Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Good governance sits at the heart of our Company


“As always, we look to the long-term potential of the business to ensure that we are making the progress that would make those who passed its stewardship onto us proud.”

Anastassis G. David Chairman of the Board

We have a strong and effective governance system throughout the Group. Operating in widely differing countries, on three continents, in various economic and regulatory environments, we have long recognised that strong governance and effective leadership are of critical importance to the Group in order to achieve our strategic goals. Our commitment to best practices in corporate governance plays a key role in managing our risks and opportunities and maintaining the trust of our stakeholders. Recognising the value of effective corporate governance, we have regularly monitored and adopted best practices since the Group was formed.

The corporate governance regime applying to the Company, which is a Swiss corporation listed on the London Stock Exchange with a secondary listing on the Athens Exchange, and our compliance with such rules are described in detail in our Integrated Annual Report.

Board composition and diversity

The composition and size of the Board will continue to be under review. We believe that our Board is well-balanced and diverse, with the right mix of international skills, experience, background, independence and knowledge in order to discharge its duties and responsibilities effectively.

Our Nomination Committee has developed strong succession plans for the Board and senior management and these plans are reviewed at least annually. The Board is mindful of the overall length of service of the Board as a whole and is committed to recruiting Directors with diverse backgrounds, personalities, skills and experience. 

We continue to attach great importance to all aspects of diversity in our nomination processes at Board and senior management levels, while appointing candidates with the credentials that are necessary for the continuing growth of our operations within a highly competitive and specialised industry.

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