
Climate change policy

There is no greater threat to our collective future than climate change. At Coca-Cola HBC, we believe that industry has a key role to play in finding sustainable solutions to today’s climate challenges.

We were one of the first companies to commit to and deliver science-based carbon reduction targets. On 12th of October 2021 we committed to net zero emissions1 across the entire value chain by 2040 and our intermediate emission reduction target by 2030 is approved by the Science-based target initiative (SBTi).

Our NetZeroBy40 commitment is fully aligned with our philosophy to support the socio-economic development of our communities and to make a more positive environmental impact.

In accordance with the Climate Change Policy and our overall Environmental Policy, we will:

  • Strive to reduce all our emissions across the value chain as much as possible by
    • Advancing the reduction of the energy used in our operations.
    • Expanding our use of renewable energy technologies.
    • Deploying more energy-efficient coolers at marketplace.
    • Accelerating our packaging and packaging waste agenda, and our green fleet.
    • Engaging with relevant stakeholders to combat climate change.
    • Working with suppliers to reduce their carbon footprint and to minimise their climate impacts.
    • Setting roadmaps for emissions reduction for all our operations and the main steps in the value chain.
  • Introduce CO2 emission reduction targets as one of the elements of our long-term management incentive plans.
  • Work with other partners (industries, academia, NGOs, government etc.) on climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation.
  • Consider all climate risks and opportunities and integrate them in our business strategy.
  • Investigate the opportunities for finding solutions for our residual emissions such as biological and/or technological removals.
  • Monitor, report and audit our greenhouse gas emissions, targets, results and activities, and publish transparently our progress in our public files.
As Chief Executive Officer I am committed to this Climate Change Policy and our NetZeroBy40 commitment, which are endorsed by the Social Responsibility Committee of the Board of Directors. Responsibility for the successful implementation of this programme belongs with every Coca-Cola Hellenic employee at each level and function in the organisation.

Coca-Cola HBC AG
Zoran Bogdanovic
Chief Executive Officer

Approved by:
Social Responsibility Committee of the Board of Directors

Last review: January 2025


1 Emissions – all seven Greenhouse gases from Kyoto Protocol, reported as per the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.