Coca-Cola HBC supports the establishment of the Institute of Cellular Therapy in Greece

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Zug, Switzerland – 4 March 2021: Coca-Cola HBC today announced that it has donated two essential pieces of medical equipment in order to support the creation of the “Dimitris Lois Research Center”, part of the Institute of Cellular Therapy in Patras, Greece.  Establishing the Institute is a core project of “Choose Life”, the charity set up by the family of Dimitris Lois, Coca-Cola HBC’s former CEO, who lost his life to blood cancer in 2017.

The Choose Life charity seeks to increase the bone marrow donor base, support patients and families and fund research into blood cancer. The two pieces of equipment – a FACSCanto Cell Analyser and a Centrifuge – represents a significant step forward in the creation of the Institute.

Zoran Bogdanovic, CEO, Coca-Cola HBC, said: “Choose Life is a charity very close to our hearts and it is a privilege to be able to support its work and goals in this way. Once established, we hope that the Institute - and the equipment we have donated - will increase survival rates of patients fighting this disease through the innovative treatments provided there.”

Mari Evgenidou-Loi, Chairman and Founder, Choose Life, said: “We would like to thank Coca-Cola HBC for their generous contribution to our biggest initiative. The Institute of Cellular Therapy will be a strong and fitting legacy for Dimitris and will radically change the way blood cancer is treated. It is a great honour to have the Coca-Cola HBC family by our side in our fight against this terrible disease.”

Professor Alexandros Spyridonidis, Director of the Institute of Cellular Therapy, said: “This significant donation is especially important during these challenging times as most funds have been directed towards COVID-19 relief efforts. The equipment is essential as it will help us to better analyze the bone marrow grafts and cellular therapy products before administering them to the patient. With Coca-Cola HBC’s help, the goal of implementation of cellular therapies against blood cancer in the region of Western Greece will be achieved. I thank CCHBC for their support.” 

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If you would like to find out more about the Choose Life charity, please visit or if you have questions about the charity or the Institute, please contact


Coca-Cola HBC is a growth-focused CPG business and strategic bottling partner of The Coca-Cola Company. We create value for all our stakeholders by supporting the socio-economic development of the communities in which we operate and we believe building a more positive environmental impact is integral to our future growth. Together, we and our customers serve more than 600 million consumers across a broad geographic footprint of 28 countries on 3 continents. Our portfolio is one of the strongest, broadest and most flexible in the beverage industry, offering consumer-leading partner brands in the sparkling, juice, water, sport, energy, plant-based, ready-to-drink tea, coffee, adult sparkling and premium spirits categories. These brands include Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Zero, Schweppes, Kinley, Royal Bliss, Costa Coffee, Valser, Romerquelle, Fanta, Sprite, Powerade, FuzeTea, Dobry, Cappy, Monster and Adez. We foster an open and inclusive work environment amongst our more than 27,000 employees and we are ranked among the top sustainability performers in ESG benchmarks such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices, CDP, MSCI ESG and FTSE4Good.

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