent the relevant percentile ranking.
The methodology used to identify the lower quartile, median and upper quartile employees was to rank
all employees of the Swiss workforce on total remuneration (for employees who were in employment for
the full calendar year). Two employees around each percentile were identified to ensure they accurately
represent the relevant percentile ranking. The total remuneration for each of these employees was then
calculated consistent with the methodology applied for deriving the CEO’s single figure remuneration.
The table below sets out the total pay and benefits for the lower quartile, median and upper quartile:
25th percentile in € Median in € 75th percentile in €
Annual base salary 78,870 86,854 109,032
Total remuneration 93,090 118,932 151,097
Total remuneration of Swiss employees includes base salary, annual bonuses, other cash compensation
(e.g. overtime), other cash and non-cash benefits (e.g. company car, tax support, relocation etc.),
pension employer contributions and employer social security contributions during 2023.
We are satisfied that the pay ratios reported this year are consistent with our wider pay, reward and
progression policies for employees.
As described on page 163, we have an overall remuneration philosophy that operates throughout the
Group, ensuring that employees are fairly rewarded and that their individual contributions are linked
tothe success of the Company.
Variable pay is an important element of our reward philosophy and a significant proportion of total
remuneration for top managers (including the CEO) is tied to the achievement of our business
objectives. As employees advance through the Company, there will be the opportunity to receive
higher rewards commensurate with increased accountability and market practice. The CEO’s total
remuneration has a significantly higher proportion of variable pay in comparison with the rest of
our employees. The CEO’s remuneration will therefore increase or decrease in line with business
performance, aligning it with shareholders’ interests.
The change in the CEO Pay Ratio between 2022 and 2023 was mainly due to the substantial increase in
the cash and non-cash benefits and long-term incentives under the variable long-term incentive plan.
Chief Executive Officer pay and performance comparison
The graph below shows the total shareholder return (TSR) of the Company compared with the
FTSE100 index over a ten-year period to 31 December 2023, based on an initial investment of £100.
TheRemuneration Committee believes that the FTSE 100 Index is the most appropriate index to use
for historic performance due to the size of the Company and our listing location.
Total Shareholder Return versus FTSE 100
FTSE 100Coca-Cola HBC
Dec 13 Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 17 Dec 18 Dec 19 Dec 20 Dec 21 Dec 22 Dec 23
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 182
289.9 1,248.6
Total staff costs Distribution to shareholders (total shares)
Relative importance of spend on pay (€m)
The graphic below presents the year-on-year change in total expenditure for all employees across the Group
and distributions made to shareholders in the form of dividends, share buybacks and/or capital returns.
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600
Directors’ remuneration report continued
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Dimitris Lois Dimitris Lois Dimitris Lois Dimitris Lois Zoran Bogdanovic Zoran Bogdanovic Zoran Bogdanovic Zoran Bogdanovic Zoran Bogdanovic Zoran Bogdanovic Zoran Bogdanovic
Total remuneration
single figure (€ 000s) 1,918 3,012 2,923 15,378 410 3,710 2,499 3,340 4,203 4,294 5,082
MIP (% of maximum) 45% 75% 55% 53% 5% 48% 56% 40% 91% 78% 76%
PSP (% of maximum) 90% 100% 75% 50% 75% 48% 94%
Dimitris Lois sadly passed away on 2 October 2017. The 2017 total remuneration values above reflect the period 1 January 2017 to 2 October 2017. The total remuneration value for Zoran Bogdanovic reflects
the period from his appointment as CEO to the end of the financial year, 7 December 2017 to 31 December 2017.
Compared with the prior year, the total staff costs have increased by 3.7%, while dividends distributed
to shareholders have increased by 10.4%
Shareholder voting outcomes
The table below sets out the result of the vote on the remuneration-related resolutions at the Annual
General Meeting held in May 2023.
Resolution Votes for Votes against Abstentions Total votes cast
Voting rights
Advisory vote on the UK
remuneration report
186,300,613 85,901.908 183,061 272,385,582 73.97%
68.39% 31.54% 0.07%
Advisory vote on the Swiss statutory
remuneration report
186,290,152 85,917,120 178,310 272,385,582 73.97%
68.39% 31.54% 0.07%
Advisory vote on the
255,494,344 9,151,410 7,739,828 272,385,582 73.97%
93.80% 3.36% 2.84%
Approval of the maximum
aggregate amount of remuneration
for the Boarduntil the next
272,010,889 336,994 37,699 272,347,883 73.97%
99.88% 0.12% n/a
Approval of the maximum
aggregateamount of remuneration
for the Executive Leadership Team
forthe next financial year
268,025,852 4,099,409 260,321 272.125,261 73.97%
98.49% 1.51% n/a
In reaction to the 68% in favour vote, the Committee decided to conduct an extensive shareholder
consultation, reaching out to many shareholders and engaging with all shareholders who expressed
concerns. Further detail is set out in the Remuneration Committee Chair’s letter. We value our ongoing
dialogue with shareholders and welcome any views on this report.
Payments to past Directors and payments for loss of office
There were no payments made to past Directors of the Group or loss of office payments made during
the year.
Payments to appointed Directors
There were no payments made to appointed Directors during the year.
Outside appointments for the CEO
Zoran Bogdanovic does not hold any appointments outside the Company.
Total Directors’ and Executive Leadership Team members’ remuneration
The table below outlines the aggregated total remuneration figures for Directors and ELT members in
the year.
(€ m)
(€ m)
Total remuneration paid to or accrued for Directors, the ELT and the CEO 30.6 28.3
Salaries and other short-term benefits 20.4 19.3
Amount accrued for performance share awards 9.3 8.0
Pension and post-employment benefits for Directors, the ELT and the CEO 0.9 1.0
Credits and loans granted to governing bodies
In 2023, no credits or loans were granted to active or former members of the Company’s Board,
members of the ELT or any related persons.
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Directors’ remuneration report continued
Share ownership
The table below summarises the total shareholding as at 31 December 2023, including any outstanding shares awarded through our incentive plans, for the CEO and other Directors.
With performance measures Without performance measures
granted in
Unvested and
subject to
conditions Vested
Number of
stock options
Vesting at
the end of
Number of
shares held as at
31December 2023
as % of
base salary
guideline met
Zoran Bogdanovic
Yes 162,847 391,872 75,777 39,335 39,335 74,157 336,219 1,000% Yes
Anastassis G. David
Charlotte J. Boyle Yes 1,017
Henrique Braun
Olusola (Sola) David Borha
Anna Diamantopoulou
William W. (Bill) Douglas III Yes 10,000
Reto Francioni Yes 7,000
Anastasios I. Leventis
Christo Leventis
Alexandra Papalexopoulou
Bruno Pietracci
Ryan Rudolph
George Pavlos Leventis
Evguenia Stoichkova
There were no changes in share ownership between 31 December 2023 and 13 March 2024 for the Directors except for Zoran Bogdanovic
1. The shareholding requirement was introduced from the date of the 2015 PSP award, 10 December 2015 and was updated to 300% in 2020.
2. During 2023, Zoran Bogdanovic exercised 93,408 options under the ESOP due to upcoming expiration consisting of: 30,000 options with an exercise price of GBP 16.00 and the share price at the date of the exercise being GBP 21.45, 35,000 options with an exercise price of GBP 12.56 and
the share price at the date of the exercise being GBP 22.30 and 28,408 options with an exercise price of GBP 16.00 and the share price at the date of the exercise being GBP 21.92. In February 2024, he exercised a further 39,335 options with an exercise price of GBP 12.56 and the share
price at the date of the exercise being GBP 25.00. As of 13 March 2024, Zoran Bogdanovic did not have any outstanding ESOP.
3. Anastassis G. David is a beneficiary of:
a) a private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 85,355,019 shares held by Kar-Tess Holding; and
b) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 832,268 shares held by Ari Holdings Limited.
4. Anastasios I. Leventis is a beneficiary of:
a) a private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 85,355,019 shares held by Kar-Tess Holding; and
b) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 286,880 shares held by its trustee, Selene Treuhand AG; and
c) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Avgie Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 2,138,277 shares held by Carlcan Holding Limited.
5. Christo Leventis is a beneficiary of:
a) a private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 85,355,019 shares held by Kar-Tess Holding and
b) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 482,228 shares held by its trustee, Selene Treuhand AG; and
c) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Avgie Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 2,138,277 shares held by Carlcan Holding Limited.
6. George Pavlos Leventis is a beneficiary of:
(a) a private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 85,355,019 shares held by Kar-Tess Holding;
(b) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 294,191 shares held by its trustee, Selene Treuhand AG; and
(c) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Avgie Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 2,138,277 shares held by Carlcan Holding Limited.
Approval of the Directors’ remuneration report
The Directors’ remuneration report set out on pages 159 to 184 was approved by the Board of Directors on 13 March 2024 and signed on its behalf by:
Charlotte J. Boyle
Chair of the Remuneration Committee
13 March 2024
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Statement of Directors’ responsibilities
The Directors are responsible for preparing
the Integrated Annual Report, including the
consolidated financial statements, the Corporate
Governance Report including the Directors’
remuneration report and the Strategic Report,
inaccordance with applicable law and regulations.
The Directors, whose names and functions are set
out on pages 130 to 132, confirm to the best of
their knowledge that:
a) the Integrated Annual Report, taken as a whole,
is fair, balanced and understandable, and provides
the information necessary for shareholders to
assess the Group’s position and performance,
business model and strategy;
b) the consolidated financial statements,
which have been prepared in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards, as
adopted by the European Union and in compliance
with Swiss law, give a true and fair view of the
assets, liabilities, financial position and profit
or loss of the Company, and the undertakings
included in the consolidation of the Group taken
as a whole; and
c) the Integrated Annual Report includes a fair
review of the development and performance of
the business and the position of the Company
and the undertakings included in the consolidated
Coca-Cola HBC Group taken as a whole, together
with a description of the principal risks and
uncertainties that they face.
The activities of the Group, together with the
factors likely to affect its future development,
performance, financial position, cash flows,
liquidity position and borrowing facilities, are
described in the Strategic Report (pages 1 to 122).
In addition, Notes 25 ‘Financial risk management
and financial instruments’, 26 ‘Net debt’ and
27 ‘Equity’ include: the Company’s objectives,
policies and processes for managing its capital;
its financial risk management objectives; details
of its financial instruments and hedging activities;
and its exposures to credit risk and liquidity risk.
The Group has considerable financial resources,
together with long-term contracts with a number
of customers and suppliers across different
countries. The Directors have also assessed the
principal risks and the other matters discussed
inconnection with the viability statement on
The Directors considered it appropriate to adopt
the going concern basis of accounting in preparing
the annual financial statements and have not
identified any material uncertainties to the
Group’s ability to continue to do so over a period
of at least 12 months from the date of approval
ofthese financial statements.
By order of the Board
Anastassis G. David
Chairman of the Board
March 2024
Disclosure of information required under Listing Rule 9.8.4R
For the purposes of Listing Rule 9.8.4CR, the information required to be disclosed by premium listed
companies in the United Kingdom is as follows:
Information to
be included
in report
9.8.4(1) Interest capitalised by the Group and an indication of the amount
and treatment of any associated tax relief
Not applicable
9.8.4(2) Details of any unaudited financial information required by LR 9.2.18 Not applicable
9.8.4(4) Details of any long-term incentive scheme described in LR 9.4.3 Not applicable
9.8.4(5) Details of any arrangement under which a Director has waived
Not applicable
9.8.4(6) Details of any arrangement under which a Director has agreed
towaive future emoluments
Not applicable
9.8.4(7) Details of any allotments of shares by the Company for cash not
previously authorised by shareholders
Not applicable
9.8.4(8) Details of any allotments of shares for cash by a major subsidiary
ofthe Company
Not applicable
9.8.4(9) Details of the participation by the Company in any placing made
byits parent company
Not applicable
9.8.4(10) Details of any contracts of significance involving a Director Not applicable
9.8.4(11) Details of any contract for the provision of services to the
Companyby a controlling shareholder
Not applicable
9.8.4(12) Details of any arrangement under which a shareholder has waived
oragreed to waive any dividends
Not applicable
9.8.4(13) Details of any arrangement under which a shareholder has agreed
towaive future dividends
Not applicable
9.8.4(14) Agreements with a controlling shareholder Not applicable
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Report on the audit of the consolidated financial statements
In our opinion:
Coca-Cola HBC AG’s (‘Coca-Cola HBC’ or the ‘Group’) consolidated financial statements (the
‘financial statements’) give a true and fair view of the state of the Group’s affairs as at 31 December
2023 and of its profit and cash flows for the year then ended; and
the financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards (‘IFRSs’) as adopted by the European Union (‘EU’).
We have audited the financial statements, included within the 2023 Integrated Annual Report
(the ‘Annual Report’), which comprise: the consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December 2023;
the consolidated income statement, the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the
consolidated cash flow statement, and the consolidated statement of changes in equity for the
year then ended; and the notes to the financial statements, comprising material accounting policy
information and other explanatory information.
Our opinion is consistent with our reporting to the Audit & Risk Committee.
Basis for opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing issued by the
International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (‘ISAs’). Our responsibilities under ISAs are
further described in the Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements section of our
report. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
basis for our opinion.
We remained independent of the Group in accordance with the ethical requirements that are relevant
to our audit of the financial statements, which include the International Code of Ethics for Professional
Accountants (including International Independence Standards) issued by the International Ethics
Standards Board for Accountants (‘IESBA Code’), and the FRC’s Ethical Standard, as applicable to listed
entities, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements.
To the best of our knowledge and belief, we declare that non-audit services prohibited by the IESBA Code
or the FRC’s Ethical Standard were not provided to the Group.
Other than those disclosed in Note 9 ‘Operating expenses’ of the financial statements, we have
provided no non-audit services to the Group in the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.
Our audit approach
Audit scope Following our assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial
statements, we performed full scope audit procedures on the financial
information of 17 subsidiary undertakings in 15 countries spread across all of
the Group’s reportable segments.
In addition, we conducted audit procedures around specific account balances
and transactions including those covering the group treasury operations. The
group engagement team also performed group level analytical procedures
over out of scope subsidiary undertakings.
Taken together, the undertakings which were in scope for the purpose of
our audit accounted for 82% of consolidated net sales revenue, 80% of
consolidated profit before tax and 83% of consolidated total assets of the
Central audit testing was performed where appropriate for reporting
components in group audit scope that are supported by the Group’s shared
services centres.
As part of the group audit supervision process, the group engagement
team has performed reviews of the component auditors’ audit files and final
deliverables. In person site visits to component auditors in Bulgaria, Greece,
Italy, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Switzerland were also performed.
Key audit matters Goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets impairment assessment.
Uncertain tax positions.
Materiality Overall materiality: €51.0 million based on 5% of adjusted profit before tax
(2022: €41.1 million based on 5% of adjusted profit before tax).
Performance materiality: €38.3 million (2022: €30.8 million)
The scope of our audit
As part of designing our audit, we determined materiality and assessed the risks of material
misstatement in the financial statements.
Independent auditors report to Coca-Cola HBC AG
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Key audit matters
We attended each of the eight Audit & Risk Committee meetings held during the year. Certain
meetings involved a private discussion without management being present. We also met with the
Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee on an ad-hoc basis. During these various conversations we
discussed our observations on a variety of matters, for example the methodology and assumptions
used in the Group’s impairment assessment over goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets, the
judgements taken by management in assessing the risk of potentially material tax exposures, business
combinations, the accounting implications of the ongoing challenging macroeconomic conditions, and
regulatory developments. In September and December 2023, the Audit & Risk Committee discussed
and challenged the audit plan. The plan included the matters which we considered presented the
highest risk to the audit, including the key audit matters as set out below, and other information on
our audit approach such as our approach to specific balances and transactions and where the latest
technology would be used to obtain better quality audit evidence.
Key audit matters are those matters that, in the auditor’s professional judgement, were of most
significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current year and include the most significant
assessed risks of material misstatement (whether or not due to fraud) identified by the auditors,
including those which had the greatest effect on: the overall audit strategy; the allocation of resources
in the audit; and directing the efforts of the engagement team. These matters, and any comments
we make on the results of our procedures thereon, were addressed in the context of our audit of the
financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate
opinion on these matters. This is not a complete list of all risks identified by our audit.
The areas of highest risk for the Group audit and where we focused most effort and resources were
‘Goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets impairment assessment’ and ‘Uncertain tax positions’.
These areas are common with other international beverages companies.
‘Geopolitical events in Russia and Ukraine’, which was a key audit matter last year, continued to be an
area of focus in light of the uncertainty over the macroeconomic and business environment, liquidity
and asset values in the wider affected region. Having evaluated the developments in 2023 and to the
date of this audit report, as well as the level of audit effort required, we assessed that ‘Geopolitical
events in Russia and Ukraine’ is no longer considered a key audit matter. Otherwise, the key audit
matters below are consistent with last year.
Independent auditor’s report to Coca-Cola HBC AG continued
Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
Goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible
assets impairment assessment
Refer to Note 14 ‘Intangible assets’.
Goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets
as at 31 December 2023 amount to €1,820.8
million and €738.2 million, respectively.
The above amounts have been allocated to
individual cash-generating units (‘CGUs’), which
in accordance with International Accounting
Standard 36 ‘Impairment of Assets’ (‘IAS 36’)
require the performance of an impairment
assessment at least annually or whenever there
is an indication of impairment. The impairment
assessment involves the determination of the
recoverable amount of the CGU, being the
higher of the value-in-use and the fair value less
costs of disposal.
We consider this area as a key audit matter due
to the magnitude of goodwill and indefinite-
lived intangible assets balances and because
the determination of whether elements of
goodwill and of indefinite-lived intangible assets
are impaired involves complex and subjective
estimations made by management about the
future results of the CGUs. These estimations
include assumptions surrounding revenue
growth rates, costs, foreign exchange rates and
discount rates.
Management closely monitored the increasing
macroeconomic uncertainty in Egypt
throughout the previous and current year and as
a result of the annual impairment assessment, a
charge of €109.4 million for goodwill impairment
was recorded for the Egyptian CGU. Relevant
disclosure has been included in the financial
statements in respect of this CGU.
No impairment was identified for the
We evaluated the appropriateness of managements
identification of the Group’s CGUs, the process
by which management prepared the CGUs’ value-
in-use calculations and the design and operating
effectiveness of related control activities.
We tested the mathematical accuracy of the CGUs’
value-in-use calculations and compared the cash flow
projections included therein to the financial budgets,
approved by the directors, covering a one-year period,
and management’s projections for the subsequent
four years. In addition, we assessed management’s
past forecasting accuracy by comparing key elements
of the prior year projections with actual results.
We challenged management’s cash flow projections
in relation to the assumptions applied to the value-
in-use calculations, taking into account the ongoing
challenging macroeconomic environment in several
With the support of our valuation specialists, we
assessed the appropriateness of the methodology
and valuation techniques used as well as certain
assumptions including discount, annual revenue growth
and perpetuity revenue growth rates.
We also evaluated management’s assessment of
the potential impact of climate change risks, such as
the cost of water, carbon emissions and exposure to
extreme weather events.
We performed our independent sensitivity analyses
on the key drivers of the value-in-use calculations for
the CGUs with significant balances of goodwill and
indefinite-lived intangible assets.
Based on our work, we concluded that the results
reached by management in relation to the impairment
testing of goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets
were supported by assumptions within reasonable
We evaluated the related disclosures provided in the
financial statements in Note 14 ‘Intangible assets’ and
concluded that these are appropriate.
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Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
Uncertain tax positions
Refer to Note 11 ‘Taxation’ and Note 30
The Group operates in numerous tax
jurisdictions and is subject to periodic
challenges, in the normal course of business,
by local tax authorities on a range of matters
including corporate tax, transfer pricing
arrangements and indirect taxes. As at 31
December 2023, the Group has provisions for
uncertain tax positions of €82.8 million that are
classified in current tax liabilities, current tax
assets and deferred tax liabilities.
The impact of changes in local tax regulations
and ongoing inspections by local tax authorities,
could materially impact the amounts recorded
in the financial statements.
Where the amount of tax payable is uncertain,
the Group establishes provisions based on
management’s estimates with respect to the
likelihood of potential material tax exposures
crystallising and the probable amount of the
resultant liability.
We consider this area as a key audit matter given
the level of judgement and uncertainty involved
in estimating tax provisions, the complexities
of dealing with tax rules and regulations in
numerous jurisdictions that could materially
impact the amounts recorded in the financial
In order to understand and evaluate management’s
judgement, we considered the status of current tax
authority inspections and enquiries, the outcome
of previous tax authority inspections, judgemental
positions taken in tax returns and current year
estimates as well as recent developments in the tax
jurisdictions in which the Group operates.
We evaluated the Group’s monitoring process of the
current tax authority inspections and challenged
management’s estimates, particularly in respect of
cases where there had been significant developments
with tax authorities.
Our component audit teams, through the use of tax
specialists with local knowledge and relevant expertise,
assessed the tax positions taken by the subsidiary
undertakings in scope, in the context of applying local
tax laws and evaluating the local tax assessments.
We read recent rulings and correspondence with tax
authorities, as well as external advice provided by the
Group’s tax experts and legal advisors. Additionally, with
our group engagement team tax specialists we further
evaluated management’s estimation of tax exposures
and contingencies in order to assess the adequacy of
the Group’s tax provisions and satisfy ourselves that
the tax provisions have been appropriately recorded or
adjusted to reflect the latest developments.
We held meetings with Group and local management
to discuss the individual tax positions of the in-scope
subsidiary undertakings and assessed with the support
of our group engagement tax team the Group’s overall
tax exposure.
From the evidence obtained we consider the provisions
in relation to uncertain tax positions as at 31 December
2023 to be reasonable.
We also evaluated the related disclosures provided
in the financial statements in Note 11 ‘Taxation’ and
Note 30 ‘Contingencies’ and concluded that these
Independent auditor’s report to Coca-Cola HBC AG continued
How we tailored the audit scope
We tailored the scope of our audit to ensure that we performed sufficient work to be able to provide
an opinion on the financial statements as a whole, taking into account the operating structure of the
Group, the accounting processes and controls, and the industry in which the Group operates.
The Group operates through its trading subsidiary undertakings in Nigeria, Egypt and 27 countries
in Europe, as set out in Note 1 ‘General information’ and Note 7 ‘Segmental analysis’ of the financial
statements. The processing of the accounting records for these subsidiary undertakings is largely
centralised in a shared services centre in Bulgaria, except for the subsidiary undertakings in Armenia,
Belarus, Egypt, Moldova, North Macedonia, Russia and Ukraine which process their accounting records
locally. The Group also operates centralised treasury functions in the Netherlands and in Greece and a
centralised procurement function for key raw materials in the Netherlands.
Based on their significance to the financial statements and in light of the key audit matters as noted
above, we identified 17 subsidiary undertakings in 15 countries spread across all of the Group’s
reportable segments (including the significant trading subsidiary undertakings in Italy, Nigeria,
Poland, Romania, Russia and Switzerland) which, based on our scoping analysis, required a full scope
audit of their financial information. In addition, audit procedures were performed with respect to the
centralised treasury functions by the group engagement team and with respect to the centralised
procurement function by the component audit team in the Netherlands. The group engagement team
also performed analytical review and other procedures on balances and transactions of subsidiary
undertakings not covered by the procedures described above.
The undertakings which were in scope for the purpose of our audit accounted for 82% of consolidated
net sales revenue, 80% of consolidated profit before tax and 83% of consolidated total assets of the
Group. This, together with the additional procedures performed at Group level, gave us sufficient and
appropriate audit evidence for our opinion on the financial statements.
At the planning phase of the audit process, we held a two-day audit planning workshop in Greece
focusing on planning and risk assessment activities, fraud risk assessment, auditor independence,
accounting and auditing developments, ESG related topics and centralised testing procedures. This
audit planning workshop was attended by the component teams in scope for group audit purposes.
The group engagement team was also responsible for planning, designing and overseeing the audit
procedures performed at the shared services centre in Bulgaria. In addition, we performed work
centrally on IT general controls and cybersecurity risks and shared audit comfort with the component
teams. The group engagement team performed audit procedures with respect to the Group
consolidation, financial statements disclosures and a number of other areas that involve significant
judgement and estimates, including goodwill and intangible assets and the Group’s overall going
concern assessment.
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We issued formal, written instructions to the component teams setting out the work to be performed
by each of them and we were in active dialogue throughout the year with the teams that conducted
these component audits. In addition to holding formal periodic meetings, the group engagement team
had ongoing informal interactions with the component audit teams to be continuously updated and to
monitor their progress and the results of their procedures. Furthermore, the group engagement team
reviewed component auditor working papers and undertook other forms of interaction as considered
necessary, depending on the significance of the component and the extent of accounting and audit
issues arising. We evaluated the sufficiency of the audit evidence obtained through discussions with
each team and a review of their audit working papers and deliverables. The senior members of the
group engagement team performed site visits in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, Serbia and
Switzerland. These visits gave us an opportunity to meet with the local audit teams and management to
discuss the business performance and outlook, regulations and taxation, and any specific accounting
and auditing matters identified, including fraud and internal controls. Where physical attendance was
not undertaken, we participated in the final audit meetings for the trading subsidiary undertakings in
Egypt and Nigeria via video conference.
The impact of climate risk on our audit
As part of our audit, we also made enquiries of management to understand the process adopted
to assess the extent of the potential impact of climate change risk on the financial statements and
support the disclosures made. In addition, we read the minutes of the governance processes in
place to assess climate risk and the additional reporting made by the entity on climate. Management
considers that climate change does not give rise to a potential material financial statement impact.
We used our knowledge of the Group to evaluate management’s assessment, and we remained alert
when performing our audit procedures for any indicators of the impact of climate risk. We particularly
considered how climate change risks would impact the assumptions made in the forecasts prepared by
management and used in their impairment analyses and going concern assessment. Our procedures
did not identify any material impact on the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023.
Whilst the Group has started to quantify some of the impacts, the future estimated financial impacts
of climate risk are clearly uncertain given the medium to long term timeframes involved and their
dependency on how governments, global markets, corporations and society respond to the issue of
climate change and the speed of technological advancements that may be necessary. Accordingly,
financial statements cannot capture all possible future outcomes as these are not yet known. Where
climate risk relates to a key audit matter our audit response is given in the key audit matters section of
our audit report. We considered the consistency of the disclosures in relation to climate change made
in the other information within the annual report with the financial statements and knowledge from
our audit. We discussed with management and the Audit & Risk Committee the ways in which climate
change disclosures should continue to evolve as greater understanding of the actual and potential
impacts on the Group’s business is obtained.
The scope of our audit was influenced by our application of the concept of materiality. We set certain
quantitative thresholds for materiality. These, together with qualitative considerations, helped us to
determine the scope of our audit and the nature, timing and extent of our audit procedures on the
individual financial statement line items and disclosures and to evaluate the effect of misstatements,
both individually and in aggregate, on the financial statements as a whole.
Based on our professional judgement, we determined materiality for the financial statements as a
whole, as follows:
Overall group materiality €51.0 million (2022: €41.1 million).
How we determined it 5% of adjusted profit before tax
This benchmark has not changed compared to the prior year.
Rationale for benchmark applied We consider that the income statement remains the principal
measure used by the shareholders in assessing the underlying
performance of the Group. Therefore, an approach to materiality
based on 5% of profit before tax has been applied. However, we have
adjusted this benchmark by items which, in our view, are considered
unusual and infrequently occurring in nature such as the impairment
charges. Therefore, we have used adjusted profit before tax which is
a generally accepted auditing benchmark.
For each component in the scope of our group audit, we allocated a materiality that is less than our
overall group materiality. The range of materiality allocated across components was from €3.5 million
to €30.0 million.
When planning the audit, we considered if multiple uncorrected and undetected misstatements may
exist which, when aggregated, could exceed our overall materiality level. In order to reduce the risk
of multiple misstatements which could aggregate to this amount to an appropriately low level, we
used a lower level of materiality, known as performance materiality. Specifically, we use performance
materiality in determining the scope of our audit and the nature and extent of our testing of account
balances, classes of transactions and disclosures, for example in determining sample sizes. Our
performance materiality was 75% of overall materiality, amounting to €38.3 million (2022: €30.8 million).
In determining the performance materiality, we considered a number of factors – the history of
misstatements, risk assessment and aggregation risk and the effectiveness of controls – and
concluded that an amount at the upper end of our normal range was appropriate.
Where the audit identified any items that were not reflected appropriately in the financial information,
we considered these items carefully to assess if they were individually or in aggregate material. We
agreed with the Audit & Risk Committee that we would report to them misstatements identified
exceeding €2.5 million (2022: €2.0 million) as well as misstatements below that amount that, in our view,
warranted reporting for qualitative reasons.
Independent auditor’s report to Coca-Cola HBC AG continued
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Conclusions relating to going concern
Our evaluation of the directors’ assessment of the Group’s ability to continue to adopt the going
concern basis of accounting included:
Verification that the cash flow projections used in the goodwill impairment, going concern and
viability assessments were consistent;
Review of management’s assessment supporting the Group’s ability to continue to adopt the going
concern basis of accounting, ensuring that appropriate severe but plausible downside scenarios,
including those relating to climate change, the geopolitical events involving Russia and Ukraine and
the tensions in the Middle East, were considered;
Assessment of the reasonableness of management’s assumptions used in the cash flow projections;
Testing of the mathematical integrity of the cash flow forecasts and reconciliation with the Board
approved budget and management’s projections for the subsequent periods;
Evaluation of the Group’s liquidity for the period under assessment by considering the Group’s
available cash resources, committed undrawn credit facilities and other debt instruments in place
as well as the maturity profile of the Group’s debt. We confirmed the outstanding amounts of the
financing facilities and verified their nature, terms and conditions;
Consideration of whether climate change is expected to have any significant impact during the
period of the going concern assessment; and
Evaluation of the appropriateness of the related disclosures provided in the financial statements in
Note 2 ‘Basis of preparation and consolidation’.
Based on the work performed, we have not identified any material uncertainties relating to events or
conditions that, individually or collectively, may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability to continue
as a going concern for a period of at least twelve months from when the financial statements are
authorised for issue.
In auditing the financial statements, we have concluded that the directors’ use of the going concern
basis of accounting in the preparation of the financial statements is appropriate. However, because not
all future events or conditions can be predicted, this conclusion is not a guarantee as to the Group’s
ability to continue as a going concern.
In relation to the Group’s reporting on how they have applied the UK Corporate Governance Code, we
have nothing material to add or draw attention to in relation to the directors’ statement in the financial
statements about whether the directors considered it appropriate to adopt the going concern basis
Our responsibilities and the responsibilities of the directors with respect to going concern are
described in the relevant sections of this report.
Reporting on other information
The other information comprises all of the information in the Annual Report other than the financial
statements, our auditor’s report thereon and the Swiss statutory reporting, which we obtained prior to
the date of this auditor’s report. The directors are responsible for the other information. Our opinion
on the financial statements does not cover the other information and, accordingly, we do not express
an audit opinion or, except to the extent otherwise explicitly stated in this report, any form of assurance
In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other
information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent
with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be
materially misstated. If we identify an apparent material inconsistency or material misstatement,
we are required to perform procedures to conclude whether there is a material misstatement of the
financial statements or a material misstatement of the other information. If, based on the work we have
performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required
to report that fact. We have nothing to report based on these responsibilities.
Corporate governance statement
The Listing Rules require us to review the directors’ statements in relation to going concern, longer-
term viability and that part of the corporate governance statement relating to the Group’s compliance
with the provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code specified for our review. Our additional
responsibilities with respect to the corporate governance statement as other information, are
described in the Reporting on other information section of this report.
Based on the work undertaken as part of our audit, we have concluded that each of the following
elements of the corporate governance statement is materially consistent with the financial statements
and our knowledge obtained during the audit, and we have nothing material to add or draw attention to
in relation to:
The directors’ confirmation that they have carried out a robust assessment of the emerging and
principal risks;
The disclosures in the Annual Report that describe those principal risks, what procedures are in place
to identify emerging risks and an explanation of how these are being managed or mitigated;
The directors’ statement in the financial statements about whether they considered it appropriate
to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing them, and their identification of any
material uncertainties relating to the Group’s ability to continue to do so over a period of at least
twelve months from the date of approval of the financial statements;
The directors’ explanation as to their assessment of the Group’s prospects, the period this
assessment covers and why the period is appropriate; and
The directors’ statement as to whether they have a reasonable expectation that the Group will be
able to continue in operation and meet its liabilities as they fall due over the period of its assessment,
including any related disclosures drawing attention to any necessary qualifications or assumptions.
Independent auditor’s report to Coca-Cola HBC AG continued
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Our review of the directors’ statement regarding the longer-term viability of the Group was
substantially less in scope than an audit and only consisted of making inquiries and considering the
directors’ process supporting their statement; checking that the statement is in alignment with the
relevant provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code; and considering whether the statement is
consistent with the financial statements and our knowledge and understanding of the Group and its
environment obtained in the course of the audit.
In addition, based on the work undertaken as part of our audit, we have concluded that each of the
following elements of the corporate governance statement is materially consistent with the financial
statements and our knowledge obtained during the audit:
The directors’ statement that they consider the Annual Report, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and
understandable, and provides the information necessary for the members to assess the Group’s
position, performance, business model and strategy;
The section of the Annual Report that describes the review of effectiveness of risk management and
internal control systems; and
The section of the Annual Report describing the work of the Audit & Risk Committee.
We have nothing to report in respect of our responsibility to report when the directors’ statement
relating to the Group’s compliance with the Code does not properly disclose a departure from a
relevant provision of the Code specified under the Listing Rules for review by the auditors.
Responsibilities for the financial statements and the audit
Responsibilities of the directors for the financial statements
As explained more fully in the Statement of Directors’ Responsibilities in the Annual Report, the
directors are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with the
applicable framework and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view. The directors are also
responsible for such internal control as they determine is necessary to enable the preparation of
financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the financial statements, the directors are responsible for assessing the Group’s ability to
continue as a going concern, disclosing as applicable matters related to going concern and using the
going concern basis of accounting unless the directors either intend to liquidate the Group or to cease
operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.
Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole
are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report
that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee
that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs will always detect a material misstatement when it
exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the
aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on
the basis of these financial statements.
Irregularities, including fraud, are instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations. We design
procedures in line with our responsibilities, outlined above, to detect material misstatements in
respect of irregularities, including fraud. The extent to which our procedures are capable of detecting
irregularities, including fraud, is detailed below.
Based on our understanding of the Group and the industry in which it operates, we considered the
extent to which non-compliance with applicable laws and regulations may have a material effect on the
financial statements, including, but not limited to, the corporate regulations arising from its listings on
the London Stock Exchange and Athens Exchange, tax laws and regulations applicable to Coca-Cola
HBC and its subsidiaries and regulations relating to unethical and prohibited business practices. We
evaluated management’s incentives and opportunities for fraudulent manipulation of the financial
statements (including the risk of override of controls), and where management made subjective
judgements in respect of significant accounting estimates that involved making assumptions and
considering future events that are inherently uncertain. The group engagement team shared this risk
assessment with the component auditors so that they could include appropriate audit procedures in
response to such risks in their work. Audit procedures performed by the group engagement team
and/or component auditors included among others:
Inquiries of management, internal audit, internal legal counsel, management’s experts and external
legal advisors, where relevant, including consideration of known or suspected instances of non-
compliance with laws and regulation and fraud;
Evaluation and testing of the operating effectiveness of management’s controls designed to prevent
and detect irregularities;
Assessment of matters reported on the Group’s whistleblowing helpline and the results of
management’s investigation of such matters;
Reading the minutes of Board meetings to identify any inconsistencies with other information
provided by management;
Challenging assumptions and judgements made by management in significant accounting
estimates, in particular in relation to the key audit matters;
Inspecting correspondence with legal advisors and internal audit reports in so far as they related to
the financial statements; and
Identifying and testing journal entries, in particular any entries posted with unusual account
combinations, journal entries posted by senior management and consolidation entries.
There are inherent limitations in the audit procedures described above. We are less likely to become
aware of instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that are not closely related to events
and transactions reflected in the financial statements. Also, the risk of not detecting a material
misstatement due to fraud is higher than the risk of not detecting one resulting from error, as fraud may
involve deliberate concealment by, for example, forgery or intentional misrepresentations, or through
Independent auditor’s report to Coca-Cola HBC AG continued
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Our audit testing might include testing complete populations of certain transactions and balances,
possibly using data auditing techniques. However, it typically involves selecting a limited number of
items for testing, rather than testing complete populations. We will often seek to target particular items
for testing based on their size or risk characteristics. In other cases, we will use audit sampling to enable
us to draw a conclusion about the population from which the sample is selected.
As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain
professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also:
Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due
to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain
audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not
detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error,
as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of
Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures
that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the
effectiveness of the Group’s internal control.
Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting
estimates and related disclosures made by management.
Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting
and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or
conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we
conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report
to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify
our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s
report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Group to cease to continue as a going
Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the
disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events
in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities
or business activities within the Group to express an opinion on the financial statements. We are
responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remain solely
responsible for our audit opinion.
We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned
scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in
internal control that we identify during our audit. Those charged with governance are responsible for
overseeing the Group’s financial reporting process.
We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant
ethical requirements regarding independence and communicate with them all relationships and
othermatters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable,
related safeguards.
From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters
that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current year and are
therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or
regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances,
we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse
consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of
such communication.
Use of this report
This report, including the opinions, has been prepared for and only for Coca-Cola HBC AG for the
purpose of compliance with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules sourcebook and the
Listing Rules of the FCA and for no other purpose. We do not, in giving these opinions, accept or
assume responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or
intowhose hands it may come, save where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing.
Other required reporting
We have been the Group’s auditors since 2003 and following a tender process that the Group
conducted in 2015, at the recommendation of the Audit & Risk Committee, we were reappointed by the
directors on 11 December 2015 to audit the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017
and subsequent financial periods.
Assurance Report on the European Single Electronic Format pursuant to the Athens Exchange
listing requirements
We have examined the digital files of Coca-Cola HBC, which were compiled in accordance with the
European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) defined by the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU)
2019/815, as amended by Regulation (EU) 2020/1989 (hereinafter ‘ESEF Regulation’), and which
include the consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2023,
in XHTML format 549300EFP3TNG7JGVE49-2023-12-31-en.xhtml, as well as the provided XBRL file
549300EFP3TNG7JGVE49-2023-12-31-en.zip with the appropriate marking up, on the aforementioned
consolidated financial statements, including the other explanatory information (notes to the financial
Independent auditor’s report to Coca-Cola HBC AG continued
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Regulatory framework
The digital files of the European Single Electronic Format are compiled in accordance with ESEF
Regulation and 2020 / C 379/01 Interpretative Communication of the European Commission of
10November 2020, as provided by the Greek Law 3556/2007 and the relevant announcements of
theHellenic Capital Market Commission and the Athens Exchange (‘ESEF Regulatory Framework’).
In summary, this Framework includes the following requirements:
All annual financial reports should be prepared in XHTML format.
For consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting
Standards, the financial information stated in the consolidated balance sheet, the consolidated
income statement, the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated
cash flow statement and the consolidated statement of changes in equity, as well as the financial
information included in the other explanatory information, should be marked-up with XBRL ‘tags’
and ‘block tag’, according to the ESEF Taxonomy, as in force. The technical specifications for ESEF,
including the relevant classification, are set out in the ESEF Regulatory Technical Standards.
The requirements set out in the current ESEF Regulatory Framework are suitable criteria for
formulating a reasonable assurance conclusion.
Responsibilities of the management and those charged with governance
Management is responsible for the preparation and submission of the consolidated financial
statements of the Group, for the year ended 31 December 2023 in accordance with the requirements
set by the ESEF Regulatory Framework, as well as for those internal controls that management
determines as necessary, to enable the compilation of digital files free of material error due to either
fraud or error.
Auditor’s responsibilities
Our responsibility is to plan and carry out this assurance work, in accordance with no. 214/4 / 11.02.2022
Decision of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Accounting and Auditing Standards Oversight Board
(HAASOB) and the ‘Guidelines in relation to the work and the assurance report of the Certified Public
Accountants on the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) of issuers with securities listed on a
regulated market in Greece’ as issued by the Board of Certified Auditors on 14/02/2022 (hereinafter
ESEF Guidelines’), providing reasonable assurance that the consolidated financial statements of the
Group prepared by management in accordance with ESEF comply in all material respects with the
applicable ESEF Regulatory Framework.
Our work was carried out in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants of the
International Ethics Standard Board for Accountants (IESBA Code).
The assurance work we conducted is limited to the procedures provided by the ESEF Guidelines
and was carried out in accordance with International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000,
Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information’. Reasonable
assurance is a high level of assurance, but it is not a guarantee that this work will always detect a material
misstatement regarding non-compliance with the requirements of the ESEF Regulation.
Based on the procedures performed and the evidence obtained, we conclude that the
consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2023, in XHTML
file format 549300EFP3TNG7JGVE49-2023-12-31-en.xhtml, as well as the provided XBRL file
549300EFP3TNG7JGVE49-2023-12-31-en.zip with the appropriate marking up, on the aforementioned
consolidated financial statements, including the other explanatory information, have been prepared, in
all material respects, in accordance with the requirements of the ESEF Regulatory Framework.
Other matters
Swiss statutory reporting requirements
PwC Switzerland has reported separately on the Group and Company financial statements of Coca-
Cola HBC AG for the year ended 31 December 2023 for Swiss statutory purposes. The reports are
available in pages 266 and 270.
ESEF Regulatory Technical Standard pursuant to the London Stock Exchange listing requirements
As required by the Financial Conduct Authority Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rule 4.1.14R,
these financial statements form part of the ESEF-prepared annual financial report filed on the National
Storage Mechanism of the Financial Conduct Authority in accordance with the ESEF Regulatory
Technical Standard (‘ESEF RTS’). This auditors’ report provides no assurance over whether the annual
financial report has been prepared using the single electronic format specified in the ESEF RTS which
may differ from the ESEF as defined in section ‘Other required reporting’ above.
Fotis Smyrnis
the Certified Auditor, Reg. No. 52861
for and on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers S.A.
Certified Auditors, Reg. No. 113
Athens, Greece
15 March 2024
Independent auditor’s report to Coca-Cola HBC AG continued
(a) The maintenance and integrity of the Coca-Cola HBC AG website is the responsibility of the directors; the work carried out by the auditors
does not involve consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the auditors accept no responsibility for any changes that may have
occurred to the financial statements since they were initially presented on the website.
(b) Legislation in the UK, Greece and Switzerland governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from
legislation in other jurisdictions.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 193
Consolidated financial statements
Consolidated income statement
For the year ended 31 December
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
For the year ended 31 December
€ million€ million
Net sales revenue
7, 8
Cost of goods sold
Gross profit
Operating expenses (excluding exceptional items
relatedtoRussia-Ukraine conflict)
Exceptional items related to Russia-Ukraine conflict
Operating expenses
Share of results of integral equity method investments
Operating profit
Finance income
Finance costs
Finance costs, net
Share of results of non-integral equity method investments
Profit before tax
Ta x
Profit after tax
Attributable to:
Owners of the parent
Non-controlling interests
Basic and diluted earnings per share (€)
€ million€ million
Profit after tax
Other comprehensive income:
Items that may be subsequently reclassified
Cost of hedging
Net gain on cash flow hedges
Foreign currency translation losses
Share of other comprehensive (loss)/income of equity
method investments
13, 16
Reclassification of share of other comprehensive income
ofequity method investments to the income statement,
arising from business combination
Income tax relating to items that may be subsequently
reclassified to income statement
Items that will not be subsequently reclassified
Valuation gain/(loss) on equity investments at fair value
through other comprehensive income
Actuarial (losses)/gains
Income tax relating to items that will not be subsequently
reclassified to income statement
Other comprehensive loss for the year, net of tax
Total comprehensive income for the year
Total comprehensive income attributable to:
Owners of the parent
Non-controlling interests
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 194
Consolidated financial statements continued
€ million€ million
Intangible assets
Property, plant and equipment
Equity method investments
Other financial assets
Deferred tax assets
Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets
Trade, other receivables and assets
Other financial assets
25, 26
Current tax assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Assets classified as held for sale
Total current assets
Total assets
€ million€ million
Other financial liabilities
Trade and other payables
Provisions and employee benefits
Current tax liabilities
Total current liabilities
Other financial liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities
Provisions and employee benefits
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities
Total liabilities
Share capital
Share premium
Group reorganisation reserve
Treasury shares
Exchange equalisation reserve
Other reserves
Retained earnings
Equity attributable to owners of the parent
Non-controlling interests
Total equity
Total equity and liabilities
Consolidated balance sheet
As at 31 December
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
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Consolidated financial statements continued
Attributable to owners of the parent
Group Exchange Non-
Share reorganisation Treasury equalisation Other Retained controlling
Share capital premium reserve shares reserve reserves earnings Total interests Total equity
€ million€ million€ million€ million€ million€ million€ million€ million€ million€ million
Balance as at 1 January 2022
Shares issued to employees exercising stock options
Share-based compensation:
Performance shares
Movement in shares held for equity compensation plan
Appropriation of reserves
Non-controlling interests on business combinations
Purchase of shares held by non-controlling interests
Transfer of cash flow hedge reserve, including cost of hedging to inventories, net of tax
Profit for the year, net of tax
Other comprehensive loss for the year, net of tax
Total comprehensive income for the year, net of tax
Balance as at 31 December 2022
Shares issued to employees exercising stock options
Share-based compensation:
Performance shares
Movement in shares held for equity compensation plan
Appropriation of reserves
Purchase of shares held by non-controlling interests
Acquisition of treasury shares
Transfer of cash flow hedge reserve, including cost of hedging to inventories, net of tax
Profit for the year, net of tax
Other comprehensive loss for the year, net of tax
Total comprehensive income for the year, net of tax
Balance as at 31 December 2023
1. The amount included in other reserves of €41.5 million for 2022 represents the cash flow hedge reserve, including cost of hedging, transferred to inventories of €51.4 million gain, and the deferred tax expense thereof amounting to €9.9 million.
2. The amount included in the exchange equalisation reserve of €64 . 2 million loss for 2022 represents the exchange loss attributable to owners of the parent, including €3 4. 8 million gain relating to the share of other comprehensive income of equity method investments and €144 .6 million
relating to reclassification of share of other comprehensive loss of equity method investments to the income statement arising from business combination.
The amount of other comprehensive income, net of tax included in other reserves of €27 .1 million gain for 2022 consists of cash flow hedges gain of 31.1 million, share of other comprehensive income of equity method investments of €0. 6 million loss, valuation losses of €0.1 million on
equity investments at fair value through other comprehensive income, €0. 6 million gain relating to reclassification of share of other comprehensive income of equity method investments to the income statement arising from business combination, and the deferred tax expense thereof
amounting to €3.9 million.
The amount of €4 43. 2 million gain attributable to owners of the parent comprises profit for the year, net of tax of €415. 4 million, actuarial gains of €26 .0 million and the deferred tax income thereof amounting to €1. 8 million.
The amount of €8. 8 million losses included in non-controlling interests for 2022 represents the exchange loss attributable to non-controlling interests of €9 .0 million, and the share of non-controlling interests in profit for the year, net of tax of €0 . 2 million.
3. The amount included in other reserves of €25 .9 million for 2023 represents the cash flow hedge reserve, including cost of hedging, transferred to inventories of €30 .8 million gain, and the deferred tax expense thereof amounting to €4 .9 million.
4. The amount included in the exchange equalisation reserve of €49 0 .7 million loss for 2023 represents the exchange loss attributable to owners of the parent, including €11.7 million loss relating to the share of other comprehensive income of equity method investments.
The amount of other comprehensive income, net of tax included in other reserves of €9.9 million gain for 2023 consists of cash flow hedges gain of €12 .6 million, valuation gains of €0 .4 million on equity investments at fair value through other comprehensive income and the deferred tax
expense thereof amounting to €3 .1 million.
The amount of €6 22.1 million gain attributable to owners of the parent comprises profit for the year, net of tax of €636 . 5 million, actuarial losses of €16.4 million and the deferred tax income thereof amounting to €2. 0 million.
The amount of €6. 4 million loss included in non-controlling interests for 2023 represents the exchange loss attributable to the non-controlling interests of €5 .6 million, and the share of non-controlling interests in profit for the year, net of tax of €0 . 8 million loss.
For further details, refer to Note 13 ‘Components of other comprehensive income’, Note 24 ‘Business combinations and acquisition of non-controlling interest’, Note 25 ‘Financial risk management and financial
instruments’, Note 27 ‘Equity’ and Note 29 ‘Share-based payments’.
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 196
Consolidated financial statements continued
€ million€ million
Operating activities
Profit after tax
Finance costs, net
Share of results of non-integral equity method investments
Tax charged to the income statement
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment including
right-of-use assets
15, 17
Impairment of property, plant and equipment including
right-of-use assets
Employee performance shares
Amortisation of intangible assets
Impairment of intangible assets
Impairment of equity method investments
Other non-cash items
Share of results of integral equity method investments
(Gain)/loss on disposals of non-current assets
Increase in inventories
Increase in trade and other receivables
Increase in trade and other payables
Tax paid
Net cash inflow from operating activities
Investing activities
Payments for purchases of property, plant and equipment
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment
Payment for business combinations, net of cash acquired
Proceeds from settlement of derivatives relating
Payment for integral equity method investment
16, 28
Receipts from integral equity method investments
16, 28
Payments for non-integral equity method investments
16, 28
Receipts from non-integral equity method investments
€ million€ million
Net proceeds from/(payments for) investments in financial
assets at amortised cost
Net proceeds from investments in financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss
Payments for investments in financial assets at fair value
through other comprehensive income
Loans to related parties
Repayments of loans by related parties
Interest received
Net cash outflow from investing activities
Financing activities
Proceeds from shares issued to employees exercising
Purchase of shares from non-controlling interests
Acquisition of treasury shares
Proceeds from borrowings
Repayments of borrowings
Principal repayments of lease obligations
Dividends paid to owners of the parent
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests
Proceeds from settlement of derivatives regarding
Interest paid
Net cash outflow from financing activities
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
Movement in cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
Effect of changes in exchange rates
Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated cash flow statement
For the year ended 31 December
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements
1. General information
Coca-Cola HBC AG and its subsidiaries (the ‘Group’ or ‘Coca-Cola HBC’ or ‘the Company’) are
principally engaged in the production, sales and distribution of primarily non-alcoholic ready-to-drink
beverages, under franchise from The Coca-Cola Company, across Nigeria, Egypt and 26 countries
in Europe, while in Russia the Group operates under a business model focusing on local brands.
Information on the Group’s operations by segment is included in Note 7.
On 11 October 2012, Coca-Cola HBC, a Swiss stock corporation (Aktiengesellschaft/Société
Anonyme) incorporated by Kar-Tess Holding (a related party of the Group, refer to Note 28), announced
a voluntary share exchange offer to acquire all outstanding ordinary registered shares and all
American depositary shares of Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company S.A. As a result of the successful
completion of this offer, on 25 April 2013, Coca-Cola HBC acquired 96.85% of the issued Coca-Cola
Hellenic Bottling Company S.A. shares, including shares represented by American depositary shares,
and became the new parent company of the Group. On 17 June 2013, Coca-Cola HBC completed its
statutory buyout of the remaining shares of Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company S.A. that it did not
acquire upon completion of its voluntary share exchange offer. Consequently, Coca-Cola HBC acquired
100% of Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company S.A. which was eventually delisted from the Athens
Exchange, from the London Stock Exchange where it had a secondary listing and from the New York
Stock Exchange where American depositary shares were listed.
The shares of Coca-Cola HBC started trading in the premium segment of the London Stock Exchange
(Ticker symbol: CCH) and on the Athens Exchange (Ticker symbol: EEE) and regular way trading in
Coca-Cola HBC American depositary shares commenced on the New York Stock Exchange (Ticker
symbol: CCH) on 29 April 2013. On 24 July 2014, the Group proceeded to the delisting of its American
depositary shares from the New York Stock Exchange and terminated its reporting obligations under
the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The deregistration of Coca-Cola HBC shares under the US
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the termination of its reporting obligations became effective on 3
November 2014.
2. Basis of preparation and consolidation
Basis of preparation
The consolidated financial statements of the Group have been prepared in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’) as adopted by the European Union (‘EU’) and in
compliance with Swiss law.
These consolidated financial statements were approved for issue by the Board of Directors on 14 March
2024 and are expected to be verified at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 21 May 2024.
Going concern
The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. In adopting the going concern
basis for the preparation of these consolidated financial statements, management has considered
the Group’s financial performance in the year and overall financial position, the Group’s quantitative
viability exercise linked to its principal risks, including those relating to climate change, the geopolitical
events involving Russia and Ukraine, and the tensions in the Middle East. Management has reviewed the
Group’s financial forecasts and funding requirements with consideration given to the potential impact
of severe but plausible downside scenarios. Even under these scenarios, the Group’s cash position is
still expected to remain strong over the period of the financial forecasts, considering also that there
are mitigating actions the Group could take, should they be required, by making adjustments to its
operating plans within the normal course of business.
After assessing the Group’s current strong balance sheet and liquidity position, its committed funding
facilities and financial forecasts, management confirms the Group’s ability to generate cash for a period
of 12 months from the date of approval of these consolidated financial statements and beyond.
Therefore, it is deemed appropriate that the Group continues to adopt the going concern basis
for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements under the historical cost convention,
as modified by the revaluation of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, investments
in equity instruments classified at fair value through other comprehensive income and derivative
financial instruments.
Basis of consolidation
Subsidiary undertakings are those companies over which the Group, directly or indirectly, has control.
The Group controls an entity when the Group is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from its
involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through power over the entity.
Subsidiary undertakings are consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Group
and cease to be consolidated from the date on which control is transferred out of the Group. The
subsidiaries’ accounting policies are consistent with policies adopted by the Group. All inter-company
transactions and balances between Group companies are eliminated on consolidation.
Transactions with non-controlling interests that do not result in loss of control are accounted for as
equity transactions – that is, as transactions with the owners in their capacity as owners. The difference
between fair value of any consideration paid and the relevant acquired share of the carrying value of net
assets of the subsidiary is recorded in equity.
When the Group ceases to have control over a subsidiary, it derecognises the related assets and
liabilities, non-controlling interests and any other components of equity, while any resulting gain or loss
is recognised in the income statement. Any retained interest in the former subsidiary is remeasured
to its fair value at the date when such control is lost, with the change in carrying amount recognised in
the income statement. The fair value is the initial carrying amount for the purposes of subsequently
accounting for the retained interest as an associate, joint venture or financial asset. In addition, any
amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income in respect of that entity are accounted
for as if the Group had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities. This means that amounts
previously recognised in other comprehensive income, if any, are reclassified to the income statement.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 198
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
3. Foreign currency and translation
The individual financial statements of each Group entity are presented in the currency of the primary
economic environment in which the entity operates (its functional currency). For the purposes of the
consolidated financial statements, the results and financial position of each entity are expressed in
Euro, which is the presentation currency for the consolidated financial statements.
The assets and liabilities of foreign subsidiaries are translated into Euro at the exchange rates prevailing
at the balance sheet date. The results of foreign subsidiaries are translated into Euro using the average
monthly exchange rates, being a reasonable approximation of the rates prevailing on the transaction
dates. The exchange differences arising on translation are recognised in other comprehensive income.
On disposal of a foreign entity, accumulated exchange differences are recognised as a component of
the gain or loss on disposal.
Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the rates ruling at the date of transaction. Monetary
assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are remeasured at the rates of exchange ruling
at the balance sheet date. All gains and losses arising on remeasurement are included in the income
statement, except for exchange differences arising on assets and liabilities classified as cash flow hedges
which are deferred in equity until the occurrence of the hedged transaction, at which time they are
recognised in the income statement. Share capital and share premium denominated in a currency other
than the functional currency is initially stated at the spot rate of the date of issue but is not retranslated.
The principal exchange rates used for the translation purposes in respect of one Euro are:
Average Average Closing Closing
2023 2022 2023 2022
US Dollar
UK Sterling
Polish Zloty
Nigerian Naira
Hungarian Forint
Swiss Franc
Russian Rouble
Romanian Leu
Ukrainian Hryvnia
Czech Koruna
Serbian Dinar
Egyptian Pound
4. Accounting pronouncements
a) Accounting pronouncements adopted in 2023
The Group has adopted the following standards and amendments to standards which were endorsed
by the EU, that are relevant to its operations and effective for accounting periods beginning on
1 January 2023:
Disclosure of Accounting Policies – Amendments to IAS 1 and IFRS Practice Statement 2;
Definition of Accounting Estimates – Amendments to IAS 8;
Deferred Tax related to Assets and Liabilities arising from a Single Transaction – Amendments
to IAS 12;
IFRS 17 – Insurance Contracts and Amendments to IFRS 17; and
International tax reform – Pillar Two Model Rules – Amendments to IAS 12: Pillar Two legislation has
been enacted or substantively enacted in certain jurisdictions in which the Group has presence,
but will be effective for the Group’s financial year beginning 1 January 2024 (refer to Note 11).
The adoption of these standards and amendments to standards did not have a material impact on the
consolidated financial statements of the Group.
b) Accounting pronouncements not yet adopted
At the date of approval of these consolidated financial statements, the following amendments relevant
to the Group’s operations were issued but not yet effective and not early-adopted:
Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current and Non-Current liabilities with Covenants –
Amendments to IAS 1;
Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback – Amendments to IFRS 16;
Supplier Finance Arrangements – Amendments to IAS 7 and IFRS 7 (not endorsed by the EU); and
The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates: Lack of Exchangeability – Amendments to IAS 21
(not endorsed by the EU).
The above amendments are not expected to have a material impact on the consolidated financial
statements of the Group.
5. Critical accounting estimates and judgements
In conformity with IFRS, the preparation of the consolidated financial statements for Coca-Cola
HBC requires management to make estimates and judgements that affect the reported amounts
of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses, and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities
in the consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes. Although these estimates and
judgements are based on management’s knowledge of current events and actions that may be
undertaken in the future, actual results may ultimately differ from estimates.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
5. Critical accounting estimates and judgements continued
The key items concerning the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the reporting
date, that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and
liabilities within the next financial year, are described below:
Impairment of goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets (refer to Note 14); and
Employee benefits – defined benefit pension plans (refer to Note 22).
In the process of applying the Group’s accounting policies, management has made the following
judgements, apart from those involving estimations as described above, which have the most
significant effect on the amounts recognised in the consolidated financial statements:
Joint arrangements (refer to Note 16).
6. Russia-Ukraine conflict impact
6.1 Exceptional items related to Russia-Ukraine conflict
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which began in the prior year, affected the Group’s business
in those countries resulting in significant non-recurring costs. More specifically, the Group incurred
significant net impairment losses for property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and equity
method investments in Russia. These items have been presented in a separate line ‘Exceptional
items related to Russia-Ukraine conflict’ in the consolidated income statement, to provide users with
enhanced visibility over these items, considering their materiality. There were no exceptional items
related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict in 2023, while for 2022 these costs can be summarised as follows:
Reversals of Net impairment
Impairment losses impairment losses losses
€ million € million € million
Recoverability of individual assets in Russia
Recoverability of the Russian cash-generating unit:
Property, plant and equipment
Recoverability of equity method investments
Exceptional items related to Russia-Ukraine conflict
1. References to Russia, Russian operation or Russian cash-generating unit in this Note relate to Multon Partners LLC (formerly LLC Coca-
Cola HBC Eurasia) the Group’s bottler in Russia.
a) Operations in Russia
Recoverability of individual assets in Russia
The Coca-Cola Company announced in March 2022 the suspension of its business in Russia, following
the Russia-Ukraine conflict. In response to this decision, the Group implemented a restructuring plan in
connection with its Russian operation and transitioned to a self-sufficient business model focusing on
local brands. This resulted in pre-tax impairment losses related to buildings, production and cold drink
equipment of €102.1 million during the first half of 2022, which were recorded based on a value-in-use
exercise, reported in line ‘Exceptional items related to Russia-Ukraine conflict’ of the 2022 condensed
consolidated interim income statement and included under Emerging markets for segmental
reporting purposes.
Following June 2022, whilst uncertainty levels remained high in Russia, the Group experienced more
stable market conditions and demand than initially anticipated. As a result, an updated value-in-use
exercise was performed for the Russian operation’s property, plant and equipment, which resulted in
a partial reversal of pre-tax impairment losses recognised during the first half of 2022, amounting to
€42.8 million, considering also foreign currency translation impact. Net impairment losses amounted
to 59.3 million for 2022, relating to buildings, production and cold drink equipment, which were
reported in line ‘Exceptional items related to Russia-Ukraine conflict’ of the 2022 consolidated
income statement and included under Emerging markets for segmental reporting purposes.
During 2023, whilst the conflict with Ukraine is ongoing and thus uncertainty levels remain high in
Russia, no impairment indicator was identified in connection with the assets of the Russian operation,
as market conditions remained relatively stable compared with 2022 and performance under the
new business model was in line with management’s forecasts. The Group is continuously monitoring
developments in the region to ensure recoverability of its assets.
Following the above, property, plant and equipment of the Russian operation represented
approximately 7% of the Group’s total property, plant and equipment as at 31 December 2023
(2022: 8%).
Recoverability of the Russian cash-generating unit, including goodwill
During the first half of 2022, the Group experienced worsening macroeconomic factors in Russia,
as sanctions and other regulations had an adverse impact in the country’s economic environment,
resulting in a material deterioration of the discount rate used to determine the recoverable amount
of the Group’s Russian cash-generating unit. The Group performed an interim impairment test of
the Russian cash-generating unit’s recoverable amount, including goodwill, in June 2022 as part of its
condensed consolidated interim financial statements. As part of that exercise, the recoverable amount
was determined based on value-in-use calculations consistent with those performed under the 2021
annual impairment test methodology, updated to consider management’s revised best estimates of
expected cash flow forecasts and a higher discount rate, reflective of the macroeconomic uncertainty
in Russia. This exercise resulted in pre-tax impairment losses for goodwill and property, plant and
equipment of €13.7 million and €15.0 million respectively, which were recorded in line ‘Exceptional items
related to Russia-Ukraine conflict’ of the 2022 condensed consolidated interim income statement
and included under Emerging markets for segmental reporting purposes.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
6. Russia-Ukraine conflict impact continued
Considering the relevant uncertainty in connection with its new business model in Russia and
volatility in the market, the Group updated the impairment test of its Russian cash-generating unit’s
recoverable amount based on value-in-use calculations consistent with its 2022 annual impairment
test methodology (refer to Note 14), using management’s updated best estimates of expected cash
flow forecasts, taking into account the actual performance of the new business in the year and relevant
market developments as described above. The recoverable amount of the Russian cash-generating
unit resulting from this exercise amounted to approximately €1.1 billion as at 31 December 2022. In the
context of this exercise, it was identified that the recoverable amount exceeded the carrying amount of
the Russian cash-generating unit, resulting in the reversal of €13.4 million pre-tax impairment losses to
property, plant and equipment recognised in June 2022, considering also foreign currency translation
impact. The reversal of the impairment charge was accordingly recorded in line ‘Exceptional items
related to Russia-Ukraine conflict’ in the 2022 consolidated income statement and included under
Emerging markets for segmental reporting purposes.
The following table sets out the key assumptions used in the impairment assessment of the Russian
cash-generating unit for 2022, as well as 2022 interim results:
2022 interim
Growth rate in perpetuity
Post-tax discount rate
Pre-tax discount rate
The high discount rate used in the 2022 interim results was mainly driven by higher bond yield spreads
due to fears of potential default of Russia’s debt, on the back of the imposed sanctions, which subsided
in the second half of the year, thus resulting in a lower discount rate for 2022 compared with the first
half of the year.
Following the above, the Group’s carrying amount of goodwill and other indefinite-lived intangibles for
its Russian cash-generating unit was €nil as at 31 December 2023 and 2022.
Recoverability of equity method investments
The impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the macroeconomic environment of Russia as described
above, was also considered an impairment indicator by the Group under IAS 36 ‘Impairment of assets’,
in connection with its integral, joint venture investment in Multon AO group of companies (‘Multon’).
Multon is engaged in the production and distribution of juices in Russia and was jointly controlled by the
Group and The Coca-Cola Company. The Group performed an interim impairment test in connection
with its investment in Multon in June 2022 as part of its condensed consolidated interim financial
statements. The recoverable amount of the investment was determined based on a fair value exercise,
considering management’s best estimates of cash flow forecasts for a discrete period of five years.
Cash flows beyond the five-year period were extrapolated using the following estimated growth and
discount rates:
2022 interim
Growth rate in perpetuity
Post-tax rate
The recoverable amount of the Group’s investment in Multon resulting from this exercise, which was
classified as a Level 3 fair value measurement, amounted to €174.2 million. This resulted in a pre-tax
impairment loss of €52.8 million, which was recorded in line ‘Exceptional items related to Russia-
Ukraine conflict’ in the 2022 consolidated income statement and included under Emerging markets for
segmental reporting purposes.
In August 2022, The Coca-Cola Company unilaterally waived certain of its governance rights in
connection with its 50% interest in Multon. Following this waiver and considering the criteria set
out in IFRS 10 ‘Consolidated financial statements’, the Group has concluded that it controls Multon
and has been accordingly consolidating its financial performance effective from 11 August 2022
(refer to Note 24).
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
6. Russia-Ukraine conflict impact continued
b) Operations in Ukraine
As a result of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, operations of the Group’s Ukrainian subsidiary were
temporarily suspended for the period March-April 2022. From May 2022, the Group has resumed
production and distribution of products in Ukraine, where safe to do so. Non-current assets of
Ukraine represented approximately 1% of the Group’s total non-current assets as at 31 December
2023 (2022: 1%). An impairment test of the Ukrainian cash-generating unit, based on a value-in-use
exercise consistent with the Group’s annual impairment testing methodology was performed both for
the purposes of the Group’s condensed consolidated interim financial statements and consolidated
financial statements for 2022 as well as for the purposes of the Group’s consolidated financial
statements for 2023, as it was considered that, whilst operations have resumed, the continued conflict
has resulted in significant changes in the relevant market with an adverse effect in the cash-generating
unit. No impairment was identified as a result of this impairment testing neither in 2022 nor in 2023.
The Group’s carrying amount of goodwill and other indefinite-lived intangibles for its Ukrainian cash-
generating unit was €nil as at 31 December 2023 and 2022.
An amount of €4.4 million losses directly attributable to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, primarily related
to inventory and property, plant and equipment write-offs, were incurred by the Group’s Ukrainian
subsidiary during 2022, of which €3.3 million were recorded in line ‘Operating expenses (excluding
exceptional items related to Russia-Ukraine conflict)’ and €1.1 million in line ‘Cost of goods sold’ of the
consolidated income statement respectively. During 2023, an amount of €0.2 million in connection with
these losses was reversed, as the relevant items of property, plant and equipment were recovered, and
recorded in line ‘Operating expenses (excluding exceptional items related to Russia-Ukraine conflict)’ of
the consolidated income statement.
6.2 Foreign-currency risk
The Group is exposed to the effect of foreign currency risk on future transactions, recognised
monetary assets and liabilities that are denominated in currencies other than the local entity’s
functional currency, as well as net investments in foreign operations. The Group actively manages its
foreign currency risk as described in Note 25 ‘Financial risk management and financial instruments’. The
Russia-Ukraine conflict has, among other things, resulted in increased volatility in currency markets,
especially in connection with the Russian Rouble.
The following tables present details of the Group’s sensitivity to reasonably possible increases and
decreases in the Euro and US Dollar against the Russian Rouble and Ukrainian Hryvnia. In determining
reasonably possible changes, the historical volatility over a 12-month period of the respective
foreign currencies in relation to the Euro and US Dollar has been considered. The sensitivity analysis
determines the potential gains and losses in the income statement or equity arising from the Group’s
foreign exchange positions as a result of the corresponding percentage increases and decreases in the
Group’s main foreign currencies relative to the Euro and the US Dollar. The sensitivity analysis includes
outstanding foreign-currency-denominated monetary items, external loans, and loans between
operations within the Group where the denomination of the loan is in a currency other than the
functional currency of the local entity.
2023 exchange risk sensitivity to reasonably possible changes in Euro against Russian Rouble and
Ukrainian Hryvnia
Euro strengthens Euro weakens
against local currency against local currency
% historical (Gain)/loss Loss/(gain)
volatility over a in income (Gain)/loss in income Loss/(gain)
12-month statement in equity statement in equity
period € million € million € million € million
Russian Rouble
Ukrainian Hryvnia
2023 exchange risk sensitivity to reasonably possible changes in US Dollar against Russian
Rouble and Ukrainian Hryvnia
US Dollar strengthens US Dollar weakens
against local currency against local currency
% historical (Gain)/loss Loss/(gain)
volatility over a in income (Gain)/loss in income Loss/(gain)
12-month statement in equity statement in equity
period € million € million € million € million
Russian Rouble
Ukrainian Hryvnia
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
6. Russia-Ukraine conflict impact continued
2022 exchange risk sensitivity to reasonably possible changes in Euro against Russian Rouble and
Ukrainian Hryvnia
Euro strengthens Euro weakens
against local currency against local currency
% historical (Gain)/loss Loss/(gain)
volatility over a in income (Gain)/loss in income Loss/(gain)
12-month statement in equity statement in equity
period € million € million € million € million
Russian Rouble
Ukrainian Hryvnia
2022 exchange risk sensitivity to reasonably possible changes in US Dollar against Russian Rouble and
Ukrainian Hryvnia
US Dollar strengthens US Dollar weakens
against local currency against local currency
% historical (Gain)/loss Loss/(gain)
volatility over a in income (Gain)/loss in income Loss/(gain)
12-month statement in equity statement in equity
period € million € million € million € million
Russian Rouble
Ukrainian Hryvnia
6.3 Other topics
As a result of sanctions and other regulations, there have been changes in required regulatory
approvals, potentially impacting the transfer and usage of cash outside of Russia. Cash and cash
equivalents held by the Group’s operations in Russia (including Multon) amounted to €278.7 million
equivalent in Russian Rouble, US Dollar and Euro as at 31 December 2023 (2022: €155.3 million). The
aforementioned changes restrict the usage of cash held in Russia outside the country; however, they
are not expected to have a material impact on the Group’s liquidity, as the cash and cash equivalents
held in Russia are expected to be used in the forthcoming financial periods primarily for working capital
purposes in the Russian operations.
The Group is continuously monitoring performance of its Russian and Ukrainian operations as well as
the developments in the region, to ensure timely actions and initiatives are undertaken to minimise
potential adverse impact.
7. Segmental analysis
The Group has essentially one business, being the production, sale and distribution of primarily non-
alcoholic, ready-to-drink, beverages across 29 countries. The Group’s markets are aggregated in
reportable segments as follows:
Established Austria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Northern
markets: Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Switzerland
and Global exports
Developing Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia,
markets: Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland,
Slovakia and Slovenia.
Emerging Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
markets: Bulgaria, Egypt, Moldova, Montenegro,
Nigeria, North Macedonia, Romania, the
Russian Federation, Serbia (including the
Republic of Kosovo) and Ukraine.
1. The Global exports market refers to the export business for Finlandia and Three Cents in countries where the Group does not have
operations in connection with non-alcoholic ready-to-drink beverages, established due to the Finlandia acquisition (refer to Note 24).
The Group’s chief operating decision maker is its Executive Leadership Team, which evaluates
performance and allocates resources based on volume, net sales revenue and operating profit. The
Group’s operations in the Established, Developing and Emerging markets have been aggregated on the
basis of their similar economic characteristics, assessed by reference to their net sales revenue per unit
case as well as disposable income per capita, exposure to political and economic volatility, regulatory
environments, customers and distribution infrastructures. The accounting policies of the reportable
segments are the same as those adopted by the Group.
a) Volume and net sales revenue
The Group’s sales volume in million unit cases
for the years ended 31 December was as follows:
Total volume
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
7. Segmental analysis continued
Net sales revenue per reportable segment for the years ended 31 December is presented in the
graphs below:
€3,358.5 million
€2,088.6 million
€4,736.9 million
€2,974.1 million
€1,719.7 million
€4,504.6 million
€10,184.0 million
€9,198.4 million
Sales or transfers between the Group’s segments are not material, nor are there any customers that
represent more than 10% of net sales revenue for the Group.
In addition to non-alcoholic, ready-to-drink beverages, as well as coffee and snacks (‘NARTD’), the
Group sells and distributes premium spirits. An analysis of volume and net sales revenue per product
type for the years ended 31 December is presented below:
Volume in million unit cases
Premium spirits
Total volume
Net sales revenue in € million:
Premium spirits
Total net sales revenue
2. One unit case corresponds to approximately 5.678 litres or 24 servings, being a typically used measure of volume. For premium spirits
volume, one unit case also corresponds to 5.678 litres. For biscuits volume, one unit case corresponds to 1 kilogram. For coffee volume,
one unit case corresponds to 0.5 kilograms or 5.678 litres. Volume data is derived from unaudited operational data.
Net sales revenue from external customers attributed to Switzerland (the Group’s country of domicile),
the Russian Federation
, Italy and Nigeria was as follows for the years ended 31 December:
2023 2022
€ million € million
The Russian Federation
All countries other than Switzerland, the Russian Federation,
Italy and Nigeria
Total net sales revenue from external customers
3. Net sales revenue from external customers for 2023 includes Multon, the Group’s juice business in Russia; while for 2022, Multon is included
for the period from 11 August 2022 to 31 December 2022 (refer to Note 24).
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
7. Segmental analysis continued
b) Other income statement items
2023 2022
Year ended 31 December
€ million € million
Operating profit:
Total operating profit
Finance costs:
Inter-segment finance cost
Total finance costs
Finance income:
Inter-segment finance income
Total finance income
2023 2022
Year ended 31 December
€ million € million
Income tax expense:
Total income tax expense
Reconciling items:
Share of results of non-integral equity method investments
Profit after tax
4. Corporate refers to holding, finance and other non-operating subsidiaries of the Group.
Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment and amortisation and impairment
of intangible assets included in the measure of operating profit are as follows:
2023 2022
Note € million € million
Depreciation and impairment of property,
plant and equipment:
Total depreciation and impairment of property,
plant and equipment
15, 17
Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets:
Total amortisation and impairment of intangible assets
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
7. Segmental analysis continued
c) Other items
The balance of non-current assets
attributed to Switzerland (the Group’s country of domicile), Egypt,
Italy and Nigeria was as follows for the years ended 31 December:
2023 2022
€ million € million
All countries other than Switzerland, Egypt, Italy and Nigeria
Total non-current assets
5. Excluding other financial assets, deferred tax assets, pension plan assets and trade and loans receivable.
Expenditure on property, plant and equipment per reportable segment was as follows for the years
ended 31 December:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Total expenditure of property, plant and equipment
6. Expenditure on property, plant and equipment for 2023 includes €12.3 million (2022: €8.4 million) relating to repayment of borrowings
undertaken to finance the purchase of production equipment by the Group’s subsidiary in Nigeria, classified as ‘Repayments of borrowings’
in the consolidated cash flow statement.
8. Net sales revenue
Accounting policy
The Group essentially produces, sells and distributes primarily non-alcoholic, ready-to-drink
beverages. Under IFRS 15 ‘Revenue from contracts with customers’, the Group recognises revenue
when control of the products is transferred, being when the products are delivered to the customer.
Net sales revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable and is
stated net of sales discounts and consideration paid to customers. These mainly take the form of
promotional incentives and are amortised over the terms of the related contracts as a deduction
in revenue.
The Group provides volume rebates to customers once the quantity of goods purchased during
the period exceeds a threshold specified in the contract. To estimate the variable consideration
for the expected future rebates the Group uses the most likely amount method and the amount is
recognised in net sales revenue only to the extent that it is highly probable that a significant reversal
in the amount of cumulative revenue recognised will not occur when the uncertainty associated with
the variable consideration is subsequently resolved.
A contract liability is recognised if a payment is received or a payment is due (whichever is earlier)
from a customer before the Group transfers the related goods. Contract liabilities are recognised as
revenue when the Group performs under the contract (i.e., transfers control of the related goods to
the customer).
Net sales revenue includes excise and other duties where the Group acts as a principal but excludes
amounts collected by third parties such as value-added taxes as these are not included in the
transaction price. The Group assesses these taxes and duties on a jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction basis
to conclude on the appropriate accounting treatment.
Revenue recognised in 2023 that was included in the contract liability balance at the beginning of the
year amounted to €14.4 million (2022: €11.6 million). For contract liabilities as at 31 December 2023 and
2022, refer to Note 21.
For an analysis of net sales revenue per reportable segment, refer to Note 7.
For the contributions received from The Coca-Cola Company, which are offset against consideration
paid to customers, refer to Note 28.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
9. Operating expenses
Operating expenses for the year ended 31 December comprised:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Selling expenses
Delivery expenses
Administrative expenses
Restructuring expenses
Acquisition and integration costs (refer to Note 24)
Operating expenses (excluding exceptional items related to Russia-
Ukraine conflict)
Exceptional items relating to Russia-Ukraine conflict (refer to Note 6)
Operating expenses
In 2023, operating expenses included a net gain on disposals of non-current assets of €1.3 million
(2022: €1.5 million net loss).
For the contributions received from The Coca-Cola Company, which are offset against expenses for
general marketing programmes, refer to Note 28.
a) Restructuring expenses
Accounting policy
Restructuring expenses are recorded in a separate line item within operating expenses and
comprise costs arising from significant changes in the way the Group conducts its business such
as significant supply chain infrastructure changes, outsourcing of activities and centralisation of
processes. Restructuring provisions are recognised only when the Group has a present constructive
obligation, which is when a detailed formal plan identifies the business or part of the business
concerned, the location, function and number of employees affected, a detailed estimate of the
associated costs, and an appropriate timeline as well as when the employees affected have been
notified of the plan’s main features.
As part of the effort to optimise its cost base and sustain competitiveness in the marketplace,
the Company undertakes restructuring initiatives. The restructuring expenses consist mainly of
employees’ termination benefits. Restructuring expenses per reportable segment for the years ended
31 December are presented below:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Total restructuring expenses
b) Employee costs
Employee costs for the years ended 31 December comprised:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Wages and salaries
Social security costs
Pension and other employee benefits
Termination benefits
Total employee costs
The average number of full-time equivalent employees in 2023 was 32,747 (2022: 33,043).
Employee costs for 2023 included in operating expenses and cost of goods sold amounted to
€940.9 million and €307.7 million respectively (2022: €906.9 million and 297.0 million respectively).
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9. Operating expenses continued
c) Directors’ and senior management’s remuneration
The total remuneration paid or accrued for Directors and the senior management team for the years
ended 31 December comprised:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Salaries and other short-term benefits
Performance share awards
Pension and post-employment benefits
Total remuneration
d) Auditor fees
Audit and other fees charged in the income statement concerning the auditor of the consolidated
financial statements, PricewaterhouseCoopers S.A. and affiliates, were as follows, for the years ended
31 December:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Audit fees
Audit-related fees
Other fees
Total audit and audit-related fees
Fees for audit services to firms other than PricewaterhouseCoopers S.A. and affiliates were €0.6 million
for the year ended 31 December 2023 (2022: €0.7 million).
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
10. Finance costs, net
Accounting policy
Interest income and interest expense are recognised using the effective interest rate method,
and are recorded in the income statement within ‘Finance income’ and ‘Finance cost’ respectively.
Interest expense includes finance charges with respect to leases, reclassification of the loss on
the forward starting swaps and the net impact from swaptions recorded in other comprehensive
income (refer to Note 25).
Finance costs, net for the years ended 31 December comprised:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Finance income
Interest expense
Other finance costs
Net foreign exchange remeasurement losses
Finance costs
Finance costs, net
Other finance costs include commitment fees on loan facilities (for the part not yet drawn down) and
other similar fees. Finance income relates to interest income earned from financial assets that are held
for cash management purposes as well as gain recognised from the fair value measurement of money
market funds.
For the interest expense incurred with respect to leases, refer to Note 17.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
11. Taxation
Accounting policy
Tax is recognised in the income statement, except to the extent that it relates to items recognised in
other comprehensive income or in equity. In this case, the tax is recognised in other comprehensive
income or directly in equity.
The current income tax expense is calculated on the basis of the tax laws enacted or substantively
enacted at the balance sheet date in the countries where the Group operates and generates taxable
income. Management periodically evaluates positions taken in tax returns with respect to situations
in which applicable tax regulations are subject to interpretation and establishes provisions where
appropriate, on the basis of amounts expected to be paid to the tax authorities.
Deferred tax is provided using the liability method for all temporary differences arising between
the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying values for financial reporting purposes.
However, the deferred tax liabilities are not recognised if they arise from the initial recognition of
goodwill. Deferred tax is not accounted for if it arises from initial recognition of an asset or liability in
a transaction other than a business combination that at the time of the transaction affects neither
accounting nor taxable profit or loss. Tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the balance
sheet date are those that are expected to apply when the deferred tax asset is realised or deferred
tax liability is settled.
Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will
be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised. Deferred tax assets are
recognised for tax losses carried forward to the extent that realisation of the related tax benefit
through the reduction of the future taxes is probable.
Deferred tax is provided on temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures, except where the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference
can be controlled by the Group, and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse
in the foreseeable future. This includes taxation in respect of the retained earnings of overseas
subsidiaries only to the extent that, at the balance sheet date, dividends have been accrued as
receivable or a binding agreement to distribute past earnings in future periods has been entered
into by the subsidiary.
Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset if a legally enforceable right exists to offset
current tax assets against current income tax liabilities and the deferred taxes relate to the same
taxation authority on either the same taxable entity or different taxable entities where there is an
intention to settle the balances on a net basis.
The income tax charge for the years ended 31 December was as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Current tax expense
Deferred tax expense/(income)
Income tax expense
The tax on the Group’s profit before tax differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the
weighted average tax rate applicable to profits of the consolidated entities as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Profit before tax
Tax calculated at domestic tax rates applicable to profits in the respective
Additional local taxes in foreign jurisdictions
Tax holidays in foreign jurisdictions
Expenses non-deductible for tax purposes
Income not subject to tax
Changes in tax laws and rates
Movement of accumulated tax losses
Movement of deferred tax asset not recognised
Income tax expense
Effective tax rate
Non-deductible expenses for tax purposes include marketing and advertising expenses, service fees,
loss allowance on trade receivables, entertainment expenses, certain employee benefits and other
items that, partially or in full, are not deductible for tax purposes in certain of the Group’s jurisdictions.
The Group’s effective tax rate varies depending on the mix of taxable profits by territory, the non-
deductibility of certain expenses, non-taxable income, and other one-off tax items across its
territories. The changes in applicable tax rates compared to the previous period are driven by a
combination of blended tax rates and changes in the standard corporate tax rate in certain territories of
the Group (namely Austria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Italy, Northern Ireland, Slovenia and Switzerland).
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 209
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
11. Taxation continued
The Group is subject to income taxes in numerous jurisdictions. There are many transactions and
calculations for which the ultimate tax determination cannot be assessed with certainty in the ordinary
course of business. The Group recognises a provision for potential cases that might arise in the
foreseeable future based on assessment of the probabilities as to whether additional taxes will be due.
Where the final tax outcome on these matters is different from the amounts that were initially recorded,
such differences will impact the income tax provision in the period in which such determination is
made; however, based on past experience, management expects that any such differences in the next
financial year will be immaterial for the Group. The income tax provision amounted to €82.8 million as at
31 December 2023 (2022: €67.5 million), of which €72.9 million (2022: €67.2 million) are classified in line
‘Current tax liabilities’, €0.3 million (2022: €0.3 million) in line ‘Current tax assets’ and €9.6 million (2022:
€nil) in line ‘Deferred tax liabilities’ of the consolidated balance sheet.
The income tax provision per reportable segment for the years ended 31 December was as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Total income tax provision
1. Corporate refers to holding, finance and other non-operating subsidiaries of the Group.
OECD Pillar Two model rules
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)/G20 Inclusive Framework
on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting published the Pillar Two model rules designed to address the tax
challenges arising from the digitalisation of the global economy. Under Pillar Two legislation, the Group
may be liable to pay a top-up tax for the difference between their Global Anti-Base Erosion (‘GloBE’)
effective tax rate per jurisdiction and the 15% minimum rate
As of 31 December 2023, Pillar Two
legislation has been enacted or substantively enacted in certain
jurisdictions in which the Group has presence. In particular, Pillar Two legislation was enacted or
substantively enacted in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Republic
of Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Northern Ireland.
Further countries in which the Group has presence have introduced draft legislation or declared
their intention to introduce Pillar Two legislation.
The legislation will be effective for the Group’s financial year beginning 1 January 2024. Since the Pillar
Two legislation was not effective at the reporting date, the Group has no related current tax exposure.
In May 2023, the IASB amended IAS 12 to provide timely relief for affected entities, to avoid diverse
interpretations of IAS 12 and to improve disclosures. The amendments have introduced a temporary
exception to the requirements to recognise and disclose information about deferred tax assets and
liabilities related to Pillar Two income taxes as well as additional disclosure requirements. The Group
applied the temporary exception at 31 December 2023.
The Group has performed a preliminary assessment of its potential exposure to Pillar Two income
taxes, following the transitional Pillar Two Safe Harbor rules. This assessment is based on the financial
accounts of the Constituent Entities
which have been used in the preparation of the Group’s
consolidated financial statements under IFRS as adopted by the EU for 2021, 2022 and 2023. The
assessment considers all countries in which the Group has presence and involves the assessment
of whether a local additional tax liability or a tax liability at the level of the respective holding entity is
expected to arise.
Based on the Group’s assessment, it is expected that no additional tax liability will arise in most of the
Group’s jurisdictions; however, there is a limited number of jurisdictions where the Pillar Two effective
tax rate may be lower than 15%, namely Bulgaria, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Ireland,
Moldova and Romania. While the effective tax rates in 2024 will depend on factors such as revenues,
costs and foreign currency exchange rates, an estimation based on the figures of the fiscal year 2023
indicates that, had the Pillar Two legislation been effective for the year ended 31 December 2023, the
effective tax rate under IFRS would have been approximately 0.5% higher than the reported effective
tax rate of 30.2%. On this basis, the impact of any Pillar Two additional tax liability to the Group’s
effective tax rate for 2024 is not expected to be material.
1. The top-up tax is calculated on the GloBE income after deduction of the Substance Based Excluded Income (i.e. after deducting part of
the income calculated based on the local personnel costs and local tangible assets as per Pillar Two rules).
2. Pillar Two legislation refers to OECD Global Base Anti-Erosion Rules (OECD GloBE Rules) introducing minimum taxation effective on
low-tax jurisdictions.
3. Constituent Entities are the entities in scope of the Pillar Two rules, i.e. entities included in the financial statements with full consolidation
and certain joint ventures to which CCHBC Group participates with a 50% ownership share.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
11. Taxation continued
Deferred tax assets and liabilities presented in the consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December, can
be further analysed as follows:
Deferred tax assets:
2023 2022
€ million € million
To be recovered after 12 months
To be recovered within 12 months
Gross deferred tax assets
Offset of deferred tax
Net deferred tax assets
Deferred tax liabilities:
To be recovered after 12 months
To be recovered within 12 months
Gross deferred tax liabilities
Offset of deferred tax
Net deferred tax liabilities
A reconciliation of net deferred tax is presented below:
2023 2022
€ million € million
As at 1 January
Taken to the income statement
Arising from business combinations (refer to Note 24)
Taken to other comprehensive income
Taken directly to equity
Foreign currency translation
As at 31 December
The movements in deferred tax assets and liabilities during the year, without taking into consideration
the offsetting of balances within the same tax jurisdiction where applicable, are as follows:
Tax losses Book in Other
Pensions and carry- excess of tax deferred tax
Provisions benefit plans forward depreciation Leasing assets
Deferred tax assets € million € million € million € million € million
€ million
As at 1 January 2022
Taken to the income statement
Arising from business
combinations (refer to Note 24)
Taken to other
comprehensive income
Other movements and foreign
currency translation
As at 31 December 2022
Taken to the income statement
Arising from business
combinations (refer to Note 24)
Taken to other
comprehensive income
Other movements and foreign
currency translation
As at 31 December 2023
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 211
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
11. Taxation continued
Tax in excess Other
of book Derivative deferred tax
depreciation instruments liabilities Total
Deferred tax liabilities € million € million € million € million
As at 1 January 2022
Taken to the income statement
Arising from business combinations
(refer to Note 24)
Taken to other comprehensive income
Taken directly to equity
Other movements and foreign currency
As at 31 December 2022
Taken to the income statement
Arising from business combinations
(refer to Note 24)
Taken to other comprehensive income
Taken directly to equity
Other movements and foreign
currency translation
As at 31 December 2023
Deferred tax assets recognised for tax losses carry-forward in accordance with the relevant local rules
applying in the Group’s jurisdictions can be analysed as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Attributable to tax losses that expire within five years
Attributable to tax losses that expire after five years
Attributable to tax losses that can be carried forward indefinitely
Recognised deferred tax assets attributable to tax losses
The Group has unrecognised deferred tax assets attributable to tax losses that are available to
carry forward against future taxable income of €28.6 million (2022: €29.1 million). These are analysed
as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Attributable to tax losses that expire within five years
Attributable to tax losses that expire after five years
Unrecognised deferred tax assets attributable to tax losses
The aggregate amount of distributable reserves arising from the realised earnings of the Group’s
operations was €3,871.2 million in 2023 (2022: €3,574.8 million). No deferred tax liabilities have been
recognised on such reserves given that their distribution is controlled by the Group, or in the event of
plans to remit overseas earnings of subsidiaries, such distribution would not give rise to a tax liability.
12. Earnings per share
Accounting policy
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net profit attributable to the owners of the
parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year. The
weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year is the number of ordinary
shares outstanding at the beginning of the year, adjusted by the number of ordinary shares bought
back or issued during the year multiplied by a time-weighting factor. Diluted earnings per share
incorporates stock options for which the average share price for the year is in excess of the exercise
price of the stock option and which create a dilutive effect.
The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share attributable to the owners of the parent
entity is based on the following data:
Net profit attributable to the owners of the parent (€ million)
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of basic
earnings per share (million)
Effect of dilutive stock options on number of shares (million)
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of diluted
earnings per share (million)
Basic earnings per share (€)
Diluted earnings per share (€)
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
13. Components of other comprehensive income
The components of other comprehensive income for the years ended 31 December comprise:
Before tax Income tax Net of tax Before tax Income tax Net of tax
€ million € million € million € million € million € million
Cost of hedging (refer to Note 25)
(3.5 )
Cash flow hedges (refer to Note 25)
Foreign currency translation losses
(252.6 )
Valuation gain/(loss) on equity
investments at fair value through
other comprehensive income
(0.1 )
Actuarial (losses)/gains
Share of other comprehensive (loss)/
income of equity method investments
Reclassification of share of other
comprehensive income of equity method
investments to the income statement,
arising from business combinations
(refer to Note 24)
Other comprehensive loss
(18.3 )
The foreign currency translation losses for 2023 primarily related to the Nigerian Naira, the Russian
Rouble and the Egyptian Pound, while the losses from the foreign currency translation for 2022
primarily related to the Egyptian Pound and the Russian Rouble.
14. Intangible assets
Accounting policy
Intangible assets consist of goodwill, franchise agreements, trademarks and water rights. Goodwill
and other indefinite-lived intangible assets are carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses,
while intangible assets with finite lives are amortised over their useful economic lives. The useful
lives, both finite and indefinite, assigned to intangible assets are evaluated on an annual basis.
Intangible assets with indefinite lives (‘not subject to amortisation’)
Intangible assets not subject to amortisation consist of goodwill, franchise agreements and
Goodwill is the excess of the consideration transferred over the fair value of the share of net assets
acquired. Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on the acquisition of subsidiaries are treated
as the assets and liabilities of those subsidiaries. These balances are denominated in the functional
currency of the subsidiary and are translated to Euro on a basis consistent with the other assets
and liabilities of the subsidiary.
The useful life of franchise agreements is usually based on the term of the respective franchise
agreements. The Coca-Cola Company does not grant perpetual franchise rights outside the
United States. However, given the Group’s strategic relationship with The Coca-Cola Company
and consistent with past experience, the Group believes that franchise agreements will continue
to be renewed at each expiration date with no significant costs. The Group has concluded that the
franchise agreements are perpetual in nature and they have therefore been assigned indefinite
useful lives.
The Group’s trademarks are assigned an indefinite useful life when they have an established sales
history in the applicable region, it is the intention of the Group to receive a benefit from them
indefinitely and there is no indication that this will not be the case.
Goodwill and other indefinite-lived intangible assets are tested for impairment annually and
whenever there is an indication of impairment.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
14. Intangible assets continued
For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill is allocated to each of the Group’s cash-generating
units expected to benefit from the business combination in which the goodwill arose. Other
indefinite-lived intangible assets are also allocated to the Group’s cash-generating units expected
to benefit from those intangibles. The cash-generating units (‘unit’) to which goodwill and other
indefinite-lived intangible assets have been allocated are tested for impairment annually, or more
frequently when there is an indication that the unit may be impaired. If the recoverable amount
(i.e. the higher of the value-in-use and fair value less costs to sell) of the cash-generating unit is less
than the carrying amount of the unit, the impairment loss is allocated first to reduce the carrying
amount of any goodwill allocated to the unit and then pro-rata to the other assets of the unit on
the basis of the carrying amount of each asset in the unit. Impairment losses recognised against
goodwill are not reversed in subsequent periods.
Intangible assets with finite lives
Intangible assets with finite lives mainly consist of water rights and certain brands, are amortised
over their useful economic lives and are carried at cost less accumulated amortisation and
impairment losses. Intangible assets with finite lives are reviewed for impairment whenever
events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable.
Critical accounting estimates
Determining whether goodwill or indefinite-lived intangible assets are impaired requires an
estimation of the value-in-use of the cash-generating units to which they have been allocated
in order to determine the recoverable amount of the cash-generating units. The value-in-use
calculation requires the Group to estimate the future cash flows expected to arise from the
cash-generating unit, discounted at an appropriate rate. Estimating the discounted future cash
flows involves a significant degree of uncertainty. The value-in-use estimation is sensitive to the
discount rate used as well as the perpetuity growth rates used for extrapolation purposes. The key
assumptions used to determine the recoverable amount for the different cash-generating units,
including a sensitivity analysis where possible changes to these key assumptions could eliminate the
remaining headroom, are disclosed and further explained below under ‘Annual impairment test for
goodwill and other indefinite-lived intangible assets’ section.
The movements in intangible assets by classes of assets during the year are as follows:
Franchise intangible
Goodwill agreements Trademarks assets Total
€ million € million € million € million € million
As at 1 January 2022
Arising from business combinations (refer to Note 24)
Impairment (refer to Note 6)
Foreign currency translation
As at 31 December 2022
As at 1 January 2022
Charge for the year
As at 31 December 2022
Net book value as at 1 January 2022
Net book value as at 31 December 2022
As at 1 January 2023
Arising from business combinations (refer to Note 24)
Foreign currency translation
As at 31 December 2023
As at 1 January 2023
Charge for the year
As at 31 December 2023
Net book value as at 1 January 2023
Net book value as at 31 December 2023
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
14. Intangible assets continued
Impairment losses of €13.7 million in 2022 relate to the impairment of goodwill in connection with the
Group’s Russian cash-generating unit (refer to Note 6).
In 2023, the Group recognised an impairment loss of €3.1 million in connection with its self-serve coffee
vending business in Poland (the ‘Costa Express Business’), as the recoverable amount was lower than
the carrying amount. The recoverable amount was determined based on value-in-use calculations,
considering management’s best estimates of future cash flows expected to arise from the business,
discounted at a rate of 7.7%. The impairment was driven mainly by a change in expectations regarding
scope and duration of a contract with a key customer. The impairment loss was allocated to goodwill
(€1.1 million) and other finite-lived intangible assets (€2.0 million), and was included in line ‘Operating
expenses’ of the consolidated income statement and under Developing markets for segmental
allocation purposes.
In addition, impairment losses of €109.4 million in 2023 relate to the impairment of goodwill of the
Group’s Egyptian cash-generating unit. For details on the impairment testing of the Group’s Egyptian
cash-generating unit, refer to section ‘Annual impairment test for goodwill and other indefinite-lived
intangible assets’ below.
Intangible assets not subject to amortisation amounted to €2,559.0 million (2022: €2,529.7 million), and
are presented in the charts below:
€1,820.8 million
Franchise agreements
€333.8 million
€404.4 million
€1,926.0 million
Franchise agreements
€395.8 million
€207.9 million
€2,559.0 million
€2,529.7 million
The carrying value of intangible assets subject to amortisation amounted to €9.6 million
(2022: €12.8 million) and comprised water rights of €5.3 million, trademarks of €3.9 million and
other intangible assets of €0.4 million (2022: €6.0 million water rights, €4.2 million trademarks and
€2.6 million other intangible assets).
Annual impairment test for goodwill and other indefinite-lived intangible assets
The recoverable amount of each cash-generating unit was determined through a value-in-use
calculation. This calculation uses cash flow forecasts based on financial budgets approved by the Board
of Directors covering a one-year period and cash flow forecasts for four additional years. Cash flows for
years two to five are forecasted by management based on operation and market-specific assumptions
including growth rates, forecast selling prices, direct costs and operating expenses. Management
determined gross margins based on past performance, expectations for the development of the
market and expectations about raw materials’ costs. Cash flows for the subsequent years after the
forecast period are extrapolated using perpetuity growth rates which reflect management’s best
estimate of industry growth, considering long-term inflation and gross domestic product forecasts
specific to the countries of operation. The discount rates used by management represent the current
market assessment of the risks specific to each cash-generating unit, taking into consideration the
time value of money and are derived from the weighted average cost of capital. The Group applies
post-tax discount rates to post-tax cash flows as the valuation calculated using this method closely
approximates to applying pre-tax discount rates to pre-tax cash flows.
Management also considered the potential adverse impact to future cash flows arising from climate
change risk, under different scenarios. These scenarios included the increased capital expenditure
required to mitigate climate-related risks and focused on the impact from disruptions to production
and distribution due to extreme weather as well as the increased cost of water and carbon emissions.
The Group will continue to refine its approach on climate-related risks and opportunities in the
impairment assessment, as greater understanding of the potential impacts on the Group’s business
is obtained.
Except for the impairment in the goodwill of the Egyptian cash-generating unit analysed below, no
further impairment of goodwill and other indefinite-lived assets was identified during the annual
impairment test of 2023.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
14. Intangible assets continued
The following chart and accompanying table set forth the percentage and carrying value respectively
of goodwill and other indefinite-lived intangible assets for those cash-generating units whose carrying
value is greater than or equal to 9% of the total, as at 31 December 2023.
Intangible assets not
subject to amortisation as
at 31 December 2023
The Republic of Ireland
and Northern Ireland
Koncern Bambi a.d. Požarevac
All other cash-generating units
Goodwill agreements Trademarks Total
€ million € million € million € million
The Republic of Ireland and
Northern Ireland
Koncern Bambi a.d.
All other cash-generating
The key assumptions for these cash-generating units are presented below:
Growth rate in Post-tax discount Pre-tax discount
perpetuity (%) rate (%) rate (%)
The Republic of Ireland and
Northern Ireland
Koncern Bambi a.d. Požarevac
For the cash-generating units of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland and Koncern Bambi a.d.
Požarevac, the growth rate in perpetuity as estimated by management was higher than that expected
for the industry in general. This is attributable to the strength of the Group’s brand portfolio, which
is amongst the strongest and broadest in the industry. The Group has historically achieved higher
revenue growth than the industry leveraging the strength of its portfolio, while it continually invests
in brand-related innovations to remain relevant, be able to cater to all consumption occasions and
increase market share.
Impairment of Egyptian cash-generating unit
We disclosed in our 2022 Integrated Annual Report that in the cash-generating unit (‘unit’) of Egypt,
reasonably possible changes in key assumptions of the 2022 impairment test would remove the
remaining headroom. During 2023, we experienced worsening macroeconomic factors in the country,
with inflation persisting at record-high levels, more than double the upper bound of the Central Bank of
Egypt’s target band, and increasing risk of foreign currency crisis due to low reserves, while geopolitical
tensions in the Middle East negatively impacted the financial performance of the unit in late 2023.
The Group performed its annual impairment test in 2023, which resulted in an impairment loss for
its Egyptian unit of €109.4 million, as the recoverable amount was lower than the carrying amount
of the unit. The recoverable amount was determined based on value-in-use calculations consistent
with those performed in 2022, updated to consider management’s best estimates of expected cash
flows and a higher discount rate, reflective of the increased macroeconomic uncertainty in Egypt, as
discussed above. The impairment loss was allocated in its entirety to reduce the carrying amount of
goodwill allocated to the unit and was included in line ‘Operating expenses’ of the consolidated income
statement and under Emerging markets for segmental allocation purposes.
The following table sets out the key assumptions used in the impairment assessment of the Egyptian unit:
December 2023
December 2022
Growth rate in perpetuity
Post-tax discount rate
Pre-tax discount rate
As at 31 December 2023, the recoverable amount of the Egyptian unit was approximately €340 million.
The Group continues to closely monitor its Egyptian unit in order to ensure that timely actions and
initiatives are undertaken to minimise potential adverse impacts on its expected performance.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
15. Property, plant and equipment
Accounting policy
All property, plant and equipment is initially recorded at cost and subsequently measured at cost
less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Subsequent expenditure is added to the
carrying value of the asset when it is probable that future economic benefits, in excess of the original
assessed standard of performance of the existing asset, will flow to the operation and the costs
can be measured reliably. All other subsequent expenditure is expensed in the period in which it
is incurred.
Assets under construction are recorded as part of property, plant and equipment, and depreciation
on these assets commences when the assets are made available for use.
Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis to allocate the depreciable amount over the
estimated useful life of the assets as follows:
Freehold buildings and improvements
40 years
Leasehold buildings and improvements
Over the lease term, up to 40 years
Production equipment
4 to 20 years
5 to 8 years
Computer hardware and software
3 to 10 years
Marketing equipment
3 to 10 years
Fixtures and fittings
8 years
Returnable containers
3 to 12 years
Freehold land is not depreciated as it is considered to have an indefinite life.
Deposits received for returnable containers by customers are accounted for as deposit liabilities
(refer to Note 21).
Residual values and useful lives of assets are reviewed and adjusted if appropriate at each balance
sheet date. Climate change-related risks and relevant mitigation and adaptation actions may impact
the useful lives of property, plant and equipment. The Group monitors the potential impact of
climate change-related risks and associated legislation in the context of its review of the useful lives
and no impact has been identified.
Property, plant and equipment is reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in
circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is
recognised for the amount by which the carrying amount of the asset exceeds its recoverable
amount, which is the higher of the asset’s fair value less cost to sell and its value-in-use. For the
purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest level of separately identifiable
cash flows.
For the accounting policy regarding right-of-use assets, refer to Note 17 ‘Leases’.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
15. Property, plant and equipment continued
Land and Plant and Returnable Assets under
buildings equipment containers construction Total
€ million € million € million € million € million
As at 1 January 2022
Arising from business combinations (refer to Note 24)
Reclassified from right-of-use assets
Reclassified to assets held for sale (refer to Note 20)
Foreign currency translation
As at 31 December 2022
Depreciation and impairment
As at 1 January 2022
Charge for the year
Reclassified from right-of-use assets
Reclassified to assets held for sale (refer to Note 20)
Foreign currency translation
As at 31 December 2022
Net book value as at 31 December 2022 excluding
right-of-use assets
Net book value of right-of-use assets as at
31 December 2022
Net book value as at 31 December 2022
Land and Plant and Returnable Assets under
buildings equipment containers construction Total
€ million € million € million € million € million
As at 1 January 2023
Reclassified to assets held for sale (refer to Note 20)
Reclassified from assets held for sale (refer to Note 20)
Foreign currency translation
As at 31 December 2023
Depreciation and impairment
As at 1 January 2023
Charge for the year
Reclassified to assets held for sale (refer to Note 20)
Reclassified from assets held for sale (refer to Note 20)
Foreign currency translation
As at 31 December 2023
Net book value as at 31 December 2023 excluding
right-of-use assets
Net book value of right-of-use assets as at
31 December 2023
Net book value as at 31 December 2023
1. Line ‘Reclassified from right-of-use assets’ for 2022 relates to the reclassification from right-of-use assets to land and buildings and plant
and equipment of €12.5 million on a net book value basis, following the exercise of purchase options included in the lease contracts.
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15. Property, plant and equipment continued
Assets under construction at 31 December 2023 include advances for equipment purchases of
€78.6 million (2022: €63.2 million). The depreciation charge for the year, including that for right-of-
use assets (refer to Note 17), recognised in operating expenses and cost of goods sold amounted to
€203.7 million (2022: €209.6 million) and €181.4 million (2022: €193.8 million) respectively.
Impairment of property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets
In 2022, the Group recorded impairment losses of €1.6 million, €0.9 million and €81.4 million, and
reversals of impairment of €0.6 million, €0.2 million and €1.6 million relating to property, plant and
equipment in the Established, Developing and Emerging segments respectively. Net impairment losses
of €60.9 million, relating to property, plant and equipment in the Emerging segment are included in
the exceptional items related to Russia-Ukraine conflict (refer to Note 6). The impaired assets, being
mainly buildings, production and cold drink equipment, were written down based mainly on value-in-
use calculations.
In 2023, the Group recorded impairment losses of €5.1 million, €3.6 million and €10.4 million, and
reversals of impairment of €nil, €nil and €4.4 million relating to property, plant and equipment in the
Established, Developing and Emerging segments respectively. The impaired assets, being mainly
production equipment and returnable containers, were written down based mainly on value-in-use
calculations. The Group also recorded impairment losses of €0.1 million and reversals of impairment
of €nil relating to right-of-use assets in the Established segment.
16. Interests in other entities
The following are the principal subsidiaries of the Group as at 31 December:
% of voting rights
% ownership
Country of registration
Adelink Ltd
AS Coca-Cola HBC Eesti
Brown-Forman Finland Oy
CC Beverages Holdings II B.V.
The Netherlands
CCB Management Services GmbH
CCHBC Bulgaria AD
CCHBC IT Services Limited
CCHBC Reinsurance Designated Activity
Republic of Ireland
CCHBC Ventures BV
The Netherlands
CCH CirculaRPET S.r.l.
Coca-Cola Beverages Belorussiya
Coca-Cola Imbuteliere Chisinau SRL
Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine Ltd
Coca-Cola HBC Austria GmbH
Bosnia and
Coca-Cola HBC B-H d.o.o. Sarajevo
Coca-Cola HBC Česká a Slovensko, s.r.o.
organizačná zložka
Coca-Cola HBC Česko a Slovensko, s.r.o.
Czech Republic
Coca-Cola HBC Cyprus Ltd
Coca-Cola HBC Egypt
Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V.
The Netherlands
Coca-Cola HBC Greece S.A.I.C.
Coca-Cola HBC Holdings B.V.
The Netherlands
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
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16. Interests in other entities continued
% of voting rights
% ownership
Country of registration
Coca-Cola HBC Hrvatska d.o.o.
Coca-Cola HBC Hungary Ltd
Coca-Cola HBC Ireland Limited
Republic of Ireland
Coca-Cola HBC Italia S.r.l.
Coca-Cola HBC Kosovo L.L.C.
Coca-Cola HBC Northern Ireland Limited
Northern Ireland
Coca-Cola HBC Polska sp. z o.o.
Coca-Cola HBC Romania Ltd
Coca-Cola HBC Services MEPE
Coca-Cola HBC Slovenija d.o.o.
Coca-Cola HBC Sourcing B.V.
The Netherlands
Coca-Cola HBC Switzerland Ltd
Coca-Cola HBC-Srbija d.o.o.
Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling
Company-Crna Gora d.o.o., Podgorica
Coca-Cola Hellenic Business
Service Organisation
Coca-Cola Hellenic Procurement GmbH
dCommerce Solutions BV
The Netherlands
ESM Effervescent Sodas
Management Limited
Koncern Bambi a.d. Požarevac
Multon AO
Multon Partners LLC
Nigerian Bottling Company Ltd
SIA Coca-Cola HBC Latvia
Three Cents Hellas Single Member S.A.
UAB Coca-Cola HBC Lietuva
1. Following unilateral waiver by The Coca-Cola Company of certain of its governance rights, Coca-Cola HBC acquired control of Multon AO
Group of companies effective 11 August 2022 (refer to Note 24).
2. Brown-Forman Finland Oy was acquired on 1 November 2023 (refer to Note 24).
3. CCHBC Ventures BV was established on 21 April 2023.
4. Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Egypt S.A.E. was acquired on 13 January 2022 (refer to Note 24) and was renamed to Coca-Cola HBC Egypt
as of 18 June 2023.
5. ESM Effervescent Sodas Management Limited and its subsidiary Three Cents Hellas Single Member S.A. were acquired on 21 October 2022
(refer to Note 24).
6. LLC Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia was renamed to Multon Partners LLC as of 29 July 2022.
Associates and joint arrangements
Accounting policy
Equity method investments comprise investments in associates and joint arrangements and are
classified into integral and non-integral on the basis of whether they are considered part of the
Group’s core operations and strategy.
Investments in associates
Investments in associated undertakings are accounted for by the equity method of accounting.
Associated undertakings are all entities over which the Group has significant influence but not
control, generally accompanying a shareholding of between 20% and 50% of the voting rights.
The equity method of accounting involves recognising the Group’s share of the associates’ post-
acquisition profit or loss and movements in other comprehensive income for the period in the
income statement and statement of other comprehensive income respectively. Unrealised gains
and losses resulting from transactions between the Group and the associate are eliminated to the
extent of the interest in the associate.
The Group’s interest in each associate is carried in the balance sheet at an amount that reflects
its share of the net assets of the associate and includes goodwill on acquisition. When the Group’s
share of losses in an associate equals or exceeds its interest in the associate, the Group does not
recognise further losses, unless the Group has incurred obligations or made payments on behalf
of the associate.
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16. Interests in other entities continued
Investments in joint arrangements
Joint arrangements are arrangements in which the Group has contractually agreed sharing of
control, which exists only when decisions about the relevant activities require unanimous consent.
Joint arrangements are classified as joint ventures or joint operations depending upon the rights
and obligations arising from the joint arrangement.
The Group classifies a joint arrangement as a joint venture when the Group has rights to the net
assets of the arrangement. The Group accounts for its interests in joint ventures using the equity
method of accounting as described in the section above.
The Group classifies a joint arrangement as a joint operation when the Group has the rights to the
assets, and obligations for the liabilities, of the arrangement and accounts for each of its assets,
liabilities, revenues and expenses, including its share of those held or incurred jointly, in relation to
the joint operation.
If facts and circumstances change, the Group reassesses whether it still has joint control and
whether the type of joint arrangement in which it is involved has changed.
Critical accounting judgements
The Group participates in several joint arrangements. Judgement is required in order to determine
the classification of the Group’s joint arrangements as joint ventures where the Group has rights to
the net assets of the arrangement, or joint operations where the Group has rights to the assets and
obligations for the liabilities of the arrangement. In making this assessment, consideration is given
to the legal form of the arrangement, and the contractual terms and conditions, as well as other
facts and circumstances (including the economic rationale of the arrangement and the impact of
the relevant legal framework). The Group participates in a number of joint arrangements with The
Coca-Cola Company in connection with its water business across its markets, the classification of
which involves a significant degree of judgement due to the complexity of the underlying contractual
arrangements of the business model and the diversity of the relevant legal frameworks across
Equity-method investments
Changes in the carrying amounts of equity method investments are as follows:
Joint ventures Associates Total
€ million € million € million
As at 1 January 2022
Impairment (refer to Note 6)
Gain on remeasurement of previously held equity interest
arising from business combination
Deemed disposal arising from business combination
(refer to Note 24)
Capital increase
Share of results of equity method investments
Share of other comprehensive income of equity method
Share of total comprehensive income
As at 31 December 2022
Share of results of equity method investments
Share of other comprehensive income of equity method
Share of total comprehensive income
Decrease due to other movements
As at 31 December 2023
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16. Interests in other entities continued
The carrying amount of equity method investments as at 31 December 2023 comprises integral and
non-integral equity method investments as follows:
Joint ventures Associates Total
€ million € million € million
Integral equity method investments
Non-integral equity method investments
Total equity method investments
a) Investments in joint ventures
The Group has a 50% interest in Multon AO Group of companies (‘Multon’), which is engaged in the
production and distribution of juices in Russia and was jointly controlled by the Group and The Coca-
Cola Company until August 2022 (the joint arrangement was classified as a joint venture, as its structure
provided to the Group rights to its net assets). In August 2022, The Coca-Cola Company unilaterally
waived certain of its governance rights in connection with its 50% interest in Multon, which were
accordingly assumed by the Group. As a result, considering the criteria set out in IFRS 10 ‘Consolidated
financial statements’, the Group concluded that, effective 11 August 2022, it controls Multon (refer to
Note 24).
As a result of the change in control of Multon described above, on 11 August 2022 the Group
remeasured the previously held equity interest in Multon at its fair value (refer to Note 24), which
resulted in a gain of €70.8 million, which was presented in line ‘Gain on remeasurement of previously
held equity interest arising from business combination’ of the table on page 221, regarding 2022
changes in the carrying amount of equity method investments. The Group then proceeded to
derecognise the resulting carrying amount of Multon investment of approximately €250 million, against
the fair value of the identifiable net assets recognised (refer to Note 24), which was presented in line
Deemed disposal arising from business combination’ of the table on page 221, regarding 2022 changes
in the carrying amount of equity method investments.
Apart from Multon, the Group has a significant joint venture with Heineken, through its 50% interest
in AD Pivara Skopje, which is engaged in the bottling and distribution of soft drinks and beer in North
Macedonia. The structure of the joint venture provides the Group with rights to its net assets.
Summarised financial information of the Group’s significant joint ventures is presented below.
The information below reflects the amounts presented in the IFRS financial statements of the joint
venture, amended to reflect adjustments made when using the equity method, including fair value
adjustments and not the Group’s share in these amounts.
Multon AO Group of companies € million
Summarised statement of comprehensive income
Interest income
Interest expense
Profit before tax
Income tax expense
Profit after tax
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income
1. The summarised statement of comprehensive income for 2022 reflects the period up to 11 August, during which Multon was classified as a
joint venture.
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16. Interests in other entities continued
2023 2022
AD Pivara Skopje € million € million
Summarised balance sheet:
Non-current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Other current assets
Total current assets
Other current liabilities (including trade payables)
Total current liabilities
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities
Net assets
Summarised statement of comprehensive income:
Interest expense
Profit before tax
Income tax expense
Profit after tax
Total comprehensive income
Dividends received
2023 2022
AD Pivara Skopje € million € million
Reconciliation of net assets to carrying amount:
Closing net assets
Interest in joint venture at 50%
Non-controlling interest
Carrying value
Summarised financial information of the Group’s investment in other joint ventures is as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Carrying amount
Share of profit
Share of other comprehensive income
Share of total comprehensive income
b) Investment in associates
The Group has one significant associate, being Casa Del Caffè Vergnano S.p.A. (‘Caffè Vergnano’),
a premium Italian coffee company in which the Group holds a 30% equity shareholding. The
corresponding investment is classified as an associate, as the Group has significant influence over the
investee. The Group has also entered into an exclusive distribution agreement for Caffè Vergnano’s
products in all its territories outside of Italy. The investment is accounted for using the equity method
and is further classified as a non-integral equity method investment in the consolidated financial
statements of the Group, considering that the distribution agreement is separate to the shareholding.
During 2022, acquisition costs of €0.8 million accrued in 2021 in connection with the investment in
Caffè Vergnano were paid and presented in line ‘Payments for non-integral equity method investments’
of the consolidated cash flow statement, while in 2023 €0.2 million of accrued acquisition costs were
The information below reflects the amounts presented in the financial statements of Caffè Vergnano
under Italian law, amended to reflect adjustments made by the associate when using the equity
method, including fair value adjustments and not the Group’s share in those amounts.
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16. Interests in other entities continued
2023 2022
Caffè Vergnano € million € million
Summarised balance sheet:
Non-current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Other current assets
Total current assets
Other current liabilities (including trade payables)
Total current liabilities
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities
Net assets
Summarised statement of comprehensive income:
Loss before tax
Income tax
Loss after tax
Total comprehensive loss
Reconciliation of net assets to carrying amount:
Closing net assets
Interest in associate at 30%
Acquisition costs
Carrying value
Summarised financial information of the Group’s investment in other associates is as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Carrying amount
Share of profit
Share of other comprehensive loss
Share of total comprehensive (loss)/income
We disclosed in our 2022 Integrated Annual Report that Frigoglass Industries (Nigeria) Limited, an
associate in which the Group holds an effective interest of 23.9% (2022: 23.9%) through its subsidiary
Nigerian Bottling Company Ltd, was guarantor under the amended banking facilities and notes issued
by the Frigoglass Group. This guarantee expired in April 2023 as part of the restructuring of Frigoglass
Group (refer to Note 28). However, Frigoglass Industries (Nigeria) Limited is a guarantor for the new
senior secured notes issued in 2023 by the restructured Frigoglass Group. The Group has no direct
exposure arising from this guarantee arrangement, but the Group’s investment in this associate, which
stood at €14.0 million as at 31 December 2023 (2022: €21.1 million), would be at potential risk if there
was a default under the terms of the senior secured notes and the restructured Frigoglass Group
(including the guarantor) was unable to meet its obligations thereunder.
c) Joint operations
Other joint operations of the Group with The Coca-Cola Company comprise mainly a 50% interest
in each of the water businesses listed below, which are engaged in the production and distribution of
water in the respective countries.
Joint operation
Fonti del Vulture
Neptuno Vandenys
In addition, the Group has entered into a joint operation arrangement with HEINEKEN Romania S.A.,
whereby it holds a 50% interest in Stockday S.R.L., an online business-to-business platform and
distributor in Romania.
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
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17. Leases
Accounting policy
Leases for which the Group is in a lessee position are recognised as a right-of-use asset and a
corresponding lease liability at the date at which the leased asset is available for use by the Group.
Assets and liabilities arising from a lease are initially measured on a net-present-value basis and
are recognised as part of ‘Property, plant and equipment’, ‘Current borrowings’ and ‘Non-current
borrowings’ in the consolidated balance sheet, respectively.
Lease contracts may contain both lease and non-lease components. The Group allocates the
consideration in the contract to the lease and non-lease component respectively. Consideration
relevant to the non-lease component is recognised as an expense in the consolidated income
statement over the period of the lease.
Lease liabilities include the net present value of the following lease payments:
a) fixed payments (including in-substance fixed payments) over the lease term, less any lease
incentives receivable;
b) variable lease payments that are based on an index or a rate;
c) amounts expected to be payable by the lessee under residual value guarantees;
d) the exercise price of a purchase option if the Group is reasonably certain it will exercise that
option; and
e) payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the Group exercising
that option.
When adjustments to lease payments based on an index or rate take effect, the lease liability
is reassessed and adjusted against the right-of-use asset.
Variable lease payments that do not depend on an index or a rate are recognised as an expense
in the period in which the event or condition that triggers the payment occurs.
The lease payments are discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease (if that rate can
be determined), or the incremental borrowing rate of the lease, being the rate that the individual
lessee would have to pay to borrow the funds necessary to obtain an asset of similar value in a similar
economic environment with similar terms, security and conditions. In determining the incremental
borrowing rate to be used, the Group applies judgement to establish the suitable reference rate and
credit spread.
Each lease payment is allocated between the liability (principal) and finance cost. The interest
expense is charged to the consolidated income statement as part of ‘Finance costs’ over the lease
period so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability
for each period.
Right-of-use assets are measured at cost comprising the following:
a) the amount of the initial measurement of lease liability;
b) any lease payments made at or before the commencement date less any lease
incentives received;
c) any initial direct costs; and
d) any restoration costs.
The right-of-use assets are depreciated over the shorter of the assets’ useful life and the lease term
on a straight-line basis. If the Group is reasonably certain to exercise a purchase option, the right-of-
use asset is depreciated over the underlying asset’s useful life.
The Group utilises a number of practical expedients permitted by the standard, namely:
1) applying the recognition exemption to short-term leases (i.e. leases with a term of 12 months
or less) that do not contain a purchase option; and
2) applying the recognition exemption to leases of underlying assets with a low value, which mainly
comprise IT equipment.
Payments associated with short-term leases and leases of low-value assets are recognised on a
straight-line basis as an expense in the consolidated income statement.
In determining the lease term, management considers all facts and circumstances that create an
economic incentive to exercise an extension option, or not exercise a termination option. Extension
options (or periods after termination options) are only included in the lease term if the lease is
reasonably certain to be extended (or not terminated). The assessment is revised if a significant
event or a significant change in circumstances occurs, which affects this assessment and which is
within the control of the lessee.
Lease payments are presented as follows in the consolidated cash flow statement:
short-term lease payments, payments for leases of low-value assets and variable lease payments
that are not included in the measurement of the lease liabilities are presented within cash flows
from operating activities;
payments for the interest element of recognised lease liabilities are included in ‘Interest paid
within cash flows from financing activities; and
payments for the principal element of recognised lease liabilities are presented within cash flows
from financing activities.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
17. Leases continued
Leasing activities
The leases which are recorded on the consolidated balance sheet are principally in respect of buildings
and vehicles. Lease terms are negotiated on an individual basis and contain a wide range of different
terms and conditions.
Extension and termination options are included in a number of leases across the Group. These are used
to maximise operational flexibility in terms of managing the assets used in the Group’s operations.
Extension options considered reasonably certain to be exercised relate to both buildings and motor
vehicles and do not exceed one year. Most termination options have not been considered reasonably
certain to be exercised.
The Group’s carrying amount of lease liability is presented below as at 31 December:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Current lease liability
Non-current lease liability
Total lease liability (refer to Note 26)
For the carrying amount of right-of-use assets per class of underlying asset, refer to Note 15.
The Group’s additions to right-of-use assets for the years ended 31 December are as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Land and buildings
Plant and equipment
Total additions
Right-of-use assets arising on business combinations in 2023 amounted to €6.7 million (2022: €40.1
million) (refer to Note 24).
The consolidated income statement includes the following amounts relating to depreciation and
impairment of right-of-use assets:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Land and buildings
Plant and equipment
Total depreciation and impairment charge
The following expenses have been included in cost of goods sold and operating expenses:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Expense relating to short-term leases
Expense relating to leases of low-value assets
Expense relating to variable lease payments
Interest expense on leases in 2023 was €16.1 million (2022: €16.4 million) and is recorded within
Finance costs’ in the consolidated income statement (refer to Note 10).
The total cash outflow for leases in 2023 was €109.3 million (2022: €103.6 million).
Expenses relating to short-term leases in 2023 and 2022 comprise consideration for leases with
a term of 12 months or less used to cover seasonal business needs.
18. Inventories
Accounting policy
Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value.
Cost for raw materials and consumables is determined on a weighted average basis. Cost for work
in progress and finished goods comprises the cost of direct materials and labour plus attributable
overhead costs. Cost of inventories includes all costs incurred to bring the product to its present
location and condition.
Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the
estimated costs necessary to complete and sell the inventory.
Inventories consisted of the following as at 31 December:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Finished goods
Raw materials and work in progress
Total inventories
The amount of inventories recognised as an expense during 2023 was €4,989.5 million (2022: €4,509.6
million, including €1.1 million of write-offs related to Russia-Ukraine conflict). During 2023, provision for
obsolete inventories recognised as an expense amounted to €31.1 million (2022: €19.2 million), whereas
provision reversed in the year amounted to €3.8 million (2022: €0.4 million).
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
19. Trade, other receivables and assets
Accounting policy
Trade receivables are amounts due from customers for goods sold or services performed in the
ordinary course of business. They are initially recognised at fair value and subsequently measured
at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. The normal credit terms are between
7-90 days upon delivery.
The Group applies the IFRS 9 simplified approach for trade and other receivables and follows an
Expected Credit Losses (‘ECLs’) approach for measuring the allowance of its trade receivables.
The expected loss rate is assessed on the basis of historical credit losses of 24 months before the
year end and adjusted to reflect current and forward-looking information. ECLs are based on the
difference between the contractual cash flows due in accordance with the contract and all the cash
flows that the Group expects to receive. The carrying amount of the receivable is reduced by the
loss allowance, which is recognised as part of operating expenses. If a trade receivable ultimately
becomes uncollectible, it is written off initially against any loss allowance made in respect of that
receivable with any excess recognised as part of operating expenses. Subsequent recoveries
of amounts previously written off or loss allowance no longer required are credited against
operating expenses.
The Group has entered into a contract that provides insurance coverage against defaulted
trade receivables. This contract meets the definition of a financial guarantee contract, which
is in substance part of the contract terms (that is, integral to the trade receivables) and is not
recognised separately. Therefore, the expected cash flows from the credit insurance are included
in the measurement of ECLs of trade receivables.
Loans are initially recognised at the fair value net of transaction costs incurred. After initial
recognition, all interest-bearing loans are subsequently measured at amortised cost. Amortised
cost is calculated using the effective interest rate method whereby any discount, premium
or transaction costs associated with a loan are amortised to the income statement over the
lending period.
Trade, other receivables and assets consisted of the following as at 31 December:
Current assets
Non-current assets
2023 2022 2023 2022
€ million € million € million € million
Trade receivables
Receivables from related parties
(refer to Note 28)
Loans receivable
Receivables from sale of property, plant and
Loans and advances to employees
Other receivables
Total trade and other receivables
Pension plan assets (refer to Note 22)
Non-current income tax receivable
VAT and other taxes receivable
Total other assets
Total trade, other receivables and assets
An amount of €52.7 million (2022: €50.0 million) included in ‘Other receivables’ relates to receivables
from brand partners in the sale and distribution of premium spirits and energy drinks.
Non-current trade receivables relate to renegotiated receivables, which are expected to be settled
within the new contractual due date.
For offsetting impact on trade receivables, refer to Note 23.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
19. Trade, other receivables and assets continued
Trade receivables
Trade receivables classified as current assets consisted of the following as at 31 December:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Trade receivables
Less: Loss allowance
Total trade receivables
The ageing analysis of trade receivables classified as current assets is as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Gross Gross
carrying Loss Trade carrying Loss Trade
amount allowance receivables amount allowance receivables
Within due date
Past due – Up to three months
Past due – Three to six months
Past due – Six to nine months
Past due – More than nine months
Total trade receivables
The movement in the loss allowance during the year is as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
As at 1 January
Amounts written off during the year
Amounts recovered during the year
Increase in allowance recognised in income statement
Foreign currency translation
As at 31 December
Receivables from related parties
The related party receivables, net of the loss allowance, are as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Within due date
Past due
Less: Loss allowance
Total related party receivables
The ageing analysis of these receivables is as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Within due date
Past due – Up to three months
Past due – Three to six months
Past due – More than nine months
Net impairment
Net impairment loss on trade and other receivables recognised in the income statement is analysed
as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Trade receivables
Other receivables and assets
Net impairment loss
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
20. Assets classified as held for sale
Accounting policy
Non-current assets and disposal groups are classified as held for sale if it is considered highly
probable that their carrying amount will be principally recovered through a sale transaction rather
than through continuing use. This condition is regarded as met only when the sale is highly probable
and the asset (or disposal group) is available for immediate sale in its present condition. In order for
a sale to be considered highly probable, management must be committed to a plan to sell the asset,
an active programme to locate a buyer and complete the plan must have been initiated, and the sale
should be expected to be completed within one year from the date of classification.
In the event that the criteria for continued classification as held for sale are no longer met, the assets
are reclassified to property, plant and equipment and the depreciation charge is adjusted for the
depreciation that would have been recognised had the assets not been classified as held for sale.
Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale are measured at the lower of the
individual assets’ previous carrying amount and their fair value less costs to sell.
As at 31 December 2023, the Group’s assets classified as held for sale amounted to €3.3 million,
comprising the net book value of land and buildings of €1.8 million and €1.5 million in the Group’s
Established and Emerging segments respectively (2022: €0.1 million of plant and equipment in the
Group’s Established segment), that has been written down to fair value less costs to sell (refer to
Note 15). The fair value of assets classified as held for sale was determined through the use of a sales
comparison approach and is a non-recurring fair value measurement within Level 3 of the fair value
hierarchy. Assets classified as held for sale in 2022 were reclassified to property, plant and equipment
during 2023, as sale did not complete within one year from the date of classification as held for sale.
21. Trade and other payables
Accounting policy
Trade payables are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost
using the effective interest rate method.
Trade and other payables consisted of the following at 31 December:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Trade payables
Accrued liabilities
Payables to related parties (refer to Note 28)
Deposit liabilities
Other tax and social security liabilities
Salaries and employee-related payables
Contract liabilities (refer to Note 8)
Other payables
Total trade and other payables
The Group facilitates a supply chain financing programme under which the supplier can elect on
an invoice-by-invoice basis to either receive a discounted early payment from the partner bank, or
continue to be paid in line with the agreed payment terms; in either case, the value and due date of the
liability payable by the Group remain unchanged and, as such, the liability remains classified as trade
and other payables. As at 31 December 2023, invoices included in the programme amounted to €144.7
million (2022: €175.3 million).
Accrued liabilities regarding volume, marketing and promotional incentives as well as listing fees
and other incentives provided to customers as at 31 December 2023 amounted to €351.2 million
(2022: €287.3 million).
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
22. Provisions and employee benefits
Provisions and employee benefits consisted of the following as at 31 December:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Employee benefits
Restructuring provisions
Other provisions
Total current provisions and employee benefits
Employee benefits
Restructuring provisions
Other provisions
Total non-current provisions and employee benefits
Total provisions and employee benefits
a) Provisions
Accounting policy
Provisions are recognised when: the Group has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a
result of a past event; it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits
will be required to settle the obligation; and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount
of the obligation.
Where the Group expects a provision to be reimbursed, for example under an insurance
contract, the reimbursement is recognised as a separate asset only when such reimbursement
is virtually certain.
If the effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are determined by discounting the
expected future cash flows at a pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the time
value of money and the risks specific to the liability.
Termination benefits are payable whenever an employee’s employment is terminated before the
normal retirement date or whenever an employee accepts voluntary redundancy in exchange for
these benefits. The Group recognises termination benefits at the earlier of the following dates:
a) when the Group can no longer withdraw the offer of those benefits; and b) when the Group
recognises costs for a restructuring that is within the scope of IAS 37 ‘Provisions, contingent
liabilities and contingent assets’ and involves the payment of termination benefits (refer to Note 9).
In the case of an offer made to encourage voluntary redundancy, the termination benefits are
measured based on the number of employees expected to accept the offer.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
22. Provisions and employee benefits continued
The movements in restructuring and other provisions comprise:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Restructuring Other Restructuring Other
provision provisions provision provisions
As at 1 January
Arising during the year
Utilised during the year
Unused amount reversed
Arising from business combinations
Foreign currency translation
As at 31 December
During 2023, a restructuring provision of €0.7 million was recognised in connection with the new
business model in Russia following the Russia-Ukraine conflict (refer to Note 6), which was utilised
during the year (2022: €3.9 million). Other provisions primarily comprise provisions in relation to
donations, employee litigation, legal and other tax provisions.
b) Employee benefits
Accounting policy
The Group operates a number of defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans
in its territories.
The defined benefit plans are made up of both funded and unfunded pension plans and employee
leaving indemnities. The assets of funded plans are generally held in separate trustee-administered
funds and are financed by payments from employees and/or the relevant Group companies.
The liability recognised in the balance sheet in respect of defined benefit plans is the present value
of the defined benefit obligation at the balance sheet date less the fair value of the plan assets.
For defined benefit pension plans, pension costs are assessed using the projected unit credit
method. Actuarial gains and losses arising from experience adjustments and changes in actuarial
assumptions are charged or credited to equity in other comprehensive income in the period in
which they arise. Such actuarial gains and losses are not reclassified to the income statement in
subsequent periods. The defined benefit obligations are measured at the present value of the
estimated future cash outflows using interest rates of high-quality corporate bonds that are
denominated in the currency in which the benefits will be paid, and that have terms approximating
to the terms of the related obligation. In countries where there is no deep market in such bonds,
the market rates on government bonds are used. Past service cost is recognised immediately in
the income statement. A number of the Group’s operations have other long-service benefits in the
form of jubilee plans. These plans are measured at the present value of the estimated future cash
outflows with immediate recognition of actuarial gains and losses in the income statement.
The Group’s contributions to the defined contribution pension plans are charged to the income
statement in the period to which the contributions relate.
Critical accounting estimates
The Group provides defined benefit pension plans as an employee benefit in certain territories.
Determining the value of these plans requires several actuarial assumptions and estimates
that may differ from actual developments in the future. These include the determination of the
discount rates, rate of compensation increases, rate of pension increases and life expectancy of
pensioners at the age of 65. Due to the long-term nature of these plans, such estimates are subject
to significant uncertainty. Details on the key assumptions used and a sensitivity analysis regarding
the impact of reasonably possible changes in key assumptions on the defined benefit obligation are
further presented below.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
22. Provisions and employee benefits continued
Defined benefit obligation by segment is as follows for the years ended 31 December:
Employee benefits consisted of the following as at 31 December:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Defined benefit plans:
Employee leaving indemnities
Pension plans
Long-service benefits (jubilee plans) and other benefits
Total defined benefit plans
Other employee benefits:
Annual leave
Other employee benefits
Total other employee benefits
Total employee benefits obligations
Total €85.1 million
Total €84.5 million
Established Developing Emerging
The average duration of the defined benefit obligations is 15 years and the total employer contributions
expected to be paid in 2024 are €11.8 million.
Other employee benefits primarily comprise employee bonuses which are linked to business and
individual performance metrics.
Employees of Coca-Cola HBC’s subsidiaries in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro,
Nigeria, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia are entitled to employee leaving indemnities, generally
based on each employee’s length of service, employment category and remuneration. These are
unfunded plans where the Company meets the payment obligation as it falls due.
Coca-Cola HBC’s subsidiaries in Austria, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and Switzerland
sponsor defined benefit pension plans. Of the three plans in the Republic of Ireland, two have
plan assets, as do the two plans in Northern Ireland, and one plan out of the three in Switzerland.
The Austrian plans do not have plan assets and the Company meets the payment obligation as it falls
due. The defined benefit plans in Austria, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland are closed to
new members.
Coca-Cola HBC provides long-service benefits in the form of jubilee plans to its employees in Austria,
Croatia, Nigeria, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia and Switzerland.
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
22. Provisions and employee benefits continued
The reconciliation of plan assets and plan liabilities for the years ended 31 December is as follows:
Net (deficit)/
Plan assets Plan liabilities surplus
€ million million € million
As at 1 January 2022
(6.9 )
Current service cost
(11.8 )
Past service cost
(3.0 )
Administrative expenses
(0.3 )
(0.1 )
Interest income/(expense)
(1.7 )
Actuarial gains
Total income/(expense) recognised
in income statement
(14.9 )
Loss from change in demographic assumptions
(2.9 )
Gains from change in financial assumptions
Experience adjustments
(8.7 )
Return on plan assets excluding interest income
(91.9 )
Total remeasurements recognised
in other comprehensive income
Benefits paid
Employer's contributions
Participants’ contributions
Net increase in defined benefit obligation
from other movements
(0.8 )
Foreign currency translation
As at 31 December 2022
Net surplus/
Plan assets Plan liabilities (deficit)
€ million million € million
As at 1 January 2023
Current service cost
Past service cost
Administrative expenses
Interest income/(expense)
Actuarial losses
Total expense recognised in income statement
Losses from change in financial assumptions
Experience adjustments
Return on plan assets excluding interest income
Total remeasurements recognised
in other comprehensive income
Benefits paid
Employer’s contributions
Participants’ contributions
Foreign currency translation
As at 31 December 2023
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 233
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
22. Provisions and employee benefits continued
The effect of the asset ceiling on plan assets and net deficit for the years ended 31 December
is as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Fair value of plan assets as at 1 January excluding asset ceiling
Opening unrecognised asset due to the asset ceiling
(48.3 )
Change in asset ceiling recognised in other comprehensive income
(15.7 )
Exchange rate gain
(1.8 )
Interest on unrecognised asset recognised in income statement
(0.2 )
Fair value of plan assets as at 31 December including asset ceiling
2023 2022
€ million € million
Present value of funded obligations
Fair value of plan assets
(431.9 )
Defined benefit obligations of funded plans
(115.3 )
Present value of unfunded obligations
Unrecognised asset due to asset ceiling
Defined benefit obligations
Plus: Amounts recognised within non-current assets (refer to Note 19)
Total defined benefit obligations
Funding levels are monitored in conjunction with the agreed contribution rate. The funding level of the
funded plans as at 31 December 2023 was 112% (2022: 116%).
Five of the plans have funded status surplus totalling €48.6 million as at 31 December 2023
(2022: five plans, totalling €51.9 million) that is recognised as an asset on the basis that the
Group has an unconditional right to future economic benefits either via a refund or a reduction
in future contributions.
Defined benefit plan expense is included in employee costs and presented in cost of goods sold
and operating expenses.
The assumptions (weighted average for the Group) used in computing the defined benefit obligation
comprised the following for the years ended 31 December:
2023 2022
% %
Discount rate
Rate of compensation increase
Rate of pension increase
Life expectancy for pensioners at the age of 65 in years:
Asset liability matching: Plan assets allocated to growth assets are monitored regularly to ensure they
remain appropriate and in line with the Group’s long-term strategy to manage the plans. As the plans
mature, the level of investment risk will be reduced by investing more in assets such as bonds that
better match the liabilities.
Pension plan assets are invested in different asset classes in order to maintain a balance between
risk and return. Investments are well diversified to limit the financial effect of the failure of any
individual investment. Through its defined benefit plans the Group is exposed to a number of risks,
as outlined below:
Asset volatility: The liabilities are calculated using a discount rate set with reference to corporate bond
yields; if assets underperform this yield, a deficit will be created. The Northern Ireland, Republic of
Ireland and Swiss plans hold a significant proportion of growth assets (equities), which are expected to
outperform corporate bonds in the long term while being subject to volatility and risk in the short term.
Changes in bond yields: A decrease in corporate bond yields will increase the plan liabilities, although
this will be partially offset by an increase in the value of the plans’ bond holdings. Conversely, an increase
in corporate bond yields will decrease the plan liabilities, although this will be partially offset by a
decrease in the value of the plans’ bond holdings.
Inflation: The Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and Swiss plans’ benefit obligations are linked to
inflation, which is used as a basis to determine the rate of compensation increases. As a result, higher
inflation will lead to higher liabilities, although, in most cases, caps on the level of inflationary increases
are in place to protect against extreme inflation. The majority of the assets are either unaffected by or
only loosely correlated with inflation, meaning that an increase in inflation will also increase the deficit.
Life expectancy: The majority of the pension plans’ obligations are to provide benefits for the life of the
member, so increases in life expectancy will result in an increase in the liabilities.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
22. Provisions and employee benefits continued
The assets of funded plans are generally held in separately administered trusts, either as specific assets
or as a proportion of a general fund, or are insurance contracts. Plan assets held in trust are governed
The sensitivity analysis presented below is based on a change in assumption while all other assumptions
by local regulations and practice in each country. The category ‘Other’ mainly includes investments in
remain constant.
funds holding a portfolio of assets. Plan assets relate predominantly to quoted financial instruments.
Impact on defined benefit obligation (%) as at
31 December 2023
31 December 2022
Change in Increase in Decrease in Change in Increase in Decrease in
assumption assumption assumption assumption assumption assumption
Discount rate
Rate of compensation increase
Rate of pension increase
Life expectancy
1 year
1 year
Equity securities were not invested in ordinary shares of the Company as at 31 December 2023
or 31 December 2022.
Defined contribution plans
The expense recognised in the income statement in 2023 for the defined contribution plans is
€41.2 million (2022: €22.5 million). This is included in employee costs and recorded in cost of goods
sold and operating expenses.
23. Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities
Accounting policy
Plan assets are invested as follows:
The Group offsets financial assets and financial liabilities to the net amount reported in the
balance sheet when it currently has a legally enforceable right to offset the recognised amounts
Assets category 2023 (%)
Assets category 2022 (%)
and it intends to settle on a net basis or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.
The legally enforceable right must not be contingent on future events and must be enforceable
in the normal course of business and in the event of default, insolvency or bankruptcy of the
Company or the counterparty.
The Group enters into derivative transactions under International Swaps and Derivatives Association
(ISDA) master netting agreements or other similar agreements. In general, under such agreements
the counterparties can elect to settle as one single net amount the aggregated amounts owed by each
counterparty on a single day with respect to all outstanding transactions of the same currency and the
same type of derivative. In the event of default or early termination, all outstanding transactions under
the agreement are terminated and subject to any set-off. These agreements do not meet all of the IAS
32 criteria for offsetting in the balance sheet as the Group does not have any current legally enforceable
right to offset amounts since the right can only be applied if elected by both counterparties.
The financial assets and financial liabilities presented below are subject to offsetting, enforceable
master netting or similar agreements. The column ‘Net amount’ shows the impact on the Group’s
balance sheet if all set-off rights were exercised.
Equity securities – Eurozone
Equity securities – Non-Eurozone
Government bonds – Eurozone
Government bonds – Non-Eurozone
Corporate bonds – Eurozone
Corporate bonds – Non-Eurozone
Real estate
Equity securities – Eurozone
Equity securities – Non-Eurozone
Government bonds – Eurozone
Government bonds – Non-Eurozone
Corporate bonds – Eurozone
Corporate bonds – Non-Eurozone
Real estate
Financial liabilities offset against trade receivables mainly relate to accrued customer rebates,
as the offsetting criteria for these are met.
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
23. Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities continued
a) Financial assets
As at 31 December 2023
Related amounts
not set off in the
balance sheet
Gross amounts of Net amounts of
Gross amounts recognised financial financial assets
of recognised liabilities set off in presented in the Financial
financial assets the balance sheet balance sheet instruments Net amount
€ million € million € million € million million
Derivative financial assets
Trade receivables
As at 31 December 2022
Related amounts
not set off in the
balance sheet
Gross amounts of Net amounts of
Gross amounts recognised financial financial assets
of recognised liabilities set off in presented in the Financial
financial assets the balance sheet balance sheet instruments Net amount
€ million € million € million € million million
Derivative financial assets
Trade receivables
b) Financial liabilities
As at 31 December 2023
Related amounts
not set off in the
balance sheet
Gross amounts of Net amounts of
Gross amounts recognised financial financial liabilities
of recognised assets set off in the presented in the Financial
financial liabilities balance sheet balance sheet instruments Net amount
€ million € million € million € million million
Derivative financial liabilities
Trade payables
As at 31 December 2022
Related amounts
not set off in the
balance sheet
Gross amounts of Net amounts of
Gross amounts recognised financial financial liabilities
of recognised assets set off in presented in the Financial
financial liabilities the balance sheet balance sheet instruments Net amount
€ million € million € million € million million
Derivative financial liabilities
Trade payables
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
24. Business combinations and acquisition of non-controlling interests
Accounting policy
The acquisition method of accounting is used to account for business combinations. The
consideration transferred is the fair value of any asset transferred, shares issued and liabilities
assumed. The consideration transferred includes the fair value of any asset or liability resulting
from a contingent consideration arrangement. Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities and
contingent liabilities assumed are measured initially at their fair values at the acquisition date. The
excess of the consideration transferred and the fair value of non-controlling interest over the net
assets acquired and liabilities assumed is recorded as goodwill. In a business combination achieved
without the transfer of consideration, the acquisition-date fair value of the previously held interest
in the acquiree is used in place of the acquisition-date fair value of the consideration transferred
to measure goodwill or a gain on a bargain purchase. Acquisition costs comprise costs incurred
to effect a business combination such as finder’s, advisory, legal, accounting, valuation and other
professional or consulting fees. Integration costs comprise direct incremental costs necessary for
the acquiree to operate within the Group. All acquisition and integration-related costs are expensed
as incurred.
For each business combination, the Group elects to measure the non-controlling interest in the
acquiree either at fair value or at the proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets.
If the business combination is achieved in stages, the acquisition date carrying value of the
previously held equity interest in the acquiree is remeasured to fair value at the acquisition date. Any
gains or losses arising from such remeasurement are recognised in profit or loss, within operating
expenses in line ‘Acquisition and integration costs’. Any accumulated amounts regarding the Group’s
share of other comprehensive income of the previously held equity interest are reclassified to the
income statement, within operating expenses in line ‘Acquisition and integration costs’. The Group
has also elected to present gains on bargain purchase within operating expenses in line ‘Acquisition
and integration costs’.
Refer also to Note 2 for accounting policy regarding basis of consolidation.
Acquisition of Brown-Forman Finland Oy
On 1 November 2023, the Group acquired 100% of the issued shares of Brown-Forman Finland Oy
(‘BFF’), established in Finland, owner of the Finlandia Vodka brand. The acquisition enhances the
Group’s premium spirits business, while complementing its existing adult sparkling beverages portfolio
and better positions the Group to strengthen partnerships with customers in strategically important
channels such as hotels, restaurants and cafes (HoReCa).
The fair value of the consideration for the acquisition of BFF consists of US Dollar 193.8 million
(€183.9 million), which has already been paid, and an additional payment, based on BFF’s net financial
position and working capital movement, of US Dollar 0.6 million (€0.5 million), which is expected to be
transferred within the first quarter of 2024. This additional payment is still under discussion with the
seller, according to the terms of the sale and purchase agreement.
Details of the acquisition with regard to the provisionally determined fair values of the net assets
acquired and goodwill are presented in the table below. The net assets acquired reflect the additional
payment at the provisional amount of US Dollar 0.6 million (0.5 million).
Fair value
€ million
Property, plant and equipment 6.7
Trade, other receivables and assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Borrowings (6.5)
Trade and other payables
Net deferred tax liability
Net identifiable assets acquired
Add: Goodwill arising on acquisition
Net assets acquired
1. Property, plant and equipment and borrowings acquired relate to right-of-use assets (refer to Note 17) and lease liability (refer to Note 26),
Fair values on acquisition are provisional and will be finalised within 12 months of the acquisition date.
The goodwill arising is attributable to the brand’s growth potential across the Group’s markets.
Acquisition-related costs of €5.6 million were included in the 2023 operating expenses, as a result
of the above acquisition.
The fair value of trade, other receivables and assets acquired includes trade receivables with a fair
value of €2.0 million, while there was no significant amount of trade receivables acquired considered
to be uncollectible.
Net sales revenue and profit after tax contributed by BFF to the Group for the period from 1 November
2023 to 31 December 2023, amounted to €9.5 million and €2.8 million respectively. If the business
combination had occurred on 1 January 2023, consolidated net sales revenue and profit after tax
for the year ended 31 December 2023 would have been higher by approximately €43.5 million and
€7.4 million respectively. This pro forma information reflects the pre-acquisition operating model
of BFF and is not adjusted for the benefits arising from the post-acquisition transfer of distribution
from Brown-Forman or third-party distributors to CCH operations in the CCH markets, and therefore
should not be considered as indicative of Finlandia Vodka brand future performance.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
24. Business combinations and acquisition of non-controlling interests continued
Other acquisition costs
During 2023, the Group incurred acquisition costs of €0.7 million in connection with an acquisition
expected to be completed in 2024, which were included in line ‘Operating expenses’ of the consolidated
income statement.
Acquisition of Three Cents
On 21 October 2022, the Group acquired 100% of the issued shares of ESM Effervescent Sodas
Management Limited, established in Cyprus, the owner of the super-premium adult sparkling beverage
and mixer product line under the Three Cents brand and its subsidiary Three Cents Hellas Single
Member S.A., established in Greece (together, ‘Three Cents’), for a consideration of €45.9 million.
The acquisition complements and further premiumises the Group’s existing adult sparkling beverage
portfolio and will better position the Group to address a wider range of consumer tastes and segments.
Details of the acquisition with regard to the determined fair values of the net assets acquired and
goodwill are presented in the table below:
Fair value
€ million
Property, plant and equipment
Trade, other receivables and assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Trade and other payables
Net deferred tax liabilities
Net identifiable assets acquired
Add: Goodwill arising on acquisition
Net assets acquired
No changes to net identifiable assets acquired have been identified compared to the relevant amounts
disclosed as part of the Group’s 2022 Integrated Annual Report.
The goodwill arising is attributable to the brand’s growth potential across the Group’s markets.
Acquisition-related costs of €0.3 million were included in the 2022 operating expenses, as a result of
the above acquisition.
Multon AO group of companies (‘Multon’)
The Group holds a 50% interest in Multon, which is engaged in the production and distribution of juices
in Russia and was jointly controlled by the Group and The Coca-Cola Company. On 8 March 2022, as a
result of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, The Coca-Cola Company announced that it was suspending its
business in Russia and unilaterally waived certain of its governance rights in connection with its 50%
interest in Multon, while retaining consent rights in respect of certain limited board and shareholder
reserved matters that are protective in nature (the ‘Waiver’).
Considering the criteria set out in IFRS 10 ‘Consolidated financial statements’, the Group concluded
that, effective 11 August 2022, it controlled Multon. The change in control of Multon was accounted for
as a business combination achieved in stages in line with IFRS 3 ‘Business combinations’ requirements.
For more details on the Waiver and the assessment regarding change of control of Multon, refer to Note
24 of the 2022 Integrated Annual Report.
The fair value of the Group’s previously held interest in Multon, amounted to approximately €250 million
and was estimated based on discounted forecasted cash flows of the business, using a discount rate of
27.8%. As a result of the change in control of Multon, a gain on remeasurement of the previously held
equity interest to fair value amounting to €70.8 million and a loss regarding the reclassification to the
income statement of the Group’s share of Multon’s other comprehensive income amounting to €145.2
million were recognised in 2022. The arising net loss of €74.4 million was recognised within ‘Operating
expenses’ line of the consolidated income statement, included under Emerging markets for segmental
reporting purposes and within ‘Other non-cash items’ line of the consolidated cash flow statement.
The Group incurred acquisition costs of €0.1 million in 2022 regarding the change in control of Multon,
which were included in line ‘Operating expenses’ of the consolidated income statement.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
1. Effective 18 June 2023, Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Egypt S.A.E. was renamed to Coca-Cola HBC Egypt.
24. Business combinations and acquisition of non-controlling interests continued
Information on the fair values of the net assets acquired, non-controlling interests and gain from
bargain purchase arising on the business combination is presented in the below table.
Fair value
€ million
Property, plant and equipment
Trade, other receivables and assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Trade and other payables
Net deferred tax liability
Net identifiable assets acquired
Less: Non-controlling interests
Less: Gain from bargain purchase arising on business combination
Net assets acquired
The cash and cash equivalents acquired amounting to €24.2 million was presented in line ‘Payment for
business combinations, net of cash acquired’ in the consolidated cash flow statement. Trade balances
between the Group and Multon were effectively settled on acquisition, with no gain or loss recognised
on the settlement, as the balances were effectively settled at the recorded amount.
The gain from bargain purchase arose mainly due to the deferred tax asset recognised on the economic
obsolescence attributed to Multon’s machinery and equipment and was presented in line ‘Operating
expenses’ in the consolidated income statement and line ‘Other non-cash items’ in the consolidated
cash flow statement. More specifically, the business enterprise value, which was estimated based
on discounted forecasted cash flows, was lower than the estimated fair value of the net identifiable
assets acquired, using the cost of depreciated replacement to new methodology for the machinery
and equipment of Multon. The Group considered that a market participant would not be willing to buy
the net assets of the business at the estimated fair value, as described above, if the utility of the same,
measured by the discounted forecasted cash flows of the business is smaller.
Therefore, a downward adjustment of €39.8 million was made on the fair value of the identifiable assets
as economic obsolescence in connection with Multon’s machinery and equipment, representing the
difference between the business enterprise value and the fair value of net identifiable assets. This in turn
resulted in the recognition of a deferred tax asset, which is considered recoverable based on the future
economic performance of Multon and was included in the value of net identifiable assets acquired.
The Group chose to recognise the non-controlling interests in Multon (The Coca-Cola Company’s 50%
share) at their fair value upon change in control. This was determined based on discounted forecasted
cash flows of the business and a scenario-based approach altering the potential dates at which The
Coca-Cola Company could potentially reinstate its rights in Multon, based on the terms of the unilateral
Waiver. The discount rate used in discounting the forecasted cash flows was 27.8%.
For more details on the scenarios used to calculate the fair value of non-controlling interest, refer to
Note 24 of the 2022 Integrated Annual Report.
Following the Waiver The Coca-Cola Company effectively has no entitlement over Multon’s profit or
loss generated in the ordinary course of business as it has contractually waived its rights over dividend
or other distributions made by Multon. As a result, Multon’s net profit or loss is not being allocated to
non-controlling interests during the period of the Waiver.
Acquisition of Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Egypt S.A.E.
On 12 August 2021, the Group entered into a sale and purchase agreement to acquire approximately
52.7% of Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Egypt S.A.E. (‘CCBCE’), the bottling partner of The Coca-Cola
Company in Egypt, from MAC Beverages Limited and certain of its affiliated entities (‘MBL acquisition’).
The MBL acquisition was completed on 13 January 2022 and resulted in the Group obtaining control
over CCBCE.
The operating results and assets and liabilities of CCBCE have been consolidated from 14 January 2022.
The fair value of the consideration for the MBL acquisition consisted of US Dollar 303.7 million (€264.9
million), which was transferred on acquisition, and an additional payment of US Dollar 124.0 million
(€119.1 million), based on CCBCE’s past performance, net financial position and working capital
movement, which was transferred in October 2022. Foreign exchange loss arising on settlement of
the consideration payable for the MBL acquisition amounted to €11.3 million and was presented in line
Payment for business combinations, net of cash acquired’ of the consolidated cash flow statement,
while proceeds from settlement of derivatives used to hedge the relevant foreign currency risk
amounted to €13.0 million and were presented in line ‘Proceeds from settlement of derivatives relating
to business combination’ of the consolidated cash flow statement.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
24. Business combinations and acquisition of non-controlling interests continued
As part of the MBL acquisition completion, a convertible loan which had been granted to CCBCE from a
wholly-owned affiliate of The Coca-Cola Company, one of its major shareholders, was also transferred
to the Group for a consideration of €19.1 million, which was presented in line ‘Repayments of
borrowings’ in the consolidated cash flow statement. The consideration was equal to the outstanding
principal amount of the convertible loan and any unpaid interest at the time of its transfer. The loan was
convertible at its original maturity in March 2022 into new CCBCE shares at fair market value and was
eliminated upon consolidation of CCBCE. The conversion option was not subsequently exercised.
Details of the MBL acquisition with regard to the determined fair values of the net assets acquired, non-
controlling interests and goodwill are presented in the below table.
Fair value
€ million
Franchise agreements
Property, plant and equipment
Trade, other receivables and assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Trade and other payables
Net deferred tax liabilities
Net identifiable assets acquired
Less: Non-controlling interests
Add: Goodwill arising on acquisition
Net assets acquired
The line ‘Borrowings’ in the above table includes the convertible loan as well as third-party loans of
€122.7 million, which have been repaid and replaced with intra-group borrowings. The Group has
chosen to recognise the non-controlling interests at their proportionate share of the fair value of
CCBCE’s net identifiable assets acquired.
The Group incurred acquisition and integration costs of €8.8 million in 2022 regarding the acquisition
of CCBCE, which were included in line ‘Operating expenses’ of the consolidated income statement.
On 12 August 2021, the Group entered into an additional sale and purchase agreement to acquire
approximately 42% of CCBCE, from a wholly-owned affiliate of The Coca-Cola Company (‘TCCC
acquisition’). The TCCC acquisition was completed on 25 January 2022.
The fair value of the consideration paid for the TCCC acquisition amounted to US Dollar 122.7 million
(€108.9 million). The transaction was treated as separate to the MBL acquisition, considering that whilst
the transactions above were entered into at the same time and in contemplation of each other, they
were separate from a commercial and contractual perspective. The TCCC acquisition was accordingly
accounted for as an equity transaction.
Following the completion of both the transactions, the Group held a 94.7% interest in CCBCE
as at 31 December 2022. During 2023, the Group acquired a further 3.1% interest in CCBCE for
a consideration of €12.6 million, which was presented in line ‘Purchase of shares from non-controlling
interests’ of the consolidated cash flow statement. Following this, the Group held a 97.8% interest
in CCBCE as at 31 December 2023.
25. Financial risk management and financial instruments
Accounting policy
Financial assets
On initial recognition financial assets are recorded at fair value plus, in the case of financial assets not
at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL), any directly attributable transaction costs. Transaction
costs of financial assets at FVTPL are expensed.
Financial assets are classified into three categories:
a) Financial assets at amortised cost (debt instruments)
The classification of debt instruments at amortised cost depends on two criteria: a) the Group’s
business model for managing assets; and b) whether the instruments’ contractual cash flows
represent solely payments for principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding (the ‘SPPI
criterion’). If both criteria are met the financial assets of the Group are subsequently measured at
amortised cost whereby any interest income is recognised using the effective interest method.
This category includes trade receivables, treasury bills and time deposits. The accounting policy
for trade receivables is described in Note 19.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
25. Financial risk management and financial instruments continued
b) Financial assets through other comprehensive income (FVOCI)
The Group also has investments in financial assets at FVOCI. These include equity investments
that are not of a trading nature. The Group intends to hold these equity instruments for the
foreseeable future and has irrevocably elected to classify them as FVOCI upon initial recognition.
Upon derecognition of these financial assets, there is no recycling of gains or losses to the income
c) Financial assets through profit or loss (FVTPL)
The Group also has investments in financial assets at FVTPL which are subsequently measured at
fair value and where changes in fair value are recognised in the income statement. Financial assets
at FVTPL mainly comprise money market funds.
For those financial assets that are not subsequently held at fair value, the Group assesses whether
there is evidence of impairment at each balance sheet date.
Derivative financial instruments
The Group uses derivative financial instruments, including currency, commodity and interest
rate derivatives, to manage currency, commodity price and interest rate risk associated with
its business activities. The Group does not enter into derivative financial instruments for
trading activity purposes.
All derivative financial instruments are initially recognised on the balance sheet at fair value and
are subsequently remeasured at their fair value. Changes in the fair value of derivative financial
instruments are recognised at each reporting date either in the income statement or in equity,
depending on whether the derivative financial instrument qualifies for hedge accounting as a
cash flow hedge.
Embedded derivatives in financial host contracts are recorded at fair value through profit or loss
together with the host contracts.
All derivative financial instruments that are not part of an effective hedging relationship
(undesignated hedges) are classified as assets or liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.
At the inception of a hedge transaction the Group documents the relationship between the
hedging instrument and the hedged item, as well as its risk management objective and strategy
for undertaking the hedge transaction. This process includes linking the derivative financial
instrument designated as a hedging instrument to the specific asset, liability, firm commitment or
forecast transaction. The Group has established a hedge ratio of 1:1 for the hedging relationships
as the underlying risk of the hedging instruments are identical to the hedged risks component.
The economic relationship between the hedged item and the hedging instrument is assessed
on an ongoing basis. Ineffectiveness may arise if the timing or the notional of the forecast
transaction changes or if the credit risk changes impacting the fair value movements of the
hedging instruments.
Changes in the fair value of derivative financial instruments (both the intrinsic value and the aligned
time value) that are designated and effective as hedges of future cash flows are recognised directly
in other comprehensive income, while the ineffective portion is recognised immediately in the
income statement. Amounts accumulated in equity are recycled to the income statement as the
related hedged asset acquired or liability assumed affects the income statement.
Hedge accounting is discontinued when the hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated,
exercised, or no longer qualifies for hedge accounting. At that time, any cumulative gain or loss
on the hedging instrument recognised in equity is retained in equity until the forecast transaction
occurs. If a hedged transaction is no longer expected to occur, the net cumulative gain or loss
recognised in equity is transferred to the income statement.
Derivatives embedded in non-financial host contracts are accounted for as separate derivatives and
recorded at fair value through profit or loss if:
their economic characteristics and risks are not closely related to those of the host contracts;
the host contracts are not designated as at fair value through profit or loss; and
a separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded derivative meets the definition
of a derivative.
These embedded derivatives are measured at fair value with changes in fair value recognised in the
income statement. Reassessment only occurs if there is either a change in the terms of the contract
that significantly modifies the cash flows that would otherwise be required or a reclassification of a
financial asset out of the fair value through profit or loss category takes place.
Regular purchases and sales of investments are recognised on the trade date, which is the day
the Group commits to purchase or sell. The investments are recognised initially at fair value plus
transaction costs, except in the case of FVTPL. For investments traded in active markets, fair value
is determined by reference to stock exchange quoted bid prices. For other investments, fair value
is estimated by reference to the current market value of similar instruments or by reference to the
discounted cash flows of the underlying net assets or other valuation techniques.
Financial risk factors, objectives and policies
The Group’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including foreign currency risk,
commodity price risk and interest rate risk), credit risk, liquidity risk and capital risk. The Group’s overall
risk management programme focuses on the volatility of financial markets and seeks to minimise
potential adverse effects on the Group’s cash flows. The Group uses derivative financial instruments
to hedge certain risk exposures. Risk management is carried out by Group Treasury in a controlled
manner, consistent with the Board of Directors’ approved policies. Group Treasury identifies, evaluates
and hedges financial risks in close cooperation with the Group’s subsidiaries. The Board of Directors
has approved the Treasury Policy which provides the control framework for all treasury and treasury-
related transactions.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 241
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
25. Financial risk management and financial instruments continued
Market risk
a) Foreign currency risk
The Group is exposed to the effect of foreign currency risk on future transactions, recognised
monetary assets and liabilities that are denominated in currencies other than the local entity’s
functional currency, as well as net investments in foreign operations. Foreign currency forward, option
and futures contracts are used to hedge a portion of the Group’s foreign currency risk. The majority of
the foreign currency forward, option and futures contracts have maturities of less than one year after
the balance sheet date.
Management has set up a policy that requires Group companies to manage their foreign exchange
risk against their functional currency. To manage their foreign exchange risk arising from future
transactions and recognised monetary assets and liabilities, entities in the Group use foreign currency
forward, option and future contracts transacted by Group Treasury. Group Treasury’s risk management
policy is to hedge, on an average coverage ratio basis, between 25% and 80% of anticipated cash flows
for the next 12 months by using a layer strategy and 100% of balance sheet remeasurement risk in
each major foreign currency for which hedging is applicable. Each subsidiary designates contracts with
Group Treasury as fair value hedges or cash flow hedges, as appropriate. External foreign exchange
contracts are designated at Group level as hedges of foreign exchange risk on specific monetary
assets, monetary liabilities or future transactions on a gross basis.
The following tables present details of the Group’s sensitivity to reasonably possible increases and
decreases in the Euro and the US Dollar against the relevant foreign currencies. In determining
reasonably possible changes, the historical volatility over a 12-month period of the respective foreign
currencies in relation to the Euro and the US Dollar has been considered. The sensitivity analysis
determines the potential gains and losses in the income statement or equity arising from the Group’s
foreign exchange positions as a result of the corresponding percentage increases and decreases in the
Group’s main foreign currencies relative to the Euro and the US Dollar. The sensitivity analysis includes
outstanding foreign-currency denominated monetary items, external loans, and loans between
operations within the Group where the denomination of the loan is in a currency other than the
functional currency of the local entity.
2023 exchange risk sensitivity to reasonably possible changes in the Euro against relevant
other currencies
Euro strengthens Euro weakens
against local currency against local currency
% historical Loss/(gain) (Gain)/loss
volatility over a in income Loss/(gain) in income (Gain)/loss
12-month statement in equity statement in equity
period € million € million € million € million
Egyptian Pound
Nigerian Naira
Russian Rouble
UK Sterling
Ukrainian Hryvnia
2023 exchange risk sensitivity to reasonably possible changes in the US Dollar against relevant
other currencies
US Dollar strengthens US Dollar weakens
against local currency against local currency
% historical Loss/(gain) (Gain)/loss
volatility over a in income Loss/(gain) in income (Gain)/loss
12-month statement in equity statement in equity
period € million € million € million € million
Egyptian Pound
Nigerian Naira
Russian Rouble
Ukrainian Hryvnia
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 242
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
25. Financial risk management and financial instruments continued
2022 exchange risk sensitivity to reasonably possible changes in the Euro against relevant other
Euro strengthens Euro weakens
against local currency against local currency
% historical Loss/(gain) (Gain)/loss
volatility over a in income Loss/(gain) in income (Gain)/loss
12-month statement in equity statement in equity
period € million € million € million € million
Egyptian Pound
Nigerian Naira
Russian Rouble
UK Sterling
Ukrainian Hryvnia
2022 exchange risk sensitivity to reasonably possible changes in the US Dollar against relevant other
US Dollar strengthens US Dollar weakens
against local currency against local currency
% historical Loss/(gain) (Gain)/loss
volatility over a in income Loss/(gain) in income (Gain)/loss
12-month statement in equity statement in equity
period € million € million € million € million
Egyptian Pound
Nigerian Naira
Russian Rouble
Ukrainian Hryvnia
b) Commodity price risk
The Group is affected by the volatility of certain commodity prices (being mainly sugar, aluminium,
aluminium premium, plastic and gas oil) in relation to certain raw materials necessary for the production
of the Group’s products.
Due to the significantly increased volatility of commodity prices, the Group’s Board of Directors has
developed and enacted a risk management strategy regarding commodity price risk and its mitigation.
Although the Group continues to contract prices with suppliers in advance, to reduce its exposure
to the effect of short-term changes in the price of sugar, aluminium, aluminium premium, gas oil and
plastic the Group hedges the market price of these commodities using commodity swap contracts
based on a rolling forecast for a period up to 36 months. Group Treasury’s Risk management policy is to
hedge a minimum of 25% and a maximum of 80% of commodity exposure for the next 12 months with
the exception of certain types of plastic for which lower compliance ratios apply.
The following table presents details of the Group’s income statement and equity sensitivity to
increases and decreases in sugar, aluminium, aluminium premium, plastic and gas oil prices. The table
does not show the sensitivity to the Group’s total underlying commodity exposure or the impact of
changes in volumes that may arise from increase or decrease in the respective commodity prices. The
sensitivity analysis determines the potential effect on profit or loss and equity arising from the Group’s
commodity swap contract positions as a result of the reasonably possible increases or decreases of the
respective commodity price. In determining reasonably possible changes of the respective commodity
price, the historical volatility over a 12-month period per contract maturity has been considered.
2023 commodity price risk sensitivity to reasonably possible changes in the commodity price
of relevant commodities
Commodity price increases with Commodity price decreases with
all other variables held constant all other variables held constant
% historical
volatility over a (Gain)/loss Loss/(gain)
12-month period in income (Gain)/loss in income Loss/(gain)
per contract statement in equity statement in equity
maturity € million € million € million € million
Aluminium premium
Gas oil
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 243
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
25. Financial risk management and financial instruments continued
2022 commodity price risk sensitivity to reasonably possible changes in the commodity price
of relevant commodities
Commodity price increases with Commodity price decreases with
all other variables held constant all other variables held constant
% historical
volatility over a (Gain)/loss Loss/(gain)
12-month period in income (Gain)/loss in income Loss/(gain)
per contract statement in equity statement in equity
maturity € million € million € million € million
Aluminium premium
Gas oil
c) Interest rate risk
The Group is subject to interest rate risk for its outstanding borrowings and interest rates swap
contracts (‘swaptions’).The sensitivity analysis in the following table has been determined based on
exposure to interest rates of both derivative and non-derivative instruments existing at the balance
sheet date and assuming constant foreign exchange rates. For floating rate liabilities, the analysis is
prepared assuming the amount of liability outstanding at the balance sheet date was outstanding
for the whole year. A 100 basis point increase or decrease for 2023 (2022: 50 basis point) represents
management’s assessment of a reasonably possible change in interest rates.
Interest rate risk sensitivity to reasonably possible changes in interest rates
Loss/(gain) Loss/(gain) in
in income (Gain)/loss income Loss/(gain)
statement in equity statement in equity
€ million € million € million € million
Increase by 100 basis points (2022: 50bps)
Decrease by 100 basis points ( 2022: 50bps)
The impact in the Group’s equity is attributable to the changes in the fair value of the swaptions
entered in 2023 for a notional amount of €525.0 million and designated as hedging instruments
in a cash flow hedge.
Credit risk
Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Group if a customer or counterparty to a financial instrument
fails to meet its obligations under the contract or arrangement. The Group has limited concentration
of credit risk across trade and financial counterparties. Credit policies are in place and the exposure to
credit risk is monitored on an ongoing basis.
The Group’s maximum exposure to credit risk in the event that counterparties fail to meet their
obligations at 31 December 2023 in relation to each class of recognised financial asset is the carrying
amount of those assets as indicated on the balance sheet.
Under the credit policies, before accepting any new credit customers, the Group investigates the
potential customer’s credit quality, using either external agencies and in some cases bank references
and/or historic experience, and defines credit limits for each customer. Customers that fail to meet
the Group’s benchmark credit quality may transact with the Group only on a prepayment or cash basis.
Customers are reviewed on an ongoing basis and credit limits are adjusted accordingly. The Group
also carries credit insurance on a portion of the accounts receivable balance. There is no significant
concentration of credit risk with regard to loans, trade and other receivables as the Group has a large
number of customers which are geographically dispersed.
The Group has policies that limit the amount of credit exposure to any single financial institution.
The Group only undertakes investment and derivative transactions with banks and financial institutions
that have a minimum credit rating of ‘BBB-’ from Standard & Poor’s and ‘Baa3’ from Moody’s, unless the
investment is in countries where the Sovereign Credit Rating is below the ‘BBB-/Baa3’. The Group also
uses Credit Default Swaps of a counterparty in order to measure in a timelier way the creditworthiness
of a counterparty and set up its counterparties in tiers in order to assign maximum exposure and tenor
per tier. If the Credit Default Swaps of a certain counterparty exceed 400 basis points the Group will
stop trading derivatives with that counterparty and will try to cancel any deposits on a best-effort
basis. In addition, the Group regularly makes use of time deposits and money market funds to invest
excess cash balances and to diversify its counterparty risk. As at 31 December 2023, an amount of
54.8 million (2022: €529.5 million) is invested in time deposits with tenor more than three months
and 513.8 million (2022: €497.2 million) is invested in money market funds.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 244
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
25. Financial risk management and financial instruments continued
Liquidity risk
The Group actively manages liquidity risk to ensure there are sufficient funds available for any
short-term and long-term commitments. Bank overdrafts and bank facilities, both committed
and uncommitted, are used to manage this risk.
The Group manages liquidity risk by maintaining adequate cash reserves and committed banking
facilities, access to the debt and equity capital markets, and by continuously monitoring forecast and
actual cash flows. In Note 26, the undrawn facilities that the Group has at its disposal to manage liquidity
risk are discussed under the headings ‘Commercial paper programme’, ‘Committed credit facilities’ and
Uncommitted loan agreement’.
As at 31 December 2023, the Group has a net debt of €1.6 billion (refer to Note 26), of which €600 million
Euro-denominated fixed rate bond matures in November 2024. In addition, the Group has an undrawn
revolving credit facility of €800 million available, €0.8 billion available out of the €1.0 billion commercial
paper facility, as well as undrawn uncommitted loan agreement of €200 million.
The following tables detail the Group’s remaining contractual maturities for its financial liabilities.
The tables include both interest and principal undiscounted cash flows, assuming that interest rates
remain constant from 31 December 2023.
Up to One to Two to Over
one year two years five years five years Total
€ million € million € million € million € million
Derivative liabilities
Trade and other payables
(excluding other tax
& social security and
contract liabilities)
As at 31 December 2023
Up to One to Two to Over
one year two years five years five years Total
€ million € million € million € million € million
Derivative liabilities
Trade and other payables
(excluding other tax
& social security and
contract liabilities)
As at 31 December 2022
Capital risk
Accounting policy
The Group monitors its financial capacity and credit ratings by reference to a number of key financial
ratios including net debt to comparable adjusted EBITDA, which provides a framework within which
the Group’s capital base is managed. This ratio is calculated as net debt divided by comparable
adjusted EBITDA.
Adjusted EBITDA is calculated by adding back to operating profit the depreciation and net
impairment of property, plant and equipment, the amortisation and impairment of intangible
assets, the employee performance share costs, the net impairment of equity method investments
and items, if any, reported in line ‘Other non-cash items’ of the consolidated cash flow statement.
Comparable adjusted EBITDA refers to adjusted EBITDA excluding restructuring expenses,
exceptional items related to Russia-Ukraine conflict, acquisition, integration and divestment-related
costs and the unrealised gains or losses resulting from the mark-to-market valuation of derivatives
and embedded derivatives related to commodity hedging.
Refer to Note 26 for definition of net debt.
The Group’s objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the Group’s ability to continue as a
going concern and to maintain an optimal capital structure to reduce the cost of capital.
In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group may increase or decrease debt, issue or
buy back shares, adjust the amount of dividends paid to shareholders, or return capital to shareholders.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 245
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
25. Financial risk management and financial instruments continued
The Group’s goal is to maintain a conservative financial profile. This is evidenced by the credit ratings
maintained with Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s, which were reaffirmed in 2023, while the outlook by
Standard & Poor’s returned to stable in 2023 compared with negative in 2022.
Rating agency
Publication date
Long-term debt
Short-term debt
Standard & Poor’s
May 2023
May 2023
The Group’s medium- to long-term target is to maintain the net debt to comparable adjusted EBITDA
ratio within a 1.5 to 2.0 range.
The ratios as at 31 December were as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Net debt (refer to Note 26)
Operating profit
Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment,
including right-of-use assets
Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets
Employee performance shares
Impairment of equity method investments
Other non-cash items
Adjusted EBITDA
Other restructuring expenses (primarily redundancy costs)
Unrealised loss on commodity derivatives
Exceptional items related to Russia – Ukraine conflict
Acquisition and integration costs
Total comparable adjusted EBITDA
Net debt/comparable adjusted EBITDA ratio
Other non-cash items for 2022 relate to the net loss recognised in the income statement from the
remeasurement to fair value of the previously held equity interest, the reclassification to the income
statement of the Group’s share of other comprehensive income and the gain from bargain purchase
in connection with the change in control of Multon (refer to Note 24). These non-cash items were
classified as part of acquisition and integration costs within operating expenses.
The reconciliation of other restructuring expenses to total restructuring expenses for the years ended
31 December was as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Total restructuring expenses included in operating expenses
(refer to Note 9)
Less: Impairment of property, plant and equipment presented
as part of restructuring expenses
Other restructuring expenses (primarily redundancy costs)
Hedging activity
The carrying amount of the derivative financial instruments are included in lines ‘Other financial assets’
and ‘Other financial liabilities’ of the consolidated balance sheet.
a) Cash flow hedges
The impact of the hedging instruments on the consolidated balance sheet was:
Notional amount Carrying amount Period of
As at 31 December 2023 million million maturity date
Contracts with positive fair values
Commodity swap contracts
Jan25 – Nov25
Foreign currency forward contracts
Jan24 – Jun24
Interest rate contracts
Commodity swap contracts
Jan24 – Dec24
Contracts with negative fair values
Commodity swap contracts
Jan25 – Sep26
Foreign currency forward contracts
Jan24 – Dec24
Commodity swap contracts
Jan24 – Dec24
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 246
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
25. Financial risk management and financial instruments continued
Notional amount Carrying amount Period of
As at 31 December 2022 million million maturity date
Contracts with positive fair values
Commodity swap contracts
Jan24 – Feb25
Foreign currency forward contracts
Jan23 – Sep23
Commodity swap contracts
Jan23 – Dec23
Contracts with negative fair values
Commodity swap contracts
Jan24 – Nov25
Foreign currency forward contracts
Jan23 – Jun23
Commodity swap contracts
Jan23 – Dec23
The impact on the hedging reserve as a result of applying cash flow hedge accounting was:
Spot Cost of
component hedging reserve
of foreign of foreign Commodity Interest
currency currency swap rate swap
contracts contracts contracts contracts Total
€ million € million € million € million € million
Opening balance as at 1 January 2022
Net gain of cash flow hedges
Change in fair value of hedging
instruments recognised in OCI
Reclassified to income statement
Cost of hedging recognised in OCI
Reclassified to inventories cost
Closing balance as at 31 December 2022
Net gain of cash flow hedges
Change in fair value of hedging
instruments recognised in OCI
Reclassified to income statement
Cost of hedging recognised in OCI
Reclassified to inventories cost
Closing balance as at 31 December 2023
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 247
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
25. Financial risk management and financial instruments continued
The effect of the cash flow hedges in the consolidated income statement was:
2023 2022
(Gain)/loss (Gain)/loss
€ million € million
Net amount reclassified from other comprehensive income
to cost of goods sold
Net amount reclassified from other comprehensive income
to finance costs
The ineffectiveness on the cash flow hedges for the year ended 31 December 2023 was €2.6 million
loss (2022: €2.6 million loss) recorded within cost of goods sold.
b) Undesignated hedges
The fair values of derivative financial instruments as at 31 December which economically hedge
Group’s risks and for which hedge accounting has not been applied were:
Notional amount Carrying amount Period of
As at 31 December 2023 million million maturity date
Contracts with positive fair values
Foreign currency future contracts
Jan24 – Jun 24
Foreign currency forward contracts
Jan24 – Dec24
Commodity swap contracts
Sep24 – Oct24
Contracts with negative fair values
Embedded derivatives
Jan24 – Dec24
Foreign currency forward contracts
Jan24 – Dec24
Commodity swap contracts
Jan24 – Nov24
Notional amount Carrying amount Period of
As at 31 December 2022 million million maturity date
Contracts with positive fair values
Foreign currency future contracts
Jan23 – Nov23
Foreign currency forward contracts
Jan23 – Dec23
Commodity swap contracts
Oct23 – Dec23
Contracts with negative fair values
Commodity swap contracts
Jun24 – Sep 25
Foreign currency future contracts
Apr23 – Dec23
Foreign currency forward contracts
Jan23 – Dec23
Commodity swap contracts
Feb23 – Nov23
The effect of the undesignated hedges in the consolidated income statement was:
2023 2022
Loss/(gain) (Gain)/loss
€ million € million
Net amount recognised in cost of goods sold
Net amount recognised in operating expenses
Net amount recognised in finance cost
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 248
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
25. Financial risk management and financial instruments continued
Financial instruments’ categories
Categories of financial instruments as at 31 December were as follows (in € million):
Analysis of total assets
Derivatives Equity
Debt financial designated financial Total
assets at Assets at as hedging assets at current and
Assets amortised cost FVTPL instruments FVOCI
Investments including loans
to related parties
Derivative financial
Trade and other receivables
Cash and cash equivalents
Analysis of total assets
Liabilities Derivatives
held at designated Total
amortised Liabilities at as hedging current and
Liabilities cost FVTPL instruments
Trade and other payables
(excluding other tax & social
security and contract liabilities)
Derivative financial instruments
Analysis of total assets
Derivatives Equity
Debt financial designated financial Total
assets at Assets at as hedging assets at current and
Assets amortised cost FVTPL instruments FVOCI
Investments including loans
to related parties
Derivative financial
Trade and other receivables
Cash and cash equivalents
Analysis of total assets
Liabilities Derivatives
held at designated Total
amortised Liabilities at as hedging current and
Liabilities cost FVTPL instruments
Trade and other payables
(excluding other tax & social
security and contract liabilities)
Derivative financial instruments
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 249
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
25. Financial risk management and financial instruments continued
Interest rate swap contracts
The Group entered into forward starting swap contracts of €500.0 million in 2014 to hedge the interest
rate risk related to its Euro-denominated forecast issuance of fixed rate debt in March 2016. In August
2015, the Group entered into additional forward starting swap contracts of €100.0 million. In March
2016, the forward starting swap contracts were settled, and at the same time, the new note was issued.
The accumulated loss of €55.4 million recorded in other comprehensive income is being reclassified to
the income statement over the term of the new note.
The Group entered into swaption contracts of 350.0 million in 2018 and €1,050.0 million in 2019 to
hedge the interest rate risk related to its Euro-denominated forecast issuance of fixed rate debt in
2019 and formally designated them as cash flow hedges. In May and November 2019, the swaption
contracts were settled and, at the same time, the new notes were issued. The accumulated loss of €9.6
million recorded in other comprehensive income is being reclassified to the income statement over the
relevant period.
The Group entered into swaption contracts of €180.0 million in 2022 to hedge the interest rate risk
related to its Euro-denominated forecast issuance of fixed rate debt in 2022 and formally designated
them as cash flow hedges. In September 2022, the swaption contracts were settled and, at the
same time, the new notes were issued. The accumulated gain of €3.4 million recorded in other
comprehensive income is being reclassified to the income statement over the relevant period.
The Group entered into swaption contracts of €525.0 million in 2023 to hedge the interest rate risk
related to its Euro-denominated forecast issuance of fixed rate debt in 2024 and formally designated
them as cash flow hedges. The valuation of the outstanding swaptions for the year ended 31 December
2023 was 3.4 million loss recorded in other comprehensive income.
Embedded derivatives
During 2023, the Group recognised embedded derivatives whose risks and economic characteristics
are not considered to be closely related to the commodity contract in which they were embedded. The
fair value of the embedded derivatives as at 31 December 2023 amounted to a financial liability of €9.1
million (2022: €nil).
Fair values of financial assets and liabilities
For financial instruments such as cash, deposits, debtors and creditors, investments, loans payable
to related parties, short-term borrowings (excluding the current portion of bonds and notes payable)
and other financial liabilities (other than bonds and notes payable), carrying values are a reasonable
approximation of their fair values. According to the fair value hierarchy, the financial instruments
measured at fair value are classified as follows:
Level 1
The fair value of FVOCI listed equity securities as well as FVTPL securities is based on quoted
market prices at the reported date. The fair value of bonds is based on quoted market prices
at the reported date.
Level 2
The fair value of foreign currency forward, option and futures contracts, commodity swap contracts,
bonds and notes payable, interest rate option and swap contracts, forward starting swap contracts
and embedded foreign currency derivatives is determined by using valuation techniques, which
maximise the use of observable market data and include discounting. The fair value of the foreign
currency forward, option and future contracts, commodity swap contracts, embedded foreign
currency derivatives and cross-currency swap contracts is calculated by reference to quoted forward
exchange and deposit rates, interest rates and forward rate curves of the underlying commodity at the
reported date for contracts with similar maturity dates. The fair value of interest rate option contracts
is calculated by reference to the Black-Scholes valuation model and implied volatilities. The fair value of
interest rate swap contracts is determined as the difference in the present value of the future interest
cash inflows and outflows based on observable yield curves.
Level 3
The fair value of FVOCI unlisted equity securities as well as convertible note agreements, certain
undesignated derivatives and foreign currency futures and forward contracts is determined through
the use of estimated discounted cash flows or other valuation techniques that use unobservable
inputs. These valuation techniques estimate the fair value of undesignated derivatives by using
settlement and forward prices received from counterparty banks and subscription-based publications
and the fair value of foreign currency futures and forward contracts by using adjusted quoted prices.
Transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy are deemed to have occurred at the date of the
event or change in circumstances that caused the transfer.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 250
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
25. Financial risk management and financial instruments continued
The following table provides the fair value hierarchy levels into which fair value measurements are
categorised for assets and liabilities measured at fair value as at 31 December 2023:
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
€ million € million € million € million
Financial assets at FVTPL
Foreign currency forward contracts
Foreign currency futures contracts
Commodity swap contracts
Money market funds
Convertible note agreements
Derivative financial assets used
for hedging
Cash flow hedges
Foreign currency forward contracts
Interest rate swap contracts
Commodity swap contracts
Assets at FVOCI
Equity securities
Total financial assets
Financial liabilities at FVTPL
Foreign currency forward contracts
Embedded derivatives
Commodity swap contracts
Derivative financial liabilities used
for hedging
Cash flow hedges
Foreign currency forward contracts
Commodity swap contracts
Total financial liabilities
There were no transfers between Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 in the year.
The following table provides the fair value hierarchy levels into which fair value measurements are
categorised for assets and liabilities measured at fair value as at 31 December 2022:
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
€ million € million € million € million
Financial assets at FVTPL
Foreign currency forward contracts
Foreign currency futures contracts
Commodity swap contracts
Money market funds
Convertible note agreements
Derivative financial assets used for
Cash flow hedges
Foreign currency forward contracts
Commodity swap contracts
Assets at FVOCI
Equity securities
Total financial assets
Financial liabilities at FVTPL
Foreign currency forward contracts
Embedded derivatives
Commodity swap contracts
Derivative financial liabilities used for
Cash flow hedges
Foreign currency forward contracts
Commodity swap contracts
Total financial liabilities
There were no transfers between Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 in 2022.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 251
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
25. Financial risk management and financial instruments continued
The following table presents the changes in Level 3 items for the years ended 31 December 2023
and 2022:
Foreign Convertible
Commodity currency Equity note
swap contracts contracts securities agreements Total
€ million € million € million € million € million
Balance as at 1 January 2022
(1.9 )
Gains/(losses) recognised
in income statement
(Proceeds from)/payments
for settlement of derivatives
(18.7 )
Addition of financial assets at FVTPL
Balance as at 31 December 2022
(1.7 )
(Losses)/gains recognised
in income statement
Payments for/(proceeds from)
settlement of derivatives
(24.8 )
Addition of financial assets at FVOCI
Capitalised Interest
Addition of financial assets at FVTPL
Foreign currency translation
(27.7 )
Balance as at 31 December 2023
26. Net debt
Accounting policy
Borrowings are initially recognised at the fair value net of transaction costs incurred.
After initial recognition, all interest-bearing borrowings are subsequently measured at amortised
cost. Amortised cost is calculated using the effective interest rate method whereby any discount,
premium or transaction costs associated with a borrowing are amortised to the income statement
over the borrowing period.
Refer also to Note 17 for accounting policy on leases.
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash balances and short-term, highly liquid investments
that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to insignificant risk of
change in value. Bank overdrafts are classified as short-term borrowings in the balance sheet and
for the purpose of the cash flow statement. Time deposits and treasury bills that do not meet the
definition of cash and cash equivalents are classified as short-term investments at amortised cost.
Money market funds are classified as short-term investments at fair value through profit or loss.
The Group has elected to report cash receipts and payments regarding investments at amortised
cost and fair value through profit or loss respectively, on a net basis in the consolidated cash flow
statement, considering that the relevant amounts are large, turnover is quick and maturities (where
applicable) are short. These investments are expected to be continually renewed, taking into
account market returns and cash generation by the Group.
Net debt is defined as current borrowings plus non-current borrowings less cash and cash
equivalents, and certain other financial assets.
Net debt for the year ended 31 December comprised:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Current borrowings
Non-current borrowings
Less: Cash and cash equivalents
Financial assets at amortised cost
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Less: Other financial assets
Net debt
The financial assets at amortised cost relate to time deposits, while the financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss relate to money market funds. Line ‘Other financial assets’ of the consolidated
balance sheet includes derivative financial instruments of €97.5 million (31 December 2022: €35.3
million) and related party loans receivable of €1.8 million (31 December 2022: €1.8 million).
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
26. Net debt continued
a) Borrowings
The Group held the following borrowings as at 31 December:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Bonds, bills and unsecured notes
Commercial paper
Loans payable to related parties (refer to Note 28)
Other borrowings
Obligations under leases falling due within one year
Total borrowings falling due within one year
Borrowings falling due within one to two years
Bonds, bills and unsecured notes
Borrowings falling due within two to five years
Bonds, bills and unsecured notes
Borrowings falling due in more than five years
Bonds, bills and unsecured notes
Other borrowings
Obligations under leases falling due in more than one year
Total borrowings falling due after one year
Total borrowings
Reconciliation of liabilities to cash flows arising from financing activities:
Due in more Due in more Derivative
Due within than one Due within than one assets/
one year year one year year (liabilities) Total
€ million € million € million € million € million € million
Balance as at 1 January 2022
Cash flows
Proceeds from borrowings
Repayments of borrowings
Principal repayments of lease obligations
Interest paid
Proceeds from settlement of derivatives
regarding financing activities
Total cash flows
Leases increase
Arising from business combinations
Effect of changes in exchange rates
Other non-cash movements
Balance as at 31 December 2022
Cash flows
Proceeds from borrowings
Repayments of borrowings
Principal repayments of lease obligations
Interest paid
Proceeds from settlement of derivatives
regarding financing activities
Total cash flows
Leases increase
Arising from business combinations
Effect of changes in exchange rates
Other non-cash movements
Balance as at 31 December 2023
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
26. Net debt continued
The ‘Other non-cash movements’ primarily include the transfer from long-term to short-term liabilities
and interest incurred as well as the decrease to borrowings in 2022, resulting from the change in control
of Multon (refer to Note 16).
Commercial paper programme
In October 2013 the Group established a €1.0 billion Euro commercial paper programme (the ‘CP
programme’), which was updated in September 2014, in May 2017, in May 2020 and then in May 2023,
to further diversify its short-term funding sources. The Euro commercial paper notes may be issued
either as non-interest-bearing notes sold at a discount or as interest-bearing notes at a fixed or floating
rate. All commercial paper issued under the CP programme must be repaid within 7 to 364 days.
The CP programme has been granted the Short Term Euro Paper (STEP) label and commercial paper
is issued through Coca-Cola HBC’s fully-owned subsidiary Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. and is fully,
unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by Coca-Cola HBC AG. The outstanding amount under
the CP programme as at 31 December 2023 was €211.0 million (2022: €167.5 million).
Committed credit facilities
In April 2019, the Group updated its then-existing €500.0 million syndicated revolving credit facility,
which was set to expire in June 2021. The updated syndicated revolving credit facility has been
increased to €800.0 million and has been extended to April 2024, with the option to be extended up for
two more years until April 2026. In March 2020, the Company exercised its extension option and the
facility was extended to April 2025. In April 2021, the Company exercised its second option to further
extend the maturity of the syndicated loan facility to April 2026. This facility can be used for general
corporate purposes and carries a floating interest rate over EURIBOR. No amounts have been drawn
under the syndicated revolving credit facility since inception. The borrower in the syndicated revolving
credit facility is Coca-Cola HBC’s fully-owned subsidiary Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. and any amounts
drawn under the facility are fully, unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by Coca-Cola HBC AG.
In December 2019, the Group established a loan facility of US Dollar 85.0 million to finance the purchase
of production equipment by the Group’s subsidiary in Nigeria. The facility has been drawn down by
Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC) over the course of 2020 and 2021, maturing in 2027. The obligations
under this facility are guaranteed by Coca-Cola HBC AG. As at 31 December 2023, the outstanding
liability amounted to €45.4 million (2022: €59.3 million).
Uncommitted loan agreement
In August 2022, the Group established an uncommitted money market loan agreement of €250.0
million which was subsequently reduced to €200.0 million in October 2022. The loan agreement can
be used for general corporate purposes. No amounts have been drawn under the money market loan
agreement since its inception. The borrower in the money market loan agreement is Coca-Cola HBC’s
fully-owned subsidiary Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V.
Euro medium-term note programme
In June 2013, the Group established a new 3.0 billion Euro medium-term note programme (the
EMTN programme’). The EMTN programme was updated in September 2014, September 2015, April
2019, when it was increased to €5.0 billion, April 2020, September 2021, September 2022 and then in
December 2023. Notes are issued under the EMTN programme through Coca-Cola HBC’s fully-owned
subsidiary Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. and are fully, unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by
Coca-Cola HBC AG.
In March 2016, Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. completed the issue of a €600 million Euro-denominated
fixed rate bond maturing in November 2024. The coupon rate of the bond is 1.875% which, including the
reclassification of the loss on the forward starting swap contracts to the income statement over the
term of the fixed rate bond, results in an effective interest rate of 2.99%. The net proceeds of the new
issue were used to partially repay €214.6 million of the 4.25%, €600 million seven-year fixed rate notes
due in November 2016. The remaining €385.4 million was repaid in November 2016 upon its maturity.
In May 2019, Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. completed the issue of a €700 million Euro-denominated
fixed rate bond maturing in May 2027 with a coupon rate of 1% and the issue of a €600 million Euro-
denominated fixed rate bond maturing in May 2031 with a coupon rate of 1.625%. The net proceeds
of the new issue were used to partially repay €236.6 million of the 2.375%, €800 million seven-year
fixed rate bond due in June 2020, while the remaining €563.4 million was repaid in June 2020 upon
its maturity.
In November 2019, Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. completed the issue of a €500 million Euro-
denominated fixed rate bond maturing in November 2029 with a coupon rate of 0.625%.
In September 2022, Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. completed the issue of a €500 million Euro-
denominated fixed rate Green bond maturing in September 2025 with a coupon rate of 2.75%.
As at 31 December 2023, a total of €2.9 billion in notes issued under the EMTN programme
were outstanding.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
26. Net debt continued
Summary of notes outstanding as at 31 December
Book value
Fair value
Notes Fixed 2023 2022 2023 2022
Start date
Maturity date
coupon € million € million € million € million
10 March 2016
11 November 2024
14 May 2019
14 May 2027
14 May 2019
14 May 2031
21 November 2019
21 November 2029
23 September 2022
23 September 2025
The weighted average effective interest rate of the Euro-denominated fixed rate bonds is 1.89% and
the weighted average maturity is 3.9 years. The fair values are within Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy.
None of our debt facilities are subject to any financial covenants that would impact the Group’s liquidity
or access to capital.
Total borrowings as at 31 December were held in the following currencies:
2023 2022 2023 2022
€ million € million € million € million
US Dollar
Egyptian Pound
Swiss Franc
Nigerian Naira
Russian Rouble
Bulgarian Lev
Polish Zloty
UK Sterling
Romanian Leu
Belarusian Rouble
Ukrainian Hryvnia
2023 2022 2023 2022
€ million € million € million € million
Hungarian Forint
Czech Koruna
Bosnian Mark
Total borrowings
The carrying amounts of interest-bearing borrowings held at fixed and floating interest rate as at
31 December 2023 were as follows:
Fixed Floating
interest rate interest rate Total
€ million € million € million
US Dollar
Egyptian Pound
Swiss Franc
Nigerian Naira
Russian Rouble
Bulgarian Lev
Polish Zloty
UK Sterling
Romanian Leu
Belarusian Rouble
Ukrainian Hryvnia
Hungarian Forint
Czech Koruna
Bosnian Mark
Total interest-bearing borrowings
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
26. Net debt continued
b) Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December comprise the following:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Cash at bank, in transit and in hand
Short-term deposits
Total cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents are held in the following currencies:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Russian Rouble
Nigerian Naira
US Dollar
Ukrainian Hryvnia
Egyptian Pound
UK Sterling
Armenian Dram
Serbian Dinar
Swiss Franc
Romanian Leu
Polish Zloty
Hungarian Forint
Belarusian Rouble
Czech Koruna
Moldovan Leu
Bosnian Mark
Total cash and cash equivalents
As at 31 December 2023, time deposits of €54.8 million (2022: €529.5 million), which do not meet
the definition of cash and cash equivalents, are recorded as other financial assets.
Cash and cash equivalents include an amount of €92.5 million (€120.9 million as at 31 December 2022)
equivalent in Nigerian Naira. This includes an amount of €nil (€10.6 million as at 31 December 2022)
equivalent in Nigerian Naira, which related to the outstanding balance held for the repayment of NBC’s
former minority shareholders, following the 2011 acquisition of non-controlling interests. The financial
liability regarding former minority shareholders was extinguished in 2023.
The amount of dividends payable to the Company by its operating subsidiaries is subject to, among
other restrictions, general limitations imposed by the corporate laws and exchange control restrictions
of the respective jurisdictions where those subsidiaries are organised and operate. Also, there are
fund transfer restrictions in certain countries in which we operate, in particular Belarus, Nigeria, Egypt,
Serbia and Ukraine, where these restrictions do not have a material impact on the Group’s liquidity,
as the amounts of cash and cash equivalents held in such countries are generally retained for capital
expenditure, working capital and dividend distribution purposes. Intra-group dividends paid by certain
of our subsidiaries are also subject to withholding taxes.
As a result of sanctions and other regulations, there have been changes in required regulatory
approvals, potentially impacting the transfer and usage of cash outside of Russia. Cash and cash
equivalents held by the Group’s operations in Russia (including Multon) amounted to €278.7 million
equivalent in Russian Rouble, US Dollar and Euro as at 31 December 2023 (2022: €155.3 million). The
aforementioned changes restrict the usage of cash held in Russia outside the country; however, they
are not expected to have a material impact on the Group’s liquidity, as the cash and cash equivalents
held in Russia are expected to be used in the forthcoming financial periods primarily for working capital
purposes by the Russian operations.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
27. Equity
Accounting policy
Share capital
Coca-Cola HBC has only one class of shares, ordinary shares. When new shares are issued, they
are recorded in share capital at their par value. The excess of the issue price over the par value is
recorded in the share premium reserve. Incremental external costs directly attributable to the
issue of new shares or to the process of returning capital to shareholders are recorded in equity as a
deduction, net of tax, in the share premium reserve.
Where the Group purchases the Company’s equity instruments, for example as the result of a share
buyback programme, the consideration paid, including any directly attributable incremental costs
(net of income taxes), is deducted from equity attributable to the owners of the parent as treasury
shares until the shares are cancelled or reissued. Where such ordinary shares are subsequently
reissued, any consideration received, net of any directly attributable incremental transaction costs
and the related income tax effects, is included in equity attributable to the owners of the parent.
Dividends are recorded in the Group’s consolidated financial statements, against the relevant equity
component, in the period in which they are approved by the Group’s shareholders.
a) Share capital, share premium and Group reorganisation reserve
Number of Group
shares Share Share reorganisation
(authorised capital premium reserve
and issued) € million € million € million
Balance as at 1 January 2022
Shares issued to employees exercising
stock options (refer to Note 29)
Balance as at 31 December 2022
Shares issued to employees exercising
stock options (refer to Note 29)
Balance as at 31 December 2023
The Group reorganisation reserve relates to the impact from adjusting share capital, share premium
and treasury shares to reflect the respective statutory amounts of Coca-Cola HBC on 25 April 2013,
together with the transaction costs incurred by the latter, relating primarily to the redomiciliation of the
Group and its admission to listing in the premium segment of the London Stock Exchange, following
successful completion of the voluntary share exchange offer (refer also to Note 1). These transactions
were treated as a reorganisation of an existing entity that has not changed the substance of the
reporting entity.
In 2023, the share capital of Coca-Cola HBC increased by the issue of 891,127 (2022: 290,677)
new ordinary shares following the exercise of stock options pursuant to the Coca-Cola HBC AG’s
employees’ stock option plan. Total proceeds from the issuance of the shares under the stock option
plan amounted to €14.2 million (2022: €4.7 million).
Following the above changes, on 31 December 2023 the share capital of the Group amounted to
€2,030.3 million and comprised 372,977,222 shares with a nominal value of CHF 6.70 each.
b) Dividends
On 21 June 2022, the shareholders of Coca-Cola HBC AG at the Annual General Meeting approved a
dividend distribution of €0.71 per share. The total dividend amounted to €262.6 million and was paid
on 2 August 2022. Of this, an amount of €2.4 million related to shares held by the Group.
The shareholders of Coca-Cola HBC AG approved a dividend distribution of €0.78 per share at the
Annual General Meeting held on 17 May 2023. The total dividend amounted to €289.9 million and was
paid on 19 June 2023. Of this, an amount of €2.7 million related to shares held by the Group.
The Board of Directors of Coca-Cola HBC AG has proposed a €0.93 dividend per share in respect
of 2023. If approved by the shareholders of Coca-Cola HBC AG, this dividend will be paid in 2024.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
27. Equity continued
c) Treasury shares and reserves
The reserves of the Group at 31 December were as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Treasury shares
Exchange equalisation reserve
Other reserves
Hedging reserve, net
Tax-free reserve
Statutory reserves
Stock option, performance share and deferred management
incentive share reserve
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive
income reserve, net
Total other reserves
Total reserves
Treasury shares
Treasury shares held by the Group represent shares acquired following approval of share buyback
programmes, forfeited shares under the equity compensation plan operated by the Group, as well as
shares representing the initial ordinary shares of Coca-Cola HBC acquired from Kar-Tess Holding.
On 20 November 2023, the Group announced the launch of a share buyback programme of up to a
maximum of 18,000,000 ordinary shares to be purchased in a manner consistent with the Company’s
general authority to repurchase shares granted at its Annual General Meeting on 17 May 2023 and any
such authority granted at its subsequent annual general meetings. The programme commenced on
21 November 2023 and is expected to run for a period of around two years. As at 31 December 2023,
the Group had purchased shares under the programme for a total consideration of €42.6 million, which
was reflected in line ‘Acquisition of treasury shares’ of the consolidated cash flow statement and the
consolidated statement of changes in equity.
An amount of €29.7 million in 2023 (2022: €15.4 million) relates to treasury shares provided to
employees in connection with vested performance share and deferred management incentive share
awards under the Group’s employee incentive scheme, which was reflected as an appropriation
of reserves between ‘Treasury shares’ and ‘Other reserves’, more specifically the ‘Stock option,
performance share and deferred management incentive share reserve’ in the consolidated statement
of changes in equity.
As at 31 December 2023, 6,068,537 (2022: 5,386,717) treasury shares were held by the Group.
Exchange equalisation reserve
The exchange equalisation reserve comprises all foreign exchange differences arising from the
translation of the financial statements of Group entities with functional currencies other than the Euro.
Other reserves
Hedging reserve
The hedging reserve reflects changes in the fair values of derivatives accounted for as cash flow
hedges, net of the deferred tax related to such balances.
Tax-free and statutory reserves
The tax-free reserve includes investment amounts exempt from tax according to incentive legislation,
other tax-free income or income taxed at source. Statutory reserves are particular to the various
countries in which the Group operates. The amount of statutory reserves of the parent entity,
Coca-Cola HBC AG, is €nil. During 2023, a net amount of €4.7 million was reclassified from retained
earnings to statutory reserves relating to the formation of additional reserves by the Group’s
subsidiaries (2022: €5.7 million net release of statutory reserves).
Stock option, performance share and deferred management incentive share reserve
The stock option, performance share and deferred management incentive share reserve represents
the cumulative charge to the income statement for employee stock option, performance share
and deferred management incentive share awards less the vested performance share and deferred
management incentive share awards.
Other reserves are particular to the various countries in which the Group operates and include reserve
for shares held for the Group’s employee share purchase plan, which is an equity compensation plan
in which eligible employees may participate, as well as the Group’s share of changes in other reserves
of equity method investments.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
28. Related party transactions
a) The Coca-Cola Company
As at 31 December 2023, The Coca-Cola Company indirectly owned 21.0% (2022: 21.0%) of the
issued share capital of Coca-Cola HBC. Coca-Cola HBC’s business relationship with The Coca-Cola
Company is mainly governed by the bottlers’ agreements with The Coca-Cola Company, which are an
important element of Coca-Cola HBC’s business. The Coca-Cola Company considers Coca-Cola HBC
to be a ‘key bottler’. Following their expiry on 31 December 2023, all bottlers’ agreements in the CCH
territories where CCH Group produces, sells and distributes The Coca-Cola Company’s trademarked
beverages were renewed with effect as from 1 January 2024, for an initial term of ten years, with the
option for the CCH Group to request an extension (at the discretion of The Coca-Cola Company)
for another ten years upon expiry of the initial term. All the bottlers’ agreements entered into by
The Coca-Cola Company and Coca-Cola HBC are Standard International Bottlers’ (‘SIB’) agreements.
The terms of the bottlers’ agreements grant Coca-Cola HBC the right to produce and the exclusive
right to sell and distribute the beverages of The Coca-Cola Company in each of the countries in which
the Group operates. Consequently, Coca-Cola HBC is obliged to purchase all concentrate for The
Coca-Cola Company’s beverages from The Coca-Cola Company, or its designee, in the ordinary
course of business.
The Coca-Cola Company owns or has applied for the trademarks that identify its beverages in each of
the countries in which the Group operates. The Coca-Cola Company has authorised Coca-Cola HBC
and certain of its subsidiaries to use the trademark ‘Coca-Cola’ in their corporate names.
Accounting policy
Contributions from The Coca-Cola Company
The Coca-Cola Company participates at its discretion in shared marketing programmes with
the Group to promote the sale of The Coca-Cola Company products. Where such cooperative
arrangements are entered into, the Group receives contributions from The Coca-Cola Company
to offset the cost it has incurred for price support and marketing and promotional campaigns in
respect of specific customers as well as general marketing programmes.
These contributions from The Coca-Cola Company are classified as other income and are accrued
and matched to the expenditure to which they relate, in line with the substance of the arrangement
with The Coca-Cola Company as described above. These contributions are presented as follows:
to the extent that they relate to compensation for costs incurred by the Group for price support
and marketing and promotional campaigns in respect of specific customers, which have been
treated as a deduction from revenue from contracts with customers, they are presented as an
offset against such deductions from revenue and accordingly, included within net sales revenue
in the consolidated income statement; and
to the extent that they relate to compensation for expenditure incurred by the Group in
connection with general marketing programmes, they are presented as an offset against
this expenditure and accordingly, included within operating expenses in the consolidated
income statement.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
28. Related party transactions continued
The below table summarises transactions with The Coca-Cola Company and its subsidiaries:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Purchases of concentrate, finished products and other items
Net contributions received for marketing and promotional incentives
Sales of finished goods and raw materials
Other income
Other expenses
Contributions received from The Coca-Cola Company for marketing and promotional incentives
during the year amounted to €125.1 million (2022: €108.6 million) which can be analysed as follows:
contributions made by The Coca-Cola Company to Coca-Cola HBC for price support and marketing
and promotional campaigns in respect of specific customers in 2023 totalled €59.3 million (2022: €59.9
million) and were recognised as an offset against the relevant incentives provided to those customers
within net sales revenue (refer to Note 8), while contributions made by The Coca-Cola Company to
Coca-Cola HBC for general marketing programmes in 2023 totalled €65.8 million (2022: €48.7 million)
and were recognised against the relevant cost incurred within operating expenses (refer to Note 9). The
Coca-Cola Company has also customarily made additional payments for marketing and advertising
directly to suppliers as part of the shared marketing arrangements. The proportion of direct and
indirect payments, made at The Coca-Cola Company’s discretion, will not necessarily be the same from
year to year.
As at 31 December 2023, the Group had a total amount due from The Coca-Cola Company of €42.8
million (2022: €45.3 million), and a total amount due to The Coca-Cola Company of €273.4 million (2022:
€226.9 million).
Also, refer to Note 24 regarding consideration paid to The Coca-Cola Company during 2022 for the
purchase of the convertible loan and shares held by non-controlling interests in connection with the
acquisition of Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Egypt S.A.E.
b) Frigoglass S.A. (‘Frigoglass’), Kar-Tess Holding and AG Leventis (Nigeria) Ltd
Truad Verwaltungs AG currently indirectly owns 99.3% (31 December 2022: 99.3%) of AG Leventis
(Nigeria) Ltd and also indirectly controls Kar-Tess Holding, which holds approximately 23.0% (31
December 2022: 23.0%) of Coca-Cola HBC’s total issued capital.
As at 31 December 2022, Truad Verwaltungs AG also indirectly owned 48.4% of Frigoglass. Frigoglass,
a company listed on the Athens Exchange, is a manufacturer of coolers, cooler parts, glass bottles,
crowns and plastics. The Group entered into a supply agreement with Frigoglass for the purchase of
cooling equipment in 1999. The supply agreement was extended in 2004, 2008, 2013, 2018 and, most
recently, in 2021, on substantially similar terms. The current agreement expires on 31 December 2025.
In April 2023, Frigoglass restructured its debt, which resulted in changes to its ownership structure. The
restructured Frigoglass Group no longer meets the definition of related party as per IAS 24 ‘Related
party disclosures’ for Coca-Cola HBC AG. Accordingly, transactions with Frigoglass and its subsidiaries
up to April 2023 and the year ended 31 December 2022 are presented below:
Four months ended Year ended 31
28 April 2023 December 2022
Frigoglass and subsidiaries € million € million
Purchases of coolers, cooler parts, glass bottles, crowns and raw
and other materials
Maintenance, rent and other expenses
1. Transactions and balances with Frigoglass Industries (Nigeria) Limited, an associate of the Group, for the year ended 31 December 2023
and as at 31 December 2023 respectively, are included in the ‘Other related parties’ section.
During 2022, the Group received dividends of €1.2 million from Frigoglass Industries (Nigeria) Limited,
which were included in line ‘Receipts from non-integral equity method investments’ of the consolidated
cash flow statement.
Transactions and balances with AG Leventis (Nigeria) Ltd for the years ended 31 December are
presented below:
2023 2022
AG Leventis (Nigeria) Plc € million € million
Purchases of finished goods and other items
Other expenses
As at 31 December 2023, the Group owed €1.1 million (2022: €2.7 million) and had a lease liability of €1.2
million (2022: €4.2 million) to AG Leventis (Nigeria) Ltd.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
28. Related party transactions continued
c) Other related parties
The below table summarises transactions with other related parties:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Other expenses
During 2023, the Group incurred subsequent expenditure for fixed assets of €3.2 million (2022: €3.0
million) and purchased coolers and other equipment as well as inventories of €44.1 million (2022: €5.5
million) from other related parties. Furthermore, during 2023, the Group incurred expenses of €15.5
million (2022: €15.5 million) mainly related to maintenance services for cold drink equipment and
installations of coolers, fountains, vending and merchandising equipment from other related parties.
As at 31 December 2023, the Group had a total amount due to other related parties of €9.1 million
(2022: €3.7 million) and was owed €6.7 million including loans receivable of €4.3 million and dividends
receivable of €nil (2022: €nil loans receivable and €5.2 million dividends receivable) from other related
During 2023, the Group received dividends of €7.0 million from non-integral associates (2022: €0.6
million), which are included in line ‘Receipts from non-integral equity method investments’ of the
consolidated cash flow statement and paid €nil in connection with capital increase of non-integral
associates (2022: €5.7 million, which was included in line ‘Payments for non-integral equity method
investments’ of the consolidated cash flows statement). During 2023, €nil regarding loans receivable
from other related parties was converted to equity (2022: €1.3 million regarding non-integral
Capital commitments to other related parties amounted to €3.8 million as at 31 December 2023 (€4.5
million as at 31 December 2022).
d) Joint ventures
The below table summarises transactions with joint ventures:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Purchases of finished goods
Sales of finished goods and raw materials
Other income
Other expenses
Included in ‘Other expenses’ in the above table is €nil (2022: €7.8 million) of interest charges from loans
with joint ventures.
As at 31 December 2023, the Group owed €8.6 million including loans payable of €2.7 million (2022:
€4.4 million including loans payable of €nil) to, and was owed €12.3 million including loans and dividends
receivable of €4.3 million and €2.6 million respectively (2022: €9.6 million including loans and dividends
receivable of €4.3 million and €nil respectively) by, joint ventures. During 2023, the Group received
dividends of €6.7 million from integral joint ventures (2022: €9.7 million), which were included in
line ‘Receipts from integral equity method investments’ of the consolidated cash flow statement.
Furthermore, during 2023, the Group paid €nil (2022: €4.0 million) in connection with capital increase of
integral joint venture which was included in line ‘Payment for integral equity method investment’ of the
consolidated cash flow statement.
e) Directors and senior management
Evguenia Stoichkova and George Leventis have been elected to the Board of Coca-Cola HBC, following
a proposal made by The Coca-Cola Company and Kar-Tess Holding respectively. There have been
no transactions between Coca-Cola HBC and the Directors and senior management except for
remuneration (refer to Note 9).
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 261
Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
29. Share-based payments
Accounting policy
Stock option, performance share award and deferred management incentive share plan
Coca-Cola HBC provides equity-settled share-based payments to its senior managers in the form
of an employee stock option, performance share award and deferred management incentive plan
(the ‘Plan’).
Stock options under the Plan are measured at fair value at the date of grant. Fair value reflects
the parameters of the compensation plan, the risk-free interest rate, the expected volatility, the
dividend yield and the early exercise experience under the Plan. Expected volatility is determined by
calculating the historical volatility of Coca-Cola HBC’s share price over previous years. The fair value
determined at the grant date is expensed on a straight-line basis over the vesting period.
The Plan offers a specified number of performance share awards and deferred management
incentive plan shares (the ‘deferred MIP shares’) that vest three years after the grant. The fair value
is determined at the grant date and reflects the parameters of the compensation plan, the dividend
yield and the closing share price on the date of grant. The fair value determined at the grant date is
expensed on a straight-line basis over the vesting period. At the end of each reporting period the
Group revises its estimates of the number of shares that are expected to vest based on non-market
conditions, and recognises the impact of the revision to original estimates, if any, in the income
statement with a corresponding adjustment to equity.
When the terms of an equity-settled award are modified, the minimum expense recognised is the
grant date fair value of the unmodified award, provided the original vesting terms of the award
are met. An additional expense, measured as at the date of modification, is recognised for any
modification that increases the total fair value of the share-based payment transaction, or is
otherwise beneficial to the employee.
Employee Share Purchase Plan
The Group operates an employee share purchase plan (the ‘ESPP’), an equity compensation
plan in which eligible employees can participate. The Group makes contributions to the plan for
participating employees and recognises expenses over the vesting period of the contributions.
The charge included in employee costs regarding share-based payments for the years ended
31 December is analysed as follows:
2023 2022
€ million € million
Performance share awards and deferred MIP shares
Employee Share Purchase Plan
Total share-based payments charge
Terms and conditions
Stock option, performance share award and deferred management incentive share plan
The Group has not issued any new stock options since 2014. Based on Plan rules, senior managers
were granted awards of stock options, based on performance, potentiality and level of responsibility.
Options were granted at an exercise price equal to the closing price of the Company’s shares trading
on the London Stock Exchange on the day of the grant and vested in one third increments each year
for three years. Options can be exercised for up to ten years from the date of award. When the options
are exercised, the proceeds received by the Group, net of any transaction costs, are credited to share
capital (at the nominal value) and share premium.
Since 2015, performance shares are the primary long-term award. Senior managers are granted
performance share awards, which have a three-year vesting period and are linked to Group-specific
key performance indicators. The closing price of the Company’s shares trading on the London Stock
Exchange on the day of the grant is used to determine the number of performance share awards
granted. In 2018, the Group modified the performance share plan, in order for eligible employees
to receive upon vesting, additionally to the specific number of shares, the value of dividends
corresponding to the years from grant till vest date, subject to the approval of the Remuneration
Committee. Furthermore, 50% of the Chief Executive Officer’s annual bonus awarded under the terms
of the management incentive plan is deferred into shares, which vest over a three-year period, subject
to service conditions. No dividend-equivalent shares corresponding to the years from grant till vest
date are provided, in connection with the deferred shares granted.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
29. Share-based payments continued
Employee Share Purchase Plan
The Employee Share Purchase Plan is administered by a Plan Administrator. Under the terms of this
plan, employees have the opportunity to invest 1% to 15% of their salary in ordinary Coca-Cola HBC
shares by contributing to the plan through a payroll deduction. Employee deductions are used monthly
to purchase ordinary Coca-Cola HBC shares in the open market (London Stock Exchange).
Coca-Cola HBC will match employee contributions up to a maximum of 3% of the employee’s salary.
Employer matching cash contributions vest one year after the grant, at which time they are used to
purchase matching shares on the open market that are immediately vested. Dividends received in
respect of shares held under this plan are used to purchase additional shares at the time of dividend
distribution. Shares are held under the Plan Administrator. For employees resident in Greece, Coca-
Cola HBC matches the employees’ contribution with an annual employer contribution of up to 5% of the
employees’ salary that vests annually in December of each year.
Stock option activity
The outstanding stock options are fully vested and are exercisable until 2025.
A summary of stock option activity in 2023 under all grants is as follows:
Number Weighted Weighted
of stock average average
options exercise price exercise price
2023 2023 (EUR) 2023 (GBP)
Outstanding as at 1 January
Outstanding as at 31 December
Exercisable as at 31 December
A summary of stock option activity in 2022 under all grants is as follows:
Number Weighted Weighted
of stock average average
options exercise price exercise price
2022 2022 (EUR) 2022 (GBP)
Outstanding as at 1 January
Outstanding as at 31 December
Exercisable as at 31 December
1. For convenience purposes, the prices are translated at the closing exchange rate.
Total proceeds from the issuance of the shares under the stock option plan in 2023 amounted to €14.2
million (2022: €4.7 million).
The weighted average remaining contractual life of stock options outstanding at 31 December 2023
was 1.5 years (2022: 1.9 years).
Performance shares and deferred MIP shares activity
A summary of performance shares and deferred MIP shares activity is as follows:
Number of Number of
shares shares
2023 2022
Outstanding as at 1 January
Outstanding as at 31 December
2. Includes dividend equivalent shares.
The weighted average remaining contractual life of performance shares and deferred MIP shares
outstanding at 31 December 2023 was 1.3 years (2022: 1.3 years).
The weighted average fair value for the 2023 performance share award and deferred MIP share plan was
£21.21 per share (2022: £15.95). Relevant inputs into the valuation were as follows:
Weighted average share price
Dividend yield
Weighted average exercise period
3.0 years
3.0 years
3. Dividend yield in connection with the valuation of deferred MIP shares granted during 2023 was 3.2% (2022: 3.2%).
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
30. Contingencies
In relation to the Greek Competition Authority’s decision of 25 January 2002, one of Coca-Cola
Hellenic Bottling Company S.A.’s competitors had filed a lawsuit against Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling
Company S.A. claiming damages in an amount of €7.7 million. The court of first instance heard the
case on 21 January 2009 and subsequently rejected the lawsuit. The plaintiff appealed the judgement
and on 9 December 2013 the Athens Court of Appeals rejected the plaintiff’s appeal. On 19 April 2014,
the same plaintiff filed a new lawsuit against Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company S.A. (following the
spin-off, Coca-Cola HBC Greece S.A.I.C.) claiming payment of €7.5 million as compensation for losses
and moral damages for alleged anti-competitive commercial practices of Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling
Company S.A. between 1994 and 2013. On 21 December 2018, the plaintiff served their withdrawal
from the lawsuit. However, on 20 June 2019, the same plaintiff filed a new lawsuit against Coca-Cola
HBC Greece S.A.I.C. claiming payment of €10.1 million as compensation for losses and moral damages
again for alleged anti-competitive commercial practices of Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company S.A.
for the same period between 1994 and 2013. On 16 July 2021, the Athens Multimember Court of First
Instance issued its judgement number 1929/2021 (hereinafter the ‘Judgement’), which adjudicates
that Coca-Cola HBC Greece S.A.I.C. is obliged to pay to the plaintiff an amount of circa €0.9 million plus
interest as of 31 December 2003. Both Coca-Cola HBC Greece S.A.I.C and the plaintiff have appealed
against this decision to the court of appeals. Both appeals were heard on 19 January 2023. The decision
is pending to be issued. Management believes that any liability to the Group that may arise as a result
of these pending legal proceedings will not have a material adverse effect on the results of operations,
cash flows, or the financial position of the Group taken as a whole.
With respect to the investigation of the Greek Competition Commission initiated on 6 September
2016, regarding Coca-Cola HBC Greece S.A.I.C.’s operations in certain commercial practices in the
non-alcoholic beverages market, the Rapporteur of the Greek Competition Commission appointed
for this case issued her Statement of Objections on 5 July 2021, alleging that Coca-Cola HBC Greece
S.A.I.C. undertook a series of anti-competitive practices in the market of instant consumption for cola
and non-cola carbonated soft drinks, thereby excluding competitors and limiting their growth potential.
Coca-Cola HBC Greece S.A.I.C. has vigorously defended its commercial practices, in rebuttal of the
allegations set out in the Statement of Objections. The hearing of the case, before the plenary session
of the Greek Competition Commission, was concluded on 29 November 2021 and the supplementary
briefs of the parties were submitted on 16 December 2021. On 3 November 2022, the Hellenic
Competition Commission notified Coca-Cola HBC Greece S.A.I.C. of its ruling on the case, according
to which Coca-Cola HBC Greece S.A.I.C. allegedly abused its dominant position in the Greek immediate
consumption market segment for cola and non-cola carbonated soft drinks. The Hellenic Competition
Commission ruling imposed on Coca-Cola HBC Greece S.A.I.C. a fine of €10.3 million, as well as a
behavioural remedy in relation to beverage coolers valid until the end of 2024. Coca-Cola HBC Greece
S.A.I.C. paid the fine in May 2023. Coca-Cola HBC Greece S.A.I.C. strongly disagrees with this ruling and
has challenged it before the competent Court of Appeal. The hearing date of the appeal is set for 26
September 2024.
In 1992, our subsidiary NBC acquired a manufacturing facility in Nigeria from Vacunak, a Nigerian
company. In 1994, Vacunak filed a lawsuit against NBC, alleging that a representative of NBC had
orally agreed to rescind the sale agreement and instead enter into a lease agreement with Vacunak.
As part of its lawsuit, Vacunak sought compensation for rent and loss of business opportunities. NBC
discontinued all use of the facility in 1995. On 19 August 2013, NBC received the written judgement
of the Nigerian court of first instance issued on 28 June 2012 providing for damages of approximately
€7.8 million. The Appeal Court dismissed NBC’s appeal and Vacunak’s cross-appeal and affirmed the
judgement of the first instance court in 2023. Both NBC and Vacunak have filed an appeal against the
judgement before the Supreme Court. Based on advice from NBC’s outside legal counsel, we believe
that it is unlikely that NBC will suffer material financial losses from this case. We have consequently not
provided for any losses in relation to this case.
The tax filings of the Group and its subsidiaries are routinely subjected to audit by tax authorities
in most of the jurisdictions in which the Group conducts business. These audits may result in
assessments of additional taxes. The Group provides for additional tax in relation to the outcome of
such tax assessments, to the extent that a liability is probable and estimable.
The Group is also involved in various other legal proceedings. Management believes that any liability to
the Group that may arise as a result of these pending legal proceedings will not have a material adverse
effect on the results of operations, cash flows, or the financial position of the Group taken as a whole.
Considering the above, there have been no significant adverse changes in contingencies since 31
December 2022 (as described in our 2022 Integrated Annual Report available on Coca-Cola HBC’s
web site: www.coca-colahellenic.com).
31. Commitments
Capital commitments
As at 31 December 2023, the Group had capital commitments for property, plant and equipment
amounting to €203.4 million (2022: €210.5 million). Of this, €1.5 million are related to the Group’s share
of the commitments arising from joint ventures (2022: €0.5 million).
Capital commitments for 2023 include total future minimum lease payments under leases not
yet commenced to which the Group was committed as at 31 December 2023 of €10.0 million
(2022: €28.8 million).
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued
32. Post balance sheet events
In late January 2024, the Nigerian Naira depreciated against the US Dollar by approximately 33%
compared with the December 2023 respective rate. The Group has assessed the impact of
the devaluation to its financial position as at 31 December 2023 and this is not material. We are
continuously monitoring the situation to ensure that timely actions are undertaken as planned to
minimise the adverse impact from the currency devaluation to the Group’s business in Nigeria.
In February 2024, Coca-Cola HBC AG’s wholly-owned subsidiary Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V.
completed the issue of a €600 million Euro-denominated fixed rate bond maturing in February 2028
with a coupon rate of 3.375%. The new bond was issued under the Group’s €5.0 billion Euro medium-
term note programme and it is guaranteed by Coca-Cola HBC AG. At the same time, the Group
unwound the €525.0 million nominal amount swaptions, which had been designated as cash flow
hedges in connection with the interest rate risk of the new bond. As a result, effective February 2024,
the relevant accumulated valuation loss of €2.9 million recorded in other comprehensive income is
being reclassified to the income statement over the term of the swaptions, while the settlement will
take place in June and July 2024.
In early March 2024, the Egyptian Pound depreciated against the US Dollar by approximately
39% compared with the December 2023 respective rate. The Group has assessed the impact of
the devaluation to its financial position as at 31 December 2023 and this is not material. We are
continuously monitoring the situation to ensure that timely actions are undertaken as planned to
minimise the adverse impact from the currency devaluation to the Group’s business in Egypt.
On 13 March 2024, the Remuneration Committee granted performance share and deferred
MIP share awards of €25.3 million equivalent, under the performance share award and deferred
management incentive share plan, which have a three-year vesting period. The number of shares
granted is calculated by dividing the value of the grant with the closing share price as of the date
of the approval of the grant.
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Report on the audit of the consolidated financial statements
Report of the statutory auditor
to the General Meeting of
Coca-Cola HBC AG
Steinhausen (Zug)
Report on the audit of the consolidated financial statements
We have audited the consolidated financial statements of Coca-Cola HBC AG and its subsidiaries
(the Group), which comprise the consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of
comprehensive income for the year ended 31 December 2023, the consolidated balance sheet as at
31 December 2023 and the consolidated statement of changes in equity and consolidated cash flow
statement for the year then ended, and notes to the consolidated financial statements, including
material accounting policy information.
In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements (pages 194 to 265) give a true and fair view
of the consolidated financial position of the Group as at 31 December 2023 and its consolidated
financial performance and its consolidated cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with
IFRSAccounting Standards as adopted by the European Union (EU) and comply with Swiss law.
Basis for opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with Swiss law, International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and
Swiss Standards on Auditing (SA-CH). Our responsibilities under those provisions and standards are
further described in the ‘Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the consolidated financial statements’
section of our report. We are independent of the Group in accordance with the provisions of Swiss
law and the requirements of the Swiss audit profession, as well as the International Code of Ethics for
Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards) issued by the International
Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA Code), and we have fulfilled our other ethical
responsibilities in accordance with these requirements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
our opinion.
Our audit approach
Materiality Overall Group materiality: €51 million
Audit scope We conducted full scope audit procedures on the financial information of 17
subsidiaries in 15 countries spread across all of the Group’s reportable segments.
We also conducted procedures around specific account balances and transactions
and analytical review procedures for other subsidiaries and Group functions. Our
audit scope addressed 82% of consolidated net sales revenue, 80% of consolidated
profit before tax and 83% of consolidated total assets of the Group.
Key audit matters As key audit matters the following areas of focus have been identified:
Goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets impairment assessment
Uncertain tax positions
The scope of our audit was influenced by our application of materiality. Our audit opinion aims to
provide reasonable assurance that the consolidated financial statements are free from material
misstatement. Misstatements may arise due to fraud or error. They are considered material if,
individually or in aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions
ofusers taken on the basis of the consolidated financial statements.
Based on our professional judgement, we determined certain quantitative thresholds for materiality,
including the overall Group materiality for the consolidated financial statements as a whole as set out
in the table below. These, together with qualitative considerations, helped us to determine the scope
of our audit and the nature, timing and extent of our audit procedures and to evaluate the effect of
misstatements, both individually and in aggregate, on the consolidated financial statements as a whole.
Overall Group materiality €51 million
Benchmark applied Adjusted profit before tax
Rationale for
the materiality
We consider that the income statement remains the principal measure
used by the shareholders in assessing the underlying performance of
the Group. Therefore, an approach to materiality based on the profit
before tax has been applied. However, we have adjusted this benchmark
by items which, in our view, are considered unusual and infrequently
occurring in nature such as the impairment charges. Therefore, we
haveused adjusted profit before tax which is a generally accepted
auditing benchmark.
We agreed with the Audit and Risk Committee that we would report to them misstatements above
€2.5million identified during our audit as well as any misstatements below that amount which, in our
view, warranted reporting for qualitative reasons.
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Audit scope
We tailored the scope of our audit in order to perform sufficient work to enable us to provide an opinion
on the consolidated financial statements as a whole, taking into account the structure of the Group, the
accounting processes and controls, and the industry in which the Group operates.
The Group operates through its trading subsidiary undertakings in Nigeria, Egypt and 27 countries in
Europe, as set out in Note 1 ‘General information’ and Note 7 ‘Segmental analysis’ of the consolidated
financial statements. The processing of the accounting records for these subsidiary undertakings
is largely centralised in a shared services centre in Bulgaria, except for the subsidiary undertakings
in Armenia, Belarus, Egypt, Moldova, North Macedonia, Russia and Ukraine which process their
accounting records locally. The Group also operates centralised treasury functions in the Netherlands
and in Greece and a centralised procurement function for key raw materials in the Netherlands.
Based on their significance to the financial statements and in light of the key audit matters as noted
above, we identified 17 subsidiary undertakings in 15 countries spread across all of the Group’s
reportable segments (including the significant trading subsidiary undertakings in Italy, Nigeria,
Poland, Romania, Russia and Switzerland) which, based on our scoping analysis, required a full scope
audit of their financial information. In addition, audit procedures were performed with respect to the
centralised treasury functions by the group engagement team and with respect to the centralised
procurement function by the component audit team in the Netherlands. The group engagement team
also performed analytical review and other procedures on balances and transactions of subsidiary
undertakings not covered by the procedures described above.
Report on the audit of the consolidated financial statements continued
As the Swiss statutory auditor, we issued group audit instructions to PwC Greece, who has the
responsibility as the group engagement team for the Group’s reporting requirements for the
London and Athens Stock Exchanges. These instructions covered the scope of our group audit to
enable us to fulfil our responsibilities under Swiss law. As the Swiss statutory auditor, we had ongoing
interactions with the group engagement team in Greece to be continuously updated and to monitor
their progress and the results of their procedures. We reviewed the instructions which PwC Greece
issued to component audit teams including centralised audit procedures performed at the shared
services centre in Bulgaria and shared audit comfort with component teams as it relates to IT general
controls and cybersecurity risks. We reviewed working papers and undertook additional interactions as
considered necessary depending on the significance of the accounting and audit matters. The Group
consolidation, financial statement disclosures and a number of other areas that involve significant
judgement and estimates, including goodwill and intangible assets and the Group’s overall going
concern assessment, were audited by the Swiss statutory auditor and the group engagement team of
PwC Greece.
As the Swiss statutory auditor, we held frequent virtual meetings to oversee the work performed by the
group engagement and component audit teams. We attended such meetings for Italy, Russia (including
Multon), Nigeria, Romania, Switzerland, Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Northern Ireland, Poland,
Serbia, the Netherlands, and Egypt. As the Swiss statutory auditor, we also held physical meetings
and discussions with the management of the trading subsidiary in Switzerland to discuss business
performance and outlook, matters relating to regulation and taxation, as well as any specific accounting
and auditing matters identified, including fraud and internal controls.
Based on the above, the subsidiaries which were in scope for the purposes of the group audit
accounted for 82% of consolidated net sales revenue, 80% of consolidated profit before tax and 83%
of consolidated total assets of the Group. This, together with the additional procedures performed
at Group level, provided us with sufficient and appropriate evidence for our audit opinion on the
consolidated financial statements.
Key audit matters
Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in
our audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed
in the context of our audit of the consolidated financial statements as a whole, and in forming our
opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.
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Goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets impairment assessment
Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
Refer to Note 14 ‘Intangible assets’ of the
consolidated financial statements.
Goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets as at
31 December 2023 amount to €1,820.8 million and
€738.2 million, respectively.
The above amounts have been allocated to
individual cash-generating units (‘CGUs’), which in
accordance with International Accounting Standard
36 ‘Impairment of Assets’ (‘IAS 36’) require the
performance of an impairment assessment at
least annually or whenever there is an indication of
impairment. The impairment assessment involves
the determination of the recoverable amount of the
CGU, being the higher of the value-in-use and the
fair value less costs of disposal.
We consider this area as a key audit matter due
to the magnitude of goodwill and indefinite-lived
intangible assets balances and because the
determination of whether elements of goodwill and
of indefinite-lived intangible assets are impaired
involves complex and subjective estimations made
by management about the future results of the
CGUs. These estimations include assumptions
surrounding revenue growthrates, costs, foreign
exchange rates and discount rates.
Management closely monitored the increasing
macroeconomic uncertainty in Egypt throughout
the previous and current year and as a result of
the annual impairment assessment, a charge
of €109.4million for goodwill impairment was
recorded for the Egyptian CGU. Relevant disclosure
has been included in the financial statements in
respect of this CGU.
No impairment was identified for the
We evaluated the appropriateness of
management’s identification of the Group’s CGUs,
the process by which management prepared the
CGUs’ value-in-use calculations and the design and
operating effectiveness of related control activities.
We tested the mathematical accuracy of the CGUs’
value-in-use calculations and compared the cash
flow projections included therein to the financial
budgets, approved by the directors, covering a
one-year period, and management’s projections
for the subsequent four years. In addition, we
assessed management’s past forecasting accuracy
by comparing key elements of the prior year
projections with actual results.
We challenged management’s cash flow
projections in relation to the assumptions applied
to the value-in-use calculations, taking into
account the ongoing challenging macroeconomic
environment in severalcountries.
With the support of our valuation specialists, we
assessed the appropriateness of the methodology
and valuation techniques used as well as certain
assumptions including discount, annual revenue
growth and perpetuity revenue growth rates.
We performed our independent sensitivity analyses
on the key drivers of the value-in-use calculations
for the CGUs with significant balances of goodwill
and indefinite-lived intangible assets.
Based on our work, we concluded that the results
reached by management in relation to the
impairment testing of goodwill and indefinite-lived
intangible assets were supported by assumptions
within reasonableranges.
We evaluated the related disclosures provided in
the consolidated financial statements in Note14
‘Intangible assets’ and concluded that these
Report on the audit of the consolidated financial statements continued
Uncertain tax positions
Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
Refer to Note 11 ‘Taxation’ and Note 30
Contingencies’ of the consolidated financial
The Group operates in numerous tax jurisdictions
and is subject to periodic challenges, in the normal
course of business, by local tax authorities on a
range of matters including corporate tax, transfer
pricing arrangements and indirect taxes. As at
31December 2023, the Group has provisions for
uncertain tax positions of €82.8 million that are
classified in current tax liabilities, current tax assets
and deferred tax liabilities.
The impact of changes in local tax regulations and
ongoing inspections by local tax authorities, could
materially impact the amounts recorded in the
consolidated financial statements.
Where the amount of tax payable is uncertain,
the Group establishes provisions based on
management’s estimates with respect to the
likelihood of potential material tax exposures
crystallising and the probable amount of the
resultant liability.
We consider this area as a key audit matter given
the level of judgement and uncertainty involved
in estimating tax provisions, the complexities
of dealing with tax rules and regulations in
numerous jurisdictions that could materially
impact the amounts recorded in the consolidated
In order to understand and evaluate management’s
judgement, we considered the status of current tax
authority inspections and enquiries, the outcome
of previous tax authority inspections, judgemental
positions taken in tax returns and current year
estimates as well as recent developments in the
taxjurisdictions in which the Group operates.
We evaluated the Group’s monitoring process
of the current tax authority inspections and
challenged management’s estimates, particularly
inrespect of cases where there had been
significant developments with tax authorities.
Our component audit teams, through the use of
tax specialists with local knowledge and relevant
expertise, assessed the tax positions taken
by the subsidiary undertakings in scope, in the
context of applying local tax laws and evaluating
the local tax assessments. We read recent rulings
and correspondence with tax authorities, as
well as external advice provided by the Group’s
tax experts and legal advisors. Additionally, with
our group engagement team tax specialists we
further evaluated management’s estimation of tax
exposures and contingencies in order to assess
the adequacy of the Group’s tax provisions and
satisfy ourselves that the tax provisions have been
appropriately recorded or adjusted to reflect the
latest developments.
We held meetings with Group and local
management to discuss the individual tax
positions of the in-scope subsidiary undertakings
and assessed with the support of our group
engagement tax team the Group’s overall
From the evidence obtained we consider the
provisions in relation to uncertain tax positions
asat31 December 2023 to be reasonable.
We also evaluated the related disclosures provided
in the consolidated financial statements in Note
11 ‘Taxation’ and Note 30 ‘Contingencies’ and
concluded that these are appropriate.
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Other information
The Board of Directors is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises
the information included in the annual report, but does not include the financial statements,
theconsolidated financial statements, the statutory remuneration report and our auditor’s
Our opinion on the consolidated financial statements does not cover the other information and we do
not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the consolidated financial statements, our responsibility is to read the
other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent
with the consolidated financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise
appears to be materially misstated.
If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this
other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
Board of Directors’ responsibilities for the consolidated financial statements
The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation of consolidated financial statements that give
a true and fair view in accordance with IFRS Accounting Standards as adopted by the European Union
(EU) and the provisions of Swiss law, and for such internal control as the Board of Directors determines
is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the consolidated financial statements, the Board of Directors is responsible for assessing
the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going
concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the Board of Directors either intends
to liquidate the Group or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the consolidated financial statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial
statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue
an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but
is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Swiss law, ISAs and SA-CH will always
detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are
considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence
the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these consolidated financial statements.
A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the consolidated financial statements is
located on EXPERTsuisse’s website: http://www.expertsuisse.ch/en/audit-report. This description
forms an integral part of our report.
Report on other legal and regulatory requirements
In accordance with article 728a para. 1 item 3 CO and PS-CH 890, we confirm the existence of an
internal control system that has been designed, pursuant to the instructions of the Board of Directors,
for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements.
We recommend that the consolidated financial statements submitted to you be approved.
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
Patrick Balkanyi
Licensed audit expert
Auditor in charge
Zurich, 15 March 2024
Tobias Handschin
Licensed audit expert
Report on the audit of the consolidated financial statements continued
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 269
Report on the audit of the financial statements
Report of the statutory auditor
to the General Meeting of
Coca-Cola HBC AG
Steinhausen (Zug)
Report on the audit of the financial statements
We have audited the financial statements of Coca-Cola HBC AG (the Company), which comprise
thebalance sheet as at 31 December 2023, and the income statement, the cash flow statement
for theyear then ended, and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant
accounting policies.
In our opinion, the financial statements (pages 272 to 281) comply with Swiss law and the Company’s
articles of incorporation.
Basis for opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with Swiss law and Swiss Standards on Auditing (SA-CH).
Our responsibilities under those provisions and standards are further described in the ‘Auditor’s
responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements’ section of our report. We are independent of
the Company in accordance with the provisions of Swiss law and the requirements of the Swiss audit
profession, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
our opinion.
Our audit approach
The scope of our audit was influenced by our application of materiality. Our audit opinion aims to
provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
Misstatements may arise due to fraud or error. They are considered material if, individually or in
aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on
the basis of the financial statements.
Based on our professional judgement, we determined certain quantitative thresholds for materiality,
including the overall materiality for the financial statements as a whole as set out in the table below.
These, together with qualitative considerations, helped us to determine the scope of our audit and the
nature, timing and extent of our audit procedures and to evaluate the effect of misstatements, both
individually and in aggregate, on the financial statements as a whole.
Overall materiality CHF 33’707’000
Benchmark applied Net assets
Rationale for
the materiality
We chose net assets as the benchmark because, in our view, it is the
benchmark which reflects the actual substance of the entity. This is a
generally accepted benchmark for ultimate holding companies
We agreed with the Audit and Risk Committee that we would report to them misstatements above CHF
1’872’640 identified during our audit as well as any misstatements below that amount which, in our view,
warranted reporting for qualitative reasons.
Audit scope
We designed our audit by determining materiality and assessing the risks of material misstatement
in the financial statements. In particular, we considered where subjective judgements were made;
for example, in respect of significant accounting estimates that involved making assumptions and
considering future events that are inherently uncertain. As in all of our audits, we also addressed the
riskof management override of internal controls, including among other matters consideration of
whether there was evidence of bias that represented a risk of material misstatement due to fraud.
We tailored the scope of our audit in order to perform sufficient work to enable us to provide an
opinion on the financial statements as a whole, taking into account the structure of the Company,
theaccounting processes and controls, and the industry in which the Company operates.
Key audit matters
We have determined that there are no key audit matters to communicate in our report.
Other information
The Board of Directors is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises
the information included in the annual report, but does not include the financial statements,
theconsolidated financial statements, the statutory remuneration report and our auditor’s
Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express
any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other
information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent
withthefinancial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be
materially misstated.
If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this
other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 270
Board of Directors’ responsibilities for the financial statements
The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation of financial statements in accordance with the
provisions of Swiss law and the Company’s articles of incorporation, and for such internal control as the
Board of Directors determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are
free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the financial statements, the Board of Directors is responsible for assessing the
Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going
concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the Board of Directors either intends
to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole
are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that
includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an
audit conducted in accordance with Swiss law and SA-CH will always detect a material misstatement
when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually
or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users
taken on the basis of these financial statements.
A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements is located on
EXPERT-suisse’s website: http://www.expertsuisse.ch/en/audit-report. This description forms an
integral part of our report.
Report on the audit of the financial statements continued
Report on other legal and regulatory requirements
In accordance with article 728a para. 1 item 3 CO and PS-CH 890, we confirm the existence of an
internal control system that has been designed, pursuant to the instructions of the Board of Directors,
for the preparation of the financial statements.
We further confirm that the proposed appropriation of available earnings and the proposed repayment
of the reserves from capital contributions comply with Swiss law and the Company’s articles of
incorporation. We recommend that the financial statements submitted to you be approved.
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
Patrick Balkanyi
Licensed audit expert
Auditor in charge
Zurich, 15 March 2024
Tobias Handschin
Licensed audit expert
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 271
Swiss statutory reporting
Coca-Cola HBC AG, Steinhausen (Zug)
Balance sheet
Coca-Cola HBC AG, Steinhausen (Zug)
Statement of income
As at 31 December
CHF thousands
Note 2023 2022
Cash and cash equivalents 16,252 261
Short-term receivables from direct and indirect participations 2.1 23,984 12,311
Receivables from related parties 2.2 552 1,430
Short-term receivables from third parties 2,490 2,356
Total current assets 43,278 16,358
Investments in subsidiaries 2.3 6,159,092 6,444,931
Property, plant and equipment (incl. right-of-use assets) 8,966 6,699
Total non-current assets 6,168,058 6,451,630
Total assets 6,211,336 6,467,988
Liabilities and shareholders’ equity
Other payables 2,296 2,108
Short-term liabilities to direct and indirect participations 2.4 33,888 2,592
Short-term liabilities to related parties 58
Short-term lease liabilities 913 556
Accrued expenses 2.4 72,274 59,242
Total short-term liabilities 109,429 64,498
Long-term interest-bearing liabilities to indirect participations 2.5 91,591 200,326
Long-term lease liabilities 3,188 1,685
Provisions 2.6 15,950 11,542
Total long-term liabilities 110,729 213,553
Share capital 2.7 2,498,947 2,492,977
Legal capital reserves
Reserves from capital contributions 3,444,860 3,721,117
Reserves for treasury shares 2.8 85,298 85,298
Retained earnings
Results carried forward (39,441) (15,592)
Profit/(loss) for the year 78,881 (23,849)
Treasury shares 2.8 (77,367) (70,014)
Total shareholders’ equity 2.9 5,991,178 6,189,937
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 6,211,336 6,467,988
As at 31 December
CHF thousands
Note 2023 2022
Dividend income 382,132 265,445
Other operating income 2.10 46,473 36,106
Total operating income 428,605 301,551
Employee costs 2.11 (50,123) (37,837)
Other operating expenses 2.12 (30,889) (16,809)
Write down of investments 2.3 (285,839) (265,445)
Depreciation on property, plant and equipment
(incl. right-of-use assets) (991) (875)
Total operating expenses (367,842) (320,966)
Operating profit/(loss) 60,763 (19,415)
Finance costs (4,834) (4,239)
Foreign exchange gains 2.13 23,141
Profit/(loss) before tax 79,070 (23,654)
Direct taxes (189) (195)
Profit/(loss) for the year 78,881 (23,849)
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 272
Swiss statutory reporting continued
As at 31 December
CHF thousands
Note 2023 2022
Profit/(loss) for the year 78,881 (23,849)
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment including right-
of-use assets 991 875
Finance costs 4,834 4,239
Foreign exchange gains (23,141)
Write down of investments 2.3 285,839 265,445
Net change related to employee Performance Share Plan 35,618 19,041
383,022 265,751
Increase in receivables (10,928) (2,221)
Decrease in investments in subsidiaries 2.3 (285,839) (265,445)
(Decrease)/increase in short-term liabilities (excl. financial
liabilities) (702) 13
Increase in accrued expenses 10,262 5,044
(Decrease)/increase in provisions (262) 665
Proceeds from dividends received from subsidiaries 2.3 285,839 265,445
Tax paid (184) (193)
Net cash inflow from operating activities 381,208 269,059
Payments for purchases of property, plant and equipment (700) (2,505)
Cash outflow from investing activities (700) (2,505)
Principal repayments of lease obligations (699) (722)
Proceeds from short-term and long-term financial liabilities 63,726 11,140
Repayments of short-term and long-term financial liabilities (111,652) (15,297)
Acquisition of treasury shares (40,882)
Dividends paid to owners of the Company (284,282) (263,551)
Proceeds from shares issued to employees exercising
stockoptions 13,995 4,538
Interest paid (3,863) (4,413)
Net cash outflow from financing activities (363,657) (268,305)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 16,851 (1,751)
Movement in cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 261 2,026
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 16,851 (1,751)
Effect of changes in exchange rates (860) (14)
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 16,252 261
Coca-Cola HBC AG, Steinhausen (Zug)
Cash flow statement
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 273
Swiss statutory reporting continued
General information
Coca-Cola HBC AG (the ‘Company’) was incorporated on 19 September 2012 by Kar-Tess Holding. On
11 October 2012, the Company announced a voluntary share exchange offer to acquire all outstanding
ordinary registered shares and all American depositary shares of Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company
S.A., Maroussi (GR) (‘CCHBC SA’). As a result of the successful completion of this offer, on 25 April
2013 the Company acquired 96.85% of the issued CCHBC SA shares, including shares represented by
American depositary shares, and became the new parent company of the Group (the Company and its
direct and indirect subsidiaries). On 17 June 2013, the Company completed its statutory buyout of the
remaining shares of CCHBC SA that it did not acquire upon completion of its voluntary share exchange
1. Accounting principles
Accounting principles applied in the preparation of the financial statements
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of commercial
accounting as set out in the Swiss Code of Obligations (Art. 957 to 963b CO). The Company is preparing
its consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
(‘IFRS’) as adopted by the European Union (EU’) in accordance with Art. 963b CO due to a requirement
from the Athens Exchange, its primary listing in the EU. In accordance with Art. 961 para 2. CO, the
Company is presenting a cash flow statement. Significant accounting and valuation principles are
described below:
Dividend income
Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive payment is established.
Other operating income
The Company provides management services to its principal subsidiaries and acts as guarantor to its
principal subsidiary, Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. The income from these services is recognised in the
accounting period in which the service is provided.
Exchange rate differences
The accounting records of the Company are retained in Euro and translated to Swiss francs (‘CHF’) for
presentation purposes. Except for investments in subsidiaries, property, plant and equipment, long-
term liabilities and equity, which are translated at historical rates, all assets and liabilities denominated
in foreign currencies are translated into CHF using the closing exchange rate as at 31 December 2023.
Income and expenses are translated into CHF at the average exchange rate of the reporting year
except for dividend income and related write down of investments (see Note 2.3), which are valued
at the transaction date exchange rate. Net unrealised exchange losses are recorded in the income
statement, while net unrealised gains are deferred within accrued expenses.
Balance sheet as at Income statement for the year ended
Exchange rates 31 December 2023 31 December 2022 31 December 2023 31 December 2022
EUR 0.94 0.99 0.97 1.00
USD 0.84 0.93
GBP 1.08 1.12
Leasing disclosure
Management has applied an economic-view approach to the disclosure of lease contracts considering
the underlying usage rights. Right-of-use assets are presented within property, plant and equipment
depreciated over their useful life. The short- and long-term lease liabilities are adjusted for interest and
lease payments.
Investments in subsidiaries
Investments in subsidiaries are valued at historical cost and evaluated for impairment if identified
triggering events occur.
Property, plant and equipment
Right-of-use assets are included within property, plant and equipment.
Depreciation is calculated on the basis of the following useful lives and in accordance with the
Property, plant and equipment Useful life Method
Leasehold improvement (building) 20 years 5% linear
Leasehold improvement (office infrastructure) 10 years 10% linear
Building infrastructure 12 years 8.33% linear
Right-of-use buildings and company cars
Shorter of useful
life and lease term Linear
Furniture and fixtures, office equipment and other
tangiblefixedassets 8 years 12.5% linear
Telephony infrastructure 7 years 14.29% linear
Communication equipment, computers and PCs 4 years 25% linear
Tablets 3 years 33.33% linear
Treasury shares
Treasury shares are recognised at acquisition cost and deducted from shareholders’ equity at the time
of acquisition. If treasury shares are sold, the gain or loss arising is recognised in the income statement
as finance income or finance cost as appropriate.
Notes to the financial statements of Coca-Cola HBC AG, Steinhausen (Zug) for the year ended 31 December 2023
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 274
Swiss statutory reporting continued
2. Information relating to the balance sheet and statement of income
2.1 Short-term receivables from direct and indirect participations
The short-term receivables from direct and indirect participations do not bear interest.
As at 31 December
CHF thousands
Name of participation 2023 2022
CCB Management Services GmbH, Vienna 22,959 11,518
Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V., Amsterdam 636 663
Coca-Cola HBC Holdings B.V., Amsterdam 300
Coca-Cola Hellenic Business Service Organisation, Sofia 89 130
Short-term receivables from direct and indirect participations 23,984 12,311
2.2 Receivables from related parties
Receivables from related parties consist of receivables from international assignees mainly coming
from advances paid to tax authorities.
2.3 Investments in subsidiaries
As at 31 December
CHF thousands
Direct subsidiary Share of capital Share of votes 2023 2022
Coca-Cola HBC Holdings B.V., Amsterdam
100% 100% 6,444,931 6,710,376
Write down of investment (285,839) (265,445)
Investments in subsidiaries 100% 100% 6,159,092 6,444,931
1. Coca-Cola HBC Holdings B.V., Amsterdam was incorporated on 26 June 2013.
In 2015, the Company adopted a practice of reducing the value of its investment in Coca-Cola HBC
Holdings B.V. by an amount equal to the dividend received from that subsidiary. The amount of the
write down in 2023 is equal to the dividend received in June 2023 from Coca-Cola HBC Holdings B.V.
of CHF 285,839 thousand (2022: CHF 265,445 thousand). The extra dividend of CHF 96,293 received
15December 2023 was excluded from above mentioned practice.
The principal direct and indirect participations of the Company are disclosed in Note 16 to the
consolidated financial statements.
2.4 Short-term liabilities to direct and indirect participations and accrued expenses
The short-term liabilities to the direct and indirect participations do not bear interest except for the
liability to Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. which is interest bearing.
As at 31 December
CHF thousands
Name of participation 2023 2022
CCB Management Services GmbH, Vienna 1,749 1,162
Coca-Cola Hellenic Business Service Organisation, Sofia 73 60
Coca-Cola HBC Switzerland Ltd, Opfikon 72 5
Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V., Amsterdam
31,771 1,346
Coca-Cola HBC Northern Ireland Ltd., Lisburn 1
Coca-Cola HBC Services MEPE, Athens 8 9
Coca-Cola HBC Hrvatska d.o.o, Zagreb 80 9
Coca-Cola HBC Romania Ltd, Voluntari 3
Coca-Cola HBC Polska sp. z.o.o., Warsaw 5
Coca-Cola HBC Cyprus Ltd., Nicosia 106
Coca-Cola HBC-Srbija d.o.o., Belgrade 21
Total short-term liabilities to direct and indirect participations 33,888 2,592
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 275
Swiss statutory reporting continued
2. Information relating to the balance sheet and statement of income continued
2.4 Short-term liabilities to direct and indirect participations and accrued expenses continued
As at 31 December
CHF thousands
Accrued expenses 2023 2022
Direct taxes 194 195
Management Incentive Plan (‘MIP’) and Performance Share Plan (‘PSP’)
forown employees 19,164 16,590
Employee-related costs (social security and insurance, payroll taxes) 6,509 5,741
Provision for acquiring treasury shares to satisfy subsidiaries’
Performance Share Plan rights 8,960 11,774
Other accrued expenses 17,451 6,881
Net unrealised gains from foreign currency translation 19,996 18,061
Total accrued expenses 72,274 59,242
1 Long-term loans maturing 8 November 2024 at historical value of CHF 151,635 thousand (nominal €133,400 thousand) were reclassified
to short-term loans in 2023. On 15 December 2023, loans amounting to CHF 96,293 thousand (nominal €100,000 thousand) were
repaid early. The remaining nominal €33,400 thousand loan and relevant accrued interest of €512 thousand were remeasured using the
closing exchange rate as at 31 December 2023 according to our accounting principles. This resulted in a foreign exchange gain of CHF
24,069 thousand, whereof CHF 17,673 thousand is realised as disclosed in Note 2.13 ‘Foreign exchange differences’. Unrealised gains
ofCHF6,396thousand are deferred within accrued expenses.
Following the publication of circular letter 37a by Swiss Federal Tax Administration in May 2018, the
Company recognised a provision of CHF 16,464 thousand (2022: CHF 13,636 thousand) that relates
to the Company’s employee Performance Share Plan, of which CHF 9,018 thousand (2022: CHF 9,182
thousand) is short-term and is disclosed in line ‘Management Incentive Plan (‘MIP) and Performance
Share Plan (‘PSP’) for own employees’; while CHF 7,446 thousand (2022: CHF 4,454 thousand) is
long-term and disclosed in Note 2.6, ‘Provisions’. The provision for acquiring treasury shares to satisfy
subsidiaries’ Performance Share Plan rights amounts to CHF 16,172 thousand (2022: CHF 17,533
thousand), ofwhich CHF 8,960 thousand (2022: CHF 11,774 thousand) is short-term and disclosed in
accrued expenses, while CHF 7,212 thousand (2022: CHF 5,759 thousand) is long-term and disclosed in
Note2.6, ‘Provisions’.
2.5 Long-term interest-bearing liabilities
As at 31 December
CHF thousands
2023 2022
Coca-Cola HBC Finance BV, Amsterdam 91,591 200,326
Long-term interest-bearing liabilities 91,591 200,326
Long-term interest-bearing liabilities comprise loans from Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. received
in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 for CHF 91,591 thousand (2022: CHF 31,319 thousand) maturing 21
November 2029. Long-term loans of CHF 11,938 thousand were repaid early in December 2023 and
remaining long-term loans maturing 8 November 2024 of CHF 151,635 thousand were reclassified
to short-term loans in 2023 (2022: CHF 169,007 thousand). This early repayment resulted in foreign
exchange gain of CHF 5,434 thousand as the loans were denominated in Euro. Foreign exchange
differences are disclosed inNote 2.13.
2.6 Provisions
As at 31 December
CHF thousands
2023 2022
Long-term Incentive Plan 734 547
Provision for acquiring treasury shares to satisfy subsidiaries’
Performance Share Plan rights (refer to Note 2.4) 7,212 5,759
Performance and management incentive share plan – Coca-Cola HBC
AGemployees (refer to Note 2.4) 7,446 4,902
Provision for social security costs of Performance Share Plan 558 334
Provisions 15,950 11,542
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 276
Swiss statutory reporting continued
2. Information relating to the balance sheet and statement of income continued
2.7 Share capital
Number of shares Nominal value Total
CHF CHF thousands
Share capital as at 1 January 2022 371,795,418 6.70 2,491,029
Shares issued to employees exercising stock options 290,677 6.70 1,948
Share capital as at 31 December 2022 372,086,095 6.70 2,492,977
Number of shares Nominal value Total
CHF CHF thousands
Share capital as at 1 January 2023 372,086,095 6.70 2,492,977
Shares issued to employees exercising stock options 891,127 6.70 5,970
Share capital as at 31 December 2023 372,977,222 6.70 2,498,947
2.8 Treasury shares
The number of treasury shares held by Coca-Cola HBC AG and its subsidiaries qualifying under article
659b Swiss Code of Obligations and their movements are as follows:
Treasury shares held by subsidiaries Number of shares
Acquisition cost
per share Total
CHF CHF thousands
Total treasury shares as at 31 December 2022 3,430,135 24.8673 (85,298)
Total treasury shares as at 31 December 2023 3,430,135 24.8673 (85,298)
Treasury shares held by the Company
Acquisition cost
per share Total
CHF CHF thousands
Treasury shares held by the Company as at 1 January 2022 2,464,448 35.5066 (87,504)
Vested PSP and MIP shares
(507,866) 34.4375 17,490
Treasury shares held by the Company as at 31 December 2022 1,956,582 35.7836 (70,014)
Treasury shares held by the Company as at 1 January 2023 1,956,582 35.7836 (70,014)
Vested PSP and MIP shares
(956,478) 35.0543 33,529
Acquisition of shares
1,638,298 24.9541 (40,882)
Treasury shares held by the Company as at 31 December 2023 2,638,402 29.3235 (77,367)
For cancellation
For other purposes (booked against capital contribution reserves) 1,638,298 24.9541 (40,882)
1. In January 2022, following the vesting of the 2019 MIP, 7,717 treasury shares were transferred to relevant participant. In April 2022,
followingthe vesting of the 2019 PSP, 500,149 treasury shares were transferred to relevant participants.
2. In January 2023, following the vesting of the 2020 MIP, 16,007 treasury shares were transferred to relevant participant. In March 2023,
following the vesting of the 2020 PSP, 940,471 treasury shares were transferred to relevant participants.
3. On 20 November 2023, the Group announced the launch of a share buyback programme of up to a maximum of 18,000,000 ordinary shares
to be purchased in a manner consistent with the Company’s general authority to repurchase shares granted at its Annual General Meeting
on 17 May 2023 and any such authority granted at its subsequent annual general meetings. The programme commenced on 21 November
2023 and is expected to run for a period of around two years. The Company purchased 1,638,298 of its ordinary shares of CHF 6.70 each
for a consideration of CHF 40,882 thousand, reflecting a weighted average price of 2,242.09 pence per share (minimum price of 2,183.45
pence and maximum price of 2,310.06 pence). All 1,638,298 shares have been acquired for other purposes, none for cancellation. Capital
contribution reserves in the amount of CHF 40,882 thousand are blocked for distribution until the treasury shares are sold or transferred
toPSP/MIP members.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 277
Swiss statutory reporting continued
2. Information relating to the balance sheet and statement of income continued
2.9 Shareholders’ equity
Share capital Legal capital reserves
retained earnings Treasury shares Total
from capital
Reserves for
CHF thousands
Balance as at 1 January 2022 2,491,029 3,982,078 85,298 (15,592) (87,504) 6,455,309
Shares issued to employees exercising stock options 1,948 2,590 4,538
(263,551) (263,551)
Vested PSP and MIP shares 17,490 17,490
Loss for the year (23,849) (23,849)
Balance as at 31 December 2022 2,492,977 3,721,117 85,298 (39,441) (70,014) 6,189,937
Shares issued to employees exercising stock options 5,970 8,025 13,995
(284,282) (284,282)
Vested PSP and MIP shares 33,529 33,529
Acquisition of treasury shares
(40,882) (40,882)
Profit for the year 78,881 78,881
Balance as at 31 December 2023 2,498,947 3,444,860 85,298 39,440 (77,367) 5,991,178
1. Represents the book value of treasury shares held by subsidiaries.
2. On 17 May 2023, the shareholders of the Company at the Annual General Meeting approved the distribution of a gross dividend of €0.78 (2022: €0.71) on each ordinary registered share. The dividend was paid on 19 June 2023 and amounted to CHF 284,282 thousand
(2022:CHF263,551thousand, paid 2 August 2022).
3. 1,638,298 shares at an average price of 2,242.09 pence have been acquired for other purposes.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 278
Swiss statutory reporting continued
2. Information relating to the balance sheet and statement of income continued
2.10 Other operating income
2023 2022
CHF thousands
Management fees 42,228 33,348
Guarantee fee 4,245 2,758
Total other operating income 46,473 36,106
Management fees relate to service income earned from services provided to the Company’s direct
and indirect participations, whereof CHF 752 thousand (2022: CHF 2,729 thousand) is true-up from the
prior year. Guarantee fee is the income the Company receives for the services provided as guarantor
toCoca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. and Nigerian Bottling Company Ltd.
2.11 Employee costs
2023 2022
CHF thousands
Wages and salaries 23,561 17,287
Social security costs 3,261 2,705
Pensions and employee benefits 23,301 17,845
Total employee costs 50,123 37,837
Pension and employee benefits include Performance Share Plan expenses for CCHBC AG
employeesinthe amount of CHF 17,089 thousand (2022: CHF 7,121 thousand). Refer to Note 2.4
formore information.
2.12 Other operating expenses
Other operating expenses amounting to CHF 30,889 thousand for 2023 (2022: CHF 16,809 thousand)
mainly include CHF 14,455 thousand (2022: CHF 11,506 thousand) for management fees to CCB
Management Services GmbH, whereof CHF 1,258 thousand (2022: CHF 220 thousand) is true-up from
the prior year.
2.13 Foreign exchange differences
Foreign exchange gains of CHF 23,141 thousand relate primarily to remeasurement of short-term
loans to indirect participations maturing 8 November 2024 at the exchange rate of 31 December 2023
(amounting to CHF 17,673 thousand) and loans to indirect participations fully repaid during the year
(amounting to CHF 5,434 thousand).
3. Other Information
3.1 Net release of hidden reserves
No hidden reserves were released for the years ended 31 December 2023 or 31 December 2022.
3.2 Number of employees
In 2023 and 2022, on an annual average basis, the number of full-time equivalent employees did
notexceed 50.
3.3 Contingent liabilities
Euro medium-term note programmes
In June 2013, the Group established a new 3.0 billion Euro medium-term note programme (the EMTN
programme’). The EMTN programme was updated in September 2014, September 2015 and April
2019, when it was increased to €5.0 billion. The EMTN programme was further updated in April 2020,
September 2021, September 2022 and then in December 2023. Notes are issued under the EMTN
programme through the Company’s indirect subsidiary Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V., a private limited
liability company established under the laws of the Netherlands, and are fully, unconditionally and
irrevocably guaranteed by the Company.
In March 2016, Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. issued €600 million, 1.875% Euro-denominated notes due
in November 2024, which are guaranteed by the Company.
In May 2019, Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. issued €700 million, 1%, Euro-denominated notes due in
May 2027 and also issued €600 million, 1.625%, Euro-denominated notes due in May 2031, which are
guaranteed by the Company.
In November 2019, Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. completed the issue of a €500 million, Euro-
denominated fixed rate bond maturing in November 2029, with a coupon rate of 0.625%, which is
guaranteed by the Company.
In September 2022, Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. issued €500 million, 2.75%, Green Eurodenominated
notes due in September 2025, which are guaranteed by the Company.
As at 31 December 2023, a total of €2.9 billion (2022: €2.9 billion) in notes issued under the EMTN
programme were outstanding.
Committed credit facilities
In April 2019, the Group updated its then-existing €500 million syndicated revolving credit facility
(‘RCF’), which was set to expire in June 2021. The updated RCF has been increased to €800 million and
has been extended to April 2024 with the option to be further extended for up to two years until April
2026. Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. exercised its extension option and the RCF has been extended to
April 2026. The RCF can be used for general corporate purposes and carries a floating interest rate over
EURIBOR. No amounts have been drawn under the RCF since its inception. The borrower under the
RCF is the Company’s indirect subsidiary Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. and any amounts drawn under
the RCF are fully, unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by the Company.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 279
Swiss statutory reporting continued
3. Other information continued
3.3 Contingent liabilities continued
Commercial paper programme
In October 2013, the Group established a new €1.0 billion Euro-denominated commercial paper
programme (the ‘CP Programme’). The CP Programme was updated in September 2014, May 2017, May
2020 and then in May 2023. Notes are issued under the CP Programme by Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V.
and guaranteed by the Company. The outstanding amount under the CP Programme was €211 million
as at 31 December 2023 (2022: €168 million).
Nigerian Bottling Company Ltd
In December 2019, the Group established an amortising loan facility of US$85 million with maturity
in December 2027. The purpose of the facility is to finance the purchase of production equipment by
Nigerian Bottling Company Ltd., the Company’s indirect subsidiary in Nigeria. Over the course of 2020
and 2021, the facility has been drawn down for approximately US$78 million. The obligations under this
facility are guaranteed by the Company. The outstanding amount under the loan facility was €45 million
as at 31 December 2023 (2022: €59 million).
Credit support provider
On 18 July 2013, the Company signed as credit support provider to J.P. Morgan Securities plc, Credit
Suisse International, Credit Suisse AG, ING Bank N.V., Société Générale, Merrill Lynch International and
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc in favour of Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. for the obligations as defined
inthe ISDA Master Agreements.
On 24 July 2013, the Company signed as credit support provider to the Governor and Company
oftheBank of Ireland, in favour of Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. for the obligations as defined in the
ISDAMaster Agreement.
On 8 August 2013, the Company signed as credit support provider to Citibank N.A. in favour
ofCCHBCBulgaria AD for the obligations as defined in the ISDA Master Agreement.
On 8 August 2013, the Company signed as credit support provider to Citibank N.A. in favour
of Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. for the obligations as defined in the ISDA Master Agreement.
On 24 June 2014, the Company signed as credit support provider to Intesa Sanpaolo S.pA. in favour
ofCoca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. for the obligations as defined in the ISDA Master Agreement.
On 5 October 2015, the Company signed as credit support provider to Macquarie Bank
InternationalLimited in favour of Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. for the obligations as defined
intheISDAMaster Agreement.
On 22 June 2016, the Company signed as credit support provider to UniCredit Bank AG in favour
ofCoca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. for the obligations as defined in the ISDA Master Agreement.
On 31 August 2016, the Company signed as credit support provider to BNP Paribas in favour
of Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. for the obligations as defined in the ISDA Master Agreement.
On 1 November 2017, the Company signed as credit support provider to Goldman Sachs Global
International in favour of Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. for the obligations as defined in the ISDA
On 22 December 2017, the Company signed as credit support provider to Citigroup Global
MarketsLimited in favour of Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. for the obligations as defined in the
ISDAMaster Agreement.
On 14 February 2018, the Company signed as credit support provider to Morgan Stanley & Co.
International PLC in favour of Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. for the obligations as defined in the ISDA
Master Agreement.
On 25 March 2019, the Company signed as credit support provider to Citigroup Global Markets
Europe AG in favour of Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. for the obligations as defined in the ISDA
On 1 July 2019, the Company signed as credit support provider to Credit Suisse Securities, Sociedad
deValores, S.A. in favour of Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. for the obligations as defined in the ISDA
Master Agreement.
On 10 July 2019, the Company signed as credit support provider to Macquarie Bank Limited
(LondonBranch) in favour of Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. for the obligations as defined in the
ISDAMaster Agreement.
On 12 November 2019, the Company signed as credit support provider to UBS AG in favour
of Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. for the obligations as defined in the ISDA Master Agreement.
On 2 November 2020, the Company signed as credit support provider to J.P. Morgan AG in favour
ofCoca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. for the obligations as defined in the ISDA Master Agreement.
On 13 November 2020, the Company signed as credit support provider to Goldman Sachs Bank
Europe SE in favour of Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. for the obligations as defined in the ISDA
On 5 May 2022 and then on 26 September 2022, the Company signed as credit support provider
toCitibank Nigeria Limited in favour of Nigerian Bottling Company Ltd for the obligations as defined
inthe Treasury Master Agreement.
1. The ISDA (International Swap Dealers Association) Master Agreement is a standardised form issued by the International Swap Dealers
Association Inc. to be used for credit support transactions.
2. The Treasury Master Agreement is an agreement between Nigerian Bottling Company and Citibank Nigeria describing general terms and
conditions regulating their relationship in regard to foreign currency transactions.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 280
Swiss statutory reporting continued
3. Other information continued
3.4 Significant shareholders
As at 31 December 2023 and 2022, there were two shareholders exceeding the threshold of 5% voting
rights in the Company’s share capital.
Number of
Percentage of
issued share
Percentage of
issued share
Total Kar-Tess Holding 31.12.2022 85,355,019 22.9% 23.3%
Total Kar-Tess Holding 31.12.2023 85,355,019 22.9% 23.3%
Total shareholdings related
to The Coca-Cola Company 31.12.2022 78,252,731 21.0% 21.3%
Total shareholdings related
to The Coca-Cola Company 31.12.2023 78,252,731 21.0% 21.3%
1. Basis: total issued share capital including treasury shares. Share basis 372,977,222 as at 31 December 2023 (2022:372,086,095).
2. Basis: total issued share capital excluding treasury shares. Share basis 366,908,685 as at 31 December 2023 (2022: 366,699,378).
3.5 Fees paid to the auditor
The audit and other fees paid to the auditor are disclosed in Note 9 to the consolidated
3.6 Conditional capital
On 25 April 2013, the shareholders’ meeting agreed to the creation of conditional capital in the
maximum amount of CHF 245,601 thousand, through issuance of a maximum of 36,657 thousand fully
paid-in registered shares with a par value of CHF 6.70 each upon exercise of options issued to members
of the Board of Directors, members of the management, employees or advisers of the Company, its
subsidiaries and other affiliated companies. The share capital of CHF 2,498,947 thousand as disclosed
in the balance sheet differs from the share capital in the commercial register of CHF 2,492,977
thousand as per 31 December 2023 due to the exercise of management options in the course of
financial year 2023.
Conditional capital
Number of
Book value
per share CHF
Total CHF
Agreed conditional capital as per shareholders’ meeting on
25April 2013 36,656,843 6.70 245,601
Shares issued to employees exercising stock options until
31December 2016 (3,149,493) 6.70 (21,102)
Shares issued to employees exercising stock options in 2017 (4,122,401) 6.70 (27,620)
Shares issued to employees exercising stock options in 2018 (1,064,190) 6.70 (7,130)
Shares issued to employees exercising stock options in 2019 (1,352,731) 6.70 (9,063)
Shares issued to employees exercising stock options in 2020 (582,440) 6.70 (3,902)
Shares issued to employees exercising stock options in 2021 (1,282,821) 6.70 (8,595)
Shares issued to employees exercising stock options in 2022 (290,677) 6.70 (1,948)
Remaining conditional capital as at 31 December 2022 24,812,090 6.70 166,241
Shares issue to employees exercising stock options in 2023 (891,127) 6.70 (5,970)
Remaining conditional capital as at 31 December 2023 23,920,963 6.70 160,271
4. Subsequent events
The subsequent events in relation to financial year ended 31 December 2023 are disclosed in Note 32
to the consolidated financial statements.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 281
Swiss statutory reporting continued
1. Total available reserves
Available earnings and reserves CHF thousands
Balance brought forward from previous years (39,441)
Net profit for the year 78,881
Total accumulated profit to be carried forward 39,440
Reserves from capital contributions before distribution 3,444,860
Total available reserves 3,484,300
2. Proposed declaration of dividend from reserves
The Board of Directors proposes to declare a gross dividend of €0.93 on each ordinary registered
share with a par value of CHF 6.70 from the general capital contribution reserve. Own shares held
directly by the Company are not entitled to dividends. The total aggregate amount of the dividends
shall be capped at an amount of CHF 375,000 thousand (the ‘Cap’), and thus will reduce the general
capital contribution reserve of CHF 3,403,978 thousand, as shown in the financial statements as
at 31 December 2023, by a maximum of CHF 375,000 thousand. To the extent that the dividend
calculated on €0.93 per share would exceed the Cap on the day of the Annual General Meeting, due
to the exchange rate determined by the Board of Directors in its reasonable opinion, the Euro per
share amount of the dividend shall be reduced on a pro-rata basis so that the aggregate amount of all
dividends paid does not exceed the Cap. Payment of the dividend shall be made at such time and with
such record date as shall be determined by the Annual General Meeting and the Board of Directors.
3. Proposed appropriation of reserves/declaration of dividend
Variant 1: Dividend of 0.93 at current exchange rate
As of 31 December 2023 CHF thousands
Reserves from capital contributions before distribution 3,444,860
Proposed dividend of €0.93
Reserves from capital contributions after distribution 3,107,333
Variant 2: Dividend if Cap is triggered
As of 31 December 2023 CHF thousands
Reserves from capital contributions before distribution 3,444,860
(Maximum) dividend if Cap is triggered
Minimum reserves from capital contributions after distribution 3,069,860
1. Illustrative at an exchange rate of CHF 0.98 per Euro. Assumes that the shares entitled to a dividend amount to 370,338,820.
2. Dividend is capped at a total aggregate amount of CHF 375,000 thousand.
Proposed appropriation of available earnings and reserves/declaration of dividend
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 282
Report on the audit of the statutory remuneration report 2023
Report of the statutory auditor
to the General Meeting of
Coca-Cola HBC AG
Steinhausen (Zug)
Report on the audit of the statutory remuneration report
We have audited the statutory remuneration report of Coca-Cola HBC AG (the Company) for the year
ended 31 December 2023. The audit was limited to the information pursuant to article 734a-734f CO
on pages 285 to 294 of the statutory remuneration report.
In our opinion, the information pursuant to article 734a-734f CO in the statutory remuneration report
(pages 285 to 294) complies with Swiss law and the Company’s articles of incorporation.
Basis for opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with Swiss law and Swiss Standards on Auditing (SA-CH).
Our responsibilities under those provisions and standards are further described in the ‘Auditor’s
responsibilities for the audit of the statutory remuneration report’ section of our report. We are
independent of the Company in accordance with the provisions of Swiss law and the requirements of
the Swiss audit profession, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with
these requirements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
our opinion.
Other information
The Board of Directors is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises
the information included in the annual report, but does not include the information in the statutory
remuneration report, the consolidated financial statements, the financial statements and our auditor’s
reports thereon.
Our opinion on the statutory remuneration report does not cover the other information and we do not
express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the statutory remuneration report, our responsibility is to read the other
information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the
audited financial information in the statutory remuneration report or our knowledge obtained in the
audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.
If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this
other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
Board of Directors’ responsibilities for the statutory remuneration report
The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation of a statutory remuneration report in
accordance with the provisions of Swiss law and the Company’s articles of incorporation, and for
such internal control as the Board of Directors determines is necessary to enable the preparation
ofastatutory remuneration report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to
fraud orerror. It is also responsible for designing the remuneration system and defining individual
remuneration packages.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 283
Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the statutory remuneration report
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the information pursuant to article
734a-734f CO is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an
auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a
guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Swiss law and SA-CH will always detect a material
misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material
if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic
decisions of users taken on the basis of this statutory remuneration report.
As part of an audit in accordance with Swiss law and SA-CH, we exercise professional judgement and
maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also:
Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement in the statutory remuneration report,
whetherdue to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and
obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of
not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error,
as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of
internal control.
Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures
that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the
effectiveness of the Company’s internal control.
Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting
estimates and related disclosures made.
We communicate with the Board of Directors or its relevant committee regarding, among other
matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any
significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.
We also provide the Board of Directors or its relevant committee with a statement that we have
complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and communicate with them
all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and
where applicable, actions taken to eliminate threats or safeguards applied.
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
Patrick Balkanyi
Licensed audit expert
Auditor in charge
Zurich, 15 March 2024
Tobias Handschin
Licensed audit expert
Report on the audit of the statutory remuneration report 2023 continued
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 284
Statutory Remuneration Report
Additional disclosures regarding the Statutory Remuneration Report
The section below is in line with the Swiss Code of Obligations, which requires disclosure of the
elements of compensation paid to the Company’s Board of Directors and the Executive Leadership
Team (formerly known as the Operating Committee). The amounts relate to the calendar years of
2023 and 2022. In the information presented below, the exchange rate used for conversion of 2023
remuneration data from Euro to CHF is 1/0.9729 and the exchange rate used for conversion of 2022
remuneration data from Euro to CHF is 1/1.0081.
As the Company is headquartered in Switzerland, it is required for statutory purposes to present
compensation data for two consecutive years, 2023 and 2022. The applicable methodology used
to calculate the value of stock option and performance shares follows Swiss Standards. In 2023 and
2022, the fair value of performance shares from the 2023 and 2022 grants is calculated based on
the performance share awards that are expected to vest. Below is the relevant information for Swiss
statutory purposes.
The Statutory Remuneration Report should be read in conjunction with the Directors’ remuneration
report presented in the Integrated Annual Report as the qualitative aspects of remuneration policy are
described therein.
Remuneration for acting members of governing bodies
The Company’s Directors believe that the level of remuneration offered to Directors and the members
of the Executive Leadership Team should reflect their experience and responsibility as determined by,
among other factors, a comparison with similar multinational companies and should be sufficient to
attract and retain high-calibre Directors who will lead the Group successfully. In line with the Group’s
commitment to maximise shareholder value, its policy is to link a significant proportion of remuneration
for its Executive Leadership Team to the performance of the business through short- and long-term
incentives. Therefore, the Executive Leadership Team members’ financial interests are closely aligned
with those of the Company’s shareholders through the equity-related long-term compensation plan.
The total remuneration of the Directors and members of the Executive Leadership Team of the
Company, including performance share grants, during 2023 amounted to CHF 28.6 million (2022:
CHF 24.5 million). Out of this, the amount relating to the expected value of performance share awards
granted in relation to 2023 was CHF 7.4 million (2022: CHF 5.4 million). Pension and post-employment
benefits for Directors and the Executive Leadership Team of the Company during 2023 amounted to
CHF 0.9 million (2022: CHF 1.0 million).
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 285
Remuneration of the Board of Directors
2023 CHF
Cash and
Pension and
Total fair value
of stock options at
the date granted
Anastassis G. David, Non-Executive Chairman 145,935 145, 935
Zoran Bogdanovic, Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director
Anna Diamantopoulou, Independent non-Executive Director, member of the Nomination Committee, Social
Responsibility Committee & Remuneration Committee
98,749 98,749
Charlotte J. Boyle, Independent non-Executive Director, Chair of the Remuneration Committee,
and member of the Nomination Committee 98, 749 98, 749
Olusola (Sola) David-Borha, Independent non-Executive Director, member of the Audit and Risk Committee
95,344 95,344
William W. (Bill) Douglas III, Independent non-Executive Director, Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee 110,911 110,911
Reto Francioni, Senior Independent non-Executive Director, Chair of the Nomination Committee,
and member of the Remuneration Committee
116,262 116,262
Anastasios I. Leventis, Non-Executive Director, Chair of the Social Responsibility Committee 92,426 92,426
Christo Leventis, Non-Executive Director 79,778 79,778
Alexandra Papalexopoulou, Independent non-Executive Director, member of the Audit and Risk Committee 95,344 95,344
Ryan Rudolph, Independent non-Executive Director
30,192 30,192
Henrique Braun, Non-Executive Director
79,778 79,778
Bruno Pietracci, Independent non-Executive Director, member of the Social Responsibility Committee
32,585 32,585
George Pavlos Leventis, Non-Executive Director
49,806 49, 806
Evguenia Stoichkova, Non-Executive Director, member of the Social Responsibility Committee
53,754 53, 754
Total Board of Directors 1,179,613 1, 179,613
1. Cash and non-cash benefits consist of cost-of-living allowance, housing support, Employee Stock Purchase Plan, Private Medical Insurance Relocation Expenses, Home Trip Allowance, lump sum expenses and similar allowances.
2. Zoran Bogdanovic’s compensation was based on his role as CEO, member of the Executive Leadership Team, and his employment agreement. Zoran Bogdanovic was not entitled and did not receive additional compensation as a Director.
3. For Anna Diamantopoulou, on top of her fees, the Group paid CHF 6,031 in social security contributions as required by Swiss legislation.
4. For Olusola (Sola) David-Borha, on top of her fees, the Group paid CHF 7,638 in social security contributions as required by Swiss legislation.
5. For Reto Francioni, on top of his fees, the Group paid CHF 6,867 in social security contributions as required by Swiss legislation.
6. Robert Ryan Rudolph retired from the Board of Directors on 17 May 2023. The Group has applied a pro-rated period fee of CHF 30,192, on top of his fees, the Group paid CHF 2,419 in social security contributions as required by Swiss legislation.
7. For Henrique Braun, on top of his fees, the Group paid CHF 6,391 in social security contributions as required by Swiss legislation.
8. Bruno Pietracci retired from the Board of Directors on 17 May 2023. The Group has applied a pro-rated period fee of CHF 32,585, on top of his fees, the Group paid CHF 2,610 in social security contributions as required by Swiss legislation.
9. George Pavlos Leventis was appointed to the Board of Directors on 17 May 2023. The Group has applied a pro-rated period fee of CHF 49,806.
10. Evguenia Stoichkova was appointed to the Board of Directors on 17 May 2023. The Group has applied a pro-rated fee of CHF 53,754.
Non-Executive Directors do not participate in any of the Group’s incentive plans, nor do they receive any retirement benefits.
Statutory Remuneration Report continued
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 286
2022 CHF
Cash and
Pension and
Total fair value
of stock options at
the date granted
Anastassis G. David, Non-Executive Chairman 151,215 151,215
Zoran Bogdanovic, Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director
Charlotte J. Boyle, Independent non-Executive Director, Chair of the Remuneration Committee,
and member of the Nomination Committe 102,322 102,322
Henrique Braun, Non-Executive Director
82,664 82,664
Olusola (Sola) David-Borha, Independent non-Executive Director, member of the Audit and Risk Committee
98,794 98,794
Anna Diamantopoulou, Independent non-Executive Director, member of the Nomination Committee, Social
Responsibility Committee & Remuneration Committee
102,322 102,322
William W. (Bill) Douglas III, Independent non-Executive Director, Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee 114,923 114,923
Reto Francioni, Senior Independent non-Executive Director, Chair of the Nomination Committee,
and member of the Remuneration Committee
120,468 120,468
Anastasios I. Leventis, Non-Executive Director, Chair of the Social Responsibility Committee 95,770 95,770
Christo Leventis, Non-Executive Director 82,664 82,664
Alexandra Papalexopoulou, Independent non-Executive Director, member of the Audit and Risk Committee 98,794 98,794
Bruno Pietracci, Independent non-Executive Director, member of the Social Responsibility Committee
89,217 89,217
Ryan Rudolph, Independent non-Executive Director
82,664 82,664
Total Board of Directors 1,221,817 1,221,817
1. Cash and non-cash benefits consist of cost-of-living allowance, housing support, Employee Stock Purchase Plan, Private Medical Insurance Relocation Expenses, Home Trip Allowance, lump sum expenses and similar allowances.
2. Zoran Bogdanovic’s compensation was based on his role as CEO, member of the Executive Leadership Team, and his employment agreement. Zoran Bogdanovic was not entitled and did not receive additional compensation as a Director.
3. For Henrique Braun, on top of his fees, the Group paid CHF 6,639 in social security contributions as required by Swiss legislation
4. For Olusola (Sola) David-Borha, on top of her fees, the Group paid CHF 7,935 in social security contributions as required by Swiss legislation
5. For Anna Diamantopoulou, on top of her fees, the Group paid CHF 8,218 in social security contributions as required by Swiss legislation.
6. For Reto Francioni, on top of his fees, the Group paid CHF 7,180 in social security contributions as required by Swiss legislation.
7. For Bruno Pietracci, on top of his fees, the Group paid CHF 7,166 in social security contributions as required by Swiss legislation.
8. For Ryan Rudolph, on top of his fees, the Group paid CHF 6,639 in social security contributions as required by Swiss legislation.
Non-Executive Directors do not participate in any of the Group’s incentive plans, nor do they receive any retirement benefits.
Statutory Remuneration Report continued
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 287
Remuneration of the Executive Leadership Team
The total remuneration paid to or accrued for the Executive Leadership Team for 2023 amounted to
CHF 27.4 million.
2023 CHF
Base salary
Cash and
Annual bonus
and post-
Total fair value
of performance
shares at the
date granted
Zoran Bogdanovic,
Chief Executive Officer,
Executive Director 851,547 684,902 867,920 151,437 2,206,537 4,762,343
Other current members
5,160,832 4,915,703 4,368,027 635,593 4,579,469 19,659,624
Former members
857,611 748,299 548,878 133,543 657,058 2,945,389
Total Executive
Leadership Team 6,869,990 6,348,904 5,784,825 920,573 7,443,064 27,367,356
1. Base salary includes 204,795 CHF non-compete payments in 2023 to former members of the Executive Leadership Team.
2. Cash and non-cash benefits consist of cost-of-living allowance, housing support, schooling, employee share purchase plan, private medical
insurance, relocation expenses, home trip allowance, employer social security contributions, lump sum expenses, all paid and unpaid sign-
on bonus, equalisation amounts and similar allowances.
3. The annual bonus accrual for 2023 includes the accrued Management Incentive Plan (MIP) payout, receivable early in 2024 for the 2023
business performance, including amount deferred in shares, employer social security contribution and gross-up for the tax benefit, of CHF
5,784,825. The monetary value that was paid in 2023 under the MIP reflecting the 2022 business performance is approx. CHF 5,401,503.
4. Members of the Executive Leadership Team participate in the pension plan of their employing entity, as appropriate.
5. Values under long-term incentives represent the fair value of performance shares that are expected to vest for the 2023 grant in order to
comply with Swiss reporting guidelines.
6. Jaak Mikkel was appointed to the role of New Businesses Director on 1 February 2023. Frank ODonnell and Aleksandar Ruzevic were
appointed to the role of Regional Director for on 1 June 2023. Ebru Ozgen was appointed to the role of Chief People and Culture Officer on
12 September 2023.
7. Nikolaos Kalaitzidakis’ employment ceased on 30 September 2023. Sanda Parezanovic’s employment ceased on 30 November 2023.
The total remuneration paid to or accrued for the Executive Leadership Team for 2022 amounted to
CHF 23.3 million.
2022 CHF
Base salary
Cash and
Annual bonus
and post-
Total fair value
of performance
shares at the
date granted
Zoran Bogdanovic, Chief
Executive Officer, Executive
Director 838,403 505,119 782,074 151,642 1,491,207 3,768,445
Other current members
5,048,967 4,958,833 3,878,814 798,359 3,860,787 18,545,760
Former members
591,015 351,225 0 17,319 959,559
Total Executive Leadership
Team 6,478,385 5,815,177 4,660,888 967,320 5,351,994 23,273,764
1. Base salary includes non-compete payments in 2022 to former members of the Executive Leadership Team.
2. Cash and non-cash benefits consist of cost-of-living allowance, housing support, schooling, employee share purchase plan, private medical
insurance, relocation expenses, home trip allowance, employer social security contributions, lump sum expenses, all paid and unpaid sign-
on bonus, equalisation amounts and similar allowances.
3. The annual bonus accrual for 2022 includes the accrued MIP payout, receivable early in 2023 for the 2022 business performance, including
amount deferred in shares, employer social security contribution and gross-up for the tax benefit, of CHF 4,660,888. The monetary value
that was paid in 2022 under the MIP reflecting the 2021 business performance is approx. CHF 5,897,852.
4. Members of the Executive Leadership Team participate in the pension plan of their employing entity, as appropriate.
5. Values under long-term incentives represent the fair value of performance shares that are expected to vest for the 2022 grant in order to
comply with Swiss reporting guidelines.
6. Ivo Bjelis was appointed to the role of Chief Supply Chain Officer on 1 January 2022.
7. Sean O’Neil’s employment ceased on 31 March 2022.
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Shareholdings, conversion and option rights
The table below sets out a comparison of the interests in the Company’s total issued share capital that the members of the Board of Directors (‘Directors’) and Executive Leadership Team hold (all of which,
unless otherwise stated, are beneficial interests or are interests of a person connected with a Director or a member of the Executive Leadership Team) and the interests in the Company’s share capital.
31.12.2023 31.12.2022
Number of shares
Percentage of
share capital
Percentage of
share capital
Number of
of issued
share capital
Percentage of
share capital
Anastassis G. David, Non-Executive Chairman
Zoran Bogdanovic, Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director 336,219 0.09% 0.09% 299,614 0.08% 0.08%
Charlotte J. Boyle, Independent non-Executive Director, Chair of the Remuneration Committee,
and member of the Nomination Committee 1,017 0.00% 0.00% 1,017 0.00% 0.00%
Henrique Braun, Non-Executive Director
Olusola (Sola) David-Borha, Independent non-Executive Director, member of the Audit and Risk Committee
Anna Diamantopoulou, Independent non-Executive Director, member of the Nomination Committee,
Social Responsibility Committee & Remuneration Committee
William W. (Bill) Douglas III, Independent non-Executive Director, Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee 10,000 0.00% 0.00% 10,000 0.00% 0.00%
Reto Francioni, Senior Independent non-Executive Director, Chair of the Nomination Committee,
and member of the Remuneration Committee 7,000 0.00% 0.00% 7,000 0.00% 0.00%
Anastasios I. Leventis, Non-Executive Director, Chair of the Social Responsibility Committee
Christo Leventis, Non-Executive Director
Alexandra Papalexopoulou, Independent non-Executive Director, member of the Audit and Risk Committee
Bruno Pietracci, Independent non-Executive Director, member of the Social Responsibility Committee
Ryan Rudolph, Independent non-Executive Director
George Pavlos Leventis, Non-Executive Director
Evguenia Stoichkova, Non-Executive Director, member of the Social Responsibility Committee
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31.12.2023 31.12.2022
Number of shares
Percentage of
share capital
Percentage of
share capital
Number of
of issued
share capital
Percentage of
share capital
Executive Leadership Team
Minas Agelidis, Region Director 97,411 0.03% 0.03% 66,836 0.02% 0.02%
Mourad Ajarti, Chief Digital and Technology Officer 42,622 0.01% 0.01% 16,858 0.00% 0.00%
Ben Almanzar, Chief Financial Officer 29,565 0.01% 0.01% 11,482 0.00% 0.00%
Ivo Bjelis, Chief Supply Chain Officer 51,566 0.01% 0.01% 38,508 0.01% 0.01%
Jan Gustavsson, General Counsel, Company Secretary and Chief Corporate Development Officer 243,414 0.07% 0.07% 196,868 0.05% 0.05%
Nikos Kalaitzidakis, Region Director
89,466 0.02% 0.02% 62,587 0.02% 0.02%
Naya Kalogeraki, Chief Operating Officer 109,394 0.03% 0.03% 69,301 0.02% 0.02%
Martin Marcel, Chief Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Officer 153,355 0.04% 0.04% 128,434 0.03% 0.04%
Spyros Mello, Strategy and Transformation Director 67,259 0.02% 0.02% 47,638 0.01% 0.01%
Vitaliy Novikov, Digital Commerce Business Development Director 14,355 0.00% 0.00% 47,488 0.01% 0.01%
Sanda Parezanovic, Chief People and Culture Officer
132,024 0.04% 0.04% 98,285 0.03% 0.03%
Barbara Tönz, Chief Customer and Commercial Officer 5,707 0.00% 0.00% 4,176 0.00% 0.00%
Jaak Mikkel, New Businesses Director
38,791 0.01% 0.01% 26.215 0.01% 0.01%
Frank ODonnell, Region Director
39,821 0.01% 0.01% 28.447 0.01% 0.01%
Aleksandar Ruzevic, Region Director
53,992 0.01% 0.01% 38.877 0.01% 0.01%
Ebru Ozgen, Chief People and Culture Officer
183 0.00% 0.00%
Footnotes are presented at the end of the Table
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The following table sets out information regarding the stock options and performance shares held by members of the Executive Leadership Team as at 31 December 2023:
Stock options (ESOP) Performance shares (PSP)
Number of
stock options Already vested
Vesting at the
end of 2023
in 2023
Unvested and
subject to
conditions Vested
Zoran Bogdanovic, Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director
39,335 39,335 162,847 391,872 75,777
Minas Agelidis, Region Director 24,954 69,549 27,593
Mourad Ajarti, Chief Digital and Technology Officer 20,823 55,035 22,536
Ben Almanzar, Chief Financial Officer 30,465 91,844 9,743
Ivo Bjelis, Chief Supply Chain Officer 20,979 54,814 15,830
Jan Gustavsson, General Counsel, Company Secretary and Chief Corporate Development Officer 32,551 90,277 38,001
Nikos Kalaitzidakis, Region Director 25,248 69,724 29,170
Naya Kalogeraki, Chief Operating Officer 21,239 21,239 50,066 140,757 35,478
Martin Marcel, Chief Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Officer 28,142 78,313 32,797
Spyros Mello, Strategy and Transformation Director 17,267 46,810 16,622
Vitaliy Novikov, Digital Commerce Business Development Director 24,204 68,493 22,299
Sanda Parezanovic, Chief People and Culture Officer 26,029 72,139 30,273
Barbara Tönz, Chief Customer and Commercial Officer 19,784 43,553
Jaak Mikkel, New Businesses Director 15,927 15,927 18,179 47,445 19,200
Frank ODonnell, Region Director 16,365 46,164 14,781
Aleksandar Ruzevic, Region Director 7,432 7,432 18,201 50,732 21,370
Ebru Ozgen, Chief People and Culture Officer 44,741 44,741
1. Basis: total issued share capital including treasury shares. Share basis 372,977,222 as at 31 December 2023 (2022: 372,086,095)
2. Basis: total issued share capital excluding treasury shares. Share basis 366,908,685 as at 31 December 2023 (2022: 366,699,378)
3. Anastassis G. David is a beneficiary of:
(a) a private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 85,355,019 shares held by Kar-Tess Holding; and
(b) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 832,268 shares held by Ari Holdings Limited.
4. Anastasios I. Leventis is a beneficiary of:
(a) a private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 85,355,019 shares held by Kar-Tess Holding;
(b) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 286,880 shares held by its trustee, Selene Treuhand AG; and
(c) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Avgie Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 2,138,277 shares held by Carlcan Holding Limited.
5. Christo Leventis is a beneficiary of:
(a) a private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 85,355,019 shares held by Kar-Tess Holding;
(b) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 482,228 shares held by its trustee, Selene Treuhand AG; and
(c) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Avgie Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 2,138,277 shares held by Carlcan Holding Limited.
6 George Pavlos Leventis is a beneficiary of:
(a) a private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 85,355,019 shares held by Kar-Tess Holding;
(b) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 294,191 shares held by its trustee, Selene Treuhand AG; and
(c) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Avgie Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 2,138,277 shares held by Carlcan Holding Limited.
7. Mr. Nikos Kalaitzidakis’ employment ceased on 30 September 2023.
8. Ms. Sanda Parezanovic’s employment ceased on 30 November 2023.
9. Mr. Jaak Mikkel joined the Executive Leadership Team on 1 February 2023.
10. Mr. Frank ODonnell and Mr. Aleksandar Ruzevic joined the Executive Leadership Team on 1 June 2023.
11. Ms. Ebru Ozgen joined the Executive Leadership Team on 12 September 2023.
12. The Remuneration Committee determined at its meeting on 13 March 2024 that, in line with the terms of the PSP, PSP awards granted to Zoran Bogdanovic in 2021 vested over in aggregate 95,843 shares (including the dividend equivalent shares paid on PSP shares that vested in 2024)
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The following table sets out information regarding the stock options and performance shares held by members of the Executive Leadership Team as at 31 December 2022:
Stock options (ESOP) Performance shares (PSP)
Number of
stock options Already vested
Vesting at the
end of 2022
in 2022
Unvested and
subject to
conditions Vested
Zoran Bogdanovic, Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director
132,743 132,743 144,826 380,685 69,759
Minas Agelidis, Region Director 28,807 74,108 13,808
Mourad Ajarti, Chief Digital and Technology Officer 21,988 58,317
Ben Almanzar, Chief Financial Officer 36,724 71,818 7,612
Ivo Bjelis, Chief Supply Chain Officer 25,327 50,767 7,472
Jan Gustavsson, General Counsel, Company Secretary and Chief Corporate Development Officer 199,658 199,658 37,357 98,372 18,639
Nikos Kalaitzidakis, Region Director 11,680 11,680 28,807 75,676 13,808
Naya Kalogeraki, Chief Operating Officer 37,166 37,166 57,256 128,638 15,782
Martin Marcel, Chief Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Officer 7,103 7,103 32,591 85,250 16,098
Spyros Mello, Strategy and Transformation Director 20,624 47,322 8,076
Vitaliy Novikov, Digital Commerce Business Development Director 15,927 15,927 28,158 68,140 10,652
Sean O’Neil, Chief Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Officer
601 9,721
Sanda Parezanovic, Chief People and Culture Officer 10,618 10,618 29,878 78,490 14,795
Barbara Tönz, Chief Customer and Commercial Officer 23,769 23,769
Jaak Mikkel, New Businesses Director
35.040 35.040 19.117 49.803 12.257
Frank ODonnell, Region Director
18.860 45.609 7.247
Aleksandar Ruzevic, Region Director
7.432 7.432 21.025 55.388 10.208
Ebru Ozgen, Chief People and Culture Officer
1. Basis: total issued share capital including treasury shares. Share basis 372,086,095 as at 31 December 2022 (2021: 371,795,418)
2. Basis: total issued share capital excluding treasury shares. Share basis 366,699,378 as at 31 December 2022 (2021: 365,900,835)
3. Anastassis G. David is a beneficiary of:
(a) a private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 85,355,019 shares held by Kar-Tess Holding; and
(b) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 832,268 shares held by Ari Holdings Limited.
4. Anastasios I. Leventis is a beneficiary of:
(a) a private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 85,355,019 shares held by Kar-Tess Holding;
(b) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 286,880 shares held by its trustee, Selene Treuhand AG; and
(c) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Avgie Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 2,138,277 shares held by Carlcan Holding Limited.
5. Christo Leventis is a beneficiary of:
(a) a private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 85,355,019 shares held by Kar-Tess Holding;
(b) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Anastasios George Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 482,228 shares held by its trustee, Selene Treuhand AG; and
(c) a further private discretionary trust, for the primary benefit of present and future members of the family of the late Avgie Leventis, that has an indirect interest with respect to 2,138,277 shares held by Carlcan Holding Limited.
6. Mr. Ivo Bjelis joined the Executive Leadership Team on 1 January 2022.
7. Mr. Sean O’Neil’ s employment ceased on 31 March 2022.
8. Mr Jaak Mikkel, Mr Frank ODonnel and Mr Aleksandar Ruzevic joined ELT in 2023 hence no data was disclosed for them in IAR 2022.
9. The Remuneration Committee determined at its meeting on 17 March 2023 that, in line with the terms of the PSP, PSP awards granted to Zoran Bogdanovic in 2020 vested over in aggregate 75.777 shares (including the dividend equivalent shares paid on PSP shares that vested in 2023).
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Information on functions in other undertakings
The following table lists all functions of the individual members of the Board of Directors in other
Companies and associations Function
Anastassis G. David,
Non-Executive Chairman
Aegean Airlines S.A. Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
Cyprus Union of Shipowners Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
Sea Trade Holdings Inc Chairman of the Board of Directors
Nephele Navigation Inc Chairman of the Board of Directors
Adcom Advisory Ltd Member of the Board of Directors
Kar-Tess Holding Member of the Board of Directors
Boval Ltd Executive
College Year, Athens Member of the Board of Trustees
George and Kaity David
Zoran Bogdanovic, Chief
Executive Officer, Executive
Charlotte J. Boyle, Independent
non-Executive Director,
Chair of the Remuneration
Committee, and member of
the Nomination Committee
UN High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR)
Chairman for UK
Shaftesbury Capital PLC Independent Non–Executive Director
and Chairman of the Environment,
Sustainability and Community
Thatchers Cider Company Ltd Independent Non–Executive Director
Knight Frank LLP Non–Executive Adviser to Group
Executive Board
Alfanar, the venture
philanthropy organisation
Trustee and Chairman of the Finance
Henrique Braun,
Non-Executive Director
The Coca–Cola Company Executive Vice President,
International Development
Olusola (Sola) David-Borha,
Independent non-Executive
Director, member of the
Audit and Risk Committee
Stanbic IBTC Holdings Plc Non–Executive Director
Companies and associations Function
Anna Diamantopoulou,
Independent non-Executive
Director, member of the
Nomination Committee, Social
Responsibility Committee &
Remuneration Committee
DIKTIO–Network for Reform in
Greece and Europe
Founder and President
European Council on
Foreign Relations
Council Member
Delphi Economic Forum Advisory Board Member
KEKST CNC Member of the Global Advisory Board
The European Commission Chairman of the High Level Group
on the future of social protection
and the welfare state in the EU.
William W. (Bill) Douglas III,
Independent non-Executive
Director, Chair of the Audit
and Risk Committee
SiteOne Landscape Supply Inc Lead Director and Chairman
of the Audit Committee
The North Highland Company Non-executive Chair of
the Board of Directors
University of Georgia Member of the Board
Reto Francioni, Senior
Independent non-Executive
Director, Chair of the Nomination
Committee, and member of the
Remuneration Committee
UBS Europe SE Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Swiss International Airlines Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Medtech Innovation
Partners AG
Vice Chairman of the
Board of Directors
Anastasios I. Leventis,
Non-Executive Director,
Chair of the Social
Responsibility Committee
A.G. Leventis (Nigeria) Ltd. Member of the Board of Directors
Leventis Foundation Nigeria Director
A.G. Leventis Foundation Member of the Board of Trustees
Nephele Navigation Inc Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
Kar-Tess Holding Member of the Board of Directors
Maxenta Invest Corp. Member of the Board of Directors
Middle East Finance Sarl Member of the Board of Directors
Adcom Advisory Ltd Member of the Board of Directors
European Council of the Nature
WWF Hellas (Greek branch of
Member of the Board of Directors
Gennadius Library in Athens Member of the Board of Overseers
University of Exeter Member of the Global Advancement Board
Cyclades Preservation Fund Co-Founder
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Companies and associations Function
Christo Leventis, Non-
Executive Director
Alpheus Capital Member of the Board of Directors
Kar-Tess Holding Member of the Board of Directors
Torval Investment Corp. Member of the Board of Directors
Adcom Advisory Ltd Member of the Board of Directors
Middle East Finance Sarl Member of the Board of Directors
Alexandra Papalexopoulou,
Independent non-Executive
Director, member of the Audit
and Risk Committee
Titan Cement International Executive Member of the Board
ofDirectors and Chair of the Board
Paul and Alexandra
Canellopoulos Foundation
Treasurer and Member of the Board
of Directors
INSEAD Business School Member of the Board of Trustees
Aegean Airlines S.A. Independent Non–Executive Director
Evguenia Stoichkova,
Non-Executive Director,
member of the Social
Responsibility Committee
The Coca–Cola Company President of Global Ventures
George Pavlos Leventis,
Non-Executive Director
8 Kensington Park Road Ltd Member of the Board of Directors
Chalet Alpette Sarl Member of the Board of Directors
Adcom Advisory Ltd Member of the Board of Directors
Torval Investment Corp. Member of the Board of Directors
The members of the Executive Leadership Team do not hold any functions in other undertakings.
Credits and loans granted to governing bodies
In 2023, similar to 2022, there were no credits or loans granted to active or former members of the
Company’s Board of Directors, members of the Executive Leadership Team or to any related persons.
There are no outstanding credits or loans.
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Alternative performance measures
Definitions and reconciliations of alternative performance measures (APMs)
1. Comparable APMs refer to comparable cost of goods sold, comparable gross profit, comparable operating expenses, comparable EBIT, comparable EBIT margin, comparable Adjusted EBITDA, comparable profit before tax, comparable tax, comparable net profit and comparable EPS.
1. Comparable APMs
In discussing the performance of the Group, ‘comparable’ measures are used. In 2023, the Group
updated the definitions of items which are deducted from the directly reconcilable IFRS measures to
calculate comparable APMs, to include impairment of goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets.
This update was performed to provide more relevant information on the Group’s ongoing operating
and financial performance, considering also reporting by its peer group and had no impact on the
comparative figures disclosed. More specifically, comparable measures are calculated by deducting
from the directly reconcilable IFRS measures the impact of the Group’s restructuring costs, the mark-
to-market valuation of the commodity hedging activity, the acquisition, integration and divestment-
related costs, the impairment of goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets, the Russia-Ukraine
conflict impact and certain other tax items, which are collectively considered as items impacting
comparability, due to their nature. More specifically the following items are considered as items that
impact comparability:
1. Restructuring costs
Restructuring costs comprise costs arising from significant changes in the way the Group conducts
business, such as significant supply chain infrastructure changes, outsourcing of activities and
centralisation of processes. These costs are included within the income statement line ‘Operating
expenses’; however, they are excluded from the comparable results so that the users can obtain a
better understanding of the Group’s operating and financial performance achieved from underlying
activity. Restructuring costs resulting from initiatives driven by the Russia-Ukraine conflict are
presented under the ‘Russia-Ukraine conflict impact’ item, to provide users complete information on
the financial implications of the conflict.
2. Commodity hedging
The Group has entered into certain commodity derivative transactions in order to hedge its exposure
to commodity price risk. Although these transactions are economic hedging activities that aim to
manage our exposure to sugar, aluminium, gas oil and plastics price volatility, hedge accounting has
not been applied in all cases. In addition, the Group recognises certain derivatives embedded within
commodity purchase contracts that have been accounted for as stand-alone derivatives and do
not qualify for hedge accounting. The fair value gains or losses on the derivatives and embedded
derivatives are immediately recognised in the income statement in the cost of goods sold and
operating expenses line items. The Group’s comparable results exclude the gains or losses resulting
from the mark-to-market valuation of these derivatives to which hedge accounting has not been
applied (primarily plastics) and embedded derivatives. These gains or losses are reflected in the
comparable results in the period when the underlying transactions occur, to match the profit or loss
to that of the corresponding underlying transactions. We believe this adjustment provides useful
information related to the impact of our economic risk management activities.
3. Acquisition, integration and divestment-related costs or gains
Acquisition costs comprise costs incurred to effect a business combination such as finder’s fees,
advisory, legal, accounting, valuation and other professional or consulting fees as well as changes in
the fair value of contingent consideration recognised in the income statement. They also include any
gain from bargain purchase arising from business combinations, as well as any gain or loss recognised
in the income statement from the remeasurement to fair value of previously held interests and the
reclassification to the income statement of items of other comprehensive income resulting from
step acquisitions. Integration costs comprise direct incremental costs necessary for the acquiree
to operate within the Group. Divestment-related costs comprise transaction expenses, including
advisory, consulting, and other professional fees to effect the disposal of a subsidiary or equity method
investment, any impairment losses or write downs to fair value less costs to sell recognised in the
income statement upon classification as held for sale and any relevant disposal gains or losses or
reversals of impairment recognised in the income statement upon disposal. These costs or gains are
included within the income statement line ‘Operating expenses’, however, to the extent that they relate
to business combinations or divestments that have been completed or are expected to be completed,
they are excluded from the comparable results so that the users can obtain a better understanding of
the Group’s operating and financial performance achieved from underlying activity.
4. Impairment of goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets
Impairment losses recognised for goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets as well as reversals
of impairment losses recognised for indefinite-lived intangible assets are included within the income
statement line ‘Operating expenses’; however they are excluded from comparable results so that the
users can obtain a better understanding of the Group’s ongoing operating and financial performance.
5. Russia-Ukraine conflict impact
As a result of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the Group recognised net impairment losses
for property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and equity method investments as well as
restructuring costs, in connection with the new business model in Russia and adverse changes to
the economic environment. The Group also recognised incremental allowance for expected credit
losses and write offs of inventory and property, plant and equipment resulting from the Russia-Ukraine
conflict. The aforementioned net impairment losses are included within the income statement line
Exceptional items related to Russia-Ukraine conflict’ so as to provide users with enhanced visibility
over these items considering their materiality, while remaining costs are included within ‘Operating
expenses’ and ‘Cost of goods sold’ lines of the income statement accordingly. Net impairment losses
and other costs directly attributable to the Russia-Ukraine conflict are excluded from the comparable
results so that the users can obtain a better understanding of the Group’s operating and financial
performance from underlying activity.
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Alternative performance measures continued
1. Comparable APMscontinued
6. Other tax items
Other tax items represent the tax impact of (a) changes in income tax rates affecting the opening
balance of deferred tax arising during the year and (b) certain tax-related matters selected based on
their nature. Both (a) and (b) are excluded from comparable after-tax results so that the users can
obtain a better understanding of the Group’s underlying financial performance.
The Group discloses comparable performance measures to enable users to focus on the underlying
performance of the business on a basis which is common to both periods for which these measures
The reconciliation of comparable measures to the directly related measures calculated in accordance
with IFRS is as follows:
Reconciliation of comparable financial indicators (numbers in € million except per share data)
Full year 2023
Cost of
expenses EBIT
before tax Tax
EPS (€)
As reported (6,627) 3,557 (2,614) 954 1,488 910 (275) 636 1.730
Restructuring costs 8 8 7 8 (2) 7 0.018
Commodity hedging 5 5 5 5 5 (1) 3 0.009
Acquisition costs 6 6 6 6 6 0.017
conflictimpact 0.001
Impairment of goodwill
and indefinite-lived
intangible assets 111 111 111 111 0.301
Other tax items 1 1 0.002
Comparable (6,622) 3,562 (2,488) 1,084 1,506 1,040 (277) 764 2.078
Full year 2022
Cost of
expenses EBIT
before tax Ta x
EPS (€)
As reported (6,054) 3,144 (2,482) 704 1,344 624 (208) 415 1.134
Restructuring costs 8 8 8 8 (2) 6 0.017
Commodity hedging 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.005
Acquisition and
integration costs 80 80 9 80 80 0.218
conflictimpact 1 1 135 136 8 136 (14) 122 0.333
Other tax items (0.001)
Comparable (6,051) 3,148 (2,260) 930 1,372 849 (224) 625 1.706
Figures are rounded.
1. Net profit and comparable net profit refer to net profit and comparable net profit respectively after tax attributable to owners of the parent.
Reconciliation of comparable EBIT per reportable segment (numbers in € million)
Full year 2023
Established Developing Emerging Consolidated
EBIT 379 153 422 954
Restructuring costs 1 1 6 8
Commodity hedging (1) (2) 7 5
Acquisition costs 2 1 3 6
Russia-Ukraine conflict impact
Impairment of goodwill and
indefinite-lived intangible assets 1 109 111
Comparable EBIT 381 154 549 1,084
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 296
1. Comparable APMscontinued
6. Other tax items continued
Full year 2022
Established Developing Emerging Consolidated
EBIT 310 113 280 704
Restructuring costs (6) (2) 16 8
Commodity hedging 3 4 (3) 2
Acquisition and integration costs 79 80
Russia-Ukraine conflict impact 136 136
Comparable EBIT 307 115 507 930
Figures are rounded.
2. Organic APMs
Organic growth
Organic growth enables users to focus on the operating performance of the business on a basis that is
not affected by changes in foreign currency exchange rates from year to year or changes in the Group’s
scope of consolidation (‘consolidation perimeter’), i.e. acquisitions, divestments and reorganisations
resulting in equity method accounting. Thus, organic growth is designed to assist users in better
understanding the Group’s underlying performance.
More specifically, the following items are adjusted from the Group‘s volume, net sales revenue and
comparable EBIT in order to derive organic growth metrics:
(a) Foreign currency impact
Foreign currency impact in the organic growth calculation reflects the adjustment of prior-year net
sales revenue and comparable EBIT metrics for the impact of changes in exchange rates applicable to
the current year.
(b) Consolidation perimeter impact
Current-year volume, net sales revenue and comparable EBIT metrics, are each adjusted for the impact
of changes in the consolidation perimeter. More specifically adjustments are performed as follows:
i. Acquisitions:
For current-year acquisitions, the results generated in the current year by the acquired entities are
not included in the organic growth calculation. For prior-year acquisitions, the results generated in the
current year over the period during which the acquired entities were not consolidated in the prior year
are not included in the organic growth calculation.
For current-year step acquisitions where the Group obtains control of a) entities over which it previously
held either joint control or significant influence and which were accounted for under the equity method,
or b) entities which were carried at fair value either through profit or loss or other comprehensive
income, the results generated in the current year by the relevant entities over the period during which
these entities are consolidated are not included in the organic growth calculation. For such step
acquisitions of entities previously accounted for under the equity method, the share of results for the
respective period described above is included in the organic growth calculation of the current year.
For such step acquisitions of entities previously accounted for at fair value through profit or loss, any
fair value gains or losses for the respective period described above are included in the organic growth
calculation. For such step acquisitions in the prior year, the results generated in the current year by the
relevant entities over the period during which these entities were not consolidated in the prior year are
not included in the organic growth calculation. However, the share of results of gains or losses from
fair value changes of the respective entities, based on their accounting treatment prior to the step
acquisition, for the current-year period during which these entities were not consolidated in the prior
year are included in the organic growth calculation.
ii. Divestments:
For current-year divestments, the results generated in the prior year by the divested entities over the
period during which the divested entities are no longer consolidated in the current year are included in
the current year’s results for the purpose of the organic growth calculation. For prior-year divestments,
the results generated in the prior year by the divested entities over the period during which the divested
entities were consolidated are included in the current year’s results for the purpose of the organic
growth calculation.
iii. Reorganisations resulting in equity method accounting:
For current-year reorganisations where the Group maintains either joint control or significant
influence over the relevant entities so that they are reclassified from subsidiaries or joint operations
to joint ventures or associates and accounted for under the equity method, the results generated
in the current year by the relevant entities over the period during which these entities are no longer
consolidated are included in the current year’s results for the purpose of the organic growth calculation.
For such reorganisations in the prior year, the results generated in the current year by the relevant
entities over the period during which these entities were consolidated in the prior year are included
in the current year’s results for the purpose of the organic growth calculation. In addition, the share
of results in the current year of the relevant entities, for the respective period as described above, is
excluded from the organic growth calculation for such reorganisations.
The calculations of the organic growth and the reconciliation to the most directly related measures
calculated in accordance with IFRS are presented in the below tables. Organic growth (%) is calculated
by dividing the amount in the row titled ‘Organic movement’ by the amount in the associated row titled
‘2022 reported’ or, where presented, ‘2022 adjusted. Organic growth for comparable EBIT margin is the
organic movement expressed in basis points.
Alternative performance measures continued
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2. Organic APMs continued
Reconciliation of organic measures
Full year 2023
Volume (m unit cases) Established Developing Emerging Consolidated
2022 reported 644 479 1,589 2,712
Consolidation perimeter impact 78 79
Organic movement (15) (8) 69 45
2023 reported 629 471 1,736 2,835
Organic growth (%) (2.4%) (1.7%) 4.3% 1.7%
Full year 2023
Net sales revenue (€ m) Established Developing Emerging Consolidated
2022 reported 2,974 1,720 4,505 9,198
Foreign currency impact 11 42 (817) (764)
2022 adjusted 2,985 1,761 3,688 8,434
Consolidation perimeter impact 5 7 313 325
Organic movement 369 320 735 1,424
2023 reported 3,359 2,089 4,737 10,184
Organic growth (%) 12.3% 18.2% 19.9% 16.9%
Full year 2023
Net sales revenue per unit case (€)
Established Developing Emerging Consolidated
2022 reported 4.62 3.59 2.83 3.39
Foreign currency impact 0.02 0.09 (0.51) (0.28)
2022 adjusted 4.64 3.68 2.32 3.11
Consolidation perimeter impact 0.01 0.01 0.06 0.02
Organic movement 0.70 0.74 0.35 0.47
2023 reported 5.34 4.43 2.73 3.59
Organic growth (%) 15.1% 20.2% 15.0% 15.0%
Full year 2023
Comparable EBIT (€ m)
Established Developing Emerging Consolidated
2022 reported 307 115 508 930
Foreign currency impact 2 4 (56) (50)
2022 adjusted 309 119 452 880
Consolidation perimeter impact 1 3 44 48
Organic movement 71 32 53 156
2023 reported 381 154 549 1,084
Organic growth (%) 23.0% 26.9% 11.7% 17.7%
Full year 2023
Comparable EBIT margin (%)
Established Developing Emerging Consolidated
2022 reported 10.3% 6.7% 11.3% 10.1%
Foreign currency impact 0.1% 1.0% 0.3%
2022 adjusted 10.4% 6.8% 12.3% 10.4%
Consolidation perimeter impact 0.1% 0.2% 0.1%
Organic movement 1.0% 0.5% (0.8)% 0.1%
2023 reported 11.3% 7.4% 11.6% 10.6%
Organic growth (%) 100bps 50bps -80bps 10bps
Figures are rounded.
1. Certain differences in calculations are due to rounding.
Alternative performance measures continued
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3. Other APMs
Adjusted EBITDA
Adjusted EBITDA is calculated by adding back to operating profit the depreciation and net impairment
of property, plant and equipment, the amortisation and impairment of intangible assets, the net
impairment of equity method investments, the employee share option and performance share costs
and items, if any, reported in line ‘Other non-cash items’ of the consolidated cash flow statement.
Adjusted EBITDA is intended to provide useful information to analyse the Group’s operating
performance excluding the impact of operating non-cash items as defined above. The Group also
usescomparable Adjusted EBITDA, which is calculated by deducting from Adjusted EBITDA the impact
of: the Group’s restructuring costs, the acquisition, integration and divestment-related costs, the
mark-to-market valuation of the commodity hedging activity and the impact from the Russia-Ukraine
conflict. Comparable Adjusted EBITDA is intended to measure the level of financial leverage of the
Group by comparing comparable Adjusted EBITDA with net debt.
Adjusted EBITDA and comparable Adjusted EBITDA are not measures of profitability and liquidity under
IFRS and have limitations, some of which are as follows: Adjusted EBITDA and comparable Adjusted
EBITDA do not reflect our cash expenditures, or future requirements, for capital expenditures or
contractual commitments; Adjusted EBITDA and comparable Adjusted EBITDA do not reflect changes
in, or cash requirements for, our working capital needs; although depreciation and amortisation are
non-cash charges, the assets being depreciated and amortised will often have to be replaced in the
future, and Adjusted EBITDA and comparable Adjusted EBITDA do not reflect any cash requirements
for such replacements. Because of these limitations, Adjusted EBITDA and comparable Adjusted
EBITDA should not be considered as measures of discretionary cash available to us and should be used
only as supplementary APMs.
Free cash flow
Free cash flow is an APM used by the Group and defined as cash generated by operating activities after
payments for purchases of property, plant and equipment net of proceeds from sales of property, plant
and equipment and including principal repayments of lease obligations. Free cash flow is intended to
measure the cash generation from the Group’s business, based on operating activities, including the
efficient use of working capital and taking into account its net payments for purchases of property, plant
and equipment. The Group considers the purchase and disposal of property, plant and equipment as
ultimately non-discretionary since ongoing investment in plant, machinery, technology and marketing
equipment, including coolers, is required to support the day-to-day operations and the Group’s growth
prospects. The Group presents free cash flow because it believes the measure assists users of the
financial statements in understanding the Group’s cash-generating performance as well as availability
for interest payment, dividend distribution and own retention. The free cash flow measure is used by
management for its own planning and reporting purposes since it provides information on operating
cash flows, working capital changes and net capital expenditure that local managers are most directly
able to influence.
Free cash flow is not a measure of cash generation under IFRS and has limitations, some of which are
as follows: free cash flow does not represent the Group’s residual cash flow available for discretionary
expenditures since the Group has debt payment obligations that are not deducted from the measure;
free cash flow does not deduct cash flows used by the Group in other investing and financing activities
and free cash flow does not deduct certain items settled in cash. Other companies in the industry
in which the Group operates may calculate free cash flow differently, limiting its usefulness as a
comparative measure.
Alternative performance measures continued
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3. Other APMs continued
Capital expenditure
Capital expenditure is defined as payments for purchases of property, plant and equipment plus
principal repayments of lease obligations less proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment.
The Group uses capital expenditure as an APM to ensure that the cash spending is in line with its overall
strategy for the use of cash.
€ million
€ million
Operating profit (EBIT) 954 704
Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment,
includingright-of-use assets 400 485
Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets 114 15
Employee performance shares 20 17
Impairment of equity method investments 53
Other non-cash items included in operating profit
Adjusted EBITDA 1,488 1,344
Share of results of integral equity method investments (10) (42)
(Gain)/loss on disposals of non-current assets (1) 1
Cash generated from working capital movements 136 127
Tax paid (226) (196)
Net cash from operating activities 1,387 1,235
Payments for purchases of property, plant and equipment
(623) (532)
Principal repayments of lease obligations (59) (65)
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment 7 8
Capital expenditure (675) (589)
Free cash flow 712 645
Figures are rounded.
Net debt
Net debt is an APM used by management to evaluate the Group’s capital structure and leverage. Net
debt is defined as current borrowings plus non-current borrowings less cash and cash equivalents and
financial assets (time deposits and money market funds), as illustrated below:
As at 31 December
€ million
€ million
Current borrowings 948 337
Non-current borrowings 2,476 3,083
Other financial assets (569) (1,027)
Cash and cash equivalents (1,261) (720)
Net debt 1,595 1,673
Figures are rounded.
1. Other non-cash items included in operating profit for 2022 relate to the net loss recognised in the income statement from the remeasurement to fair value of the previously held interest, the reclassification to the income statement of items of other comprehensive income and the gain
from bargain purchase arising due to the change in control of Multon Z.A.O. group of companies (‘Multon’), For more details, refer to Note 24 of the Group’s 2022 Integrated Annual Report.
2. Payments for purchases of property, plant and equipment for 2023 include €12.3 million (2022: €8.4 million) relating to repayment of borrowings undertaken to finance the purchase of production equipment by the Group’s subsidiary in Nigeria, classified as ‘Repayments of borrowings’ in
the consolidated cash flow statement.
Alternative performance measures continued
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3. Other APMs continued
Return on invested capital (‘ROIC’)
ROIC is an APM used by management to assess the return obtained from the Group’s asset base and is
defined as the percentage of comparable net profit excluding net finance costs divided by the five-
quarter average capital invested in the business (‘capital employed’). Capital employed is defined as the
average net debt and shareholders’ equity attributable to the owners of the parent, as illustrated below.
The Group presents ROIC because it believes the measure assists users of the financial statements in
understanding the Group’s capital efficiency.
As at 31 December
31 December 2023
€ million
31 December 2022
€ million
Comparable operating profit 1,084 930
Plus: Share of results of non-integral equity method investments 5 2
Less: Comparable tax (277) (224)
Tax shield
(13) (22)
Comparable net profit excl. finance costs, net (a) 799 686
Average net debt
1,676 1,575
Plus: Average equity attributable to owners of the parent
3,194 3,300
Capital employed (b) 4,870 4,875
Return on invested capital (a/b) 16.4% 14.1%
Figures are rounded.
1. Tax shield is calculated as comparable effective tax rate times finance costs, net, as illustrated below:
As at 31 December
31 December 2023
€ million
31 December 2022
€ million
Finance costs, net 48 83
Comparable effective tax rate (%)
27% 26%
Tax shield 13 22
Figures are rounded.
2. Comparable effective tax rate is calculated as comparable tax divided by comparable profit before tax, as illustrated below:
As at 31 December
31 December 2023
€ million
31 December 2022
€ million
Comparable tax 277 224
Comparable profit before tax 1,040 849
Comparable effective tax rate (%) 27% 26%
Figures are rounded.
3. Five-quarter average net debt and equity attributable to owners of the parent are calculated as presented below:
Q4 2022
€ million
Q1 2023
€ million
Q2 2023
€ million
Q3 2023
€ million
Q4 2023
€ million
€ million
Net debt 1,673 1,827 1,779 1,505 1,595 1,676
Equity attributable to owners ofthe parent 3,282 3,255 3,005 3,336 3,093 3,194
Q4 2022
€ million
Q1 2023
€ million
Q2 2023
€ million
Q3 2023
€ million
Q4 2023
€ million
€ million
Net debt 1,320 1,882 1,584 1,417 1,673 1,575
Equity attributable to owners ofthe parent 3,115 3,204 3,276 3,626 3,282 3,300
Figures are rounded.
Alternative performance measures continued
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Independent Auditor’s Limited Assurance Report
To the Board of Directors of
Coca-Cola HBC AG
Turmstrasse 26,
6312 Steinhausen, Switzerland
Dear Sirs,
Subject Matter
As described in the engagement letter dated 31 May 2023, we were assigned to provide you with limited
assurance on selected sustainability information, listed in Appendices I-IV, included in the Integrated
Annual Report 2023 and the GRI Content Index 2023 – (hereinafter referred to as the “Report”), which
was prepared by Coca-Cola HBC (hereinafter referred to as “CCHBC”), with retroactive start date on
01/01/2023 and end date on 31/12/2023 (hereinafter “Reporting Period”).
Applicable Criteria
Our work exclusively covers the provision of Limited Assurance with ISAE 3000 (Revised) and ISAE 3410
on the following elements included in the Integrated Annual Report 2023 and the GRI Content Index
2023 listed in Appendices I-IV:
i. The preparation of the Report as required for the “Reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards”
option (requirements set in GRI 1: Foundation 2021).
ii. All the available General Disclosures of GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021 (Appendix I).
iii. All the available Material Topics disclosures of GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 (listed in Appendix I),
including the materiality assessment process.
iv. All the available GRI Topic-specific disclosures (listed in Appendix I).
v. All the available disclosures and metrics based on the Non-Alcoholic Beverages SASB
standard(Appendix II).
vi. The relevant non-financial disclosures included in the Report (Appendix IV).
In addition, regarding the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), our work covers:
i. The provision of Limited Assurance with ISAE 3000 (Revised) on the adherence of the Report to the
The 11 TCFD recommendations” (Appendix III).
ii. The provision of Limited Assurance with ISAE 3000 (Revised) on the fair statement of the
description of the processes in place and activities undertaken.
Management Responsibilities
The Management of Coca-Cola HBC is responsible for the preparation, measurement, presentation
and report of the sustainability information included in the Report in accordance with the GRI Standards
(2021 update), the Non-Alcoholic Beverages SASB Standard and the TCFD recommendations.
Our Responsibility
Our responsibility is to issue this Assurance Report regarding the Integrated Annual Report 2023 for
the Reporting Period, as described in the section “Subject Matter.
Our work was carried out in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements
3000 (Revised) Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial
Information” (hereinafter ISAE 3000 (Revised)”), the International Standard on Assurance
Engagements 3410 “Assurance Engagements on Greenhouse Gas Statements” (hereinafter “ISAE
3410”), and the terms of engagement as described in the engagement letter dated on 31 May 2023.
The work performed relates to specific performance indicators, included in the Report for the
Reporting Period (as these are described in the section “Applicable Criteria” and in the Appendices) and
the provision of limited assurance.
We consider that the evidence we have gathered is sufficient and suitable for the foundation and
documentation of this report.
Professional ethics and quality management
We remained independent of Coca-Cola HBC, in accordance with the ethical requirements that are
relevant to our work, which include the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
(including International Independence Standards) issued by the International Ethics Standards Board for
Accountants (IESBA Code) and the FRC’s Ethical Standard, as applicable to listed entities, and we have
fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements.
Our audit firm applies the International Standard for Quality Management (ISQM) 1 “Quality
Management for Firms that Perform Audits or Reviews of Financial Statements, or Other Assurance
or Related Services Engagements” and accordingly maintains a comprehensive quality management
system that includes documented policies and procedures relating to compliance with ethical
requirements, professional standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
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Independent Auditor’s Limited Assurance Report continued
Scope of Work
We designed and carried out our work in order to obtain the information, analysis and explanations
wedeemed necessary, where available from CCHBC’s Management, in order to assess whether the
Report has been prepared in accordance with the “Applicable Criteria”. In order to form our conclusions,
we performed the following:
i. Assessed the suitability of the Applicable Criteria in terms of their relevance, comprehensiveness,
reliability, neutrality and understandability and their consistent application.
ii. Obtained an understanding of CCHBC’s control environment, processes and systems relevant to
the preparation of the Report. Our procedures did not include evaluating the suitability of the design
or operating effectiveness of control activities.
iii. Inspected the relevant documentation of the systems and processes for compiling, analyzing, and
aggregating data and tested such documentation on a sample basis.
iv. Οbtained an understanding of CCHBC’s materiality process and materiality assessment, and
verified it against the GRI Standards (2021 update) methodology.
v. Reviewed a sample of supporting documentation and conducted interviews with the information
owners to assess whether the outputs of the materiality process fairly represent the identified
material issues.
vi. Οbtained an understanding of the existing internal processes related to application of policies in
relation to the sustainability information, under the scope of our engagement.
vii. Inquired CCHBC’s Departmental Managers and information owners responsible for collecting,
consolidating and calculating the Subject Matter Information in order to evaluate the
appropriateness of measurement and evaluation methods, reporting policies used and estimates
made by CCHBC. Our procedures did not involve testing the data on which the estimates are based
or separately developing our own estimates against which to evaluate CCHBC’s estimates.
viii. Performed analytical procedures and inspection of documents on a sample basis with respect to the
compilation and reporting of quantitative performance indicators related to the “Applicable Criteria”:
a. At Group level
, performed analytical procedures to check that underlying information was
complete and accurate, and had been appropriately evaluated or measured, recorded, collated
and reported as well as to verify the correct consolidation of the collected data.
b. At the level of a representative selection of location sites
, undertook site visits at 11 plants and
8 headquarters (HQs). We selected these sites based on risk assessment procedures performed
(factors considered included indicatively inherent risk, site contribution to the consolidated
indicators, location, etc.) and performed detailed assurance procedures for all the applicable
KPIs at plant and HQ level for all selected locations (combination of on site and remote visits).
More specifically, as part of our visits, we performed detailed tests on a sample basis, consisting
of checking the correct application of the definitions and agreeing performance indicators to or
from source information to check that the underlying subject matter was complete and accurate,
and had been appropriately evaluated or measured, recorded, collated and reported.
c. For the KPI Greenhouse Gas (GhG) emissions, assessed all three inventory scopes (Scopes 1, 2
and 3) as defined by the GHG Protocol (Corporate Standard), including progress against emission
reduction targets, reported changes in emissions compared with the baseline year (2017) and the
figures for absolute emissions and emissions intensity in 2023.
ix. Performed targeted testing to select significant qualitative statements related to the “Applicable
Criteria” listed above and tested their fair statement to identify misstatements that are material to
the intended users of the subject matter information. We performed risk-based targeted testing for
any remaining qualitative statements with characteristics of increased risk of material misstatement
and evaluated remaining population not subject to targeted testing.
x. Evaluated all environmental, social and governance disclosures, and overall presentation of the
Subject Matter Information included in the Report for the Reporting Period (as described in the
section “Applicable Criteria” and in the Appendices).
The procedures performed in a limited assurance engagement vary in nature and timing and are less
extensive than in a reasonable assurance engagement, and accordingly, the level of assurance obtained
in a limited assurance engagement is significantly lower than the level of assurance which would have
been obtained if an assignment of reasonable assurance had been performed.
Inherent Limitations
The work performed does not provide absolute assurance that all material weaknesses related to
theaccuracy and completeness of data and relevant disclosures, as these are included in the Report,
will be identified.
A material weakness exists when the design of the internal controls is not adequate and thus, does not
mitigate the risk of material deficiencies occurring without being detected in a timely manner.
Our work covered only the items listed in the “Scope of Work” paragraph to obtain limited assurance
based on the procedures included in the same paragraph. Our work does not constitute an audit or
review of historical Financial Information, in accordance with applicable International Standards on
Auditing or International Standards for the Engagement of Review Engagements, and for this reason
we do not express any assurance other than those listed in the paragraph “Scope of Work”.
All issues brought to our attention during the work performed were accordingly communicated to the
CCHBC’s Management. Relevant points resulting from our work were discussed with Management and
subsequently their written responses were obtained.
1. The Departments involved at a group level are: People and Culture Department, Legal Affairs Department (including the Risk team), Internal
Controls Center, Commercial Department, Supply Chain Department (including Procurement team, Quality, Safety and Environment team,
Fleet team and Cold Drink Equipment team), Investor Relations Department and Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Department, as well
as managers from other Group functions.
2. The manufacturing plants are located in Nigeria (Abuja, Ikeja), Egypt (Qaliub, Alexandria), Italy (Nogara), Romania (Ploiti), Czech Republic
(Prague), Ireland (Knockmore Hill), Greece (Aeghion, Schimatari) and Russia (Schelkovo).
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 303
Independent Auditor’s Limited Assurance Report continued
Limited Assurance Conclusion
Based on the procedures we performed, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe
that the indicators included in the Report for the Reporting Period, as these are described in the section
Subject Matter” are materially misstated.
Moreover, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the Report for the
Reporting Period does not meet the requirements for reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards
(2021 update), the Non-Alcoholic Beverages SASB Standard and the TCFD recommendations.
Restrictions in Use
This Limited Assurance report, prepared as part of our work performed, is intended for the use of the
Board of Directors and Management of Coca-Cola HBC and covers only the indicated Reporting Period
as well as the abovementioned scope of work.
Athens, 15/03/2024
Fotis Smyrnis
PricewaterhouseCoopers SA
260 Kifissias Avenue, 15232 Halandri, Greece
Appendix I
The provision of limited assurance concerns the following GRI indicators linked to CCHBC ’s material
issues and presented in the Integrated Annual Report 2023 and the GRI Content Index 2023:
Code Description
2-1 Organizational details
2-2 Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting
2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact point
2-4 Restatements of information
2-5 External assurance
2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relationships
2-7 Employees
2-8 Workers who are not employees
2-9 Governance structure and composition
2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance body
2-11 Chair of the highest governance body
2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts
2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts
2-14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting (102-32)
2-15 Conflicts of interest
2-16 Communication of critical concerns
2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body
2-18 Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body
2-19 Remuneration policies
2-20 Process to determine remuneration
2-21 Annual total compensation ratio
2-22 Statement on sustainable development strategy
2-23 Policy commitments
2-24 Embedding policy commitments
2-25 Processes to remediate negative impacts
2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns
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Independent Auditor’s Limited Assurance Report continued
Code Description
2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations
2-28 Membership associations
2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement
2-30 Collective bargaining agreements
3-1 Process to determine material topics
3-2 List of material topics
3-3 Management of material topics
201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed
201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change
201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans
202-1 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage
202-2 Proportion of senior management hired from the local community
203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supported
203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts
204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliers
205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption
205-2 Communication and training about anti corruption policies and procedures
205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken
206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive behaviour, antitrust, and monopoly practices
207-1 Approach to tax
207-2 Tax governance, control, and risk management
207-3 Stakeholder engagement and management of concerns related to tax
207-4 Country-by-country reporting
301-1 Materials used by weight or volume
301-2 Recycled input materials used
301-3 Reclaimed products and their packaging materials
302-1 Energy consumption within the organisation
302-2 Energy consumption outside the organisation
302-3 Energy intensity
Code Description
302-4 Reduction of energy consumption
302-5 Reductions in energy requirements of products and services
303-1 Interactions with water as a shared resource
303-2 Management of water discharge-related impacts
303-3 Water withdrawal
303-4 Water discharge by quality and destination
303-5 Water consumption
304-1 Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and
areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas
304-2 Significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity
304-3 Habitats protected or restored
304-4 IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas
affected by operations
305-1 Direct Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1)
305-2 Energy indirect Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 2)
305-3 Other indirect Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 3)
305-4 Greenhouse Gas emissions intensity
305-5 Reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions
305-6 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)
305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions
306-1 Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts
306-2 Management of significant waste-related impacts
306-3 Waste generated, Significant spills
306-4 Waste diverted from disposal
306-5 Waste directed to disposal, Transport of hazardous waste
308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria
308-2 Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken
401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover
401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or
part-time employees
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 305
Independent Auditor’s Limited Assurance Report continued
Code Description
401-3 Parental leave
402-1 Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes
403-1 Occupational health and safety management system
403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation
403-3 Occupational health services
403-4 Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational
healthand safety
403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safety
403-6 Promotion of worker health
403-7 Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly
linked by business relationships
403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system
403-9 Work-related injuries
403-10 Work-related ill health
404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee
404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs
404-3 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career
405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees
405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men
406-1 Total number of incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken
407-1 Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and
collective bargaining may be at risk
408-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labour
409-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced
410-1 Security personnel trained in human rights policies or procedures
411-1 Incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples
413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments,
anddevelopment programs
Code Description
413-2 Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts
414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria
414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken
415-1 Political contributions
416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories
416-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts
ofproducts and services
417-1 Requirements for product and service information and labelling
417-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information
417-3 Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communications
418-1 Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses
ofcustomer data
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 306
Independent Auditor’s Limited Assurance Report continued
Appendix II
The provision of limited assurance concerns the following SASB indicators presented in the Integrated
Annual Report 2023:
Code Description
FB-NB-110a.1 Fleet fuel consumed, Percentage renewable
FB-NB-130a.1 Operational energy consumed, Percentage grid electricity, Percentage renewable
FB-NB-140a.1 Total water withdrawn, Total water consumed,and percentage of each in regions
with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress
FB-NB-140a.2 Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices
to mitigate those risks
FB-NB-270a.2 Revenue from products labelled as (1) containing genetically modified organisms
(GMOs) and (2) non-GMO
FB-NB-270a.3 Number of incidents of non-compliance with industry or regulatory labelling and/
or marketing codes
FB-NB-270a.4 Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with
marketing and/or labelling practices
FB-NB-410a.1 (1)Total weight of packaging, (2) percentage made from recycled and/
or renewable materials, (3) percentage that is recyclable, reusable,
FB-NB-410a.2 Discussion of strategies to reduce the environmental impact of packaging
throughout its lifecycle
FB-NB-430a.1 Suppliers’ social and environmental responsibility audit: non-conformance
rate and associated corrective action rate for (a) major and (b) minor non-
FB-NB-440a.1 Percentage of beverage ingredients sourced from regions with High or Extremely
High Baseline Water Stress
FB-NB-440a.2 List of priority beverage ingredients and description of sourcing risks due to
environmental and social considerations
FB-NB-000.A Volume of products sold
FB-NB-000.B Number of production facilities
FB-NB-000.C Total fleet road miles traveled
Appendix III
The provision of limited assurance on the accuracy and completeness of metrics and the fair statement
of the processes/activities in place to apply the TCFD recommendations, concerns the following
indicators presented in the Integrated Annual Report 2023:
Code Description
Governance 1 Describe the Board’s oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities
Governance 2 Describe management’s role in identifying, assessing and managing climate-
related risks and opportunities
Strategy 1 Describe the climate-related risks and opportunities that the organisation has
identified over the short, medium and long term
Strategy 2 Describe the impact of climate-related risk and opportunity on the Company’s
business, strategy and financial planning
Strategy 3 Describe the resilience of the organisations strategy considering different
climate-related scenarios, including a 2-degree or lower scenario
Risk management 1 Describe the Company’s process for identifying and assessing climate-related
risks and opportunities
Risk management 2 Describe the Company’s process for managing climate-related risks
Risk management 3 Describe how these processes are integrated into the overall risk
Metrics and targets 1 Disclose the metrics used by the organisation to assess climate-related risks
andopportunities in line with its strategy and risk management process
Metrics and targets 2 Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2, and, if appropriate, Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions, and the related risks
Metrics and targets 3 Describe the targets used by the organisation to manage climate-related risks
and opportunities and performance against targets
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 307
Independent Auditor’s Limited Assurance Report continued
Appendix IV
The provision of limited assurance, concerns the following internal indicators presented in the
Integrated Annual Report 2023:
Description IAR page
2023 Performance on 2025 commitments 72-74
Scope 1 + 2 and Scope 3: all numbers exlude Egypt (2023 Actual) 54
Performance summary of GHG emissions 55
Water footprint in established/developing/emerging markets 80, 81, 82
Water reduction in water priority location vs. baseline 61
Number of employees/contractors that lost their life 48, 94
Lost Time Accident Rate 48
Lost Time Incident Frequency Rate for contractors 48
Safety rate in established/developing/emerging markets 80, 81, 82
Materiality matrix and materiality process 83
Consumer complaints increase 28
Number of locations with water stewardship programs 62
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 308
We take great pride in being regarded as
a transparent and accessible company in
all our communications with investment
communities around the world. We
engage with key financial audiences,
including institutional investors, sell-
side analysts and financial journalists,
as well as our Company’s shareholders.
The investor relations department
manages the interaction with these
audiences by attending ad hoc meetings
and investor conferences throughout
the year, in addition to the regular
meetings and presentations held at the
time of our results announcements.
Shares held by geography
UK 32%
North & Central America 27%
Europe 25%
Nordic 5%
Other 11%
Coca-Cola HBC AG (LSE: CCH) was admitted to
the premium listing segment of the Official List
of the UK Listing Authority and to trading on the
London Stock Exchange’s main market for listed
securities on 29 April 2013. With effect from
29 April 2013, Coca-Cola HBC AG’s shares are
also admitted on the Athens Exchange (ATHEX:
EEE). Coca-Cola HBC AG has been included as a
constituent of the FTSE 100 and FTSE All-Share
Indices from 20 September 2013.
London Stock Exchange
Ticker symbol: CCH
ISIN: CH019 825 1305
SEDOL: B9895B7
Reuters: CCH.L
Bloomberg: CCH LN
Athens Exchange
Ticker symbol: EEE
ISIN: CH019 825 1305
Reuters: EEEr.AT
Bloomberg: EEE GA
Credit rating
Standard & Poor’s: L/T BBB+, S/T A2, stable
Moody’s: L/T Baa1, S/T P2, stable outlook
Share price performance
LSE:CCH 2023 2022 2021
In £ per share
Close 23.04 19.73 25.55
High 25.65 26.87 27.84
Low 19.10 14.61 21.60
Market capitalisation
(£ million) 8,457 7,235 9,348
ATHEX: EEE 2023 2022 2021
In € per share
Close 26.42 22.60 30.26
High 29.45 31.97 32.80
Low 21.78 18.00 24.18
Market capitalisation
(€ million) 9,694 8,287 11,071
source: Bloomberg
Share capital
In 2023, the share capital of Coca-Cola HBC increased
by the issuance of 891,127 new ordinary shares
following the exercise of stock options pursuant to the
Coca-Cola HBC AG’s employees’ stock option plan.
Total proceeds from the issuance of the shares under
the stock option plan amounted to €14.2 million.
Following the above changes, and including
6,068,537 ordinary shares held as treasury
shares, on 31 December 2023 the share capital
of the Group amounted to €2,030.3 million and
comprised 372,977,222 shares with a nominal
value of CHF 6.70 each.
On 20 November 2023, the Group announced
the launch of a share buyback programme of up
to a maximum of 18,000,000 ordinary shares
to be purchased in a manner consistent with
the Company’s general authority to repurchase
shares granted at its Annual General Meeting on
17 May 2023 and any such authority granted at
itsfollowing Annual General Meetings.
The programme commenced on 21 November
2023 and is expected to run for a period of around
two years. As at 31 December 2023, the Group
had purchased shares under the programme for
atotal consideration of €42.6 million.
Major shareholders
The principal shareholders of the Group are
Kar-Tess Holding (a Luxembourg company), which
holds approximately 23%, and The Coca-Cola
Company, which indirectly holds approximately
21% of the Group’s issued share capital.
For 2023, the Board of Directors has proposed
a€0.93 per share dividend, up 19.2% year on year
(€0.78 per share in 2022), representing a 45% payout
ratio. Dividend pay-out ratio target is 40-50%,
For more information on our dividend policy and
dividend history, please visit our website at www.
Financial calendar
30 April 2024 First quarter trading update
21 May 2024 Annual General Meeting
8 August 2024 Half-year financial results
5 November 2024 Third quarter trading update
Corporate website
Shareholder and analyst information
Shareholders and financial analysts can obtain
further information by contacting:
Investor Relations
Tel: +30 210 618 3100
Email: investor.relations@cchellenic.com
IR website: www.coca-colahellenic.com
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 309
Shareholder information
Artificial Intelligence.
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Bottler; Bottling partner
Business entity that sells, manufactures and
distributes beverages of The Coca-Cola Company
under a franchise agreement.
Bottling plant
A beverage production facility, including
associated warehouses, workshops, and other
on-site buildings and installations.
Basis points: one hundredth of one percentage
point (used chiefly in expressing differences).
Business developer
Sales person, sales force.
Compound annual growth rate.
Gross capex is defined as payments for purchases
of property, plant and equipment. Net capex is
defined as payments for purchases of property,
plant and equipment less proceeds from sales
of property, plant and equipment plus principal
repayments of lease obligations. Refer also to
Alternative performance measures’ section.
Cold drink equipment – a generic term
encompassing point of sale equipment such
ascoolers (refrigerators), vending machines
andpost-mix machines.
Formerly Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP is a not-
for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure
system for investors, companies, cities, states and
regions to manage their environmental impacts
(climate, water, forests).
Combined heat and power units can produce
power, heat, cooling in a combined process that is
up to 40% more efficient than separate processes.
Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas.
A carbon dioxide equivalent or CO2 equivalent,
abbreviated as CO2e is a metric measure used to
compare the emissions from various greenhouse
gases (GHG) on the basis of their global-warming
potential (GWP), by converting amounts of other
gases to the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide
with the same global warming.
Coca-Cola HBC AG, and, as the context may
require, its subsidiaries and joint ventures; also,
the Group, the Company,
Coca-Cola System
The Coca-Cola Company and its bottling partners
are collectively known as the Coca-Cola System.
Cost of Goods Sold.
Comparable adjusted EBITDA
We define comparable adjusted EBITDA
as operating profit before deductions for
depreciation and impairment of property, plant
and equipment (included both in cost of goods
sold and in operating expenses), amortisation
and impairment of intangible assets, impairment
of equity method investments, employee share
option and performance shares compensation
and other non cash items, if any; further adjusted
for restructuring costs, acquisition and integration
costs, the impact from the Russia-Ukraine conflict
and the mark to market valuation of commodity
hedging activity. Refer also to ‘Alternative
performance measures’ section.
Comparable EBIT
Comparable operating profit (EBIT) refers to profit
before tax excluding finance income / (costs) and
share of results of non-integral equity-method
investments, adjusted for restructuring costs,
acquisition, integration and divestment-related
costs, impairment of goodwill and indefinite-lived
intangible assets, the impact from Russia-Ukraine
conflict and the mark to market valuation of
certain commodity hedging activity. Refer also
to‘Alternative performance measures’ section.
Comparable net profit
Net profit after tax attributable to owners of
the parent adjusted for post-tax restructuring
costs, acquisition, integration and divestment-
related costs or gains, impairment of goodwill
and indefinite-lived intangible assets, the impact
from Russia-Ukraine conflict, the mark to market
valuation of commodity hedging activity and
certain other tax items. Refer also to ‘Alternative
performance measures’ section.
Comparable operating expenditure
Comparable operating expenditure refers to
operating expenditure adjusted for restructuring
costs, acquisition, integration and divestment-
related costs or gains, impairment of goodwill
andindefinite-lived intangible assets, the impact
from Russia-Ukraine conflict and the mark to
market valuation of certain commodity hedging
activity. Refer also to ‘Alternative performance
measures’ section.
of a beverage, to which water and other
ingredients are added to produce beverages. It
may contain concentrated plant extracts, fruit
juices, colourings and other food components.
Person who drinks Coca-Cola HBC products.
Retail outlet, restaurant or other operation that
sells or serves Coca-Cola HBC products directly
to consumers.
Data, insights and analytics.
Dividend policy
Our Board of Directors approved a dividend policy,
effective from 2022, aiming to increase dividend
payments progressively with a medium-term
target pay out ratio of 40-50% on comparable
Dow Jones Sustainability Index.
Executive Leadership Team.
Energy Use Ratio
The KPI used by Coca-Cola HBC to measure
energy consumption in the bottling plants,
expressed in megajoules of energy consumed per
litre of produced beverage (MJ/lpb).
Environment, social and governance, referring to
the three key pillars affecting the sustainability
and ethical impact of a business or company.
Fast-moving consumer goods.
Glossary of terms
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 310
Full time equivalent, referring to a unit to measure
employed people in a way that makes them
comparable, even though they may work different
hours each week.
Gross domestic product.
GHG (Scopes 1, 2 & 3)
Greenhouse gases. GHG inventory covers the
seven direct greenhouse gases under the Kyoto
Protocol: Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4),
Nitrous oxide (N2O), Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs),
Perfluorocarbons (PFCs), Sulphur hexafluoride
(SF6), Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3).Scopes refer
to the GHG Protocol categorisations: Scope 1:
direct GHG emissions occur from sources owned
or controlled by the company; Scope 2: indirect
GHG emissions associated with the purchase of
electricity, steam, heat, or cooling; and Scope 3:
indirect emissions up and down the value chain
(raw materials, packaging materials, product
cooling, etc.).
Global Reporting Initiative, global standards for
sustainability reporting.
Hotels, restaurants and cafés– a key distribution
International Accounting Standards Board.
International Financial Reporting Standards,
issued by the International Accounting Standards
The International Integrated Reporting Council,
a global coalition of regulators, investors,
companies, standard-setters, the accounting
profession and NGOs. The coalition is promoting
communication about value creation as the next
step in the evolution of corporate reporting.
Incident Management and Crisis Resolution.
The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Territory we serve, excluding Sicily.
Paper packaging for multipack cans with a central
‘keel’, like on a boat, that secures the pack.
Key Performance Indicator.
Litre of produced beverage (lpb)
Unit of reference to show environmental
performance relative to production volume.
Lost Time Accident Rate
Lost Time Incident Frequency Rate
Mergers and acquisitions.
When used in reference to geographic areas, a
country in which Coca-Cola HBC does business.
Mission 2025
2025 sustainability commitments with 17 goals.
Developed in late 2018, the goals are based on our
stakeholder materiality matrix and aligned with the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) and their targets. The six key focus areas
reflect our value chain: reducing emissions; water
reduction and stewardship; packaging (World
Without Waste); ingredient sourcing; nutrition; and
our people and communities.
MSCI ESG Ratings aim to measure a company’s
management of financially relevant ESG risks and
Multon refers to Multon Partners, our operation
in Russia since 5 August 2022. More details on
the regulatory news release can be found on
company’s website.
Non-alcoholic ready-to-drink.
Our commitment to achieve net zero emissions
across our entire value chain (Scope 1, 2 and 3) by
2040. The commitment was published in October
2021 and submitted to a formal approval by the
Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi).
Non-governmental organisation.
Per-capita consumption
Average number of servings consumed per
person per year in a specific market. Coca-Cola
HBC’s per capita consumption is calculated by
multiplying our unit case volume by 24 and dividing
by the population.
Polyethylene terephthalate, a form of polyester
used in the manufacturing of beverage bottles.
Return on invested capital. ROIC is the percentage
return that a company makes over its invested
capital. We define ROIC as the percentage of
comparable net profit excluding net finance
costs divided by the five quarter average capital
employed. Capital employed is calculated as the
five-quarter average net debt and shareholders’
equity attributable to the owners of the parent.
Refer also to ‘Alternative performance measures’
rPET refers to any PET material that comes
from a recycled source rather than the original,
unprocessed petrochemical feedstock.
Ready-to-drink; alcoholic; non-alcoholic.
Drinks that are pre-mixed and packaged, ready
to be consumed immediately with no further
A powerful software platform that enables us to
standardise key business processes and systems.
The Science Based Targets Network is a
collaboration of leading global non-profits and
mission-driven organisations working together
to equip companies as well as cities with the
guidance to set science-based targets for all
ofEarth’s systems.
Glossary of terms continued
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 311
Glossary of terms continued
UN Sustainable Development Goals. On 25
September 2015, countries adopted a set of
17 goals to end poverty, protect the planet
and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new
sustainable development agenda. Each goal
hasspecific targets to be achieved by 2030.
Senior leaders; senior management
Our top 300 business leaders, which includes
country function heads, Group sub-function
heads and the Executive Leadership Team (ELT),
including the CEO.
237ml or 8oz of beverage, equivalent to 1/24 of
aunit case.
Socio-economic impact
In conducting socio-economic studies, we use
input-output modelling to generate estimates of
jobs supported and economic value added across
the value chain. Data we use in this process includes
our financial information (revenues, expenses,
taxes, sales volume and profits) as well as some
data from the Coca-Cola System. While rigorous,
the process involves statistical modelling, which
should be considered when interpreting and using
the results from the studies.
Modelling enables an assessment of three key
dimensions of impact:
direct: immediate effect in terms of
employment, wages and output
indirect: subsequent effect in the supply chain
induced: effect caused by staff spend on goods
or services
We do not conduct socio-economic studies for all
of our markets every year; studies are conducted
for each market on a rolling basis. In 2023, we
updated the studies for six markets, adding this
information to the aggregate results from all
socio-economic impact studies for the period
Notes to the socio-economic contributions
presented on page 23 of this report:
Numbers presented are aggregated based on
the local socio-economic studies from Coca-
Cola HBC markets published between 2018 and
2023, except for North Macedonia where the
report is from 2017.
All KPIs represent annual impact.
Where applicable and relevant in local
socioeconomic studies, the impact of other
entities of the Coca-Cola System, supported
across the value chain, is included.
Sparkling Includes Trademark Coca-Cola, Fanta,
Sprite, Schweppes and Kinley sparkling beverages,
among others.
Sparkling beverages
Non-alcoholic carbonated beverages containing
flavourings and sweeteners, but excluding, among
others, waters and flavoured waters, juicesand
juice drinks, sports and energy drinks, teas
Sparkling soft drinks.
Still and water beverages
Non-alcoholic beverages without carbonation
including, but not limited to, waters and flavoured
waters, juices and juice drinks, sports and energy
drinks, teas and coffee.
The Coca-Cola Company and, as the context may
require, its subsidiaries.
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.
u.c.; Unit case:
One unit case corresponds to approximately
5.678 litres or 24 servings, being a typically used
measure of volume. For Premium Spirits volume,
one unit case also corresponds to 5.678 litres. For
biscuits volume, one unit case corresponds to 1
kilogram. For coffee, one unit case corresponds
to 0.5 kilograms or 5.678 litres. Volume data is
derived from unaudited operational data.
Union of European Soft Drinks Associations.
The UN Global Compact: The world’s largest
corporate sustainability initiative which provides
aframework for businesses to align strategies
with its 10 principles promoting labour rights,
human rights, environmental protection and
Amount of physical product produced and sold,
measured in unit cases.
Value share
Percentage of total consumer spend within
adefined category or industry.
Waste ratio
The KPI used by CCHBC to measure waste
generation in its bottling plants, expressed in
grammes of waste generated per litre of produced
beverage (g/lpb).
Waste recycling
The KPI used by CCHBC to measure the percentage
of production waste at bottling plants that is
recycled or recovered.
Water footprint
A measure of the impact of water use,
inoperations or beyond, as defined by the
WaterFootprint Network methodology.
Water use ratio
The KPI used by Coca-Cola HBC to measure water
use in its bottling plants, expressed in litres of
water used per litre of produced beverage (l/lpb).
Working capital
Operating current assets minus operating current
liabilities excluding financing and investment
Flagship programme from our Mission 2025
sustainability commitments, which aims to
support young people and increase their
employability by providing modular education
of soft and/or business skills. It is delivered via
classroom sessions, virtual training, self e-learning
modules, mentoring sessions and other channels
handled locally by our markets.
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 312
Special note regarding forward-looking
This document contains forward-looking
statements that involve risks and uncertainties.
These statements may generally, but not always,
be identified by the use of words such as ‘believe’,
outlook, ‘guidance’, ‘intend’, ‘expect’, ‘anticipate,
‘plan’, ‘target’, ‘seek, ‘estimates’, ’potential‘ and
similar expressions to identify forward-looking
statements. All statements other than statements
of historical facts, including, among others,
statements regarding the future financial position
and results; Coca-Cola HBC’s outlook for 2024 and
future years; business strategy and the effects of
the global economic slowdown; the impact of the
sovereign debt crisis, currency volatility, Coca-
Cola HBC’s recent acquisitions, and restructuring
initiatives on Coca-Cola HBC’s business and
financial condition; Coca-Cola HBC’s future
dealings with The Coca-Cola Company; budgets;
projected levels of consumption and production;
projected raw material and other costs; estimates
of capital expenditure; free cash flow; effective tax
rates and plans and objectives of management for
future operations, are forward-looking statements.
You should not place undue reliance on such
forward-looking statements. By their nature,
forward-looking statements involve risk and
uncertainty because they reflect Coca-Cola HBC’s
current expectations and assumptions about
future events and circumstances that may not
Forward-looking statements speak only as of
the date they are made. Coca-Cola HBC’s actual
results and events could differ materially from those
anticipated in the forward-looking statements for
many reasons, including the risks described in the
Managing risk and resilience section. Although
Coca-Cola HBC believes that, as of the date of this
Integrated Annual Report, the expectations reflected
in the forward-looking statements are reasonable,
Coca-Cola HBC cannot assure that Coca-Cola
HBC’s future results, level of activity, performance
or achievements will meet these expectations.
Moreover, neither Coca-Cola HBC, nor its Directors,
employees, advisers nor any other person assumes
responsibility for the accuracy and completeness
of any forward-looking statements. After the date
of this Integrated Annual Report, unless Coca-Cola
HBC is required by law or the rules of the UK Financial
Conduct Authority to update these forward-looking
statements, Coca-Cola HBC makes no commitment
to update any of these forward- looking statements
to conform them either to actual results or to
changes in Coca-Cola HBC’s expectations.
About our report
The 2023 Integrated Annual Report (the
‘Integrated Annual Report’) consolidates Coca-
Cola HBC AG’s (also referred to as ‘Coca-Cola
HBC’ or the ‘Company’ or the ‘Group’) UK and
Swiss disclosure requirements, while meeting
the disclosure requirements for its secondary
listing on the Athens Exchange. In addition, the
Integrated Annual Report aims to deliver against
the expectations of the Company’s stakeholders
and sustainability reporting standards, providing a
transparent overview of the Group’s performance
and progress in sustainable development for 2023.
Our strategy is designed to deliver sustainable
and profitable growth. This strategy is grounded
in our purpose to open up moments that refresh
us all. Our purpose is directly linked to our strategy
and the five growth pillars that guide us as we
pursue our objectives and targets. Those growth
pillars are: 1. Leverage our unique 24/7 portfolio;
2. Win in the marketplace; 3. Fuel growth through
competitiveness and investment; 4. Cultivate
the potential of our people; 5 Earn our license
tooperate. The initiatives we implemented
withineach of these pillars form the basis of
thenarrative of the Integrated Annual Report,
which isstructured around these five pillars.
The Integrated Annual Report is for the year
ended 31 December 2023, and its focus is on the
primary core business of non-alcoholic ready-
to-drink beverages across the 29 countries in
which we operate. Our website and any other
website referred to in the Annual Report are not
incorporated by reference and do not form part
ofthe Integrated Annual Report.
The consolidated financial statements of the
Group, included on pages 194 to 197, have been
prepared in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted
by the European Union(EU) ) and in compliance
with Swiss law. Coca-Cola HBC AG’s statutory
financial statements, included on pages 272 to 282,
have been prepared in accordance with the Swiss
Code of Obligations. Unless otherwise indicated
or required by context, all financial information
contained in this document has been prepared
in accordance with IFRS. For Swiss law purposes,
the annual management report consists of the
sections entitled ‘Strategic Report, ‘Corporate
Governance’ (without the sub-section ‘Directors
remuneration report’), ‘Supplementary Information’
and ‘Glossary’.
The Group uses certain Alternative performance
measures (APMs) which provide additional insights
and understanding to the Group’s underlying
operating and financial performance, financial
condition and cash flows. A full list of these APMs,
their definition and reconciliation to the respective
IFRS measures can be found on pages 295 to 301.
This report has been prepared in accordance with the
GRI Standards (2021). In addition, the sustainability
aspects of this Integrated Annual Report comply with
the requirements for communication on progress
against the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global
Compact (UNGC) as well as Art. 964b of the Swiss
Code of Obligations. Furthermore, the Integrated
Annual Report is aligned with the principles and
elements of the International Integrated Reporting
Council’s (IIRC) framework and key indicators of the
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).
Coca-Cola HBC supports the Task Force on Climate-
related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and implements
the TCFD recommendations in the Integrated
Annual Report. Finally, Greenhouse gas emissions
are calculated using the GHG Protocol Corporate
Accounting and Reporting Standard methodology.
Sustainability disclosures in the Integrated
AnnualReport and the 2023 GRI Content
Index, contain information from all entities
included in thefinancial statements with the
exception of certain items described below,
considering materiality thresholds. Scope of
the Integrated Annual Report: environmental
and social data covers all 29countries of Coca-
Cola HBC, includingthe North Macedonia joint
venture as well,unless otherwise stated. Snacks
manufacturing operations are not included in
the environmental reporting, unless otherwise
stated (due to their very small impact, less than
the internal materiality threshold). Relevant impact
areas from coffee and premium spirits categories
are included in the environmental and social data.
Three Cents business acquired in late 2022 and
Finlandia Vodka business acquired in late 2023 are
still under integration and not reported, and our
current assessment is that their impact is below the
materiality threshold. Mission 2025 sustainability
commitments exclude Egyptian operations, as
theywere not foreseen in the baseline year nor
inthe target year.
As with the rest of the information provided, the
sustainability aspects of this Integrated Annual
Report cover the full year ended 31 December
2023 and the related information presented is
based on an annual reporting cycle.
Limited assurance based on ISAE 3000 (Revised)
andISAE 3410 is provided over selected information
of the Integrated Annual Report and the GRI
Content Index by an independent audit firm as
dictated by the Company’s Executive Leadership
Team (ELT). The relevant assurance report could
be found on pages 302 to 308.
We remain committed to strong corporate
governance and leadership as well as transparency
in our disclosures. We will continue to review our
reporting approach and routines, to ensure they
meet best practice reporting standards and the
expectations of our stakeholders, and provide
visibility on how we create sustainable value for
the communities we serve.
Forward looking statements
Strategic Report Corporate Governance Financial Statements Swiss Statutory Reporting Supplementary Information Coca-Cola HBC Integrated Annual Report 2023 313
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