Customer Partnership Model

Customer Partnership Model

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Our next-generation customer partnership model allows us to generate powerful insights from customer data, which supports tailored execution plans implemented in collaboration with our partners. 

We start by commissioning an annual survey of more than 16,000 customers, comparing ourselves with other beverage suppliers. This survey allows us to understand the challenges and opportunities our customers are encountering, meaning we can identify how to become better partners and continue to exceed their expectations.

This approach is helping us to develop stronger and more productive customer partnerships and provides a platform for us to continue building these relationships.

As a result of this model, in 2019 we were recognised as the top supplier for traditional outlets in three additional countries compared with 2018. We increased our share of satisfied customers by 2% to 68.6% in 2019, and we maintained our high share of satisfied key account customers at 81%.

We also launch customer pulse surveys during the year to listen and respond to our partners’ needs. Pulse surveys allow us to analyse satisfaction levels by region, channel and outlet segment for a more targeted response.

To optimise strategies undertaken together with our customers, we are developing more powerful analytic tools to assess commercial decisions and better understand the investment and returns required.